EWP 6537: ENTHEOGENIC SHAMANISM 3 Units Mondays 3 - 6 Pm, Room 307 Mission Building Spring, 2010
EWP 6537: ENTHEOGENIC SHAMANISM 3 Units Mondays 3 - 6 pm, Room 307 Mission building Spring, 2010 Instructor: Susana Bustos, Ph.D. (510) 987-6900 – profbustos@gmail.com Course Description: This course explores the fundamentals of shamanic and shamanic-oriented traditions whose practices are based on working with sacred visionary plants. While a deeper focus is placed on Amazonian ayahuasca shamanism, an overview of traditions that use peyote, sacred mushrooms, and iboga lays the foundation for a participatory inquiry and discussion of common threads in entheogenic shamanism. A variety of disciplines and approaches to the topic inform the survey of basic themes, such as the functions of visionary plants in shamanic cultures, cosmology, ritual context and the use of music, healing practices, and the integration of experiences. Cultural, philosophical, and psychological questions are addressed throughout the course, for example, shadow aspects of entheogenic shamanic practices, the ontological status of visionary experiences, and the implications of the spread of entheogenic practices into the West. Learning Objectives: After completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the traditional framework that sustains the use of entheogens in shamanic practices. 2. Be familiar with a variety of approaches to explaining the effectiveness of these practices. 3. Critically assess entheogenic practices, particularly within shamanic-oriented contexts. Learning Activities: • Lecture, videos 40% • Discussion, students’ presentations: 45% • Experiential: 15% Level of Instruction: Ph.D. / M.A. Criteria for Evaluation: 1. Mid-term paper (4-6 pages) 20% 2. Final paper (15-20 pages) 40% 3. Class participation and presentations 40% Pre-requisites: None. Grading Options: OP.
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