Summer Birds! the Barn Swallows and Pied Wagtail Were Photographed by Allan Baldry and the Long-Eared Owlets by Barry Hall
FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHANGE OF VENUE FOR INDOOR MEETINGS FROM DECEMBER 2016, and about receiving this magazine—Please see pages 10 and 28 Summer Birds! The barn swallows and pied wagtail were photographed by Allan Baldry and the long-eared owlets by Barry Hall The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: England and Wales—No. 207076, Scotland No. SC037654 GROUP LEADER’S REPORT from Chris Courtney s our summer season begins to fade our group programme of indoor talks, A we once again start to look forward to with a fine selection of quality speakers the onset of all that lovely autumn colour. as you have come to expect. Beginning, Over the next weeks the chlorophyll in most topically, with the perennially the leaves will no longer be replenished, fascinating theme of unravelling the as the daylight and warmth diminishes, mysteries of bird migration with Leuin leaving behind the carotene, which now Evans of the BTO. We continue with a appears in tones of yellow. The dissection of the birder him/herself with anthocyanins which, depending upon the an examination of the ‘Birding Bug’ in acidity of the tree’s sap, produce shades October, while in November (in a of red orange and purple. Nature is departure from the published wonderful! But it can of course be programme) we look forward to enjoyed simply on an aesthetic level welcoming the RSPB’s Suffolk Area without the need for a degree in Manager and friend of the Ipswich Group, chemistry! Ben McFarland. Likewise at this time, we start to look out Ben has been very supportive of our for passage migrants as they once again Swifts ‘n’ Sparrows project, but will also head south for the winter, as whinchats, be giving us a privileged insight into the warblers and wheatears, redstarts, latest conservation initiatives and wrynecks and ring ouzels all start priorities of the RSPB in our region, turning up at local migration spots such which will also be a great opportunity for as Landguard.
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