Extensions of Remarks E1260 HON. MIKE ROSS

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Extensions of Remarks E1260 HON. MIKE ROSS E1260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 23, 2006 On the security front, some limited progress risks to stabilize their country and assume re- community to increase its involvement. The has been made. According to the State De- sponsibility for their government. Equally im- international community has pledged billions of partment’s most recent weekly update, ap- portantly, our presence is a magnet for inter- dollars in resources for Iraq that it has not yet proximately 265,000 Iraqi troops have enlisted national terrorists and an incitement for the in- delivered. Just as importantly, however, we to secure and defend their homeland. In addi- surgency. While the Administration argues that need the international community to have a tion, American forces recently scored an im- we must stay the course to help Iraqis accom- presence in Iraq, working with the Iraqi gov- portant victory by killing the number one ter- plish key objectives, our very presence is ac- ernment, mediating disputes between sec- rorist leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. tually detracting from progress toward those tarian parties, establishing greater ties with As Iraqi troops have stood up, however, objectives. In order to jump-start progress, our Iraq’s economy, and supporting the develop- American troops have not been able to stand troops must begin to come home. ment of civil society. down, despite promises to the contrary. The How we leave does matter. We must leave Finally, this plan would require engaging sheer number of Iraqi enlistees has neither in a way that maximizes Iraq’s chances to Iraq’s neighbors to play a constructive role in translated into capability for independent oper- govern and defend itself. At the same time, we giving Iraq a chance to succeed. This means ations nor improved the security situation. In cannot become hostages to the failures of Ad- pledging not to interfere in Iraq’s affairs. It also fact, Iraq is more violent, more dangerous, ministration policy, prolonging our stay in a sit- means securing borders, training Iraqi security and more divided than at any time since the uation where our very presence is a con- forces, and welcoming Iraq into regional insti- war began. tinuing provocation. That is why I joined with tutions. I was encouraged that the Administra- The security situation is increasingly com- Rep. BRAD MILLER last fall in introducing H.J. tion tentatively agreed to conduct a dialogue plex. Instead of fighting one battle, we are Res. 70, which would require the President to with Iran on its involvement in Iraq. I hope that fighting at least three: against largely Sunni in- deliver the exit strategy that the troops and the this effort will move forward and that similar surgents who are fighting to recapture the American people deserve. Today, I am renew- efforts will engage other Gulf States. power they enjoyed under Saddam Hussein; ing that call. These are the elements of a responsible against growing sectarian violence; and Let me explain in clear terms what a re- exit strategy. This is the type of leadership against terrorists, some foreign-born, united sponsible exit strategy means: that the President owes our troops and the We need to hear that that the President has under a banner of Islamic fundamentalism. American people. After more than three years, a plan for reducing our presence in Iraq within Above all, we are fighting to prevent full- the loss of more than 2,500 American troops’ a reasonable timeframe. ‘‘As they stand up, fledged civil war, and the outcome remains lives, and $400 billion, this is the type of lead- we will stand down’’ isn’t a strategy; it is a slo- uncertain. The death of Zarqawi will help in ership that is long overdue. gan. A responsible exit strategy would set out, our battle against the fundamentalist terrorists, in clear and realistic terms, a plan to guide our f but it will not markedly change the larger chal- troops through their departure from Iraq and a lenge we face in pacifying Sunni and Shiite IN LASTING MEMORY OF JOE strategy for reducing our military commitment. extremists. PURCELL This picture is not pretty, and it is not a pic- We must be willing to adapt to changing con- ture the Administration has been willing to dis- ditions, but a responsible exit strategy must not hold our troops hostage to the Iraqi peo- HON. MIKE ROSS cuss frankly. But it is the reality. Crafting an ple’s ability to resolve their own differences. OF ARKANSAS effective Iraq strategy means facing this reality We need to hear that such a plan would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES head-on. Unfortunately, the Administration has begin with an initial, near-term drawdown of Thursday, June 22, 2006 adamantly refused to do so. In fact, Middle U.S. forces. The Administration has repeatedly Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to East expert Anthony Cordesman of the Center hinted that a significant drawdown may be im- for Strategic and International Studies called honor the life and accomplishments of Joe minent, but has quietly backed away from Purcell who passed away in 1987 at the age the Administration’s most recent report on such predictions over and over again. A near- progress in Iraq, ‘‘both dishonest and incom- of 63. On June 24, 2006, a memorial dedica- term, initial drawdown of forces would send a tion ceremony will be held to memorialize Joe petent.’’ Cordesman noted, ‘‘the American message to Iraqis that we have no permanent Purcell, one of the finest citizens and public people and the US Congress need an honest designs on their country, that our presence is servants that the city of Benton and the state portrayal of what is happening, not lies by coming to an end, and that they need to step of Arkansas have ever known. This dedication omission and ‘‘spin.’’ forward to take the reins of responsibility. Most Americans now understand that this We also need to hear a pledge from the will recognize Purcell’s legacy and life-long de- Administration has relied on spin and misin- President that we will not establish long-term votion to public service. Joe was an admired formation to carry out its Iraq policy from Day bases on Iraqi soil. When I questioned Gen- and cherished member of the Benton commu- One. It led our nation into war based on false eral John Abizaid, commander of U.S. Central nity and I would like to take a few moments claims and insinuations. It misled the Amer- Command, in a recent subcommittee hearing, to recognize his achievements. ican public about the likely costs and duration he refused to make a commitment not to es- Joe Purcell was born on July 29, 1923, in of our operations. It has attempted to discredit tablish permanent bases. In the wake of that Warren, Arkansas. After graduating from Little critics of its post- invasion operation, including exchange, the House has voted twice to force Rock Junior College, Joe served his country former military officials. And it has consistently such a commitment. A House-passed amend- and entered the Army during World War II. refused to level with the American people ment to the fiscal year 2006 supplemental ap- After his time in the military, Joe attended the about the significant obstacles we continue to propriations bill to prohibit permanent U.S. University of Arkansas School of Law, where face. bases in Iraq was removed from the final he graduated in 1952. That same year, he The real question before us—the question version of the bill by the Republican congres- began practicing law in Benton. most Americans are asking—is how long must sional leadership. The House recently passed Beginning in 1955, he served four years as our troops stay in Iraq? a similar provision as part of the fiscal year city attorney in Benton. In 1959, Joe became The President has told us that, as Iraqi 2007 Defense Appropriations bill, but it is un- Municipal Judge, a post he held until 1966 troops stand up, American troops can stand clear if it will survive in the final version of the when he was elected Arkansas State Attorney down. But that formula is backwards. Iraqi bill. The President must heed Congress’s General. Joe served two terms as Arkansas troops will not truly stand up until American message and send a clear signal that the U.S. State Attorney General and went on to serve troops begin standing down. Iraqi leaders will has no long-term military designs in Iraq. three productive terms as Lieutenant Gov- not make the necessary comprises and take In addition, we need to hear that there is a ernor. He also served as acting Governor of charge of their own destiny until they know plan to continue to support Iraq when our Arkansas from January 3rd through January their dependence on American forces is com- troops depart. Such a plan would mean ongo- 9th 1979, when then Senator David Pryor ing to an end. As we stand down, they will ing U.S. assistance for the Iraqi government stepped down to serve in the U.S. Senate, be- have no choice but to stand up. as it crafts policies to facilitate unity, security, fore Bill Clinton was inaugurated as Governor. While our military’s valiant efforts have and prosperity. This support will be particularly Joe also served as chairman of the Arkansas clearly facilitated important steps forward, in- critical as Iraq revisits its constitution later this Democratic Party and was chairman of the cluding the formation of a democratically elect- year.
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