1932-01-06 [P A-5]

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1932-01-06 [P A-5] ne sus ana on me nooi. i«e me [Jlrooivc LCJITIIUUJ 1 Ultil 1 UOS, bid as well as correct sleeps I ore as a forcing humblest Indian before the police arrived and lowered be loss of trade. The hand and bidding were: pariah. play. arrested was the colors as a symbol of mourning. Among the nine women May Reach New low. See It MR LENZ (NORTH). Mrs. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya, sis- Most Hindu stores and business How the Contestants ter-in-law of Mrs. Naidu, and trade with India S—9 4 2 Sarojini houses remained closed in England's present protest is about 100,000.000 a H—A K 9 5 leader of the women’s volunteer organ- pounds year ization. Gandhi's arrest and business at normal ex- D—K 2 She, with the other women, against i (nearly *500.000.000 Ten it was more Prerented Losses C—J 8 5 3 was sent to the House of Correction declined sharply. The Bombay Cotton change.) years ago Lenz Gambles After Heart System ) to await trial. Exchange, the Bullion Exchange and than twice that much. This year it is MR. CULBERTSON MR. GOTTLIEB j The government began by extending the grain exchange were closed. Cotton ; likely to reach a rock bottom level be- Nationalists have orders 1014,115 __ to four and the entire and merchants who had com- cause the given REDUCED (EAST). important cities Finesse Fails and Wins Against Superior Cards, (WEST). operators | of Madras ordinances or on hands be- to concentrate on the boycott feature — presidency the mitments orders their —A K 7 6 S J 8 3 S Q the the arrest were of the rebellion. — 6 3 Or- outlawing National Congress party. fore Mahatma's squar- Rubber. Culbertson. H—None. H Q J 8 All Indian Nationalist Says Vithalbhai Patel, former president of ing their books by through The belief prevailed here, however, and Are D —8 7 6 4 3 D— A J operations Lenz Liggett Fa-; the Indian Legislative Assembly, was the New York and Liverpool markets. that the government, conscious it has C.—K 10 9 C.—A 6 2 ganizations Outlawed by one of the first to be arrested by police, I Thus far the only bloodshed was at been losing ground, is bent upon sacri- BV ELY CULBERTSON. ! whatever millions in trade are vored With Cards and BY SIDNEY S. LENZ. COMDR LIGGETT (SOUTH). who dashed quickly from place to place, Benares, where one man was killed, and ficing in order to crush the Nation- YORK. January 6.—Our op- picking up the leaders. at Allahabad, where two died when | necessary NEW YORK, January 6.—We suc- NEW S —10 5 New Decrees. po- our lead The new all con- attacked of Nationalists alists and make possible the institution a lit- cut down by 2.660 7 4 2 ordinances prohibit lice groups Win Six Rubbers. ceeded in cutting down the score j ponents H—10 i of constitutional reforms at in the eight rubbers played last 10 9 5 tributions to Gandhi's party and all which refused to disperse. promised more last gaining 2.660 points points D— Q tie night, J 150-rubber match with Calcutta, The government decree was received the two round-table conferences. We won six out of night in my 7 4 peaceful picketing. Bombay. for the session. j C—Q By the Associated Press. ■---•- Lenz and New Delhi and are among the in most nationalistic sections of the * ana Sidney S. Ajmer the Associated Press. eight rubbers, India, 6.—-The with sullen silence the Bz his uomui. South—Pass, pass. pass. BOMBAY, January cities covered by the extension of the country by peo- Dead. our total gain for partner, Spanish Admiral NEW YORK. January 6 —Sidney L. West—1 spadp. 3 spades, pass. first of the drive decrees. ple. Some observers believed, however, the was Winfield Liggett, stage government's was on the verge evening The Union over the that this is the calm before the MADRID, fi Lenz happier today, to test the re- North—Pass, pas', pass. of the Nationalist Jack was run up only January (£*).—Admiral j not larger because jr.. 3 against organizations a of apparently certain defeat, than for | spective merits of East—1 heart, 1 no trump. no, congress headquarters here and the storm and no one could be found who Juan Carranza. 73, retired, veteran which our opponents Congress was this morning what will be final re- of Cuban and some time. For the rubbers in e completed headquarters building was taken over would predict the the Philippine campaigns, scored a slam in t h approach- trump. Winfield has sat j a dia- with the arrest of all the The an im- sult of the To the died of Comdr. Liggett, jr„ rubber, forcing and official In the plav Liggett opened practically by police. Nationalists held mighty struggle. today pneumonia. of Oswald Jac- the last won with the ace. opposite him in place the of con- mond and Gottlieb leaders of the Congress. in thus holding systems established prominent oby, resigned, the plus of Lenz's side tract bidding. We When two rounds of spades on this rub- They were taken in by scores and a the contract bridge match was gain a lead fact that all the cards of that suit great n to 50 n^w have the ber dow a diamond, women were included among 2,665 with 13 rubbers left to play. of 14.175 points were good, he then led number of • WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN’S WEAR STORE • of Our pres- shifted Eight more rubbers last night, points. with 13 rubbers to which was won by Liggett, who those arrested. e n t minus score which Lenz and Liggett won six. only to a club. On this club lead Lcnz to 14.175 be played. Tl’je women fired the first “gun” as the of amounts and Gottlieb won with Intensified general expectation with two The preponder- played tlm knave that Culbertson will win points, finessed the 10 in the the weaponless war of the rank and neutrals Ely j to ance of honor the ace and more sessions go. He thus handily. The match ends Friday night, i tricks and favora- dummy on the second round. file of Mahatma Gandhi's millions be- be no session How- one diamond and Tile There will tonight. ( Gottleib Starts b 1 e distribution made three clubs, gan the fignt for indep. naence. ard Schenken will be Culbertson's part- , for his contract. in l.ont of , Well. was with our op- five spades women established pickets ner tomorrow night. There was a snap and go to the game the defying Culbertson had a ponents last night. shops throughout country, Sales of Ely Culbertson. It almost seemed as though arrest and customers Reduced. new last Sidney 8. Lem. won six last night. urging prospective Culbertson Plus partner They anxious to Michael T. the eight rubbers I the Fates themselves were not to buy British made goods. January was reduced last night. first The Culbertson plus 0**1 the match The Gottlieb, ana ne siariea uu VUJ well, piayru, uut hwu- have completed. 2,660 to 14.175. The rubbers five hands, Organizations Outlawed. night by and making three no trump, ciples of the approach-forcing system two rubbers required only won because for Culbertson and 64 bidding j second rubber 73 on the next I that we an effective our opponents taking the was followed and We equalized the score function fought The arrest of the leaders lor Lenz, the total points 116,320 cards. in deals. the Lowest Prices hand, making game with four hearts. battle against superior straight by an announcement in the Bombay Actually 102,145, respectively. This hand follows: Example of Psychic Bidding. Government Gazette that the Congress For the first time in the match Cul- Unsound Bidding. brilliant ex- Itself and over £0 allied organizations who failed to i. My new partner gave a bertson had a partner LENZ (NORTH Brilliant if technically unsound bid- are in sixteen of bidding on the first throughout the city and suburbs years contribute to the of his side. He one of the hands in the ample psychic plus S.—10 9 ding featured declared unlawful associations. York deal of the 133d rubber. The hand was Michael Gottleib, New realty 5 3 la°t rubber of the nigh*, upon which the H.—K Q chosen for his psychic excursion was: The thoroughness with which broker, a tall, handsome youth whom we bid and made the only slam during | D—A Q 8 5 2 organizations were put down was shown Culbertson as a star of his team The hand and regards C—9 6 trr entire session. LENZ (NORTH). the fact that even the Prabhat Fer- Ted by of "string beans." Both Llghtner bidding we-e: whose members GOTTLIEB S—8 7 6 2 r*es, a small association, and Waldemar Von Zedtwitz, previous CULBERTSON to MR. LENZ (NORTH). H—None assembled each day at dawn sing are tall and thin. (EAST), partners, WEST l. D—K 7 3 national songs in the streets, has also Gottleib played brilliantly on the de- S— 8 7 g—7 6 5 3 S.—Q 8 4 2 C—A 9 8 7 5 3 been banned. All buildings whicli for- HART SCHAFFNER & MARX fensive but Lenz and Liggett had big H—9 8 3 H.—7 4 H.—A J merly housed these associations are now cards, of which they failed to take full D—Q 10 8 7 4 2 (WEST).
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