The Daily Egyptian, June 30, 1982
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 6-30-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 67, Issue 164 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1982." (Jun 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Barloses license; owner will appeal :::ZiDDer predominantly gay. He told the commissioo that be wiD appeal &aft Pboto by o-kI L.Marquls the denial ruling. Barring successful appeals to "I've run my bar much better RaSH. Fillbel' ., Martoa tears dOWll the lIome 01 a state con:uniSIion, two Car- than most bar owners in this Geaeva Eva .... wbieb wu saspended ill midair under ber home dllriag the tarado. EVaDS and • bondale liquor establishments town" h . d "I h when ber neighbor's b~ slide aeron aad laDded friend escaped seri8a iJljuTy. bat had to craw' _ The Bar and Mr. B's excellent ~~tioo andavehaavne throop a smaU opening to get ODl. • Townhouse - woo't be serving .~ ..- A h ~~= ~-= ~~..:;;; mont later, tenacity is key ~=';f~J!:;r:~ told McNamara that the to the r b -Ide f M e two establishments, fOl' what commission's decision was. e . UI In g 0 arloD .. th alled based 00 testimony presented ey c: incompetent at a recent Liquor Advisory By GiDay Lee Commerce. " . ~e:m H U Board meeting and bad aothing Staff Wrher "Overall, at least 9It pereent hme ia terms ~f expire JUDe 30, the1:" ~ to do with discrimination. of the ~usin~sses have ex- =has to be =~= and It be forced to close unless ap- Fischer also told McNamara A month after a tornado pressed mtentiOllS of returning· • process peals reaclI.the IlliDoia Liquor that he "apparently doesn't swept through Marion. leaving to operations in their original IS not ap~t to everyone." Commission on June 29. have a full understanding of 10 dead, 218 injured and about quarters or in tempora ~COrding to Fletcher, the Assistal!t.City Attorne~ how to run a bar." He and other $85.5 million in damages, the quarters," FI..,tcber sarI bU8h~:!: ajt:acto tedt .. two DeW Elizabeth B eommissiGD members voiced . people bave dug themselves out "We're very pn1Ud of them 0'.,.... •· ..e area. yrnea said bo concern over McNamara's and are putting their lives and Two of the ~ ~ r ft'tcberdecUned to name them parties would be able to status as an absentee 0WDeS'. the city bact in order. that were beavaly damaged :r-coo~ are in the ''midst ::nue;u:,~ ':: leest= McNamara· OWDS • similar The emergency phase baa bave aDDOUoced. reopening ~ tile A-.aat« the f« a few daysOftr the Fourth . Cbampai... aDd,. _pea.way to. the. compOcated ~,wbile acme of \be -- character of me people of 1II!ebad. She Mid the saul he apends about half IU6 pha~e .. of. "planning.. for wlthiD them bave already-..., M~ ......................' is time in eaeb pIeee, rebuiJdIiIg. ~ing iT.auranc. reopwMd. 'I'be WestlDali Pl!it_ FJe.teber _Ad· aad tJM ~• ~~ two~~ CoInDUIIaioD member HeIea claims, distributing dieaater win reopen Aug. 1, erA! the prospeetive busj~ uve ...-Io. "._"'ft_a_. -'~ Westberg said It appeared that relief fuDda and finding semi- Town a~ Country Sbopping. beeo attracted te &be are. J ~ JaA;l......... -,..---- McNamara "spread himlIelf too pennaoent housing for the 1.000 Center will reopen Oct. 15, because of tJYs of Joolli Co. IDe., and 0WDeI" .of thin by operating two liquor residents left homeless. ~ said. ..''Out of this. U. people have The Bar. 2iS E. MaiD St., establishments 200 m~les About 30 percent of the And both centers are coo- showD their tenaeity their dJaiged that the ~ . apart." Sbe also said Me- destroyed or damaged sidering ha.~, ~ malJs abiJ"tytopidupthe~"be ....... missiQll was di8criminating Namara bad testified elp'1ier busiJ:lesMs are back in business, and expanding, be 1Sald. said. "These' people are ag~~ rum ::-.eause of The either in their ariginaI facilities Many businesses are stin basically honest aDd good, and Su'. clientele, whichia See BAR. Page Z 01' temporary ones.. While less calculating the coat of recon- they're willing to work for the fortunate businesses must struction. said E. Erie Joues, dollar." postpone reopening, the direetor of the. Illinois The temporary housing businesa community is en- E~ergency Servu:es and situation in the area is goin, ·Reagcin given little credit· thusiastic and determined, Disaster Agency. very well, accordiJg to Ron according to DoreiD Fletcher, . ''Tbef're still in the ~ Buddecke, federal coordinating vice president of the Greater of putting together the fiscal officer for the Federal as voting act is signed Marion Area Chamber of pieees,"besaid. "It's kind of an Emergency Management Agency. WASHINGTON (AP) - "Yes, there are differences The FEMA, which brought 42 Callinl the right to vote ..the over how we obtaiD the equality mobile homes i'lto Marion fOl' crOWD. jewel of American we seek for the American the homf!less. !".ad received 141 tibertie8," President Reagan people," Reagan conceded. applications for temporary signed on Tuesday a quarter- "And sometimes, amidst aD the housing froo.a eligible families century renewal of the land- overblown rhetorie•• the dit by late lut week. mark Voting Rights Act of 1965. ferences tend to seem bigger "We have housed • of them After wi messing the four- than they are. But actions speak ... 00 we anticipate that all will minute signing ceremony in the louder than words." be housed by Friday," Bud , White House East Room. some 'I1le bill. wbieb gurantees decke said. of the nation's most prominent free accesa to the polls for The housing aid is available civil rights leaders vented their minority voters. most directly . to people without insurance 01' criticism at Reagan for failing affects Dine states and portions with insurance that does not to take a leadership role in the of 13 others by requiring them cover the entire period that the ,.ear-long batt1efor passage of a to get federal approval to people will bave to stay in compromise extensioD. amend eJection laws. tl!mporary housing. Housing _!'!~ ~dif~f~=.t to After signing the bill, Reagan aid was refused by some who . .....u ........ their I stood up and announced, "U's would rather stay with other "The right to vote," be said, done," the crowd of more than family members. "is the CroWD jewel of 350 people applauded. "But." Buddeclte said, "we American liberties, and we wiD But later, some of those wbo told them that if they get tired not see its luster diminished." fougbt bardest for the of that situation, we can find legislation told reporters that them a place. Right now we reel Reagan could claim litUe credit we've gotten ail of the ap for its passage. plicatiODll mm. people who need BenjaMia L. Hoots, temporary housing. Therefore, executive director of the there'. DO real deadline NAACP, eongratulated Reagan anymore, but we coul~ provide "for belatedly, a. least, coming temporary housing up to • Yf!M, along with the civil rights act." minus what iDaurance policies . But be said he had no coo Staff Phe&4t .., DoDaI4l L. M..... provide." fidence that the admiDiatratioo The Sman Business Ad would can-y out the law. mutistration has made loallS Reagan's stand GIl the voting available for both .bGusiDg and Gn ••" ......i4 •• , ._,•• rights extension was tmclear for pr..... ly th01l,bt It. was mucb of dJe year-Jont struggle Ilpia•• RlP' VGdag Act that culminated tn lfl11 MIt""flO Soviets, U .8. launch search Wews GRoundup-- U.S. economic policy critic~ed to reverse nuclear arms race' BRUSSELS, Belgium CAP) - Leaders of the 10 ComlTlon Market nations sharply criticized the United States on GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) wishes attainment of an accord bombers, the destructive l'Il"er 1'uesd8y. saying U.S. economic policy was disrupting Western - u.s. and Soviet negotiators with the United States." of warneads, the pace of future Europe and jeopardizing free world trade. sat down at the bargaining table After the meeting at the weapons research. The Common Market leaders, ending a two-day summit Tuesday to launcb a historic Soviet diplomatic mission here, Except for limited restraints meeting, also coodemned the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and new search for ways to reverse Rowny told reporters it bad imposed by past arms control called lor "simultaneous" withdrawal of Israeli troops and the nuclear arms race. been a "cordial, business-like, agreements, these massive Palestine Liberation Organization guerrillas from current The chief American delegate frank and earnest" opening stockpiles will ~v and even positions in L ~banon. at the START arms-control round more powerful ana acc~ate talks, Edward'L. RowDy, said "START bas started," the weapons emerge waite the he expects long, slow and former lieutenant general negotiations proceed in this Police to investigate Belushi death deliberate negotiatiOll8 - in his IlI1IIOUIlced with a smile. placid lakeside city. words, more a chess game than But the United States and the LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police were told Tuesday to open a Apart from ROWDy's readittg bomicide investigation into the drug-related death of Johil a ''Pac-Man'' video game with Soviet Union are in basic of excerpts from the Reagan Belushi almost four months after the 33-year~ld comedian "instant results." disagreement on bow .their letter to Victor P.