Nor'easter News Volume 3 Issue 2

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Nor'easter News Volume 3 Issue 2 Established 2007 N ..............R'EASTER NEWS Stabbing is of no Concern pich Discusses to Students COM Clinics BY ERICA HATCH BY MARISSA SIMOES Nor'easter Staff Nor'easter Staff After police were involved in In August of 2009, the Uni­ a foot-chase on Sunday Septem­ versity of New England ran into ber 20th, an arrest was made for a wall of dissent when it was an­ the stabbing ofThomas Johnson. nounced that six university run Twenty year old, Arien J. L'italien health care clinics would be dos- of Biddeford, tried to run from police when he was spotted near The university notified its 90 the train tracks. In his attempt to employees that come November 2, flee, he jumped a number fences they would no longer be employed to try to evade the police officers. by UNE. The clinics, currently Police were able to completely serving between 12,000 - 20,000 surround him and cuff him. UNE COMMUNICATIONS patients, would be transitioned to L'italien was arrested for another health care provider. the stabbing that occurred on General of the Federal Republic of Germany to New England, Friedrich L. Lohr, gives a lecture at UNE. The backlash came not only Parkview Court, right off of from the local patients, but the Main Street in Biddeford. A war­ UNE Hosts "Freedom Without Walls" Exhibit media, UNE students, faculty and, rant for L'italien's arrest was first according to an article released by issued when he was identified to BY AJ FREDETTE and Norman, Hanson & DeTroy, virtual tour. It allows you to walk the Maine Public Broadcasting police as a suspect in the stab­ Nor'easter Staff LLC. from East Berlin to West Berlin Network, the Maine Osteopathic bing. He is also being charged The idea of the exhibit was and back, and to see what the Association, as well. with elevated aggravated assault Imagine UNE being cut di­ to help the community relive the city of Berlin actually looked like The MPBN article stated that and he has a previous charge of rectly in half? Having a wall sepa­ fall of the Berlin wall twenty years during that time. You are able to UNE was issued a letter from the burglary and aggravated assault rating the University, not allowed later. The exhibit was also set up compare the west and east sides MOA expressing deep concern; it from June eighteenth of this past to cross it to see friends, or fam­ · to show UNE students that the of the wall; the graffiti on the west stated that the loss of the health summer. ily? That's what citizens who lived power of the will to bring about side of the wall in comparison to care clinics would be "ill advised." L'italien is now being held at in Berlin went through for 29 change is real, and that people, the blank wall on the east side. After the whirlwind of nega­ the York County Jail in Alfred, long years. The wall finally came along with democracy, can help The virtual tour allows you to tive media attention, the univer­ Maine. down on November 9, 1989, and evoke that change. experience how strict the police sity made a number of statements The exact address ofthis inci­ this year the world is celebrat­ President Ripich was very were on the east side of the vvall; in an attempt to quell all of the dent is not being released to pro­ ing its 20th anniversary of being excited about the event that is if you go anywhere near the wall, confusion. tect the tenant of the apartment knocked down. taking place. She also announced you would be stopped immedi­ In an interview with the who was uninvolved. However, it UNE has brought in the the university's new partnership ately by the police officers. Most Nor'Easter News, University of is know that at 7:40 pm on that "Freedom Without Walls" ex­ with the World Affairs Council notably in the tour, you are able to New England President, Danielle Sunday night, the stabbing took hibit to help commemorate the of Maine. UNE believes this is see the infamous "death strip,"the Ripich, wanted to reassure the place at a Parkview Court apart­ anniversary. The university came important because UNE is grow­ area that was guarded and natu­ public that the clinics were never ment. together with the Consulate ing in size, and becoming more rally earned its name after what going to "close." Patients would Arien J. L'italien was said to General of the Federal Repub­ globally integrated. occurred on that open patch of not be without care and employ­ have stabbed Thomas Johnson, lic of Germany in Boston, the UNE set up an exhibit in the land. ees would not go without jobs. Please see STAB, page 2 World Affairs Council of Maine, St. Francis room that included a Please see WALL, page 2 Please see CLINIC, page 2 Men's Soccer Simmers Af­ ter Six Straight BY SEAN DOYLE his team motivated Biggs said, Nor'easter Staff "the players have always shown a great work ethic and desire to im­ Fourth year head men's soc­ prove, so our great start has only cer coach, Andy Biggs, has him­ helped to reinforce their level of self a winning soccer club this fall commitment." season. The only thing that worries As of October 6, the UNE Coach Biggs is "remembering to men's soccer team stood at 7-4 stay focused on the little things and 4-3 in The Commonwealth that have earned our team its re­ Coast Conference. sults to date. That will help give With seven juniors and six us confidence as we move down seniors, Biggs attributes the suc­ the stretch." cess to "the experience of our vet­ If the team can continue to eran players, and commitment of stay focused and work hard, he all our players have made in es­ believes they will be able to reach tablishing our style of play." the ultimate goal of"qualifying When asked how he keeps Please see SOCCER, page 2 TOM HINMAN, NOR'EASTER NEWS UNE Soccer player,John-Michael Cascio, heads a ball. MORENEWS: IN SPORTS: FEATURE STORIES: EDITORIALS: Transition to Google, page 3 Volleyball, page 8 New COM dean, page 4 Twits and Tweets, page 13 Police & Security Blotters, page 3 Player ofth ~ Week, page 9 Teacher Spotlight, page 4 River Lot, page 13 Sports Stats, page 9 DoonyTunes, page 6 Aporkalypse Now, page 15 2 NEWS NOR'EASTER NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2009 Cummings who added single and in this case there were no for in the hospital for a few days, SOCCER goals, while John-Michael Cas­ draws, just losses. STAB Johnson was released. Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 cio and Elia Del Molino added a The Nor'easters are looking Deputy Chief JoAnne Fisk for the conference tournament in combined total of five helpers on to finish the season on the same a twenty-six year old of Bidd­ of the Biddeford Police depart­ a position that would see us host a the offensive side. note they started on as their re- eford. After the incident,Johnson ment would like to tell students home playoff game." went to a convenience store across that there is no need to be fearful The team came out hot as a the street to call 911. When the because of any of this. She says, pistol this season winning seven medical crews arrived, Johnson "Biddeford is a safe place. It is a out of their first eight games, in­ was transported to the Southern good place." When asked about cluding six in a row. After win­ Maine Medical Center with non­ other crimes that occur around ning the first game of the season life threatening injuries. There, he here, she stated that, "These are over Southern Maine by a count was treated for cuts on his chest, isolated incidents; I hope no one of2-1, the Nor'easters came back legs, and head. After being cared would be concerned." against Maine Maritime but dropped that one 2-1. Sitting some improvement recently, at .500, the men stormed back CLINICS the university could not con­ Continued from page 1 against Eastern Nazarene Col­ tinue in this direction. lege and won a muddy nail biter UNE Soccer team starts season off on a positive note. "The clinics were strug­ 1-0. This win was the first of six gling," Ripich explained, "We in a row that included wins over UNE goal tenders Trevor maining six games are all against have to do something to make conference foes Endicott, Gor­ Secord and Jon Planer helped conference opponents with just sure our students have access don, and Regis. to keep the shots from tickling two home games. Hopefully their to the best clinical experience Over that six game winning our twine as Planer racked up 18 late season push will be enough to possible." streak, Kiel Hiller led the offen­ saves and Secord added six of his clip the wings of the Roger Wil­ The students are, accord­ sive charge with six goals and own. liams Hawks; the Nor'easters ing to Ripich, her main con­ three assists, while Owen Evans After defeating Newbury, the will have a chance to personally cern. "Students take on a debt and Dylan Saucier added three Nor'easter offense went dormant ground the Hawks on the 20 in a load for the education we are goals apiece over that stretch to scoring zero goals in their next home matchup at 6:00pm.
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