Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-08-12
• =, 1942 !d Iosox Stop Slightly Warmel New York Yanb JOWA-8lJcllU7 warmer east and ely In 11th THE DAILY IOWAN central portlollS 8" 8&or, on Pa,e f today. Inks Iowa City's Morning Newspaper rIVE CENTS THI ASSOCIATED ralS8 - IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1942 THI AS80ClAUD r .... VOLUME XLll NUMBER 275 or the , don't nlnary Barnes , I laKe to ll1men! )r stu. he reo , gistl'ar ,0 ,n5, IUdents as 'eglstar lend to . irs lor , * * * * *** ,***' * * In ' and * *** *** *** lts 01 gistrar. !Dis by better, Na'zis Thrust Southe,ast 'for n Sept. Richest W'ells Is start rl4Jtion exarn~ * * * * ARREST OF GANDHI; AIDES STIRS INDIAN REVOLT * * * * Jawaharla1 Nehru Mohanclu Gandhi Mme. M. Gandhi German Aim: Allied Planes Shower U. S. Bombers !S will Claim Forces Interpreting '1'8 and Bombs on Jap Bases ' , I COm. The War News nd stu. To Wipe Oul res wiU Are 140 Miles Black Sea Seizure In Flanking Assault BaHer. Japs 1er and Is Impo~tant Goal address U. S. Landing Force, on the from GrOIn, Of Nazi Schemers (hr~sliani'y Aleulian (amp at the Hold Gains Against at 7:45 By EDWARD E. BOMAR Enemy CounteraHack Russians on Defensive LONDON (AP) - Abolition of The unchecked drive of Hitler's christianity is a deliberate, long Review of Fighting As Enemy Reserves war machine puts the Germans range objective of nazi administra 8y C. YATES McDANIEL Shows 1st American tors In occupied countries, the Try to Pierce Lines within sight of attaining one of GENERAL lIiACARTHUR'S Offensive Going Well 93 inter-allied Inrormation committee HEADQUARTERS, Au, tralia, the prime objectives of their whole asserted in a 10,OOO-word report " 8y EDDY GILMOILE Russian campaign-the complete Wednesday (AP) - A 11 i e d WA HTNGTO (AP) - A I issued la::;t night on religious per ?liD OW, Wedn day (AP) control of the Black sea as a trans secution In Europe.
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