A supertree analysis and literature review of the genus Drosophila and closely related genera (Diptera, Drosophilidae) KIM VAN DER LINDE and DAVID HOULE Insect Syst.Evol. van der Linde, K. and Houle, D.: A supertree analysis and literature review of the genus Drosophila and closely related genera (Diptera, Drosophilidae). Insect Syst. Evol. 39: 241- 267. Copenhagen, October 2008. ISSN1399-560X. In the 17 years since the last familywide taxonomic analysis of the Drosophilidae, many stud- ies dealing with a limited number of species or groups have been published. Most of these studies were based on molecular data, but morphological and chromosomal data also contin- ue to be accumulated. Here, we review more than 120 recent studies and use many of those in a supertree analysis to construct a new phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus Drosophila and related genera. Our knowledge about the phylogeny of the genus Drosophila and related gen- era has greatly improved over the past two decades, and many clades are now firmly suppor- ted by many independent studies. The genus Drosophila is paraphyletic and comprises four major clades interspersed with at least five other genera, warranting a revision of the genus. Despite this progress, many relationships remain unresolved. Much phylogenetic work on this important family remains to be done. K. van der Linde & D. Houle, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4295, U.S.A. (
[email protected]). *Corresponding author: Kim van der Linde, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295, U.S.A.; telephone (850) 645-8521, fax (850) 645- 8447, email: (
[email protected]).