United States Patent (19) 11) 4,082,810 Brown 45) Apr
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,082,810 Brown 45) Apr. 4, 1978 54) BULKY TRIALKYLBOROHYDRIDES OTHER PUBLICATIONS (75 Inventor: Herbert C. Brown, West Lafayette, Brown, et al., JACS 91, 4304-4305, (1969). Ind. Brown, et al., JACS 92, 709-710, (1970). 73 Assignee: Aldrich-Boranes, Inc., Milwaukee, Binger, et al., Ann 717, 27 to 30, 37-39, (1968). Wis. Brown, et al., JACS 75, 194-195, (1953). Primary Examiner-Helen M. S. Sneed (21) Appl. No.: 622,985 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Albert Tockman; John J. (22 Filed: Oct. 16, 1975 Kolano (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data Borohydride hydrogenations using agents of the for 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 114,084, Feb. 9, 1971, mula MRR'R''BH wherein M is a metal and R, R', and abandoned. R" are each organic groups, at least one of them being a secondary or tertiary alkyl group, are described 51) Int. Cl. ................................................ CO7F 5/02 herein. These compounds are active hydrogenating 52 U.S.C. .............................................. 260/606.5 B agents which are particularly useful because they per 58) Field of Search .................................. 260/606.5 B mit steric control of the hydrogenation of carbonyl (56) References Cited groups, they permit selective hydrogenation of func tional groups or, where one of the R groups is optically U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS active, they permit stereoselective hydrogenation. 3,163,679 12/1964 Koster ........................... 260/606.5 B 3,867,460 2/1975 Corey ............................ 260/606.5B 9 Claims, No Drawings 4,082,810 1. 2 with the predominant formation of a single alcohol BULKY TRIALKYLBOROHYDRDES isomer.
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