MLB: Why No One Is Feeling Sorry For The Blues

Author : Rene Regalado

As the sun sets to the west side of Los Angeles towards the beach line of the Pacific Coast Highway, the usual skies of Blue are an odd orange color. There’s something wrong with that picture.

All people can ask these days concerning the 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers is when? When will the boys in blue return to that magical team that had baseball fans on the edge of their seats all season long in 2017.

Many questions have to be asked as well as when. How can a team that won 104 games and get to within 1 game of their first World Championship since 1988? The question is simple.

The answer is just as simple. Personnel change.

This year’s Dodgers have made it pretty clear that all other 29 teams are not going to feel sorry for them.

1 / 3 Gone are Brandon Morrow, Yu Darvish, and Tony Watson. One of the biggest problems is the bullpen. JT Chargois, Tom Koehler, and Scott Alexander just haven’t pulled their weight.

With a combined ERA of over 3.50 this Dodger pen isn’t very scary these days. Bullpen help should be somewhere at the top of the list come the July 31st trade deadline. As far as the offense goes, one word. Lethargic. The inconsistency of this team is beyond frustrating to the Dodger faithful.

The erratic swings of who is a sure on letter high high fastballs these days, or the poor production of a platoon at third base. Speaking of third base, Dodger collective group of third basemen are hitting a whopping .210. The return of couldn’t have come at a more meaningful time. The struggles around the diamond, don’t stop there. Could the Dodgers look for some help at second base?

They have Logan Forsythe coming back but he’s only signed for this year. Brian Dozier() is a potential target that would solidify that position. With no for the remainder of the year, shortstop has a “Grand Canyon “ like hole. has done a descent job at short but do you really want him there? Would you rather him play centerfield and continue to solidify that position?

Answer? Yes. Manny Machado is a free agent and let’s face it, the Baltimore Orioles aren’t going anywhere this year. Hmm? Interesting. Matt Kemp has been a pleasant surprise in the outfield. If you would of asked any of the

Dodger Brass and coaching staff that Kemp would be hitting .320 out the gate they would of said, “Yea Ok”. Fact is, HE IS!

Kemp has always been a Dodger fan favorite so it’s not surprising that he is flourishing in Dodger blue.

Is it time to part ways with Yasiel Puig? Some executives say yes. It all depends on how Puig evolves as a hitter. His defense is phenomenal. His knowledge of the strike zone is getting better as we speak.

Is there really another option out there better than Yasiel? Time will tell.

If Dodger brass can’t understand that The Dodgers are just not an ordinary team then Dodger fans will certainly remind them. , void, Rich Hill, Alex Wood, void, pretty much symbolizes the starting rotation. Gerrit Cole was our there. Didn’t get him. Jake Odorizzi? Didn’t get him. The ongoing luxury tax is an issue with this team.

It’ll reset this winter. Sometimes, in order to be the best, you have to try and GO AFTER THE BEST!

It’s common sense that the Cubs, Cardinals and even the Diamondbacks and Rockies all got better.

Losing a Game 7 in the in your own crib says a lot. It says that there is some unfinished business to handle. It’s a reminder of how rich in tradition this franchise is. It’s also a reminder that this

2 / 3 franchise is not small budget.

No reason to think small when your resources are beyond big. Think big. Win big. Simple.

A clean up of the bullpen, starting rotation , and offensive woes can easily clear up that unpredictable orange sky. Dodger fans expect blue skies on a consistent basis.

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