Preservation Matters Spring 2013 the 20Th Annual Preservation Achievement Awards GRAND JURY AWARDS

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Preservation Matters Spring 2013 the 20Th Annual Preservation Achievement Awards GRAND JURY AWARDS PRESERVATION Preservation Alliance for greater philadelphia MATTERS THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PRESERVATION ALLIANCE FOR GREATER PHILADELPHIA SPRING 2013 Board Chair Honored for Preservation Pennsylvania Service to the Alliance Recognized for Public Service he Preservation Alliance for Greater or its exceptional contributions to Established by the Commonwealth’s Philadelphia is proud to confer its historic preservation in the public General Assembly in 1982 as the Preservation T2013 Rhoda and Permar Richards Finterest, the Preservation Alliance Fund of Pennsylvania, Preservation Award, for service to the Preservation Alliance, honors Preservation Pennsylvania with its Pennsylvania has evolved into a private, to Marian A. Kornilowicz. A partner in the 2013 Public Service Award. In 2012, six- nonprofit membership organization with a law firm of Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall teen years of persistent advocacy efforts statewide mission to protect and preserve & Furman, Kornilowicz has served on the were rewarded when Pennsylvania became Pennsylvania’s irreplaceable historic places. Preservation Alliance’s Board of Directors the 30th state to establish a state-level his- Preservation Pennsylvania is led by executive since 2004. He was elected Chairman of the toric preservation tax credit. Preservation director Melinda Crawford and staff mem- Board for three consecutive terms from 2006 Pennsylvania played the lead role in this long bers are Jennifer Horn, Erin Hammerstedt to 2008, and was reelected in 2012 to lead the and hard-fought campaign. and Carol Bostian. A. Roy Smith serves as organization’s succession planning efforts and Efforts to establish a state tax credit began Chairman of the Board of Directors. leadership transition period. After overseeing a in 1996 with a bill introduced by former successful nationwide search for a new execu- State Representative Tom Tangretti and were tive director, Kornilowicz will step down from redoubled after current State Senator Lloyd the board this month as the longest-tenured Smucker reintroduced similar legislation in Chairman in the organization’s history. 2011. Preservation Pennsylvania’s advocacy Kornilowicz’s leadership on the board has efforts propelled the bill through the Senate been indispensible to the organization, most and into the House, where a companion bill recently by taking a lead role in negotiations was introduced by Representative Robert to settle an Alliance appeal of a Historical Freeman. Despite a challenging political Commission decision allowing the demoli- environment, the legislation was success- tion of properties claimed to be necessary fully incorporated into a tax reform bill as in the public interest. Kornilowicz has also the Historic Preservation Incentive Act and been an active member of the Alliance’s signed by Governor Corbett into law on July Easements Committee. 2, 2012. The new program will go into effect Kornilowicz has taught Law and Human Group for Cohen Seglias, and in addition to in July 2013 and will provide a 25% state Rights at Rowan University in New Jersey and his service to the Preservation Alliance, serves tax credit to qualified rehabilitation projects lectured paralegals on residential real estate on the boards of the Kosciuszko Foundation (see box on page 7 for more information on law. He is the Chair of the Business Practice and the Jagiellonian Law Society. the credit). y its very nature, historic preservation passage of the state historic rehabilitation tax credit. We are grateful to the southeast involves changes— discovery, transfor- Pennsylvania delegations in the state House and Senate for their leadership that made Bmation, a fresh coat of paint, new tech- that tax credit possible. Admittedly the state tax credit program is currently small, but EXECUTIVE nology, a new use, to name a few. The elements the Alliance will be a strong advocate to grow that program for the benefit of this region. that make the building or community signifi- The state tax credit is a new item in the tool kit of other important initiatives that are DIRECTOR’S cant remain intact but are provided an oppor- proven economic generators for older communities in our region. The federal historic MESSAGE tunity to be recognized and celebrated anew, tax credit, for example, has had a total economic impact of $17.1 billion dollars in and their relevance revisited and enjoyed. Pennsylvania since 1978, largely in Philadelphia. Another example is the state’s heritage As the new executive director of the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, I tourism industry, which accounts for 32 million visitors and $1 billion in visitor spend- look forward to working with the members, volunteers, board and staff and our many ing each year, with a total economic impact of $2.9 billion supporting 37,000 jobs and partners to promote and build a dynamic and vibrant historic preservation movement. $90 million in state tax revenues. As the Alliance moves forward, we will be guided by 30 years of accomplishments. The Philadelphia is fortunate to have property owners who care deeply about their Alliance is recognized nationally for its work in advocacy, outreach and education, properties and their communities. We have some of the best architects, planners, and neighborhood preservation, and preservation easements. There is so much to celebrate developers in the country. We have residents and visitors who are connecting with and so much more to do. And I have big shoes to fill. historic places in new ways. We have forward-thinking businesses and political leaders. Historic preservation has a key role to play as Philadelphia and the nation come out We have media outlets with an interest in the built environment. We have an exciting of the economic downturn. Philadelphia has a rich history and some of the best archi- opportunity to be creative in our approach to historic preservation and the integration tecture in the world, both old and new. Old buildings and infrastructure provide a sense of existing older infrastructure into our future, so that historic buildings and spaces are of place and grounding in our past. But historic preservation also provides an opportu- celebrated not only for their intrinsic value, but for what we do in them, and because it nity that is more future-oriented. Creative integration of historic and older structures makes economic sense. into our lives enhances our experience at home, at work and at play. Historic preservation is an economic development and community revitaliza- CAROLINE E. BOY C E , CAE tion tool—a change agent. Recognition of that was recently demonstrated with the Executive Director WWW.PRESERVATIONALLIANCE.COM The 20th Annual Preservation Achievement Awards GRAND JURY AWARDS 1 Angle Smithery Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 2 Awbury Arboretum GIS Tree Mapping Project 3 Cabrini College Mansion Kitty Hawk Avenue and S. 16th Street, Philadelphia, PA 1 Awbury Road, Philadelphia, PA 610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA Urban Outfitters Awbury Arboretum Cabrini College Bala Consulting Engineers; Blue Rock Construction, Inc.; Levy DiCarlo Partners, LLC; Temple University, Department of Dan Lepore & Sons Company; GSM Roofing; Hunt Engineering Creative Architectural Metals; EDA Contractors, Inc.; Meyer, Geography and Urban Studies; Mark Sellers Company; KSK Architects Planners Historians, Inc.; Paul Risk Scherer & Rockcastle, LTD; Powers & Company, Inc. Associates, Inc. 4 Frick’s Lock Village 5 Kimpton Hotel Monaco 6 Overbrook School for the Blind Roof 7 PennDOT District 6-0 Bridge East Coventry Township, Chester County, PA 433 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Restoration Rehabilitation Exelon Generation Co., LLC Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants 6333 Malvern Avenue, Philadelphia, PA Various bridges in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Frens and Frens, LLC; Lorenzon Brothers Alderson Engineering; G Plus Design; Gensler; Overbrook School for the Blind Montgomery Counties Company Heritage Consulting Group; INTECH AC Gentry; Complete Scaffold Inc; Mike PennDOT District 6-0 Construction, Inc.; Langan Engineering; Mark Byrne Painting, Inc.; Russell Roofing; Shelby Blooming Glen Contractors; J. D. Eckman Zeff; O’Donnell and Naccarato, Inc.; TAL Mechanical Inc. Inc.; James J. Anderson Construction Co., Inc.; Studio; Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Materials Conservation Co., LLC; Nancy Smith Co. Inc.; Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.; TranSystems 8 Pennsylvania State Office 9 Robert Morris Building Building 1701 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 1400 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 1701 Partners, LP Tower Investments, Inc. 806 Capital, Bala Consulting Engineers; Accelerated Construction Company; Federal Capital Partners; INTECH Advanced Engineering, Inc.; Powers Construction, Inc.; Joseph B. Callaghan, Inc.; & Company, Inc. Powers & Company, Inc.; Studio Agoos Lovera; TPSi 2 preservation matters spring 2013 WWW.PRESERVATIONALLIANCE.COM The 20th Annual Preservation Achievement Awards GRAND JURY AWARDS 10 Rodin Museum 11 Sacred Heart Oratory Bell Tower 12 Sakura Centennial Pavilions 21st St. & Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 917 N. Madison Street, Wilmington, DE 100 N. Horticultural Drive, Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Museum of Art Ministry of Caring Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Crescent Design; CVM; Dan Lepore & Sons Company; Ducibella Caldwell Heckles and Egan, Inc.; John Milner Architects, Inc.; City of Philadelphia Department of Public Property - Capital Venter & Santore; L.F. Driscoll Company, LLC; Landmarks Larsen & Landis Program Division
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