Church of England Primary School Bank Lane, Wigan Road, Euxton, , , PR7 6JW (01257)263454 Website: e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr Nick Ward Friday 26th March 2021 Dear Parents,

Euxton Superstars! Congratulations to our Euxton Superstars this week. We currently have two Superstars per class: Reception: Alice Carver and Ella Critchley Year 1: Esmé Squires and Elliott Jervis Year 2: Luke Critchley and Connor Murray Year 3: Libby Walmsley and James Forster Year 4: Ethan Lunt and Alice Banks Year 5: Gabriella Clemson and Katy Leap Year 6: Charlie Eyles and Louis Crake Well done to you all!

Silver Awards The following children were presented with a Silver Award in Celebration Worship. Well done Harriet Sewell, Harry Wing, Hugo Marwood, Iona Jones, Lois Hudson, Luca Palmer, Lucy Wild and Zachary Banks.

Bronze Awards The following children were presented with a Bronze Award in Celebration Worship. Well done Charlie Eyles, Evie Pollard, Luke Blyden, Maxwell Collinson, Louis Crake, Michael Stringfellow, Alfie Bell, Gracie Hibberd, Niamh Anderson, Isla Charnock, James Forster, Skye Good, Benjamin Fooks, Hannah Lilley and Charlie Pilkington.

Year 3 and Year 4 Easter Worship What a wonderful Easter worship! Thank you to all in Y3 and Y4, children and staff, for a lovely service. The visuals, music, readings, prayers, etc. were fantastic and it was wonderful to have so many families, governors and staff join us. Thanks to Rev. Jo too!

Nut-Free School Please remember we are a nut-free school. The children should never bring any products into school that may contain nuts, including snacks and spread such as Nutella. Thank you for your support. I know you will appreciate there is a reason for this and give your support.

PTFA Virtual Balloon Race Please visit to enter the balloon race, which is £3 a balloon. Race starts on Sunday 4th April and the winner is revealed on Sunday 11th April. Thank you as always for supporting the PTFA.

Year 6 Robinwood The final balance is due by 2nd April please. Thank you.

Scene In A Box Winners Thank you so much to everyone who entered the competition. We had over 40 entries, which was fantastic. Our three winners, who have received their prize, were Alice Carver, Oliver and Alice Ralph and Bailey Bullock. Thank you to Miss Lewis for organising this.

PTFA Lucky Numbers Winners There were lots of winners whose names were pulled out of the hat in Celebration Worship this morning. Along with the past 3 months’ winners there were three Easter prizes drawn: £20 cheque winner – Kate Maughan £20 cheque winner – Gareth Jones £20 cheque winner – Helen Waugh Easter Egg winner – Kathryn Jennison Easter Egg winner – Jane McNeil Easter Egg winner – Kate Sage Congratulations to you all!

Euxton Church Easter Services A message from Rev. Jo about the church services at Euxton Parish Church over the Easter period: Maundy Thursday 8pm Reflective remembrance service, on zoom Good Friday 10am All Age Good Friday Service, on zoom 2pm Reflective Service, in church* Easter Sunday 9am All Age Easter Celebration, on zoom 10.30am Family Easter Communion, in church* * If these services become fully booked we will look to put an additional service on. Zoom Codes Will come out in the weekly update email. If you don't receive this and would like to then please contact Rev Jo on [email protected] Booking for services in the church building. These can be booked on the church website from Sunday 28th March.

Message from Eddie Ellison, Taekwondo Eddie is back in school after Easter continuing to teach a group of our Y3 children. If your Y3 child would like to continue/start lessons on a Monday after school, please email Mrs Hodges at [email protected]. He also hires our hall and there are spaces in these classes. They are Wednesday evenings 6-8pm and Thursday evenings 7.15-8.15pm. Phone Eddie on 07952 317485 if your child would like to join in or for further details. The first lesson is always free.

Y1 PE Kit A reminder that our Y1 children need to have their PE kit in school after half-term, including their pumps as they will be doing tennis. They still need to come in their PE kit on a Monday but they will be getting changed for their other lesson to further develop their independence skills! Thank you.

Year 5 Bikeability Mrs Faulkner has emailed Year 5 parents this afternoon with the details of this. The session will take place Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd April. Please refer to her email. Thank you.

SPAR Lancashire School Games Attached to this newsletter is a flyer providing suggestions for activities during the Easter break along with a photo competition. All details on the flyer.

Chorley Council contact numbers For any family who may be struggling financially over the Easter holidays, the council have sent us the attached list of addresses for food provision and support.

Easter Break It has been lovely having the children all back together for these last three weeks. It may not have been for long, but this time has been so important. They have all settled back so well, so hopefully they will all be happy to return after the Easter break. They have been having lots of fun so I know that remembering this will be important. The fun will continue in the summer term too!

IMPORTANT - Symptoms, COVID Testing and Possible Isolation Periods I still need to check on symptoms and possible positive cases for the first part of the Easter holidays. Please remember to let me know directly by emailing me on [email protected] if your child develops COVID-19 symptoms over the weekend, by 5:30pm on Sunday. Should the outcome of this be a positive result then I may need to get in touch with families. Although it won’t impact on school life it may result in your child needing to isolate up to 10 days. Thank you for your support.

And Finally…. We have TWO jokes this week:

Thank you to Daniel Everitt from Year 1 for our first joke: Q. Why was 6 afraid of 7? A. Because 7-8-9! Thank you Daniel, a great joke!

Thanks you also to ALL of Reception for their joke: Q. What kind of key opens a banana? A. A monkey! Brilliant Reception, thank you!

Remember to send your jokes in to me!

Wishing you all a lovely Easter break.

Take care, Mr Nick Ward, Headteacher

In our Christian family, we all SHINE in the light of Jesus. Wisdom Compassion Humility Friendship Peace Trust Forgiveness Hope