News north-west Twice-yearly newsletter of the CBA north-west regional group Council for British Roman tombstone Archaeology North West Regional Group found at Lancaster Registered Charity Excavations at Lancaster by No 1081620 the University of Manches- ter Archaeological Unit last Chairman November brought to light Dr Jennifer Lewis, several large fragments of 43 Freshfield Rd, Formby, the tombstone of a Roman Liverpool L37 3HL. auxiliary cavalryman. Email:
[email protected] The discovery was made near the line of the Roman Hon Secretary road from Lancaster to Wal- Julie Edwards, c/o Chester ton le Dale; cremation Archaeology, 27 Grosvenor burials had been found near- St, Chester CH1 2DD. by in 2001. Email:
[email protected] The name of the soldier was probably Lucius Nisus Tombstone of Roman cavalryman found at Lancaster Hon Treasurer Vodvileius or Vodvilltius of Marlene Nolan, 7 Roughlea the Treveri, a tribe centred on Avenue, Culcheth, Warrington the modern Trier in Germa- CBA North West Spring Meeting and WA3 4NU. ny. He served in the Ala Augusta, possibly a known AGM Saturday 6 May 2006 CBA North West publishes unit with links to Lancaster two newsletters each year, in and Chesters on Hadrian’s This year’s Spring meeting and AGM will be at the the spring and summer/ Wall. Another stone naming Euxton Parish Church Community Centre at Euxton autumn. Contributions are a Treveran who served in the near Chorley. There will be talks on new discoveries invited from Cheshire, same unit was found at Lan- and recent work in the region.