
Strategic Sites and Design Manager, Lois Jarrett P

Development Control Manager, Martin Vink Planning Committee

Wednesday the 20th August 2014 at 7.00pm ______Update Report for the Committee

The following notes and attached papers will be referred to at the meeting and will provide updated information to the Committee to reflect changes in circumstances and officer advice since the reports on the agenda were prepared

3. Minutes – to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on the 16th July 2014. 4. Requests for Deferral/Withdrawal ______Part I – Monitoring/Information Items

5. Appeal Decisions received between April to June 2014. Unfortunately the 2nd paragraph of this report as printed is incorrect. The correct paragraph is below.

The Communities and Local Government Performance Indicator for the Council was that no more than 40% of planning applications are allowed where the appeal is against the refusal of planning permission. The performance for this quarter is 14% which is on target; the annual figure is 23% which is also within target. ______Part II – For Decision

6. Proposed Procedures for Determining the Outline Planning Application for .

7. Schedule of Reports ______

(a) 14/00750/AS - Land at junction of Dover Place and Station Road, Ashford, - An application for reserved matters relating to details of landscaping on planning permission reference 11/00382/AS

Change to recommendation page 1.35 as follows:- “… issue the decision notice with any further conditions, deletion of conditions or minor changes to conditions to those set out …”

(b) 14/0390/AS & 14/00391/AS & 14/00392/AS - Former Rowcroft and Templer Barracks site, Templer Way, Ashford, Kent – Variation of s106 obligations

- 1 -

1) Application under s106BA of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to modify the planning obligation Amendment to the Level of Affordable Housing – Application 14/00390/AS

2) Application under s106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to modify the planning obligation of 17 October 2005 concerning the provision of mixed use units

3) Application under s106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to modify the planning obligation of 17 October 2005 concerning the provision of employment land so that Parcels 13A, EMP1 and EMP3 may be developed as housing instead of employment land and removing the requirement to provide four small retail units.

See Annex 1 to this report.

(c) 14/00195/AS - Land at Luckley Field, South of 128 Little Chequers, Wye (Site WYE2) – Erection of 25 dwellings with vehicle access of Little Chequers. Parking, drainage works, structural and on site landscaping

The Dark Skies SPD 2014 was adopted following the last Planning Committee in July 2014. This is a material consideration to this application and the applications that follow on the agenda.

(d) 14/00254/AS - Garage, Woodchurch Road, Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent TN26 1LR – Erection of 17 new dwellings together with access roads, access, sewers and external works.

The report requires clarification in respect of paragraphs 27, 30 and 62. In these paragraphs the report refers to the proposed urban extension at Chilmington Green. In respect of the Chilmington Green AAP, this is an adopted document which does form part of the development plan. In addition an outline application for this development is under consideration. The former whilst a material consideration is not one that carries significant weight and the latter no weight at this stage as it is still awaiting determination. The proposed recommendation to permit is not based upon either of these factors but because officers consider that residential development, of the scale and quantity proposed, on this previously developed site, for the reasons set out in the report represents appropriate sustainable development in the context of the NPPF and Development Plan. It should be clear that reference to Chilmington Green in the context of this application / report simply relates to the fact that should the application at Chilmington Green be permitted, and over time built out, then this development will become more sustainable in locational terms.

2 additional letters of objection received raising the following:

 Contrary to the D&A statement the proposal is not sympathetic to the surrounding area and the density is too high compared to the surrounding developments. The proposal would not be a natural extension to The Willow / Bullrushes being twice the density.

- 2 -  Plot 10 is just 6m away from an existing dwelling and the overall impact is cramped.

 The erection of a mini housing estate is against the wish list of Shadoxhurst and does not represent minor development or infill.

 Proposal will add to pressures already faced by the village due to Chilmington and the proposal will increase traffic on the roads.

(e) 14/00460/AS – Knockwood, Knockwood Lane, , Canterbury, Kent, CT4 8HN – Proposed installation of 14 no. dog kennels, grooming area and food preparation area, conversion of part of garage to isolation pen/treatment room and office and erection of an 8 no. cattery with associated parking.

The applicant’s agent has requested details of the construction of the kennels to be made available to members of the committee. He indicates that they highlight that dogs will not see each other and are therefore unlikely to make any noise at feeding times. The details are attached as annex 2 to this report.

The question has been raised as to whether the dogs will be able to see each other within in the runs. There will be solid walls between each run so the dogs will not see each other when in the runs. The design of the proposed dog runs is shown in the photograph below.

It is noted that within the report it is stated that waste from the proposed kennels will be pumped into an existing septic tank. This is incorrect, the waste will be pumped into a new septic tank which is to be installed and has been agreed with Environmental Services. It is therefore proposed that Condition 6 should be amended to read:-

Prior to the first occupation of the kennels hereby approved, the approved method for the disposal of waste shall be implemented and maintained and subsequently retained in an effective working condition to unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

(f) 14/00523/AS – Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Road, Challock, Kent – Outline planning permission for the

- 3 - erection of six houses with access and parking with all matters reserved for future consideration.

The Parish Council are unable to attend the meeting and asked that the letter attached as annexe 3 to this update report be brought to members’ attention. It confirms their support for this application

(g) 14/00346/AS – The Plateau, 66 The Street, Appledore, Ashford, Kent, TN26 2AE – Replacement detached dwelling.


(h) 14/000630/AS – 9 Conker Close, , Ashford, Kent, TN23 3LL – Erection of a two storey side extension with integral car port, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to garage roof.

Further letter of objection received (from a previous objector) regarding revised plans.

o Notes that actual boundary has been revised following objectors observations. Latest revisions confirm concerns that off road parking will be lost if planning permission is granted.

o The current allowance is a double garage and room for 3 vehicles infront of the double garage. The revised drawing which only shows 2 vehicles confirms their concern about the loss of 2 off road parking spaces. Therefore strongly object.

(i) 14/00869/AS – 27 Primrose Drive, Kingsnorth, Ashford, TN23 3NP – Alteration to roof of detached garage, insertion of dormer window to front elevation and new external staircase to side elevation to accommodate home office.

Kingsnorth Parish Council – no comment

- 4 - Annex 1 – 14/00390/AS & 14/00391/AS & 14/00392/AS

Affordable Housing

No. affordable No. of affordable Officer Dwellings to be units as a comment provided percentage of total number of houses permitted by outline S106 requirement 250 20%

Delivered on-site 129 10% to-date by s106 Delivered on-site 50 4% Officers to-date by other recommend mechanisms that these which are not units are currently counted accepted by s106. as counting towards Figure 1 - Current S106 area to provide up to 121 affordable dwellings s106 requirement To be delivered 60 5% by amended s106

Total affordable 239 19% Total loss housing if of 11 units amendment approved


Figure 2 - Proposed new location to provide 60 affordable dwellings Annex 1 – 14/00390/AS & 14/00391/AS & 14/00392/AS

Live/Work Units No. Units to be Officer Comment provided S106 requirement 21

Delivered to-date 14 by s106 To be delivered 7 by current s106 and Reserved matters applications To be delivered 7 Relocated from by amended s106 Parcel 29 to Parcel 10

Total 21 No net loss of Live/Work Units Figure 3 - Proposed Live/Work Relocation

6 Annex 1 – 14/00390/AS & 14/00391/AS & 14/00392/AS

Employment Floor space 4 Small Retail Commercial Floor Officer Units space [Use] Comment

S106 requirement 400sq.m 3000sq.m [B1/A2]

Location Parcel 8/9/10 Parcel 13a/EMP13EMP3

To be delivered 0 929sq.m [B1, A1, Use widened by amended s106 A2, A3, A4 to allow greater or A5] mix of high street uses Location Requirement Parcels 8/9/10 The deleted following Commercial amendment to Floor space is commercial floor now space obligation concentrated around the Manor, Waitrose and Figure 4 - Commercial Floor space proposed = Not retained for employment Public House =Retained for wider mix of employment to provide high street Total 929sq.m

7 Annex 3: 14/00523/AS – Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock

Details Reproduced from Kennelspace website being the supplier for our venture. Provided by agent for planning application reference 14/00460/AS

Why Choose Us?

Have you ever asked yourself what makes a great dog kennel?

Well this is a question that we frequently asked ourselves as we developed our unique kennel system. There are many different companies out there building a range of kennels from a wide spectrum of materials and at widely fluctuating prices. Some of these kennels will leak, some will be freezing cold in winter and sweltering in summer, some will not last for any length of time and will need continual maintenance and will need to be replaced very quickly.

At KennelSpace we believe we sell a kennel system that has numerous advantages over the other manufacturers, this offers our customers a great opportunity to get a good return on their investment.

Structural System

Our kennels have been approved and tested as structural kennels, this means that they are stronger and more durable than other systems. As our weather systems fluctuate the UK weather can be extremely diverse, so we wanted our kennels to survive extreme high winds and large heavy snowfall. Our roof system is designed to hold in excess of 24inches of snowfall and other kennels cannot make this claim.

Highly Insulated

We offer thicker wall thicknesses than any other kennels on the market, our insulated composite panels can be supplied in 40mm, 60mm and 100mm thick walls and roof system so this makes our kennels the warmest available, this will keep any heating costs to a minimum in a cold spell and of course very cool for your dogs in the summer months. Our kennels are the most thermally efficient kennels on the market.


Due to the best insulation available, our kennels are naturally quieter than other companies as the system has excellent acoustic properties. At our stand at the recent Crufts show customers couldn't believe just how quiet it was when they stepped inside the kennel. If you have noisy dogs or issues with your neighbours over noise, then our kennels can be a real godsend. our kennels are the quietest on the market.

Low Maintenance

Thanks to the nature of the composite it is not only extremely hard wearing but so easy to clean. The wipe clean surfaces are really easy to maintain and ensure that harmful mites and bacteria can be easily dealt with. This is great news if you are looking for a breeder kennel but even better news if you are running a boarding kennel where time is money.

8 Annex 3: 14/00523/AS – Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock Hygienic

We all love our dogs and want them to stay fit and healthy, for this reason we chose a material that is really easy to clean and maintain. Also thanks to our unique sealing system you will not experience cross contamination from one bay to the next, this is a really important benefit especially if you get a poorly dog or need to look at a quarantine kennel.

High Security

Whether you are looking after your own dogs or someone else's, dogs are valuable assets and not something that you would like to lose. Our kennel doors are fitted with substantial barrel locks where the kennels can be securely locked, in the six years we have been manufacturing these systems we have never had an issue with security at any of the installed kennels. Our kennels are the most secure on the market.


Our kennels our built to last, we often see many other types of kennels out there where the walls flex and are very thin, eventually an aggressive will burst through these systems. Our kennels are designed for strength and to last for many years to come, we want our customers to get the long term benefits from choosing a KennelSpace kennel

Internal Corridor of proposed kennels illustrating that the kennelled dogs cannot see new arrivals when they are walking along the enclosed corridor.

9 Annex 3: 14/00523/AS – Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock Decibel Level of a Barking Dog

Decibel Level

When a dog barks, it is a minimum of 60 decibels, according to the Southwark Council in the .

An average level of 85 decibels is actually more typical for our proposals measured at a distance of 1m away from source.

The dogs will be housed within individual pens within a building that will provide a sound reduction of 24 decibels.

This would give an expected noise level of approximately 61 decibels, however it should be noted that this is an average & noise levels will vary. This is equivalent to normal speaking voice which is between 65 – 70 decibels at a distance of one metre or a sewing machine is around 60 decibels -- the same loudness as a "starting point" bark.

No allowance has been made within these details for distance from the source of the noise, (the nearest dwellings being 350m away), existing background noise ( The dwellings being adjacent to a working farm yard with associated machinery) & obstructions that currently exist ( 70m our dense woodland & kennels position 3m below road level ) & additional precautionary measures that our client will implement in conjunction with the advice provided by the Environmental Health Officer ( this being an earthbund adjacent to the kennel measuring 1200m in height with natural hedge planting on top).

The dogs will be managed to minimise any disruption to the locality. The dogs will be kennelled in the first block of three behind the Mobile Home & adjacent to the Stable block. These buildings provide additional sound barriers. The dogs will be located in the centre kennels first & then moved out either way towards the edges. This provides additional sound protection from within the kennels as there as more walls for any noise to penetrate prior to getting to the outside. Once the first block of seven is filled then the second block will be used with the three kennels facing the stables & the last four kennels being used from the rear then back towards the house. For clarification See Sequential Loading of Kennels.

10 Annex 3: 14/00523/AS – Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock Challock Parish Council

C/o Challock Post Office The Lees Challock Ashford TN25 4BP

[email protected]

18th August 2014

Dear Planning Committee

Application Number: 14/00523/AS

Location: Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock, Kent

Application Description: Outline planning permission for the erection of six houses with access and parking with all matters reserved for future consideration.

The Parish Council’s previous comments affirmed that the proposed development was carefully considered and not harmful to the characteristics of the village.

The Parish Council would like to add these additional comments:

The Cabinet approved the Challock Built Envelope Report on Thursday 13th March 2014, which means the report has become a material consideration in judging planning applications for houses in the village.

The village envelope caters for small scale development without any major impact on the village both aesthetically and environmentally but it allows the village to expand organically over the foreseeable future.

The development appears a well-designed, good quality proposal and meets all other relevant ABC Policies, such as Parking and Space standards etc.

The existing hedgerow is not protected and it is proposed to replace this hedge outside of the sightlines with a mature/semi-mature indigenous hedge.

The development will provide a new 1.8 metre wide footway along Faversham Road to link with the existing footway by Crossroads Garage.

The proposal provides the type of housing the village needs and has the support of the Parish Council and falls within the built confines of the village based upon the village confines pilot study led by the Parish Council.

Yours faithfully Mrs K Wooltorton Parish Clerk Challock Parish Council