The Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision 4/11 Eagle Wing Temple Quay House Inquiry opened on 19 May 2009 2 The Square Temple Quay Site visit made on 17 September 2009 Bristol BS1 6PN 0117 372 6372 by David Rusdale BA DipTP MRTPI email:
[email protected] Decision date: an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government 21 October 2009 Appeal Ref: APP/D3125/C/08/2092833 Land to the north of the B4449 Hardwick to Stanton Harcourt Road at former Vicarage Pit, Tar Road, near Stanton Harcourt • The appeal is made under section 174 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compensation Act 1991. • The appeal is made by Michael Delaney against an enforcement notice issued by West Oxfordshire District Council. • The Council's reference is 09/0011/P/ENF. • The notice was issued on 19 November 2008. • The breach of planning control as alleged in the notice is without planning permission, change of use of land from agriculture to use for stationing residential caravans, other vehicles, static mobile homes and portable toilets together with ancillary excavation, engineering, and other building works for the alteration and construction of accesses, drives, roads and hardstandings, and the provision of pole mounted external lighting throughout the site. • The requirements of the notice are: i) Cease using the land for the stationing of residential caravans and static mobile homes; ii) Cease the use of the land for residential purposes; iii) Remove all caravans and other vehicles, portable toilets, plant, equipment, walls, fences and external lighting from the land; iv) Break up all hardsurfacing on the land; v) Remove from the land all of the materials, rubble and wood arising from compliance with the above requirements; vi) Restore the land to its condition before the breaches took place by levelling the land, laying topsoil and reseeding it with grass or turfing.