Council Offices, Almada Street , ML3 0AA

Thursday, 01 November 2018

Dear Councillor

East Kilbride Area Committee

The Members listed below are requested to attend a meeting of the above Committee to be held as follows:-

Date: Wednesday, 30 May 2018 Time: 14:00 Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Andrew Street, East Kilbride, G74 1AB

The business to be considered at the meeting is listed overleaf.

Members are reminded to bring their fully charged tablets to the meeting

Yours sincerely

Lindsay Freeland Chief Executive

Members David Watson (Chair), Archie Buchanan (Depute Chair), John Anderson, Graeme Campbell, Gerry Convery, Margaret Cooper, Isobel Dorman, Fiona Dryburgh, Joe Fagan, Geri Gray, Ian Harrow, Hugh Macdonald, Monique McAdams, Gladys Miller, Graham Scott, Collette Stevenson, Jim Wardhaugh, Sheena Wardhaugh


1 Declaration of Interests

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting 3 - 8 Minutes of the meeting of the East Kilbride Area Committee held on 14 March 2018 submitted for approval as a correct record. (Copy attached)

Item(s) for Noting

3 Year of Young People Presentation by Roz Gallacher, Youth Learning Manager and Robert Hynd, Youth Learning Area Co-ordinator, Education Resosurces

4 Business and Supplier Development Programme Presentation by Stephen Keating, Property Development Manager, Community and Enterprise Resources

Item(s) for Decision

5 Playscheme Grant Applications 2018/2019 9 - 12 Report dated 14 May 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

6 Community Grant Applications 13 - 18 Report dated 17 May 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

Urgent Business

7 Urgent Business Any other items of business which the Chair decides are urgent.

For further information, please contact:- Clerk Name: Stuart McLeod Clerk Telephone: 01698 454815 Clerk Email: [email protected]


EAST KILBRIDE AREA COMMITTEE 2 Minutes of meeting held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, East Kilbride on 14 March 2018

Chair: Councillor David Watson

Councillors Present: John Anderson, Graeme Campbell, Margaret Cooper, Isobel Dorman, Fiona Dryburgh, Geri Gray, Gladys Miller, Graham Scott, Collette Stevenson, Jim Wardhaugh, Sheena Wardhaugh

Councillors’ Apologies: Archie Buchanan (Depute), Gerry Convery, Joe Fagan, Ian Harrow, Monique McAdams, Hugh Macdonald

Attending: Education Resources A Craig, Lead Officer; E Jack, Headteacher, Sandford Primary School; F Leggate, Lead Officer, E Tompkins, Headteacher, St Vincent’s Primary School Finance and Corporate Resources S McLeod, Administration Officer

Also Attending: East Kilbride Citizens’ Advice Bureau M Campbell, Manager VASLan G Bennie, Chief Executive Officer

1 Declaration of Interests The following interests were declared:-

Councillor(s) Item(s) Nature of Interest(s) Dryburgh Community Grant Application EK/86/17 Volunteer St Andrew’s Methodist Church (Breakfast Club)

Stevenson Community Grant Application EK/100/17 Related to President of The East Kilbride Probus Club the Club

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the East Kilbride Area Committee held on 20 December 2017 were submitted for approval as a correct record.

The Committee decided: that the minutes be approved as a correct record.

3 Education Report - Sandford Primary School A report dated 22 January 2018 by the Executive Director (Education Resources) was submitted on the outcome of the inspection of Sandford Primary School, made by Education Scotland.


The inspection had taken place in October 2017 as part of a national sample of primary education and the inspection letter reporting on the findings had been published on 16 January 2018.

A number of particular strengths of the school had been identified in the inspection letter. The areas for improvement, agreed with the school and education authority, had been incorporated into the school’s improvement plan and parents would be informed of progress. Education Scotland had intimated that they would make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

A Craig, Lead Officer spoke on key aspects of the report.

Members of the Committee expressed their disappointment at the outcome of the inspection as members, staff and parents considered that the school was better than the findings suggested. The Chair thanked the Lead Officer for providing the update and wished the Headteacher well in taking the school forward.

The Committee decided: that the report be noted.

Councillor Gray entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business

4 Education Scotland Report - St Vincent's Primary School A report dated 22 January 2018 by the Executive Director (Education Resources) was submitted on the outcome of the inspection of St Vincent’s Primary School, East Kilbride made by Education Scotland.

The inspection had taken place in November 2017 as part of a national sample of primary education and the inspection letter reporting on the findings had been published on 6 February 2018.

A number of particular strengths of the school had been identified in the inspection letter. The areas for improvement, agreed with the school and education authority, had been incorporated into the school’s improvement plan and parents would be informed of progress. Education Scotland had intimated that they would make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

F Leggate, Lead Officer and the Headteacher spoke on key aspects of the report.

Members of the Committee congratulated the Headteacher on the outcome of the inspection and the Chair thanked the officers for providing the update.

The Committee decided: that the report be noted.

5 Presentation by East Kilbride Citizens’ Advice Bureau M Campbell, Manager gave a presentation on the services provided by East Kilbride Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) which included:-

 the CAB opening hours  the aims of the CAB  details of the free and confidential advice that the CAB provided across a range of issues including:-  benefits  debt  employment  housing


 legal advice  health and community care  utilities  why the East Kilbride CAB was needed  a summary of CAB activity in East Kilbride in 2016/2017:-  1,941 people were supported in relation to 8,796 issues  the support provided had achieved a “financial gain” of £723,561 for local people  for every £1 of core funding, the CAB had returned £11 of “financial gain”  the CAB had attracted £139,400 of project funding to the local area  a breakdown of the advice provided in relation to benefits and debt which were the 2 main areas of support provided  details of the impact of Universal Credit  the value of volunteering  details of the services which could be accessed via the CAB  details of how the CAB contributed to the Single Outcome Agreement  details on local partnership working

M Campbell, having responded to members’ questions, was thanked for her informative presentation.

The Committee decided: that the presentation be noted.

6 VASLan - Update on Performance G Bennie, Chief Executive Officer, VASLan, gave a presentation on VASLan’s projects and performance including:-

 VASLan’s workplan which had been agreed with the Scottish Government  progress in relation to VASLan’s 92 performance indicators for 2016/2017  supporting 383 organisations, of which 88 had secured funding totalling £3,118,286  supporting 74 organisations within the East Kilbride Area Committee area, of which 17 had secured funding totalling £636,033  a geographical breakdown of the number of people within South who had expressed an interest in volunteering  a geographical breakdown of the number of volunteer placements within by locality  a geographical breakdown of the number of young people registered for the Saltire Award Scheme  data on intelligence gathering

G Bennie, having responded to members’ questions, undertook to provide a response to any other queries that members might want to raise with him. The Chair thanked G Bennie for his informative presentation.

The Committee decided: that the presentation be noted.

Councillor Campbell left the meeting during consideration of this item of business

7 Community Grant Applications A report dated 27 February 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) was submitted on applications for community grants.


The Committee decided: that community grants be awarded as follows:-

(a) Applicant: East Mains United Reformed Church Women’s Guild, East Kilbride (EK/80/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £150

(b) Applicant: Strathaven Badminton Club (EK/84/17) Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £200

(c) Applicant: Strathaven Ladies’ Curling Club (EK/85/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £150

(d) Applicant: St Andrew’s Methodist Church (Breakfast Club), East Kilbride (EK/86/17) Purpose of Grant: Start-up costs Amount Awarded: £200

Councillor Dryburgh, having declared an interest in the above application, withdrew from the meeting during its consideration

(e) Applicant: British Sugarcraft Guild, East Kilbride (EK/87/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and equipment Amount Awarded: £150

(f) Applicant: Auldhouse Pre 5’s Playgroup, East Kilbride (EK/88/17) Purpose of Grant: Entrance fees and equipment Amount Awarded: £150

(g) Applicant: East Kilbride Men’s Shed (EK/89/17) Purpose of Grant: Start-up costs Amount Awarded: £200

(h) Applicant: East Kilbride Quirky Quilters (EK/90/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £150

(i) Applicant: Stonehouse Heritage Group (EK/91/17) Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £200

(j) Applicant: Willow Club, East Kilbride (EK/93/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £150

(k) Applicant: St Bride’s Ladies’ Phoenix Club, East Kilbride (EK/94/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £150

(l) Applicant: The Friends of Scouting in Stonehouse (EK/95/17) Purpose of Grant: Equipment and materials Amount Awarded: £210


(m) Applicant: 2nd East Mains Rainbows, East Kilbride (EK/96/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £150

(n) Applicant: Jackton Women’s Rural Institute, East Kilbride (EK/97/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £150

(o) Applicant: St Leonard’s Rambling Club, East Kilbride (EK/98/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing, entrance fees, administration and publicity costs Amount Awarded: £250

(p) Applicant: Stonehouse Male Voice Choir (EK/99/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing, materials, administration and publicity costs Amount Awarded: £250

(q) Applicant: The East Kilbride Probus Club (EK/100/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £150

Councillor Stevenson, having declared an interest in the above application, withdrew from the meeting during its consideration

(r) Applicant: East Kilbride Open Cattle Show Society (EK/101/17) Purpose of Grant: Administration and publicity costs Amount Awarded: £250

(s) Applicant: Strathaven and District Pipe Band (EK/102/17) Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £250

8 Urgent Business There were no items of urgent business.


8 Agenda Item

Report 5 Report to: East Kilbride Area Committee Date of Meeting: 30 May 2018 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: Playscheme Grant Applications 2018/2019

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]  request approval for the allocation of playscheme grants in the East Kilbride area for 2018/2019 [1purpose] 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Committee is asked to approve the following recommendation(s):- [recs] (1) that playscheme grants be awarded as follows:-

(a) Applicant: Special Needs Adventure Playground (SNAP) Playscheme, East Kilbride (PS/EK/1/18) Amount Awarded: £400

(b) Applicant: Universal Connections – East Kilbride (PS/EK/2/18) Amount Awarded: £600

(c) Applicant: Moss Out of School Service, East Kilbride (PS/EK/3/18) Amount Awarded: £600

(d) Applicant: Strathaven After School Club (PS/EK/4/18) Amount Awarded: £600

(e) Applicant: Playcare Out of School Care, East Kilbride (PS/EK/5/18) Amount Awarded: £600 [1recs] 3. Background 3.1. The Council’s community grants scheme includes provision for funding playschemes operating over the Summer, October and Easter school holiday periods. Applications have been invited from individual playschemes for 2018/2019.

3.2. The recommendations reflect the Council’s decision to allocate grant funding on the following basis:-

 £600 to playschemes that operate over the Summer, October and Easter periods  £400 for the summer period only  £100 for each of the October and Easter periods 9

3.3. The Council also makes financial provision for individual playschemes to receive, as appropriate, travel passes from Partnership for Transport (SPT).

4. Employee Implications 4.1. None.

5. Financial Implications 5.1. The overall total approved by the Executive Committee to support Playschemes and Community Grants in the East Kilbride area in 2018/2019 was £25,750. The proposed grants amounting to £2,800 recommended for playscheme grants in this report for approval will be met from the Area Committee’s community grant and playscheme budget, leaving £22,950 remaining to administer community grants for the remainder of 2018/2019.

6. Other Implications 6.1. The risk associated with grant support is that the resources provided are not utilised for the purposes for which they were intended. This is mitigated by information received from the application form, the sign off of a Conditions of Grant form and by the implementation of an audit process.

6.2. There are no significant issues in respect of sustainability in terms of the recommendation in this report.

7. Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 7.1. This report does not introduce a new policy, function or strategy or recommend a change to an existing policy, function or strategy and therefore no impact assessment is required.

7.2. All the necessary consultation with each group has taken place. Appropriate consultation has also taken place with other Council Resources.

Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

14 May 2018

Link(s) to Council Values/Objectives/Ambitions  Support the Council’s Vision of working together to improve the quality of life of everyone.

Previous References Executive Committee – 28 February 2018

List of Background Papers  Individual playscheme grant application forms


Contact for Further Information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact:-Nicola Docherty, Administration Assistant Ext: 4149 (Tel: 01698 454149) E-mail: [email protected]


12 Agenda Item

Report 6 Report to: East Kilbride Area Committee Date of Meeting: 30 May 2018 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: Community Grant Applications

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]  request approval for the allocation of community grants to 35 community groups in the East Kilbride Area Committee area from the 2018/2019 community grant budget [1purpose] 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Committee is asked to approve the following recommendation(s):- [recs] (1) that community grants be awarded as follows:-

(a) Applicant: South Parish Rambling Club, East Kilbride (EK/92/17) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(b) Applicant: Busy Bee Playgroup, East Kilbride (EK/103/17) Amount Requested: £1,000 Purpose of Grant: Outing, entrance fees and equipment Amount Awarded: £500

(c) Applicant: Education in Retirement Class, East Kilbride (EK/1/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(d) Applicant: Avon Angling Club, Stonehouse (EK/2/18) Amount Requested: £500 Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £300


(e) Applicant: East Kilbride Sea Cadet Unit (EK/4/18) Amount Requested: £1,000 Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £350

(f) Applicant: Stonehouse Senior Citizens’ Pavilion (EK/5/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(g) Applicant: Stonehouse Women’s Rural Institute (EK/6/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(h) Applicant: Hunter Ladies’ Bowling Club, East Kilbride (EK/7/18) Amount Requested: £340 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(i) Applicant: University of the Third Age (U3A) in East Kilbride (EK/8/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(j) Applicant: Women’s Royal Voluntary Service Darby and Joan Club, Strathaven (EK/ 9/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(k) Applicant: East Kilbride 60+ Activity Club (Ceilidh) (EK/11/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(l) Applicant: Claremont Parish Church Ladies’ Circle, East Kilbride (EK/12/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(m) Applicant: Stonehouse Agricultural Society (EK/13/18) Amount Requested: £1,000 Purpose of Grant: Administration and publicity costs and equipment Amount Awarded: £500

14 (n) Applicant: Strathaven Balloon Festival (EK/16/18) Amount Requested: £1,000 Purpose of Grant: Materials, administration and publicity costs costs Amount Awarded: £500

(o) Applicant: Cresta Club, Strathaven (EK/17/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(p) Applicant: 17th East Kilbride Brownie Pack (EK/18/18) Amount Requested: £330 Purpose of Grant: Outing and materials Amount Awarded: £250

(q) Applicant: RSA Club, East Kilbride (EK/19/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(r) Applicant: Gilmourton Women’s Rural Institute, Strathaven (EK/20/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(s) Applicant: Kilbryde Ladies’ Club, East Kilbride (EK/21/18) Amount Requested: £300 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(t) Applicant: St Leonard’s Bowling Club, East Kilbride (EK/22/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(u) Applicant: Stonehouse Bowling Club (EK/23/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(v) Applicant: East Kilbride Visually Impaired Group (EK/24/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(w) Applicant: Calder Tower Residents’ Association, East Kilbride (EK/25/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

15 (x) Applicant: The Golden Girls Guild (EK/26/18) Amount Requested: £180 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £180

(y) Applicant: Claremont Church Good Companions Club, East Kilbride (EK/27/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(z) Applicant: Drumclog Kirk Guild, Strathaven (EK/28/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(aa) Applicant: Kilbryde Burns’ Club, East Kilbride (EK/30/18) Amount Requested: £300 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(bb) Applicant: Brancumhall Seniors’ Bowling and Recreation Club, East Kilbride (EK/31/18) Amount Requested: £350 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(cc) Applicant: Claremont History Club, East Kilbride (EK/32/18) Amount Requested: £185 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £185

(dd) Applicant: Sandford Women’s Rural Institute, Strathaven (EK/34/18) Amount Requested: £250 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(ee) Applicant: Stonehouse Old Folk’s Welfare Committee (EK/35/18) Amount Requested: £375 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(ff) Applicant: Scottish Pensions Association – East Kilbride Branch (EK/ 36/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200

(gg) Applicant: Chapelton Silver Circle (EK/39/18) Amount Requested: £200 Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200


(hh) Applicant: National Schizophrenia Fellowship – East Kilbride Group (EK/41/18) Amount Requested: £400 Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250

(ii) Applicant: Kittochside and Rogerton Residents’ Association, East Kilbride (EK/42/18) Amount Requested: £970 Purpose of Grant: Start-up costs Amount Awarded: £250 [1recs] 3. Background 3.1. The Council operates a community grants scheme to support local constituted community groups and voluntary organisations. Applications are invited continually throughout the year.

3.2. All applications require to be supported by a constitution, audited accounts or annual income and expenditure accounts, a bank statement, and confirmation that the group/organisation will adhere to the conditions of the grant award.

4. Employee Implications 5.1. None.

6. Financial Implications 6.1. The current position of the community grant allocation for the East Kilbride Area Committee area in 2018/2019 is as follows:-

Total allocation for Community Grants £25,750 Community Grants recommended in this report £8,815 Remaining balance £16,935

6.2 On the basis that the playscheme grants detailed in a separate report on this agenda amounting to £2,800 are approved, the remaining balance for allocation throughout the year is £14,135.

7. Other Implications 7.1. The risk to the Council is that grant funding is not utilised for the purpose of which it was intended. This risk is mitigated by internal controls including audit procedures and conditions of grant agreement.

7.2. There are no apparent implications in terms of sustainable development.

8. Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 8.1. This report does not introduce a new policy, function or strategy or recommend a change to an existing policy, function or strategy and therefore no impact assessment is required.

8.2. All the necessary consultation with the community groups has taken place.


Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

17 May 2018

Link(s) to Council Values/Ambitions/Objectives ♦ Accountable, effective, efficient and transparent. Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Previous References ♦ East Kilbride Area Committee – 14 March 2018

List of Background Papers  Individual application forms

Contact for Further Information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact:- Jennifer Hilston, Clerical Assistant Ext: 4822 (Tel: 01698 454822) E-mail: [email protected]