-by-Design Framework for Assessing of Things Applications and Platforms

Charith Perera 1, Ciaran McCormick 1, Arosha K. Bandara 1, Blaine A. Price 1 Bashar Nuseibeh 1,2 1 The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK 2 Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre, Limerick, Ireland fi[email protected]

ABSTRACT services are called ‘middleware’ as they sit ‘in the mid- The Internet of Things (IoT) systems are designed and dle’ , in a layer above the operating system and network- developed either as standalone applications from the ing software and below domain-specific applications [1]. ground-up or with the help of IoT middleware platforms. Our proposed privacy-by-design (PbD) framework can They are designed to support different kinds of scenarios, be used to assess both IoT applications and middleware such as smart homes and smart cities. Thus far, privacy platforms without any changes and agnostic to their dif- concerns have not been explicitly considered by IoT ap- ferences. Therefore, in this paper, we use the terms ‘ap- plications and middleware platforms. This is partly due plication’ and ‘middleware platform’ interchangeably. to the lack of systematic methods for designing privacy Our research is motivated by a lack of privacy protec- that can guide the software development process in IoT. tion features in both IoT applications and middleware In this paper, we propose a set of guidelines, a privacy- platforms. We also recognise that existing privacy-by- by-design framework, that can be used to assess privacy design frameworks do not provide specific guidance that capabilities and gaps of existing IoT applications as well can be used by software engineers to design IoT applica- as middleware platforms. We have evaluated two open tions and middleware platforms. Further, recent security source IoT middleware platforms, namely OpenIoT and and privacy breaches in IoT solutions domain (e.g., In- Eclipse SmartHome , to demonstrate how our framework ternet connected baby monitor [40]) have also motived can be used in this way. our research. ACM Classification Keywords In recent years, many parties have built IoT mid- K.4.1 Computers and Society: Public Policy Issues— dleware platforms, from large corporations (e.g., Mi- Privacy ; D.2.10 Software Engineering: Design— Method- crosoft Azure IoT) to start-ups (e.g., wso2.com, Xively), ologies from proprietary to open source (e.g., KAAproject.org), and from academic organisations (e.g., OpenIoT.eu) Author Keywords to broader communities (e.g., Eclipse Smart Home: Internet of Things, privacy, Software Engineering eclipse.org/smarthome). Thus far, privacy has not been considered explicitly by any of these platforms, we be- INTRODUCTION lieve partly due to a lack of privacy-by-design methods The Internet of Things (IoT) [34] is a network of physi- for the IoT. To address this, we propose a privacy-by- cal objects or ‘things’ enabled with computing, network- design (PbD) framework that can guide software engi- ing, or sensing capabilities which allow these objects to neers to systematically assess the privacy capabilities of collect and exchange data. To make IoT application IoT applications and middleware platforms. We suggest development easier, a variety of IoT middleware plat- that the proposed framework can also be used to design forms have been proposed and developed. TThese plat- new IoT platforms. However, in this paper, we only fo- forms offer distributed system services that have stan- cus on assessing existing IoT platforms. dard programming interfaces and protocols, which help There are number of existing frameworks that have solve problems associated with heterogeneity, distribu- been proposed to help elicit privacy requirements and tion and scale in IoT applications development. These to design privacy capabilities in systems. The origi- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or nal privacy-by-design framework was proposed by Ann classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed Cavoukian [3]. This framework identifies seven founda- for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the tional principles that should be followed when developing author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or privacy sensitive applications. These are: (1) proactive republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. not reactive; preventative not remedial, (2) privacy as IoT’16, November 07 - 09, 2016, Stuttgart, Germany the default setting, (3) privacy embedded into design, (4) © 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. full functionality positive-sum, not zero-sum, (5) end-to- ISBN 978-1-4503-4814-0/16/11. . . $15.00 end security; full life-cycle protection, (6) visibility and DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2991561.2991566 transparency- keep it open, and (7) respect for user pri- vacy, keep it user-centric. These high level principles are proposed for computer systems in general but does not provide enough details to be adopted by software engi-       neers when designing and developing IoT applications.              Building on the ideas of engineering privacy-by-  architecture vs. privacy-by-policy presented by Spiek- erman and Cranor [39], Hoepman [20] proposes an ap- proach that identifies eight specific privacy design strate- gies: minimise, hide, separate, aggregate, inform, con- trol, enforce, and demonstrate. This is in contrast to other approaches that we considered. In a similar vein, LINDDUN [11] is a privacy threat analysis framework Figure 1: Typical data flow in IoT Applications that uses data flow diagrams (DFD) to identify privacy threats. It consists of six specific methodological steps: also called centralised architecture, used in IoT applica- define the DFD, map privacy threats to DFD elements, tion development [38]. Each of these devices have differ- Identify threat scenarios, prioritise threats, elicit mitiga- ent computational capabilities. They also have different tion strategies, and select corresponding privacy enhanc- types of access to energy sources from permanent to so- ing technologies. However, both LINDDUN and Hoep- lar power to battery power. Further, depending on the man’s framework are not aimed at the IoT domain. Fur- availability of knowledge, each device may have limita- ther, they not prescriptive enough in guiding software tions as to the type of data processing that can be done. engineers. An IoT application should integrate all these different In contrast, the STRIDE [21] framework was developed types of devices with different capabilities. We believe to help software engineers consider security threats, it is that IoT middleware platforms should provide in-built an example framework that has been successfully used privacy protection capabilities. As a result, IoT appli- to build secure software systems by industry. It suggests cation developers will be able to easily use middleware six different threat categories: spoofing of user identity, platforms to achieve their own objectives while protect- tampering, repudiation, information disclosure (privacy ing user privacy. breach or data leak), denial of service, and elevation of We divided the data life cycle into five phases in order to privilege. However, its focus is mostly on security rather structure our discussion. Within each device (also called than privacy concerns. node), data moves through five data life cycle phases: On the other hand, designing IoT applications is much Consent and Data Acquisition [CDA], Data Preprocess- more difficult than designing desktop, mobile, or web ing [DPP], Data Processing and Analysis [DPA], Data applications [32]. This is beacause a typical IoT appli- Storage [DS] and Data Dissemination [DD]. The CDA cation requires both software and hardware (e.g., sen- phase comprises routing and data reading activities by sors) to work together on multiple heterogeneous nodes a certain node. DPP describes any type of processing with different capabilities under different conditions [30]. performed on raw data to prepare it for another pro- Assessing an IoT application in order to find privacy cessing procedure [36]. DPA is, broadly, “the collection gaps is a complex task that requires systematic guid- and manipulation of items of data to produce meaning- ance. For these reasons, we believe that IoT development ful information” [15]. DS is the storage of raw data of would benefit from having a privacy-by-design frame- processed information for later retrieval and DD is the work that can systematically guide software engineers to transmission of data to an external party. assess (and potentially design new) IoT applications and We assume that all the data life cycle phases are present middleware platforms. Typically, systematic guidelines in all nodes in an IoT application to be utilised by soft- will generate a consistent result irrespective of who car- ware engineers to protect user privacy. However, based ried out a given assessment. Such a framework will also on the decisions taken by the engineers, some data life reduce the time taken to assess a given application or cycle phases in some nodes may not be utilised. For platform. example, a sensor node may utilise the DPP phase to average temperature data. Then, without using both INTERNET OF THINGS: DATA FLOW DPA and DS phases to analyse or store data (due to In this section, we briefly discuss how data flows in a hardware and energy constraints) the sensor node may typical IoT application that follows a centralised archi- push the averaged data to the gateway node in the DD tecture pattern [38]. This helps us to introduce privacy phase. guidelines and their applicability to different types of computational nodes and data life-cycle phases. As il- lustrated in Figure 1, in IoT applications, data moves PRIVACY-BY-DESIGN GUIDELINES from sensing devices to gateway devices to a cloud in- After reviewing existing privacy design frameworks, we frastructure [30]. This is the most common architecture, determined that Hoepman’s [20] is the most appropriate starting point for developing a more detailed privacy- minimum frequency (i.e., sampling rate) (e.g., one sec- by-design framework for IoT. Additionally, Hoepman’s ond, 30 seconds, minutes). design strategies helps us to organise and structure our paper [31]. In this section, we derive privacy-by-design Minimise number of data sources [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] guidelines by examining Hoepman’s eight design strate- This guideline suggests to minimise the number of data gies. These guidelines are not fool-proof recommenda- sources used by an IoT application. Depending on the tions that can be used without careful thought and con- application, it may be required to collect data from dif- sideration of the specific objectives, implementations, ex- ferent sources. Each data source may hold information ecution, and other factors specific to each IoT applica- about an individual (e.g., Databox [4]). Alternatively, tion or middleware platform. multiple data sources may hold pieces of information about a person [6] (e.g., Fitbit activity tracking service It is important to note that our proposed guidelines may hold an person’s activity data while a hospital may should not be used to compare different IoT applica- hold his health records). Aggregation of data from multi- tion or platforms. The primary reason is that each IoT ple sources allow third parties to identify personal details application or platforms is designed to serve a specific that could lead to privacy violations (e.g., aggregating purpose or category of application. For example, the medical records and activity data). SmartHome (eclipse.org) platform is designed to act as a home hub to enable sensing and actuation within a Minimise raw data intake [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] household environment. In contrast, OpenIoT [22] is Wherever possible, IoT applications should reduce the designed to act as a cloud middleware for smart city 1 applications. Therefore, they are not comparable plat- amount of raw data acquired by the system [33]. Raw forms. However, if the platforms in question are very data could lead to secondary usage and privacy viola- similar in terms of intended functionality, our guidelines tion. Therefore, IoT platforms should consider convert- can be used to compare them from a privacy perspective ing raw data into secondary context data [34]. For ex- with the intention of selecting one over the other. ample, IoT applications can generate orientation (e.g., sitting, standing, walking) by processing accelerometer We developed these guidelines to act as a framework data, storing only the results (i.e. secondary context) to support software engineers, so they can adopt our and discarding the raw accelerometer values. guidelines into their IoT applications in a customised manner. For example, certain applications will require Minimise knowledge discovery [( ⊗)] aggregation of data from different sources to discover This guideline suggests to minimise the amount of knowl- new knowledge (i.e. new pieces of information). We do edge discovered within an IoT application [2]. IoT ap- not discourage such approaches as long as data is ac- plications should only discover the knowledge necessary quired through proper consent processes. However, IoT to achieve their primary objectives. For example, if the applications, at all times, should take all possible mea- objective is to recommend food plans, it should not at- sures to achieve their goals with the minimum amount tempt to infer users’ health status without their explicit of data. This means that out of eight privacy design permission. strategies proposed by Hoepman’s [20], minimisation is the most important strategy. These guidelines are de- Minimise data storage [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] rived through analysis of literature and use-cases. This guideline suggests to minimise the amount of data The relationship between Hoepman’s [20] design strate- (i.e. primary or secondary) stored by an IoT application gies and our guidelines are presented in Table 1. Broadly, [39]. Any piece of data that is not required to perform we have identified two major privacy risks, namely, sec- a certain task should be deleted. For example, raw data ondary usage ( ⊗) and unauthorised access ( ⊖) that can be deleted once secondary contexts are derived. Fur- would arise as consequences of not following guidelines. ther, personally identifiable data need not be stored. The usage of already collected data for purposes that ⊖ were not initially consented by the data owners can be Minimise data retention period [( ⊗) ( )] identified as secondary usage [26]. Secondary usage can This guideline suggests to minimise the duration for lead to privacy violations. Unauthorised access is when which data is stored (i.e. avoid retaining data for longer someone gains access to data without proper authorisa- than it is needed) [23]. Long retention periods provide tion during any phase of the data life cycle. We will more time for malicious parties to attempt unauthorised use the symbols shown above to denote which threat is access to the data. Privacy risks are also increased be- relevant to each guideline. cause long retention periods could lead to unconsented secondary usage. 1 Minimise data acquisition [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] Unprocessed and un-fused data can be identified as Raw This guideline suggests to minimise the amount of data data (also called primary context [34]). For example, X-axis collected or requested by an IoT application [13]. Min- value of an accelerometer can be identified as raw data. Knowledge (e.g. current activity = ‘walking’) generated by imisation includes minimising data types (e.g., energy processing and fusing X-, Y-, and Z-axis values together can consumption, water consumption, temperature), mini- be identified as processed data (also called secondary con- mum duration (e.g., hours, days, weeks, months), and text [34]). Hidden data routing [( ⊖)] Depending on the circumstances, data can be encrypted In the IoT, data is generated within sensor nodes. The using both hardware and software technologies. data analysis typically happens within cloud servers. Therefore, data is expected to travel between differ- Reduce data granularity [( ⊗)] ent types of computational nodes before arriving at the The granularity is the level of depth represented by the processing cloud servers. This type of routing reveals data. High granularity refers to an atomic grade of detail a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting and low granularity zooms out into a summary view of network surveillance or traffic analysis. To makes it data [28]. For example, dissemination of location can be more difficult for Internet activities to be traced back considered as coarse-grained and full address can be con- to the user, this guideline suggests that IoT applications sidered as fine-grained. Therefore, releasing fine grained should support and employ anonymous routing mecha- information always has more privacy risks than coarse- nisms (e.g., [24]). grained data as they contain more information. Data granularity has a direct impact on the quality of the Data anonymisation [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] data as well as the accuracy of the results produced by This guideline suggests to remove personally identifiable processing such data [41]. IoT applications should re- information before the data gets used by the IoT appli- quest the minimum level of granularity that is required cation so that the people described by the data remain to perform their primary tasks. Higher level of granu- anonymous. Removal of personally identifiable informa- larity could lead to secondary data usage and eventually tion reduces the risk of unintended disclosure and privacy privacy violations. violations [12]. Query answering [( ⊗)] Encrypted data communication [( ⊖)] This guideline suggests to release high-level answers to This guideline suggests that different components in an queris when disseminating information, without releas- IoT application should consider encrypted data commu- ing raw data. For example, a sample query would be nication wherever possible [16]. Encrypted data com- ‘how energy efficient a particular household is?’ where munication would reduce the potential privacy risks the answer would usa a 0-5 scale. Raw data can al- due to unauthorised access during data transfer be- ways lead to privacy violations due to secondary usage. tween components. There are multiple data commu- One such implementation is openPDS/SafeAnswers [10] nication approaches based on the components involved which allows users to collect, store, and give high level in an IoT application, namely, 1) device-to-device, 2) answers to the queries while protecting their privacy. device-to-gateway, 3) device-to-cloud, and 4) gateway- to-cloud. Sensor data communication can be encrypted Repeated query blocking [( ⊗)] using symmetric AES 256 [8] in the applica- This guideline goes hand-in-hand with the Query an- tion layer. Typically, device-to-device communications swering guideline. When answering queries, IoT appli- are encrypted at the link layer using special electronic cations need to make sure that they block any malicious hardware included in the radio modules [16]. Gateway- attempts to discover knowledge that violates user pri- to-cloud communication is typically secured through vacy through repeated queries (e.g., analysing intersec- HTTPS using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport tions of multiple results) [35]. Layer Security (TLS). ⊖ Encrypted data processing [( ⊖)] Distributed data processing [( ⊗) ( )] This guideline suggests to process data while encrypted. This guideline suggests that an IoT application should Encryption is the process of encoding data in such a process data in a distributed manner. Similar, ap- way that only authorised parties can read it. However, proaches are widely used in the wireless sensor network sometimes, the party who is responsible for processing domain [37]. Distributed processing avoids centralised data should not be allowed to read data. In such cir- large-scale data gathering. As a result, it deters any cumstances, it is important to process data in encrypted unauthorised data access attempts. Different types of form. For example, homomorphic encryption [14] is a distributed IoT architectures are discussed in [38]. form of encryption that allows computations to be car- ried out on cipher-text, thus generating an encrypted Distributed data storage [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] result which, when decrypted, matches the result of op- This guideline recommends storing data in a distributed erations performed on the plain-text [17] . manner [29]. Distributed data storage reduces any pri- vacy violation due to malicious attacks and unauthorised Encrypted data storage [( ⊖)] access. It also reduces privacy risks due to unconsented This guideline suggests that IoT applications should secondary knowledge discovery. store data in encrypted form [5]. Encrypted data stor- age reduces any privacy violation due to malicious at- Knowledge discovery based aggregation [( ⊗)] tacks and unauthorised access. Data encryption can be Aggregation of information over groups of attributes or applied at different levels from sensors [18] to the cloud. groups of individuals, restricts the amount of detail in the personal data that remains [20]. This guideline sug- • Consent and Data Acquisition: what is the purpose gests to discover knowledge though aggregation and re- of the data acquisition?, What types of data are re- place raw data with discovered new knowledge. For ex- quested?, What is the level of granularity?, What are ample, ‘majority of people who visited the park on [par- the rights of the data subjects? ticular date] were young students’ is an aggregated re- sult that is sufficient (once collected over a time period) • Data Pre-Processing: what data will be taken into the to perform further time series based sales performance platform?, what data will be thrown out?, what kind analysis of a near-by shop. Exact timings of the crowd of pre-processing technique will be employed?, what movements are not necessary to achieve this objective. are the purposes of pre-processing data?, what tech- niques will be used to protect user privacy? Geography based aggregation [( ⊗)] • Data Processing and Analysis: what type of data will This guideline recommends to aggregate data using ge- be analysed?, what knowledge will be discovered?, ographical boundaries [27]. For example, a query would what techniques will be used?. be ‘how many electric vehicles used in each city in UK’ . The results to this query would be an aggregated num- • Data Storage: what data items will be stored? how ber unique to the each city. It is not required to collect long they will be stored? what technologies are used or store details about individual electric vehicles. to store data (e.g. encryption techniques)? is it cen- tralised or distributed storage? will there be any back up processes? Chain aggregation [( ⊗)] This guideline suggests to perform aggregation on-the-go • Data Dissemination: with whom the data will be while moving data from one node to another. For exam- shared? what rights will receivers have? what rights ple, if the query requires a count or average, this can be will data subjects have? done without pulling all the data items to a centralised location. Data will be sent from one node to another Control [( ⊗)] until all the nodes get a chance to respond. Similar tech- This guideline recommends providing privacy control niques are successfully used in wireless sensor networks mechanisms for data subjects [9]. Control mechanisms [25]. This type of technique reduces the amount of data will allow data owners to manage data based on their gathered by a centralised node (e.g., cloud server). Fur- preference. There are different aspects that the data ther, such aggregation also eliminates raw data from the owner may like to control. However, controlling is a time results, thus reducing the risk of secondary data usage. consuming task and not every data owner will have the expertise to make such decisions. Time-Period based aggregation [( ⊗)] Therefore, it is a software engineer’s responsibility to This guideline suggests to aggregate data over time (e.g., determine the kind of controls that are useful to data days, week, months) [9]. This reduces the granularity of owners in a given IoT application context. Further, it is data and also reduces the secondary usage that could important to provide some kind of default set of options lead to privacy violations. For example, energy con- for data owners to choose from, specially in the cases sumption of a given house can be acquired and repre- where data subjects do not have sufficient knowledge. sented in aggregated form as 160 kWh per month instead Some potential aspects of control are 1) data granularity, of on a daily or hourly basis. 2) anonymisation technique, 3) data retention period, 4) data dissemination. Category based aggregation [( ⊗)] Categorisation based aggregation approaches can be Logging [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] used to reduce the granularity of the raw data [9]. For This guideline suggests to log events during all phases [9]. example, instead of using exact value (e.g., 160 kWh per It allows both internal and external parties to examine month), energy consumption of a given house can be what has happened in the past to make sure a given sys- represented as 150-200 kWh per month. Time-Period tem has performed as promised. Logging could include based and category based aggregation can be combined but is not limited to event traces, performance parame- together to reduce data granularity. ters, timestamps, sequences of operations performed over data, any human interventions. For example, a log may Information Disclosure [( ⊗)] include the timestamps of data arrival, operations per- This guideline suggests that data subjects should be ad- formed in order to anonymise data, aggregation tech- equately informed whenever data they own is acquired, niques performed, and so on. processed, and disseminated. The ’Inform’ step can take place at any stage of the data life cycle and can Auditing be broadly divided into two categories: pre-inform and This guideline suggests to perform systematic and in- post-inform. Pre-inform takes place before data enters dependent examinations of logs, procedures, processes, to a given data life cycle phase. Post-inform takes place hardware and software specifications, and so on [9]. The soon after data leaves a given data life cycle phase [19]. logs above could play a significant role in this process. Table 1: Analysis of Privacy-by-Design Framework

Influence Guideline DA DPP DPA DS DD Minimize Hide Separate Aggregate Inform Control Enforce Demonstrate Privacy Threats [13] 1-Minimise data acquisition X X X X ⊗ ⊖ [6] 2-Minimise number of data sources X X ⊗ ⊖ [33] 3-Minimise raw data intake X X X X ⊗ ⊖ [2] 4-Minimize knowledge discovery X X ⊗ [39] 5-Minimize data storage X X ⊗ ⊖ [23] 6-Minimize data retention period X X X ⊗ ⊖ [24] 7-Hidden data routing X X X ⊗ ⊖ [12] 8-Data anonymization XXX X X ⊗ ⊖ [16] [8] 9-Encrypted data communication X X X ⊗ ⊖ [14] [17] 10-Encrypted data processing X X X ⊗ ⊖ [5] [18] 11-Encrypted data storage X ⊗ ⊖ [41] 12-Reduce data granularity XXX X ⊗ [10] 13-Query answering X X X ⊗ [35] 14-Repeated query blocking X X X ⊗ [37] [38] 15-Distributed data processing X X ⊗ ⊖ [29] 16-Distributed data storage X X ⊗ ⊖ [20] 17-Knowledge discovery X X X X X X ⊗ [27] 18-Geography based aggregation X X X X X X ⊗ [25] 19-Chain aggregation X X X X X X ⊗ [9] 20-Time-Period based aggregation X X X X X X ⊗ [9] 21-Category based aggregation X X X X X X ⊗ [19] 22-Information Disclosure X X X X X X X ⊗ [9] 23-Control X X X X X X X ⊗ [9] 24-Logging X X X X X X ⊗ ⊖ [9] 25-Auditing X 26-Open Source X 27-Data Flow X [42] 28-Certification X [7] 29-Standardization X [9] 30-Compliance X ⊗ ⊖ Risk Types: Secondary Usage ( ⊗), Unauthorised Access ( ⊖)

Non-disclosure agreements may be helpful to allow audit- Standardisation ing some parts of the classified data analytics processes. This guideline suggests to follow standard practices as a way to demonstrate privacy protection capabilities. In- Open Source dustry wide standards (e.g. AllJoyn allseenalliance.org) Making source code of an IoT application open allows typically inherit security measures that would reduce any external party to review code. Such reviews can be some privacy risks as well. This refers to the process of used as a form of compliance demonstration. This allows implementing and developing technical standards. Stan- external parties to verify and determine whether a given dardisation can help to maximise compatibility, interop- application or platform has taken sufficient measures to erability, safety, repeatability, or quality. Standardisa- protect user privacy. tion will help external parties to easily understand the inner workings of a given IoT application [7]. Data Flow Data flow diagrams (e.g., Data Flow Diagrams used by Compliance [( ⊗) ( ⊖)] Unified Modelling Language) allow interested parties to Based on the country and region, there are number of understand how data flows within a given IoT applica- policies, laws and regulations that need to be adhered to. tion and how data is being treated. Therefore, DFDs It is important for IoT applications to respect guidelines. can be used as a form of a compliance demonstration. Some regulatory efforts are ISO 29100 Privacy frame- work, OECD privacy principles, and European Commis- Certification sion Protection of personal data. In this context, certification refers to the confirmation of certain characteristics of an system and process. Typi- EVALUATION cally, certifications are given by a neutral authority. Cer- In this section, we demonstrate how our proposed PbD tification will add trustworthiness to IoT applications. framework can be used to evaluate existing IoT appli- TRUSTe (truste.com) [42] Privacy Seal is one example, cations and platforms in order to find gaps in privacy. even though none of the existing certifications are ex- For evaluation, we used two open source IoT platforms plicitly designed to certify IoT applications. that have been developed to accomplish different goals. We intentionally selected two IoT platforms instead of is show in Figure 2, where we have illustrated two IoT applications due to their open source nature and different gateway devices to highlight the fact that we availability to the research community. are only interested in categories of devices. Device category is typically based on the similarities in terms The OpenIoT [22] middleware infrastructure supports of computational capabilities (e.g., CPU, RAM, etc.). flexible configuration and deployment of algorithms for collecting, and filtering information streams stem- • Step 2: Build a table for each node where columns ming from internet-connected objects, while at the represent data life cycle phases and rows represent same time generating and processing important busi- each privacy-by-design guideline. In this paper, our ness/application events. It is more focused on enterprise aim is to assess two IoT middleware platforms that and industrial IoT applications. are designed to be hosted in an server node. We 2 Eclipse Smart Home (eclipse.org/smarthome) is a mid- required only one table for each assessment . How- dleware platform for integrating different home automa- ever, when assessing an IoT application, there could tion systems and technologies into one single solution be many nodes involved. In such situations, a table that allows over-arching automation rules and uniform (e.g., Table 2) is required for each node. user interfaces. It allows building smart home solutions Step 3: that have a strong focus on heterogeneous environments. • Finally, software engineers go through each As the name implies, it mainly focused on smart home guideline and use the colour codes proposed below to (or smart office) based solutions. assess their platforms. We conducted our own assess- ment using this approach and results are presented Methodology in Table 2. A software engineer may write notes to Here we provide a step-by-step description of how our justify their decisions (i.e. choice of color) as well proposed privacy-by-design framework can be used to as to clarify the rationale on each cell. For example, assess IoT applications and middleware platforms. In encrypted data processing may not be possible to per- this work, we only focus on assessing two IoT platforms, form in certain categories of devices such as gateways even though the proposed framework can also support due to their lack of computational resources . Such designing brand new IoT applications and middleware notes are useful when working as a team so everyone platforms as well. We believe the following method helps knows the rationale behind design choices. software engineers to efficiently and effectively use our Our proposed color coding is as follows: When a framework, although this is not the only way to do so. particular guideline is not applicable for a given life • Step 1: First, software engineers need to identify how cycle phase, it is marked as NOT-APPLICABLE data flows in the existing system. The objective is ( ). If a particular guideline if fully supported by to identify the physical devices through which data a given IoT application or platform, it is marked transits at runtime. However, only the categories of as FULLY-SUPPORTED ( ). This means that the 2 devices need to be identified. This is a decision that Two independent assessment tables are merged due to space software engineers need to make. An example layout limitations


Figure 2: Evaluation Methodology platform has already taken steps to protect user The minimize data acquisition function is readily avail- privacy as explained in the principles. If a particular able in OpenIoT [22] in the DPP phases. It provides guideline is not supported at all or it requires sub- a mechanism to configure parameters such as ‘sampling stantial effort to support a certain functionality, it rate’ using a declarative language. Therefore we marked is marked as NO-SUPPORT ( ). This means that OpenIoT’s DPP phase as Fully Supported ( ). However, the platform has not taken necessary the steps to no similar functionality is provided in the SmartHome protect user privacy as explained in the guideline platform. and it is either impossible or requires significant effort to fix this. When a certain guideline is not The guidelines #25 which focused on Auditing is marked supported by a platform but provides a mechanism as NO-SUPPORT ( ) for both platforms. The reason is that, though both platforms are open source, neither of (e.g., plug-in architecture) to support user privacy them are audited from a privacy perspective. Due to protection through extensions, we identify them as their open source nature, code bases are regularly re- EXTENDIBLE ( ). viewed and audited to make sure coding standards are met. However, privacy aspects are not reviewed in cur- Discussion rent auditing sessions. We conducted similar examina- Here we discuss a few of our guidelines to demonstrate tions with respect to all guidelines. how a software engineer may use our framework to eval- uate their IoT applications from a privacy perspective. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Our intention is not to discuss and justify how we eval- In this paper, we presented set of guidelines, as the core uated both platforms against each guideline, but to ex- emplify the thought processes behind this evaluation. of a conceptual framework, that incorporates privacy- by-design principles to guide software engineers in the Let us consider guideline #1 (Minimize Data Acquisi- systematic assessment of the privacy capabilities of In- tion). This guideline can be satisfied by extending both ternet of Things applications and platforms. We demon- OpenIoT and Eclipse SmartHome platform in the CDA strated how our framework can be used to assess two phases. OpenIoT has a plug-in architecture called ‘wrap- open source IoT platforms namely, Eclipse Smart Home pers’ [22]. SmartHome also has similar architecture and OpenIoT. We also explained the step by step pro- called ‘bundles’. These plug-ins can be easily extended cess of how to use our framework efficiently. The pro- to request minimum amount of data. However, such posed summarizing technique may be helpful when soft- functionality is not readily available in these platforms. ware engineers need to report current statuses of their Therefore, we marked CDA phase as EXTENDIBLE ( ). IoT applications from a privacy perspective and justify Table 2: Summarized Privacy Gaps Assessment for (a) Eclipse SmartHome and (b) OpenIoT

(a) Eclipse SmartHome Platform (b) OpenIoT Platform CDA DPP DPA DS DD CDA DPP DPA DS DD 1-Minimise data acquisition 2-Minimise number of data sources 3-Minimise raw data intake 4-Minimize knowledge discovery 5-Minimize data storage 6-Minimize data retention period 7-Hidden data routing 8-Data anonymization 9-Encrypted data communication 10-Encrypted data processing 11-Encrypted data storage 12-Reduce data granularity 13-Query answering 14-Repeated query blocking 15-Distributed data processing 16-Distributed data storage 17-Knowledge discovery based aggregation 18-Geography based aggregation 19-Chain aggregation 20-Time-Period based aggregation 21-Category based aggregation 22-Information Disclosure 23-Control 24-Logging 25-Auditing 26-Open Source 27-Data Flow Diagrams 28-Certification 29-Standardization 30-Compliance investments towards certain privacy features. 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