How to Tell the Truth
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PHOTOFEST From l to r: Polly Bergen, Ralph Bellamy, Kitty Carlisle, and Hy Gardner were regular panelists on the classic game show To Tell the Truth. How to tell the truth An acting game that teaches lying for the stage BY BRUCE MILLER Harold Clurman, the great director It’s ironic, then, that beginning ac- realm, there is also the natural who and theatre critic, once referred to good tors, even the ones known to tell a seems as real as we could possibly acting as “lies like truth.” He even successful lie or two in life, often fall want, with no less energy. And the au- named a book of essays on theatre and into the trap of “acting” onstage. Act- dience is always able to single out this acting by this title. When asked about ing in this context refers to behaving kind of actor, even while praising the his acting process, Spencer Tracy said onstage in a performed manner, one work of others, who are really putting he “just looked the other actors straight that immediately tells us that the actor it on thick. in the eyes and told the truth.” It’s inter- is performing rather than doing. Quite The idea here is that it’s possible to esting to note that of all the great actors often the actor moves and speaks in a train our students to keep it real even of the thirties, it is Tracy whose style manner that, as Simon Cowell would while meeting the performance de- never changed in movies as he grew say, “if we were being completely mands of a large space or the energy older, because it never had to. honest,” we would never confuse with levels required by an upbeat 1930s The words of Clurman and Tracy real-life behavior. And yet, at the high musical. This training begins with an capture the spirit of what good acting school level, this mode of perfor- awareness of the difference between is all about. Acting is indeed about ly- mance is sometimes considered the performing and behaving in a realistic ing truthfully. After all, the actor is giv- benchmark of good acting. If the actor manner; or, the difference between ly- en fictional lines to say, fictional situa- shows energy and charisma, many ing badly, and lying like truth. If we tions to play out, and fictional places high school directors, parents, and can get our students to recognize that to enact these lies; but when done peers are willing to accept as believ- difference, they will come to appreci- well, the audience believes the actor able work that would never pass on ate it. And if they come to appreciate completely. Just like successful liars in the professional stage or even on the it, they will make it a goal in their own life, the successful actor is so believ- college level. Yet it is also true that work. As teachers we must point out able that her lies do indeed become even in this venue, where overacting the difference and begin to find ways “lies like truth.” is sometimes an accepted coin of the to get them to “lie like truth.” TEACHING THEATRE Here then is a game that is all about tioning in Europe. A friend and I were how many letters may be read in a lying like truth, that can easily be rafting in extremely rough waters when particular session; in a forty- to fifty- played in the classroom. If you are in the current overtook us and began minute class you are likely to get your forties or older, or you watch the pushing us toward a mountainous reef through two or three. game show cable channel, you may of sharp coral rock. We had to swim Each round will require three con- already be very familiar with To Tell constantly against the overwhelming testants, a host, and four questioners, if the Truth, which had a long prime- current in order to avoid being flung to you use the show’s model. You can time run on network television in the our deaths. After more than an hour of also solicit questions from the class, or 1950s and 60s. It is a perfect game to fighting the waves and current, we if there is a lull, ask questions yourself. develop the skills required for deliver- were at the point of exhaustion and (Be careful not to usurp the game from ing lines and performing a role believ- ready to meet our fate. We held onto the students, if you do so.) In my ex- ably. our rafts and prepared to use them as perience, using a panel of questioners our only protection against the razor- for each round is the better way to go. Preparing to play like coral. When we looked up toward This way, four students are specifically For those who may not have seen the the rock face above us, our prayers invested in getting to the truth, and are original show, To Tell the Truth had a seemed answered. High on the cliff more likely to apply themselves. Those basic gimmick: a row of regular panel- stood a large winged angel silhouetted not playing in a particular round will ists would decide which of three con- against the sun. He was waving his observe and try to figure out which testants was telling the truth about arms, signaling us to drift around to methods for questioning (and lying) himself. The host would read aloud an the far side of the reef. Having no other work best. They will also try to figure “affidavit,” a story about one of the choice, we followed his instruction. We out who the liars are. three players. The contestants would soon discovered that the waves and Once you have decided which sto- then appear, introduce themselves with current were less severe on this side, ries you want to use, select the impost- the same name, and answer questions and we survived the waves that flung ers to work beside the truth-teller. If from the panelists, who would then us onto the mountain of coral. Mo- the story is gender-specific, you will vote for the person each panelist be- ments later a group of locals climbed need to select groups with that in lieved was telling the truth. The game down to pull us from the rocks that had mind. If the story requires physical would end when the host asked, “Will impaled us. When we asked what had derring-do, you will need to cast the the real Bruce Miller (or whoever) become of the angel, our rescuers imposters who look like they could do please stand up?” and the contestant laughed. They told us we had been the required tasks. Or, you may want with the most votes would win. blessed with a miracle. “No one,” they to cast against type. Ultimately, your Obviously, the game will need to be said in Spanish, “ever survives the reef job as producer is to make for a good modified for classroom use. First of all, once caught as you were.” We later show, and a good show is one in you as the teacher will act as the pro- found out that the beach from which which the questioners and audience ducer and will solicit stories from the we swam was known locally as La Pla- are not sure who the real person is—or students to serve as affidavits. This can ya del Muerto—the Beach of Death. If it better yet, when they are sure and turn be done as homework or an in-class hadn’t been for the angel, we never out to be dead wrong. assignment. Either way, you should would have thought to try the far side. After you have divided your class ask your students to write a first-per- Sincerely, into groups, each team of contestants son affidavit. This story will need to be Bruce Miller will need time to do their research and clear in the writer’s mind so that he or prepare. Again, this can be done as she can coach the imposter with solid Note that the affidavit ought to be homework, or you can give students details and be ready to answer their an account of something that actually class time. It will be up to the truth- questions without having to say “I happened (as is the case here), even if teller to fill in as much information as don’t know” or “I don’t remember” too there are elements that might seem ex- he or she can muster, but the impost- often. The story may be funny or seri- traordinary. ers will need to ask lots of questions to ous, but it must be clearly written and When the affidavits have been make sure that they have the informa- leave enough information out so that turned in, it will be your job to decide tion at their fingertips. Encourage them finding questions to ask will not prove which ones will make for the best to question each other in the manner to be an overwhelming challenge for rounds of the game. You may want to and with the questions that the panel- the student-panelists. ask for some rewriting or do some ed- ists might ask them. Like a candidate For example, here is an affidavit in iting yourself. If you solicit the rewrites preparing for a debate, the contestant the style of the original show: from your students, you will need to groups should role-play together, so do so in a way that does not reveal they are totally warmed up and pre- I, Bruce Miller, was once saved from who has been selected.