Yupp, it's totally your own. Not anyone else's. GUIDEBOOK FOR STUDYING IN THE CONTENTS

Dear student, If you hold the Guidebook NEMUS in your hands, you decide to study in the Czech Republic and move there. Our team created the Guidebook to provide you all necessary information and make the process of entering the University and moving to easier for you. If something is not clear and you need detail information, contact our team. We are always glad to help you. The guidebook consists of 7 chapters. They are ordered by their relative urgency in time and will guide you through the whole process of your study in Czechia and getting yourself closer to your life goals. Each of the sections first gives you an overview of what needs to be done and then we’ll guide you through all the necessary details, such as necessary documents, deadlines, websites, forms and will give you tips on how to best go about this journey. Let’s get down to it! 1. YOUR PLAN IN A NUTSHELL

First, let’s go over your strategy and see your goals visualized, so you can get on top of them easier. In this overview section you’ll find a timeline with major steps starting from now until your graduation, the expenses for each phase as well as the most important documents that you will need to acquire. Don’t worry, though! It might seem overwhelming at first, but we will guide through the whole process. You will find all the details about a particular document or a step in their section, just click on the keyword and it’ll get you there.


1 month

ADMISSION PROCESS 2 months 1. Fill online application and send to the university 2. Pay administration fee 3 months VISA 3. Collect all required documents 1. Arrange date of visiting the Czech Embassy 4. Pass the entrance exams / interview / CV / motivation letter 4 months 2. Prepare all documents 5. Wait for a committeedecision 6. Receive a letter from the university that you were admitted 3. Visit the Czech Embassy and apply for a visa 5 months 4. Wait up tp 60 days for a decision 5. Recieve your passport with visa 6 months NOSTRIFICATION 1. Prepare all documents and submit them 2. Wait up to 60 days for aresult 7 months 3. Recieve a letter with date of nostrification exams 4. Pass nostrification exams 8 months 5. Get a nostrification certificate 9 months


1 month LANGUAGE COURSE 1. Choose a course of Czech language 2 months

3 months

VISA 4 months 1. Arrange date of visiting the Czech Embassy 2. Prepare all documents 5 months 3. Visit te Czech Embassy and apply for a visa 4. Wait up to 60 days for a decision 5. Recieve your passport with visa 6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months NOSTRIFICATION LANGUAGE COURSE 1. Prepare all documents and submit them 12 months 2.Wait up to 60 days for a result 2. Study Czech language 3. Recieve a letter with date of nostrification exams 13 months 4. Pass nostrification exams 5. Get a nostrification certificate 14 months

15 months ADMISSION PROCESS 1. Fill online application and send to the university 16 months 2. Pay administration fee 3. Collect all required documents 17 months 4. Pass the entrance exams / interview / CV / motivation letter 5. Wait for a committeedecision 18 months 6. Receive a letter from the university that you were admitted NOW MONEY. DOCUMENTS. See all the most important expenses of your Before we jump into details, let’s first have journey at one place. a look at the documents you will need to gather. The documents are sorted to three Monthly costs without accommodation main categories: 1) University; Entertainments Eating 1500 CZK // 54 € 2) Visa; 5000 CZK // 180 € 3) Insurance.

Public Transport 130 CZK // 4.68 € Mobile 500 CZK // 18 €

TOTAL 7130 CZK // 256.68 € 1 CZK = 0.036 EUR

Annual costs without accommodation

TOTAL 14000 CZK // 504 € 1 CZK = 0.036 EUR Books and student aids Books 2000 CZK // 72 € Tuition fee Tuition XXXX CZK // XX € Insurance 12000 CZK // 432 € 2. THE BEST UNIVERSITIES IN PRAGUE

Let’s first have a look at the best universities of the Czech Republic. You will see university profile, list of faculties, reasons to choose one of these universities and notable alumni of each of them. 2.2. UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS IN PRAGUE You have chosen University of Economics in Prague. Here’s a quick summary about your university. University of Economics (Prague) is an economics European region. The University of Economics, Prague and business-oriented public university located confirmed its high level and repeated its success in Prague, Czech Republic. It is the largest university in 2015 and 2017, when it also took first place. in the field of economics, business and information There are 5 faculties: technology in the Czech Republic. It was founded ► Finance and Accounting, in 1953. In the 2018 Financial Times ranking, VŠE ► International relations, ranked 60th and achieved the best result so far in this prestigious ranking. In the Eduniversal international ► Business Administration, ranking for 2018, it was awarded the title of the best ► Informatics and Statistics, economic university in the countries of the Eastern ► Economics, Management. Cool, huh? WHY TO CHOOSE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS IN PRAGUE Quality recognized abroad. The school is highly International cooperation. The University cooper- valued both at Czech Republic and abroad. The Uni- ates with more than 250 partner universities of four versity of Economics, Prague is included in the Finan- continents. More than 1000 students per year go to cial Times and has long been ranked as one of the best study abroad and a similar number of foreign students business schools in Central and Eastern Europe within come to study the University. VŠE is also a member the Eduniversal Ranking project. EQUIS accreditation of a number of international organizations and net- ranks the Faculty of Business Administration among works of universities, such as the International 1% of the best business schools in the world. In August Strategic Alliance CEMS (Global Alliance in Manage- 2016 the five-year process of joining VŠE to the pres- ment Education) and PIM (Partnership in Interna- tigious international association AACSB (Association tional Management). to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) started. Great number of international students. Interna- Study interwoven with practice. University of Eco- tionalization is a long-term strategic priority of the nomics cooperates with Big 4, Ceska sporitelna, University of Economics in Prague. Foreigners can Unilever, Amazon, L'Oréal and other Czech and study either in Czech or in foreign language study pro- international corporates, where students can intern grams. More than 3000 students from 52 states study and work during the study and after graduation. at the University and every year this number increas- es. The share of foreign students in the total num- Competitive advantage at interview. Alumni of Uni- ber of students is approximately 20%. Citizens of the versity of economics are better evaluated by employers Slovak Republic, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, during the selection process. They have a very good Belarus and Vietnam are most often represented. position in the labour market and hold important positions in both the private and public sectors. Most of them work in various sectors of indus- try, banking, accounting and auditing, business, marketing and information technology. NOTABLE ALUMNI

Jan Fischer (b. 1951), statistician, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009–10), Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic (2013–14). Graduated 1974, completed post-graduate studies 1985.

Martin Jahn (b. 1970), Czech politician and economist, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy (2004–05). Graduated in 1994 with a Masters in International Trade.

Petr Kellner (b. 1964), investor, businessman (one of the USD billionaires), owner of PPF company.

Václav Klaus (b. 1941), President of the Czech Republic (2003-2013), Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (1992–97). Graduated in 1963 majoring in Foreign Trade Economics.

Miloš Zeman, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (1998–2002), President of the Czech Republic (2013–present). Studied 1965–69 at the university, specialising in Economic Forecasting, and also taught. 2.2. IN PRAGUE Charles University (Prague) was founded in 1348, Education at Charles University is very extensive. it was the first university in Central Europe, and it is Its quality is constantly being improved, it extends one of the oldest universities in Europe in continuous its offering every year and is linked with the scientific operation. Today the university consists of 17 faculties activities of the faculties. located in Prague, Hradec Králové and Pilsen: Every year, elective subjects taught in foreign languag- ► Humanities, es are incorporated into all of the newly accredited ► Physical Education and Sport, or re-accredited degree programs. ► Social Sciences, Shanghai Ranking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities 2019: 201-300 ► Education, Charles University has nearly 50 000 students - roughly ► Mathematics and Physics, a sixth of all students in the Czech Republic – enrolled ► Science, in more than 300 accredited degree programs that offer over 630 different courses. ► Arts, The University has over 7,000 students from other ► Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, countries. ► Medicine in Hradec Králové, Charles University collaborates with a broad spec- ► Medicine in Pilsen, trum of renowned universities from all over the world ► First Faculty of Medicine, The Academic Ranking of World Universities ► Second Faculty of Medicine, - the “Shanghai League”, which every year compares more than 1,000 of the world’s best universities (se- ► Third Faculty of Medicine, lected from a total of over 17,000 institutions), has re- ► Law, peatedly included Charles University in the third hun- ► Hussite Theological, dred, i.e. among the 2 per cent top universities in the world and one of the 100 best universities in Europe. ► Protestant Theological, ► Catholic Theological Charles University was the first university in Central Europe WHY TO CHOOSE CHARLES UNIVERSITY Amongst the best universities in the world. Charles which demonstrate that the University can compete University repeatedly ranks in the top 2% in the world strongly with many prestigious institutions outside the and is amongst 100 best universities in Europe. Czech Republic. The creativity of the University’s staff and students is reflected in a huge range of research Tradition and modernity. Charles University was and applied projects, as well as in valuable works of founded in 1348, making it one of the oldest universi- art and a wealth of publications. The University has ties in the world. Yet it is also renowned as a modern, more than 7,900 employees; of this number, almost dynamic, cosmopolitan and prestigious institution of 4,500 are academic and research staff. higher education. It is the largest and most renowned Czech university and is also the best-rated Czech uni- International environment. Charles University has versity according to international rankings. nearly 50 000 students out of which 8650 are inter- national students. Altogether international students Top research institution. For many years Charles Uni- consist 17,8% of the total amount of students at CU. versity has been keen to incorporate the results of its Furthermore, Charles University has signed more than research and development work into its teaching, and 400 bilateral agreements and 187 international part- to ensure the greatest possible involvement of research ner contracts with universities abroad. staff and students in Czech and international projects. The success of the University’s research policy is re- flected in rankings based on research achievement, NOTABLE ALUMNI

Jan Hus (1369–1415), Ivana (b. 1949), Socialite religious thinker and reformer and entrepreneur

Edvard Beneš (1884–1948), sociologist, second president Franz Kafka (1883–1924), writer of

Karel Čapek (1890–1938), writer Charles I of (1887–1922), last emperor of Austria, last king of Bohemia (German & Czech uni- versities)

Milan Kundera (b. 1929), writer 2.3. CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) is one of the biggest and oldest technical universities in Europe. CTU currently has eight faculties: ► Civil Engineering, ► Mechanical Engineering, ► Electrical Engineering, ► Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, ► Architecture, ► Transportation Sciences, ► Biomedical Engineering, ► Information Technology. For the 2019/20 academic year, CTU in Prague is offering its students 170 accredited study programs and of which is 53 in foreign languages. CTU educates modern specialists, scientists and managers with knowledge of foreign languages, who are dynamic, flexible and can adapt quickly to the requirements of the market. WHY TO CHOOSE CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Excellent international ranking. CTU currently oc- Diploma Supplement Label. CTU holds the Diploma cupies the following positions according to QS World Supplement Label award, which means that each of University Rankings, which evaluated 1620 universi- our graduates automatically and without charge re- ties worldwide: CTU is 498th globally in this year’s QS ceives a Czech-English Diploma Supplement, which World University Rankings, and 9th in the Emerging explains and supplements the information given on Europe and Central Asia region. For Engineering – Civ- your degree certificate. il and Structural – 151st to 200th position; Engineering Support for science. Through the Student Grant Com- – Mechanical – 201st to 250th position; Engineering petition, CTU provides funding for research and devel- – Electrical – 201st to 250th position; Physics and As- opment projects carried out by students in PhD and tronomy – 201st to 250th position; Natural Sciences master study programs. CTU provides information, – 283rd; Computer Science and Information Systems advisory and administrative services for team leaders – 251st to 300th position; Mathematics and Material and participants in Czech and international research Sciences – 301st to 350th position, and Engineering & projects. CTU helps in popularizing scientific findings Technology – 256th position. and in technology transfer through active participa- Exchange programs. CTU offers to all of its students tion of scientific teams in fairs and seminars. the opportunity to study abroad as an integral part of their study program in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It is possible to study abroad more than once. Study abroad more than once with CTU. NOTABLE ALUMNI

Ivan Puluj, physicist and one of the Karel Jonáš, who became Charles founders of medical radiology Jonas (Wisconsin politician), Czech-American publisher, legis- lator and Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin

Václav Havel, statesman, writer and former dissident, who served Ivo Lukačovič, entrepreneur, as the last President of Czechoslo- founder and chairman of Seznam.cz vakia

Josef Hlávka, architect, main Vladimir Prelog, founder of Academy of Science, chemist and Nobel Prize winner patron 3. APPLICATION PROCESS

The application process is the same in all universi- ties of the Czech Republic. The difference is just in entrance exams which students should pass to en- trance the university. In the chapter we tell you how the application process looks like, step-by-step. Online application essay your Deliver documents personal Deliver decision Committee fee Tuition Enrolment Your decision Your ONLINE APPLICATION NEMUS tip 1. Study program. Start by choosing the degree pro- If you want to be 100% sure that you’re going to nail the gram and language of study (English or Czech). whole process, you can contact NEMUS and we’ll help you 2. Online application. Check the web of the univer- prepare through tips, essay proofreading or even a mock interview, so that you are comfortable and confident when sity, find the application form and submit it. Dead- the actual admission process starts. line is the end of March. 3. Administration fee. Pay the administration fee, which can be 25 EUR and more, it depends on the university. 4. Personal documents. All the applicants have to deliver their personal documents (scan of the translated and notarized copy of your secondary school leaving certificate, nostrification). 5. Letter from the university. You will receive the letter from the university with list and dates of en- trance exams. 6. Entrance exams. To prepare for entrance exams you can use examples of them from previous years (check university web to find them) or visit prepa- ratory courses in the university. Some universities do not have entrance exams, you should just send your CV and motivation letter and have interview with the Dean. 7. Committee decision. The committee announces results of application during the June. 8. Tuition fee. When you have been accepted, you have to pay tuition fee. 4. CZECH LANGUAGE COURSES

If you would like to study in Czech language, you After completing the course, students receive a certif- have to graduate from the one-year courses of Czech icate of a state university confirming the level of lan- language. One year is enough to study language, guage proficiency successfully pass the entrance exam, enter the University and study it. Services included in price: Our partner MSM Academy offers the language cour- ► Invitation from the University for visa application ses according your study field. They have language ► Student meeting at the airport 24/7 courses for future students of humanitarian, techni- ► Czech sim-card cal, economic specialities and medicine. ► Registration in Minister of international The courses are made with the assistance of the best affairs during 3 days after arrival to Prague universities of the Czech Republic, intended for students who want to apply for public or private universities, ► Help with nostrification designed with the requirements of entrance exams. ► Help with application for the University

Basic information: https://www.eurostudy.cz/mezhdunarod- nyj-soyuz-molodezhi/kursy-cheshskogo-yazy- ► Duration academic year 15.09 - 07.06 ka-v-prage/ ► Winter semester 15.09 - 18.12 (14 weeks) ► Summer semester 11.01 - 07.06 (21 weeks) Ahoj, jak se vede? ► 800 study hours ► Czech language, English language, profile subjects Hello, how are you? ► Price 4.900 EUR 5. HANDLE VISAS & NOSTRIFICATION WITH EASE Brace yourselves the process is coming! 5.1. NOSTRIFICATION You graduated from secondary school in Kazakh- stan. It means that before being enrolled into the program, you must submit a request for recognition of education abroad for the purpose of the admission procedure. This is called nostrification. We will explain to you in detail how long it takes, what document you need and how it works step-by-step. NOSTRIFICATION



YOU WILL GET NOSTRIFICATION EXAM NOSTRIFICATION from 2 to 3 subjects SUBMIT APPLICATION CERTICATE Too the registry of Prague city hall (Jungmannova 29/35, 110 00, Praha 1) PREPARING FOR EXAMS 1 week to 3 months PERSONALLY THROUGH SEND BY EMAIL ATTORNEY not recommended to whom you give the power of attorney NOSTRIFICATION EXAM (teplate of power of attorney attached)

YOU WILL GET NOSTRIFICATION CERTICATE WAIT 30 - 60 DAYS REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: ► a completed application ► Foreign Degree, Diploma or Certificate (or an officially certified copy of the document) that is legalized and officially translated to the Czech language, which has to be done by a translator listed in the Register of Certified Forensic Experts and Translators of the Czech Republic ► legalized and then officially translated document with subjects and hours (content and scope of foreign education) for every particular year of your study. ► power of attorney (mainly for underage applicants - younger than 18 years) ► proof of payment of the administrative fee (1000 CZK) ► your address in the Czech Republic (e.g. copy of passport, rental contract…) The fee for receipt of Application for recognition of foreign education is 1000,- CZK and must be paid at the cash desk in Prague City Hall located at Jungmannova 29/35, 110 00 Prague 1.

When you have gathered all the required documents, submit them to Application to the Registry (in Czech: PODATELNA) of the Prague City Hall (Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1 – ground floor): ► Personally ► Through attorney to whom you give the power of attorney (template attached) ► Via email (NOT RECOMMENDED) The official hours are from Monday to Thursday 8:00 – 18:00 and at Friday 8:00 – 16:00. THE TIME IT TAKES RESULTS OF THE PROCEDURE TO PROCESS YOU DOCUMENTS OPTION 1. If the content and scope of your study pro- After the fulfilment of all requirements the procedure gram do not differ significantly from the structure of lasts 30 – 60 days. study of a similar field in the Czech Republic, your ap- plication for nostrification will be handled positively. Recognition of foreign education is executed by Divi- You will receive a decision within 30 days of receipt sion of Education, Youth and Sport of Prague City Hall, of the complete application to the Authority and a Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1, 110 00 nostrification clause will be added to your certificate. ► Mgr. Martin Fučík, office nr. 628, Your education is officially considered equivalent to a phone: 236 005 214 similar education in the Czech Republic and your cer- tificate can be used as a proof of education required ► Mgr. Daniela Kulhavá, office nr. 628, for admission to university. phone: 236 005 235 OPTION 2. Nostrification exam. If the employees of ► Bc. Lenka Kálalová, office nr. 628, the regional authority or the municipality find partial phone: 236 005 240 differences in the content and number of lessons de- voted to individual subjects, you will be ordered to OFFICIAL HOURS (OPENING HOURS): take a nostrification examination. The nostrification Monday 12:00 – 17:00 // Wednesday 8:00 – 18:00 test is to compensate for missing subjects. More information on the web of Prague City Hall here http://www.praha.eu/jnp/cz/o_meste/zivot_v_praze/ skolstvi/uznavani_rovnocennosti_a_nostrifikace_ vlozeno_01092011.html NOSTRIFICATION The aim of the exam is to match the level of knowledge You have an additional 15 minutes to give an oral pre- acquired in your studies with the level of knowledge sentation of your answer to the committee. If you are required in Czech schools. The nostrification exam ordered to take a nostrification exam in mathemat- will, therefore, consist of subjects that do not ap- ics, you take the exam in writing, you have 15 minutes pear in the curriculum you have attended, but which to complete the task and 15 minutes to present it. are found in a similar program in the Czech Republic, The nostrification exam is usually in Czech language, or courses that were taught less hours than in the but you can have an interpreter. Czech Republic. If you pass the exam successfully, the examining board The number of subjects tested, therefore, depends shall draw up a report on the test result. The report on the individual structure of your study. The most shall be submitted by the Commission to the regional frequently ordered tests are from 2 to 3 subjects. authority, which shall issue a certificate of recognition Foreigners do not take the Czech language exam. of the equivalence of education. When you get a result of a nostrification procedure, you know what subjects you will pass the exam. Most often subjects are Math, Geography, Biology, Physics and English. You have from 2 days to 3 months to pre- pare for them. The nostrification exam is held before a committee of at least three members. The Chairman and the other members are appointed by the Regional Authority. The examiners are always two teachers of the subject from which you will take the exam. He also proposes to the Regional Authority the names of the members of the commission. Usually the test proceeds as follows. You will receive a list of questions and their content for each subject Good advice well in advance of the exam. At the time of the exam is better than gold. you will select one of the questions by lot. The com- mittee will give you 15 minutes to prepare your answer. TEMPLATE OF POWER OF ATTORNEY PLNÁ MOC

Já, níže podepsaný/á: ...... Nar.: ...... Trvale bytem:...... zmocňuji tímto

Pana (paní) ...... Nar. : ...... Trvale bytem: ...... k tomu aby mě zastupoval ve věci žádosti o uznání základního/středoškolského/vyššího odborného vzdělání (nostrifikace) vzdělání a k jednání s tímto souvisejícím.

Tato plná moc se uděluje na dobu od:...... do:...... V ………………… dne …………………… ……………………………………...... Zmocnitel

Plnou moc přijímám

V………………… dne ……………………

……………………………………...... Zmocněnec 4.2. VISA PROOF OF ACCOMMODATION After you successfully pass the entrance exam to There are several ways of how you can prove your a university and receive confirmation about study accommodation in CZ: you have to apply for a visa to move to the Czech ► Document on ownership of a flat or house, Republic and study here. ► Document on entitlement to use a flat or house First of all, we recommend you call the Czech em- (an original or a notarised copy of the rental bassy in your country and arrange a date to vis- agreement, sub-letting contract, accommo- it the embassy to apply for the visa. This is best dation agreement or an agreement with done in advance. similar content) When you have a date at the embassy appointed it is ► Written confirmation of an owner or autho- time to start preparing all the required documents. rised user of a flat or house on consenting to a foreign national’s accommodation Required documents: (The written confirmation of an owner or au- ► Filled application form - here thorised user of a flat or house will be supple- ► Original of your travel document (passport) mented with his/her notarised signature). ► Two recent photographs (passport size, pro- If you are not sure, ask NEMUS - we will help fessional) you to find accommodation and get proof of it. ► Confirmation of study from the University - you will get them after passing the entrance exam BANK STATEMENT ► Proof of accommodation The bank where you have your private account ► Bank statement and a copy of your payment card will give you a bank statement, which should in- ► Extract from the Penal Register record issued clude the name of the owner, the balance and the by the state of which you are a citizen, as well name of currency of the account. The minimal as the states in which, in the last 3 years, you balance of your account should be 4.000 EUR. have resided continuously for a period longer than 6 months, or a signed affidavit in the event that this state does not issue such a document (not required from a foreign national under 15 years). EXTRACT FROM THE PENAL REGISTER RECORD A document similar to an extract from the Penal Register record, issued by the state of which you are a citizen, as well as the states in which, in the last 3 years, you have resided continuously for a period longer than 6 months, or a signed affida- vit in the event that this state does not issue such a document (not required from a foreign national under 15 years). The requirements for the application shall not be older than 180 days except for the travel docu- ment and the photograph of the foreign national if it corresponds to his/her actual appearance. After you apply for the visa, the Embassy has 60 days to process the long-term visa for the purpose of study. If your application is approved, prior to affix- ing the visa, you are obliged to submit a proof of medical travel insurance that corresponds to the specified conditions (not required if the foreign national subscribes to public health NEMUS tip insurance or if the costs for health care are covered on the basis of an international agree- We recommend you to buy health insurance from Slavia ment or if the foreign national can demonstrate or Uniqa, it costs about 450 EUR per year (12 months). that health care is covered in another manner), They often have discounts for students. and, upon request, a document on paying the insurance presented in the proof of medical travel insurance. Ha! Time to spill the beans! 6. LIFE IN CZ: TIPS & TRICKS

Studying abroad is a lot more than just merely studying somewhere else. It is an intense formative experience during which you meet new inspiring people, learn about various cultures, travel, generally explore the world and ultimately become more independent. In order to make your time in Czechia smoother we have prepared some very useful tips to bring you closer to like-minded people and new opportunities. We have covered living expenses, accommodation options, networking, jobs and travelling abroad. Now you don’t have to do your own research about what organizations there are for you to join in Prague, where to look for culture, how the public transportation system works and many other things. Czech it out: 6.1 GET ON TOP A life tutorial.6.2 ACCOMMODATION OF YOUR LIVING EXPENSES IN CZECHIA While maintaining a high living standard, the prices There are several options for you. You can live in a stu- in Czechia are generally lower than in Western Euro- dent dormitory or you can rent your own apartment pean countries. The average living cost for a student or share it with other people. can get as low as 8000 CZK (€300) a month, that is, Dormitories usually do not have single room and you’re including meals, accommodation, public transport likely going to have a roommate. They offer basic ap- and culture. pliances. To ask about a dormitory you can contact the Lunch in a student canteen is around 50 CZK. department of international relations at your univer- sity. The prices vary but, on the average, the monthly A meal at a restaurant costs from 120 CZK. rent is around € 130. A dormitory has the advantage Beer at a pub costs from 30 CZK. of meeting a lot of people from various backgrounds 1 kg of chicken meat is from 100 CZK. and being cheaper. It is more straightforward and has 1 kg of potatoes is around 20 CZK. less paperwork. It is of course not so comfortable as 1-year public transport pass for students is having a room in your own apartment. It doesn’t mat- just incredible 1280 CZK. ter if your university does not have its own dormitory, Opting for a private accommodation, usually a room 6.3 ACCOMMODATION in a shared apartment or an whole apartment, has its advantages. You can choose where you want to IN CZECHIA live and sometimes can choose your flatmates too. There are several options for you. You can live in a stu- The prices vary according to the location and size. dent dormitory or you can rent your own apartment or For a 2-3 bedroom apartment you should expect to pay share it with other people. 500-800 EUR per month. The rent for a single room Dormitories usually do not have single room and in an apartment starts around 250 EUR per month. you’re likely going to have a roommate. They offer When renting an apartment, you can expect to pay basic appliances. To ask about a dormitory you can a deposit, usually one month rent, that will be contact the department of international relations returned to you upon departure. Here are some at your university. The prices vary but, on the aver- websites you can use to search for private apartments. age, the monthly rent is around € 130. A dormitory has the advantage of meeting a lot of people from various Expats.cz, Flatio.cz, Foreigners.cz, backgrounds and being cheaper. It is more straight- Forstudents.cz, Spolubydlici.cz, forward and has less paperwork. It is of course not so Sreality.cz, Student-room-flat.com comfortable as having a room in your own apartment. Another great way to find a room or an apartment It doesn’t matter if your university does not have its is through Facebook, where there are groups like own dormitory, because you can choose any dorm „Flatshare in Prague“, „Flatshare ERASMUS“ or you in your city regardless of your university. can even try the groups that mostly locals use like „Bydlení praha spolubydlení praha pronájem“ with 70k people there. 6.4 NETWORK AND EXPLORE NEW OPPORTUNITIES One awesome website to know is expats.cz. You’ll find free of charge of course. They can help you with there a lot of content about living in CZ along with job stuff like picking you up at the airport, help you get and internship offers, accomodation and some great a public transportation pass and so on. Check your tips for cultural events. We highly recommend that you university’s website! check you the website of Prague City Hall http://www. Did you know about the AIESEC organization? It’s praha.eu/jnp/en/index.html, as that is where you the largest students led organization in the world, go to look for official things like policies, documents which contributes to society with the development of and the like. You can even find some business-related young people and opportunities in the international pages there. environment. They have some great volunteer The easiest way to join a community of people is programs. Check them out at: https://aiesec.cz/ through your own university. Schools have student Another great way of getting yourself out there clubs, so go to your school’s website or Facebook and is through a community service, an NGO. see if there is any club you’d like to join. You can look at https://www.expats.cz/en/prague/ Did you know about the Buddy Program? It helps you directory/non-government-organizations/1. to settle in and feel better from the very beginning of your adventure. A Buddy is a volunteer student that you can contact even weeks before your arrival, 6.5 LOOK FOR A JOB OR AN INTERNSHIP A part-time job is of course an incredible way to go. https://www.startupjobs.cz/en/jobs?loca- Not only will it help you cover some of your expenses, tion=ChIJi3lwCZyTC0cRkEAWZg-vAAQ but most importantly it’ll also be an invaluable source https://www.expats.cz/jobs of new experiences and new people. Where to look https://www.profesia.cz/en/work/prague/english/ for a job though? These are the most relevant websites you can check out: and of course www.linkedin.com. https://www.jobs.cz/en/ There are also job fairs like this one https://profesiadays.cz/en/.

6.6 EXPLORE OTHER COUNTRIES WITH ERASMUS 5.6 ENJOY CULTURE While you study in CZ, you have an incredible oppor- There are as many activities to do as you can imagine. tunity to take part in the ERASMUS study exchange Numerous museums, galleries, music clubs and a lot program from the European Union. https://ec.euro- more. You can check out this website https://goout. pa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/about_en. It is net/en/prague/ for cultural events going on in your really simple to get in. You can go study abroad for as city. It even covers cities in the neighboring countries. long as one year. This way you will not only get to study What do you say about a weekend trip to Berlin to see in the Czech Republic but also in one other country. your favorite band? Well, doesn’t get simpler than that. There are also other options in how to get to a study exchange program. Universities have their own con- tracts with other schools and a lot of times have funds Get out there! for scholarships, research or mobility. Get in touch with your university and they will gladly help you. CONTACT

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