Town of Abingdon, Virginia Year 4 VSMP Annual Report Permit No. VAR040137

In Compliance with the Virginia Stormwater Management Program General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

September 15, 2017 Rev: January 23, 2018

Department of Public Works 133 W Main Street Abingdon, VA 24210

1. Introduction

This Year 4 Annual Report has been prepared by the Town of Abingdon, Virginia Department of Public Works in accordance with the requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (9VAC25-870 et seq). The Town was issued General Permit VAR040137 on August 1, 2014.

Under the terms of the General Permit, the Town of Abingdon has developed a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Plan to implement six minimum control measures aimed at reducing the discharge of pollutants to the “maximum extent practicable”. The minimum control measures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. MS4 Minimum Control Measures 1. Public Education and Outreach 4. Construction Site Runoff Control 2. Public Participation and Involvement 5. Post-Construction Runoff Control 3. Illegal Discharge Detection and Elimination 6. Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping

The General Permit requires that the Town submit annual reports no later than October 1st covering the reporting period of the preceding July 1st through June 30th. This Year 3 Annual Report covers the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Part II.E.3 of the General Permit outlines the requirements of the annual report:

 Background Information. . The name and state permit number of the program submitting the annual report; . The annual report permit year; . Modifications to any operator’s department’s roles and responsibilities; . Number of new MS4 outfalls and associated acreage by HUC added during the permit year; and . Signed certification.  The status of compliance with state permit conditions, an assessment of the appropriateness of the identified best management practices and progress towards achieving the identified measureable goals for each of the minimum control measures;  Results of information collected and analyzed, including monitoring data, if any, during the reporting period;  A summary of the stormwater activities the operator plans to undertake during the next reporting cycle;  A change in any identified best management practices or measurable goals for any of the minimum control measures including steps taken to address any deficiencies;  Notice that the operator is relying on another government entity to satisfy some of the state permit obligations (if applicable);

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 The approval status of any programs pursuant to Section II.C (if appropriate), or the progress towards achieving full approval of these programs; and  Information required for any applicable TMDL special condition contained in Section I.

2. Background Information

This section provides background information as required in Part II.E.3 of the General Permit.

Name of Operator: Permit Year: Permit Number: Town of Abingdon Permit Year 4 VAR040137 Modifications to Roles and Responsibilities: None

Fifteen Mile Creek (TH15) Wolf Creek (TH16) Spring Creek (TH18)

MS4 Outfalls: Outfalls DA Outfalls DA Outfalls DA None None 36 3928 None None

VSMP permit compliance activities are coordinated through the Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works. The organization of the Town’s Stormwater Management Program is show in Table 2. The key Town departments with major stormwater management functions or responsibilities are referenced in this table.

Table 2. Stormwater Management Organization and Responsibilities Key Departments Responsibilities*

VSMP permit oversight and coordination VSMP permit reporting MCM 1.a.1 – 1.c.1 MCM 2.a.1 – 2.c.1 Public Works MCM 3.a.1 – 3.c.1; MCM 3.d.1 – 3.d.2 MCM 4.a.1 – 4.g.1 MCM 5.a.1 – 5.d.1 MCM 6.a.1 – 6.c.1

MCM 1.b.1 – 1.b.2 Information Technology MCM 2.a.1 – 2.a.2 MCM 6.b.3

MCM 3.a.1 – 3.a.2 GIS MCM 5.d.1

Wastewater Collections

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MCM 3.c.2

Parks and Recreation MCM 6.b.4 – 6.c.1

*Refer to the Town of Abingdon’s Virginia Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program Plan for a description of each BMP.

3. Status of Compliance with PY4 Permit Conditions

The following provides the status of Permit Year 4 (PY4) conditions for each of the minimum control measures (MSMs). At the beginning of each section is a summary table describing the task, the implementation year, the measurable goal described in the Town’s adopted MS4 Program Plan, and the status of each task. The implementation year column may include a separate year in parenthesis to identify tasks scheduled for completion in subsequent permit years. Following the summary table for each MCM is a more detailed discussion of the implementation status of each task and description of the measure of effectiveness.

MCM #1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts

The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #1 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 1.a – Regional Public Education and Outreach Provide general education Educational 3 to the public through the Complete Literature literature. 1.b – Increased Awareness of Illegal Discharges and Improper Disposal of Waste Maintain the webpage with Proper Disposal of 2 up to date information and Complete Hazardous Waste links Maintain the webpage with Recycling and Trash 2 up to date information and Complete Management links Track all identified stormwater issues as they arise and the resolution to Identifying 2 all such issues. Public Continuing Stormwater Issues concerns may be expressed at all regularly scheduled Town Council meetings. 1.c – Public Education and Outreach Programs Educate Developers Use the permitting process 4 Complete on the Stormwater to educate developers on

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Impacts Associated stormwater impacts (Target with Development Goal of 20%)

1.a.1 Educational Literature

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to make available educational literature on an ongoing basis during the permit cycle. The Town’s literature provides educational information about the impacts of stormwater pollution and ways that citizens of the Town can help prevent pollution to the stormwater system. The literature is on display and available for the public at Town Hall.

Measure of Effectiveness

In PY4, the Town has continued to make educational information on stormwater pollution and prevention available to its citizens. The literature provides helpful tips and information regarding household waste disposal and ways to protect the groundwater. This information is found in Appendix A.

1.b.1 Proper Disposal of Hazardous Waste

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to provide educational information about stormwater on the Town’s stormwater webpage. This educational link provides access to EPA’s webpage regarding proper disposal of hazardous waste. Town citizens are the target audience for this BMP, and we believe tracking webpage visits is the best metric for determining the percentage of the target audience reached. Disposal of Hazardous Waste is High Priority Issue #1.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town has assessed this BMP to determine if any changes are needed or if new information should be made available. No changes are needed at this time. The Town webpage received 139,607 views during PY4 and believes it has achieved the goal of reaching at least 20% of the target audience (population 8,083 from July 1, 2016 census data).

1.b.2 Recycling and Trash Management

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to provide educational information about stormwater on the Town’s stormwater webpage. This educational link provides access to EPA’s webpage regarding recycling and trash management. Town citizens are the target audience for this BMP, and we believe tracking webpage visits is the best metric for determining the percentage of the target audience reached. Recycling and Trash Management is High Priority Issue #2.

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Measure of Effectiveness

The Town has assessed this BMP to determine if any changes are needed or if new information should be made available. No changes are needed at this time. The Town webpage received 139,607 views during PY4 and believes it has achieved the goal of reaching at least 20% of the target audience (population 8,083 from July 1, 2016 census data).

1.b.3 Identifying Stormwater Issues

BMP Implementation

Any and all public concern, including stormwater related issues, can be voiced at all regularly scheduled Town Council sessions. Any complaint or issue brought forth will be addressed immediately and proper documentation will follow regarding the issue and its reconciliation. The minutes to all regularly schedule Town Council sessions are available on the Town’s webpage. The Town has identified Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Recycling and Trash Management, and Educating Developers on Stormwater Impacts as the 3 high priority issues.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town continues to allow public participation in all regularly scheduled Town Council sessions and maintains that this is the most effective solution at this time to allow public involvement. There were no stormwater related issues presented during PY4.

1.c.1 Identify Target Audiences Most Likely To Have Significant Stormwater Impacts

BMP Implementation

Town staff has determined that residential and commercial developers are those most likely to have significant stormwater impacts. The Town is using the permitting process and site plan review approval to address stormwater concerns as well as include resources for developers to learn how they can prevent negative stormwater impacts. We have included an attachment to all Building Permit Applications that details best management practices for good housekeeping on the jobsite and it is included in Appendix A.

Measure of Effectiveness

We will continue to monitor development within the town and use the permitting process to educate developers on the impacts they might have on the stormwater system. This BMP will achieve 100% of the target audience due to being included in the permit application package. Educating Developers on Stormwater Impacts is High Priority Issue #3.

MCM #2. Public Involvement and Participation

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The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #2 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 2.a – Availability of MS4 Program Materials Maintain the webpage with Public Awareness 3 up to date information and Complete and Education links Maintain the webpage with Access To Annual 2 up to date information and Complete Report links 2.b – Public Notice Comply with all public Public Notice 1 Complete notice requirements 2.c – Increase Public Participation In Stormwater Improvement Activities Participate In Local Track the number of activities 2 Complete Activities participated in annually

2.a.1 Public Awareness and Education

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to maintain links on the Town’s stormwater webpage that allow access to the MS4 Program Plan as well as other stormwater related material.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town has assessed this BMP to determine if any changes are needed. No changes are needed at this time.

2.a.2 Access To Annual Report

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to maintain links on the Town’s stormwater webpage that allow access to the MS4 Annual Report for each permit year as well as other stormwater related material. The Annual Report and Program Plan can be obtained at the following web address:

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town has assessed this BMP to determine if any changes are needed. No changes are needed at this time.

2.b.1 Public Notice

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BMP Implementation

The Town meets the legal obligations with respect to the public notice and comment requirements regarding the stormwater management program and permit requirements. If stormwater management issues relate to ordinances or the MS4 Program Plan arises, the Town will make the necessary arrangements to ensure the proper noticing and comment requirements are met. The Town did not have any need to present information on the stormwater program in a public meeting during PY4; however, in future years, if meetings occur, copies of the agenda would serve as record for this activity.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town maintains copies of the Town Council agenda and meeting minutes. There were no stormwater program items during PY4 that utilized public notice.

2.c.1 Participate In Local Activities

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to partner with Sustain Abingdon on various stream clean-up/trash collection event days. In PY4, the Town assisted Sustain Abingdon on the following events:

 Local Stream Clean-up – Sunday, October 23, 2016  America Recycles Day – Saturday, November 12, 2016  Earth Day – Saturday, April 22, 2017  E-Waste Recycle – Saturday, April 22, 2017

Measure of Effectiveness

Documentation of each event and its intended purpose is provided in Appendix B.

MCM #3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #3 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 3.a – Storm Sewer System Mapping Stormwater outfalls will be Inventory Regulated identified as the Town Stormwater Outfall 5 In Progress makes progress towards Locations mapping the system Stormwater System PY4 – The goal was to map 5 Complete Mapping at least 50% of the service

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area. The Town has mapped approximately 90% of the service area to date. 3.b – Prohibition Of Non-Stormwater Discharges Enforcement once adopted Illicit Discharge by the Town Council. 5 In Progress Ordinance Development to begin in PY4. 3.c – Procedures To Prevent, Detect, and Address Illicit Discharges Inspect Stormwater Inspect outfalls as they are Outfalls For Dry 5 identified. No new outfalls Continuing Weather Discharges identified. Continue preventative maintenance program, and Inspect and Repair MACP that proactively 2 Complete/On-going Sanitary Sewer Lines inspects sanitary sewer line and appurtenances to identify problems 3.d – Illicit Discharge Tracking Provide copies of all Illicit Discharge release reports and 2 Complete Tracking descriptions of non-sewage illicit discharges Promote Public Track the number of Reporting of Illicit 5 Continuing reported illicit discharges Discharges

3.a.1 Inventory Regulated Stormwater Outfall Locations

BMP Implementation

During PY4, the Town continued to monitor and update the stormwater outfall map as new outfalls are identified. Town staff has completed reconnaissance of the Town Creek, Wolf Creek, and Fifteen Mile Creek drainage basins and have not discovered any additional outfall locations. Therefore, the Town currently has a total of 36 outfall locations.

The VSMP permit requires the Town to estimate the acreage within the regulated small MS4 discharging to each HUC and impaired water. The Fifteen Mile Creek watershed (TH15) drains approximately 1,043 acres of the Town, the Wolf Creek watershed (TH16) drains approximately 4,030 acres of the Town, and the Spring Creek watershed (TH18) drains approximately 24 acres of the Town.

Measure of Effectiveness

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The Town’s GIS mapping data serves as documentation for this BMP.

3.a.2 Stormwater System Mapping

BMP Implementation

During PY2, the Town gathered an estimate of the entire stormwater collection system. The Town’s system collects approximately 3,928 acres of the Wolf Creek watershed, with Wolf Creek contributing 1,641 acres and Town Creek contributing 2,287 acres respectively. A map showing these drainage areas along with the mapped outfalls is located in Appendix C.

In addition, Town staff has been GPS locating stormwater inventory and including it on our GIS mapping. The Town has mapped approximately 90% of the service area and is scheduled to map the entire system by the end of PY5.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town’s GIS mapping data serves as documentation for this BMP.

3.b.1 Illicit Discharge Ordinance

BMP Implementation

Town Staff has been reviewing Illicit Discharge Ordinances from other localities to provide a basis for our own Illicit Discharge Ordinance. We are currently in draft form and will have a final draft and adoption by the end of PY5.

Measure of Effectiveness

Once the Ordinance is adopted by the Town Council, the Town will enforce the provisions of the Ordinance accordingly.

3.c.1 Inspect Stormwater Outfalls For Dry Weather Discharges

BMP Implementation

The Town will inspect each stormwater outfall as it is identified and mapped onto the GIS system. Written procedures for screening and inspection timeframes are under development and are scheduled to be complete by PY5. The Town mapped and inspected 36 outfalls during PY2. No new outfalls were identified during PY3. Town staff has completed reconnaissance of the Town Creek, Wolf Creek, and Fifteen Mile Creek drainage basins and have not discovered any additional outfall locations. Therefore, the Town currently has a total of 36 outfall locations.

Measure of Effectiveness

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The Town’s GIS mapping data serves as documentation for this BMP as well as inspection reports for each outfall. Any determination of illicit discharge will be responded to immediately and documented in the Annual Report.

3.c.2 Inspect and Repair Sanitary Sewer Lines As Necessary To Prevent Illicit Discharges

BMP Implementation

The Town’s Collection Department evaluates publicly served sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances through the use of smoke testing, in-line camera work, and visual inspection. Based on the evaluation, each item is either immediately repaired or put on a schedule for maintenance. The Town routinely clears blockages and flushes lines to prevent overflows and sewage backups that my result in an illicit discharge.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will continue its preventative maintenance program for all publicly maintained sanitary sewer lines and repairing lines based on inspection. Monthly work reports are included in Appendix C.

3.d.1 Illicit Discharge Tracking

BMP Implementation

The Town has begun to track the number of illicit discharges that arise and are responded to throughout the year. During PY4, no illicit discharges were detected or reported.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will continue to track and respond to any illicit discharges that are detected or reported by the public. The Town will provide copies or all release reports and descriptions of all non-sewage illicit discharges.

3.d.2 Promote Public Reporting of Illicit Discharges

BMP Implementation

The Town will advertise on the stormwater webpage, the need for public involvement and reporting of illicit discharges. Contact information for the appropriate Town Staff will be provided to ensure that any discharge that is reported is handled properly and effectively.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will continue to track and respond to any illicit discharges that are detected or reported by the public. The Town will provide copies or all release reports and descriptions of all non-sewage illicit discharges. Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 12

MCM #4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #4 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 4.a – A Description of the Legal Authorities To Address Discharges Entering the MS4 From Construction Activities Town of Abingdon Review ordinance annually Stormwater 1 to determine if Complete Ordinance modifications are needed 4.b – Procedures That Ensure Land Disturbance Does Not Begin Until a Plan Is Approved Ensure that no land Town of Abingdon’s disturbance project will Erosion and Sediment 1 Complete begin/or must cease until a Control Program plan has been approved 4.c – Written Procedures For Plan Review Ensure that no land Town of Abingdon’s disturbance project will Erosion and Sediment 1 Complete begin until a plan has been Control Program approved 4.d – Written Procedures For Inspections Ensure that all land Town of Abingdon’s disturbance projects are Erosion and Sediment 1 Complete inspected at the required Control Program frequency 4.e – Written Procedures For Compliance and Enforcement Ensure utilization of legal Town of Abingdon’s authority to resolve Erosion and Sediment 1 Complete compliance issue that are Control Program noted in inspections 4.f – Promotion of Public Mechanism to Receive Complaints Regarding Land Disturbance Complaint Form Track the number of Available on 1 complaints along with Completed Webpage follow-up measures taken 4.g – VSMP Stormwater Discharge Authorization Ensure VSMP Land-disturbing activity Permits Are Obtained greater than or equal to 1 For All Qualifying 1 Completed acre are required to obtain Land Disturbing VSMP Permit Activities

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4.a.1 Town of Abingdon Stormwater Ordinance

BMP Implementation

The Town Council approved the Town of Abingdon Stormwater Ordinance (Chapter 30, Article ) on April 7, 2014. The Ordinance has been effective since July 1, 2014 and has been maintained by the Town. A copy of the Stormwater Ordinance is available on the Town’s stormwater webpage.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will continue to maintain the provisions of the Ordinance and inspect the elements annually to determine if any modifications are necessary to remain in compliance with State Law. There were no modifications made to the Ordinance during PY4.

4.b.1 – 4.e.1 Town of Abingdon’s Erosion and Sediment Control Program

BMP Implementation

The Town continues to implement the Erosion and Sediment Control Program consistent with State regulations. The Town ensures that all appropriate staff is trained and remains certified as required by DEQ.

Measure of Effectiveness

The effectiveness of the Town’s program to manage runoff associated with construction activities is measure by consistency with State regulations as determined by the staff from DEQ. Should deficiencies be identified, the Town will take action to address those deficiencies. No changes to the program occurred during PY4. There were no new permits issued during PY4.

During PY4, the Town performed 74 site inspections and there were no enforcement actions issued during the permit year. The following are active permits:

Permit Disturbed Project ESC/VSMP Permit Issued Status # Acreage The Quad 6/23/2014 2007-10 VSMP 6.05 No Activity Development (Reissue) Westhaven 2013-03 ESC Only 0.50 2/20/2014 No Activity Retirement Complete 2014-03 Academy Drive VSMP 1.06 6/25/2014 (Needs to be Terminated) 2014-05 Kingsway Church ESC Only 0.44 11/14/2014 No Activity Fairfield Inn & 2015-02 VSMP 2.45 8/13/2015 Construction Suites Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 14

HCS Children’s 2016-01 ESC Only 0.55 3/14/2016 Stabilized Campus 2016-02 Exit 14 Borrow Site VSMP 28.00 4/5/2016 Construction 2016-03 AIL – Zach Tritt ESC Only 0.45 4/19/2016 Stabilized 2016-04 AIL – Sam Otey ESC Only 0.90 5/12/2016 Stabilized

The Town continues to provide staff training and appropriate staff remains certified with DEQ. All staff certifications are located in Appendix D.

4.f.1 Complaint Form Available on Webpage

BMP Implementation

A complaint form is located on the Town’s main webpage that allows for the public to address any and all concerns regarding Town activity. These forms are to be mailed or turned in at Town Hall, and to be addressed immediately by Town Staff.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will track all complaints that are taken through the available form as well as received through phone or electronic communication. The complaint and subsequent resolution will be documented and included in the Annual Report. No complaints were received regarding land- disturbing activities.

4.g.1 Ensure VSMP Permits Are Obtained For All Qualifying Land-Disturbing Activities

BMP Implementation

The Town continues its ongoing Land-Disturbing Permit (LDP) application process which requires that all construction site owners and operators secure a separate VSMP stormwater permit for construction (for those sites or common plans of development or sale that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres of total land area). As the VSMP Authority, the Town ensures that the VSMP construction permit is acquired prior to granting approval of the land disturbing permit.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town LDP application form serves as documentation for this BMP. The program continues to function as intended. No changes were made to the Town’s LDP application process related to VSMP construction site permit requirements during PY4.

MCM #5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

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The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #5 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 5.a – Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Town of Abingdon Review ordinance annually Stormwater 1 to determine if Completed Ordinance modifications are needed 5.b – Required Design Criteria For Stormwater Runoff Controls Town of Abingdon Review ordinance annually Stormwater 1 to determine if Completed Ordinance modifications are needed 5.c – Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance Verification of Stormwater Management Facilities Enforce all long-term BMP Maintenance maintenance agreements and Inspection 1 Completed for permanent stormwater Program structures BMP Maintenance Enforce procedures once and Inspection 5 In Progress they are developed Procedures Maintain progress on identifying all BMPs, and Identification of once identified each BMP 5 In Progress BMPs is to be inspected, reported, and scheduled for future inspections 5.d – Stormwater Management Facility Tracking and Reporting Track and Report Once BMP’s are identified, Required BMP they will be included in a 5 In Progress Information and spreadsheet that contains Reporting all required information

5.a.1 – 5.b.1 Town of Abingdon Stormwater Ordinance

BMP Implementation

The Town Council approved the Town of Abingdon Stormwater Ordinance (Chapter 30, Article V) on April 7, 2014. The Ordinance has been effective since July 1, 2014 and has been maintained by the Town. A copy of the Stormwater Ordinance is available on the Town’s stormwater webpage.

Measure of Effectiveness

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The Town will continue to maintain the provisions of the Ordinance and inspect the elements annually to determine if any modifications are necessary to remain in compliance with State Law. There were no modifications made to the Ordinance during PY4.

5.c.1 BMP Maintenance and Inspection Program

BMP Implementation

As part of the Town’s Stormwater Ordinance, long-term maintenance agreements are required for permanent stormwater BMPs before the issuance of a Land-Disturbing Permit. The maintenance agreement is in the form of a recorded Declaration of Covenants that ties the maintenance responsibility to the owner of the property and is to be conveyed with the land for subsequent owners. The design engineer is responsible for developing a maintenance checklist for the BMPs.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will continue to maintain the provisions of the Ordinance and inspect the elements annually to determine if any modifications are necessary to remain in compliance with State Law.

5.c.2 BMP Maintenance and Inspection Procedures

BMP Implementation

The Town will develop written enforcement procedures for the inspection and maintenance of BMPs. We are currently looking at other locality’s procedures and processes for maintenance and inspection along and plan to have our own fully developed by the end of PY5.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will track any enforcement procedures and keep a record of inspection once written procedures are developed and approved.

5.c.3 Identification of BMPs

BMP Implementation

Town staff has been GPS locating stormwater inventory and including it on our GIS mapping. The Town is scheduled to map the entire system by the end of PY5. We will map and inspect all publicly maintained BMPs as they are identified during this process. All private BMPs that currently have long-term maintenance agreements as well as any newly constructed private BMPs will be mapped and inspected. This measure is set to be fully developed by the end of PY5.

Measure of Effectiveness Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 17

As these BMPs are identified, each one will be inspected, reported, and scheduled for future inspection. Public BMPs are set to be inspected annually. Private BMPs are set to be inspected every 5 years.

5.d.1 Track and Report Required BMP Information

BMP Implementation

Town staff has been GPS locating stormwater inventory and including it on our GIS mapping. The Town is scheduled to map the entire system by the end of PY5. We will map and inspect all publicly maintained BMPs as they are identified during this process and include all associated information on a BMP spreadsheet. All private BMPs that currently have long-term maintenance agreements as well as any newly constructed private BMPs will be mapped and included in the spreadsheet. This measure is set to be fully developed by the end of PY5.

Measure of Effectiveness

Once the initial information is included on the spreadsheet, the Town will update and maintain information on all previous and newly mapped BMPs.

MCM #6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operation

The following table is a summary of ongoing annual activities performed in PY4 for Minimum Control Measure #6 and their completion status.

BMP/Task Year Measurable Goal Status 6.a – Operation and Maintenance Activities Continue pollutant Pollutant Reduction 1 reduction programs during Completed Programs the permit year Once procedures are Develop Written established, ensure that 3 Completed Procedures they are made available to appropriate Town Staff. 6.b – Municipal Facility Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Evaluate public facilities Evaluation of Public 1 for improvements in Completed Facilities pollution prevention Identification of Track the number and High-Priority 4 location of all high-priority Completed Facilities facilities Recycling and Source Continue recycling 1 Completed Reduction Methods programs

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Animal Waste Bag Maintain dispensing 1 Completed Dispensers stations Once established, track the Proper Handling of training dates and 4 Completed Hazardous Chemicals certifications for appropriate Town Staff 6.c – Turf and Land Management Track progress and Identification of 4 evaluation of all applicable Completed Management Areas lands 6.d – Training of Town Staff Ensure training of Stormwater Training 3 appropriate staff per the In Progress Training Plan

6.a.1 Pollutant Reduction Programs

BMP Implementation

The Town continues it pollutant reduction programs that include solid waste collection, seasonal leaf pick-up, brush pick-up, monthly pick-up of discarded larger items, and street sweeping. Town Staff also have pick-up days for loose trash and tree limbs that are within the Town right- of-way.

Measure of Effectiveness

During PY4, the Town collected 2962 tons of solid waste, 522.5 loads of brush, 531 bags of roadside litter, and 44 loads of leaves. The Town performed approximately 8,216 miles of street sweeping. The monthly reports for solid waste collection and the street sweeping schedule are included in Appendix E.

6.a.2 Develop Written Procedures

BMP Implementation

The Town has developed written procedures for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination that identify types of illicit discharges and connections to the storm sewer system and the appropriate contact person for each type of illicit discharge.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town developed Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Standard Operating Procedures during PY3. These SOP’s have been included in Appendix E and they will be made available to all appropriate Town Staff and posted at all high-priority facilities that have been identified.

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The Town will develop and implement Good Housekeeping Procedures during PY5 in accordance with the requirements in Part II.B.6.g.(1) and train appropriate staff on the procedures before June 30, 2018.

6.b.1 Evaluation of Public Facilities

BMP Implementation

The Town will continue to evaluate all public facilities for problems to correct, upgrading and maintaining sanitary sewer lines and manholes to reduce the potential for overflows, recycling programs, employee training, spill prevention, and incorporating low-impact development practices for public projects.

In PY3, the Town amended the Program Plan to address the requirement of an annual written training plan that includes a schedule of training events that ensures implementation of the training requirements of Section II.B.6.d of 9VAC25-890-40 of the Code of Virginia. The training plan has been included in Appendix E. Good Housekeeping and Illicit Discharge training was conducted on June 2, 2017.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will track the progress of these efforts and any improvements or changes to be made will be documented. The Town Shop currently has spill containment tanks in place. There are no capital improvements projects for upgrading sanitary sewer service at this time, however smoke testing and camera work is being performed on current sanitary sewer lines.

6.b.2 Identification of High-Priority Facilities

BMP Implementation

The Town will identify all publicly owned facilities that are high-priority or have a high potential of discharging pollutants. Once these facilities are identified, a SWPPP will be developed during PY5 for each location.

Measure of Effectiveness

During PY2, the Town has identified the Town Shop as its only high-priority facility with potential of discharging pollutants. There are currently measures in place for this facility, and a SWPPP was intended to be established for this facility during PY4. The Town currently has a contract with Amec Foster Wheeler to develop the SWPPP for the Town Shop with a deadline for completion by the end of September 2017.

6.b.3 Recycling and Source Reduction Methods

BMP Implementation

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The Town will continue its effort to recycle waste items and reduce sources of pollution.

Measure of Effectiveness

During PY4, the Town Shop recycled 275 gallons of waste oil. The Town also collected electronic waste at its America Recycles Day on November 12, 2016 and at its Earth Day event on April 22, 2017.

6.b.4 Animal Waste Bag Dispensers

BMP Implementation

The Town has installed waste bag dispensing stations along popular walking trails for pet owners to help reduce the amount of animal waste that enters the storm sewer system.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town’s GIS mapping system will serve as documentation of this BMP. There are currently 24 dispensing stations located throughout town and each has been located on the map.

6.b.5 Proper Handling of Hazardous Chemicals

BMP Implementation

The VSMP permit requires materials such as fertilizers and pesticides to be applied according to manufacturer’s instructions to minimize the potential for polluting receiving surface waters. Appropriate staff maintains certification for the handling and application of pesticides. Training is provided as needed in proper application of fertilizer and pesticides.

The Parks and Recreation Department use all standard, over-the-counter fertilizers and pesticides. All are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and in ways to minimize the potential for pollutant discharges. Necessary staff is trained in the proper application of such products.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town sent 5 employees to the Pesticide Applicator Certification course given by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and hosted by the Virginia Cooperative Extension Office at the Southwest Virginia 4-H Center in June of 2016. The list of Certified Commercial Applicators is located on the VDACS website. Patricia Mason, Walter Pennington, Chad Cordle, Keith Linkous, and Claude Price were all recertified during PY4.

6.c.1 Identification of Management Areas

BMP Implementation

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The Town will identify all applicable lands where nutrients are applied to a contiguous area of more than one acre. The Town hired a Certified Nutrient Management Planner to achieve 100% coverage during PY4.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town has identified the following Town maintained areas where nutrients are applied to a contiguous area of more than one acre:

 Latture Field Lat: 36.70880° N Lon: 81.98431° W Area: 2.12 Acres  Little League Fields Lat: 36.71081° N Lon: 81.98624° W Area: 1.20 Acres

During PY4, the Town contracted Anthony Phillips to develop Nutrient Management Plans for each facility listed above and continue to track areas receiving nutrients for additional facilities that may need to have Nutrient Management Plans in place. The Nutrient Management Plan is included in Appendix F.

6.d.1 Training of Town Staff

BMP Implementation

Town Staff will receive stormwater training in recognizing and reporting illicit discharges as well as good housekeeping and pollution prevention. The training plan has been included in Appendix E.

Measure of Effectiveness

The Town will ensure that training of appropriate staff will be conducted per the training plan. Good Housekeeping and Illicit Discharge training was conducted on June 2, 2017.

4. Results of Information Collected and Analyzed

No information, including monitoring data, was required to be collected or analyzed under the Town’s permit.

5. Summary of Year 5 Planned Activities

The Town has reviewed and assessed the BMPs established to meet the requirements of the Town’s permit and have found them to be appropriate and effective.

The following table summarizes by minimum control measure the planned activities to meet Permit Year 5 measureable goals. BMP/Task Year Planned Activity

Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 22

MCM #1 – Public Education and Outreach Measure outreach efforts to estimate target audience and percentage reached. The Town will continue participation in local activities such as Local Stream 1.b.1, 1.b.2, 1.c.1 5 Clean-Up, America Recycles Day, Earth Day, and E- Waste Recycle. It is expected to have a similar turn- out as in PY4 in which approximately 2,500 people were in attendance. MCM #2 – Public Involvement and Participation 2.a.1 – Public Awareness and Maintain the webpage with up to date information and 5 Education links 2.a.2 – Access to Annual The PY4 Annual Report will be posted as a PDF on 5 Report the Town’s website during PY5 MCM #3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 3.a.2 – Stormwater System 5 Map 100% of the service area Mapping Finish development and implementation of Illicit 3.b.1 – Illicit Discharge 5 Discharge Ordinance to address illicit non-stormwater Ordinance connections to the Town’s system 3.d.2 – Promote Public Reporting of Illicit 5 Track the number of reported illicit discharges Discharges MCM #4 – Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Continue implementation of 5 No new BMPs or BMP changes are planned for PY5 on-going MCM #4 BMPs MCM #5 – Post Construction Stormwater Management 5.c.2 – BMP Maintenance Operation, Maintenance and Enforcement procedures 5 and Inspection Procedures for Stormwater Management Facilities. 5.c.3 – Identification of 5 Identify all public and private BMPs BMPs Track all stormwater management facilities that 5.d.1 – Track and Report 5 discharge to the Town and locate them on the GIS Required BMP Information system MCM #6 – Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Training for appropriate staff will take place 6.b.1 – Evaluation of Public according to Training Plan. Expand Good 5 Facilities Houskeeping procedures to include all items listed in Section II.B.6.a.1-8 6.b.2 – Identification of High SWPP completion and implementation at the Town 5 Priority Facilities Shop. 6.b.5 – Proper Handling of Town Staff in need of certification/recertification will 5 Hazardous Chemicals attend the VADCS Pesticide Applicators Course 6.c.1 – Identification of Implement Nutrient Management Plans for 100% of 5 Management Areas identified management areas

Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 23

6.d.1 – Training of Town Hold Stormwater Training for staff per the training 5 Staff plan

6. Changes in Identified BMPs or Measurable Goals

7. Reliance on Other Government Entities

The Town of Abingdon does not rely on any other government entities to perform any activities identified in the VSMP.

8. Approval Status of Qualifying Local Programs

The Town of Abingdon relies on implementation of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations to help satisfy Minimum Control Measure #4. The Town’s Erosion and Sediment Control Program has been found consistent by the Soil and Water Conservation Board.

Town of Abingdon PY4 Annual Report Page 24


Attachment to, or to be made a part of, an Application for Building Permit or Demolition Permit.

Owner Property Location Name: Address:

PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: OLD AND HISTORIC DISTRICT Is your project in the Old and Historic District? Yes No. If yes, a copy of the Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Board of Architectural Review is required.

LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Will the project disturb more than 10,000 square feet? Yes No. If yes, a site plan and E&SC permit are required. If no, the following certification is required.

I hereby certify that, in carrying out the proposed work (Check One):  New Structure  Addition to Existing Structure  Renovation of Existing Structure  Demolition or Removal of Structure Less than 10,000 square feet of area will be disturbed. I further understand that if for any reason activities develop which disturb more than 10,000 square feet I am required to cease work and submit an erosion and sediment control plan and apply for a land disturbing permit. I also understand that I am subject to legal penalties for failing to comply with the Town of Abingdon’s Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance.

APPLICANT: ______Date: ______(Signature)

ENTRANCE Are you using existing entrance? Yes No.

Are you modifying an existing entrance or construction a new entrance? Yes No. If yes, contact Michael Surrett at the Town Hall (698-8676) for an Entrance Permit.

SANITARY SEWER On Public Sewer? Yes No Don’t Know. On Septic Field? Yes No Don’t Know. If on public sewer, contact Glen Foster, Sewer System Superintendent at (628-4114).

If residential connection, is it a Single Family (includes Townhouse) or Duplex?

Commercial Permit (anything other than a single family residence)? Yes No. If yes, contact Sarita Moore, Pretreatment Control Authority, at the Wastewater Plant 628-4321, or 619-9653 Best Management Practices for Good Housekeeping Follow these BMPs to control pollutant discharges. The objectives are: 1) to keep pollutants from contacting rain, and 2) to keep pollutants from being dumped or poured into the storm drains. The goal is "only rain in the storm drain." Activities Best Management Practices Pavement Cleaning • Sweep parking lots and other paved areas periodically to remove debris. Dispose of debris in the garbage. • If outdoor pavement cleaning with detergent is required, collect wash water and dispose in indoor sinks or drains for discharge to the sanitary sewer. Contact your local wastewater treatment agency. Litter Control • Provide an adequate number of trash receptacles for your customers and employees. This helps keep trash from overflowing the receptacles. • Pick up litter and other wastes daily from outside areas including storm drain inlet grates. Waste Disposal* • Inspect dumpsters and other waste containers periodically. Repair or replace leaky dumpsters and containers. • Cover dumpsters and other waste containers. • Never dispose of waste products in storm drain inlets. • Recycle wastes or dispose properly. Materials Storage* • Store materials such as grease, paints, detergents, metals, and raw materials in appropriate, labeled containers. • Make sure all outdoor storage containers have lids, and that the lids are adequately closed. • Store stockpiled materials inside a building, under a roof, or covered with a tarp to prevent contact with rain. Training • Train employees regularly on good housekeeping practices. • Assign a person to be responsible for effective implementation of BMPs. Equipment/Vehicle • Maintain equipment and vehicles regularly. Check for and fix leaks. Cleaning • Use drip pans to collect leaks or spills during maintenance activities. • Wash equipment/vehicles in a designated and/or covered area where the wash water is collected to be recycled or discharged to the sanitary sewer. Contact your local wastewater treatment agency.

Some Facilities will require structural control BMPs if simpler operation ones are not adequate for keeping pollutant discharges from the storm drains.

* Hazardous materials must comply with hazardous materials storage and disposal requirements.

July Work Report 2016

Friday 1, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 558.00 L.F. - Routine Maintenance

Monday 4, Pump station monitoring – Holiday

Tuesday 5, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Edgemont North Street, 1,773.00 L.F. Manhole inspections MACP inspections Thompson Drive Manhole Morningside Collector 1491, Super Dollar parking lot Manhole Morningside Collector 1359, Rose’s Parking lot Manhole Morningside Collector 1047, Rose’s parking lot Manhole Morningside Collector 703 - Routine Maintenance Rain

Wednesday 6, Pump station monitoring - Trouble spots flushing 671.00 L.F. – Blockage Steve Gilbert 366 Bradley Street (1) - Manhole inspections - Routine Maintenance Rain

Thursday 7, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Edgemont Terrace, Falcon Drive 1,156.00 L.F. - Routine Maintenance Rain

Friday 8, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing various places 575.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Tanner Street Manhole T-W 636, Manhole behind 273 Tanner Street Manhole 227 - Routine Maintenance

Monday 11, Pump station monitoring – MACP inspections East Valley Street Manhole East Valley 3-362,East Valley Street Manhole East Valley 1909, East Valley Street Manhole T-W 225, Tanner Street Manhole T-W 364 Tanner Street Manhole T- W 474 - Line flushing Morningside Drive 1,217.00 L.F. - Water leak repaired Meade Meadows pump station line - Routine Maintenance

Tuesday 12, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Morningside Drive 1,930.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Trigg Manhole Trigg 709, Humes Street Manhole Snapp 559, Humes Street Manhole Snapp 371 - Routine Maintenance Rain

Wednesday 13, Pump station monitoring – Sewer line installation Wal-Mart - Sewer line installation Heritage Phase 1 6” SDR 35 Pvc Pipe 160 L.F. (EOL CO) 4” Stub out for lot 75- Blockage Nina Martin 308 Lowry Drive (2) - MACP inspections Trigg Street @ Nicholas Street Manhole Trigg 1159, Nicholas Street @ Deadmore Street Manhole A. Street 2944, Nicholas Street Manhole Trigg 1750, Nicholas Street Manhole Trigg 2018 - Routine Maintenance

Thursday 14, Pump station monitoring – Elm Street cleanup/removing wall - Blockage Allen Fairbanks 446 Circle Drive (3) - Routine Maintenance Rain

Friday 15, Pump station monitoring – Video sewer line on Greenspring Road for conditions of existing pipe Trouble spots flushing – Manhole inspections Beverly Drive (3), Edmond Drive (1) - Connection verification Florence Jackson 501 Palmer Street Mowing pump stations - Routine Maintenance

Monday 18, Pump station monitoring – Pump station wash-down JMH pump station 26180 East Lee Highway, Watauga pump station Jeb Stuart Highway 17366 Watauga Road, Southview pump station 989 Empire Drive, Meade Meadows pump station 24030 Berry Creek Drive, Wilson pump station 18225 Woodland Hills Road, Westwood pump station 18326 Stonemill Road - Blockage Mike Edwards rental property 254 Bradley Street (4) Blockage James Tucker 277 West Valley Street (5) - Manhole inspections - Routine Maintenance

Tuesday 19, Pump station monitoring – Cleanout repaired Fairview Farm House 910 Hillman Highway - Manhole inspections Old Timber Road (8 ), Fern Circle (2), Richardson Avenue (6), Richardson Avenue @ Old Timber Road (1), Moulin Street (7) - Line flushing Morningside Lane 1,01.00 L.F. - Blockage John O’Keefe 19231 Moulin Street (6) - MACP inspections Walden Road @ East Valley Street Manhole Walden Collector 945, East Valley Street Manhole East Valley 3- 136,Rugby Terrace Manhole Oxford 53, East Main Street Manhole Morningside Collector 703, East Main Street Manhole East Interceptor, East Main Street Manhole East Interceptor - Routine Maintenance

Wednesday 20, Pump station monitoring – MACP inspections Whitesmill Road Manhole Whitesmill Collector 3984, Whitesmill Road @ Shady Street Manhole Whitesmill Collector 3403, Whitesmill Road @ Arnold Street Manhole Whitesmill Collector 3079, Whitesmill Road Manhole Whitesmill Collector 2897, Whitesmill Road @ Gillespie Drive Manhole Whitesmill Collector 2506,Whitesmill Road Manhole Whitesmill Collector 2389, Whitesmill Road Manhole Whitesmill Collector 2186,Whitesmill Road @ Brookhill Drive Manhole Whitesmill Collector 1923- Manhole inspections Cross Creek Drive (4) Cherry Hill Drive (1) Wyndale Road (2), Mary Street (14), Whitesmill Road (6), Whitesmill Road @ Shady Street (1), Whitesmill Road @ Clark Street (1) - Line flushing Morningside Lane 978.00 L.F. - Routine Maintenance Rain

Thursday 21, Pump station monitoring –Manhole adjustment Pine Street @ Chestnut Street – Sewer availability at 1291 Pine Street - Manhole inspections- Line flushing Wayne Avenue, Roger Street, Henderson Court 1,474.00 L.F. -Routine Maintenance

Friday 22, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump stations – MACP inspections Winterham Drive Manhole Winterham 2- 38, Winterham Drive Manhole Country Club 6197, Winterham Drive Manhole Country Club 6241, Winterham Drive Manhole Country Club 6332 - Routine Maintenance

Saturday 23, Blockage Leslie Merris 216 Fulkerson Street (7) Jason/Tommy

Monday 25, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Waldon Road @ Thompson Drive, Waldon Road @ Henderson Court 492.00 L.F. – Blockage Lisa Fore 295 Gray Drive (8) – Manhole inspection Elliott Street( 2), Elliott Street @ Chantilly Way (1), Chantilly Way @ Elementary Drive (6), Elementary Drive @ Porterfield Highway (1) - MACP inspections Walden Road @ Grey Drive Manhole Walden Collector 2593, Walden Road Manhole Waldon Collector 2799, Waldon Road @ Jefferson Court Walden Collector 1836-, Walden Road@ Boone Street Manhole Walden Collector 2175, Walden Road @ Henderson Court Walden Collector 1487, Waldon Road Manhole Walden Collector 1648 - Routine Maintenance

Tuesday 26, Pump station monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (52) Restored (14) - Blockage Linda Belisle 803 Gilliam Street (9) - Line flushing Clark Street, Empire Drive, Millers Lane 1,646.00 L.F. - Manholes /force main verification VDOT Surveys exit nineteen area - Routine Maintenance

Wednesday 27, Pump station monitoring – Flushing force mains Watauga/Southview – Line flushing Brookhill Drive 2,584.00 L.F. – Water restored (9) - Routine Maintenance

Thursday 28, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Clark Street, Arnold Street, Montview Drive, Hillside Drive, Crestview Drive 4,048.00 L.F. - Flushing force mains Meade Meadows, Westwood - Water restored (4) Routine Maintenance Rain

Friday 29, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing637.00 L.F. Manhole inspections Woodland Hills @ Elementary Drive (2), Elementary Drive (1), Elementary Drive @ Church Street (1), Elementary Drive @ Gilbert Drive (1), Gilbert Drive (2), Arden Court (2), Woodcliffe Drive (8) - Routine Maintenance

August Work Report 2016

Monday 1, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Valleyview Drive, Circle Drive, Oak Hill Street, Leonard Street, Wiley Street 2,814.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections - Blockage Aybe Abdelbasset 628 Locust Street (1) - MACP inspections Club House Drive Manhole 1820, Club House Drive Manhole 1819, Augusta Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 6897, Winterham Drive Manhole Muirfield Circle 193, Winterham Drive Manhole Winterham 3-375,Winterham Drive @ Augusta Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 6595 - Water restored (1) Routine maintenance – Blockage Melanie Anderson 22315 Green Village Drive (2) Tommy Rain

Tuesday 2, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump stations – Water restored (3) - OMNI-SITE battery installed @ JMH pump station – Vacuum tanks @WCWRF. Jetted lines @ Farris Funeral Home/Hutton Street 680.00 L.F. – Video line behind Farris Funeral Home/Hutton Street (tree roots removed) - East Main Street - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 3, Pump station monitoring - 295 Gray Drive sewer lateral location bad spot in lateral – Line flushing Wiley Street, Taylor Street, Wheeler Street 2,895.00 L.F. - MACP inspections East Main Street Manhole Plumb Alley 434, East Valley Street Manhole Whitesmill 108, East Valley Street Manhole Hutton Street @ East Main Street Manhole Hutton 181, Hutton Street Manhole Hutton 97, Manhole Hutton Street Manhole Hutton 366, East Valley Street Manhole Whitesmill 108, Manhole Plumb Alley E-437 , Manhole East Main Street Manhole Farris 401 Manhole East Main Street Manhole Farris 434 - Routine maintenance

Thursday 4, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Leonard Street, Wheeler Street 1,339.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Glenview Drive Manhole Glenview 361, Glenview Drive Manhole Glenview E-670, Glenview Drive Manhole Glenview W- 488, Glenview Drive Manhole Glenview 184 - Video/Dye tested for verification of connection at 141 Glenrochie Drive - Site meeting with towns personal to discuss possible sewer service for a portion of Waldon Road /Watauga Road - Video 141 Glenrochie Drive sewer connection verification (not connected) - Routine maintenance

Friday 5, Pump station monitoring – WalMart sight Air/Vacuum testing sewer lines /manholes – Trouble spots flushing 404.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 8, Pump station monitoring – WalMart sight Air/Vacuum testing sewer lines /manholes – Line flushing Manhole inspections Elementary Drive (2), Elliott Street (2), Chantilly Way (3), Southwood Drive (10) - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 9, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Cherry Hill Drive, Sam’s Way, Eastwood Drive 1,894.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Plumb Alley Manhole Plumb Alley W-433, Plumb Alley @ Russell Road Manhole 2332, Plumb Alley @ Russell Road Manhole Russell 3-169, West Valley Street Manhole West Valley 2-349,- Routine maintenance

Wednesday 10, Pump station monitoring – Air test 6” SDR 35 PVC line @ The Heritage Phase I Failed– Line flushing Southwood Drive 1,787.00 L.F. - Mowing pump stations - Routine maintenance

Thursday 11, Pump station monitoring – Staff/Employees meeting from (8:30 to 9:30) - Line flushing Wolf Creek Trail , Middlewood Drive 1,567.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections Eastwood Drive (2), Middlewood Drive (3), Southwood Drive (1), Wynscape Drive (2), Lexi Drive (3), Cherry Hill Drive @ Sams Way ( 1), Cherry Hill Drive (2), Sams Way (4), Woof Creek Trail @ Wyndale Road (2), Village Green @ Wyndale Road (1), Village Green (2) Wolf Creek Trail (1) - MACP inspections Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill 165, Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill 377, Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill 621, Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill 764, Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill 892, Latture Field Drive Manhole Taylor Hill Manhole 1246 Video Southwood Drive 16377 bad spot in lateral will repair in the future.

Friday 12, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 625.00 L.F. – Blockage Whitley Smith 215 Mason Place– Manhole inspection (3) - MACP inspections Piper Spring Avenue Manhole 2248, Piper Spring Avenue Manhole 2249, Piper Spring Avenue Manhole 2250, Piper Spring Avenue Manhole 2251,- Piper Spring Avenue Manhole 2252 - Routine maintenance

Monday 15, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing –Video Academy Drive storm drain lines - Video Mason Place sewer lines tree roots/broken line - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 16, Pump station monitoring - Air/Vacuum testing lines/manholes WalMart Site East Main Street Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 17, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Woodcliffe Drive, Southwood Drive, 1,436.00 L.F. Storm Drain flushing Stonemill Road 263 L.F. – Manhole inspections Village Green (2), Wolf Creek Trail (2), Wolf Creek Trail @ Lakeside Drive (1), Wood Cliff Drive (5), Worthing Way @ Sheffield Court (1), Sheffield Court (2), Piper Spring Drive (2) – Lateral repaired by owner Mike Edwards rental property 254 Bradley Street – Video storm drain @ 216 Stonewall Height - Routine maintenance - Rain

Thursday 18, Pump station monitoring – Lateral repairs James Tucker 277 West Valley Street – Employees meeting 9:30 to 10:30 Admin Building (Cancel) - Manhole inspections Beverly Drive (4), Cross Creek (7), Edmond Drive (1) - Line flushing Moulin Street, Gilbert Drive 1,734.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Friday 19, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Piper Spring Road (8), Maiden Street (2), Maiden Street @ Jones Lane (1), Beverly Drive (2), Colonial Road (2), Hassinger Street @ Gilliam Street (1), Hassinger Street (2), Gilliam Street (1) Campbell Street (1), Mosby Street (1), Village Court (1), Hagy Street @ Fugate Street (1) ,William Street @ Hagy Street (1), Hurt Street (2) – Manhole inspection Longview Drive (6) - Trouble spots flushing 645.00 O.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 22, Pump station monitoring – (Wall ) backfilling/Landscaping Elm Street @ Fuller Street - Manhole inspections Sutton Street @ Stonemill Road (1), Sutton Street @ Williams Street, (1), Butt Street (1), Butt Street @ Hagy Street (1), Floyd Street (1), Jamison Street @ Hayter Street (1), Hayter Street (2), Jamison Street (1), Elm Street (5), Elm Street @ Floyd Street (1), Roberta Street (3), Oakland Street (2), Oakland Street @ Grove Terrace (1), - Line flushing Hill Street, Fairgrounds Drive, Old Jonesboro Road 2,621.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 23, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing West Main Street, Edmond Drive, Beverly Drive, Town Centre Drive 3,460.00 L.F. – Connection Clarence Allen Cook 145 Par Place – Manhole inspections Green Village (12) - Connection Dollar General 25751 Watauga Road - MACP inspections Worthing Way Manhole Worthing Way 206, Locust Street Manhole Locust 802, Locust Street Manhole Locust 1100, Locust Street Manhole Locust 1151 Routine maintenance

Wednesday 24, Pump station monitoring – WalMart Site Manhole vacuum testing – Mowing pump stations - Line flushing Beverly Drive Cross Creek 3,139.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Thursday 25, Pump station monitoring – Unloading straw bales – MACP inspections Academy Drive Manhole 2795, Academy Drive Manhole 3194 - Line flushing Cross Creek Drive, Jones Lane, Maiden Street 1,713.00 L.F. Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (37) - Water restored (23) - Routine maintenance

Friday 26, Pump station monitoring -Trouble spots flushing 618. 00 L.F. - MACP inspections Empire Drive Manhole Cracker Barrel 51, Empire Drive Manhole Cracker Barrel 214, Empire Drive Manhole 1993, Empire Drive Manhole Empire 2079, Empire Drive Manhole Empire 2170 - Water restored (8) - Routine maintenance Monday 29, Pump station monitoring - Southview pump #1 blown gasket repairs - Water restore (2) - Manhole inspections Brookhill Drive (2), Arnold Street (1), Whitesmill Road (14), Blake Drive (2, )Whitesmill Road @Green Village (1) - Line flushing Mosby Street, Hassinger Street, Fulkerson Street 1,910.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 30, Pump station monitoring – WalMart Site Manhole vacuum testing - Line flushing Preston Street, Williams Street, Butt Street, Hagy Street, Hurt Street, Crigger Place, Village Court 3,213.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Empire Drive Manhole Empire 434, Empire Drive Manhole Empire795, Empire Drive Manhole Empire 1111, Empire Drive Manhole Empire 1414 Routine maintenance

Wednesday 31, Pump station monitoring - MACP inspections Watauga Pump Station Wet Well ,Watauga Pump Station Box, Watauga Pump Station - Line flushing Bradley Street, Grant Street, Floyd Street 1.930.00 L.F. Routine maintenance

September Work Report 2016

Thursday 1, Pump Station monitoring – Mowing field @ Wolf Creek Water Reclamation Facility by maintenance shop - Line flushing Oakland Street, Jamison Street, Rodefer Street 2,381.00 L.F. – MACP inspection East Main Street Manhole East Main 539, East Main Street Manhole East Main 1038 East Main Street Manhole East Main 1406 ,East Main Street Manhole East Main1661 - Routine maintenance

Friday 2, Pump Station monitoring – Flushing trouble spots 582.00 L.F. – MACP inspections East Main Street Manhole East Main 233, East Main Street Manhole 40, East Main Street Manhole Holiday Inn49, East Main Street Manhole Holiday Inn 242 - Mowing pump stations - Routine maintenance

Monday 5, – Holiday

Tuesday 6, Pump Station monitoring – Line flushing Hayter Street, Jamison Street, Lowry Drive, Floyd Street 3,053.00 L.F. - MACP inspections East Main Street Manhole East Interceptor @ 661 East Main Street, Manhole @ 613 East Interceptor East Main Street, Manhole @ 700 East Main Street, Manhole @ 801 East Main Street, Manhole @ 626 East Main Street, Manhole @ 618 East Main Street -- Blockage 19032 Woodlands Hills Road (1) -Routine maintenance

Wednesday 7, Pump Station monitoring – Pump station wash-down and steaming off the wet wells pumps/interior walls and building - MACP inspections Manhole @ 279 Tanner Street, Manhole @ 273 Tanner Street, Manhole @ 331 White Street,. Manhole East Interceptor 5113, Manhole Town Centre Drive Manhole Town Center 2302, Manhole Town Center Drive Manhole Town Centre 3511 - Routine maintenance

Thursday 8, Pump Station monitoring – Pump station wash-down and steaming off the wet wells pumps/interior walls and building - MACP inspections Manhole @ 279 Tanner Street, Manhole Town Centre Drive Manhole Town Centre 3000, Manhole Town Centre Drive Manhole Town Centre 2721, Manhole Town Centre Drive Manhole Town Centre 168, Manhole Oakland Street Manhole S-83 - Routine maintenance

Friday 9, Pump Station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 554.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections Westwood Drive (8), Mc Cray Drive (5), Whites Point Drive (1) - Routine maintenance

Monday 12, Pump Station monitoring – Fence erecting Elm Street that was damages doing construction of sewer line replacement - Line flushing Bogey Drive, Birdie Drive Valley St, Plumb Alley, 1.807.00 L.F – MACP inspections Old Pool line Manhole Old Pool 361, Cummings Street Manhole East Interceptor 3769, Cummings Street Manhole East Interceptor 4024, Cummings Street Manhole East Interceptor 4408, Cumming Street Manhole East Interceptor 4688, Cummings Street Manhole East Interceptor 4977 – Routine maintenance

Tuesday 13, Pump Station monitoring – Line flushing Bogey Drive, Birdie Drive, Longview Drive 2,196.00 L.F. Hauling salt for street department – Manhole inspection Brookhill Drive (7), Summers Street (3), Whitesmill Road (3), Onalee Drive (4), Clark Street (9) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 14, Pump Station monitoring – Line flushing Longview Drive, Birdie Drive, Cumming Street 1,927.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Church Street Manhole Bell Est. 2309, Church Street Manhole Bell Est..1636- Routine maintenance

Thursday 15, Pump Station monitoring – Spoken with Linda Summers about connecting to the towns sewer system @ 848 Colonial Road - Line flushing Fairways Drive 1,180.00 L.F. Blockage Lee Highway Stewart Retail Line (2) - Manhole inspections Clifton Square @ Lee Highway (5),Lee Highway East (2), Johnson Memorial Drive (3) , Lee Highway @ Promise Landing (1), Harmony Hills (1) - Routine maintenance

Friday 16, Pump Station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 559.00 L.F – MACP inspections Campbell Street Manhole 1229- Campbell Street Manhole Colonial Road 1-988, Campbell Street Manhole Gillian Street 351, Campbell Street Manhole Gilliam Street 130, West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 856, West Interceptor West Interceptor 9438 - Blockage Ellen James 379 Lowery Drive (3) - Routine maintenance

Monday19, Pump Station monitoring – MACP inspections West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole @ Walgreens No #, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10924, West Main Street - West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10971, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10989 - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday20, Pump Station monitoring – Line flushing Whites Point Drive, Sophie Drive 1,902.00 L.F. - MACP inspections West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 9118, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 9600, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10294 West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10039 - West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10655, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10536, West Main Street West Interceptor Manhole West Interceptor 10352, - Cleanout repaired Ronnie Wolfe 420 Baltimore Street - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 21, Pump Station monitoring – Connection verification for lateral replacement Steven Boyd rental property 253 Bradley Street – Line flushing Jessica Lane, John Ashley Drive, Grahams Drive 2,430.00 L.F. -– Manhole inspections -- Routine maintenance

Thursday 22, Pump Station monitoring – (House Cleaning Maintenance Shop) - Routine maintenance

Friday 23, Pump Station monitoring – (House Cleaning Maintenance Shop) – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 16032 Fifteen Mile Blvd, Chris Dye Contractor 19320 Spur Lane - Trouble spots flushing - Routine maintenance

Monday 26, Pump Station monitoring – (House Cleaning Maintenance Shop) – Line flushing Landridge Way, Pond Drive, Grahams Drive, Keenland Lane 1,802.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 27, Pump Station monitoring – (House Cleaning Maintenance Shop) - Line flushing Sterling Drive, Laura Lee Court, Hortenstein Place, McCray Drive 1,163.00 L.F. - Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bill (47) - Water restored (27) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 28, Pump Station monitoring – (House Cleaning Maintenance Shop) – Line flushing McCray Drive 1,120.00 L.F. - Water restored (7) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 29, Pump Station monitoring – Water restored (3) - Line flushing Westwood drive 1,606.00 L.F. Routine maintenance – Blockage 310 Jamison Street No.6 (4) Rain

Friday 30, Pump Station monitoring – Flushing trouble spots 548 L.F. - Mowing pump stations – Completed cleaning/painting maintenance shop - Routine maintenance

October Work Report 2016

Monday 3, Pump station Monitoring – Connection Linda Summers 848 Colonial Road – Mowing pump stations Manhole inspections Lee Highway (8), Lee Highway @ Flamingo Road (2) - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 4, Pump station Monitoring – Sewer main replacement Church Street @ Plumb Alley 6’ 6” SDR 35 PVC pipe - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 5, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing A. Street, Hickman Street 2,460.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Lee Highway @ Pilgrim Lane (2), Lee Highway @ Taylor Place (1), Lee Highway (8), Panacella Drive (5), Timberland Court (2), Woodland Terrace @ Morningside Drive (1), Morningside Lane (1) – MACP inspections Colonial Road Manhole Colonial Road 2E 956, Colonial Road Manhole Colonial Road 2E 769, Colonial Road Manhole Colonial Road 2E 0 - 100 177, Colonial Road Manhole Colonial Road 2E 0 -100 35 Colonial Road manhole Colonial Road 2E 494, Jamison Street Manhole Jamison South 199, Jamison Street Manhole Jamison South 500 - Routine maintenance

Thursday 6, Pump station Monitoring – Manhole inspections Morningside Drive (7), Morningside Lane (5), Edgemont North Street (2) - MACP inspections Piper Spring Subdivision (5) Manholes beginning @ Porterfield Highway going West to Piper Spring Avenue - Roof repairs Wilson pump station - Connection Andrea Dick Denham Drive - Routine maintenance

Friday 7, Pump station Monitoring – Roof repairs Wilson pump station – Trouble spots flushing 605 L.F. Manhole inspections Edgemont North Street (5), Falcon Drive (1) -- Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 10, Pump station Monitoring – Holiday (Watauga pump station high water)

Tuesday 11, Pump station Monitoring – Installed new pressure bell @ Watauga pump station - Roof repairs Wilson pump station - Line flushing Lowland Street, Highland Street, Deadmore Street, Nicholas Street 1,874.00 L.F. – Screening bad dirt for topsoil - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 12, Pump station Monitoring – Roof repairs Wilson pump station – Line flushing Morgan Street, Norfolk Street 2,173.00 L.F. -- Screening bad dirt of topsoil for good topsoil - Routine maintenance

Thursday 13, Pump station Monitoring – Maintenance shop wash-down - Line flushing Reservoir, Remsburg Drive 2,219.00 L.F. - Street Routine maintenance Rain

Friday 14, Pump station Monitoring – Southview 8” (DIP) force main erupt on East Main Street near the Ski House repaired and restored - Routine maintenance

Monday 17, Pump station Monitoring – Maintenance shop wash-down - Line flushing Tanner Street , Park Street, Plumb Alley East 1,883.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday18, Pump station Monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bill (41) restored (9) – Line flushing Nicholas Street, Old Eleven Drive, Melrose Street, Ruth Street 2,076.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 19, Pump station Monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bill (8) Restored (15) -- Line flushing Melrose Street, Ruth Street 912.00 L.F.– Clearing sewer easement on East Interceptor along Vances Mill Road – Checked retails stores on Cumming Street sewer odor - Routine maintenance

Thursday 20, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Timberland Court, Morningside Lane, Woodland Terrace 1,222.00 L.F. - Vacuum the rest rooms at Alvarado facility - Clearing sewer easement on West Interceptor along Vances Mill Road , MACP inspections West Interceptor Manhole 1060, West Interceptor Manhole 1316, West Interceptor Manhole 1568, West Interceptor Manhole 1972, East Interceptor Manhole 1475 East 1nterceptor Manhole 1716, East Interceptor Manhole 1933, East Interceptor Manhole 2017, East Interceptor Manhole 2153, East Interceptor Manhole 2552 - Routine maintenance Rain

Friday 21, Pump station Monitoring – Blockage United States Post Office 300 West Main Street (1), Blockage Kathy Whitley 838 Gilliam Street (2) – Trouble spots flushing various places 609.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 24, Pump station Monitoring – Connection James Holley 16041 Elliott Street - EOL repairs lowered to surface 17027 Windmere Drive –Manhole inspection McCray (5) - Line flushing Morningside Drive 2,177.00 L.F. Routine maintenance

Tuesday 25, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Morningside Drive, Edgemont North Street 2,014.00 L.F. Manhole inspections West Main Street (2) – Water restored (1)- Routine maintenance

Wednesday 26, Pump station Monitoring – Water restored (1) - MACP inspection WalMart Shopping Center Fifteen Mile Boulevard (5)- Line flushing Panacella Drive, Edgemont North Street 2,558.00 L.F. Pad upper level at maintenance shed cleaned moving equipment/pods - Water restored (1) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 27, Pump station Monitoring – Blockage John Mahaffey rental property 348 Lowery Drive (3) – Upper pad wash-down - Routine maintenance - Jason Dunn/Tommy Garland meeting trench safety Johnson City Tennessee Rain

Friday28, Pump station Monitoring – Sewer main replaced Lowery Drive 8’ 6” SDR 35 PVC Pipe - Manhole inspections Falcon Drive (4), Colonial East Apartments (3), Edgemont North Street( 1) – Water restored (2) Blockage Bank of Marion 201 East Valley Street (4) - Routine maintenance

Monday 31, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Edgemont Terrace, Falcon Drive, Roger Street 1,743.00 L.F. – Blockage Robin Turner rental property 25030 Onalee Drive (5) – Manhole inspections Westwood Drive (9), Westwood Drive @ Mc Cray Drive (1) - Lateral inspection lot 15 The Heritage Phase 1- Routine maintenance - Water restored (1)

November Work Report 2016

Tuesday 1, Pump station Monitoring – OSHA meeting three employees (am) – Line flushing Wayne Avenue, Henderson Court, Brookhill Drive 1,647.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 2, Pump station Monitoring – OSHA meeting three employees (am) – Southview pump station install pressure bell - Blockage Charles Odle rental property 907 Timberland Court (1) – Blockage Ernest Murray 277 King Street (2) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 3, Pump station Monitoring – OSHA meeting three employees (am) - Line flushing Brookhill Drive 1,258.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Friday 4, Pump station Monitoring – Pump stations wash down - Routine maintenance

Monday 7, Pump station Monitoring – Blockage Bill Kiltrell 503 Court Street (3) - MACP inspections Manhole at WalMart site (6) – Line flushing Clark Street, Buckingham Court, Valley View Drive 2,416.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 8, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Valleyview Drive, Clark Street 2,758.00 L.F. – Cutting pavement Baugh Lane storing materials for connection Baugh Lane for HCS - Manhole inspections - Routine maintenance (VPWE picked up Envirosight crawler and reel to give us a quote on repairs )

Wednesday 9, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Clark Street, Montview Drive, Crestview Drive 2,080.00 L. F. - Removed #1 pump at Watauga pump station not generating GPM as should be, encounter a ball had been inside the impeller keeping the flow down - Manhole inspections - Routine maintenance

Thursday 10, Pump station Monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 581.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Friday 11, Pump station Monitoring – Holiday Blockage Charlene Truhlik rental property 334 Gibson Street Tommy/Derick

Monday 14, Pump station Monitoring – Connection Highlands Community Services 393 Baugh Lane - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 15, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Circle Drive, Oak Hill Street, Hill Side Drive 2,856.00 L.F. Blockage Bill Kiltrell 503 Court Street (4) – Manhole inspections Edgemont Terrace (4), Wayne Avenue (2), Smartview Lane (3), Smart View Lane @ Baugh Lane (1), Baugh Lane (7) , Edgemont Apartment @ Baugh Lane (1) – Connection Linda Summers 848 Colonial Road - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 16, Pump station Monitoring – Line flushing Oakhill Street, Leonard Street, Rickard Street, Wiley Street 1,620.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections Norfolk Street (4), Norfolk Street @ Trigg Street (1), Trigg Street @ Minks Place (1), Mink Place @ East Main Street (1), Mink Place @ Deadmore Street (1), A Street @ Deadmore Street (2), A Street @ Spring Street (1), A Street @ Tanner Street (1), A Street @ Hickman Street (1), A Street @ Court Street (1), A Street (1), A Street @ Kings Mountain Drive (2),B Street @ Hickman Street (1), B Street (1), B Street @ Tanner Street (1), Madison Street @ Kings Mountain Drive (1), Highland Street (2), Lowland Street (2) MACP Inspections Halter Trail, @ Bridle Drive (1), Halter Trail @ Spur Lane (1), Halter Trail (1), Chase Lane @ Lariat Loop (1), Lariat Loop (2), Steeple Chase (3) not identify on Integrity as this data was documented - Routine maintenance

Thursday 17, Pump station Monitoring – Removed # 1 Pump at Watauga pump station it is needs to be rewind will pull out Monday and installed standby pump and have the other one repaired - Manhole inspections – Line flushing Wiley Street, Taylor Street 2,354.00 L.F. - MACP Inspections Bridle Drive @ Chase Lane (1),Chase Lane (3) not identify on Integrity as this data was documented - Routine maintenance

Friday 18, Pump station Monitoring –Trouble spots flushing 569.00 L.F. - Manhole inspection Lowland Street (2), Lowland @ Elder Spirit Court !1), Lowland Street @ Alley (1), Lowland Street @ Kings Mountain Park (1), Merman Street @ Porterfield Highway (1), Merman Drive (5),Merman Drive @ Hemmingway Drive (1), Hemmingway Drive (2), Mercedes Drive (6) – MACP Inspections Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights Collector 7964, Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights Collector 8074 , Woodland Hills Road Cumming Heights Collector7584, Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights Collector7200

Monday 21, Pump station Monitoring – Trouble spots checking - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 22, Pump station Monitoring – Watauga pump station changed out pump # one (1) not performing as should be - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 23, Pump station Monitoring – Routine maintenance - Thanksgiving Holiday ½ day

Thursday 24, Pump station Monitoring – Thanksgiving Holiday

Friday 25, Pump station Monitoring – Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday 28, Pump station Monitoring – Blockage Jerry Belisle 803 Gilliam Street (5) - Gibson Street verifications of sewer main line – Flushing lines Gilliam Street, Piper Spring Avenue, Wheeler Street 615.00 L.F. Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 29, Pump station Monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (34) - Restored (16) Line flushing Cherry Hill Drive, Sam’s Way, Wolf Creek Drive 1,420.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 30, Pump station Monitoring – Water Restored (5) - Line flushing Wolf Creek Trail, Village Green, Cherry Hill Drive 1,157.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Mercedes Drive (90, Richardson Avenue (5) - Sewer odor report 458 East Main Street checked, not on the Town’s side - Routine maintenance

December Work Report 2016

Thursday 1, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Eastwood Drive, Woodcliff Drive, Southwood Drive 2,122.00 L.F. - Sewer verification Green Spring Road sewer main location/ Porterfield Highway 2” force line locating - Manhole inspections Richardson Avenue (3), Moulin Street (6), Church Street (1), Old Timber Road (2) - Routine maintenance (Water restored Colonial Road Tommy)

Friday 2, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 429.00 L. F. – Water restored (3) - Routine maintenance - (Water restored Colonial Road Brian)

Sunday 04, Blockage Donald Lancaster 180 Fairway Drive (1) (Jason/Brian)

Monday 5, Pump station monitoring – Blockage Bessie Sneed 431 Page Street (2) - Lateral repaired Donald Lancaster 180 Fairway Drive – Line flushing Southwood Drive, Middlewood Drive 1,605.00L.F. - Manhole inspections Fern Circle (2), Old Timber Road (4), Mary Street (10) - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 6, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 7, Pump station monitoring – Sewer line repairs/manhole installation Gibson Street line along Green Spring Road - Line flushing Middle wood Drive, Wynscape Drive 949.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Mary Street (2), Elliott Street @ Chantilly Way (1), Chantilly Way (2) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 8, Pump station monitoring – MACP inspections Chatham Court Manhole Chatham Court 308 Chatham Court Manhole Chatham Court 388, Chatham Court Manhole Chatham Court 543, Chatham Court Manhole Chatham Court 643 -- Line flushing Gilbert Drive, Moulin Street 1,876.00 L.F. Manhole inspections Chantilly Way (6), Wynscape Drive (2), Lexi Drive (3), Woodcliffe Drive (1), Eastwood Drive (2) - Routine maintenance

Friday 9, Pump station monitoring – Connection verification 818 Altamont Street (is connected to the town’s system dye tested) – Blockage Polly Friend 417 Arnold Street (3) - Trouble spots flushing 220.00 L.F. - Manholes inspections Southwood Drive (9) Routine maintenance

Monday 12, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Mary Street, Moulin Street, Hill Street, Fairgrounds Drive 2,178.00 L.F. – Video inspection at 914 Beverly Drive tree roots in private lateral – Blockage Betty Davidson 914 #6 Beverly Drive (4), Blockage Robert Weisfield 428 East Valley Street (5) - Video inspection at 914 Beverly Drive tree roots in private lateral. Video inspection lateral at 297 Church Street no problem in the Town’s system - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 13, Pump station monitoring – Pump station wash-down JMH Lee Highway, Watauga Jeb Stuart Highway, Southview Empire Drive, Meade Meadows Berry Creek Drive, Wilson Woodland Hills Road, Westwood Stonemill Road - Manhole inspections Eastwood Drive (2), Woodcliffe Drive (1), Woodcliffe Drive @ Woodland Hills Road (1) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 14, Pump station monitoring – Air/Vacuum testing lines/manholes Highlands Community Services 393 Baugh Lane – Line flushing Old Jonesboro Road Edmond Drive, Beverly Drive, Jones Lane. Maiden Street 2,138.00 L.F. – Blockage Ann Cunningham 155 Bogey Drive (6) - Manhole inspections Eastwood Drive (2), Woodcliffe Drive (8), Greenevers Court @ Woodland Hills Road (1)Greenevers Court (1), Elementary Drive @ Woodland Hills Road (1), Elementary Drive (1) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 15, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Mary Street @ Church Street (1), Church Street (1), Mary Street (4), Elementary Drive @ Gilbert Drive (1), Elementary Drive (9), Elementary @ Porterfield Highway (2), Porterfield Highway (12) - Connection Clarence Cook 145 Par Place - Blockage Salon Exclusive 1060 West Main Street (7) - Routine maintenance

Friday 16, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Moulin Street (2), Mary Street (4) Mary Street @ Elliott Street (1) – Blockage Charles Bise 864 Wayne Avenue (8) - Routine maintenance

Saturday Blockage 914 Beverly Drive Mike Roark/Jason Dunn (9)

Monday 19, Pump station monitoring – Blockage Lowell Huddleston 477 Summers Street (10) – Manhole inspections Porterfield Highway (1), Porterfield Highway @ Briarwood (1), Porterfield High @ Russell Road (1), Piper Springs Road (12), Worthing Way (2), Sheffield Court (1), Hall Street (2), Spring House Court (1), Moulin Street (5) - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 20, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Hall Street (2), Ivy Street (3), Henry Street (7), Henry Street @ Baltimore Street (1), Baltimore Street (2), Baltimore Street @ Russell Road (1) - Henry Street (3), Baltimore Street (2), Wiley Street @ Russell Road (1), Henry Street @ Baltimore Street (1), Ivy Street (3) Routine maintenance

Wednesday 21, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Richardson Avenue (7), Richardson Avenue @ Old Timber Road (1) – Elliott Street (2), Chantilly Way (2), Hillview Drive (8) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 22, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots checking - Routine maintenance

Friday 23, - Christmas Holiday

Monday 26, - Christmas Holiday

Tuesday 27, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Hassinger Street, Cook Street 1,249.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 28 Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Hassinger Street, Mosby Street, Butt Street, Hagy Street Village Court 1,217.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Thursday, 29, Pump station monitoring – Routine maintenance Rain

Friday 30, Pump station monitoring – Blockage Marie Frank 138 Valleyview Drive (11) - Routine maintenance Snow

January Work Report 2017

Monday 02, Pump station – Holiday

Tuesday 03, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Florist Road (7) - Routine Maintenance Rain

Wednesday 04, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Preston Street, Elm Street, Floyd Street, Bradley Street, Lowery Drive 2,257.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Green Village Drive (10) - Omnisite unit removed Southview pump station shipped to Omnisite for repairs and replaced with backup unit 24433- Routine Maintenance Rain

Thursday 05, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Leonard Street @ Russell Road (2), Leonard Street @ Rickard Street (2), Leonard Street (3), Rose Street @ Reservoir Street (1), High Street @ East Alley (1), Dale Street @ King Street (1), Dale Street (1), Plumb Alley @ Russell Road (1), Plumb Alley @ Wall Street (2), Plumb Alley @ College Street (1), Plumb Alley @ Church Street (1), Plumb Alley @ Chincapin Alley (1), Plumb Alley @ Pecan Street (1), MACP inspections Empire Drive Manhole Empire Drive 1698 , Empire Drive Manhole Empire 1639 Blockage Aybe Abdelbasset 628 Locust Street (1) - Routine Maintenance Snow

Friday 06, Pump station monitoring - Routine Maintenance Snow flurries

Monday 09, Pump station monitoring - Routine Maintenance

Tuesday 10, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Westwood Drive (10) – Vacuum silt drain street department Kings Mountain Drive - Routine Maintenance

Wednesday 11, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Bradley Street, Cumbo Street 953.00 L.F. – Lateral verification 205 Court Street - Manhole inspections Winterham Drive (15), Winterham Drive @ Clubhouse Drive (1), Augusta Drive @ Winterham Drive (1), Alma Court (1) - Routine Maintenance

Thursday 12, Pump station monitoring – Fence/Gate repairs Westwood pump station – Trouble spots flushing 657.00 L.F. Routine Maintenance

Friday 13, (Holiday) Blockage John Hortenstein rental property 16156 Elementary Drive (2) - Mike Roark/Shane Wright Rain

Monday 16, (Holiday) Blockage manhole Barter Drive (Barter Drive line) (3) - Mike Roark/ Brandon Singleton

Tuesday 17, Pump station monitoring – Blockage James Jackson 22216 Green Village Drive (4) – Blockage Patricia Chaney 112 West Valley Street (5) – Line flushing Oakland Street, Valley Street, Lowry Drive, Cook Street 1,602.00 L.F. Routine Maintenance Rain

Wednesday 18, Pump station monitoring - Connection Bojangle’s 25011 Western Loop - Manhole inspections Winterham Drive (2), Augusta Drive (4), Augusta Drive @Sawgrass Circle (1), - Blockage Old Summers Law Office 120 North Court Street (6) Routine Maintenance - Blockage Budget Inn 15886 Porterfield Highway (7) Tommy Garland/Derick Boardwine

Thursday 19, Pump station monitoring – Investigating blocked line that occurred on 1-18, Old Summers Law Office 120 North Court Street – Manhole inspections McCray Drive (5), Westwood Drive @ McCray Drive (1), Plumb Alley @ Brewer Alley (1), Winterham Drive (2), Sawgrass Circle (6), Dural Place (1), Augusta Drive (1), Pinehurst Drive (1), Muirfield Circle (1) - Line flushing Roberta Street, Rodefer Street 1,150.00 L.F. - Routine Maintenance

Friday 20., Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Winterham Drive (1), Glenview Drive (10), Mountain View Drive (5), Trouble spots flushing 615.00 l.f. - Routine Maintenance Rain

Monday 23, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Fairway Drive (10) - Routine Maintenance Rain

Tuesday 24, Pump station monitoring - Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (62) Water restored (26) Blockage Justin Boyd 357 Hayter Street (8) - Routine Maintenance Rain

Wednesday 25, Pump station monitoring - Water restored (15) – Manhole inspections- Fuller Street @ Elm Street (1), Elm Street (1), Preston Street @ Elm Street (1) - Line flushing - Routine Maintenance

Thursday 26, Pump station monitoring - Water restored (3) - Manhole inspections Fairway Drive @ Green Spring Road (1), Fairway Drive (18), Bogey Drive (3) – Panacella Drive (5), Edgemont North Street (7) - Line flushing Whites Point Drive, John Ashley Drive 1,032.00 L.F. – Blockage People Inc. 1173 West Main Street (9) - Routine Maintenance

Friday 27, Pump station monitoring - Water restored (3) - Manhole inspections Bogey Drive (8) Bogey Drive @ Birdie Drive (1), Par Place (4), Bogey Drive @ Birdie Drive (1), Birdie Drive (2), Birdie Drive @ Longview Drive (1), Longview Drive (5) - Hill Street (5), Fairground Drive (4) - Routine Maintenance Snow flurries

Monday 30, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Morningside Lane (9), Morningside Drive (3) Water restored (1) - Routine Maintenance Snow flurries

Tuesday 31, Pump station monitoring - Reel with new cable arrived today 1:30 PM – Flushing lines Landridge Way, Pond Drive , Elementary Drive, West Main Street 589.00 L.F. - Blockage John Hortenstein rental property 16156 Elementary Drive (10) - Routine Maintenance

February Work Report 2017

Wednesday 01, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Grahams Drive, Pond Drive, Oakland Street 963.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Longview Drive (1), Floyd Street (1), Jamison Street @ Hayter Street (1), Hayter Street (2), Jamison Street (3), Roberta Street (1), Rodefer Street (2), Lowery Drive @ Oakland Street (1), Oakland Street (2), Oakland Street @ Grove Terrace (1), Grove Terrace @ Cumbo Street (1), Bradley Street @ Grant Street (1), Bradley Street @ Cumbo Street (1), Bradley Street @ Cumming Street (1) - Lateral inspection Steeple Chase Subdivision 17535 Bridle Drive – MACP inspections Manhole Thompson Drive bus garage Manhole Morningside Collector 2496,Manhole Thompson Drive Manhole Morningside Collector 2181, Manhole Bogey Drive Manhole Bogey 286, Manhole Bogey Drive Manhole Bogey 738- Routine maintenance

Thursday 02, Pump station monitoring - Pump station wash-down JMH Lee Highway, Watauga Jeb Stuart Highway, Southview Empire Drive, Meade Meadows Berry Creek Drive, Wilson Woodland Hills Road, Westwood Stonemill Road - MACP inspections Manhole Pine Street Manhole Pine W 319, Manhole Chesternut Street @ Pine Street Manhole Chesternut 279, Manhole Pine Street Manhole Pine E 281, Routine maintenance

Friday 03, Pump station monitoring - Trouble spot flushing 637.00 L.F. – Lateral repaired John Hortenstein rental apartments 16156 Elementary Drive - MACP inspections Manhole Birch Street @ West Main Street Manhole St. John 956, Manhole Ratcliffe Street Manhole Fairground 601, Manhole Ratcliff @ Fairground Drive Manhole Fairground 484 – Blockage Bradford/Smith 158 West Valley Street (1) - Routine maintenance

Monday 06, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Bradley Street (3), Fuller Street (1), Fuller Street @ Elm Street (1), Elm Street (3), Elm Street @ Floyd Street (1), Preston Street (1), Hagy Street @ Butt Street (1), , Butt Street (1) - Blockage Margaret Hulvey 118 West Valley Street (2) – Video (push camera) 118 West Valley Street no problem for the sewer maintenance department, problem in owners lateral low spots - Line flushing Westwood Drive, Mosby Street 1,228.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 07, Pump station monitoring – Flagging certifications (Town Shop), Wilson pump stations replacing slide rails /brackets and stabilizers - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 08, Pump station monitoring – MACP inspections Manhole West Main Street @ Fairgrounds Drive Manhole West Main 2-1155 - Sewer extension preparing to core drill manhole on Porterfield Highway for installation of 8” SDR 35 PVC pipe, installed by owner – Manhole inspections Williams Street @ Colonial Road (1), Williams Street (2), Williams Street @ Sutton Street (1), Stonemill Road @ Sutton Street (1), Hurt Street (2), Village Court @ Hagy Street (1), Village Court (1), Gilliam Street @ Hassinger Street (1) - Line flushing Westwood Drive, McCray Drive, Cumming Street 2,1286.00 L.F. Blockage Mahoney’s Sport s 825 Cummings Street (3) – Video (push camera) main line from Plumb Alley manhole @ Church Street East to West 176 L. F. several places in main line bad - Video (push camera )Mahoney’s S[ports lateral for problem, problem was on owners side , repaired by owner - Routine maintenance Rain Thunder/Lighting pm

Thursday 09, Pump station monitoring - Video sewer main on East Main Street location of sewer lateral for Addison surveys @ Alpine Motel - Manhole inspections Hassinger Street (1), Mosby Street (2), Fulkerson Street (1), Merman Street @ Porterfield Highway (1), Merman Street (6), Hemmingway Drive (2, Hemmingway Drive @ Merman Street (1) - Line flushing McCray Drive 1,161.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Glenrochie Drive Manhole Mountain View Drive Manhole Mt. View Ext 116,Glenrochie Drive Manhole Mt. View 540, \Mountain View Drive Manhole Glenrochie Collector 1100, Mountain View Drive Manhole Mt,. View 250, Routine maintenance Snow flurries

Friday 10, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Mercedes Drive (17) – Trouble spots flushing 699.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Monday 13, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Westwood Drive, A. Street 2,339.00 L.F. – MACP inspections Beverly Drive Manhole Highland Sub. Line 390, Beverly Drive Manhole Beverly Dr. 2797 - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 14, Pump station monitoring – Lateral repairs Patricia Chaney 112 West Valley Street – Line flushing Hortenstein Place, Millbrooke Drive, B. Street, Hickman Street, A. Street 2,762.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 15, Pump station monitoring - Lateral repairs Barry Davis 283 Preston Street guide wire poked through sewer line - Manhole inspections – Line flushing Elm Street, Norfolk Street 1,552.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain/Snow

Thursday 16, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Lowland Street 2,064.00 L.F. -- Manhole inspections Old Timber Road (6), Fern Circle (2), Richardson Avenue (6) – Routine maintenance

Friday 17, Pump station monitoring - Blockage Jessee & Reed 200 West N Valley Street (4) - Blockage Penny Howard 126 West Valley Street (5) – Manhole inspections Richardson Avenue (2), Moulin Street (8), Church Street @ Moulin Street /Mary Street (1), Mary Street (8) - - Routine maintenance

Monday 20, Holiday

Tuesday 21, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Park Street 520.00 L.F.- Church Street, Elementary Drive 230.00 L.F. – Park Street @ Pecan Street 693.00 L.F. - Air/Vacuum testing Fairfield Inn extension 6”SDR 35 PVC pipe /Porterfield Highway extension 8” SDR 35 pvc pipe - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 22, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Mink Place 518.00 L.F., Old Eleven Drive 661.00 L.F., Old Eleven Drive @ Melrose Street 360.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Thursday 23, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Mary Street @ Elliott Street (1), Mary Street (5), Elliott Street (2), Chantilly Way (8) - Smoked test performed on storm drains Russell Road @ Little league ball fields – Cleanout replaced Katherine Hale 852 Colonial Road – Sewer main repaired 6” terracotta pipe Colonial Road @ Stonemill Road – Highland Street 555.00 L.F - Routine maintenance

Friday 24, Pump station monitoring - Trouble spots flushing 899.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Elementary Drive @ Woodland Hills Road (1), Elementary Drive (10), Cul-d- Sac @ Alden Court (2), Elementary Drive @ Gilbert Court (1), Gilbert Court (1), Chantilly Way (1) - Routine maintenance

Saturday 25, Blockage Rosa Phelps Property 609,611,613 East Main Street (6) - Blockage Randal Eads 16288 Southwood Drive (7)

Monday 27, Pump station monitoring - Sewer Lateral/main line repairs 200 West Valley Street. Manhole installation behind 200 West Valley Street in Plumb Alley in Plumb Alley - Line flushing Melrose Street 646.00 L.F., Plumb Alley 47 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 28, Pump station monitoring - Root cutting 6” terracotta line Plumb Alley @ Cummings Street 220 L.F. Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (26) restored (15) - Line flushing Ruth Street 305 L.F., Old Eleven Drive 675.00 L.F. Flushed 12” storm drain Academy Drive 36 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

March Work Report 2017

Wednesday 01, Pump station monitoring - Lines flushing Plumb Alley @ Russell Road to Wall Street 753 L.F. , Plumb Alley @ Church Street to Chincapin Alley 1,479.00 L.F. – Manhole refurbished Plumb Alley @ Cumming Street - Water restored from previous cut off (4) - Virginia Utility Protection Services marking tickets (1) - Routine maintenance Rain

Thursday 02, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Morningside Lane 701.00 L.F. , Morningside Drive 290.00 L.F. , Timberland Court 1,832.00 L.F. – VU P S marking tickets (8) Blockage Highlands Development LLC. 475 West Main Street (1) - MACP inspections Manhole Abby Lane Manhole Abby Lane 175 - Routine maintenance

Friday 03, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (7) - Trouble spots checking - Routine maintenance Snow flurries

Monday 06, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (14) - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 07, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (2) – Manhole installation Plumb Alley behind 152 West Valley Street - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 08, Pump station monitoring – VUPS marking tickets (9) Manhole inspections Lexi Drive (5), Southwood Drive (9), Eastwood Drive (2) Woodcliff Drive (5) - Line flushing Woodland Terrace 380 L.F., Morningside Lane 1,191.00 L.F.- Routine maintenance

Thursday 09, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Morningside Drive 536.00 L.F., Norfolk Street 1,131.00 L.F. - Flushed 4” drain line @ WCWRF - Routine maintenance

Friday 10, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (4) – Trouble spots flushing 768.00 L.F. - Blockage West Main Street, Manhole Woodcliffe Collector303 Woodcliff Collector line (2) - Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 13, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (2) – Manhole inspection Woodcliffe Drive ( 3) Middlewood Drive (3), Cherry Hill Drive (3), Cherry Hill Drive @ Sams Way (1), Sams Way (2) - MACP inspections Manhole , new manhole installed on February 27, 2017 Plumb Alley @ Cummings Street in rear of 200 West Valley Street, Manhole , new manhole installed on March 7, 2017 Plumb alley in rear of 152 West Valley Street - VUPS marking tickets (4) – Line flushing Wayne A venue 564.00 L.F. , Roger Street 713.00 L.F., Edgemont Terrace 541.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 14, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (4) Manhole inspections Sams Way (3), Cherry Hill Drive @ Wyndale Road (1), Wolfe Creek Trail @ Wyndale Road (1), Wolfe Creek Trail (4), Green Village Apartment (3), Hill Top Drive @ Wolfe Creek Trail (1), Lakeside Drive (2) - MACP inspections Manhole Cross Creek Drive @ Edmond Drive Manhole Woodcliffe Collector2333, Cross Creek entrance Manhole Woodcliffe Collector 2507 , Maiden Street Manhole Highlands Subdivision 390,Maiden Street Manhole Highlands Subdivision 420, Maiden Street @ Jones Lane Manhole Edmond 888 Manhole @ 292 Edmond Drive Manhole Edmond 396, Beverly Drive @ Edmond Drive Manhole Beverly 297 - Routine maintenance Snow/Rain

Wednesday 15, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Winterham Drive (2), Winterham Drive @ Augusta Drive (1), Sawgrass Circle (2), Augusta Drive (3) - Manhole inspections Florist Road (10), Panorama Drive @ Florist Road (1), Hillview D rive (10), Panorama Drive @ Hill view Drive (1) - Routine maintenance Snow

Thursday 16, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (2) - Routine maintenance

Friday 17, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (4) - Manhole inspections Southwood Drive (8), Eastwood Drive (2), Manhole inspections Panorama (6), Empire Drive (5), Canterburg Lane (5), Empire Drive @ Canterburg Lane (1) - Routine maintenance

Monday 20 Pump station monitoring - Manhole replaced Village Boulevard, Manhole Village Boulevard 924 Manhole inspections - Line flushing Falcon Drive 725/00 L.F. - Connection verification Dollar Tree location Falcon Place Boulevard - Blockage Barter Theatre 127 West Main Street in Goodman’s Alley (tree roots) (3) – Measure standpipe at Village Boulevard for level of repaired job that was filled in some time back depth 66. 3/4“- Routine maintenance

Tuesday 21, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Morningside Drive 647.00 L.F. Falcon Drive 76 L.F. Colonial East Apartment 159.00 L.F. - Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (36) Restored (12) - VUPS marking tickets (39) - MACP inspections Village Boulevard Manhole Village Boulevard 924, Village Boulevard Manhole Village Boulevard 803, West Main Street beside 813 Manhole Woodcliffe Collector 1214, West Main Street behind 813 Manhole Woodcliffe Collector1297 - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 22, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 147.00 L.F. - VUPS marking tickets (7) - Blockage David Smith 23540 Winterham Drive removed check valve/ball valve and cleaned - (4) – Sewer main repaired @ 335 Bradley Street - Restored water from previous cut off (3) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 23, Pump station monitoring - VUPS marking tickets (36) – Water restored (1) – Connection upgraded Elementary Drive from 4” Residential to 6” Commercial Abingdon Bible Church 16152 Elementary Drive ions flushing Brookhill Drive 1,062.00 L.F. , Elementary Drive 604.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Friday 24, Pump station monitoring - Trouble spots flushing 439.00 L.F. - VUPS marking tickets (16) – Yard Hydrant replaced Southview Pump Station - Routine maintenance

Monday 27, Pump station monitoring - Manhole installation Plumb Alley/ Goodman’s Alley Sewer main replaced 6” SDR 35 PVC Pipe 16 L.F. - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 28, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Henderson Court 592.00 L.F. – Brookhill Drive 9924.00 L.F. - Pressure bell replaced Wilson pump station - MACP inspections Watauga Road Manhole Exit 19 Collector 527, Manhole Jeb Stuart Highway behind Dollar Store 1st and 2nd Manholes (no name) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 29, Pump station monitoring – Pump station wash-down Wilson, Southview, Westwood, Watauga, Meade Meadows, JMH – Blockage Woodcliff Collector line manhole 3952 in rear of 561 Wyndale Road (5) - MACP inspections Jeb Stuart Highway Manhole Exit 19 Collector 670, Jeb Stuart Highway Manhole Exit 19 Collector 4093, Jeb Stuart Highway Manhole Exit 19 Collector 4447 Jeb Stuart Highway Manhole Exit 19 670 - Routine maintenance

Thursday 30, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Clark Street 942.00 L.F. – Mowing pump stations – Manhole inspections Hillman Highway (4), Hillman Highway @ Old Eleven Drive (1), Melrose Drive (4), Ruth Street (1), Old Eleven Drive (6), Altamont Drive (1) - MACP inspections Vances Mill Road East Interceptor Manhole East Interceptor 384, Vances Mill Road East Interceptor Manhole East Interceptor 210, Vances Mill Road Manhole WWTP 927, Vances Mill Road Manhole WWTP 778, Vances Mill Road manhole WWTP 637, Vances Mill Road Manhole East Interceptor Manhole 357 – Connection verification Mary L. Snead 1116 Hillview Drive (connected) -- Routine maintenance

Friday 31, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Old Eleven Drive (1), Hillman Highway (9) – Trouble spots flushing various locations 942.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Westwood Drive (4), McCray Drive (4) - Routine maintenance Rain

April Work Report 2017

Monday 03, Pump station monitoring - Manhole installation Plumb Alley behind 231 West Main Street Routine maintenance - Rain

Tuesday 04, Pump station monitoring – Video pipe inspections Plumb Alley, videoing main lines in newly installed manholes in Plumb Alley, beginning behind 200 West Main Street going to manhole Plumb Alley @ Church Street - Line flushing Plumb Alley 1,779.00 L.F. Poplar Street 687.00 L.F. - VUPS tickets marking (4) Routine maintenance

Wednesday 05, Pump station monitoring - Line flushing Clark Street 1,198.00 L.F. Phillip Street 230.00 L.F. Wyndale Road 39.00 L.F. - Blockage Gary Dutton rental property 310 Locust Street (1) - Connection verification John Dew 561 Wyndale Road - Attempted TV storm drain Depot Square @ Fuller Street to rough at the inlet did not proceed - VUPS tickets marking (10) – Routine Maintenance

Thursday 06, Pump station monitoring – Video Wyndale Road lines Willoughby West 1 - Woodcliff Collector lateral verifications 567-573-579-561 Wyndale Road - Manhole inspections Green Village (13) -VUPS tickets (4) Line flushing Clark Street 893.00 L.F. Gillespie Drive 549.00 L.F.- East Main Street @ Hillman Highway 46.00 L.F. - Odor control ST John’s Lutheran Church 807 East Main Street - VUPS tickets marking (4) - Routine maintenance - Rain

Friday 07, Pump station monitoring - VUPS tickets marking (6) - Line flushing Valley View Drive 2,342.00 L.F., Gillespie Drive 757.00 L.F. – Blockage George Strawbridge 500 Beechwood Drive (2) - Routine maintenance

Monday 10, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections Whitesmill Road (6), Suffolk Street (1), Gilford Street (1), VUPS tickets (6) - Mowing pump stations – Verification of connection 561 Wyndale Road (dye test/video) - MACP inspections East Interceptor Manhole 11892, East Interceptor Manhole 11960- New manhole behind 231 West Main Street, Manhole Troopers Alley Manhole East interceptor 11365, Park Street Manhole East Interceptor 11187 - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 11, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Wash- down, Line cleaning 1,378.00 L.F. Norfolk Street (3), Norfolk Street @ Morgan Street (1), Trigg Street @ Mink Place (1), Mink Place @ Century Link (1), Mink Place @ Deadmore Street (1), Highland Street (3), Highland Street @ Trailview Drive (1), Highland Street @ Lowland Street (1) -- MACP inspections –Park Street Manhole Park Street 3 -347 East Interceptor Manhole East Interceptor 11714, East Interceptor Manhole East Interceptor 12308 - VUPS tickets (13) - Line flushing Crestview Drive 225.00 L.F. , Hillside Drive 520.00 L.F. , Circle Drive 320.00 L.F. , Oakhill Street 568.00 L.F. Routine maintenance

Wednesday 12, Pump station monitoring - Manhole inspections Wash- down , Line cleaning Lowland Street (6) 800.00 L.F., Nicholas Street (4) 481.00 L.F. Hickman Street @ B. Street (1) 210 L.F. B. Street (1) 291 L.F.- Line flushing Leonard Street 446.00 L.F. , Leonard Street @ Rickard Street 115L.F. King Street 56.00 L.F. 710.00L.F. Edgemont North Street 161.00 L.F. , Trigg Street 275.00 L.F.- MACP inspections Pecan Street Manhole @213 Pecan Street ( no #), Troopers Alley Manhole Pecan Street Manhole Pecan Street 301, Troopers Alley Manhole Trooper Alley 189- Blockage Ernest Murray 277 King Street (3), Blockage Britney Robertson 840 Edgemont North Street (4) - VUPS tickets marking (6) - Blockage Trigg Street line between 1750 & 1159 tree roots (5) Connection inspection Avondale Road Rain

Thursday 13, Pump station monitoring - VUPS tickets (5) - Line flushing Leonard Street 125.00 L.F., Reservoir Street 175.00 L.F., Wiley Street 1,008.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections Wash- down, B. Street @Tanner Street 497.00 L.F., Valley Street 180.00 L. F., Rugby Terrace 102.00 L.F., Henderson Court 390.00 L.F. – Root cutting Nicholas Street line 1750/1159 - Connection Dale Craig 20160 Avondale Road (1), Connection John Ross 20174 Avondale Road (2) - Routine maintenance Friday 14, Pump station monitoring - VUPS tickets marking (3) – Trouble spots wash-down Jessica Lane (WO), Exit 14 McDonald (WO), 978A West Main Street (WO),Holston Street (WO), Campus Drive (WO), Phillip Street @ Patton Street (WO 20 L.F.), Plumb Alley @ Wall Street (WO), Plumb Alley @ Chincapin Alley (WO), 322 White Street (WO), 483 Valley Street NE (WO), CVS Pharmacy (WO), Colonial East Apartments (WO), 552 Court Street (WO), 198 Valley View Drive (WO 20 L.F.), 130 Valleyview Drive (WO), 445 Circle Drive (WO 25 L.F.), Mason Place @ Church Street (WO), 221 High Street (WO 40 L.F.), 713 Mosby Street (WO), 312 Lowry Drive (WO), 341 Oakland Street (WO), MACP inspections Manhole 84 Lumber Manhole 84 Lumber 233, Manhole 84 Lumber Manhole 84 Lumber Ext, 47 - Routine maintenance

Monday 17, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Wiley Street 530.00 L.F., Russell Road @ Wiley Street 359.00 L.F., Wiley Street @ Wheeler Street 176.00 L.F. , Page Street 20.00 L.F. - VUPS tickets marking (9) - Routine maintenance - Rain

Tuesday 18, Pump station monitoring - Blockage John Belisle 803 Gilliam Street (6) - VUPS tickets marking (3) Line flushing Taylor Street 1,006.00 L.F., Gilliam Street 256.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Old Russell Road Manhole Russell Road 3440, Old Russell Road Manhole Russell Road 3281 - Routine maintenance - Rain

Wednesday 19, Pump station monitoring - VUPS tickets marking (9) – Video Grove Terrace verification for installation of restrooms. Veterans Memorable Park – Main line videoing verification connection for 313 West Valley Street - Dale Street - Line flushing Wheeler Street 825.00 L.F. , Baugh Lane 20.00 L.F., Nicholas Street 22.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance - Rain

Thursday 20, Pump station monitoring - Nicholas Street 6” concrete sewer pipe line replaced with 3.5 joints 6” SDR 35 PVC Pipe 39 L. F. manhole installed (1) line was clogged with tree roots - Dollar Tree Falcon Place Boulevard sewer connection inspection - Routine maintenance - Rain

Friday 21, Pump station monitoring – Seed & Strawed Fairview grounds 908 Hillman Highway - Trouble spots flushing 706.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections - VUPS tickets marking (8) - Routine maintenance - Rain

Monday 24, Pump station monitoring - East & West interceptor checking for surcharge manholes or overflows. No overflows/no surcharge all lines are running full pipes Waldon Road @ East Valley Street (1) Deadmore Street @ East Main Street (1), Deadmore Street @ Mink Place (1), Deadmore Street (2),Troopers Alley (2), Troopers Alley @ WCLSC (1), Court Street @ Park Street (1), Blacksfort Lane (2), Blacks Fort Lane @ RR Tracks (1), 430 Plummer Street (1), 457 Green spring Road (1), 478 Greenspring Road (1), 490 Green Spring Road (1), 498 Greenspring Road (1) – Elementary Drive @ Porterfield Highway (1), Porterfield Highway @ WCSA Building (1), Porterfield Highway @ Lee Roy’s Markey (2), Briarwood Drive @ Porterfield Highway (1), 16302 Porterfield Highway (1), 325 Porterfield Highway (1), Chase Lane @ Woodlands Road (1), 19096 Woodlands Hills Road (1), Woodcliff Drive @ Woodlands Hills Road (1) Highway (2), 16370 Porterfield Highway (1), 325 Porterfield Highway Metering Station (1),- Blockage George Strawbridge 500 Beechwood Drive (7) - VUPS tickets marking (2) - Routine Maintenance -

Tuesday 25, Pump station monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (31) - JMH Cancer Center Pump Station GPM was very low, pulled pumps and discovery they were full of old rags from the Health Units in that location of our 201 service area JMH, Highlands Pediatric, English Meadows - Blockage Thrift Shop 246 West Main Street (8) - VUPS tickets marking (3) - Routine maintenance - Water restored (10)

Wednesday 26, Pump station monitoring –Water restored from previous cut-offs on 4-25-2017 (1) - VUPS tickets marking (18) - Flushed out pond /waterfall at the Corner of Cook Street and Cumming Street - Routine maintenance

Thursday 27, Pump station monitoring - VUPS tickets marking (5) - Manhole inspections Fulkerson Street @ Gilliam Street (1), 826 Fulkerson Street (1), Mosby Street @ Hassinger Street (1), 237 Hassinger Street (1), Gilliam Street @ Hassinger Street (1), 614 Hurt Street (1), Butt Street @ Hagy Street (1), 114 Village Court (1), Hagy Street @ Village Court (1), 632 Hurt Street (1), Sutton Street @ Stonemill Road (1), Sutton Street @ Williams Street (1), 211 Butt Street (1), 472 Hagy Street (1) - Routine maintenance - Rain

Friday 28, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots checking - VUPS tickets marking (9) - Routine maintenance

(WO washed out)

May Work Report 2017

Monday 01, Pump station monitoring – Mowing field behind greenhouses - VUPS tickets marking (6) - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 02, Pump station monitoring – Dale Street installed (1) one manhole, replaced old terracotta 6” pipe with 6” SDR 35 PVC Pipe 6 - 14’ joints 84.00 L.F. - VUPS tickets marking (6) (restored water from previous cut- off April, 20298 Rustic Lane - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 03, Pump station monitoring – Dale Street replaced old terracotta pipe with 6” SDR 35 PVC 13 – 14’ joints 182.00 L.F. - (restored water from previous cut-off March, 238 Campbell Street) - VUPS tickets marking (10) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 04, Pump station monitoring – Dale Street replaced old terracotta pipe with 6” SDR 35 PVC 3 joints 42 L.F. - Marking VUPS Tickets (7) – Manhole adjustment Old Berry Drive / West Main Street @ Dutt & Wagner – Lines flushing Greenevers Court 275.00 L.F., Middlewood Drive 684.00 L.F., Wolfcreek Trail 1077.00 L.F. - VUPS tickets marking (4) - Mowing pump stations - Routine maintenance Rain

Friday 05, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 751.00 L.F. - Mowing pump stations – MACP mapping - Vances Mill Road Manhole Vance Mill Road 1789, Whitespoint Drive Manhole Whitespoint 182 - VUPS tickets marking (5) Routine maintenance

Monday 08, Pump station monitoring – Connection Randy Watson 876 Thompson Drive – Sewer main upgrade 6” concrete pipe with 6” SDR 35 PVC Pipe 76 L.F. – Water restored from April cutoff 431 Oakhill Street # 3- Sewer odor complaint Cecil Gobble 343 Morning Side Drive flushed line - Blockage Creeper Trail restrooms Winterham Drive (1) – Line flushing Southwood Drive 509.00 L.F. , Cherry Street @ Boone Street 215.00 L.F. - MACP mapping Dale Street new installed manhole/new installed 6” SDR 325 PVC pipe - VUPS tickets marking (5) - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 09, Pump station monitoring - Landscaping Cherry Street – Video sewer flushed line 240.00 L.F. Stonemill Road, guard rail post inserted in sewer line - Marking VUPS Tickets (3) Manhole inspections Hagy @ Crigger Street (1), Williams Street @ Colonial Road (1), 123 Williams Street (1), Hagy Street @ Williams Street (1), 246 Henry Street (1), 250 Henry Street (1), 317 Henry Street (1), 318 Henry Street (1), 317 Henry Street (1), 880 Crosscreek Drive (1), 800 Crosscreek Drive (1), 816 Crosscreek Drive (1), 832 Crosscreek Drive (1), 852 Crosscreek Drive (1), 880 Crosscreek Drive (1), 19090 Wynscape Drive (1), 19066 Wynscape Drive (1), 19004 Lexi Drive (1), 19032 Wynscape Drive (1), 19032 Wynscape Drive (2), - Routine maintenance Rain

Wednesday 10, Pump station monitoring - Installed Power Sonic Battery Model PS - 1208WL 12 Volt 0.8 Amp.Hr. @ Southview Pump Station/ Meade Meadows Pump Stations - Line flushing Russell Road 156.00 L.F., Woodcliff Drive 828.00 L.F., Southwood Drive 52.00 L.F. - Marking VUPS Tickets (3) - MACP mapping Manhole Russell Road Manhole Russell Road 3-965, Manhole Dale Street @ West Valley Street New installed manhole no # - Lateral inspections Randy Watson 876 Cherry Street - Routine maintenance

Thursday 11, Pump station monitoring – Marking VUPS Tickets (2) - Inspection Muffin Monster JMH Pump Station Lee Highway /Westwood Pump Station Stonemill Road – Line flushing Southwood Drive 635.00 L.F., Eastwood Drive 336.00 L.F., Cherry Hill Drive 522.00 L.F., Sams Way 174.00 L.F. - Mowing pump stations Routine maintenance

Friday 12, Pump station monitoring – Marking VUPS Tickets (6) – Manhole inspections 969 Beverly Drive, (1), 944 Beverly Drive, (1), 924 Beverly Drive (1), 922 Beverly Drive (1), 304 Edmond C Drive (1), 944 Maiden Street (1), Jones Drive @ Maiden Street (1), 965 Maiden Street (1), 277 Beverly Drive (1), 179 Glenrochie Drive (1), 220 Glenrochie Drive (1), 240 Glenrochie Drive (1), 260 Glenrochie Drive (1), 276 Glenrochie Drive, (2) - Line flushing Gilbert Drive 287.00 L.F., Arden Drive 196.00 L.F. , Edmond Drive @ Maiden Street 786.00 L.F. , Edmond Drive @ Beverly Drive 657.00 L.F. , Beverly Drive 179.00 L.F. - MACP inspections Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers 784 - Routine Maintenance Rain

Monday 15, Pump station monitoring – Marking VUPS Tickets (7) - Cleanout repairs 1070 Florist Road – Line flushing Hill Street 1100.00 L.F., Fairgrounds 1190.00 - MACP inspections Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1272, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1057,Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1618, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1469, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 2305, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 2173, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1969, Greenevers Court Manhole Greenevers Court 1774 - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 16, Pump station monitoring –Pump stations wash down JMH, pump station Lee Highway, Watauga ,pump station Jeb Stuart Highway , Meade Meadows pump station Berry Creek Drive, Wilson pump station Woodland Hills Road - Marking VUPS Tickets (14)

Wednesday 17, Pump station monitoring - Pump station wash-down Southview Estates – Manhole inspections 833 Glenrochie Drive (1), 172 Glenrochie Drive (1), 149 Glenrochie Drive (1), 144 Glenrochie Drive (1), Glenrochie Drive @ Mountain Drive (1), 176 Mountain Drive (1) , 156 Mountain Drive (1), 184 Mountain Drive (1), 200 Mountain Drive (1), 211 Mountain Drive (1) - Mowing pump stations - Routine maintenance

Thursday 18, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump station - Marking VUPS Tickets (1) – Manhole inspections 367 Winterham Drive (3), 347 Augusta Drive (2), 920 Sawgrass Circle (3), 805 Sawgrass Circle (1), Doral Place Cul-D-Sac (1), 469 Winterham Drive (1), 455 Winterham Drive (3), 374 Augusta Drive (1), 362 Augusta Drive (1), 359 Augusta Drive (1), 347 Augusta Drive (1), - MACP inspections Country Club Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 4385, Country Club Drive Manhole Country Club Collector2256, Country Club Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 0-100, Country Club Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 0- 100Routine maintenance

Friday 19, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots checking – Sewer connection verification Mary Ann Moore 100 Crestview Drive - Marking VUPS Tickets (6) -Routine maintenance Rain

Monday 22, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections 371 Winterham Drive (1), 379 Winterham Drive (1), 395 Winterham Drive (2), 401 Winterham Drive (1), 413 Winterham Drive (1), 419 Winterham Drive (1), 434 Winterham Drive (1), 446 Winterham Drive (1), 452 Winterham Drive (1), 828 Muirfield Circle (1), 340 Winterham Drive (1), 360 Winterham Drive (1), Line flushing - Charwood Drive @ Beverly Drive 359.00 L.F., Beverly Drive 1,277.00 L.F., Moulin Street 602.00 L.F. - Marking VUPS Tickets (1) - Routine maintenance Rain

Tuesday 23, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Colonial Road @ Hassinger Street 561.00 L.F. , Colonial Road 210.00 L.F., Hassinger Street @ Gilliam Street 305.00 L.F. , Hassinger Street @ Mosby Street 875.00 L.F. - Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (34) - Water restored same day (15) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 24, Pump station monitoring – Water work s from previous day restored (4) – Line flushing West Main Street 1,205.00 L.F. , Butt Street @ Hagy Street 359.00 L.F. , Butt Street @ Sutton Street 515.00 L.F. MACP inspections 615 Wyndale Road Manhole Woodcliffe Collector 4914, 587 Wyndale Road Manhole Woodcliffe Collector 4355, 591 Wyndale Road Manhole Woodcliffe Collector 4553 - Routine maintenance Marking VUPS Tickets (emerg) (3) Rain Hail

Thursday 25, Pump station monitoring – Checked storm drains East Valley that flow into Plumb Alley @ Chincapin Alley and under East Main Street that flows down to Park Street open-faced - Line flushing – Manhole inspections - Marking VUPS Tickets (3) - Routine maintenance - Rain

Friday 26, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing 664.00 L.F. Water work s from previous interruptions restored (3) - Mowing pump stations - Marking VUPS Tickets (4) Routine maintenance

Monday 29, Holiday Rain

Tuesday 30, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Preston Street 418.00 L.F. , Bradley Street 354.00 L.F. , Lowery Drive 1210.00 L.F. - Distribution door hangers for smoke testing in the month of June 2017 - Manhole inspections 925 Timberland Court (1), 907 Timberland Court (1), Woodland Terrace @ Morningside Lane (1), 376 Morningside Lane (1), 337 Morningside Lane (1), 322 Morningside Lane (1), 290 Morningside Lane (1), 254 Morningside Lane (1), 224 Morningside Lane (1), 231 Morningside Lane (1), 231 Morningside Lane (1), 319 Morningside Drive (2), 343 Morningside Drive (1), 382 Morningside Drive (1), 346 Morningside Drive (1), 316 Morningside Drive (2), Cul-de-Sac Panacella Drive (1), 822 Panacella Drive (1), 840 Panacella C Drive (1), 864 Panacella Drive (1), 880 Panacella Drive (1), Colonial Square Cul-de-Sac (1), 880 Panacella Drive (1), 822 Panacella Drive (1) , 822 Edgemont North Street (2), 834 Edgemont North Street (1), 846 Edgemont North Street (1), 864 Edgemont North Street (1), 876 Edgemont North Street (1) - Marking VUPS Tickets (1) - Cleanout repaired Kathreen Marie Farres 1137 Hillview Drive - Sewer line verifications Joe Waters 19264 Sterling Drive - Water work s from previous interruptions restored (4) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 31, Pump station monitoring – Walden Road manholes cleaning line flushing, MACP inspections 465 Waldon Road Manhole Walden Road Collector 1115, 468 Walden Road Manhole Walden Road Collector 1195 - Water work s from previous interruptions restored (1) - MACP inspections 314 Bogey Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 1464, 319 Bogey Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 1222, 445 Fairway Drive Manhole Country Club Collector 980 - Marking VUPS Tickets (2) - Routine maintenance

June Work Report 2017

Thursday 01, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Bradley Street 966.00 L.F. Oakland Street 735.00 L.F. Manhole inspections 876 Falcon Drive (1), 860 Falcon Drive, (1), 843 Falcon Drive (2), 183 Edgemont Terrace (4), Colonial East Apartment # 17 (1), Colonial East Apartment #21 (1), Colonial East Apartment #24 (1) - Mowing pump stations - Marking VUPS Tickets (3) - MACP inspections 806 Birdie Drive Manhole Glenrochie Drive Collector 128, 820 Cummings Street Manhole East Interceptor 3653, 880 Cumming Street Manhole East Interceptor 3663 - Routine maintenance

Friday 02, Pump station monitoring – Blockage Curt Jackson 183 Stonewall Heights (1) installed clean out on main line - Trouble spots flushing 642.00 L.F. - Marking VUPS Tickets (7) Routine maintenance 1st Week Monday 05, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections 376 Morningside Lane (1), 322 Morningside Lane (1), 325 Morningside Lane (1), 337 Morningside Lane (1), 290 Morningside Lane (1), 254 Morningside Lane (1), 224 Morningside Lane (1), 231 Morningside Lane (1), 18245 Westwood Drive (1), 18259 Westwood Drive (1), 18299 Westwood Drive (1), 18335 Westwood Drive (1), 18359 Westwood Drive (1), 18371 Westwood Drive (1) 18407 Westwood Drive (1) – McCray Drive @ Westwood Drive (1) - 159 Edgemont Terrace (1), 849 Wayne Avenue (1) , 855 Wayne Avenue (2), 171 Roger Street (1), 860 Falcon Drive (1), 867 Wayne Avenue (1), 154 Baugh Lane (1), 233 Morningside Drive (1), 221 Morningside Drive (1), 209 Morningside Drive (1),,195 Morningside Drive (1), 933 Morningside Drive (2), 921 Morningside Drive (1), 901 Morningside Drive (1) Marking VUPS Tickets (4) - Routine maintenance – High wet well level Watauga pump station Jason Dunn Blockage Wall Property Group LLC rental property 151 Hassinger Street (2) Mike Roark/Jason Dunn Rain

Tuesday 06, Pump station monitoring – Sewer main repairs Stonewall Heights @ North Court Street - Manhole inspections - Marking VUPS Tickets (5) – Manhole inspections 107 Smartview Drive (2), 103 Smartview Drive (1), Smartview @ Baugh Lane (1), 835 Edgemont Apartment (1), 815 Baugh Lane (1), 784 Baugh Lane (1), 775 Baugh Lane (2 ), 792 Baugh Lane (1) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 07, Pump station monitoring – Marking VUPS Tickets (6) – Line flushing Hickman Street 2,448.00 L.F. - Manhole inspections 18245 Westwood Drive (1), 18259 Westwood Drive (1), 18229 Westwood drive (1), 18335 Westwood Drive (1), 18357 Westwood Drive (1), 18371 Westwood Drive (1), 18407 Westwood Drive (1), 18429 Westwood Drive (1), 20076 McCray Drive (1), 20052 McCray Drive (1), 20034 McCray Drive (1), 20146 McCray Drive (1), 2001`0 McCray Drive (1), 19840 McCray Drive (1) - MACP inspections 19117 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cummings Heights Collector Ext.2- 400 , 19137 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cummings Heights Collector Ext. 2-147, 19144 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 5911, 19144 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 5867 - Routine maintenance

Thursday 08, Pump station monitoring – Marking VUPS Tickets (5) - Line flushing Fulkerson Street 21.00 L.F. Mosby Street 410.00 L.F. , Mosby Street @ Hassinger Street 675.00 L.F. , Gilliam Street @ Hassinger Street 315.00 L.F. , Hagy Street @ Village Court 276.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance (Combine cook-outs Collection/Disposal) Rain

Friday 09, Pump station monitoring – Trouble spots flushing – Manhole Frame & Cover adjustment for paving Boone Street @ Cherry Street, Boone Street @ East Main Street - Marking VUPS Tickets (5) - Routine maintenance

2nd Week Monday 12, Pump station monitoring – Southview pump station force main repairs, leak was located in front of 903 East Main Street. Call was received 11:32 PM Sunday 6-11-2017 - (2) occurrence call was received at 9:53 P.M. Monday 6-12-2017 - VUPS ticket marking (45) - Routine maintenance Tuesday 13, Pump station monitoring –Smoke testing West Main Street 2543.39 L.F. MACP inspections manhole West Main Street from Russell Road to 545 West Main Street - Cold patch opening on East Main Street Force Main Break - VUPS ticket marking (11) Routine maintenance Rain Wednesday 14, Pump station monitoring – VUPS ticket marking ( 7) - Smoke testing West Main Street 1,207.60 L.F. - Cold patch opening on East Main Street Force Main Break - Blockage 124 South Church Street Wayne Hayter rental property (3) - Routine maintenance Thursday 15, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Butt Street 450.00 L.F. Jamison Street 347.00 L.F. Roberta Street 269.00 L.F. Rodefer Street 620.00 L.F. - VUPS ticket marking (4) – Pulled pumps at Meade Meadows pump station checked impeller (ok) - Routine maintenance Rain Friday 16, Pump station monitoring – Pulled pumps at Westwood pump station checked impeller pump 2 not creating amount of GPM rated -- Blockage Eastman Credit Union 159 East Valley Street (4) - Trouble spots flushing 785.00 L.F. - Connection Jeff Campbell 15889 Porterfield Highway (Greenhouse) - Routine maintenance VUPS ticket marking (2) Rain Sunday 18, Blockage 849 Edgemont North Street - (5) Jason Dunn/Tommy Garland 3rd Week Monday 19, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing Whites Point Drive 531.00 L.F. Sophie Drive 351.00 L.F. MACP inspection 19096 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 6301, 19076 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights Collector 6521, 19256 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights Collector 4780, 19290 Woodland Hills Road Manhole Cumming Heights 4398 - VUPS ticket marking (9) Routine maintenance Rain Tuesday 20, Pump station monitoring – Line flushing A Street 630.00 L.F. McCray Drive 1,124.00 L.F. Removed pump #2 @ Westwood pump station and installed standby pump - VUPS ticket marking (8) - Routine maintenance Wednesday 21, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump stations – Drain pipe flushing Whitesmill Road - Vacuum grit chamber Wolf Creek Water Reclamation bottom level - MACP inspections 16967 Elliott Street Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 1519, 16041 Elliott Street Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 1306, 15485 Chantilly Way Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 610, 16003 Chantilly Way Manhole Cummings Heights Collector 963 - VUPS ticket marking (4) - Line flushing Westwood Drive 1,185.00 L.F. - Routine maintenance

Thursday 22, Pump station monitoring – VUPS ticket marking (6) – MACP inspections 16291 Greenevers Court Manhole Wynscape 200, 16126 Elementary Drive Manhole Elementary W-280 - Line flushing Westwood Drive 1,554.00 L.F. – Manhole inspections 1161 Hillview Drive (1), 1144 Hillview Drive (1), 1137 Hillview Drive (1), 1101 Hillview Drive (1), 1089 Hillview Drive (1),. 1083 Hillview Drive (1), 1065 Hillview Drive (1), 1068 Hillview Drive (1), 1056 Hill View Drive (1), 1059 Hillview Drive (1), 2021 Florist Road (1), 2013 Florist Road (1), 1088 Florist Road (1), 1095 Florist Road (1), 1083 Florist Road (1), 1071 Florist Roar (1), 1059 Florist Road (1), 1051 Florist Road (1), Florist Road @ Panorama Drive (1) - Blockage Helen M. Gardnner279 Bradley Street (6) Routine maintenance - Rain

Friday 23, Pump station monitoring – Manhole inspections 1051 Panorama Drive (1), Panorama Drive @ Hillview Drive (1), 1042 Panorama Drive (1), 1027 Panorama (1), 1018 Panorama Drive (1) 1015 Panorama Drive (4), Empir3e Drive @ Canterbury Lane (1) -VUPS ticket marking (2) - MACP inspections 18335 Adare Lane Manhole Butler Line 194, Wilson Pump Station - Trouble spots flushing 738.00 L.F. Routine maintenance Rain

4th Week

Monday 26, Pump station monitoring – TV Video West Main Street from Russell Road to Pippin Street 2,278.91 L.F. - VUPS ticket marking (10) - Routine maintenance

Tuesday 27, Pump station monitoring – Water interruption nonpayment of sewer bills (42) Water restored (21) VUPS ticket marking (7) - Routine maintenance

Wednesday 28, Pump station monitoring – Water restored (6) – Trouble spots checking - Mowing field behind Greenhouse - VUPS ticket marking (3) - Routine maintenance

Thursday 29, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump station - Water restored (9) - Routine maintenance

Friday 30, Pump station monitoring – Mowing pump station- Water restored (1) - VUPS ticket marking (3) Routine maintenance

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219

STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Combined Administrator

John Tyler Vencill



This certificate is for your records and should be kept in a safe location. Please detach the above certificate and the two wallet size cards below. It is your responsibility to ensure that your certification is kept current and that you meet the requirements for re-certification before the expiration date.

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219

STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Combined Administrator Combined Administrator John Tyler Vencill John Tyler Vencill

Certificate Number Expiration Date Certificate Number Expiration Date SWCA0196 6/4/2018 SWCA0196 6/4/2018 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219


John Tyler Vencill



This certificate is for your records and should be kept in a safe location. Please detach the above certificate and the two wallet size cards below. It is your responsibility to ensure that your certification is kept current and that you meet the requirements for re-certification before the expiration date.

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219

EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Program Administrator Program Administrator John Tyler Vencill John Tyler Vencill

Certificate Number Expiration Date Certificate Number Expiration Date ESPA0100 6/9/2020 ESPA0100 6/9/2020 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219


John Tyler Vencill



This certificate is for your records and should be kept in a safe location. Please detach the above certificate and the two wallet size cards below. It is your responsibility to ensure that your certification is kept current and that you meet the requirements for re-certification before the expiration date.

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA State Water Control Board State Water Control Board 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219

EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Plan Reviewer Plan Reviewer John Tyler Vencill John Tyler Vencill

Certificate Number Expiration Date Certificate Number Expiration Date 600 11/30/2018 600 11/30/2018


REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER WOOD CHIPS CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 111 7 126 112 7 116 106 118 20 6 15.61 110 20 2 4.91 45 900 121 20 2 5.49 3 60 107 7 2 2.48 120 24 Dump Trailer 6 2 0.97 105 7 108 21 103 124 104 18 17 65.88 117 3 128 3 22.25 127 28 15 134.97 TOTALS = 49 252.56 0 0 48 960 0 0.00 3 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 5.154286 20 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 48 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill.

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 8/1/2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: AUGUST YEAR: 2016

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER WOOD CHIPS CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 1 1.47 111 7 126 112 7 116 106 118 20 2 3.18 110 20 2 4.42 54 1080 121 20 2 3.51 4 80 119 24 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 3 1.55 105 7 108 21 122 125 117 2 104 18 18 77.9 128 28 16 146.29 127 28 2 18.56 TOTALS = 46 256.88 0 0 58 1160 0 0.00 2 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 5.584348 20 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 58 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill.

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 9/1/2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: SEPTEMBER YEAR: 2016

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER WOOD CHIPS CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 111 7 126 112 7 116 106 118 20 2 2.78 1 20 110 20 3 5.37 47 940 121 20 1 2.82 119 24 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 1 0.43 105 7 108 21 122 125 117 99 104 18 18 68.98 128 28 11 90.15 127 28 8 63.6 TOTALS = 44 234.13 0 0 48 960 0 0.00 99 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 5.321136 20 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 48 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill.

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 10/3/2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: OCTOBER YEAR: 2016

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER WOOD CHIPS CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 1 1.92 111 7 126 112 7 116 107 1 5.46 118 20 2 2.92 110 20 2 4.51 45 900 121 20 2 4.63 2 40 119 21 1 3.74 3 63 120 24 1 4.31 1 24 Dump Trailer 3 105 7 108 21 124 125 104 18 16 58.65 117 12 128 2 18.25 127 28 14 117.52 TOTALS = 42 221.91 0 0 47 940 4 87.00 12 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 5.283571 20 21.75 #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 47 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 2 Loads of Leaves Went to Washington County Landfill 2 Loads of Leaves Went to Bristol Landfill

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 11/1/2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: NOVEMBER YEAR: 2016

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER WOOD CHIPS CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 3 9.28 111 7 126 112 7 116 107 3 5.82 118 20 2 2.77 110 20 1 2.22 39 780 121 20 7 16.31 1 20 6 120 119 21 2 9.74 12 252 120 24 2 9.57 10 240 Dump Trailer 3 2 1.01 105 7 108 21 124 125 104 18 17 62.59 117 5 128 7 35.65 127 28 14 110.84 TOTALS = 60 265.8 0 0 40 800 28 612.00 5 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 4.43 20 21.85714 #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 40 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 24 Loads of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant 4 Loads of Leaves Went to Bristol Landfill

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 12/1/2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: DECEMBER YEAR: 2016

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 5 7.67 111 7 126 112 7 116 107 1 1.21 118 20 1 2.78 1 20 110 20 3 4.63 23 460 121 20 1 2.26 1 20 119 21 5 105 120 24 3.5 84 Dump Trailer 3 5 2.44 105 7 108 21 115 16 122 15 104 18 18 73.18 117 110 128 7 47.73 127 28 12 103.16 TOTALS = 53 245.06 0 0 24 480 8.5 189.00 141 1 20.0 AVERAGE = 4.623774 20 22.23529 20

COMMENTS: 24 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 8.5 Loads of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant 1 Load of Christmas Trees went to Washington Country Park

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 1/3/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: JANUARY YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 2 3.56 111 7 124 102 112 7 125 7 107 118 20 1 2.02 110 20 1 2.23 16.5 330 121 20 1 2.95 1 20 2 40 119 21 1 21 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 5 2.29 105 7 108 21 115 122 104 18 17 62.05 117 9 128 6 44.05 127 28 12 97.97 TOTALS = 45 217.12 0 0 17.5 350 1 21.00 118 2 40.0 AVERAGE = 4.824889 20 21 20

COMMENTS: 17.5 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 1 Load of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant 2 Loads of Christmas Trees went to Washington Country Park

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 2/1/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: FEBRUARY YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 2 5.34 111 7 124 90 112 7 125 107 118 20 1 1.81 110 20 2 2.97 30 600 121 20 1 1.84 119 21 0.5 10.5 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 2 0.5 105 7 108 21 115 122 104 18 15 50.93 117 128 8 60.55 127 28 8 64.42 TOTALS = 39 188.36 0 0 30 600 0.5 10.50 90 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 4.829744 20 21 #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 30 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 1/2 Load of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 3/1/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: MARCH YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 2 4.71 111 7 124 53 112 7 125 107 118 20 110 20 2 3.63 45 900 121 20 2 5.08 5 100 1 20 119 21 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 2 1.19 105 7 108 21 103 8 122 104 18 18 68.05 117 128 8 52.06 127 28 14 100.49 TOTALS = 48 235.21 0 0 50 1000 1 20.00 61 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 4.900208 20 20 #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 50 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 1 Load of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 4/3/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: APRIL YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 1 3.14 111 7 124 112 7 125 107 118 20 1 1.9 1 20 110 20 2 4.21 45 900 121 20 2 5.36 1 20 1 20 119 21 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 7 10.52 105 7 108 21 103 122 104 18 16 61.54 117 128 1 9.09 127 28 15 137.31 TOTALS = 45 233.07 0 0 47 940 1 20.00 0 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 5.179333 20 20 #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 47 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill. 1 Load of Leaves Went to Sewer Plant

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 5/1/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: MAY YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 2 6.42 111 7 124 112 7 125 107 118 20 7 13.41 110 20 2 7.29 49 980 121 20 6 12.49 119 21 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 6 6.22 106 1 1.14 108 21 103 122 104 18 17 73.25 112 2 1.72 128 5 47.15 127 28 13 131.97 TOTALS = 61 301.06 0 0 49 980 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 4.93541 20 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 49 Loads of Brush Went to Landfill.

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 6/5/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MONTH: JUNE YEAR: 2017

REFUSE INCL. ROADSIDE TRUCK CLEAN UP WKS. WHITE GOODS BRUSH LEAVES LITTER CHRISTMAS TREES CAPA. CU. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. OF NO. NO. YDS. LOADS TONS LOADS TONS LOADS CU. YDS. LOADS CU. YDS. BAGS LOADS CU. YDS. 100 18 1 3.65 111 7 124 112 7 125 107 1 0.64 118 20 5 14.47 3 60 110 20 18 35.91 55 1100 121 20 2 6.74 6 120 119 21 120 24 Dump Trailer 3 3 1.53 106 108 21 103 122 104 18 18 73.58 112 128 2 7.72 127 28 18 166.85 TOTALS = 68 311.09 0 0 64 1280 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 AVERAGE = 4.574853 20 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

COMMENTS: 44 Loads of Brush Went to Washington County Landfill. 20 Loads of Brush Went to Bristol Landfill.

Prepared by: Pat Brown Submitted by: Jamie Chafin 7/5/2017

STREET REPORT Jul-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 7/1/2016 Friday 40 7/2/2016 Saturday 7/3/2016 Sunday 7/4/2016 Monday 7/5/2016 Tuesday 7/6/2016 Wednesday 50 7/7/2016 Thursday 40 7/8/2016 Friday 35 7/9/2016 Saturday 7/10/2016 Sunday 7/11/2016 Monday 45 3 7/12/2016 Tuesday 50 1.25 7/13/2016 Wednesday 8.54 40 400 7/14/2016 Thursday 50 7/15/2016 Friday 33.57 45 7/16/2016 Saturday 7/17/2016 Sunday 7/18/2016 Monday 50 7/19/2016 Tuesday 45 7/20/2016 Wednesday 55 1 3.5 160 7/21/2016 Thursday 7/22/2016 Friday 4 100 7/23/2016 Saturday 7/24/2016 Sunday 7/25/2016 Monday 7/26/2016 Tuesday 7.12 5 2.75 7/27/2016 Wednesday 1.96 21 400 7/28/2016 Thursday 5.4 240 7/29/2016 Friday 34 7/30/2016 Saturday 7/31/2016 Sunday 15.9 40.69 4 0 0 0 100 605 1 0 0 10.5 1200 STREET REPORT Aug-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 8/1/2016 Monday 10 8/2/2016 Tuesday 2.03 6.79 8/3/2016 Wednesday 2.24 3 8/4/2016 Thursday 3.5 8/5/2016 Friday 8/6/2016 Saturday 8/7/2016 Sunday 8/8/2016 Monday 10 150 45 8/9/2016 Tuesday 1.03 55 8/10/2016 Wednesday 6.16 40 8/11/2016 Thursday 50 8/12/2016 Friday 1.24 40 2.25 8/13/2016 Saturday 8/14/2016 Sunday 8/15/2016 Monday 1.99 6 150 50 8/16/2016 Tuesday 10 175 8/17/2016 Wednesday 50 2 8/18/2016 Thursday 0.99 40 8/19/2016 Friday 30 8/20/2016 Saturday 8/21/2016 Sunday 8/22/2016 Monday 13 150 50 8/23/2016 Tuesday 15 200 45 8/24/2016 Wednesday 20 225 45 8/25/2016 Thursday 22 200 45 8/26/2016 Friday 20 200 45 2 8/27/2016 Saturday 8/28/2016 Sunday 8/29/2016 Monday 12 150 45 8/30/2016 Tuesday 13 150 8/31/2016 Wednesday 13 150 40 2 90 12.2 10.27 144 10 0 0 1900 725 0 6 0 0 8.75 90 STREET REPORT Sep-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 9/1/2016 Thursday 13 150 45 2 9/2/2016 Friday 10 100 50 9/3/2016 Saturday 9/4/2016 Sunday 9/5/2016 Monday 9/6/2016 Tuesday 35 3 9/7/2016 Wednesday 2.29 55 400 9/8/2016 Thursday 40 3040 9/9/2016 Friday 19.47 45 9/10/2016 Saturday 9/11/2016 Sunday 9/12/2016 Monday 50 9/13/2016 Tuesday 1.16 45 1 9/14/2016 Wednesday 40 9/15/2016 Thursday 35 9/16/2016 Friday 45 9/17/2016 Saturday 9/18/2016 Sunday 9/19/2016 Monday 40 1 9/20/2016 Tuesday 50 9/21/2016 Wednesday 11.14 5.83 5 8 150 50 9/22/2016 Thursday 4 40 9/23/2016 Friday 53.85 40 9/24/2016 Saturday 9/25/2016 Sunday 9/26/2016 Monday 40 1.75 9/27/2016 Tuesday 45 9/28/2016 Wednesday 50 9/29/2016 Thursday 30 9/30/2016 Friday 1.57 45 560

71.72 27.59 28 8 0 0 400 915 0 6 0 0 2.75 4000 STREET REPORT Oct-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 10/1/2016 Saturday 10/2/2016 Sunday 10/3/2016 Monday 8.58 40 10/4/2016 Tuesday 50 5 10/5/2016 Wednesday 0.99 50 10/6/2016 Thursday 35 10/7/2016 Friday 50 10/8/2016 Saturday 10/9/2016 Sunday 10/10/2016 Monday 10/11/2016 Tuesday 1.05 40 10/12/2016 Wednesday 45 10/13/2016 Thursday 1.02 45 10/14/2016 Friday 35 10/15/2016 Saturday 10/16/2016 Sunday 10/17/2016 Monday 7.19 10/18/2016 Tuesday 3.09 10/19/2016 Wednesday 40 10/20/2016 Thursday 40 10/21/2016 Friday 40 4 10/22/2016 Saturday 10/23/2016 Sunday 10/24/2016 Monday 40 10/25/2016 Tuesday 45 10/26/2016 Wednesday 40 10/27/2016 Thursday 10/28/2016 Friday 10/29/2016 Saturday 10/30/2016 Sunday 10/31/2016 Monday 40 11 TOTAL 21.92 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 5 15 0 0 0 0 STREET REPORT Nov-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 11/1/2016 Tuesday 45 11/2/2016 Wednesday 35 11/3/2016 Thursday 30 1 11/4/2016 Friday 35 28 11/5/2016 Saturday 11/6/2016 Sunday 11/7/2016 Monday 40 11/8/2016 Tuesday 35 11/9/2016 Wednesday 40 11/10/2016 Thursday 44 11/11/2016 Friday 11/12/2016 Saturday 11/13/2016 Sunday 11/14/2016 Monday 35 1 11/15/2016 Tuesday 45 1 11/16/2016 Wednesday 8.34 30 11/17/2016 Thursday 1 11/18/2016 Friday 40 240 11/19/2016 Saturday 11/20/2016 Sunday 11/21/2016 Monday 45 11/22/2016 Tuesday 42 11/23/2016 Wednesday 11/24/2016 Thursday 11/25/2016 Friday 11/26/2016 Saturday 11/27/2016 Sunday 11/28/2016 Monday 40 140 11/29/2016 Tuesday 7.02 55 560 11/30/2016 Wednesday 40

8.34 7.02 0 0 0 0 0 676 30 0 0 2 940 STREET REPORT Dec-16 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 12/1/2016 Thursday 50 12/2/2016 Friday 2 40 12/3/2016 Saturday 12/4/2016 Sunday 12/5/2016 Monday 25 560 12/6/2016 Tuesday 12/7/2016 Wednesday 560 12/8/2016 Thursday 45 3 12/9/2016 Friday 45 12/10/2016 Saturday 12/11/2016 Sunday 12/12/2016 Monday 12/13/2016 Tuesday 35 12/14/2016 Wednesday 5 12/15/2016 Thursday 40 12/16/2016 Friday 40 3 12/17/2016 Saturday 12/18/2016 Sunday 12/19/2016 Monday 30 12/20/2016 Tuesday 45 1 12/21/2016 Wednesday 3.73 50 12/22/2016 Thursday 50 12/23/2016 Friday 12/24/2016 Saturday 12/25/2016 Sunday 12/26/2016 Monday 12/27/2016 Tuesday 12/28/2016 Wednesday 45 6 12/29/2016 Thursday 50 12/30/2016 Friday 12/31/2016 Saturday 5.73 0 0 0 0 0 590 18 0 0 0 1120 STREET REPORT Jan-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 1/1/2017 Sunday 1/2/2017 Monday 1/3/2017 Tuesday 1/4/2017 Wednesday 45 1/5/2017 Thursday 0.5 1/6/2017 Friday 20.25 1/7/2017 Saturday 83 1/8/2017 Sunday 1/9/2017 Monday 0.75 1/10/2017 Tuesday 55 3 1/11/2017 Wednesday 40 1 1/12/2017 Thursday 40 1/13/2017 Friday 1/14/2017 Saturday 1/15/2017 Sunday 1/16/2017 Monday 1/17/2017 Tuesday 40 1/18/2017 Wednesday 55 9 1/19/2017 Thursday 45 1/20/2017 Friday 40 1/21/2017 Saturday 1/22/2017 Sunday 1/23/2017 Monday 1/24/2017 Tuesday 45 1/25/2017 Wednesday 50 1/26/2017 Thursday 1/27/2017 Friday 1/28/2017 Saturday 1/29/2017 Sunday 1/30/2017 Monday 42.5 1/31/2017 Tuesday 50 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 505 13 147 720 0 0 STREET REPORT Feb-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 2/1/2017 Wednesday 45 2/2/2017 Thursday 3.98 40 2/3/2017 Friday 40 4 2/4/2017 Saturday 2/5/2017 Sunday 2/6/2017 Monday 30 2/7/2017 Tuesday 2/8/2017 Wednesday 2 50 2/9/2017 Thursday 40 2/10/2017 Friday 1 2/11/2017 Saturday 2/12/2017 Sunday 2/13/2017 Monday 45 50 2/14/2017 Tuesday 45 1.75 2/15/2017 Wednesday 0.75 2/16/2017 Thursday 1 40 2/17/2017 Friday 1.75 2/18/2017 Saturday 2/19/2017 Sunday 2/20/2017 Monday 2/21/2017 Tuesday 40 1.75 2/22/2017 Wednesday 40 2/23/2017 Thursday 2.49 45 1 2/24/2017 Friday 33.49 45 160 2/25/2017 Saturday 2/26/2017 Sunday 2/27/2017 Monday 24 2/28/2017 Tuesday 25

37.47 5.49 0 0 0 0 570 24 0.75 50 11.25 160 STREET REPORT Mar-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 24" 4" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 3/1/2017 Wednesday 25 3/2/2017 Thursday 45 3/3/2017 Friday 40 1.5 3/4/2017 Saturday 3/5/2017 Sunday 3/6/2017 Monday 50 2 1 3/7/2017 Tuesday 40 1.5 3/8/2017 Wednesday 2.99 50 560 3/9/2017 Thursday 45 3/10/2017 Friday 45 2 3/11/2017 Saturday 3/12/2017 Sunday 3/13/2017 Monday 7.95 45 3/14/2017 Tuesday 55 3/15/2017 Wednesday 40 2.5 3/16/2017 Thursday 32.96 9 3/17/2017 Friday 16.06 3 3/18/2017 Saturday 3/19/2017 Sunday 3/20/2017 Monday 4.42 55 80 3/21/2017 Tuesday 8.34 50 3/22/2017 Wednesday 4.96 45 3/23/2017 Thursday 40 1 2.5 3/24/2017 Friday 40 180 3/25/2017 Saturday 3/26/2017 Sunday 3/27/2017 Monday 50 3/28/2017 Tuesday 55 3/29/2017 Wednesday 3.28 30 3/30/2017 Thursday 3.09 30 5 3/31/2017 Friday 20 2.99 81.06 0 0 0 0 0 895 17 2.5 180 11.5 640 STREET REPORT Apr-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 4/1/2017 Saturday 4/2/2017 Sunday 4/3/2017 Monday 3.29 40 4/4/2017 Tuesday 30 1 3 4/5/2017 Wednesday 55 4/6/2017 Thursday 50 4/7/2017 Friday 45 2 4/8/2017 Saturday 4/9/2017 Sunday 4/10/2017 Monday 3.19 50 4/11/2017 Tuesday 8.43 30 2 7 4/12/2017 Wednesday 11.35 50 4/13/2017 Thursday 9.32 45 3 7 4/14/2017 Friday 1.02 20 4 4/15/2017 Saturday 4/16/2017 Sunday 4/17/2017 Monday 50 4/18/2017 Tuesday 55 4/19/2017 Wednesday 25 7 4/20/2017 Thursday 4/21/2017 Friday 4.04 45 19 4/22/2017 Saturday 4/23/2017 Sunday 4/24/2017 Monday 50 4 4/25/2017 Tuesday 1.99 2.2 45 4/26/2017 Wednesday 45 4 4/27/2017 Thursday 40 5 4/28/2017 Friday 45 7 4/29/2017 Saturday 4/30/2017 Sunday

16.37 28.46 815 58 0 0 17 0 STREET REPORT May-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 5/1/2017 Monday 50 5/2/2017 Tuesday 24.11 45 5/3/2017 Wednesday 8.33 45 5/4/2017 Thursday 45 5/5/2017 Friday 45 5/6/2017 Saturday 5/7/2017 Sunday 5/8/2017 Monday 2 5/9/2017 Tuesday 30 5/10/2017 Wednesday 4.09 50 5/11/2017 Thursday 2.55 40 2.25 5/12/2017 Friday 5/13/2017 Saturday 5/14/2017 Sunday 5/15/2017 Monday 13.08 8 50 50 5/16/2017 Tuesday 15.01 12 100 55 5/17/2017 Wednesday 6.1 50 5/18/2017 Thursday 15.13 45 6 2 5/19/2017 Friday 30 1 5/20/2017 Saturday 5/21/2017 Sunday 5/22/2017 Monday 5 10 100 40 5/23/2017 Tuesday 45 5/24/2017 Wednesday 8.01 5/25/2017 Thursday 5/26/2017 Friday 5/27/2017 Saturday 5/28/2017 Sunday 5/29/2017 Monday 5/30/2017 Tuesday 45 5/31/2017 Wednesday 45 68.97 32.44 30 250 755 9 0 0 4.25 0 STREET REPORT Jun-17 Date Day ASPHALT STONE WHITE YELLOW WHITE GLASS STREET DITCHING PIPE SIGNS FENCING SALT ICE MELT COLD CONCRETE CONCRETE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC THERMO TRAFFIC SWEEPING LAID INSTALLED INSTALLED PELLETS MIX PAINT PAINT 12" BEADS TONS TONS GALLONS GALLONS FT. LBS MILES FT. FT. NO. FT. TONS LBS. LBS. YDS. LBS. 6/1/2017 Thursday 30 6/2/2017 Friday 35 6/3/2017 Saturday 6/4/2017 Sunday 6/5/2017 Monday 45 6/6/2017 Tuesday 6/7/2017 Wednesday 6/8/2017 Thursday 6/9/2017 Friday 6/10/2017 Saturday 6/11/2017 Sunday 6/12/2017 Monday 35 6/13/2017 Tuesday 45 6/14/2017 Wednesday 30 6/15/2017 Thursday 6/16/2017 Friday 6/17/2017 Saturday 6/18/2017 Sunday 6/19/2017 Monday 3 6/20/2017 Tuesday 20 9 6/21/2017 Wednesday 35 6/22/2017 Thursday 6/23/2017 Friday 6/24/2017 Saturday 6/25/2017 Sunday 6/26/2017 Monday 30 6/27/2017 Tuesday 50 80 6/28/2017 Wednesday 45 6/29/2017 Thursday 45 6/30/2017 Friday 45

0 0 0 0 490 12 0 0 0 80

APPENDIX F Nutrient Management Plan

Prepared For: Town Of Abingdon, VA Kevin Worley P.O. Box 789 Abingdon, VA 24212 276-623-5279 [email protected]

Prepared By: Anthony Phillips 200 Jacks Way Bluefield, VA 276-979-7106 Certification Code: 873 [email protected] Acreage

Total: 4.00

Field 1: Latture 2.55/A Field 2: Foster-Debose .85/A Field 3: Ray Petty .60/A County: Washington Watershed: TH16 Planner Signature Plan Written: 5/22/2017 Plan Expires: 5/22/2022 The purpose of this Nutrient Management Plan is to ensure minimum movement of nitrogen and phosphorus from the specified area of application to surface and groundwaters where they can potentially have a detrimental effect on water quality as well as ensuring that plants have optimum soil nutrient availability for good productivity and quailty. By following this soil test based plan you are helping to protect local waters and the Chesapeake Bay.

If you have questions, please contact your plan writer, local Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent or the Department of Conservation and Recreation Nutrient Management Program. Nutrient Management Plan for: Town Of Abingdon, VA Director of Parks & Recreation

Director Kevin Worley Mailing Address P.O. Box 789 City State Zip Abingdon, VA 24212 Phone 276-623-5279 Fax Fax Email [email protected] Planner Information Planner Name Anthony Phillips Mailing Address 200 Jacks Way City State Zip Bluefield, VA Phone 276-979-7106 Fax Fax Email [email protected] Certification Code 873 Location Information Physical Address 401-423 Russell Rd NW City State Zip Abingdon, VA 24210 Coordinates 36 ⁰42'37.75"N Please Use NAD 83 81 59'10.94"W Deg Min Sec ⁰ VAHU6 Watershed Code TH16 County Washington Acreage Total 4.00 Field 1 Latture 2.55/A Field 2 Foster-Debose .85/A Field 3 Ray Petty .60/A

Plan Start Date 5/22/17 Plan End Date 5/22/22 Narrative The town of Abingdon Virginia Parks and Recreation maintains 3 sports fields that recieves annual fertilizer appliations. The fields are 2 little league baseball fields and 1 baseball/football/scoccer field.

Latture Field consist of 2.55/A, Foster-Debose Field consist of .85/A, and Ray Petty Field consist of .60/A. All fields are a mix of rye/blue/fescue.

Applications of inorganic fertilizer will not occur on frozen or snow covered ground. Any changes made to the agronomic procedures, size of fertilized areas, or field design will be submitted to plan writer for update to nutrient plan. There are no know environmentally sensitive areas. Fertilizer with herbicide/insecticide combination is being used. Do not apply with 50 feet of any water body. It is recommended the revision process begin at least 6 months before plan expires. The plan is effective from 5/22/17 to 5/22/22 upon approval by the state of Virginia.

Killing Frost Cool Season Dates Spring April20 March9

Fall October15 November26 Maps

Reference Materials and Notes

Latture Field Location 32⁰42'31.00"N 81⁰59'03.33"W Latture Field Drive Abingdon, VA 24210

Total product needed for applications to all 3 fields combined Product Pounds 50pound bags needed 8-0-0 Dim/Acelepryn 700 14 Pro-Scape 30-0-0 550 11 Lime -AG Type 16625 8.31 tons (Split lime application into 2 seperate applications Nov/Dec)

*No Lime is need for the Foster-Debose Field

Make appliations of Nitrogen from April 15-May15 only if turf use warrants additional N for sustaining desirable growth and color. No applications of Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied from June-August 15 except for small souble amouts.(see bold print below)

* Soluble nitrogen rates of 0.25 pounds per 1,000 ft 2 or less which may be a component of a pesticide or minor element application may be applied any time the turf is actively growing, but must be considered with the total annual N application rate. Nutrient Application Worksheet NAME: Town Of Abingdon, VA Management Area:Sports Field Latture Field Prepared: 5/22/17 Area: 111078 Species: Rye/Blue/Fescue Expires: 5/22/22 Total Rate lbs %Slow Total Application # of Application Fertilizer Fertilizer Wt. per Nutrient Analysis per or Release Total NPK lbs/1000ft2 Gypsum Lime Product Month/Day Apps Interval Type Description Gal. Needs 1000ft2 oz N (lbs/Area)

Nitrogen N - P - K N - P2O5 - K2O April 15 8 - 0 - 0 1 Granular Pre/Insect 4.00 128.00 0.32 - 0.00 - 0.00 444.312 Phosphorus - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 September 11 30 - 0 - 0 1 Granular GCRN 3.00 128.00 56% 0.90 - 0.00 - 0.00 333.234 Potassium - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Nov/Dec 0 - 0 - 0 2 115.00 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 Lime 12773.97 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Total 56% 1.22 - 0.00 - 0.00 N Recommendation Range and Soil Test Recommendation 2.8 1 0 The pounds in the product per area colum is the per application totals, not the total product needed for all appliations. (see Ref, Mat, and Notes) Notes: Nutrient Application Worksheet NAME: Town Of Abingdon,VA Management Area:Sports Field Foster-Debose Field Prepared: 5/22/17 Area: 26136 Species: Rye/Blue/Fescue Expires: 5/22/22 Total Rate lbs %Slow Total Application # of Application Fertilizer Fertilizer Wt. per Nutrient Analysis per or Release Total NPK lbs/1000ft2 Gypsum Lime Product Month/Day Apps Interval Type Description Gal. Needs 1000ft2 oz N (lbs/Area)

Nitrogen N - P - K N - P2O5 - K2O April15 8 - 0 - 0 1 Granular Pre/Insect 4.00 128.00 0.32 - 0.00 - 0.00 104.544 Phosphorus - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Septmber11 30 - 0 - 0 1 Granular GCRN 3.00 128.00 56% 0.90 - 0.00 - 0.00 78.408 Potassium - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Total 56% 1.22 - 0.00 - 0.00 N Recommendation Range and Soil Test Recommendation 2.8 0 0 The pounds in the product per area colum is the per application totals, not the total prodcut needed for all applications. (See Ref,Mat,and Notes) Notes: Nutrient Application Worksheet NAME: Town Of Abingdon,VA Management Area:Sports Field Ray Petty Prepared: 5/22/17 Area: 37026 Species: Rye/Blue/Fescue Expires: 5/22/22 Total Rate lbs %Slow Total Application # of Application Fertilizer Fertilizer Wt. per Nutrient Analysis per or Release Total NPK lbs/1000ft2 Gypsum Lime Product Month/Day Apps Interval Type Description Gal. Needs 1000ft2 oz N (lbs/Area)

Nitrogen N - P - K N - P2O5 - K2O April15 8 - 0 - 0 1 Granular Pre/Insect 4.00 128.00 0.32 - 0.00 - 0.00 148.104 Phosphorus - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 September11 30 - 0 - 0 1 Granular GCRN 3.00 128.00 56% 0.90 - 0.00 - 0.00 111.078 Potassium - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Nov/Dec 0 - 0 - 0 2 104.00 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 Lime 3850.704 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 - - 128.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0 Total 56% 1.22 - 0.00 - 0.00 N Recommendation Range and Soil Test Recommendation 2.8 0.5 0 The pounds in the product per area colum is the per application totals, not the total product needed for all applications. (see Ref,Mat,and Notes) Notes: Soil Test Summary Customer Name: Town of Abingdon, VA Testing Lab: Virginia Tech Soil Testing Laboratory Sample Date: 5/8/2017 Planner Name Anthony Phillips Certification Number 873

AREA Managed Soil Buffer Lab Test Lab Test P VT Lab Test Lab Test K VT (ft2 or Species Area ID pH pH P (ppm) (lbs/A) (H/M/L) K (ppm) (lbs/A) (H/M/L) acres) LATT 2.55/A 5.9 6.07 55 H- 363 VH Rye/Blue/Fescue FOSDE .85/A 6.7 6.37 146 VH 324 VH Rye/Blue/Fescue RAYP .60/A 5.9 6.11 91 H+ 333 VH Rye/Blue/Fescue

Notes: Soil Test Reports Soil samples were taken from each field. Several samples from the upper 3" of soil were taken and mixed throughly. The samples were taken in random pattern throughout each area. Soil samples were analyzed by Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab through the Virginia Cooperative Extension. The soil samples are good for the life of this plan or 5 years from approval.

A.Latture Field Soil pH measures 5.9. Buffer pH measures 6.07. Lime is needed at 2.5 tons per acre. P levels average in the H- range. P applications for the year are not to exceed 1 pound P/1000sqft. K levels average in the VH range. No K applications can be made. Annual N rate not to exceed 2.8 pounds N/1000sqft per year.

B. Foster - Debose Field Soil pH measures 6.7. Buffer pH measures 6.37. No lime is needed . P levels average in the VH range. No P applications can be made. K levels average in the VH range. No K applications can be made. Annual N rate not to exceed 2.8 pounds N/1000sqft per year.

C.Ray Petty Field Soil pH measures 5.9. Buffer pH measures 6.11. Lime is needed at 2.25 tons per acre. P levels average in the H+ range. P applications for the year are not to exceed .5 pounds P/1000sqft. K levels average in the VH range. No K applications can be made. Annual N rate not to exceed 2.8 pounds N/1000sqft per year. Fertilizer Application Records

Customer Information Management Area Information Name: Town of Abingdon Management Area ID: Address: 401-423 Russell Rd NW Management Area Size: Abingdon, VA 24210 Plant Species:

Notes: Phone #: 276-623-5279 Date Weather Conditions Fertilizer Amount Application Supervisor/Applicator Rate (M/D/Y) Temp Wind Speed Precip Analysis Fertilizer Used Equipment Used

When was the last time your fertilizer equipment was calibrated??? For information on calibration see Chapter 10 of the "Urban Nutrient Management Handbook". Available for download at Standards and Criteria

Section VI. Turfgrass Nutrient Recommendations for Home Lawns, Office Parks, Public Lands and Other Similar Residential/Commercial Grounds Definitions For the purposes of this section, the following definitions, as presented by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), apply:

“Enhanced efficiency fertilizer” describes fertilizer products with characteristics that allow increased plant nutrient availability and reduce the potential of nutrient losses to the environment when compared to an appropriate reference product.

“Slow or controlled release fertilizer” means a fertilizer containing a plant nutrient in a form which delays its availability for plant uptake and use after application, or which extends its availability to the plant significantly longer than a reference “rapidly available nutrient fertilizer” such as ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium phosphate or potassium chloride. A slow or controlled release fertilizer must contain a minimum of 15 percent slowly available forms of nitrogen.

“Water soluble nitrogen”, “WSN” and “readily available nitrogen” means: Water soluble nitrogen in either ammonical, urea, or nitrate form that does not have a controlled release, or slow response.

Recommended Season of Application For Nitrogen Fertilizers - Applies to all Turf A nitrogen fertilization schedule weighted toward fall application is recommended and preferred for agronomic quality and persistence of cool season turfgrass; however, the acceptable window of applications is much wider than this for nutrient management. The nutrient management recommended application season for nitrogen fertilizers to cool season turfgrasses begins six weeks prior to the last spring average killing frost date and ends six weeks past the first fall average killing frost date (see Figures 6-1 & 6-2). Applications of nitrogen during the intervening late fall and winter period should be avoided due to higher potential leaching or runoff risk, but where necessary, apply no more than 0.5 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of water soluble nitrogen within a 30 day period. Higher application rates may be used during this late fall and winter period by using materials containing slowly available sources of nitrogen, if the water soluble nitrogen contained in the fertilizer does not exceed the recommended maximum of 0.5 pounds per 1,000 ft2 rate. Do not apply nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers when the ground is frozen. The acceptable nitrogen fertilizer application season for non-overseeded warm season turfgrass begins no earlier than the last spring average killing frost date and ends no later than one month prior to the first fall average killing frost date (see Figures 6-1 & 6-2). Per Application Rates Do not apply more than 0.7 pounds of water soluble nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 within a 30 day period. For cool season grasses, do not apply more than 0.9 pounds of total nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 within a 30 day period. For warm season grasses, do not apply more than 1.0 pounds of total nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 within a 30 day period. Lower per application rates of water soluble nitrogen sources or use of slowly available nitrogen sources should be utilized on very permeable sandy soils, shallow soils over fractured bedrock, or areas near water wells.

Annual Application Rates for Home Lawns and Commercial Turf Up to 3.5 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of nitrogen may be applied annually to cool season grass species or up to 4 pounds per 1,000 ft2 may be applied annually to warm season grass species using 100 percent water soluble nitrogen sources. Lower rates of nitrogen application may be desirable on those mature stands of grasses that require less nitrogen for long-term quality. As a result, lower application rates will probably be more suited to the fine leaf fescues (hard fescue, chewings fescue, creeping red fescue, and sheep fescue) and non- overseeded zoysiagrass. Lower rates should also be used on less intensively managed areas.

Use of Slowly Available Forms of Nitrogen For slow or controlled release fertilizer sources, or enhanced efficiency fertilizer sources, no more than 0.9 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 may be applied to cool season grasses within a 30 day period and no more than 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 may be applied to warm season grasses within a 30 day period. Provided the fertilizer label guarantees that the product can be used in such a way that it will not release more than 0.7 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 in a 30 day period, no more than 2.5 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 may be applied in a single application. Additionally, total annual applications shall not exceed 80 percent of the annual nitrogen rates for cool or warm season grasses.

Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrient Needs (Established Turf)

Apply phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilizers as indicated necessary by a soil test using the following guidelines:

* For the lower soil test level within a rating, use the higher side of the range and for higher soil test level within a rating use the lower side of the recommendation range. (For example the recommendation for a 2 P2O5 soil test level of L- would be 3 pounds per 1,000 ft .)

Do not use high phosphorus ratio fertilizers such as 10-10-10 or 5-10-10, unless soil tests indicate phosphorus availability below the M+ level. Recommendations for Establishment of Turf These recommendations are for timely planted turfgrass, that is, the seed or vegetative material (sod, plugs, and /or sprigs), are planted at a time of the year when temperatures and moisture are adequate to maximize turfgrass establishment. These recommended establishment periods would be late summer to early fall for cool-season turfgrasses and late spring through mid-summer for warm-season turfgrasses.

Nitrogen Applications At the time of establishment, apply no more than 0.9 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen for cool season grasses or 1.0 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen for warm season grasses, using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen, followed by one or two applications beginning 30 days after planting, not to exceed a total of 1.8 pounds per 1,000 ft2 total for cool season grasses and 2.0 pounds per 1,000 ft2 for warm season grasses for the establishment period. Applications of WSN cannot exceed more than 0.7 pounds per 1,000 ft2 within a 30 day period.

Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Establishment

* For the lower soil test level within a rating, use the higher side of the range and for higher soil test level within a rating use the lower side of the recommendation range. Standards and Criteria

Nutrient Recommendations for Golf Courses

Nitrogen Timing The beginning and ending dates for application of nitrogen shall be determined using guidance and frost date maps contained in the Season of Application for Nitrogen section, Figures 6-1 and 6-2. If the full rate or the highest rate of the recommendation range for a monthly application is applied in a single application, then the interval of application for nitrogen shall be at least 30 days to allow turf to utilize previous nitrogen applications. If several applications are to be made for the monthly nitrogen rate, then the timing of the applications shall be at approximately even intervals, with the rate per application to be evenly divided between each application with the total nitrogen applied not to exceed the maximum monthly rate. Use of Water Insoluble Nitrogen forms of Nitrogen is encouraged.

Fairways-Overseeding Warm Season Fairways * For warm season grasses, up to 0.7 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 in a 30 day period may be applied in the Fall after perennial ryegrass overseeding is well established. An additional nitrogen application of 0.7 pounds per 1,000 ft2 may be made in February-March to overseeded perennial ryegrass if growth and color indicate need. Applications using WSN may not exceed 0.7 pounds per 1,000 ft2 within a 30 day period.

* Soluble nitrogen rates of 0.25 pounds per 1,000 ft2 or less which may be a component of a pesticide or minor element application, may be applied any time during the application windows described in Recommended Season of Application for Nitrogen Fertilizers of this section, but must be considered with the total annual nitrogen application rate.

(a) Use higher rates for intensively used turf where accelerated growth and/or rapid recovery are required, use lower rates for maintenance of lesser used areas; do not exceed total annual nitrogen levels as stated above. (b) Greens and Tees - Per application timing must be a minimum of 30 days between applications. A rate of 0.9 pounds per 1,000 ft2of total nitrogen may be applied for cool season grasses or 1.0 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen may be applied for warm season grasses using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen.

(c) Fairways-Normal Management (Non-Irrigated or Irrigated) - Per Application timing must be a minimum of 30 days between applications. Total nitrogen application rates of 0.9 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen may be applied for cool season grasses or 1.0 pound per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen may be applied for warm season grasses using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen.

(d) Fairways-Intensive Management (Irrigated) - Per Application timing must be a minimum of 15 days between applications. This option requires optimized timing of more frequent applications of nitrogen with lesser rates per application. Alternatively, a maximum application rate of 0.9 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen for cool season grasses or 1.0 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen for warm season grasses using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen may be applied with a minimum of 30 days between applications.

(e) Foliar fertilizer may be applied to warm season grasses within 30 days prior to the first killing frost in the fall, at a rate not to exceed 0.1 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of nitrogen per application. This application must be accounted for in the total annual nitrogen rate.

Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Established Golf Courses

Apply phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilizers as indicated by a soil test using the following guidelines:

* For the lower soil test level within a rating, use the higher side of the range and for higher soil test level within a rating use the lower side of the recommendation range.

* For irrigated turf grown on Naturally Occurring and Modified Sand Based soils only, up to 0.5 pounds of 2 P2O5 per 1,000 ft may be applied, if needed, to aid in recovery of damaged turf during times of extreme use. No phosphorus applications shall be made when the soil phosphorus test level is above 65% saturation, based on the soil test phosphorus values and region as listed in Table 4-1 of Section IV.

* Avoid the general use of high phosphorus ratio fertilizers such as 10-10-10 or 5-10-10, unless soil tests indicate phosphorus availability below the M+ level. Nitrogen Management on Athletic Fields - Cool Season Grasses * This program is intended for those fields which are under heavy use.

* Nitrogen recommendations are based on the assumption that there is adequate soil moisture to promote good turf growth at the time of application. If no rainfall has occurred since the last application, further applications should be delayed until significant soil moisture is available.

Notes: * Soluble nitrogen rates of 0.25 pounds per 1,000 ft2 or less which may be a component of a pesticide or minor element application may be applied any time the turf is actively growing, but must be considered with the total annual N application rate.

* WSN = water soluble nitrogen; WIN = water insoluble nitrogen

(a) Intensive managed areas must be irrigated.

(b) The beginning and ending dates for application of nitrogen shall be determined using guidance and frost date maps contained in the preceding Season of Application for Nitrogen section, using Figures 6-1 and 6-2.

(c) Rates up to 0.9 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of total nitrogen can be applied using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen, with a minimum of 30 days between applications.

(d) Make this application only if turf use warrants additional N for sustaining desirable growth and /or color. Nitrogen Management on Athletic Fields - Warm Season Grasses The following comments apply to both Naturally Occurring or Modified Sand based Fields and Predominantly Silt/Clay Soil Fields:

* Annual nitrogen rates for warm season grasses shall not exceed 4 pounds in areas which have the average first killing frost on or before October 20, and shall not exceed 5 pounds in areas which have the average first killing frost after October 20 as shown in Figure 6-1. Nitrogen rates and timings for overseeding warm season grasses are not included in these rates.

* April 15 - May 15 applications should not be made until after complete green-up of turf.

* Nitrogen applications June through August should be coordinated with anticipated rainfall if irrigation is not available.

* Use the lower end of the ranges for non-irrigated fields and the higher end of the ranges should be used on fields with irrigation.

* Nitrogen rates towards the higher end of the ranges may be applied on heavily used fields to accelerate recovery, however per application and annual rates cannot be exceeded.

The following notes apply to both of the Bermudagrass tables above:

(a) In the Piedmont and the Ridge and Valley areas of Virginia, the existing native soil will normally be Standards and Criteria lower water infiltration and percolation rates and greater nutrient holding capacity. However, most areas of the Coastal Plain have existing native soils that are predominantly sandy textured soils and other facilities throughout the state may choose to install modified soil root zones that are predominantly sand (>50%) in order to maximize drainage and reduce compaction tendency. If subsurface drain tile surrounded by sand and/or gravel has been installed under the playing surface of any of these fields, their nitrogen programs should be managed as predominantly sand-based systems to minimize nutrient leaching.

(b) The beginning and ending dates for application of nitrogen shall be determined using guidance and frost date maps contained in the Season of Application for Nitrogen section, Figures 6-1 and 6-2.

(c) WSN must be applied as two applications not to exceed 0.35 pounds per 1,000 ft2 each with a minimum of 15 days between applications. Alternatively, using a material that contains slowly available nitrogen sources, split applications of 0.5 pounds per 1,000 ft2 may be applied with a minimum of 15 days between applications.

(d) If a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen is used, rates up to 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 may be applied in a single application with a minimum of 30 days between applications.

(e) For overseeded warm season grasses, an additional 0.7 pounds per 1,000ft2 of WSN may be applied in the Fall after the perennial ryegrass overseeding is well established. The WSN must be applied as two applications not to exceed 0.35 pounds per 1,000 ft2 of nitrogen each, with a minimum of 15 days between applications. Additional WSN application of 0.5 pounds per 1,000 ft2 may be made in February- March to overseeded perennial ryegrass if growth and color indicate need. Alternatively, split applications of 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 each with a minimum of 15 days between applications may be applied using a material containing slowly available nitrogen sources. Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations Athletic Fields

Apply phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilizers as indicated by a soil test using the following guidelines:

* For the lower soil test level within a rating, use the higher side of the range and for higher soil test level within a rating use the lower side of the recommendation range. * For irrigated turf grown on Naturally Occurring and Modified Sand Based soils only, up to 0.5 pounds of 2 P2O5 per 1,000 ft may be applied, if needed, to aid in recovery of damaged turf during times of extreme use. No phosphorus applications shall be made when the soil phosphorus test level is above 65% saturation, based on the soil test phosphorus values and region as listed in Table 4-1 of Section IV. * Avoid the general use of high phosphorus ratio fertilizers such as 10-10-10 or 5-10-10, unless soil tests indicate phosphorus availability below the M+ level. Establishment/Grow-In Recommendations for Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, and Sod Production

(These rates replace normal maintenance fertilizer applications that would have occurred during these time periods.)

Warm Season Grasses: Predominantly Silt/Clay Soils * Plant Date - late May - June for sprigs, plugs, sod, or seeding.

* Apply P2O5 and K2O as needed based on soil test recommendations, incorporate into the top 2 inches if possible. * At Planting - Up to 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen may be applied as one application or lesser amounts applied at regular intervals, through the first 4 weeks, not to exceed a total of 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2. * Four weeks after planting - 0.25 pounds of WSN per 1,000 ft2 per week for the next 4 weeks.

Naturally Occurring or Modified Sand Based Soils * Plant Date - late May -June for sprigs, plugs, sod, or seeding.

* Apply P2O5 and K2O as needed based on soil test recommendations, incorporate into the top 2 inches if possible. * At Planting - Up to 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen may be applied as one application or lesser amounts applied at regular intervals, through the first 4 weeks, not to exceed a total of 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2. * Four weeks after planting - 0.25 pounds per 1,000 ft2 using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen per week for the next 4 weeks.

Cool Season Grasses: Predominantly Silt/Clay Soils * Plant Date - August - September (preferred)

* Apply P2O5 and K2O as needed based on soil test recommendations, incorporate into the top 2 inches if possible. * At Planting - up to 0.9 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen may be applied; 30 days after planting, apply up to 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 every week for the next 4 weeks.

Naturally Occurring or Modified Sand Based Soils * Plant Date - August -September (preferred)

* Apply P2O5 and K2O as needed based on soil test recommendations, incorporate into the top 2 inches if possible. * At Planting - up to 0.9 lbs pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 using a using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen may be applied. * Apply up to 0.25 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 per week after germination is complete, for the next 8 weeks. If using a material containing slowly available forms of nitrogen, up to 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per Sod Installations:

Site preparation should include a soil test, which can be done several months before the project begins in order to have time to get test results back. Phosphorus, potassium and lime applications should be based on soil test analysis to increase the likelihood of a successful installation. Shallow incorporation of material into the top 2 inches of the soil is preferred prior to sod installation, especially if lime is required.

No more than 0.7 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 of WSN may be applied before sod is installed. Alternatively, using a material with slowly available forms of nitrogen, 0.9 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 for cool season grasses or 1.0 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 for warm season grasses may be applied before sod is installed.

After installation apply adequate amounts of water to maintain sufficient soil moisture (i.e. to prevent visible wilt symptoms). Excessive water will limit initial root development. After roots begin to establish (as verified by lightly tugging on the sod pieces), shift irrigation strategy to a deep and infrequent program in order to encourage deep root growth. Apply approximately 1 inch of water per week (either by rainfall or irrigation), making sure that the water is being accepted by the soil profile without running off. This will insure thorough wetting of the soil profile.

After sod has completed rooting and is well established, initiate the normal nitrogen management program as described for the appropriate use shall be recommended.

Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Establishment/Grow-In/Installation

* For the lower soil test level within a rating, use the higher side of the range and for higher soil test level within a rating use the lower side of the recommendation range. Other Turf Management Considerations for Golf Courses, Athletic fields, and Home Lawns

Lime Recommendations Lime should be recommended based on a soil test to maintain soil pH within an agronomic range for turfgrass.

For new seedings where lime is recommended, incorporate the lime into the topsoil for best results.

Returning Grass Clippings Recycling of clippings on turf should be encouraged as an effective means of recycling nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Proper mowing practices that ensure no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed in any cutting event will enhance turf appearance and performance when clippings are returned. Return all leaf clippings from mowing events to the turf rather than discharging them onto sidewalks or streets. Rotary mulching mowers can further enhance clipping recycling by reducing the size of clippings being returned to the turfgrass canopy.

Management of Collected Clippings If clippings are collected they should be disposed of properly. They may be composted or spread uniformly as a thin layer over other turf areas or areas where the nutrient content of the clippings can be recycled through actively growing plants. They should not be blown onto impervious surfaces or surface waters, dumped down stormwater drains, or piled outside where rainwater will leach out the nutrients creating the potential for nutrient loss to the environment.

Use of Iron Iron applications (particularly foliar applications) may periodically be used for enhanced greening as an alternative to nitrogen. These applications are most beneficial if applied in late spring through summer for cool season grasses and in late summer/fall applications for warm-season grasses.

Impervious Surfaces Do not apply fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorus to impervious surfaces (sidewalks, streets, etc.). Remove any granular materials that land on impervious surfaces by sweeping and collecting, and either put the collected material back in the bag, or spread it onto the turf and /or using a leaf blower etc. to return the fertilizer back to the turfgrass canopy.