medRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted December 7, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license . Seroconversion stages COVID19 into distinct pathophysiological states Matthew D. Galbraith1,2, Kohl T. Kinning1, Kelly D. Sullivan1,3, Ryan Baxter4, Paula Araya1, Kimberly R. Jordan4, Seth Russell5, Keith P. Smith1, Ross E. Granrath1, Jessica Shaw1, Monika DzieCiatkowska6, Tusharkanti Ghosh7, Andrew A. Monte8, Angelo D’Alessandro6, Kirk C. Hansen6, Tellen D. Bennett9, Elena W.Y. Hsieh4,10 and Joaquin M. Espinosa1,2* Affiliations: 1Linda CrniC Institute for Down Syndrome; 2Department of PharmaCology; 3Department of PediatriCs, Division of Developmental Biology; 4Department of Immunology and MiCrobiology; 5Data Science to Patient Value; 6Department of BioChemistry and MoleCular GenetiCs; 7Department of BiostatistiCs and InformatiCs, Colorado SChool of PubliC Health; 8Department of EmergenCy MediCine; 9Department of PediatriCs, SeCtions of Informatics and Data Science and Critical Care Medicine; 10Department of PediatriCs, Division of Allergy/Immunology; University of Colorado AnsChutz MediCal Campus, Aurora, CO, USA. *CorrespondenCe to:
[email protected] ABSTRACT COVID19 is a heterogeneous mediCal Condition involving a suite of underlying pathophysiologiCal processes including hyperinflammation, endothelial damage, thrombotiC miCroangiopathy, and end- organ damage. Limited knowledge about the moleCular meChanisms driving these proCesses and laCk of staging biomarkers hamper the ability to stratify patients for targeted therapeutiCs. We report here the results of a cross-sectional multi-omics analysis of hospitalized COVID19 patients revealing that seroconversion status associates with distinct underlying pathophysiological states.