Cyngor Cymuned Banwy Council

Minutes of the meeting of Banwy Community Council held on Tuesday July 10th at Banwy Community Hall.

Present – Cllr. D. Smyth (Chair), Cllr. G. Jenkinson, Cllr. L. Smith, Cllr. J. Jones, Cllr. P. Edwards, Cllr. D. Williams.

Apologies (043) – Cllrs. S. Stanley and Cllr. B. Smith

Chairman’s Opening Statement (044) – The Chairman reported that, after the June meeting, he had felt obliged to make a personal apology to Phyl Davies for not curbing the discourtesy and rudeness to which he had been subjected to during the special highways item. He stressed that this apology in no way diluted the unanimous dismay, frustration and anger of Community Council members at the Cabinet Member’s response to their concerns on highways issues. The Chairman urged members to show respect for each other and their invited guests at meetings.

Declaration of Interest (045) - Nil

Minutes of previous meeting (046) – The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes dated June 12th as a true record.

Matters Arrising (047) – City Electric Scheme – Cllr. D. Smyth had had a new boiler fitted under the scheme, free of charge. Fencing by footbridge in is now in the hands of long distance footpaths. Remembrance Sunday – Cllr. Smyth has approached Aled Jones about taking the service. Cemetery Funding – The Council discussed this matter again but no reply had been received from the committee.

Correspondence Received (048) – The Council noted an update from County Council with regards to the LDP, a consultation has been opened for six weeks.

Chairman’s Report (049) – The Chairman advised that a OVW meeting will be held in on Wednesday, the Council asked for Cllr. Smyth to raise the issue of the lost, found but undelivered bus shelter.

County Councillor’s Report (050) – Nil

Representatives’ Report (051) – Cllr. Jenkinson gave a report on the success of Ysgol Dyffryn Banw in the Siater Iaith and brought the Council up to date with Powys CC’s proposal to merge Ysgol Dyffryn Banw with Ysgol . With the Powys CC Cabinet meeting being imminent, the Council resolved to place the item on the August agenda to allow for a proper discussion.

Finance (052) – The first quarter’s financial review was noted and accepted by the Council.

Planning (053) – P/2018/0656 (Barn conversion at the Dyffryn, Foel) was noted by the Council, and no objections were raised.

Dog Fouling (054) – Both reported issued had now been resolved.

Adoption of Foel phone box (055) – Council resolved to authorise the Clerk to sign the adoption papers on the Council’s behalf in connection with the defibrillator project.

Highways – Cllr. P.Edwards had so far been unable to contact the Banwy Football Club about parking but would report back as soon as contact had been made.

Member Points of Interest(056) – Nil

To confirm the next meeting date will be held on Tuesday 14th August 2018, Banw Community Centre at 7.30 p.m

The meeting was closed and 9.30 p.m.