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Iot Security P.39 Review: Autocad for Mac P.21 Review April 2017 ////// FOCUS ON: Democratization Simulation P.12 Apps P.12 Education & Certification P.17 New AMD & NVIDIA Graphics Cards P.33 HPC On-DemandP.30 IOT SECURITY P.39 REVIEW: AUTOCAD FOR MAC P.21 REVIEW: CORELCAD P.25 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | DEGREES OF FREEDOM | by Jamie J. Gooch Democratization and Education AVE YOU EVER HEARD of an engineering from engineers with a comparison: “If engineers are viewed technology degree? If not, you’re not alone. as being responsible for designing the nation’s technological According to a report by the National Academy systems, engineering technicians and technologists are those of Engineering (NAE), nearly 30% of employ- who help build and keep those systems running.” It further Hers of engineering technicians and technologists had never distinguishes technicians as those with two-year degrees from heard of engineering technology education, and 33% didn’t engineering technologists who have four-year degrees. De- know the difference between work performed by engineers scribed another way: Engineers learn the concepts and math- and work performed by engineering technologists. ematics behind engineering design, while technologists learn how to practically apply technology tools to those designs. In We write a lot about what engineering technology pro- 2014, there were nearly 94,000 four-year engineering degrees viders are doing to “democratize” design engineering tools, and less than 18,000 four-year engineering technology de- which is just a fancy way of saying software and hardware grees awarded in the U.S., according to the report. should be easier to use, have affordable options for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and generally be Democratize Engineering Education accessible to more people. There are many reasons democ- Efforts to boost STEM enrollments should extend to engi- ratization is important. The state of the art in engineering neering technology degrees. There will always be a certain design technology has evolved so quickly that many people number of high school students who are thrilled to par- aren’t aware of what is now possible with 3D design, simu- ticipate in FIRST Robotics and other hands-on programs, lation, optimization and rendering paired with high-perfor- but are too intimidated by the advanced mathematics and mance computing. If more people used the latest tools and theoretical study required to achieve an engineering degree. processes, it could spark new innovations, result in better Increasing the amount of entry-level job candidates with products and help solve difficult problems in society. engineering technology degrees would go a long way toward Downstream from design, manufacturing is being dis- filling the need for high-tech skills in product development rupted by new technologies as well—from the connected and manufacturing today. automation of the industrial Internet of Things to more But if employers aren’t familiar with engineering tech- widespread use of additive and hybrid manufacturing. nology, or what an engineering technologist does, colleges More skilled employees are always needed to realize the and universities will have a hard time drumming up enroll- promise of the factory of the future, and democratization ment. To boost the profile of engineering technologists, the expands the pool of those prospective employees. NAE report calls for the engineering technology education community to make the field’s value more evident to K-12 A Two-Pronged Approach teachers, students and parents, as well as to employers. It The responsibility for widening the playing field doesn’t just further suggests that the National Science Foundation should rest with software and hardware companies making their consider funding research on engineering technology to tools easier to access. The people using them need to get the understand why black students graduate at higher rates from proper education and training to make the most out of the engineering technology programs than from engineering tools available. There are plenty of on-the-job training op- programs, why women are less-engaged in engineering tech- portunities for design engineers (see page 17), but the NAE nology than engineering and why only 12% of engineering report, “Engineering Technology Education in the United technologists have a four-year degree in engineering technol- States” ( sheds light on another oppor- ogy, while 39% of them have engineering degrees. DE tunity to boost the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) job pool. Jamie Gooch is editorial director of DE; contact him via The NAE report distinguishes engineering technologists [email protected]. 2 DE | Technology for Optimal Engineering Design April 2017 /// COVER STORY COVER STORY TECHNOLOGY FOR OPTIMAL 30 ENGINEERING Preconfigured HPC DESIGN for Simulation Specialized middleware, P.30 license negotiations and workflow management tools distinguish turnkey HPC vendors. By Kenneth Wong FEATURES || DESIGN || INTERNET OF THINGS Designing Online IoT Security with Onshape By Design Onshape’s28 cloud CAD solution links Connected39 products will require engineering teams in new ways. engineers to bake in security By Michael Belfiore protection from the start. By Brian Albright || ENGINEERING COMPUTING A New Name and A New Look AMD33 releases new Radeon Pro WX series INSIDE of workstation-class April/2017 graphics boards. Vol.22 • No.8 By David Cohn Super Computing Graphics NVIDIA’s36 new Pascal-based ON THE COVER: GPUs achieve unprecedented Images: COMSOL, nCode, levels of performance. Penguin Computing, By David Cohn Rescale, /Maxiphoto 4 DE | Technology for Optimal Engineering Design April 2017 /// || FOCUS ON DEMOCRATIZATION Wanted: University of Chicago Launches 12 App Publishers 20 On-Demand HPC Startup Internal simulation apps are growing; public By Kenneth Wong apps still face logistical hurdles. By Kenneth Wong Now Even Better, AutoCAD 21 2017 for Mac The latest Mac version features new commands and a well-organized interface. By David Cohn Budget CAD, 25 No Subscription Required CorelCAD 2017 offers AutoCAD-like features and Gain and Prove DWG compatibility. 17 Professional Mastery By David Cohn Licensing, certification and accreditation options for design engineers. By Randall S. Newton 10 Consultant’s Corner 46 Next-Gen Engineers Time for a Service Bureau Consult? NASA Challenges Teams to Design Small DEPARTMENTS By Monica Schnitger Satellites 2 Degrees of Freedom Democratization and Education 11 Road Trip 47 Industry Insights By Jamie J. Gooch NAFEMS World Congress 2017 preview. Carl Bass: Work on Unsolved Problems By Kenneth Wong 6 By the Numbers: 43 Fast Apps Facts and figures about the democratization Unexpected IoT benefits, vehicles 47 Advertising Index of technology. equipped with air quality sensors, and rethinking stethoscope design. 48 Commentary 8 Making Sense of Sensors Improve Your Security Hygiene Developing Sensor Fusion Algorithms 44 Editor’s Picks By Martin Nemzow By Tom Kevan Products that have grabbed the editors’ attention. By Anthony J. Lockwood PUBLISHER ADVERTISING SALES ADVERTISING, BUSINESS, Kenneth Moyes | President and CEO, Tom Cooney Tim Kasperovich | East Coast Sales & EDITORIAL OFFICES EH Media 440-434-2629 Digital Engineering ® magazine EDITORIAL Jim Philbin | Midwest/West Coast Sales SUBSCRIBER Jamie J. Gooch | Editorial Director 773-332-6870 CUSTOMER SERVICE Kenneth Wong | Senior Editor Digital Engineering ® magazine Anthony J. Lockwood | Editor at Large ART & PRODUCTION PO Box 677 • Northbrook, IL Stephanie Skernivitz | Associate Editor Darlene Sweeney | Director Peerless Media, LLC 60065-0677 Sarah Petrie | Copy Editor [email protected] 111 Speen St., Suite 200, Phone: 847-559-7581 Framingham, MA 01701 Fax: 847-564-9453 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS A PEERLESS MEDIA, LLC Phone: 508-663-1500 E-mail: [email protected] Tony Abbey, Brian Albright, PUBLICATION E-mail: [email protected] Mark Clarkson, David S. Cohn, Brian Ceraolo | President and Tom Kevan, Randall S. Newton, Group Publisher Beth Stackpole Digital Engineering® (ISSN 1085-0422) is published monthly by Peerless Media, LLC, a division of EH Media 111 Speen St., Suite 200 Framingham, MA 01701. Periodicals postage paid at Framingham, MA and additional mailing offices. Digital Engineering® is distributed free to qualified U.S. subscribers.SUBSCRIPTION RATES: for non-qualified; U.S. $108 one year; Canada and Mexico $126 one year; all other countries $195 one year. Send all subscription inquiries to MeritDirect, Digital Engineering®, PO Box 677, Northbrook, IL 60065-0677. Postmaster: Send all address changes to MeritDirect, Digital Engineering, PO Box 677, Northbrook, IL 60065-0677. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved ©2016 Peerless Media, LLC.Address all editorial correspondence to the Editor, Digital Engineering. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of Digital Engineering. Unaccepted manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with sufficient first-class postage. Not responsible for lost manuscripts or photos. /// April 2017 DE | Technology for Optimal Engineering Design 5 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | DEMOCRATIZATION 3,696,238,430 Do Security Issues
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