Iraq Releases Pows HARTFORD — the Greater St

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Iraq Releases Pows HARTFORD — the Greater St 16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, March 2 , 1 9 9 1 21 ROMES FOR SALE 21 HOMES FOR SALE 2 1 H O M E S F O R S A L E 22 CONDOHINIUHS NEW LISTING-Bolton, MANCHESTER-Just FORSALE MONDAY $176,900. Charming, listed I 1890’s Victorian totally updated 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, : BEDROOMS AT A Colonial. Above ground with turrett. $122,700. GREAT PRICE- pool, shed, 2 car Call Jane, 659-4472. $68,000-$72,900. Make SpccioIis^Di^it! garage on ap­ RE/Max East of the a choice and move right proximately 1 acre. River, 647-1419. into these great 2 Hardwood floors. bedroom Ranch con­ LOCAL NEWS INSIDE 22 CONDOMDIIUMS dominiums with Charming and excellent BOOKKEEPING/ PA IN TIN G / CARPENTRY/ condition. Call, ask for FORSALE hardwood flooring, ap­ FIREWOOD for Sharon, 646-5566 to plianced kitchens, and INCOME TAX PAPERING REMODELING COME FLY A KITE- R R E W (X )0 ■ Charter holds steady under review. view this beautiful rooms galorel Pool tool $72,900-$81,100. home. Re/Max East of Convenient to JotiphP.D9m9o,Jr. WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. C u t Split KITCHEN a BATH REMODELING Bright and spacious 1 the River, 647-1419. shopping, bus, and Csrtifltd Public Accountant Q ua lity w o rk a t a Seasoned, Delivered. Visit our beautiful showroom or call for ■ Different studies combined at Cheney. F , or 2 bedroom Ranch easy commute to Rte raaeonabiG pricel your free estlfhale. Professional lax and aooounting $110/cord HERITAGE condos with wall-to-wall 841 Anne Miller Real Interior a Exterior Support MANCHESTER-3 KITCHEN S BATH CENTER carpeting, applianced Estate, 647-8000. services. All 1040 oonsukalions held Free Estimates ^643-g145 ■ w ■ Bedroom Ranch, over­ 254 Broad Street kitchens ana dining hi the privacy of your home orofice. ■ UConn husky wiii visit Coventry. our sized fireplace, living areas. Condo fees in­ Call Brian Welgle Call Anytime Manchester room, country kitchen, clude heat and hot 643-9034 645-8912 6 4 9 -5 4 0 0 troops! den. Great loti Re/Max waterl Lease/purchase Place An Ad in the ■ Main Street project starts Tuesday. East of the River, 647- opportunities means ACCOUNTING AUTO 1419. turning some of your Wine & Dine Guide CUSTOM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECONDITIONING One stop improvements. F rent into down payment I eTax PreporaUone MASONRY Call Dze or Paula Framing to Painting. Walk to Wi^ham Park! •Individual or B ualneste W ALTS AUTO Local/Regional Seetjon, Page 7. MANCHESTER Anne Miller Real •Reasonable Ralete J. WsRRRrgrtn Ucansad & Insured. 643-2711 •Free Rck-up and Dallvary^ RECONDITIONINQ C a ll D a v e A d a m ic k Estate, 647-8000. Masonry For all your car dsaning needs. What's •160,000 ~ New subdivision ~ Southend loca­ •Electronic FHIng^ for a free quote. tion ~ Various styles. Norma 646-4320; Mari­ 644-8034 New & Repairs SalBfacllon Guaranteed. MALLARD VIEW-New RENT NO MORE-Buylll IS Y ean Experience 645-6523 Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper anne 659-2893. 649-3012 C a ll News Ranch and Colonial $6Q,900. Owner wants J A M E S C. FITZG ERALD , CJ>JL Established 1963 days 643-7945 homes. Change your offers on this great 4 •t67>000^Beautiful 3 BR home so accessible Tax-AccounMne-Audi Trucking Services evenlnge 649-0397 / COMPLETE Managamant Advteoiy Satvica March 4,1991 to l^4AQ okout Mt. Norma 646-4320. lifestyle to 1 -floor living. room Ranch condo with REMODELING SERVICE 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths, a garagel Settle right in CorpofoMwit-taieiantilM A Ranches. Also 3 b ^ u se appliances are Ind M duak, Tnmtt e U M I t F R A H CONSTRUCTION, INC. *339,000 ~ Look forward to summer with in- Eveniro a Woekand ^ppolntnanlt bedroom, 1-1/2 included I Wall-to-wall SIGNS "O n e call d o es It all." ground pool, tennis court. Gorgeous 10 room In^louie Compulan HEATING/ Homart carpeting tool Pool on Colonial. Norma 646-4320. Colonials. Attached 64S-SS02 •Kitchen •Bath garage. From premise and tennis 93S Mdn St. Crxxtyord. Monehaitaf SIGNS ‘Business Day’ PLUMBING Valuitbl* n u t tor your buobWM. •Additions •Decks $143,900. North Main nearby. Go FHA and Mognalie B Vinyl Lotion Iraq releases POWs HARTFORD — The Greater St. to Union St. to Ros- put only $1900 down I • Vohicloo •Roofing •Siding Open Hbuse Sunday 1-3pm ACCOUNTING MATTERS, INC Inslaliaiion and Replacement • Truck LoHoflngo Manchester (Thamber of Com­ setto Dr. *We're Selling Anne Miller Real Tax Rslurns A Bookseping ofOI,Gas&le^ enooiEototor •R epairs plans merce and member organiza­ 211 WOODBRIDGE STREET Houses I’ Blanchard & Estate, 647-8000. Compuloriiod oign t NEW EXCLUSIVE 200 West Cemar SL, Manchester -W alvH e^ by 0 #R)#f Free estimates. tions will lobby state legislators Rossetto, 646-2482. S 4 9 -S 9 0 2 Contact Aniana Mehta Absolutely charming 3 bedroom Victorian. Natu­ ■Warm Air Funaoes Licensed and Insured. l\iesday during the annual Busi­ 303 Burnside Ava., East Haillord Boiers 6 4 5 -7 0 0 6 Saddam faces ral light pours thru tall windows ~ 1 st floor family 31 ROOMS FOR RENT Call Tom ness Day sponsored by Connec­ MANCHESTER-$95,000. 5 2 S-7 4 0 1 WHson Oil Company new ticut Business and Industry As­ room ~ *164,500. Dick 529-7689. Directions: A great opportunity for Fully Computerized 871-8092 MANCHESTER-Free ...... 6456393 Off Main Street North to Middle Turnpike. the single person or sociation and Connecticut As­ week with $100 security TREE SERVICE/ couple staring out. 5 sociation of Chamber of C(Hn- deposit. Clean, quiet, NO JOB TOO SMALL PRUNING turmoil at home Room ranch with ANJANA MEHTA furnished. 646-8337. Let A Specialist merce Executives. garage. New roof, new Offering (»inplete computer­ Instant Setvice/Free Estimates dam’s eldest son, Udai, had been mall “Last year’s event was very DOLLAR DRY DOCK HAWKES TREE SERVICE kitchen, new bath, new BatfVKitchen Remodeling D olt! By RICHARD PYLE slain in the unrest 32 APARTMENTS FOR ized Aoxxjnting/Bookeeping OneCtMDoeeHAK BuckaL truck A chipper. successful,” the chamber’s furnace. Add some TLC and Income Tax Servi(»s. The Associated Press There are no Western reporters in fi Barnett Bowman Real Estate and this could be the ________ RENT________ 30 Yeare Experience Stu m p rem oval. Fre e WATERPROOFING President Stacey Pineo Murdock estimates. Special Basra and the reports on the turmoil By BRIAN M. TROTTA said today. home for you. D.W. Call Anytime M&M Plumbing & Hrating RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Ten con sid e ra tio n for e lderly a n d could not be verified independently. M anchester Herald 633-3661 Fish Real Estate, 643- HEBRON-2 Bedroom. 645-7006 649-1»71 WET BASEMENTS? allied prisoners of war — six of Lobbying efforts are not 1591 or 871-1400. Heat/hot water handicapped Iran’s official radio on Sunday focused on any specific issues, Hatchways, foundation cracks, them Americans — were freed included. Parking. Cel­ 647-7553 had reported violent anti-govem- MANCHESTER — A subsidiary Murdock said. Besides being ad­ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES taXperts sump pumps, tile lines, gravity . today by Iraq in a first step toward lar storage. Appliances. ment demonstrations in at least four of the company that built the LEGAL NOTICES Wall to wall carpeting. Ebcpertenoed PnatessionalsTluc feeds, and dry wells. Also damp­ meeting truce terms. At the same dressed by Gov. Lowell P. cities, suggesting Iraqi anger with Pavilions at Buckland Hills mall is Weicker, the chamber members LEGAL NOTICE $625 Monthly. Call 22§- Preparation & Planning LAWN CARE ness profflng of concrete walls time, the worst unrest of Saddam ELDER CARE Saddam for le a ^ g the country to planning to build an outdoor mall on will meet privately with local as­ The Bolton Planning Commissfon at its Febmary 20 1991 L E G A L N O T IC E 1214 or 649-2871. Computerised and fkxirs. Chimney clean outs, Hussein’s rule was reported in Iraq. meeting approved the following two actions: Very affordable YARDMASTERS defeat was beginning to boil over. a Buckland Street site across from semblymen, Sen. Michael P. The following pawn pledges MANCHESTER-2 stone wails, and concrete repairs. Estate Planning Available N E E D H E L P ? Iran’s official news agency Baghdad Radio made no mention the Plaza at Burr Comers shopping Meotti and Rep. James R. 1. Condifonally approved the Brandy Acres II resubdiviston will be considered abandoned Bedroom, private Snow Plowing; Leaves Over 40 years experienced. Sen­ submitted by Sidney Stangeland, with 16 lots and two new two days after the publication basement, parking, Persoiudlzed CUcnt Service Raked and Trees Cut; “Helping Handa” ■ reported fierce fighting today in the of any unrest in Basra. Iraq’s official center. McCavanagh. ior dtizendscounts. streets to constructed on a 53.07 acre parcel east of Bran- of this notice, and will be dis­ large yard, stove. On For appointment call Gutters and Garages Homemaker and southeastern Iraqi city of Basra. It media instead depicted Saddam as a If approved the 277,435 square- Bob Miorelll ^ Street This resubdivision was originaliy approved by the posed of in the normal course busline. $650 monthly. Cleaned companion aervicea Albert Zuccaro said units of Saddam’s Republican strong leader who is working to foot mall, to be called Buckland z Pianning Commission at its August 22,1990 mooting. of our retail business: 649-2871. Mary Whitaker Manchester and vicinity. Guard were flghting people includ­ Square, could become the sixth 64S-7370 646-3591 Call 643-9996 Waterproofing rebuild his war-wrecked country.
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