From Generation X to Generation A: Selected Novels of Douglas Coupland
From Generation X to Generation A: Selected Novels of Douglas Coupland Radek Lukeš Bachelor Thesis 2010 ABSTRAKT Tato práce analyzuje zobrazení americké konzumní spole čnosti v románech Douglase Couplanda Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture (1991), Microserfs (1995) a Generation A (2009). Práce se zabývá problematikou dvou generací a rozdíly mezi nimi, dále hledá alternativy jako nosné téma Couplandových román ů. Práce dochází k záv ěru, že ob ě generace se od sebe nijak výrazn ě neliší a mladí dosp ělí se potýkají se stejnými problémy. Klí čová slova: Douglas Coupland, Generace X, Generace A, Microserfs, marketing, konzumní spole čnost, Amerika, informa ční technologie, mladí dosp ělí ABSTRACT This thesis analyses the portrayal of the American consumer society in Douglas Coupland’s novels Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture (1991), Microserfs (1995) and Generation A (2009). It also deals with the problems of two generations and the differences between them, it further looks for alternatives as a main theme of Coupland’s novels. The thesis concludes that the generations do not differ too much and young adults stand up to the same problems. Keywords: Douglas Coupland, Generation X, Generace A, Microserfs, marketing, consumer society, America, information technologies, young adults ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe special thanks to Mgr. Roman Trušník, Ph.D., the advisor of my bachelor thesis, for his patience, the help he provided me with and his willingness to work with me. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................9
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