Joshua Barber

Demographic and Psychographic Analysis

In the previous section I stated most of the reasoning behind why I wanted to start a radio station with this format and mission. A brief overview of this is that my station’s purpose is to provide teens and young adults with a station full of upbeat music and a

Christian message in an effort to give them a positive station and share the message of

Christ with them. By doing so, my station can contribute in speaking to the next generation of Christians.

After careful analysis I was able to summarize that there are twenty-nine radio stations within close listening range of Fort Wayne, . Of these twenty-nine stations only two are listed as rock with one of them being a classic rock. I also took into account adult contemporary stations because that plays a role in my format as well and there are only two AC stations in Fort Wayne. I cross-analyzed this with religious stations and there are seven in the Fort Wayne area. Two of these are college run stations and only one of these five are listed as Christian contemporary. However, I’m pretty sure that WBCL can be classified as Christian contemporary as well.

Based off of my research I was able to conclude that there are only one, possibly two, stations that could serve as competition for my own (WLAB and WBCL). WLAB’s mission statement is, “Using media to offer hope that changes lives through the love of

Jesus.” Ultimately, this is similar to what I want to do with my station, but based on their core promises I can tell that their focus is primarily families, instead of teens and young adults. Some examples of their core promises are, “To encourage you and your family in your walk with God,” “Never to play or say anything that would embarrass you or your children,” and “To connect you and your family with opportunities to serve God by serving others.” WBCL also follows this formula by being “family friendly.” In addition,

I can’t seem to find any programming on either station that targets the teens and young adults age group.

After doing the proper research, I can conclude that there is a need for the type of station that I’m aiming to provide the Fort Wayne areas with. Christian stations do exist, but none of them primarily target the age range I’m targeting. By doing so, they fail to provide the styles of music that appeal to that specific age range. By creating this station,

I hope to provide the genres of music that appeal to teens and young adults and incorporate a Christian message into it.