APPENDIX 14.1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK BASED ASSESSMENT ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK Andover County of Hampshire Archaeological desk–based assessment June 2007 Archaeology Service ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK Andover County of Hampshire Archaeological desk–based assessment National Grid Reference: 433000 145700 Project Manager Stewart Hoad Reviewed by Jon Chandler Author Helen Dawson Graphics Carlos Lemos Museum of London Archaeology Service © Museum of London 2007 Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 020 7410 2200 fax 020 7410 2201 email
[email protected] web Archaeological desk-based assessment MoLAS 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Origin and scope of the report 2 1.2 Site status 2 1.3 Aims and objectives 2 2 Methodology and sources consulted 4 3 Legislative and planning framework 6 3.1 National planning policy guidance 6 3.2 Regional guidance: 6 3.3 Local Planning Policy 7 4 Archaeological and historical background 9 4.1 Site location, topography and geology 9 4.2 Overview of past archaeological investigations 10 4.3 Chronological summary 11 5 Archaeological potential 20 5.1 Factors affecting archaeological survival 20 5.2 Archaeological potential 20 6 Impact of proposals 22 6.1 Proposals 22 6.2 Implications 22 7 Conclusions and recommendations 24 8 Acknowledgements 25 9 Gazetteer of known archaeological sites and finds 26 10 Bibliography 29 10.1 Published and documentary sources 29 10.2 Other Sources 30 10.3 Cartographic sources 30 i P:\HAMP\1021\na\Field\DBA_22-06-07.doc Archaeological desk-based assessment