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Petrochemicals October 2014 MGP Fourth Issue Think. Create. Move. Petrochemicals MOL Group is strengthening its Petrochemicals segment with significant investments and expects considerable improvement in its position in the petrochemicals marketplace THE WORLD OF NEW HR MOL BUBI MOL GROUP SCM PROGRAMS ON THE ROAD Managing the supply chain – To improve business MOL Bubi, the new the “umbrella” function performance community bicycle system this edition: petrochemicals contents ISSUE 04 October 2014 mol group Interview 4 MOL GROUP PETROCHEMICALS IN NUMBERS petrochemicals› Sándor Fasimon and Oszkár Világi Fascinating facts and figures 6 The Group expects considerable improvement in its position in the petrochemicals marketplace 5 WELCOME interview interview Zsolt Hernádi, C-CEO REfiNERY EXTENDING THE VALUE CHAIN MOL Group is strengthening its Petrochemicals segment with significant investments in feedstock materials like butadiene will also technology will gain vital new skills and fresh In which areas are there synergies between Bratislava and Tiszaújváros. New workplaces will be created in the Group and among our help other industry players such as rubber technical knowledge, since LDPE4 is based Petrochemicals and Downstream’s other production companies and that’ll move the on modern tubular technology that enables activities that can be exploited? suppliers too. While the Group expects considerable improvement in its position in the INTERVIEW WITH broader economy forward. the manufacturing of about 30 kinds of Sándor Fasimon: There are many interesting Oszkár Világi: By investing in LDPE4, we are polyethylene. Those not working at the new intermediate chemicals along the propylene 6 petrochemicals marketplace. Sándor Fasimon, COO – MOL Hungary and Oszkár Világi, Chairman of the Board and CEO – Slovnaft, gave fascinating answers to our questions. demonstrating that we are a responsible unit will still get similar opportunities in other value chain that are currently being revised employer, striving to ensure optimal production areas. Of course, a number of and may prove attractive. However, we employment both at Slovnaft and MOL contractors are going to be working on the wouldn’t enter any derivative business until Group into the future. The employees construction of the unit, again to the benefit the corresponding end-product markets SÁNDOR FASIMON AND OSZKÁR VILÁGI OLEfiN UNITS who will be operating this cutting-edge of employment in the region. appear to be more promising on the strategic he Petrochemicals field From the business viewpoint, this will bring is an important pillar new markets and customers, so that we of Group Downstream, fully expect to be among the absolute top The global market for processing a large amount companies in Europe in this field. Extending the value chain plastics is growing, T of refinery products. How will recent investments by MOL Group How does Petrochemicals affect so we believe this change the value chain? Downstream’s generally unfavourable investment will Sándor Fasimon: In line with our strategy, external environment? Will these new contribute in the LDPE UNITS these recent investments will extend our investments bear fruit? value chain, which today is fully integrated, Sándor Fasimon: Due to this year’s results future, not only to from crude oil through to plastics. Due to and short-term analyst forecasts, we look Slovnaft’s figures, but the lack of lighter gas feedstock in Central towards the future with cautious optimism. Europe, MOL Group’s petrochemicals Butadiene prices are expected to rise also to those of MOL business consumes a mixed feedstock of from their current, relatively low levels. OSZKÁR VILÁGI Group as a whole. naphtha, LPG and gas oil. This enables us As a consequence, Butadiene production to obtain heavier ethylene by-products. profitability will be restored to the level that PETROCHEMICALS Significant investments have begun in both made it an attractive investment option in 10 Bratislava and Tiszaújváros. At our site in the first place. As for LDPE4, we hope efficient HDPE UNITS the Slovakian capital, we’re modernising operations will allow us to recoup investment the LDPE product line with a new, state-of- expenditures from the very beginning the-art LDPE-4 unit, and we’re constructing through reduced production costs. The science behind Petrochemicals a Butadiene Extraction/Synthetic Rubber Oszkár Világi: The new plastics production (SBR) plant in Eastern Hungary. These steps LDPE4 unit isn’t just about profit, it’s about re- will significantly strengthen MOL Group’s placing obsolete equipment with something Petrochemicals segment. I firmly believe more up-to-date. At the same time, it ad- that we made the right decisions at the right dresses production diversification at Slovnaft, time because these strategic moves will thus underpinning Upstream operations that help us weather the stormy waters of the would otherwise not be justified. The global European Downstream business. market for plastics is growing, so we believe PP UNIT Oszkár Világi: Long ago, refineries only this investment will contribute in the future, processed crude oil, but fifty years ago not only to Slovnaft’s figures, but also to Through 2017, we’ll hire production was expanded to include those of MOL Group as a whole. more than 130 new plastics. At Slovnaft, both these products colleagues at our sites INSIDER are closely linked technologically and Are new Petrochemicals operations economically and our objective is to develop having any positive impact on and the impact on our 12 them even further. Ten years ago, we employment in the CEE region? suppliers will be even launched a new polypropylene production Sándor Fasimon: I’d say that Petrochemicals more significant. line, and today we’re building a new LDPE4 is a job creation engine. Through 2017, we’ll plant to produce polyethylene. Once it’s hire more than 130 new colleagues at our We expect to create Managing the supply chain BUTADIENE UNIT completed, sometime in late 2015 or early sites and the impact on our suppliers will be OSZKÁR SÁNDOR more than 600 new jobs 2016, our production capacity will rise and even more significant. We expect to create VILÁGI FASIMON SÁNDOR FASIMON SÁNDOR during this period. we should be able to produce new types more than 600 new jobs during this period. of polyethylene with better properties. Looking at it from a distance, petrochemicals 6 MOL GROUP Panorama October 2014 7 SYNTHETIC RUBBER PLANT 14 GROUP NEWS LOGisTICS Projects and developments worldwide 16 EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCIL Infographics Behind the letters EWC Petrochemicals 17 IN focus 10 An important pillar of the Downstream value chain Processes & Structures for tomorrow infographics infographics ETHYLENE CONFERENCE THE SCIENCE BEHIND STORAGE 18 PETROCHEMICALS The largest oil gathering, 2014 MARKET MOL GROUP PETROCHEMICALS UNITS SOLD ETHYLENE SN PetChem SK TVK INTEGRATED H PETROCHEMICALS UNITS • TVK and Slovnaft together are the biggest plastic DID YOU KNOW? • Current annual feedstock transfer of LDPE PLANT raw materials producers in the CEE region LDPE units operate at extremely 1.9 MT from Refining to Petrochemicals… MARKET • The NEW LPDE Plant – 220 ktpa unit at Slovnaft will high pressure: 2-3000 bar • FLAGSHIP NEWS …and 0.45 MT from Petrochemicals to Refining increase ethylene and petchem feedstock demand • MOL Refinery crude supplies are ensured 20 • Sales offices operate in seven countries: Germany, by pipelines from Russia and from the Poland, Italy, France, Austria, Romania and Ukraine Adriatic sea as the alternative REFINERY Overview of local news and improvements ETHYLENE SYNTHETIC RUBBER • One car tyre is usually made of 30-40 PROPYLENE HDPE PLANT components, including 10-15 types of rubber with different compositions LPG C4 NAPHTHA MARKET SYNTHETIC RUBBER PLANT (2017) GASOIL DID YOU KNOW? 1 million tons of polymer STEAM CRACKER UNIT were produced in 2013 HR DEVELOPMENT PROPYLENE 22 MILESTONES IN PETROCHEMICALS HISTORY • 1999 – MOL acquires its first TVK shares • 2000 – MOL becomes majority TVK STEAM CRACKER UNITS shareholder with a 33.34% + stake • 2 in Tiszaújváros – 660 ktpa BUTADIENE PLANT (2015) • 2004 – TVK is integrated into MOL Group We are here to imporve business performance • 1 in Bratislava – 200 ktpa – MOL acquires majority stake in Slovnaft – The Petrochemicals Business Unit is established DID YOU KNOW? • 2007 – MOL acquires a majority stake Steam Cracker Units... ...highest temperature: +850 °C in TVK of 94.86% SOLD BUTADIENE • 2011 – Petrochemicals Business Unit is ...lowest temperature: -150 °C MARKET integrated into the Downstream Division ...temperature difference: 1,000 °C PROPYLENE POLYPROPYLENE PLANT • 2013 – The foundation stone is laid for STORAGE an LPDE4 polyethylene production unit in Bratislava, Slovakia PROPYLENESOLD – The foundation stone is laid for a Butadiene Plant in Tiszaújváros, Hungary DID YOU KNOW? INNOVATION In 1975, Steam Cracker Units in both Slovnaft and TVK started operations 25 The new community bicycle PURCHASED PROPYLENE 10 MOL GROUP Panorama October 2014 11 system – MOL Bubi 26 E&P DS efficiency A world-class business approach 28 PROBLEM SOLVING Millions saved Thousands of ideas: EIFFEL and ÖTR 28 Every idea counts – Eiffel & ÖTR problem solving problem solving 30 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY & THOUSANDS OF IDEAS: EIFFEL AND ÖTR SPONSORSHIP Since 2008, employees have submitted 3,000+ ideas in the EIFFEL Downstream Program, TIBOR ZÁSZLÓS which have contributed nearly EUR 38 million PROCESS TECHNOLOGY EXPERT What we are proud of to Downstream's efficiency improvements. In PÉTER GYÖRKÖS TERÉZ BACSURNÉ KURUCZ 1998, TVK launched the Ideas Support System GROUP FUEL PRODUCTS DS DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCT SALES REPRESENTATIVE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (ÖTR), which sometimes resulted in savings of hundreds of thousands of euros. he EIFFEL Program is One use of micro wax is as a food Downstream’s Group- industry feedstock. In 2009, the lead- level employee idea ing producer asked to buy significant management system. quantities of two types of micro wax. SCIENCE Its goals are firstly to further sup- We had no such feedstock so we had port efficiency improvements and to buy-in the required amounts.
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