Ti-1e Courier-Gaze i I E. ROCKf.AM ) GAZETTE KSTARl.VSIl F.D 1«1O. 1 i t t o u e s the edlorlb at iftuo 1 TWO DOLLAR^ t n u t ix Xl>VANCE. ROCKLAND COtTltlKlt ESTABLISH I D (TIk Press is the Arrliiniciican ;,.\brr th a t d o lla r s a B e a r (SINGLE COllES 1»R|( I I 1X1 ri-.MM.

V o i . . 3 . — N exv S i ,h i e -. ROCKLAND, MAINE, 'III s S D A V , I)E( EMBER 23 . 1 8 8 4 . N l MBEH 19.

CHRISAMAS IN PARIS. CHAPTER FOUR, DEAR GIDDY GOTHAM. the prisonns, but *ome o f the “ sm all” criminal W all street’s w h irl, ami now be is w nth neanv WAYSIDE GLANCES. lawyer.- were r, tainctl, ami, though the ex iriencc millions, ard is on., of the leaders in the street. ns x rn. was plain and clear, they snecc. did in getting He wa- an ardent Republican in the late cam A Ta'e of the Famous Hundred Days. It was night night in Paris...... The flames A n o th e r Snake S to ry A G ig a n tic S w in ­ all Imt a few nt tin smokers Bee. “ H itting paign, ami made a number o f speeches atta< k llie king o f Bavaria ha* m income , the pipe,” as it is called, i* growing in favor ing the political position of lit* pastor, Mr. from a burning structure flung lln ir deinoniae 1 dle Opium 'Joints” “Mother” Man- $2,700 a day. Ami B I'nria u b* r I* less tha delbaum to the Front--Christmas in with certain elas.es. | hr “ jo in ts” are im reas- Beecher. His intense Republicanism led him two cents a glass. arms w ild ly into heaven and lighted up the i ing hi mimber, and the bai.it is laving lm!d New York Chit-chat. to make some tremendous bet* on Blaine, an.I battlements o f the Bridge Saint Bneve. A < upon ’ he live- ot great numbers of people out­ now he probably don't think so much of poli­ howling mob, drunk w itli excess o f wine, 1 side ( f t ’ e ( hit c-c colony. K ft lend o f mine tical life a* he used to. \ German scientist -,v i prr«>n In * who has x i-iti i| several j oint* to g( t materials A bashful youth named I.i/aru.- Ziintlein totallv new brain evi'i v sixtv d rys. This e: ClIAPTKll ONE. danced in w ild frenzy up the -licet, lln ir face- | tor “ w illin g lip” the ( x il ti ll* me that well- wanted a wife. He went to a matrimonial wrought in the horrible distortion of marine**. I dressed, hund-ntur* women in great ntimbzrs broker, Bmlold by name, atnl xvjs reeunmend- w hy I1AWX. A man was in their grasp. •‘hit the pipe” ami that young W all street ed to Jennie Meyer. I hcv all lived on the often. Tlie city o f Paris is the busy heart o f a mighty brokers ami cay clerks are frequent visitors at F. ,-t Side, ami, a- their names indicate, arc «-f Antoine. the “ jo in t-.'’ Tlte-e places me dingv, low- people. M illions o f Frenchmen love and rev­ foreign extra- tion. Jennie is fat, homely, an I -an hire in \rabiu for four dot “ To the river!” rooms, with tiers o f bunks on the sides. A forty. Eazaru-'is ten vears younger. They very cheap, but it erence it. I t is a city o f wonders. Eights and Tlie flame- leaped up ant xx and painted the m a ll lamp, with...... a sickly...... little- yellow ____ llame . re married, and while the wedding eelebra- : xe, -im ply to shadows o f human life play ever over its sur­ scene w itli ghastly horror A dark form | hangs from the e ilitig in the centre o f the tioti was going (m, with plenty o f her drink ( "ouldn’t do to got' Ual-i.i : face. room, llie smoker- li«? in their shelf like ing and dittoing, a stranger entered, an unhid- save imii-e rent. hurtled fiercely over the parapet, and the I bnnks and the ( ’ himimen move about noise- j den guest ut the marriage fea-t. He went t-.v i Francine lived there Francine and Antoine. blood-red waves closed over his gurgling erh * lessly preparing fhe pipes. No word i-spoken j the bride and loudly called her to account tor ... , ll’* lot max Francine's father kept a second hand drug forever. and no sound i- he m l except the breathing o f m arrying E izurus. because she had a husband * ‘ ,l" t ,|” h;,PP.v 1 the sleeper.*, occasional groans from siiioken iu flcrm anv. Then there was a sensation, so ' b i. there is one thing nt thi lid iv season store In the Fonhourg Saint Germain. Antoine The man the Rats had held iu their teeth xvn* j whose (Ireams ate not pleasant, and the « at to ip ra k . l.-tza u* had hi* bride arrested. SIk , that be can n jo i < ox r. < .m - always ad­ was a soldier o f the I.eglon. Francine and gone! like tread of the Chinamen. Occasionally a I tiiat she had given a rabbi in Gertnnnv journ* er Christina Antoine loved emit other. Happy, happy policeman drops iu to see how things are get­ to procure a divorce ,'ri»m her first husband, Fram-ine. CHAPTER FIVE. ting along and i- given a few cigars by a p ig ­ she hadn't heard anything from tin t snmi-e Napoleon, fresh from Elba, had landed on tailed serv mt and g a s on his way rej (icing. i for live years. The court and I. iz nus were “ A Penniles* rreaiirronreil the populace. sented that a large part o f the women who go J said in his speech that he first saxv Patti in Somebody tapped at the window. shopping iu Fourteenth street. Sixth avenue. Astor place. “ She ki.-sed me” he said, “ am, “ I wonder if it I* very hard to drive one •• Eire (' /-.'wi/icienHi '" shouted the soldiery, “ W ho’s there?” called Francine. Twenty-third street, ami B roadw .i\. are iu the i I gave her half a dollar.” He tell- of another Itor-e ahead of another,” mused Dor i, as she who loved their general. Yesterday they had habit of (hopping iu at ot e o f at out lifty I time in her ninth year, when just before she watched a truck wagon d riftin g past fhe No answer. wa* to go upon the *tage to sing, she refused shouted for the king, lint today the king w as restaurants iu Sixth avenue ami taking a “ tip house. Tremblingly Francine undid the fastening p i e . ’ [t was painted as a gieat ami t roving | to move until a hatful o f bon-bons were given a cipher. and looked out in ’ o the brooding night. A evil, and the article caused wide comment. her. She got the bon-bon-. It is said that “ Not if you tin I i,id it." I, ix id ans­ It was all one to Antoine. Neither the king she still acts in that wav. but it is noxv gold mysterious form stood silently before her. Now, I suspeet that this article was written by wered with a la,-away look iu h i- voice. nor emperor paid him Ids wages. the same innocent youth who startled the town X eagles that she demand* instead o f bon-bon-. ••W ho’s there?” again she called, affrighted. It was rlose to Christmas day* and not a cen- a week before with the iilfrighting .-mike story The dissolving views nt the Eden Musee are “ 1 !” said a deep trass voice. about the Central Park Menagerie. Both still dissolving before big crowd* that are con­ Olivet Wendell Holme* ays I k'ucrsoti used time had he for his sweetheart's present. 1. It was A nto in e ! stories possess the same kind of wild exaggera­ vulsed xvith laughter to see skeletons emerge o eat pie for breakfast. This doesn’t seem Francine hung upon his neck. from their grave*, dance, take their own heads tion. Both are eharacleiized by strained in ­ possible. Now if l)r. Holmes had told ns "D o n ’t c ry ," he said with n laugh; "w ha t Antoine ? ference, and have evidences o f fie.-hness and | oll’ aml perform in unusual ways generally Yes. In their blind fury tlie Rats had slain getier.il g u llib ility on fhe part o f the writer. Carlyle ate pic we emild have believed it care I for paltry gifts ? I have your love—that another. 1’nrier cover of the darkness \ntoine Sixth avenue is not a strictly uptight and v ir­ mince pie at supper, b o. Mince pic at supper alone is suflicient for Francine. Neither w ill tuous thorough lat e, and there are many ovster STORMY CHRISTMAS. had slipped away. xvotild have accounted Ibr a great many things I give you aught oa the holiday. Then you saloons and restaurants along it from Four­ Francine pressed him to her heart. in Carlyle. will not grieve nt your own poverty." teenth to Thirty-fourth street, which are fre­ “ What is it ?” -lie said, as Antoine (breed quented at all hours o f the day and night by A t the same time site was k n itting him a into her hand a bag. men and women o f disreputable character. The report -ays that the machinery of the worsted smoking jacket. Poor g irl, she did These the youthful writer o f the sensational Al, without is dreary;— “ Your Christmas present,” he said; “ line great Nexv Orleans exhibition was started by not know how little time a soldier on tlie inarch articles has seen, and has jumped nt the enn- The wintry blast, the -ky o’ereast. million gold napoleons ’ eliision -to be as charitable a- possible that The trees, tike pilgiiius weary, President A rthu r pressing a button in Wash­ gets to wear u worsted smoking jacket. Francine counted them. the women at the. tables belonged to the re­ Stillly move their branches bare, ington. It neglect* to -tale what button the Besides, she wa9 making it three sizes too spectable and decorous crowds of shoppers “ Where did you g fl them ?” -he asked Groaning iu the thickened air. president pre**ed. But probably it xvas one of small. who throng the avenue. There are two or jo y fu lly . three qtiier, modest calcs in Sixth avenue where Xunih and dead and sere, they. the buttons on the back o f hi* coat. There’s Doppet also loved Francine. Doppet was a When it was learned in Nexv York that “ The man the Kats threw over had them. a respectable woman can go for lutichcon, and All xvltbln is cheery;— no ((titer u*e they could be put to. Gascon, and rich. Francine hated him. So if she wishes can have a bottle o f wine, and it “ M otliei” Mandelbanm, the notorious receiver It were too bad to lose them iu the river, so I o f stolen goods, of whom we wrote in our let­ I be girls am i boys xvith play ami noise •lid Antoine. is nol»( dv's business if she does want it an I ter o f August ('», had been arrested in Canada, relieved him o f them in the d a rk ," Antoine does ill ink it. That a good manv women drink Awake tlie blltlio canary, • Alonzo” xx t ite- that he is one o f a (Company Doppet knew' o f this and laughed. there xvas no rejoicing among law-abiding c iti­ replied. wine with luncheon or dinner iu New York is And be sings a suiaincr song o f young met, who have formed themselves zens, uud when the new* came that she had Hidden iu Ids heart so long. Francine kissed him. true. That the custom is increasing is also been set free, there was no regret. She is not into a literary society fur tic? purpose of be­ CHAPTER TWO. true, am, the reason is that wines ol all kinds Kept for ('hristiuas merry. FI.AMKS. “ Then we w ill be married ?” .-lie .-aid. are more abundant, cheaper, and better than xvanted here. She and her hopeful son, ami coming ncw.-pnper humorists, ami wants to “ At once,” Antoine replied. her clerk, and Eno, ami a number o f others know what would tie a good name for th cm. they used to be. But that respectable women xvho for sim i’ar reasons Ii v • gone to Canada The l iver Seine Hows through Paris. Paris frequent the ordinary restaurants of Sixth “ When ?•’ for their h alths/'an stay theie and I me a high THE INAUGURATION. [Merciful iiyramids, a club of newspaper lies on either hank o f tlie Seine. The river avenue to “ take their tipples," when out shop­ “ After supper.” old lime «• gether. or can all go to Europe ami humorists!] How would the Symphony Club passes through the city and yet is a part of it. ping, is ridiculously false. And who. the reader a.-ks, was the man xxjto “ do” the Continent together, but there w ill not It has been urged that Mr. Cleveland should do, Alonzo ■ Both are inseparable. The river is m ighty, be a tear, regia t, or a -ingle yearn Ibr their re hurtled o’er the parapet, ami whose cries are emulate the h um ility o f certain o f his demo­ tawny, terrible in its silent Ilow. turn iu this toxvn. The d i-tiie t attorney am, forever -tille d by the ro lling Seine. the police fell out. The di-triet attorney hired cratic predecessors, uml when he goes to take x ,, u t I I ! i o i . The people use it to drown themselves in. tlie oath of ol,lee, conduct himself xvith sueli It was Doppet. Pinkerton detective- to arie-t the woman, be­ “ Von say you don’, know xvhe'her you ab­ Doppet stood on a bridge and gazcil into the cause she x a- dear to the hearts or pocket* of unostentatiotisiiess as shall win the heart* of Fifteen minutes later the allie I armies were stracted the money or not said the judge, river’s beckoning depths. the police. A gbod ease was made out against the plain people. thundering at the gates o f Paris. her, and the old fox who hail escaped so often sharply. “ One plunge, one gasp," lie muttered, “ ami Oh, by ail means let the pre.*idetit-e,eel be ------— bv buying her fi edoni, saxx that she must go “ No. your honar,” re -p n m h d the prisoner, all is o’er.” to pi ison or to Canada, ami she eho-e the latter. tiinklc. Let him go to his inauguration as A CHRISTMAS NUMBER. e.)urteou.*ly: “ you see, I wa- in sue,, a genera, Doppet had ju s t said farewell to Francine. The police kept no xvateli o f her. because they quietly and unpretentiously as a man standing and their feeling* hail been hurt by the di-triet mood of abstraction that day - ’’ “ I will drown myself," lie told her, lierrelv. ot,' a h ill. Let him start from his hotel direct­ A custom o f this paper, instituted several attorney, and tin latter kept no watch on her. “ Ninety d avs!" called the •-•«,rt; **ay any­ "Be sure that von pick out a place that’s because lie had got tired o f the ea-e for some ly after breakfast, and tramp alone through years ago, is to greet it-appreciative readers at thing tmue like that and i ’ll double it. ’ deep enough,” Francine lintl replied. this season in a special Christmas number. unknown reason. So she xxeut and left her the center o f Pennsylvania Avenue, exhaling A m illio n devilisli passions were tearing at bondsmen in the birch. Various things including a lot of other mat­ in As Chii.-tmas approaches the city puts on clouds o f tobacco -moke from a d irty black ■ R cots 1* or on ri 1 Ids heart. A ll the evil iu his liekle (iaseon ters conspired this year to prevent the full ob­ more and more of a holiday appearance. pipe as lie slouches along through the mud. nature was surging in black waves over him. servance o f tills pleasant custom. Shop* and stores in all parts o f the town are I f the (lav is xvarm enough it xvotild be xvell Said h (carelessly ) “ 1 by the piper being trimmed with green and bright colors "C om e!” beckoned tlie lite r. But nevertheless we are enabled to present for him to peel oil' his eoat and sling it care­ that camd* are fond of tobacco smoke.” A m a n w ith a sinister eye came over tlie and the sidewalks are being lined with tempo- Said-he (*nappingly > “ Well, 1 ain’t like a ottr patrons to-day with what we think is a rare booths and crowds o f hoxvling vendors of lessly over hi* arm -he wants to have his old bridge. very readable paper, containing n large amount knick-knacks o f every sort and description. whitewashing clothes on, o f course ami un­ camel, then.” The eroxvd* in the -t:eet are increasing, and at Said he (mit-ittjlx j “ Sometime- you are.” j "Bon jour, citizen," lie said. o f cheei fill matter adapted to the holiday sea­ button hi* vest and let it fl ip ja u n tily in the “Bon jour," responded Doppet, gloom ily. Behold the costly monument of “ spoils’’ busy h o u rjt' e sidewalk* at e impa-sible tor any Said -he (curiously 1 “ How ?’’ son. polities that rises on the Battery sea-wall ami otic who is in a hurry. The vendors cry their vxiud. One pantaloon leg should be caught up Said he (solilv 1 When you get your back • lie was s till gazing iit.lhc smiling river. We trust that you w ill enjoy its perusal, and overlooks the channel between the city and wares in discordant yells and the air is heavily over h i- patched boot-, ami if po-sihle a gallus “ Citizen," said tlie man witli the sinister eye, further, that you w ill pass an unusually happy Governor’s Island ! It is the barge olli. e. and laden wiih the sound o f tin trumpets ami mini should be unfastened ami siill’ered to trail up." was built for the spoliation o f in-eoining ocean attire bagpipes, lh>* eiash o f toy ex in ba Is ami • stopping, "von seem ill." negligently down behind. A battered hat (Then -he fell 01, him, and bx - im l-bv the Christmas, upon which occasion we wish you travellers who ride iu the cabins o f steamships the explosion o f pop-guns. The crowd- move " I t is Francine,’’ Doppet said, sullenly. neighbors heard him ask her iu a pleading all manners o f blessings and prosperity. and so do not have to g oto Castle Garden. lowly along betxveen gay shop window would lie-t be xvorn on the back of hi* m i­ tone to let up 01, his hair, as he only had a "Francine;’’ ■ ------And for whose benefit xvas this costly and use­ me ide ami an unbroken line of the street ' combed bead, ami if lie hasn’t shaved for “ Ave—and Antoine." less structure reared ? W hv, Ibr the “ Bar­ vendors on the other, I between the two ■ek the etl’eet xvill be greatly heightened. little, anyxvax. and he xvanted to save that for THE CHEAPNESS OE BEER. ney-,"and “ Johnnies.” and -.Mikes” o f local manv arc the victim * t ho fall. At Macy’s. "Francine and Antoine ; W ith the mud o f the avenue loading h'« boot*. the inauguration., polities. Thev looked with greedy eyes upon Ehrieh’.* and other lar; • store* the window* "A y e —Francine mid Antoine. A iliousaud One ot the features of the New Orleans ex. the streams o f wealthy passengers coming out draw particularly dense crowds by means o . let the president-elect stomp up the capital devils, man, why do you echo tn c !" position w ill he the beer. Two young men o f the pier hou.-es oi' the dill'erent .-team-hip hows o f dill'erent kinds. At Ehrieh’* . step-,a,’d play fu lly laying hi.* cud o f tobacco on t;tto t 1 1 01 1 n t k m , 1 . lines and going their ways unmolested. The The man w itli the sinister eye drew closer, there is a drama o f puppet- in gorgeous co*- I the venerable chief justice’* shoulder, and then • Yott horrid thing !” -aid Miss Jaggs to M i** from Ohio—good, thought fill young men— barge otllee scheme was there,ore organized. tu,tie ami at Macy’.* there :* a seemingly end­ ills hot breath scorched on Doppet's check. ollered the management #2000 for the exclu­ IIiinilreds and hundreds of thousands of dol­ less procession o f gaudy dull* on horseback a* | wiping his nose xvith the cutT o f his shirt. Itold- Nlitiitie Jagg* xvhen they had nought their "T lie river is too wet for M. ie Doppet," lie sive right to vend that refreshing drink upon lars were distributed as patronage in built,ing ci,cii* rider.-, and lloat* that glitter with group.* I ing hi* pipe meantime iu die other hand,let him roam; “ you actually ate that biscuit alter hissed; "le i Antoine snuggle iu its moist em­ tlie premises during the fair. The manage­ it. Joint II. Stalin was given the privilege o f of ,litlere,it kind*. The crowds and vendor* take the oath (»f oflice, while lie stands grace­ I nele Horace Ii td reached it to von on his own carrying passengers iu Ids poor old steamer* and litte r and noise w ill increa*e until C hrist­ brace.” ment's ja w dropped as it gazed at the two young fio tii quarantine to Ike barge otllee, and a mas eve, xx hen the clim ax xvill be reached ami fully on one leg and xvink* occasionally nt the lot k !” Doppet grasped Ills liiim l. men in speechless wonder. Then it iutorined ‘•Barney” of local politic*, siirntttned Bialin, the city xx ill seem to be in the midst of a xvikl boys ns the chief justice is talking to show “ W eil, what o f it ?” "Ti-cs bien.'" lie said jo y fu lly . tin* good young men that it had ju s t refused was given the exclusive right to cany baggage carnival o f some sort- that he remembers his friends am, that there is “ What of it; 1 should siy xvlnt of it1 from tin-build ing at exorbitant tat -. Noxv The man w ith the sinister eye smiled. Then nothing stuck up about I he idea of touching anythin! tliat uivbody an oiler o f #<55,000 for the same thing, but if everybody who has any knowledge of the insti­ looking cautiously about, lie whispered. they felt disposed to raise it to #100,000----- tution, mid who is not “ on the make” in enn- • There xvotild be nothing showily o-te,datums rise’s fork has been It ’” • • H is t! The Rats o f Varis are abroad ' But the two young men from Ohio said two u elion with it, condemns it in good round rt K J ' ' - • s about an inaugural o f this description no “ it doesn’t make anx- ilillcrcee in I’n. Je terms. The late.-t ami strongest c.Jiidetiina- The man's name was Joliebut. thousand was a ll they hud. servile aping o f the gaudy frippery of lim it- race ! ease. ti »n comes from tlie New Y ork Chatnber of Commerce, which advl-e- the aboliit ni o f the arehieul Europe. It xvould be eminently in ••Why not CllAlTER THREE. E N D O E SUIT. wh ile concern. The building isn't half or a 1 keeping with the plainness o f our republican “ Because he never pm- hi- fork in his m u ith .” 1IKVII.H. quarter large enough. It work* reasonably institutions, and would no doubt vastly please ••Drop the libel su it," says .Mr. Blaine to his well when one steamship a day comes in. but Tlie Rats of Varis! Cily of a Ihonsmid those xx ho are ceaselessly howling for reform. 1111: noon o 1.,» n x v s. attorneys, lie thinks he never could get justice when six or eight of those ocean monsters a r­ ■slumbering evils, it necileth hut tlie cry of liun- rive, the otllee becomes xvor.-e than Bedlam let —Hn ------“ A ll the postolliec- in Paris are supplied from au Indiana ju ry against tbe Indiunnpolis jgcr or of Id aid to bring the millions swarming loose. Tlie tran-poiration service from quai NEWSPAPER NEWS. with pneumatic tube-,” -ai l Johnnie, reading Sentim‘1. antiee to the otllee is worse than worthle.-s, ,1'rom the loatlisome dens that lot ami fester in from the paper. Mr. Blaine does right to discontinue the suit. from its inadequacy and from the de-tiuetioti j jth y hidden depths. Forth now they came like o f baggage which is carried on. 1‘assengci i “Lhxv!” exclaimed hi* jram lm olher, laying It does no good to light a pap’r ol’ the Senti­ J) The Washington ll I'chct, which has cut out ,wolves ill the night, to rob and m id whatever have to wait iu a crowded, Mull’v k om, heidcd for itself a bright wide swath, now appears as down her knitting and gizittg 1 fleetivelv over nel's narrow calibre. The people believe in the like sheep, while the eus’oms otlicers tmravxl ' (m ight lie prey. a Sunday paper. the tops of her spectacle* “ if that ain’t jest moral purity o f the Maine statesman ami Ids the—- htngtangle ofailatrs in the examining room. I Antoine was a soldier. Wherever duty called Discomforts and outrages ot m ain Kind Tho Philadelphia llnlletin ranks with the Ilk. them l'rem litucn abx ty« pervldhtg all fam ily. It wasn't the lothcFOtnc attacks o f a (’HIT-, II XI. I lie went. Friend o f Ibc went down liclbrc ills of constant occurrence. But “ Bareev" kvie* best o f the intelligently edited papers ot' the the latest inventions lor the good o f the peo­ scurrilous western paper that lost that gentle­ on the travelling pit,die and John IE Siarin ha- s. V. White, or “ Deacon" White, a* he k- ttru s ly musket. By the king's orders or by (lie country. T h i* isn't an idea that occurs to m- ple. Didn't have : itch thing* in my day - ’f man the pre.-idem y. Geicisz let the suit he a t'a, govetument contract, and the scheme xxiH frequently called in W all ctreet. Item h:s ’•emperor's, it were one to him. prominent position in Plymouth chin t h, caused for the first tim e—we always have thought so they had votir grandfather might he alive dropped. probably work for some little time vet. *■ "W ea r this,” said Francine, with tears iu her another flutter of excitement it, ’ ’the street” -but it comes to the surface again a* we glance noxv. But no,” sanl the old lady, shaking her jeyns. the other day. Mr. W hile created trcmemlmi* at the welcome form o f the llnlletin, admirably head *ad,y. “ whet, the pneumonia got him he WHITMAN'S POETRY. excitement among the “ bears” ,a-t xx inter by "W h a t is i l s a i d Antoine. giving them a remarkably tight squeeze iu set o tf by a nexv dress o f type. The reduction h id to go. No sm It thing- a- pneumatic tube* ** " A red lla iiiicl undershirt," l-'raiiciiir sobbed ; Delaware, Lackawanna We-t rn -to. k. He in them days.” T h i- is tlie latest poem o f W alt Whitman. ' o f price to two cent* a copy so increased the I managed hi* I ttlc “ deal" with consummate Am, the old lady ,-i died - » loud a* to make jJ"l made it with my own bands, ll will be It was suggested by an ineident o f the GTeely 1 -k ill, ami Ibr two or three days the “ hear*” ! sale ot the paper that tho old type speedily the chick strike ten minute- ahead <-f tu n e . tjgood fur your i liemnalisiii when you sleep in arctic expedition, when at the high latitude of hardly knew xxheretiicy xvete. Ever since wore out with die extra duty emailed upon it. ejlho liuri iers." 83 degree* the song o f a single bin! was lie ud then, if Lackawanna .-ho'x.d any tmu-aal 1 he l-'nenhin i* a New Y ork paper published ,.| Antoine kissed her tenderly. , activity, it xv.tsalonee laid to “ Deaton” W bite, by T. Thomas Fortune, form erly o f the m e irily .-oiinding over the desolation. Il’ you j Fur some time he had been holding up the IV R hriiuiatisin is the curse o f the soldier. It are fond o f this kind o f poetry, and like Walt ! price o| Lack , w tuna. The other .lay he got G/o&r. which journal it succeeds. M r Fortune A blue 1 x ■ I gi, lx ith a di tripped tim - a,tears bis muscles mid makes a coward ol him. W hitm an's kind ot this kind, pet hap- you i tired of that operation ami -juiellx “ got out” is a colored man o f broad and b rillian t ideas idly into the rooui. I ’.xcr. 0,1 the *,.,ir lit Antoine laid siill'ered w illi il lo r over eleven -Cling all his holding-. C. n-equently, 1 and an undoubted fund o f common sense. but one gasped at tin- b c a u ti!' xx ill like the following m t down on die tlo f the e\. hatige lifycms. He hated it. There is nothing so triii- ' The ability he has already shown in jourmtl- “ Please,” she -aid. in a - 1 t and melting oi m u in. ii iie mao.xi oi ih in k . u hh •• 1 lull -i' k. u n i / ib m l Mr. While 1-a bio as Hie haired o f a IT rin liiiia ii. remarkable little man. liee is -holt ami a trillc | i.*m has won him no small degree o f public little Voi c that xx etit , 1 .'Id to (if that b’ithe throat of thine, from arctic bl«nk ..ud ■ , cricket and a* m The Sans (u lo tic were abroad. V illi- lay I0ui(k, stout, but a- lively (lisdnetion. Mr. Fortune has unbounded faith x our paper have a poet’- < u n li, - black eyes ate ^ ’ •■lovelliiig iu terror. Napoleon was Iraguc.- I'll iiiiud lilt* Ichbon. solitary bird: let me too xvd- tough a* a pine knot, m tlie future o f the colored man, ami for the I ufortuiiali Iv she had itheohlc.-l flat ty, hauling willi the united honh•* of < <>mc chilling drifts. hr. n ami u .-,,.-*. II xx ear* a closely clipped K’eli the protbiOidertl ehill, a# i torpid pulic’, ..,.,id and a slouch hat, and look* more like a c iv il and political recognition o f hi* race lie and erii*tie-d bachelor . 11 th .1 creature 10 Europe. a Innin iiiiih rx’d, br -k. intelligent, .ml xxide a.vake little farmer is battling valiantly. The I'reeinan win.* xx ho cooked hts oxxu tm .i!- u (lid a.-e Inn I I ' k'd witldu its W h ite •hay -aid, Thu E n in li soldier* are demons. Blit they 'I'h • growth o f the opium smoking ex il w a- than a m illionaire ami .1 -iteees.-ful manipulator recognition at otter by its merit ami deserve- the worst wax. cold. <». cold, — of dm .-lock mat het. lie xva* born in K e lt-' ®|d<> not love to k ill their own people. The San* I Iie.-e HIIOXX X h air-, III) feeble al III, mx- fre /.c ll h i t ; xxrll iilu.-tiated the olla , dax xx hen xotlttg Cap the support of every intelligent colored mat, “ Yes,” In- growled, xvith (Miu McCullough, o f the police, raided a num ­ mkx Hi* father xva* a pioneer farmer, am, ' Ic u lo tte were Parisians. The Rat* o f Palis F or iliem I,i.v faith, thy ru le 1 mb- , ^td grav it to xviule ex cry young man - u ll - ta tf lo re hi, tile Iasi. ber ot d m - or “ joint.*” in a liugi tenement though as w. l, o lf u* Ins neighbois. that was I were o f the Suns Culotte. Not s-aioioer's z »ne- alone, not ehaiit.- >1 . ■ ilh, or hou.-e in Mulberry *1,vet, ( ailed the “ Big 1 la». not -ax ing mm h. Young S. V. earned hi* M«i >r Ben P erky Poore, the famous cone- hair iu r tge, • v» - / am the .'-onih’- xvarm dd< *> atom , i,i -t money by ploughing » big JiCd ; he did It j Antoine was in their toils. I it that one le ‘Use het xx ecu 1200 a ml 1 oOd liumat, fcponde,it and writer, being troubled with e x­ Ami tleui lie h"»k< d at her But la id by slugaieh lie--, p i k'd in the N .rih'-rn I beings live. In it sex. n opium “ jo in t* ” xvere barefooted, ami wa.- paid liftv e iiit* tor the ••To the riv e r!” shrieked the ltal.-. ice, the cumulus of xcar»— job. 1I< went through Knox College at G ak* cessive fat, has ju st reduced his weight (51 j site divined his cruel tn- tniu These with gay heart 1 also Hug. Jotiml “ in lu ll blast,” and thirlx-M x petsoti* I* Antoine smiled di.-daiiifully. xx 1 ie arre.-led :u them, fle x x x c u a l ‘ h iu a - burs', 111., studied hex ami began xxuitittg bu • |,y co,,lining liinisclt for 2.wcc»..- crying out the door, xxhilr th "J"::;;,,?1: , ...... ■ ...... the stall' banded tlnun-clx , ► Ihv . arping • rili‘ will cwilt at • I,.- M. - ineu ami xxhite v.otnen, in in v 01 the I n te r Morrell of tb< Gardiner Ihnne Jouraul I young ami extremely gouddooking, but xvith lilluu.* of an ana. hnaiEm, Imumih. h a - N ap .-h o u ’* J hen lie practised l,w in an Iowa town, wa* bread, lie say* he uevci xxa- m so go -I Ina, .1 a great oath that the. xx - Jim : > Hundred pay* o< urr. I iu th. < oly -uni boasts that helm s voted I >r two presidents. | ike list,c.-s manner* ami lifcle.-* the r a ltry vhiuno gy of h ifl-jy . satisfied to vote tor only one president. “ ju iu t” were found uml taken lo court Wilh nalix v ehrewdne.-s soon gained him a place in • ‘ ' THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 3884

SUPREME JUDICIAL. I 01.0 YANKEE ADDAMS. NEW WATER WORKS. A Week in the Court room Among the C h ristm a s The Actor Who Used t » Amuse Our The B’ensing Rockland Ha . Long Been Knowing Lawyers. People, N in Dire Want. Praying Eor. J.iliit P VI.Lita* Y.tnkct A.blsm- ’ Who ( W illia m G ,c c appellant fiom decree o f CHRISTMAS ’The building of new water woiks for Rock- <»I tip older and iiii hlle n»»< ••'I bv or in the presence of w.,s a young ni.ui No« he is old, and the ,y done. E id , signature i* to an agree ament ] t,nee credible attesting wi:nes-rs. « of I hi- jusl returned fmtn New t oM- of winter are nipping him shrewdly. whereby the wab r-taker bind- himself to re­ , ’ic w 1‘ic -sf s b hi c u n e insane since the exe­ Some inonllh sine? Tin Coi lin.iidi az. i. i 11 York with u ceive water from the new company for a term cution o f Hie w ill, a m i it wa- claimed that lie Buy yonr presents early, while bonghi of M r \ ldauis the maum ript nar­ o f ten year- at a rate nor to exceed that now- was no, a competent witness a, the time. rative o f hi* lit . w I t< h al nind« in inten sting charged by the pre-en, company. 'This method there is a good assort­ Appeal dismissed, and decree ntlirmed. oils o f a I venture conn- «*:••'! with the drama of o f going to work removes every tcariire of haz­ i ment to select from. an cailier g n.a tiion. It w ill appear in our P icic for prop ment. Ilewctt for appellant. S. Berry i Oo.’s ard Iron, the undertaking. Numerously James l i ve vs. Augusta M. Nickerson ot al PIXP.ASSOmilAT •liimus in due tune and no doubt w ill he read -igned p» ,i,i ms w ill be presented Jhe legisla­ w ith pleasure. M i. A dd o n- has lately been copartners as Nickerson A W ed,b. Mr. Erye, ture next mouth for a -uitalde charter. I here u ex cediuglv straitened i In ninMaiua *. who is a resident of, did business in w ill be no Opposition to ,,,*• ( barter lwlng He is si, k a • I >if lin g In a letti r , n t at 1882 in Portland, dealing In mackerel, grante.I.thu «c ran learn. I'he charter ob- hand, I u d at l'» ».-,nn, he - a v - ami having charge o f -evnal mackerel ! Tile Largest Assortment of , lined, work can be a, once begun. catching -'hoomr-. A, tlieeml of the ti-hing lh n is the I noth week I hive been ct.nbin I ' u i \ im-alist Sunday school gave action of forcible entry an.I detained originally us that such reduction would not he far short Christmas n Cli isimis exhibition in th? cliureh. The Died b»,orc tria l justice M . F. Hanly, when ! specialty of. We are the only con­ J a n . 1. o f om -tbird o f present rates. W ith the large cern in tiie city, that liny these goods a bnis-ioti wa.- 12 I 2 cents. It was an en­ Shattuck appealed to this court, 'i'lie title of a'lmunt o f iu.-uraticc carried by merchant- this joyable a ll.iir and well attend d.the paper says. property is the point in dispute. P. G. lugall- direct from tiie New York Importers, mean* a -living of thousands o f dollar.- now 1ST* ,h « l a ,i - o f th • Coiigregationuli-t clntms that Ids deci covers this propetty. and none o f the p a tte rn s we show- All of our CLOAKS arc paid in pu iiiitnn-. S m li aigum cnt- a.- these Ca rd s! nOCielv held a Ian and levee i B rtliovcn H ull. B li-s claims it does not, and ;( It does Ingall- can lie found in any other store in iHc’ setisiblc and potent,an I to us .-. cm to std li- Marked Down. We are re­ The .speaking o f th • entertainment, i- »--topped from clai n iiig the property, as he the city. Our large and successful cien,!y demonstrate that the new work- -liould -ays Phe poetry, readings, tableutx and wrote the deed to Bliss, grantor, when said Ihingiug in price from sales of these goods the past seasons ceiving NEW CLOAKS every lie built. m u sic w. re highly entertaining. Tli • tableaux ■ grantor was told her deed covered the property induced us to liny a much larger day. and as we can now buy vivant of Hi” "city crier" was pronounced quite I T ic new company w ill he governed by « liar- i in dispute. A fter the trial had progressed a b r rule- that commend it to puldi1. I he stock o f Fine Neck Wear in them at much less prices thau •pial io hfc. In * “ city crier" can b* no day the judge suggested the law court had j dividend-an no, to exceed six per cent. A ll French and English Satins and other than tli - w i,I known George W. Burns. better settle the mixed question, where the 1 ( '(Mil (<) SS‘2 .()(). i we could the first o f the season, above that amount realized Iron, water rents Silk, in the Popular Shapes of tiie Irt.»7, 18.8, and is ; , - T h e ,.tdie* o f the case goes for a legal adjmlieatiou. Bli.-s ami w ill be applied to reduction o f the rates. season. We have now in stock, the i we can give some G REAT Second Baptist society held fair- in Granite J . E. Hanly for plain,,!,'. Staples for defen­ It I- now de.-ired that citizens generally i BARG HNS. W c have a full dant. Largest Lino of Neck Wear east of H ill, netting the first year #‘180; the second -lio u l'l take an interest in this enterprise to the { J ^ :'Plea.-c call and inspect Em ins IL Sidl,nger administrator of Cyrus Portland. Put up in neat Holiday , lin e o f $130; tin- third #237. The third year an extent o f subscribing to its stock. The shares Rolibins v.-. Olivia V Say wan!. Action of our Beautiful Goods. Boxes, from 50c to S I.25. antiquarian conceit was given under the leader- are placed at the low price id' #25. A few gen­ assumpsit for money had and received, l ’lain- .-hip o, A. T. Low, with solos by the c ity ’s tlemen have already taken amount- aggregating ti,fclaim s that at the death o f Mr. Robbins, bent vocalists. several thousand dollars. More is wanted. Mrs. Say ward, who was his daughter, had Plush Cloaks, >801. 1 lie parifdmner- o f the Second Baptist The subscription books arc now in the band- $2,000 belonging to him , and seeks to recover diureli gave a donation party to their pastor of W. S. White and J. S. Willoughby. Those Ucv. Joseph Kalloeli. it in this action. Defence, that M r. Robbins Mrs. A.R. Morse who wish to invest money safely at a favorable 18G2. This was a sad Christmas for Rock­ gave his property to Mrs. Savward verbally Xcw Markets, rate o f Interest (0 per cent, should sign their ICocklanil, Dec. s, 1HU. some years before his death, and co,dinned this Silk Handkerchiefs land. and the Christmas number o f,lie G'nrrf/r names therein. The smallest sub-crip,ions verbal act by a deed ol g ift, executed in 188(k contained a list o f the killed, wounded and even sue desired. W hat is wanted is to make Verdict lor the defendant. 'The p la in tilf has Russian Circulars, missing of the I’m iith Me. Regiment. 117 in the movement one in which a large number tiled a motion for a new tria l. Staples Cur and Mufflers. number, many o f whom were Rockland hoy-. and all classes o f citizen- w ill be tinancially plaintilf. Gilbert of Bath and Bliss for defen­ FOR THE HOLIDAYS! The Second IS tplist society again held a sue- interested. ecsKful levee in Granite Hall, a solo by Miss We think the building o f these new water dant. We have a big line of these goods, Dolmans, &c., Inhabitants of Appleton vs. Inhabitants of llulilungs being highly complimented. work- a public necessity and that every person just in— lots of New Patterns. Hope. Action to recover for pauper supplies GREAT BARGAINS ,803. ( ’hri-tm a- was more generally in Rockland w ill be benelited thereby. 'There- In every size. furuishe I to Frank Jones, an insane pauper, observed th i- year, 'flic Thursday before the fore, as forcibly as we can, we would urge ------IN’ ------*5th, which occurred on Saturduv, Mr. Smith's upon the people the necessity o f united and who is now in the asylum in Aligns,a. Plain- tiH' claims that his father’s settlement was in. chorus o f Sunday-school scholars gave a concert public-spirited action in that direction. Never Gold, Silver and Nickel w A tlantic H all. A lter the concert presents lias our city been so near the longed-for ade­ Hope, and that he never acquired a settlement were distributed from a heavily laden tree. quate water works as now. I, this movement himself, and so takes that o f his father. IMiristmas eve the First B ip tist Sunday-school Defence that he did acquire a paurer settlement • lie.- without issue, then good-bye to every hope WATCHES, SILK SUSPENDERS .uh, cohgi -g.uion lick, a g.uhei ing in City II.ill. o f ever securing wha, is fervently prayed for Appleton after he became o f age. On trial, Exercises wetc given by the school, and Simonton A Rieeand M. F. Hanly for plaintilf. E. B. HASTINGS by every citizen. T’or the love o f prosperity In all qualities, put up in neat Glass- yrescuts distribute.1 by Santa Claus. C h rist­ Riee A Hall defendant. let u- for once strike hands and make a hover­ mas night there w ere tw o dime-. That of Olive J. Couch, libellant, vs. Janies Couch. J DIAMOND RINGS, covered Boxes, just the tiling for a ing great public benefit a solid success. flu Quadrille ban I. given in Citv Hall, netted In this case, in which hearing was had on the Christmas Present. It lie- in the power o f our reader- to do this #6(1, w,di li was given to the soldiers. Dirigo tirst day of the term, divorce nisi has been ' thing. What is wanted is -im ply your sub­ Engine Co. gave a free supper and ball in decreed to the wife lo r extreme cruelty, the ! scription to stock- one or two shares pi a hun­ Gold & Plated Jewelry, ViUsbury ll. ill the same evening, clearing dred, ji- may suit your purses. decree o f alimony and money paid in | We shall offer SPECIAL #123, w liii h wa-also devoted to the benellt of amounting to about $150, and the wife ! BARGAINS in die soldier boy- \ number of Rockland releasing dower in the real estate o f her Silver Filagree Jewelry, srtny otli •, i - yen? at liotii • tin th* holidays, j A HIDDEN HOARD. husband. LittlcOeld for libellant, M. F. Hanly n k n lii' Ei’.it. Co,, C ii ’r of the till Me., | for liiiellee. Opera and Marine Surgeon Banks, Q’liirtcr-iiiu-trr Litchfield id' I 'The follow ing divorces have been decreed | T’our Hundred Dollars, Eound Years DRESS GOODS. the 30th Me., Quartet-muster I liner o f the l-t | zi/s/, since those reported la.-t week. CLASSES, Ago. Awaits an Owner. Me. Cavalry, Cap,. Ees.-eiiden, Join, F. ! ’To Thcron (’ro„-c ol Cushing and Emma | Kid Gloves and M itts, Fur Gloves Singh , leader o f the brigade band. Cap,. I Many year- ago a fam ily named Cnn,-*ock Crouse o f St. George, for adultery ami cruelty. Sterling Silver and Plated Ware. and Mitts, lined and unlined, in SILKS, L*homa-ot llie 2nd Battery, \d jiita n t l ied j lived in ’Thomaston, ’They ,i\ la s o th r fam i­ Robinson for libellant. Spring, Rubber or Fur Wrists, for M. Sawyer o f the 5th N. Y. Cavalry, and lies lived, lluurished a- other families tlour- I o George B. Mathews o f I'lioiua.-ton from A SPLENDID LINE and FULL Ladies. Gents and Boys. We guar­ Mmji. i A. Miller. i-Iic l. am' finally moved away as other fam i­ Carrie E. Mathew • Waldoboro, for desertion STOCK of the above goods. Don't antee our prices always as Low as UNDERWEAR, Prom tin.- tim e (h> usual levee, dance or lies have been known to do. Eor some years for more than three years. Moore for libel­ the Lowest. Gall and examine this C hiistiiia- tiee alone publit iy commemorated the old house stood tciiantlc-- and worthless lant. fail to examine. elegant line before buy ing elsewhere. the day. Christmas o f IS77 wus remarkable am, liiiallv, yielding to the spirit o f progress, 'To Helen M . Knowles o f Appleton from HOSIERY, tor its extreme mildness. A South-end m ail was torn down to make way for structures of Mark A. Knowles formerly of Union, for des­ took a swim from one o f th e wharves, and greater pretention.-. ertion tor about seven years, custody o f minor Cap,. W in. Robinson plucked a freshly-blov u Our narrative does not have to do particular­ child, Gertrude S Knowles, to the mother. dandelion and two ilpe strawberries. GLOVES, ly w ith the fam ily, or the house, hut rather Staples for libellant. ,878. Steumei Co. played the drama with what the ileiiiolitiou ot the house dis. Lucy Frances Ingraham of Rockland from ‘•Octoroon iti l ’aiw cl, Hall. On the after- closed. In the cellar wall, hidden securely Albert F. Ingraham fur desertion for more than moil o f the lay preceding Chi i-tnias a turkey away, was a handkerchief, moth-eaten, stained three years. Custody of Annie Louise, minor Purs! Furs! &c. dinner wa- given to the poor children o f the ami discolored and containing a roll of bank- child, to the mother. Fierce for libellant. city in Farwell H all. Itevu. .1. J. Blair, W .c . bills, iti all about #P)(). These bills were o f A fter the pauper ease now on trial is disposed Ladies’ Seal, Otter, Lynx, Beaver. Barrows ami W. T. Stowe took part in the ditlerent values, varying from fifty cents to o f there is one more civil ease. Celia C. Stet­ Black Hare and Fancy Sets. rxen i-e-. 1 he turkey - were curved by Messrs, three dollars. .Matthias I Inter, long since son vs. Joseph L. Fernald, Montgomery for Ladies’ and Gent's Seal Caps. loliu I . Berry, G. W. Ricker, Allred Murray dead, was the tinder o f Hie secreted treasure, I plaiutitV. Littlelkdd (or defendant, to be tried. Gloves and M itts in all grades. *mi S I I ovei , while numerous ladies and ami promptly advertised for the owner, with­ It is believed that after an adjournment over If you want anything in the line { We are selling the Best grnllomcii served a- waiter-. out sueeess. No traces o f the Comstock fam i­ ( iirishnas, a legal holiday, the court w ill of Furs, give us a c a ll; we guarantee ,H8! Shortly after m idnight o f C'hi iotmas ly could be found, ami the money was care­ ad journ on Friday, , ho judge being unalde to (Quality of P R IN T S For -ve tire wa- di.-covcied in the t ’uun,-r printing fu lly preserved, and is now in the hands o f remain lunger than this week. Parties indited prices lower than the same quality afllec, Eul r A Jones, proprietor.-, located in Major James Cluier, who lives a, the Meud- ami nut tried, recognize for appearance at the can la' bought in Boston or New 5c p e r y a rd . next term. The term has been a busy one, and i N. Jones's block, which block was entirely Judge Foster has made a verv favorable im - Y o rk . tics,toy c l, togethei with the adiiccut building A < . G. reporter was recently shown some pres.-iou upon all who have had occasion to do owned by \V. II. Glover and A lbert Ames. o, the b ill-, by President Maynard Sumner, o, business iu or to attend the court. 40 inch COTTON Ilu.- fire i •-iilted m Hit coiisolidatioti tlnce j o f Hie R(« klati'i National Bank, who ha- sev- fo r 7c p e r y a rd . P A I R S < dated A pril llh , and is on the Hillsborough Men’s, Boy's and Children’s Hats &. T IN G ui'b' 1 Oc a i"11- In i iitid e on • Recent Architecture in bank o f Aiiihcr.-t. N. II. ’t he piper on which How are Your Eves? vim a 1 i, l»y M r-. S 'h u y k ’ van lb ii.-.-claer. 1I they arc printed i> very thin, ami exceedingly - :C 1 IE A P :- Caps, Boots, Shoes &. Rubber We are offering the Greatest pubit-hed in the t'cnhu;/ for January, ap- i •»<*,• in quality, 'i he printing i- done with Largest -lock of (iol'l, Siler, Goods o f all kinds. Bargains ever known in i^ei - .hi » agrivmg f th • Ept.scop.il church ot wood-cuts, and i- very imperfect, the letters thi.> ay and it b in high company, too, as being irregular, and in sonic ea.-es, almo.-t il- Celluloid and Rubber dieothei uim rou- illn.-tialioii- will indicate, hgibl It i-M r. Sumner’s impression, (join the .•'often;ng o f utlun - ami gem rally ro- th e appearance ol the notes, that they are -V:A:S:E:S- SPECTACLES & EYE-GLASSES -lantc tone o f f ///..ii C G u ihr»itating,y an.-weis •• Yes JEWELER and OPTICIAN, 239 Main Street, Rockland v .; . ; ( Inb ,-k.Uca oidv #17 at J. 1*. Wise Only #1.75 lor A* inc Club skates at J. P. A. Ross Weeks i oo • t. Wise A Son's. TIIE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE; TUESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1H.84 .3 \ M r*. Susan Ewell at Blacktngton’s Corner, i The Fenobgcot closed to navigation Thnrs- MEN AND WOMEN. FARWELL HALL, an aged lady and a soldier’s widow, was day having been open 257 days. irn m v .il to the Insane asylum at Augn-ia last A NEW DEPARTURE Alb. it Smith w ill commence the I.i-t 12 le- Personal Paragraphs of More or Lc*.s 25. week by her relative*. Interest to Our Readers. Christmas Night, Doc. sons o f hi** singing school, Friday night. The \ horse belonging to James l'i- k , the In .-linn." linn with tin Ir tuition for the remaining half of the term Mis. W in. H ill and -»n are quit ill at tliv.T FOR TH E uiark’s Island stage-driver, broke one of Ills home. Annual Grand Ball, IX DECEM Ill’ll WE MKKE rill SI X I s. w ill be 75 cents for ladies, and one dollar for legs oil the level road nt the South-end. Satur­ M h« Alice M. O >goo 1 of R. q „ n is at M. P. ccntleim n. M U ' « 8 , , l it <<>.■■» 1^1 The green Christmas seems im minent. day. S m ifli’s. Hang up your stocking tomorrow night. Among the national bank charters that ex­ T in - Coi it, i n f »azr. r 11 as it closes it* u 'a r A. D. L«w! v i- • ring ft HOLIDAY TRADE is making preparations to give its rend rs a sickness. W ho’ll give «<>incthi tg to Yanke • AtMam* pire in LSK.'i are the Rockland (.Tittle 21,) and the Georges (Feb. C>) and Thomaston . Feb. still more readable paper in the year to com e. Mhs Nin i Tillson is home ft C ity schools begin one week i'rom next Mon ------AT 11) ot '1 honiaston. Pretty giii .il sort o f a fam ily visitor thi*- i- the holidays. day. wortli the $ 2 asked for it. T ry it. f ’Uirg:' Fuller o f Thomaston Cobb l.im c Co., at a special meeting held P.ilint r X ( o. The Christmas mntrimnni.il market i ever Friday, the 19th, voted to discontinue the <’. A. Shields, who lias been in Portland nu­ was duller. manufacture o f lime in future, to lease their ll ergoi ng operation on his rye**, n turned last Mrs. Rufus Rideout, w ho has ! v f u l l e r i \ G i b b ’s A number o f fam ily gathering Christinas kiln * to private parties, and sell the product o f night. A partial operation has n performed f« now convalescent. trees are announced. their quarries. and the attempt w ill be completed in May. F. II. Berry, wife and Miss N'< llie D Uniformed Brass Band. ( I1 [ The surgeons hold out to Mr. Shields hope visiting in New Y ork. Send a copy o f This Christmas js.-tin o f T in W . II. Pries’ , the veteran tailor, lias b. Deputy sheriff T. II. Gross o f Cam h C.-G. to sortie friend. engaged by George II. Reed, is cutter in hi** ( r«*!,|n,'e.l sight. 25 People HIE Overture. 25 home sit k I’hursdav o f last week. new tailor shop. Mr. Pi lest is a cutter of G nt-of toivn people who have not yet mad' Owing to the great demand for The police have made several liquor searelu1 Mi*** Aunii- Conant is visiting b<*r stylish fits nml Mr. Reed lias done well iu .se­ Chi Limns purchases .should make an effort to Staple Goods instead of Fancy for lately, but no seizure**. Mrs. N. D. Clark, in Allston. M a - 0 END MEN 0 curing his assistance. get into Rockland and inspect the beautiful r 1 ’ 1 < ‘ 14 I P I GO < ’<» i» t m , to <1 i.ari* presents this year, we hare withm the Rockland I.o Ige 1. (). G. T . had a mtifieale Dr. Alonzo Gari'elon o f Lewiston wa oft’1 • litrltitliftu- tli«> VI t I.I.. exhibits made by our city men bants. The past week purchased some unparallel­ and oyster supper last night. The Meihodlst Sunday-si hool w ill hold ils last wi ck iu attend in.-c upon Mrs. John I. for IViiiKiMu annual Christmas gathering in tiie clmfch city stores never were brighter with holiday i imi i . i . i ; i i « x ■». ed bargains, ant shall place them on Now is a good time to conclude that you w ill Berry. vestry Wednesday evening. A pleasing pro­ array, ami tiie wealth and variety o f aitides I I. k< I- S ri. \II x- M \> q, S.iturdiiK . I >• <•. Vn. subscribe for this paper for the coming year. Mr«. G. W. Ston y ha* been w ry ill with our counters tlis week, where with suitable for presents is most attractive. ’I gram o f music w ill be presented, ami Santa (‘(ingestion o f ihe lungs extra help we s> all hope to dispose of The register o f prob ite ami the register of She is slowly rc- Claus w ill lie found at home, lie has recent days more to Christmas : be sure and make a them to ihe mutual adrantage of all. deeds are to exchange rooms in the court lotim l o f the Rockland stores. ly had a house built for himself of the most W. A. Ih-leluT nml Wife were in the city las house building. approved pattern. Sunday was the last Sunday iu Advent, week, in attemkim c upon the funeral o f Mrs Augustus A. Ried has opened a restaurant CFJEAT DRIVE The petition for the pardon of Mrs. Hannah and the “ Advent season” closes t articles fur Christmas Joseph W entworth has been granted a pen ealskius, car-iiiufl'sand ulsters, which Inn e lain I strictest discipline, he is yet considerate and presents can be found iu plush good*, o f which A Lot o f sion o f six dollars a month, and received back dormant, are now brought into active service, ! kind, and those who come under liis charge Spear N Mav have an immense sto< k. Plush clocks, golden velvet frames, unique perfume pay for two years, about $130. Joseph was a and the voting tnnn who has deferred getting j al'va.V« respect him . Thanksgiving Day hr cases', p lii'h toilet cases can la* enumerated. A small amount of money buys a COMBINATION p titrate in the 17th C. S. Infa ntry, and also trusted for bis winter overcoat, now hangs Ike prisoners a turkey dinner, from his These can lie purchased for sums ranging served In the navy in the late war. lie has round the ready made dealers. Thursday night i w'vn table, and then supplied apples and cigars from $1 to $39. 'Toilet set* In celluloid an I Useful present at duly hung lip his money in the savings-bank was cold, Friday night was colder, and Satur- to those who w ished lor them. other materials can he secured here. DRESS GOODS Near the door arc two beautiful cases of and with this government allowance will puss dav morning was coldest. At Morse’s Corner Ilcrhert \V. Leach favored our office w illi a choice articles. In the front are some o f those At greatly reduced prices. The a comfortable winter. Hope we all will get as a reliable thermometer said belore sunrise that cute lemonade set', which arc becoming *o *2 , call last week, and wafted us to the cold shores good a Christmas present as Joe has done. it was 19= below. A t the Atlantic House 20 = la'liionahle. Back o f these some elegant best thing for a present. of* Siberia with tiie magi * of his straightfor­ ptrian pieces ami figures hold nu honored January 8th the Hungarian Baud will below was indicated, while from Tillson wharf ! ward sailor narralive. Mr. Leach is ouv of place. These statuettes arc 11 inked by some render their native melodies in Farwell Hall. 3=ivas the record. Saturday evening the' o f the most beautiful tans ever seen lu re. One the eleven survivors o f the ill talc 1 Jeannette M . A . A c h o r n ’s A Job in Milllo. La./.ii Gizzela, the Hungarian vocalist, weather moderated slightly. Sunday gave ol the n io 't popular presents o f this season is arctic expedition-clevc i out of thirty-three. a brass fire-set, w idth iu this .lay of open w ill reader the folk songs o f the country in blustering storm that covered the ground with He is a native ol Penobscot, a young man of grates and Franklin stove* is certainly a sensi­ costume. The hand w ill lie dressed in the Aus- more than a foot of snow, this giving way in 27, and a a admirable representative o f the ble gift. F.»r a small article a large number of Fancy Col’d Flushes trian costume. The program will he unique turn to heavy rain, which makes everything those gold pen* ami pencil* arc sol.I. Spear class o f sailors produced by the small sea­ and interesting to nil. Character ileliniutions, look like spring again. In I hours there was A May have a huge variety o f them. coast towns o f Maine, hi conversation In- is Several new engravings have been nd.h -1 to At $1.00 per yard. fa ith fu lly representing the customs and hange o f about 50 degrees. M ark Tw ain’s extremely interesting, and the two hour-* lie tlm ir large list, heretofore mentioned by it*. A A ni.'. Silk or Fur Lined Circular, wild eharacterizatioii of New England weather great many people have examined them. peculiarities o f the nation, w ill he an attractive spent iu our sanctum gained u> a knowledge is all too tame lo r the past three or four days. Dolman, Newmarket or Seat Skin feature. Remember this is a strictly first-class f o f arctic life, with Its pleasures and stificiings A Job in musical entertainment. All lovers of music Cloth, can be bought ( 'heap at M M E IK IU . Coj.i.koe.—L. A. Barron i —especially sulferlngs such as we had never The linest fru it* ami sm h holiday goodies should patronize it. dosed a very successful term o f w riting school arc advertised at N. A. Pa kard’.*, together expected to obtain save by a trip to those in- with those heautiftil pampas grass plume*. PLUSHES Guaxd Army.—Wednesday night a new ll.omnslon h ut week, ami l.v rcquent w ill |10ap|t#b|e reuloiis. A c,'...... h ie uceniuit „ l 251 MAIN STREET. give a second tern, o f instruetlon there, com- | t!ic Jeannetlc ami her crew, ami ih cir marvel A nie (’h ili skates only $1.75 nt J. P. \Vbe Post will be organized in Fryeburg, by II. T. \ Sou’s. memiiig ’i'hursdiiy, Jan. Hth. Mr. Barron At $1.50, former price $2.25. Ihickmim, Senior Vice Commander. Jan. nth adventures, has been condensed into Ic-- A spleii.li.l BLACK S ILK a l a less a new Post will be mustered at Moiimeiith. expresses his thanks to Supervisor E. M. St. David’s Catholic society are making ture form, and this M r. Leach spends ids meat preparations for their t’air. Ic.ec aid price than al any other store in the Sometime the last o f January a new Post w ill O’Brien o f Thomaston tor many courtesies time iu leliveriug In the cities and towns oi drama iu Farwell II dl, N w Year’s. Tm y c ity . A Job in be started at Monson....Department Com­ iio w n ... .’I'lie college has the largest atten­ tiie state, usually occup' ing two evenings, die ilw ay* have a successful time. mander W illiam s has been on an inspecting dance in ils history at this season o f the year, lecture hi lug illustrated with magic lantern and visitin g tour the past week, visitin g Sears- and is in a very proiperomi condition. Tiie views which are very graphic. The lecture CARD OF THANKS. . TOWELS; in a ll grades, I'roni Ac lo Brocade Silk Velvet port, and Unity Posts aril other places... .The pupils are doing hard, thorough work, and here, under auspice* o f the ( ’ongregational 83.OU each. committees for the National Encampment re­ there is a refreshing spirit o f studious interest society, was well attended and netted a pleasing The members (d' Rockland I, >dgc. I. (). < f At $1.25; worth S2 00. port good progress....Tbe Department meet­ hown-----Frank A. Miller of Bluebill and G. I., extend t> Me.s.'i*. S. I. Mug. idge a id Mini. It w ill he repeated some time iu January. \\ . E. Heath, then -iiiccic ihauk* for kii d Vin. P. Barrett of Philadelphia graduated TABLE LINEN, W hite and ( olored, ing w ill be held In Thotnuston the last week in M r. Leuch has a bonanza iu this lecture and MTvIcch, rendered iu furnishing mindcal i nt r- Buy a pair of our January. About 300 delegates w ill be present. from the commercial department last week, ought to make his fortune with it. \\ found '.dnuiciit at their recent .*<»ciable. by the yard or in patterns, with Tray with honors... .Miss Carrie F. Dicks of Pretty- him an iiuusiially amiable young man for a E. \V. Pun 11 ii, Sccrctniy. 'I’he skating costume cuinival given by Gen. Cloihs and Napkins lo ninteh. Berry Lodge, K. of P., at the rink Tuesday marsh, Mt. Desert, lias ju st completed the sailor, which ilieerful characteristic was GILBERT BLANKETS academic course... .Miss Cornelia H illia rd o f evening was a very pleasant afl'aii, although | agreeably heightened by the tact that lie had i t i i r t b s . at $5 and $C : w orth $8 and $10. not as well attende I as the efforts o f the good ( Hdtowu w ill complete the phonographic course ju st been man led. SPREADS and BLANKETS al this week. knights deserved Several o f the few costumes SiK.mno.vr Scahks. -T h e recent stormy Rockland, to M r. ami M i h. i unheard of prices. seen were very pretty. I'he prizes were bestowed s t. G e o rg ., I tec. IS, lo Mr The Mgstodon Minstrels, the company that ami c h illy weather lias somewhat interfered Hill, a daughier. An Immense Stock of bv lot as follows; Miss Minnie Burns, ; play at the Sieamer Company’s entertainment with the trips o f steamers. T li • R i.hm oiid North Waldoboro, Dei-. 7, to Mr . 1 Mi* Hand Sutchols, Wallets, Broom Cases. Frank Healey, book of poems; Miss Delia Kel­ lord Storcr, a daughter. I’hursday night, is not o f the usual class o f arrived Monday at 3 39, due Friday moining Waldoboro, Dee. (5, in Mr. and Mr-. Xorman Beaver, Chinchilla and Otter ley, box of paper; W. G. Smith, Hinge floral; m iiu trc l organizations. It is nude up o f the The Katalidiu left this port Saturday night at M iller, a so u . Ladies' and Gent's Silk and Linen Will Kelky, cribbagc box; It. 11. Aylward, very best musical and histrionic talent o f Bath Bar liurbor, Dc. . bi, i . Mr. ami Mr-. 1'r.oik I o’clock, 21 hours late, d lie Cambridge a r­ Higgins, a sou. llundkerchiefs, all styles COLLARS and MUFFS doll; IL C. Guptill, fisehu; It. A. Hanson, gentlemen who have entree to the best society rived Sunday moining due Saturday morning. lady’s.satchel; Miss M ary Saunders, eul glass o f that (dtv. They have devoted their time and and prices. At very Low Prices These make The Pioneer left here Sunday morning missing iHariinqcs. ink-stand; Miss Mamie Drake, pocket-book; talent to perfecting a minstrel organization of her tiips Friday and Saturday... .Steamer very acceptable presents. Miss Carrie Manning, plush purse; C. F. Sim­ the highest class. To give the proper finish to Longfellow, which has jm»t taken the Rich- mons, stereoscope. their entertainments the services o f a number It», by Rev. i . A. Sot.I bard. mom l’s place on the Digby and Annapolis Fr. Da » and Small F. Perry, both of CHRISTMAS CARDS Knox County Medical Association b id a o f professionals have been engaged, gentlemen route, arrived at Mt. Desert Ferry last week. Roeklaml. Cloaks Marked Down ! who hive won distinction with Uaverly, Rockland, Dee. Id, A'Gn B. Ricker ..f ikdau.I In Great Variety. very interesting meeting in the aldermen’s Her running time from Boston was 18 hours Hprings, ami Cora II. Sanders ot 1,11-worlb. Cloakings Marked Down! room in this city, Dee. 18th, President W . A. Brook.**, Dickson & Clapman, and such cele­ ... .Steamer Cambridge will be taken oil'the North llavcn, lft c. 7, W aller (’. Web.-t. r of !»• < 1 brated managers. A combination o f this Isle, and Flora Talma 1 <»t \... Haven. Albee presiding with bis usual dignity. \ ar­ B. A B. route after this week, she w ill re­ W et Gakl.md, Cal, l» I *, l.uii.iu P. C.dlin-, Hoods.Fascinators, Yarns.\G/ores, M it­ ums im portant questions were discussed, nature could not fail to present an entertain­ ceive new hoilcis. Ih e Katalidiu w ill run loiincrly ol thi* city, and Je n n ie S B e d e i.r ol A new lot of ment o f superior character, and as a conse- WerA 1) iklarnl. tens. Hosiery. Gossamers. Water among which were the new amvsthctic, hydro- two trips per week.. . .Chau. Mio-ou, the genial Cc-biiig, I be. I .. by A. S Ea|e», . .. dam.' chlorate o f cocaine, upon which a paper w n picucc tiie performance carried Batli by storm, purser o f the Roeklaml, is iu Bangor, where W a lla .• and Anin 1 rida Moore, I ah .a J i. rd-hip Proofs, Flannels. Under­ BEAUTIFUL SHAWLS. read by Dr. Albee. This and the prevailing i'lie .steamer Co. has been Ibrtiiuate iu induc­ lie w ill eat turkey with ft iends... .’I’lie City of wear. &c., &c., all epidemics were very ably disclosed by Di>. ing these gentlemen to favor R nklaud w ith a Kieliiuond w ill leave Mt. Desert Ferry, D e a t h s . Hitchcock, ltoss, Cushing and E. L. Fstu- pel lorinance. Gur people who euj->y an entcr- weather perm itting, Saturdays at 10 a. m , or o f which w ill be ibrook, secretary ot the association. Resolu­ tainiiiciit o f th'ftl class cliaraeter should not in ks on arrival of morning train from Bangor ami Rugs of all kinds, I. II M. K night, aged 22 sold a t tio n s were proposed that an effort should be this opportunity o f seeing and hearing th e night train from Portland and Boston, for . II days in- I h u g e? Carpet Sweepers, pnade to have the United Slates Medical As- humors of negro minstrelsy relinedly set forth. Milhridgc, Joiicsport, Machlasport and Eot- 1 iation meet at Bar Hat hot iu 1886 instead ol The admission to ttie inin.-trela and Ball i> port, and w ill leave tiie Ferry lo r Portlami at I tioiu isio n , I». •. ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES! I Portland, but discussion was postponed lil placed at the low figure ol 5t» cents to a ll pari 19 a. m. Tuesdays, making all landings. I'he , ' Pillow Sham Lifters, forth, •the next session o f the aesoeiatiou. The ineet- o f ihe hall. Secure your scats at Spear & steamer w ill leave Eastport M**i»day- at 7 |> J moral ‘ ifng was enthusiastic and great was interest M ay’s, and avoid the rush at llie d >or. Danc­ •oloville I'), infant dangbt. Hassocks. &c, a. m. for the Ferry, touching at Mm liia-pon, FI. Hi. ’luumfcsted. i mam-tally the society is very ing w ill commence a t tiie close o f Ihe pci form - Jonespoit and Milin idge.... Frank Guerns-v, M . A . Aciiorn, B o II ii lo r. Hai . .1. ug< d I t * l mri.-hing, ..ml tiie members are very z a lu fil ance, w itli Music by Meservey’s (Inadrili.- ft eight clerk o f the K atalidiu, was in th cii \ M. It.ridge. . ul< of 1. v. fitroiit, & i Bit advancement < I ■dieal feeiviiee. Baud. last week. u g e d 47 \ . ai-4. 251 M A IN S T R E E T . .. FULLER & COBB. t ! 4 THE ROCKLAND COURfBR-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1884.

leaders of Ihc vehicle wen «ren round­ looking for one in the shrubbery." mists ovet shadow e I tlie "Hen," and tlie CHRISTMAS HYMN. THE CHRISTMAS ROSE. CRUSTY OLD MIGGLES. ing Eeafv lane. "W e a,'» never allowed to see the tree I,nurse I,la-ts of H eerilher sin,ok tile There w is no gainsaving old M’g s till all i- riady and the tapers slight. chimneys. As Chris,mas-tid" drew ( W r c.rin«>t p resen t o u r render* nnyilihti: hi tb e A little way up one of the Bln,’tian agitation now. Ilis fme waa pale and Giamlpapa always locks the door of the sb.-»;»<• of pot try <>n tbe Nativity equnl to Milfoil’s Alps, In neiitli ihc shade o f an old I,lack i i i i ' i M ,* >r<>m neat’ tile fix ’ d de-paii' in Oi l M iggle's irb rloiis || tes ",'t tbnt wobjeet W e bfive not spnee lie b I his lip* nei vniialy mom and ke p« , lie prizes a •eerct.” fnee grew m o,e app irent and terrib le. for tbe whole of tbe mitje.t’lc hymn, but we Releet n pirn grew a Christ mas l ose. Eve, ylnsl v in (’r.-ibt'iwi, knew old man Mr< , ','ii-sp a 'ih wa< ■, ,Vo,nan of no I Imnedaml looked at Old Miggles F ir p it l s sake I sat night after night por Ion of It n.s Mrlklngly npprLprlnte to tbe season I lie summer Irul passed and tile short wbleb Iptf* drawn from tbe mitfhtlest of nnr bnrdft ilii's hnd eon,'', when tlie wind I,lows * ’ I," " " t ' i mi ll, nBil I in ike ’Vnipithv rve him light.; til” oi l 1 m v. f d, sue to look up,n sueli a i ex- w i'll him , as le lo w e ie d "Ver Ins bed­ tin Ir loftiest Htralns Sb ilx«-npeare ban iiieidentnlly hold in -i-siot t'i it evcrjlinlv in <'rah i fo il at hi« age 1" pre-'iiin as hi Wole again. room lire, gla,icing now and ag till at the ton’b« d on tbe period of ’ bristtnas wbeti “tbe bird and tlie snow lit,-a. and the C hristinas d'lie ilaiii ieg went on, the games of dawning slngeth nl, night long.” Seott liie* l ose hail I Wo hud-. to n , di-lik. I tl.. 1,|il "iinnildgcon. T ile ,1, tell -topped Idle d eligh tful pro- windows, atnl w atching tlie Hakes of revelled In tb»* no rrv nportf* and g n a t feasts that 'I’ll,• ill i'• disagreeable worn in in liu«,le which alw a ’ s I '. i,nip.nee I the ...... did iininleri ilptedly. E v e iy w h e re f. a,In rv snow as ihei noi.-' I sslv settled made the tlnv e-p“elal,y ile 't to tbe ,ovt rs of capon "Heai' me." fretted the rose. " I wish I 1 ,I,town, Suah (’ios*p:i,ch nn’il In ai riva l " i ige co eh began at once at G e o i gi's voiie 1'iiihl lie he in i, reckless n „ the In-own window -s ilH . I n ally and stout Jib . M il,on b*l« vlev.-.-d tbe Reason it, I be e o lllil liloss ill when other plants do. spirit of a devout ('bristlitu, and treated its divine In- I'll ink goodnc'* -lie hadn't it,eh s the Bed I.'",,. We ), e-S'sl forw ard. and puiverlnl. Ohl M iggle made no • It....I d < 'In i'tina- H tv mil tlie day titter Importance apart from mlrib, feast jpg atnl revelry.) There would some pleasure in display­ in inki-ill,IV ili-|i 'ii I in’ "old Mig.' t i 'i h , sign or only' on e, when (ieorgv |),'ipii»ed ing one’s self in llower for tiled,duty blue M is (', iispaii h vuninjlv promi­ more 11, in I can to ti ll. It wa« tbe winter wll I, n slu, d i e d liin , and the dreaded nent in ,i e tan. to see the lulut'e Mrs. ■i game called, if I tenn ixber, "M r. " O il m u In ",r the e nols Inst night'?" Wldle tbe beaten born rlllld gel,ti n,, or pretty eve bright: hut will, Si,'ll,a. Si V viji'iii Bitterly nl fills M iggle Beileap." and said : I asknl him once, for ,It ■ sake of saying All meanly wrapt in tbe rude mangi r lies; no one to adm ire me, I see no use in Nature In awe to biin IHossoniing at n il.'’ I ' 111., '••His'm l ly 11 u r I, i'l l tin' «ufl'»ri't« There were on v two passengers for “ It's a jolly game! Il's in 'Midship something Had dolTed her g unit trim li'iini llis violent tantrums thus “ W"!l, I'rabtoixn, s l i d thee- wi re a little hoy man Ei*v!' Won't I play at it when 1 lie shook his luad with sueli a sad ex­ With her great .Master so to sympathize; "Ho! ho! laughed tlie old pine," wav­ It was no season then for In r; ing liis dirk, sliaggv arms. "In,! I„>! il I li nl such a til,by temper a* old man and a little g irl, h d li ilre.-sed in deep gel In sea!" pression- To wanton with the fiin, her lu«ty paramour. Miggle, lloll. i n might grow l ' l l'n lll mourning' (n.another moment old man f lle li I In aid a deep until e-cape tile " l'li" children would not sing carols O nly w ith sni eebei* fair ivhal a little grumbler! The snoiv and I which Iinihnihti'il pri'l,'Ill'll HIT reader' Miggle w ,s ki-’ing them, and I saw tile old man s lips. I fell for tiiln — Ibis re- le rieaili )iiy windows!" I felt tlie truth s h e W o o e s the gentle alr will admire you. You were named To bide her guilty front with Innocent «nnw. after lh« blessed Clirist-ehild, and , tight ..vill g illn r lb 1, Mr. Miggle was not a tears in his cold, gray eyes. , i ti;i<>r, of his old disappointment must of tlli.S Mlli ell Hlg' ll the subject. A ml on her naked s’,mine i'Iipim(ill companion. T l ii ir iitlle luggage was soot, eom- imve been a -ore tria l to him . ( In is,mas Hiv e line aud went, anti 1’. Ilute with sin ul blame to he happy and contented. Fudi up W’ li.il was the secret. then, that en­ lllitted to doe's cate en route fur ill-' At I ist the hour lor supper st rived. the gii It ol IL eeinh, r d iwned There Tlie pnlntlv veil of uutbb'n wldle to ,brow ; through the deepening snow,little friend, < o„f,,im ded’that her Multi r> eyes and expand your I,tills into pet feet blos­ roll rig , it tin’ inhabitants of 1'iabtoivn "Hen," and liefoie we hid recovered I'liiue was a t il'll of youngsters toward bail h"en sou,' tilin g so linn i , ur t i l l Should look ho near upon her foul tleforndtles. to culture this old tyrant and even to enough to move, the old mm and til" tlie diningi oiitn . ami Jennie with a fore­ dim about Oltl Miggle’s demeanor ol soms; ive were all of us made for a holy l.u , Tie, her fears to Plane. purpose, and ue will know ivhat it is '■ng’ige in wot'ily pniillii't w ith him ? (I children were on, of sight. M rs Cro-.a- sight of evil, hung luck on tlie stairs. lile t lia , my fears (nr him I, ul inere tse I, Rent down tbe ineek eyed Peace • an use no o ilin ' expression (nr the pi'" patei. naturally' broke the sileneu by Old Miggli! marched silently to the Mid I was ilelermine l to lie ivitli him Rbe, crowned with olive green, eame softly wilding. when the time comes, if ------” Down through the turning sphere Just tin'll the north wind Idew so hard erss than "wordy coutliet." Such i la|i|iilig her hand-. door w ith a key in hand. His face was all day Ills rea.ly harbinger, terms as "argument" or "debate am “ G eorge's hi pin,is. as I am standing deadly while. On my arrival lit, shook my hand. With turtle whig the amorouH clouds dividing: the old pine iv is put quite out of hreiilh, nltngi ih,n ton 1 iiiihemistie ) The power lie ii’ l'' Tlie door opened, tlie sapper was laid, "Y o u tit.t very go id to m e !' lie said Ami waving wide her myrtle wand. and for some lensOii tin never resumed Slip Htrikei a tiniverHul peace through Rest ami bind of old Miggle wa’ the great, per railing h u t------leeltly, and then, all, r a pause,— the conversation. power of the w ill III gold! This gaineil So tin",' were, and In the astonishment "Grandpapa! where's the Cllfislmas- “ C om e!" No w ar o r b attle’* Hound "A ll the world is dead except the pine hull llle exterior eniirte-y awl respect of of ('ribtown old Miggle's disposition. t ee?” So speaking lie unlocked a cabinet in W:ts beard tlie world around : and 1," murmured the Christmas rose, 'l'lie bile Hpejir am i shield w ere high tipbung, “ Imt perhaps I hail better follow his Crabtown; fur though he Zen/ relatives, I , hough very liltlu ,'hanged low aid “ Here!’ shouted the infuriated old liis room, and pulling a drawer took from 'l’lie booked chariot stood his dispusil 1 ,11 was so variable that his ! o,het'll, was softened and altered to ien- man, stooping lirst. then hurling upon it a large key. I'nstained with hostile blood, advice. If I ivas made for a holy pur­ 'I'bi'trumpet spake not to the armed throng. pose the Clirist-ehild w ill not forget mo." 'flesh ami blond," a* the neighbors h , | derness towards his poor grandeliihlien. tlie table a young .silver-lir tree with the Hr descended slowly to till) hull aud Ami king-* sat still w ith aw fill eye, it, sin,nl no inure. 01 no lietter, I'lllUClS E ve rythin g Ilia, eotliil lie done to please earth still thickly collected about its a p p ro ,,lied tlie dining-room. I slnnl- As if they surely knew’tin Ir sovereign Lord was by. So she look good care o f her round green buds, and tbe day before Christ­ nl li"i|'ir«ts than the la-t person who hail them—to decorate Jennie and "m ike u I roots. ile re il as lie pul ill" key into tlie lock Bn, peaceful was the night mas the I,lack pine saw her blossom, quarreled with,In ol i rascal. in.h i ' ,if little fieorge - was done. I'liu The guests were pani,• stricken. The l'lie door opened, and we entered. l'lie Wherein the Prince of Light 1 should like to explain that when I royal load Io the grandfather's heart wits children began In whimper. Sir Vei- room was just is it It id lieen lefi twelve Ilis reign of pence upon the e.artb b, gun ; white and perfect, peering up through 'l'lie winds, with wonder whist, the white snoiv. wrote ‘’variable" ns an epithet to old through adlliiratiiui of his nruhanid 1 juiee was a,unit lospeik, when Old M ig­ unm il,s In lure Tue whole scene which Smoothly tbe water* kissed, Miggle's disposition, I didn't infer lor a eliarges, ami I assure you old Miggle gle continued, liis voice raised to a II ol lie 'll oeeiirieil rose Up v iv id ly before Wliispuritig m w joys to the mild ocean, Now Hansl and Wallburg,, Klotz, the Who now bath quite forgot to rave, woodcutter's children, were nearly heart moment that le ever "varied'' into began to gain admirers ; amongst them shriek : me. I clutched :i ell air, not Io betray While birds of ealui sit brooding on tbe ebarmed khldltess; h ivas variable ns the English myself. On the hoy's tenth I,ir,Inlay •• l l i 'i l is all the Christmas tree you’ll emotion. broken for their moth r ivas very sick; weatln r ol March or November. tili n ' was a merrvmaking with a joily i get from me, you spawn of obstinacy! (>l'l Miggle look tlie lir tree, now and tint morning I'rsula Slallbtuini, the Tlie shepherd • on the lawn, kind neighbor who bail nursed Iter Ilis licit' ,' moods were negatively en­ supper ami an e x i t 'l l ,udiiiary llow ol hos­ I Ho you know it? The tten I planted withered and de ,.' (k’cni'iition by green • I'il go!"saitl Georgy. "Come, Jen­ How soon ive had them upstairs, and God to spire your mother’s life, if it be tile name of George was cxp ingeil from grandfather. ,Hunts and flowers in nil sorts of festivals ny had them dried and warmed. How old I consistent with liis will, and let ns not tin* family Bible, and he became to hit Oneoflhese passions I once witnessed. "No! No!” we all cried. "Mr. Mig­ i, as „1

c i i k i s t .m a s w i m o r r h i m . listen, and presently went upandstid. TIIE C HRISTMAS STOC KING. < VtltlHTM \s |\ SUMS. “ If this man wan s to know Christ, CHILDISH CURIOSITY. W estminster 1* pray n, mblnlplit. don’t wait here talking and scolding, “Denr Snntn Clans,•’ wrote RDc, happy m om ' Ri-c. Indy morn! little Will, in Idt.-r- truly D raw f >rth th e ebeerfui lav from nitric! W ith *hn«low* from wall t»» wall: hnl come h lp me lo litnl him, for I n m I OR TGI < nFKII K <;\Z1TTF. BY rhilfiihlphia r ,r . They have no,«elo** feet, these shadows, *liorktn#, ‘I ’«e been a W R irri N G l ath r! t .tv h til.- •• 1-t, and litflit And make no sound ns they fall. looking for him too.’1 I’ll n In* took ffixxt boy, «o please fill A PltACTK At. F A R ttl.lt AND FLORIST. Tlie Ugh* th a t ahum* w hen hope wa« bi i n. “ W h it i* in these bi*j p tp n r spackag® Rut 1 weert they will creep tot'd her, them each by the hands and le i them R-hcanfn up Ini* stock | Tent that c g iip id-'htj', nrtnunaP” A right goodly band tonight, Inn. I w.wt n drum to along, and they slopped arguing, make pa sick atnl drive ' “ Oh. nothing, ch ild ; n»»tlvn in those And the elilbl-wife Dora's smile. can race around the parlor, w ill come lien* presently Let ns sit maybe, 1 want a tittle natebet A slight top dressing f >r w heal is a I n-k, throughout Cltri-b ndom j. r It-!,- arc ringing, hnn-Ih s. hut starch.” I be i will come, I we« n, with the others, down l»y this sick man, and nurse him, tml, *o I cun do pome chopping good tiling. From mountain and vallev <•'« i land and o'er * a. “ \Vh» n d«>es( ’hi Htma upon our grand , new, lw< i » choral ntelodie* p. aline at pome,m mnn a Poor Stnlke. with hi* patient air, and make him comfortable, and J»*mi* .1 t tirl Hi n»». “ N» \t week.1’ At d 'lie seven little Kotinigs, wrten mama guc* a shopping, Careless c u rryin g often spoils a horse's L.-bo. * ofmr. from tar Gallic. With their braided tails of hnir. w ill come lu re d ire c tly .” So they sat I want a nice bard rubber temper. I •• Who brines the pieseni*?” And Jenny Wren, I can promise, down and hursed the sick man, till at hnlltoamnatt all Into Hinder* “ Santa Glaus.” n e n iit, tin- great big mirror in There is satisfaction in supply log good iift 1'carinu, licnit t<•n«liiiitr, Joy-t'Clnifiuir 1 \\ ill surely he there last lie felt hetier, end goi tip atnl weht I “ How doe* tie i»(*t in?” With her slanting rows of children. the hall an ’ lots an* lot* fuel, well ahead. Crying, “Who i« this in pain?” away thanking them. But no Jesus of w inder*. An* candy );iy o f grand in* ninrh**, k in g o f tin* year. 1 “ G o tn e s down the chim ney.” that'll make me nick, Have warm well-ventilated stables, tonne, and the little boy begin to he *o ma all night will “ But ive have no ehitnn“v in the par- Little Nell will wake and listen, Ring oni tin* Ih-IN for (’lirl*lina<-tidc \\ lien the white, white world is still discouraged. hold me an' make pa hut use no blankets. l lor where the C llrh ttu is tree is to he.’ 1 pel the doctor quirk A nd Imil tin* ( lirtMtnn* m orning! And the great cltinn * through the midnight However, he got up, and saitl, “ Let Discharge the man or hoy who heart­ (Bad voire* *ing • “ No, I forgot; becomes up tie- heater Prom tlie belfry tow< r thrill. an* never try scold me. us go atnl look farther; for He said, A n' Santa <'Inti*. If pa Brigtd flower* brinif, i line.” The little ( ratehlts will hearken lessly teases the animals. E edi heart and home adorning: Ami wait till the goose is done, “ Seek and ye shall litn l.” But tho two «ny* I am naughty “ But how does hi* get through th»» It'* a atorv. dual «ay If, Make a rule to feed at regular hour--, l-'or love leiol- through a royal way, A n d the voice of tiny T im w ill cry men said, “ No. little hoy, we will go l'lie noorent heart i* rich to-dav! little hole.-?11 Its “God bless us every one!” if he whip* me I'll die, and live up to it. no faille r, for we know how to find him He and go to King- is . D. < “ Ih- i- very small, can squeeze Hut all! Ibr the living mourners now. We see that Jesus is not to he ii if lo r y " A stable door or window lef; open II. ( ’. D onut-:, in H7o7r/ioZ/ Times At < hrl*lmri« tide tho tici through any where.’1 On e ith er side of tin* sea, (omul in disputing, hut by following him. carelessly, may cause animals colds that i hare, For whom no more the brave hand writes, ------A *hiv* r .if fro*l i* in th e a i r : “ Bui doll- and carriage* an 1 drums 'l'lie ht art heats cheerily. Good by, h i d e hoy; you have done us a w ill destroy life. Tlie wind blow* keen aero** tlie wold, and sleds are not -m ail. H ow dues ho And ah! for t e *ii«tlea*r\c how tlie chim ney* liegotien of the "might hive been.” A CHRISTMAS PARABLE. S » night came on, and llie little hoy The child who leaves the ro llin g pin pi mis require others also. 1 »o Hiuoke all about, Christmas is n ve tson whereon, to those began to he frightened. But tin* beggar The cook* are providing who have passed many o f the mile-tones on the stairs lor liis father lo step on Have the W atrr Troughs Near By.— For dinner, no doubt; Janus Fnetnan Clarke. asked him who In- was. a tn l where he <.n the great highway, it lieemnos a ne- a lie n he comes down in tliu morning 1 The eiHintrv over, tw o much carelessness But those oil whose table* lived; ami In* tdd the whole story No victual* appear, eessity to pmseand g'*z.*' hack and count Rev. James Frcvniait (1 irkt* prcrtchtul, ma** mean m* harm, hut won’t come out ! is shown in III*' mailer of providing live Then the beggar got up and went with ep Lent the hilts by tlie wayside. "Wliat a .a few yi ai'8 since, ti sermon to hi* s«i<;iety well Christmas. -lock with drink in the winter time All the i.l'thi- y« him, aud si owed him tin* way lioiiu*. glorious Gliii-lnias tint was when we “ On tlie r« ligloti piopcr f«»r chiltln n and And his father and m other, who had ‘ •Say, sis, does Sandy Claus fetch the | Animals sulTcring detrimentally if.not -i:i in.r w i i n ,« *\|-.' i i. \ i .. wi re all with father aud motlu r at the that which is improper.” lie took ns been looking for him all day, were very snow?” ••Gmss lie does Jo h n n y!” “ No provided with pure water as often as 'Sli- Mt nut nfl.cl, iu-t 11 inilllltl old h o m e !" " Wliat a ghastly Chrislmas liis t e x t: they desire. B is a poor glad, and said, “ We have sought von he don’t, neilhci!” “ Why don't lie?" I'.i li 11 you - I'll wIiIh| u r i lew - tint was when poor, darling Mary's Luke xviii., 15. 17—And thev brought that is quires farm animals to go a long all day.” But lie said, “ W hy sop I ‘■Because healways fetches the raindeer.” 'l'li • hlui-kinir- I've liiiiitf by ilu' lire ehair was for llie lirst tin e and forever also unto him infants, th«t In* would distant'*' in all kinds of weather for Iheir Arc fur inc —i:ul iieuiiinu, vuii know, have been lo oking for Jesus.*1 Then — To/iZ i /’.s Gazelle. I'nr mint- nre -n awfully lull- , vacant!" "Wlmt a strange Christmas touch them, hut when Iih ilLelples saw drink. (l ien iliev will siifl'er thirst for he vvet.t info his little bed and went to America is not easily excited, but let Dcnr Ulin' I in., il m't you that was when Rosie appeared so enld it they rebuked them. Bui Jesus called days rather than brave had weather to Aid I i it. olit -n i.limy pluytlilims sh ep. anv newspaper dare to say that Kris and I was so miserable.’’ Thus rin g the them unto him .ind said, “ Softer little get it. Then when they do get to the They won't hold i-noiiuli for me. And In* dreamed, and heboid! Jesus Krinkle will this year wear tight pants hells of meinoiy, uo.v joyously, now children lo come unto me. and forbid ■ ur, ly remember, came lo him and said, “ My dear little a m i have lib hair patted in the middle trough or stream, they gorge themselves them net. for of such i* the Kingdom of ...... y e ll e . u ; s ully, and lints will ii lie at Cliristinns- bnv, you have looked for me all day, ami ii would start a revolution. — I ’liiln - perhaps with the water, ice cold, in a - I lue ' -li VI ry n.'iunlit) , liile till the crack of doom. o f God. V e iily I ssiy unto you, whoso­ wav that is anything Imt fair to the \id Ii :l nice, I in. 1 iiiiiii ami I have been near you ali llie liillC ild p h in Chronicle. During Christmas our children mo ever shall not r» eeivc the Kingdom «»f system, ami sull'ering and often harm I'.I like li live .loll ll'yi |.len.e, -Ir. I was with you when you went to look, There are lots of men in this country T hut evil lull* mill cull me "m m iiuui.'' fa irly in Paradise, from the in j w i d e I G od as a little child shall nowise enter i ensues. N ot nil • Unit I- fllll Ilf ohl ..iw illl-t, for me, ami when yon went to see llie who are me m enough to pul oil'upon Iitlle maid who receives “ gi.ts from tlie therein.” Toward** the close of ihc ser­ old man and woman, ami the two ar l’roteclion Against Fi'o-t—By judi­ A- nil my other iloll. ore. mon he said: I would not say much to j the wife, who expects a sealskin saeque g o d '" in llie shape of priceless mechani­ giler.s, and tbe sick man, and I he h “ g cious protection now lo buildings, pumps cal toys and eo-tly kuiekkn u-ks, to the children ah >nt their being ‘'inner*, nor • trq,|.t ;,n(| y()ll have led inc to all of tin m. for Christmas, a cheap ling ornamented NATIONAL HOSPITALITY. etc , much discomfort and aunoynnee sick oi ph in in the iio-pilal eol, who would I S ty much to them about beeom- i’|„. ()j,| in ail(| woman will now he with a classhoiise diamond.— P liiladcl- may hi saved to both man and beast for A Christmas Night Spent by American dreusiis o i la-r wooden doll, or In r tin y ing saints. Juvenile saint**, as we read mv disciples; llie two argtiers have left phiti Chronicle. the next four months, Slnhles and cel­ Sailors on a Britisher. workhox, ami lakes her physic wiili it of tln-in in tracts and Sumlay-sehool | ofl* jjSpll(jnjrf Jlt„l j1Jlve to do Your wife hustles out of the room lars may he hanked on the outside with smile, knowing lit it Cnristmas, with all hooks, are not attractive ehnraeters. i w orks; the sick man blesses God when you come home atnl hastily brushes "W aul me to It'll ymt simielhing about tan-bark, saw-dust, manure, straw, sods its delights, is close at hand, and that Cliilitren who are swei t airl kind ami her dress. You lind scraps of zephyr Christm as on h a u l'll a iiiiiii o'-wur, do for the charily of his fellow men, and the ami earth, in a way that will add ninny you?" tlie g* nerotis p i w of Sant i Claus will happy; wlrn are faiiliful in ilieir work, old beggar feels that Im is not alone in on the Ilnur. You don't know what it degrees of warmth to the teniperaluif and who enjoy Iheir play; who would me ins— but you w ill Christm as m orning. "W ill, you see Christmas on a ship of open for li*T as surely as tli-i day will llie world. Go on, little hoy, and al- inside. Any windows or doors that are dawn. scorn to tell a lie, and abhor everythin.; — Chieayo Teleyrum . the nuyy is iiroity much like all o ilie r wa\sdoso, and I shall always be with seldom used, may he s im ila rly im proved hi'liduys. You eat a big ilinnur and Christm as is a season o f h iunty. T lie mean or dishonorable or eruel; who love “ Schoolgirl:” You say thn youth you you. Though you cannot see me, you by packing straw, hay or leaves against smoke all day, if you are not lucky very birds -oe cared lor. and their cirol to kiss their mother and sit on their dote on is almost sixteen years old and you shall feel me ill your h ea rt." them, either inside or out. Where sta­ enough to get libel I y to go ashore. B ill is all tlie blither in this gracious and fatlnr's knee—these are the children waul to give him a Christmas present bles ni,~od about it, that the lonsibility of ble Keeper for sleigh rides, ami bought not many yet. to come? thickly with ground. Exposed pipes | ., biscuit on board, lay Her Majesty’s This parable is for elllldern, hut if older ! accomplishing it on one day w ill suggest all tlm Christmas gilts on bis memoran­ may lie proteeled l\v closely winding persons wish to henr it, there is no oh- <»l m aking nt least deeent dum book, llie average young man is ship Rapid, a little hit of a spithox of them with a rope made of line hay, and jeetlou. The parable is concerning a !'.li" nu,!',," o'‘!e,,"."n<,nt,,l,c"Plt‘ K'-"f-'!'1- now ready to face liis January bills with loop-of-war, with a crew ol about tiOO the calmnuss of tlispair anil feebly re­ afterwards smearing them with softened hands, and tile two ships’ eoitip inies L'hilil who was looking lor Jesus,” ; ly. aud that when a man In is once clay. i ta-ti d ihc pleasure ofa prodigal meal, lie quests the collector to “ call again next were great fri* lids. PURINGTON i-AitAiii.E in- "a i.r r r i.R hoy wiio was may lie induced lo some personal ex- w eek."— I'hiladrlphia Hernld. Tho Snow Plow.—The amount of “ We had a string hand aboard, and so looking k h : .ii.si s." i eriion ol industry and thrift to procure Tbe man who presented bis wife last tiresome snow-wadlng and pilh-hreak- had tin- Englishman, and the musicians Is better prepared than ever to ing that may lie saved everywhere on There was once a liitle liov who read himself the pleasure again. We know Christin is with a dinner keltic in which used to gel on the lore*- istles o f llie two supply the wants of in his 1'i's lament the stories about Jesus; by statistics that there is food enough to lo put up liis dinner on work-day morn­ the farm or in a neighhorhocil, liy tlie -•hip* and play for the amusement of and as little children think that every­ I satisfy everybody if it were properly ings is puzzled to determine wliat gift use o f u snow plow, drawn by horses is eaeii ollu-r ev- rv night. Sh g in g liy one th in g they read is near by, he suppoai d distributed, ami the lesson that it can Im would lie most appropriate Ibis year, very great. Tlie best plow is made in of our crowd would lie followed by llie that Jesus ami Ins disciples weiu living listrihuied one day is a most im portant lie lias almost decided upon a brierwootl the shape of tho letter A. For the sides same from a Britisher, and in that w iy CHRISTMAS near by. in the same lo'.vn or the m-xt, ■ one. l’lie danger of course is that it is pipe for bis wile lo till (or him during to pu-li the snow take two hoards, o ik if we passed llie lim e very pleasantly. A ami In- thought lie would like to go and liiuunn nature lo depend upon charity luiiii'e hours of recreation at boiuu.— po.sihh*, I 1 1 Inelies thick, 12 inches day or two la-foreCliristnris a delegation find JesU-, ami ask him whether he when once etiaritv is accepted, ami so to ’ .Yi icarl.- Call. wide aud four feel long. Chamfer oil' from tlie R-pid's crew eame nhoai'd the the forward ends so they will eome to­ Richmond ami invited as many of our might not stay with him awhile, ami he lose the one priceless thing lo any man, When a young m ill of Japan falls in gether with a nice lit when the rear ends h tys ns could get permission to eome on one o f liis scholars. So out* m orning he i which is independence. But lIn* beauty love w ith an aim mil eyed beauty he ties a got up early ami set out on his journey I of C'liri-tnias is in its recognition ol com- are spread ahout four leet. A 2x1 .scant­ hoard their ve.ss* 1 on tlie night of the 2-jlh M A Y Y E A R S hunch of mistletoe to the duor of her lin g should he Used ns a eross-blnee, to see a lliinsliel show they were going before any one else was up. lle le ita ninu Immunity and common dependence house. If such a custom were in vogue near the hack end, mortising tlie ends to give. Alioilt il liumlied got leave, little note on the table for liis father ami J tin something lieyond humanity, and the in this country every house in town that into the side hoards. In pulling together aud in ships’ boats we paid our British mother, which was this: j charity of it is not a condescension that contains a marriageable daughter or BEYERS. nnil securely. A hoard may lie nailed friends a visit on the holiday night. Dear l*api ami Mamina —I am going can puli' any hotly up or hurt any man’s two would look iis if it was getting neross the top for st Hiding on. A piece "'i'lie re w asn’t any p*!i lorinanee, and to find Jesus. 1 wish to he one ol liis pride, hut u dill'used good feeling, a l u l a ready to decorate for llie festive Christ­ of scantling should lie lilted up and tlie only thing in llie shape of il was a disciples, wilti Peter and J unes ami drawing togetln*r in common y'eZe of all mas holidays.— Xorri.dotvn Herald. Last years trade was highly .satis­ John. I ’am very liitle, hnl I can do ' soils ami conditions of men. Here in down in the front angle, and to this by couple of lidillers, a man w ith hones, This is the tim e of year when the pi'll- factory, ami l i a s induced me to put something. 1 can bring him water the United States it is literally of all m ik in g tw o holes in the sides, live and imotlier with a tambourine, sitting when lie is thirsty, ami wash his feet i sorts ami colors, a co m m in g lin g o f peo- dent wife goes scinching tlirougli all her inches from tlie top, a eliain or rope may under llie topgallant forecastle, wlieru in one of the Largest and Most whtm lie is tired with walking, and by- ' pie under one privilege absolutely un- liusliand's old summer p ints to lind some he attached for hileliiii**'. The hoys will they had orders to play onee in a while Valuable Slocks, lor the coining small change to gel him a Christmas and-liy I will etnno home ami tell you , pualleled. And to enjoy the (.'hristmas lind as much of spoi l as w ork in using io fool our i llleei's, who would think weeks, ever displayed in the c ity . all ahout it. (.'iiaiii.ky. ! of humanity we are not ret|uiretl lo eat present with. And then tlie doctor lias the snow plew. som ething was up unless tlu-y heard to lie called in to cut the list) hook out of Be sun* ami oxamine my So Charley set out very bright ami the same sort of dinner, any more than OltCIIAlit) AMI GAIIUEN. some noise. Down on the berth deck her hands, and "dear" lias to buy Ilis fresh. He had an idea, as little children | we are required lo have the same sort of Make the labels secure. they had every lliess kettle in the ship have, that the world is ctlly a few miles ! creed. The plantation negro with own Christmas present and foot the doe- filled elmek lull of English navy grog. ELEGANT LINE tor’s hills too.—B u rlin y lu n Free Cress. Manured orchards pay. across, and that everything is close by; j ’possum f it and 'etion (brown cracklin’, There was about a dozen kellies, aud -----OF----- R idishes w ill force at l o - . so he thought he would meet some one w ill g a rliy — go ’ wav dar, ch ile !) is just The clerk begins to bustle around i aeli one hi-l-i nliiuil three gallons, so soon who would tell him where Jesus ' much alive tot lie odor of tho auniver- pretty lively now, mid does his work Catawissa raspberries hear in tlie fall. you ean im agine how mm Ii rum tln re was. lint alter walking I'm- an hour or ' S!t,'y nl 1,10 English denizen with his square up lo tho handle, in view of a Put garih-n tools and tool houses in was. The Rapid's mi u had lieen saving Silver W are, so, lie began to get tired, and wanted ' tia litionary roast beef anti pluiu-putl- possible Christmas present. And the order. iheir rations oi grog for ulum; live weeks employer pretends to notiao mid lie for the event, mill were determined io Which i-ontaiiis all the articles of his breakfast. Ilu went straight into a 'l'nit- 'Ve have learned liv the bard Co il ashes as a top dressing greatly pleased w ith liis efl'orts, and this makes give their American friend-, who don’t Table and Fancy use in the house aud sat down. Now, in this house discipline of a new country that weean henelii fruit trees. there lived a very old mail and woman : make a very thankful meal for the day llie clerk work harder than ever. In get any spirit rati.in, a glorious drunk. latest and most ap­ Trampling the snow around the trees who had no children. When they saw , "ut <’f w,,,l turkey and canvas-hack fact, lie works so hard that he reduces "W e ll, all I got to say is that they proved patterns. will prevent mice girdling them. this Iitlle curly headed hoy coming in. . ducks, Hanked by a green goose, with his llesli, mid liy Christmas time lie lias carried oat llie program to llie letter. I they said, •■What do you want, my son?" appropriate accompaniments. People to take a reef in the hack of liis vest, Rliuliarb for forcing may la* lilted so don’t believe tliel'e was a sober III all ill A m i he told them he wanted some bread call get used to a n ything i f they only aud liis bowsers me baggy and liis hat long as the ground remains open. llie whole hundred in an hour after we comes down over his eyes and ears. hoarded llie Britisher, The bays got DIAMONDS, mid milk for breaklust. They gladly have llie right spirit. Indeed, it has A half-starved plant will bear illfa------IN ------gave it to him; ami while he was oat- ' been said lliat il is not so much what we And lie doesn't 'get any Christmas pres­ vored conditions poorlv, as eunipuied drunker ami drunker as the night wore ing it, lie told them how lie was going ,,:l1 0,1 Cln i-lmas-day as what we give ent out of liis employer. 'l'lie clerk witli a well-fed one. on, and soon an organize I raid was should never try '.o get ahead ol liis em­ made on tlie ship’s dispensai y to keep Rinos, Studs, Pins, &c. to liml Jesus, aud asked them if they j away that raises our spirits; hut this is In line gardens, gravel walks tliat ployer on funny business, because llie up tlie supply ol ligiior. This was too could tell him where Jisus ami liis dis- lobe umlerslond within limits, for it can have become discolored and dirty look­ I hav e some employer is the sharper of the two. If much for tiie Bapid's iillieers to 'l a u d , verv Rare and Beau- ciples wcio today. The old mail and I not lie denitil that there is stu b a thing ing, may lie tili'li«**l over In-fore snow, tiful (ieins. woman were astonished al this question ! ,,s universal hunger tin ( 'hri-tmas-day lie were not he would si ill he a clerk,— so they turned out die Marine Gmial ami Carl.. _____ raked level an I tlie n :u the spring lie anil said, ••■My dear child we do not 1 that will not he allayed any more in llie lirmed by ioiling. sent over lo tin- Richmond for a di'taeh- know .” S i he thanked them for his j ciieo of a rich man than a poor man liv iiient of nu ll In take lin k Iheir diunkeu I ii a d d itio n vv ill be TOUCHING FIDELITY. found tin usual breakfast, ami they gave him a piece tJ ll|u remembrance of a good deal warmed eomrades. A good many of tlm men l i l ' t -elas-. lin e o f ON THE CAR. had to lie hoisted oy r the side into ill" bread to take with him, and lie went I over. Hut tbe best sauce to a good tlin- The Gridin (Ga ) .Veins relates an in ­ nway. i'lien the old man and woman ner is the thought that nobody else hoats and ahoal d their ow n vessel w ith stance of touching devotion oi a fnraier 7L Sij'tiej., said to ne b other, "Is it not -tiang*- williin reach is hungry. \ml better whips on llie m niii ) aid, ami a few Watches, in Gold & Silver, slave to Ilis old master. Lewis Cline, an "You've gol my u, s ir," sai*l a man qua 11 * I some oil* s w oil it I op I lo ir Christ­ that this little boy shoul-l lie trying lo even than the dinner of the day is Hie old negro who lias lived on tlie town Rings, Chains, Lockets, lind Jesus, and we have never tried to universal spirit of good-will that broad- on a Texas laihaiid, wiio iiad lell liis mas festivities ill llie brig ( d i e ship’s farm fur a number o l years, was liefoie seat for a m om ent. prison, you know ), w iili doulile irons on. ba Christians all our lives?” S > they re- ens year by year, mid deepens, we me the war tlie favorite slave of Major Bracelets, Opera solved they would begin then to he sure. The Drawer has not intended to “There is nothing to show tliat you lint they were let out as soon ns they W iili am Cline, one of tlie leading cit­ have retained this seat.” were sober, and on account o f the occa­ G lasses, Christians, and they knell down aud make a homily by way of accompani­ izens o f llie euniity and one*, M ayor o f I prayed God to make them so, aud they ment to anybody's repast, mid it is satis- “ Look up tin-re! Tnere is my hat box sion no punishmeiits were inllicted fot G rid in . Since llie war M ajor C line has on the rack right over this seat.” the breach of discipline.” Jewelry of all Sorts. 'full veiy happy. lied if it ean send a lig h t ripple o f become impoverished, and a few weeks "W ell, then you sit up there on your { t,1 Purchasers of Holiday Goods Ko llie little hoy went on. mid eame lo laughter round the world. since was obliged lo take refuge in the ‘ where I wo men were sitting and disput­ - hat box. if lli ii’s where you have retained F o lly years ago tlie eaiiliou were as should certainly cull aud examine my same almshouse with his former slave. your seal,” plenty as tlie di er on llie Nai i agtiiigus. ing. Cue was an inlidel, mid did not < 'll ICIS I’ll AS IX B E T IIL E IIK M . No sooner had lie settled in liis qiiarlers ------— — hut all al onee they disappeared, and il ’believe in Jesus Christ al all. Tiie 'I'lit r-- i» a so u s 1*) llie a ir, lb< rt-'a a alar in Ilu- aky. than old Lewis, true to the instincts ol A in in ai'iest*-d in notln-i n Texas for was thought they bail gone there to slay. 'other was a Cliristinn, Imt lie was a liar.I There’* a inotiier'* deep prayer, und a )»aby'« low llie faithful servant, pul his nearly worn counterfeiting had six diil'i-ienl dies. Il Leri of a Christian, who could argue cry; But w ith in a year or two an occasional w/ m. itkixgton, And tiie btar rain* its tire while the beautiful *ing, out old body al liis former master's ser­ tie had lieen arrested for stealing a horse, one has lieen seen and Joe Sabbulis. Mil Mor Christ, hut lie (lid it as if lie were A nd the manger of Bethleheui eradh t» a king. vice aud ministers lo liis every want with h*‘ would have only one die.— Texas 301 Main S t., Rockland. (scolding. The little hoy stopped to O ldtow n Indian, killed one last week on .j. g . iioi.i.iXD. touching kindness and fidelity. H ijiinys- llie west hraueii of that river. 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1884.

CAMDEN SOUTH THOMASTON. SOUTH WARREN. ‘'peat ■ C r . W . M. Prince is building a line boat for A. II. A ma'k ball i« an noun-cd by the club to Mac Gilebrest has moved into Isaac THOMASTON cotne off Ni w Year’s eve. house at the South-end. M l.tt A li.ln Mt bun 1» at air. Knight. ,,, tn xu Rev. Mr. Carpenter o f Boston opens the Capt. l i l Hayden ha< n -m all fore? o f men ('apt. A verill ha« brought hi* schooner to SIMONTON'S ’ A U I I ^ S O N llali'b ITen.liw, B"d»in le. ;ui' course at Mcguntieook hall, Jan, 7th at work ( hopping in his Woods. Thomaston where she w ill be rcchtssed. .1,'hn H ill an,I wife nl I vm-etown, Mas*. ,SS| \ partv o f voiimr people gave M i«i Dora Peterson ft- Wentworth showed to a «ma1! mt' visiting in town. S o .ill a ‘ Utptlse. E li lav evening. im t appreciative audience here Wednesday Saturday morning the tnercurv itidieated evening. The storm doubtless kept many ('Ii.irlcs II W .i-bitiini ai w lf.- an- visit,na floni j.-,-o ’u below z< id in d ifli rent paits o f I he eirl- will no, want for sleigh riding this Biiruiiin List away. Invite the attention rtf Holiday Purchaser* to out in Bath und Portland. the village. Winter. W ill Sleeper lm« purchased a new fall, rich, and elegant r nek of good* Deputy Warden IIin- I If M. S. PfRon, !i;o , ^ v Henry Jone«, rector o f St. Thomas sleigh. A ‘ Job Spear was driving on tlu- n ew ro a d . auitnblo for returned from a visit t • B i ” 1 'i.i i opal ( butch, w ill hold service at 10.30 Snow «\ Dr»w have a line mouiitnent for Tuesday evening. Ids horse stepped into a hole in tin- road, tripped and f ill, breaking one 5 a York I* on a a. in. ( hrutmas. western p a itii'’ nearly completed. It is a Mi*< \n.:« la F. < n r »' shaft and the harness in several phn es. Mr. v b it at ic 'id e iii e of I b "< ( a ir.I i. >t - ti* t. A. H. Knight ehtiniR that yon must go out beauty. Spear e.'eaped injury. ( apt. George M . W ill 1 . ta rn on a «,t |\ :. \ county, to get a better AlMlnllalt colt Stead,:fd Lodge, I O. G. I'. Is ih»urishin» ek. than h i' colt lchahod. under tie- management o f its able chief J. Frank Sinalley o f St. George was at W il­ v h it to Koi Bland the p ,-t liam Copeland’' last week. Mr. Smalh-v i- Horace I I H endc-on. Principal P. ( . 1 I. fell, r is candidate for the otlice of Henry Allen. taking a vacation and spend' a great part of Dry Goods j Carpetings Amcsdmry High .*• ho..I. i- il home. p,»‘ t unuti r. He is a good tuati for the place, B. D LitRetiekl’s production o f “ B illy the time in the woods with dog and gun. lie and h,s the support of all his party. Ship Santa ( "lara, ('apt R e te ll D Mttvci Magoi' Wednesday evening brought has a valuable young cocker spaniel. rived at Liverpool D lHlh from S 1 h n,' was a mask bull at Mcguntieook h -II, down the house. Sand i v morning about two o’clock the family W ill be taken from this paper after visco. I Imrsclay evening, under the nusjdees o f the A U hii'tm as tree with a merry old fashioned of Isaac Libby were aroused by vigorous rap­ Bremen. A I! present had a good time. Elliot Arnold lia.« retur d ftom ‘ it to time is announced by the tnemb*r«« of the ping at an outer door, on opening which Mr. two weeks, as many of the goods Genial Dr. Tom Bowers is nlwnys at his roM I’insiNU Troy. Waldo Co., with a nh - •-•»!! t u Maj »r .M. E. ehttreh for Christmas eve. Libby discovered a voting woman, apparently are moving rapidly, and du­ I M atin. post of d u ty a t Rose Bros’ drug 'tore. Tom Dr. Hale ol Westboro. Me., who lias been about twenty years o f age. fhe story she told belicM s in Sam Patch's motto •'some tilings i- a strange one. She said she left her home Wardm Beall, ltm tnr I rv . it- tl.-r :n. t 1> W . practicing in Boston o f late h it, town, mid is plicates cannot h se- ••an he done as well us others.” thinking strongly o f locating here. in I'homastoii Saturday night about 7 o’clock W o o ilh u rv went to Angus,» I rid tv a s w itn- "< ‘ to go to the post-oflice. She remembered com­ nr or John I-’. Baker, who murdered Prof. Alf. Martz, after he attends the Christ­ c u re d . in the Geoure Rm k lilf of Saeear.ippa visited his ing out o f the ofliec, but d nN whereabouts from a C. s post„lli-i In­ Owl’s Head Thursday morning for New York for liberty, upsetting the wagon, tangling up have secured 5 pieces more, and JEWELRY, spector, and not from Postmaster W illis of h a \r put up a street lamp opposite their h oti'i . with IS00 hills, ol lime. the occupants, finally escaping. A lter along Thomaston ns has been stated in sonic pipers. Now- atiy one can see, night or day, that “ their chase by a party o f men and boys she was at slnt’.l sell them at the same price. latch suing is always on the out side. Mis- Ada M artin, who has been ill for some .Iannary 1st ami 2nd the High school w ill time, is so as to be about___('apt. Joshua but re-captured and brought to the slaughter We cannot ilnplieate this Silk, so Set with Emeralds, Pearls, Amethyst Miss Minnie R. Haynei h is gone to Massa- give the beautiful dram t o f F 'liirra b la in Norton vbitc.l home last week-----The familiar house, and fastened, with her head down to yon must come early if you want Union H all,w ith the following well selected cast chiHetts tor the winn r . . . . Mr. Cammett ol face o f E'l Whitcomb is once more noticed in the ring bolt, ready to receive the blow that and other Precious Stones. «,f character* Ellie, t Roger.*. a North Car­ ( ' ilor.nl » is in town, the guest o f M r. East­ our village. Ed was one o f a party o f young would forever quiet her struggles. The aniimu a dress pattern. olina farmer. W. E. Mason; Mrs. R e g i m. man..*.Prof. Robinson, tin popular High men wlm went to the Black H ills live years made one more dash for liberty, breaking the school teacher, is reading law with Messrs. ‘ •Mother, re know.” Miss Lena Hanley; ago, and lias sii.ee been in different parts o f rope with which she was held, rushed out of B i . cade Silk in Black and Colored, only Simonton A Rich. the building d riving seven or eight men before Esmeralda.’ her daughter, MIm Lizzie l.ru-n- the w, t lb ppeaka well ot the eoutitry.... 5 cents, former price #I.B9 and .^ I.dO. saler; Dive Hardy, a voting North Carolinian, The ladies o f the Cong’l church, Elm street, B. II. ( ’lay is quite sick. tier, and started for the woods. A ll this hap­ Band & Seal Rings, Neck, <;. W. Robins,,ih l . tahrook. an atmosph-11- h.id one o f their pleasant fairs and suppers at pened between one and two o’clock. At live 'fhe Good Templars ot this village held a o’clock the same afternoon the people in So. in pieces Colored Satin R’ta lames at 7S ets. artist, I . IL Gillehrest; Jack Desmond, a their vi stry the evening of the Kith. The sup- sociable in Luce hall. Wednesday evening. voung artist. W. S. Bickford . Nora ami Kat- pel was a- usual, excellent mid the fair in their Waldoboro, from whom the cow- was purchased, Never before sold less than S’l.OU to $1 25. Prof. (Jeo. Battv o f Yinulhaven furnished the were somewhat surprised to see her come into Desmond. Jm kN ‘ Mcrs. M B 'p* Kin Rohfn-on usual good taste. Whatever the ladies o f this musical and literary par, o f Hie entertainment, Vest Gliains, Charms, &c. the yard. She was seemed and Wednesday and Lutie Kok ‘ ; George Drew, a mining en­ society undertake is always well done. and those who heard Mr. Batty were well 20 pieces Colored Silks in all shales only gineer, G. P. W atts; Marquis de Montcsidn, an Next WcdiH ' lay evening the Christmas can­ pleased and entertained by Ins musical pro­ Job’Spear, Mr. R okei’ partner, went over and 98 ets., worth S I.25 everywhere. m,venturer, A. II. Jacobs. I he drama is an tata “ Pine Pictures” w ill be rendered at the gram. Mr. Batty w ill lie in town again soon, killed her on the spot. interesting one with inst enough light and M. E. church by some of the best local musi- and those who did not hear him Wednesday APPLETON. One lot Colored Cashmeres, worth I cts., vill shade to he v. i v entertaining. Every . tiara, t, r sieians. A ll should avail themselves of this w ill then have the privilege. Solid Silver h a good one. and the scenery and fixtuies such Enterv Kimball of North Appleton lias been i»e sold at 39 ets. rare musical treat, 'flic admission w ill be AND as can he readily improvised. Byron Miller, son of E. J. Miller, had a nar­ very sick, Imt was a little easier when your small and the object a worthy one, an organ row escape from drowning, Saturday, while Samples of hand w riting on exhibition at for tlie ehureh. Renieinher the “ Lord loveth correspondent called on him the last ot the One lot Dress Flannels double width, ■ 1-2 skating on the ’Iieug pond ill company with a week. the post office show that great improvement a cheerful giver,” and till the elmreli to over­ number id’ his young companions. He broke cents. Messrs. Farnham and J. S. Gushcc have has been made bv those who attended the school flowing. through the thin, shelly ice and had it not Plated Ware taught bv L. A. Barron. On the last night of been holding a series o f meetings in tl.c Pease 50 dozen Gent’s Brocade S ilk Ilatvlkcreliiefs Yottr scribe received a letter from friends been for bis speedy rescue bv L. E. Eogg. who : district. Considerable religious inteicst has the s lifiol mentioned, these specimens were who have recently moved to Benedict H ig h ­ happened to be near at hand, we should have at 50 cts., never before sold less than 7»> cts. Embracing the Latent and Mont Itcaotiful Patterns been awakened. of everything deflirable in thin line, from examined and judgment pa»ed upon them by lands, Florida. A t the time o f w riting, last had one of those sad drowning eases to elironi- Please examine these handkerchiefs on first Supervisor O’ Brien, Dr. Malbon, H r. Barron The Good Templars initiated seven members I-’uil Table Seta, to the sinallcHt and ' week, they were sitting on the piazza in sum­ cle, eattsed by the reckless attempts o f boys entering the store. d.dnticHt artielcH. and Mr. Howard, after which Mr. O’Brien mer clothing, the mercury indicating 7'»- in to skate in dangerous ,daces. at their last meeting and live at the meeting awarded the following priz.se; to Daul. Sullivan j preceding, ’fhe program, Saturday evening, tin .‘hade. A neighbor, a Sir. Rouse, has sent ROCKPORT. live dollars in gold, for having made the mou to New York, the past three weeks, 500 boxes 1 included the discussion o f a resolution, a 100 doz. Ladies’ Colored B irdered HetnsliteJied improvement; to Mbs .Nettie N. Robinson ami o f oranges and not all are gathered yet. There will he a supper mid a dance at tho , drama, select readings and music. Handkerchiefs at 12 1-2 cents, worth 20 cts. Opera Glasses, Miss Inezcllft L. Eiencli each, a set o f written Tomatoes and beets are ju st ready for the (’aileton House, Christmas Eve, l»v a select The democrats and greenbackcrs indulged in cards, for belt penmanship among the ladies; market, mid plenty o f sweet potatoes. They party. ' a celebration and general jollification at Mc­ Rio doz. Ladies’ Plain and I’m Bordered and to George McFarland a large specimen o f say it is n good sight for a northerner to see The Baptist society held a Farmers’ supper Lain’s M ills on the evening of the 9th inst. 25 cents. pen-drawing, executed by Mr. Barron. I lie I Icmstitchcd Handkerchiefs Eye (Easses, 1 groves o f from 10 to 20 acres o f oranges tb|lowed by a fair and tableaux at Union i The Lincolnville hand furnished very good worth 38 eenIs. school was a success from beginning to close growing. They went ny rail ami say th.it the I tali last week. It was a success and was music. 'There was a torchlight procession, and the members express the highest sathfac ( ■untry from Washington through Yirginia, | largely attended. lireworks, illumination*, bonfires, speeches, tion for excellent instruction ami careful atten­ 200 doz. CITihlren’s Handkerchiefs, Fancy Spectacles, &c. North and South ( ’arolina mid Georgia, is the ( 'apt. John Piper had a shock o f paralysis ' cheering and feeding. 'The procession formed tion from to e’lers. By request Mr. Barron most uninviting looking country on the face of uh Main street, marched up Elm street to I Borders, from 3 to 5 cents each, worth w ill soon open another school here. last i ’liursdny. lie is doing nicely at present. And a varietv of all other goodn usually kept fn a the earth. Hundreds o f old plantations are ___Mrs. Neilie Morton left Saturday, 21st, for 1 E. Davidson’s, down Elm to Main, tip Main double the price we ask for this lot. J-’ir.-t.class store in our trade. E. M. Sumner wlmes store is in the western 1 grown up to weeds and hushes nothing having Warren to teach school. ! to Union, down Union to M ilton Robbins’, the part o f Carr ft O’ Brien block, WcM Main i been done on them since the late “ unpleasant- ' band playing and rockets etc. ascending the Carb ton A Co. have one o f the largest scythes Elegant S Ik Handkerchiefs, ranging in prices street, has a good line o f trade. Under his I ness.” entire length o f the route. \ t Mr. Robbins from $2.00 to $5.00 each. store is a basement, which is entered from the ever seen in this part o f the state. It is 13 feet they had music by the band, short speeches, rear o f the block. One o f the panes o f ghrs WARREN. long, and 3 1-2 inches w ide, and w ill he used Watch Repairing and Engraving cheering and a collation o f doughnuts and hot Ladies’ Fichus, Scarfs, Collars, Jabot? find in the basement windows j> broken out. Last • Many people in town are troubled with se­ ! for cutting lily pads. It was mnde at W ater­ coflee furnished by Mr. Robbins’ daughter. week Mr. Sumner went into the e'dlar, ami vere colds. ville by the Dunn Edge Tool Co. . Tlii> was in honor o f the Gflth anniversary of other Lace Novelties in profusion. W ill receive special adentlon, and w ill be done in the best manner. hearing a noise like unto the chirping of Ahiel Fowls is moving into the George E. .Seh. Kate Carleton, Wallace, arrived Dec. i the marriage o f Mr. and Mrs. Robbins. The chickens, he began to look about to discover i Stevens house. It. she has been running between St.John | procession then marched hack up Union i When in Boston, we bought at a forced sale of from whence the noise came. He soon found and New Y ork. She probably w ill lay here , street, down Muine to the square in front o f ; consigned goods a large lot of Plush Goods ’ Then- w ill he a ( ’Inistinas tree at Grange Prices Low to suit the Times! that it came from a barrel in which there was a all winter... .S e ll. Alice Tarlton sailed from . A. 11. N’ewliert’s store, where they broke rank such as Mirrors, Broom Holders, Pocket lot of straw. In litis barrel he found a hen ‘ hall, Christmas eve. ' here with ice and a general cargo, between m il repaired to (’arkIn’s H all, where speeches Books, Bags, etc., at about one-half the with a brood o f twelve chickens. The hen had 1 Wm. F. Teague is doing a good business dicks, lot Guadeloupe, Saturday... .(’apt.Kent were made by Galen Keene and .Senator real value, and shall sell them at the same gained entrance to the cellar through tin broken j catching and sliipping eels. i took the place o f Capt. Blake in the A llie Oake> Gitshee. After cheers tor Cleveland and reduction. pane o f glass, laid her eggs, ami brought forth | (’. G. Peabody has resumed his old place as and sailed for New York from Rockland lime Hendricks the meeting broke up to give the J G. W. Palmer & Son. tier brood o f chickens in good order. The hen nigh! watchman at the woolen m ill. 1 loaded last week. young folks a chance to ihitiee. T h c illu m i- proved to he the properly of Frank .Marshall a I Alonzo Scidenspurkcr’s house was burned EAST WARREN. I nated buildings were: J. A. Sherman, K. D Our entire stock <»T ‘-KOSTER’’ 288 M AIN STREET. near neighbor o f M r. Sumner. Gushee, representative elect, house and store, i Thursday about midnight. Partially insured. CohlH and their attendant evils are epi­ EID S, (.5 book bleed.) ill 5> many friends, some o f whom have started a From there he goes west-----A. F. Lermond CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Although last evening wa< very unpleasant paper for Ills benefit, for the nature o f his in ­ 9Ke. ami stormy yet '.here was a good attendance at played for the dance at Camden. Thursday juries are such that it w ill be some time before evening, Dec. lS th ....G . F. Daniels, esq.. talks Awl SAX I'A j the supper and I’liicrtaiiiin ciit given by the he will be able to do much work. (0 doz. Mens Cashmere Hose at ladies o f I'. Henry Tillson Relief corps. The o f going to Boston-----E. Lothrop is able to be i out again. 37 l-2e, worth 50. o programme w ill !„• repeated tonight with some VINALHAVEN. a change. I he entertainment is a pleasing one, i LIBERTY. r x The farce, “ A Regular F ix ” was presented , and well worth seeing. We annex older of ’ Pearl Martin, o f this town , the venerable Mrs. A. R. Arnold’s Childrens Line 1 lose at a great re- music . duct, M i“ Piitnum ami ( iracic Mears ; ! at the hall of Granite Lodge on Saturday evening to a fu ll house. father of Gen. Martin, the present Mayor of d u c tio n . A Peak Fam ily ; pi.mo solo, Miss Jessie Burkett; the city o f Boston, is quite sick. T h irty years music, Kazoo band; reading dialogue, E liz i I-’ied Ware has returned from the west u w = ....( Iiarles Jay, clerk of the Phenix lioiue, ago U n i. M artin was a truckman nt the same M I L L I N E R Y I evei inlet and V nnie Dow; •• ng. Behind the city that has honored him, by electing him to A* Belfast, has been visiting here. Parlor Door, 11 midi, Barrow s ; duct, the the highest ollh-e w ithin its lim its .. . . A’cry C L ( ) A K S Misses ( i.irtliin r ; music. Kazoo band ; dance. Mrs. Jane Burgess, who died at the poor farm, many people are sick among its. This is par­ STORE! BI \Iisses Jessie ami Emmie B urkett; dccl.tnni I liday last, was w ith one exception the oldest ticularly true o f old people. Titos. Hatch has In regard to our CLOAK DEPARTMENT tion, lie d W hitcomb; duet. Misses Lizzie j person in town. She lacked but one month of we have only to say that no stock in the been very sick. Frank Hatch ot Wiseassetl Where they will display their Coinctv ami Annie Lash; recitation, Miss reaching her 91th year. was sent lor on account o f the sickness o f liis State surpasses ours, either in clegnnee o f Cynthia Hunter; song. Miss E lla I.ties; flie largest cargo ol New York paving ever father and is w ith h im ... .M rs. Joseph P ink- lit, variety of styles or favorable terms in declamation, W illie N ichols; mimic, Kazoo shipped from here was per schooner, Frank M. 1 hain is again very sick. NICEST GOODS! prices. We have marked down our Elegant band, b c.cream and cake a’ Grand Arm y , H McGcarof Morristown. N. J., which linished ATLANTIC. Seal l ’ lusli Clonks as well as the cheaper H all from 5.3d to 7; pi ic 15 cents. Enter­ loading on Friday l ist, the number o f blocks i a^-l'leuHc call and examine before purchasing tainment io In gin in Good T- tnpl n N Hall at elHCwhei e. grades of Cloth (larinents. A reduction of being 3t,Kl7. The dedication, o f the new Bapti.-t ehttreh h 7 30. Admi-sion Hi cents. here, took place on Thursday, th e “ llth inst. $10.00 l.. 820.00 will be made on all our 0 « E APPLETON. ME, e- Z There will be a mask hall at Town Hall, Rev. Jos. Kalloeh o f Rockland comlmted higb-prieed Cloaks. 2 NORTH HAVEN. Wei,nesdav evening, and also at Graui e Hall the services, which we»e opened by the cltoi.-, 4740 s O H e s E. K. G lo v t was in town Tuesday. on Thursday evening, mid the young ladies w ith the anthem, “ This is My Rest Forever|(i|crp|. i Look nt our NEW I'llK 'E S on Russian Circu­ w ill have n leap year hall at G. A . R. H all on < up,, llira in Stone has arrived with Ids new Reading of tin- scriptures and prayer by lars, lJolnians and Newmarkets. 05 Monday evening next. Mr. Kalloeh and tin- hymn “ W ithin schooner. Slia is ol a b o u t 70 tons burthen Owing to high winds and rough water, the House,” by the choir followed. Rev. and w ill be u.-ed lot mackerel catching. We make a specially o f Misses' and Children's Pioneer did not make her regular n ip to Rock­ loch then preached a sermon from the 1 1 J Ioliday Goods ~ - I litre was a dauco and supper in Union land on Friday and Saturday. On the latter Uh and 5th verses. Following the sermon was Cloaks. Also of K tir T rim m ing, Mulls lu ll. Thursday evening, music by Meservey day, the weather was u m is iu lly cold here, the ,b • dedicatory prayer, by the venerable cler- , and Collars. s 0 LU and Deniutii o f Rockland. thermometer standing 12 deg. below. gyntttn. Hym n, “ Come I.et us Join our Souls W It Capt. Hem.' l ’c riy ami -oil of (h v l’b Head At a citizens meeting held at (•. A. R. Hall ?o God,” bv the choir came next, the services Among the following you will liud some as­ CO z brought on schooner Elbridge Gerry. I Ii ill’s- on Moudav evening, the 15th iusl, the t'olhiw- closing with the benediction. I he erection of tounding bargains : Table Linens, Tray i d w day, and le t her in Pulpit Harbor for the w in­ iilg were i hoseii as delegates to the Fish (’oil ' tlii> chinch is due, mostlv to the untiring pet- R. H. BURNHAM, ( 'lutlis, Towels, Sideboard Seal Is, Splashers, ter. venli'in to In* held at Gloucester: II- V. Line, severencc, o f the Ladies* Sewing t irele. i Pillow Shams, lied Shams, l.aee Curtains, Four years ago the circle voted that a meeting OWL’S HEAD. Edwin Line, P. A. Pierce, Stephen Dyer and Jersey Jaekets, Shawls, Leggltis, Corsets, Joseph Conant. house should be the object of their labor, l itis, I 258 MAIN STREET, ( apt. I II- Maddocks, witl, his family, has bring SI) lili'ge an olijcct, of colli'.',,...... at lirst met . . . . . , , e. i Hoods, Blankets, Q uills, Rugs and Carpets. H moved t » liis fathers lor the winter. ROCKVILLE. with .nine uppnritiun, but r/i-ing tin1 rliiuig rlilS JUSt rOCC*IVO(l <1 LOTge otOCK of IU I l lic following m h i liters have gone into win- Our Sunday school is going to have a C hrist­ tlrii'iinlnnlioii, ol the iimjoiity nftlielr nuuihei' THE BONANZA. ,i i qumtei ' .1' thin port ‘ base .’dare Langdon, all tinally fell in and workvd will, a will. The Holiday Goods, consisting of mas ire Wednesday evening. In connection with one of tin 1 largest dry Ninh.id ami Uhintic. Sch. Elbridge (Jerry men, not willing io he out .lone by llic ladle., ! - i reposes for the wiut, i at Pulpit Harbor. Sell. A number . ,ol Koeht.ind, SPECIALTIES. lon'l.ieted io lini-li oulsile alii ill lur l i e Hove the Other day it • xploded. knocking tile (’apt. Robert Jones has sold his house at stove to pieces. sum of hl.lMMI. 'l l., siruelme is u n.al, liali.l- I.nee Scrim 12 1-2 els., former price 25 ets. Tenant’s Harbor. , n in e , eommodious little i hureh.lo Ihe spire ol o >. Ii H aiti'' 'I'm it, i . K- ' ii’ . <>■' I lH R from Bo.'ton to New London with porgie P A P E T e m E S , ( hum, and thence io \\ ilm ingtoti. N. ( ’., with Ih e seals aie .Morse's pu telil -eliees. One ease White Blankets fcl.ud, worth #2 00 UNION. veiy enlivi Ilieiit in limes o f ,-oeiiil TO YS, BOOKS, <&c. O NLY S I.7 5 . School in grade district, No. 1 ■ onimeiicul Xalherings. Having been Iwiee disappointed in One ease White Blankets $2.00, worth #2.75 W . Kinney, the blacksmith, has recently left yesienl.iy . regal.I Io Ihe dvdiialion ol Ihe . Iiiireh. Mr. s v iid s ol ...... I Colton I'hmnel. either brown the cmplo.t of J. J. Jiiikins mid lias gone into .loyee being i-ne o f the trustees, went him self J. P. WISE & SON. M i'- Maud Dunlou left Ia>t n iJ il I n spring- liis own shop, wlieic he is now ready at all or bleachcl, fur 5()c. Held. Ma'.*., whet, -h w ill visit tri n d -lo r to llueklau.l und seemed the services ol Itev. lin n s to d » shoeing and jobbing. Mr. Kalloeh. w l.o handled In- si|lij, t with about two weeks. \ line si t o f monuments have been pla<*ed im is t.rlv sk ill, all being greatly pleased io NOTICE. He ekiah liacli Ider, while pn >siug h ,v to r in our cemetery the past week, that are well IIIink they were -o Idrtm iati as to - 'ire me Xoii. f K hereby given, lltul a pelili.ni, tlgncd by

ifla rin f O fparltntnt. s h. Templar bad repairs liesc at the South Parker. Sec.; A. C. Hinckley, 8. I).; F. A. Railway ii-t wroand sailed for Deer Isle last Davis, J. D. ; Saturday forenoon. The rcffiil.ir annual inspection o f Janie* A . LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! M pR R II I ’S CHRISTMAS Sell. American Chief, Snow, is to haul up for A tele.; rani was received here by W m . Far­ (Jarfield Post No. 49, G. A. R. was held on winter. row yesterday forenoon from (’apt. Pratt, stat­ Saturday evening, Dec. 13th, by Commander ------A N O ------ing that the sch. Eastern Belle had parted both J. E. Parsons o f Win. H. H. Rice Post. No. Sell. Florida has gone into winter quarters at chains, gone ashore, bilsred and sunk at Ports- 55 of idlsworth, who pronounced himself Look nt the Bnrixniii< that t'.ie cim ent works. mouth, N. II. Mr. Fairow left on the train highly satisfied w itli the condition mid pros­ pects o f the poM. After tlie inspection the Seii. A . Heaton, Fettle, ha* sought winter ye-tenlay to a<«isi in saving what may remain. NEW Y EA R S qnarteis at North cove. I'll? *(•«Albums, charges... .s< |i. Clara E. Colcord, from N. S. uol nverstoekinir oiirsehes until irooils Sch. Fntvilln, Blake, discharged 2.000 Samuel Whitney is in Boston visitin g liis bushels ol corn for Chas. T. Spear, last week. Cuba t i a port north o f Hatteras, sugar, $2.75, liml renelieil Ihe UKYFST POSSI­ and im.lasses $1.75; option Delaware Break­ (laughter, Mrs. MeAnd!cs«. Sch. Speedwell, Webster, sailed Thursday BLE I’lill E. ue lime “ slrucli nliile JEWELRY, water. 25 cents extra; if to Boston (iireet, basis Sell. Charles II. Kelley lias gone to Eastport tile iro n is ln i|,“ uml ninile sueli mi fof New Y ork, lime laden from C bb Lime Co. $3 on Sugar-----S ell. Wm. H. Allison from after a load o f frozen herring. Seh. A llic Oakes, Kent, sailed Thursday, ChailcHton to Weymouth, phosphate lock, $2 EXTENSIVE PI III IRSE or unotls Mrs. Hathaway, a-1io was thrown from a car Hint w ill surprise the “ Oiliest liilnihi- SILVER i SILVER PLATED WARE, lime-laden from Geo. L. Snow lo r New Yol k, ....Sell Thayer Kimball, from Perth Ambov ridge about three weeks ago, is slow ly recover­ j Sell. Lizzie G uptlll, Smith, arrived Wednes­ to Boston, pig iron, $1.1 1... .Sell. Emma I.. ing from the effect ot tlie accident. liliil." ,1c lime hoiii’lit I HEAP, mill \n d in hit ot’n i- gooiB, i« n numerous to mention, day from Boston, with freight for city dealer*. Gregory, from Hoboken to Danversport, coal, w ill sell in |iroporliiiii. which will make Elegant Presents far SI. 15 and discharge... .Sell. Sardinia, from Edgar Holbrook and l'red Kent, two young old and young. Seh. Manitou, Arey, arrived nt Philadelphia Rondoat to Boston, cement, 22 cents... .S e ll. men o f this town, who have been to New York >1 recently with stone from Hurricane and ( ’la rk’s at work for some time past, have returned Island. Joseph Souther hence to Savannah, stone, $1.1* ami back from Brunswick or Port Royal, home. Mr. Holbrook came home on account W. II. KEILNE, o f sickness and his friend kia d lv volunteered Sell. George Bird, Spear, arrived Thursday l lumber, $1 5 9 . .. .S e ll. ( ’. J. Willard from It w il l pay everyone Io look at Hie Bar- from Boston, where she discharged cement ( Im le-ton to New Y ork, phosphate rock, $1.75. to leave his situation, although a good one, 219 Main St.., Rockland. 47 P from Rondoiit. to aceoinpaay him. (M ills we m e oHerinir in BI'SSIAX ------» (TBIT Id ’s ami XEVYVHHKETS. ’ Selis. A. Heaton, May I'ayJS. J. Gilmore, D E E R IS L E q Leom>saand others of our coasting fleet an* CUSHING. (T.nUvlM.s. I I It I KPIMIM.s. I s T T H W Advices from Boston state that the p in t- OBESS BOOKS, PLAIIIS, SIHOI.S. J huuled up for the present. A very interesting spelling bee was held in factory will start upon spring work about Jan. Sell. Racehorse, Bishop, is at Hurricane dis­ the 4th district, Friday evening. 1st. A e .. Ac. charging coal. Sell. M. A. Achurn is loading Vin ii A Co. received 199 cords o f sawdust A rthu r Campbell is doing quite a business tc at that place for New York. by vessel from Wiscasset, Wednesday. shipping flounder* to New York and Philadel­ t | S e h . Bertlia J. Fellows wa* loading lime Two o f ( ’apt. J. A. Creigiiton’s vessels phia. TAILORING from Gay Bros, at Crockett’s Point, Friday. dropped down the river, Friday, und sought Twelve coasting vessels are wintering in our She finishes loading ut Rockport. anchorage at Hathorne’s Point. harbor, and several fishing vessels in So. East Look at our B L U E SATIN I tlH I P A I . AS if you wish Io sec some ItariM in s. f< Seh. Moses Webstar, Rhoades, is at B.d: i- flic winter term of school in dintriet fi harbor* ESTABLISHMENT! (j more loading for Cuba. She gets 00 ets. on dosed l ’ri lay. The teacher, Mr. Be.iree, com­ ’i he water is being kept out o f tlin Deer Isle Call mid examine a slock not equaled coal and ’.5 ets. on shooks and heads. menced a term o f school in the 5tli district silver mine shaft, hut no underground work is Sell. Richmond, Hall, arrived from Boston Monday. being done at present. in Knox County. Tlie reputation of nl last week w itli grain Ibr Rockland Steam M ill The school in districts No. 3 and I com­ On account of seareity of Imv in town, quite th is store fo r FINE GOODS, assures one T Co., ami finished discharging Friday. menced on Monday o f last week. The former m number o f sheep, cows and oxen are being AVe lim e Ihe Bruililest Bnr);ilins in ItEO and all that from (lie variety offered Jacksonville, Fla., is to have a n *w m aritc is taught by F. B. Miller, mid the latter by slaughtered here this winter. a m i HUE TWII.LEO FUNNELS GEORGE H. REED i Vondel J. i lye. This is Mr. Flye’s third con­ some a rtic le may he found Io please. railway, with a capacity for iiauling our Dr. E. B. Ferguson’s drug store is being llia l were ever seen. st« vessels from 800 to 1,009 tons, and w ill cost secutive term. Rf--pee|fully unnoii'ice- tl u In* hm opened a new finished with very handsome black ash, and Tailor Shop at so between $15,000 and $29,99). During the year 18S1, Capt. John Maloney when opened to the public w ill he a much o f the Lizzie Belle has delivered to J. A. ODOR CASES O.WX, During the recent gaic nt Ran Francisco ship needed addition to tlie jilaet. ‘21H A lain Strc.’eti F.dward O’ Brien o f Thomaston, had her star- Creighton A Co. o f Thomaston, 1528 cords of kiln-wood. The wood was taken from the Capt. F. 1’. Weed o f tills place, who is in TOILET SETS, " board counter cut into and was badly chafed command o f liarque Fanteeof Boston, engaged and will he pleased tn greet liis friends. C iisiiin g landing and those o f adjoining towns. One sale of n< before site was towed to a sale anchorage. in the African trade, arrived at liis lirst trading CARD RECEIVERS, Sch. W oodbury M. Snow, Maddocks, ar­ Oa Saturday o f last week Mrs. J. R. Bec­ station on tlie west coast o f Africa, Nov. 1st, rived fit. in Camden. Thursday, where she dis* kett and daughter Alethhi came lioin? from 49 days from Bouton, being becalmed 18 days W HISK BKOO.AI I ASES, cv (-barged coal from New York, and is now ic ­ Port laud where they have been visiting rel­ o f tlie time. A FR ESH STOCK OF es reiving iron from the old U. S. w aisliip Sabine. atives. Mrs. Eunice Weaver, Mis. lhc ctt’s COLOGNES. m »tlier, accompanied her daughter home, and A. O. Gross left town Friday for Boston, to <-‘Q Sell. Laura E. Messer, Gregory, is at Boston meet and accompany tin* remains e f tlie late UNDERWEAR ELEGANT MIKKOKS, will remain with her until spring. after discharging coal from Georgetown. Capt. ('apt. George ('. Haskell of this place, who WOOLENS, Gregory is at home and reports bii.-iness so Tim Free Church Sunday-school w ill give an died in Galveston, Tex., Dee. 9th. to liis home lias been far alieail of oar most sanguine Elei-aiil styles in I E l.l.l I.OID TillI.E'I' d ull that a vessel can hardly get a chance to entertain incut Christmas night. I here w ill here, where lie w ill be buried with Masonic (*X|i<'(-l:iiions this sill. II pnives (lull CASES, III all o f tlie L atest Style*. be declamations, dialogues, tableaux and 1 T | naul up at Boston. honors, being a faithful member of Marine drifted into British bark Bankhnll, striking GREEN'S LANDING. La d ie s' “ .3 7 1-2 SPECIE ITKSES, lliiest line SUITINGS her between foie and main ch i ins, breaking the contents taking effect in Mr. H yler’s face School commenced Monday, taught by B o y's " " .4 2 ever shown in llic City. . plates, cathead, figure In ad, anchor stock and and eyes. Drs. Piper and Leveusaler gave In Great Variety. v0 carried away stays and bowsprit. him immediate treatment and on Wednesday Chas. Dunham, Paris, Me. Mr. Dunham G ent's “ " .5 0 Lull assortment of I.I RIVSuud LI NO- , they were compelled to remove mi eye, it was seems to lie a very line teat her, and evidently L a d ie s' “ “ .5 0 wj Ship John BnTc, Murphy, of Thomaston, so badly mutilated. Three shots were found in means to keep a good school. W ritin g school BOKG’S EXTRA! TS for Ihe Good Fits, Stylish Garments*and ini strived in the Downs Dee. 3 from the hull o f ihe eye, which probably caused the commenced Thursday. G ent's “ “ .8 7 1-2 H andkerchief, ,Ve. . Pisagua, bound to Hamburg, bad lost anchor intense siiifcring to which Mr. lly le r was sub­ “ •• jut and chain. An anchor and 105 fathoms of Sch. Valparaiso. Knowlton, sailed Thursday “ 1,00 the Best ot Satisfaction jected. The remaining eye is badly injured for Rockland w itli cooper stock for A F All goods Fresh and of Ihe I nlesl do chuin were supplied her from Deal. L a d ie s' “ ** 1.15 and it is thought that the sight is or w ill be Crockett A Co., and women, bound for the Designs. Guaranteed Ctudomcrrv. A nhare of patronage » Seh. Luella Snow, Snow, arrived in Mara­ I permanently destroyed. Rockland dry goods ‘ tores... ..Sell. Cordova, G ent's “ “ 1.25 caibo Nov. 18th, 19 days passage from New Csiinl I,urge Stock of D lil GS, MEDI­ WALDOBORO. stone laden, sailed for Boston, Thursday. . . . “ 1.50 1.1 York, with, general cargo. Schooner had a Seh. J. B. Stinson, Stinson, from Ellsworth, CINES and CIIEAIICAI.S. o’c rough passage out, splitting sails and breaking Our thanks to A. E. Howard A Son for some with lumber for Frank Warren, arrived L a d ie s' “ •• 1.50 to1 iibboom. She is loading dye wood for Boston. very neat and pretty calendars. Tlitirsday. The state o f C alifornia is about to organize a If anyone sees a man witli a drab hat on, BUTTER MATINICUS. j Signal Service. In a few weeks an officer o f about a size too large, lie w ill confer a favor by FRED E. BFKIT.E. l0I the United Service, probably Lieutenant Craig, leaving inform ation at the Custom House. Capt. John Burgess and fam ily have moved to Vinalhaven. f w ill lie detailed to take charge. The system The store in M arble’s block has been papered adopted is modelled after that o f the Federal (.’apt. Jackson Ames 1ms moved into tlie 5.1 Sendee. and painted and makes a very neat and attract­ ive place. M. M . Richards A Co. have moved house recently vacated by Capt. j o Iiii Burgess. BLANKETS Wholesale and Retail 1.1 Steamer Confidence (wreckei) with steain- their large ttock of woolens into it. (J. II. Howard, who has been running on tlie < -— --- 1-2 case at S I.5 0 . w orth S 2 .00 Best Cold Storage for Butte ' insured. 25ih, co ii.si: ting o f music, leadings, declama­ Only $1.75 for Acme Club skates at J. P. TIIE PLACE TO III A tions etc., followed by a Chi istinas tree. Sup­ ,c Br. sell. Hernia, w ith cargo o f railroad sleep- Wise A Soil’s. 1-2 “ 2 .2 5 . ** 3 .0 0 in the City. per w ill be served in the adjoining room. l Fc ers, is at South Marine railway for repairs. 1-2 “ 3 .0 0 . 4 .0 0 An cuteitainment was given by the W aldo­ M r Thursday forenoon, while she was being 1-2 “ 3 .5 0 . 4 .7 5 Boots, Shoes, We have a large Stock of >tl, hauled up on the wavs the chocks slipped and boro Musi ill Association, in ('la rk ’s Hall Tues- the vessel tipped over on her side, breaking i day evening. Prof. 1). W. Potter, conductor, OLD GOVERNMENT 1-2 “ 4 .5 0 , ** 5 .5 0 J two o f the arms o f the cradle. The vessel was and Miss Annie F. Cnstner, accompanist. A FINE JUNE BUTTER. very line program was rendered, eoiisisting Fo uninjured. '1 his is the first accident o f the suit C-R-O-W-N Bememlier Iliere lire mi holes, n r G irii Fit to put away for W inter umo. which ever happened at die South railway. of songs, ( lionises, ducts, piano solos etc. pluees in them, only oil spots, Ac. Slippers, Rubbers, Misses Brown and (Jay read selections in their I :i Moimlay night c f last week the chuin o f sch. X. B.— W. handle no OI.FO.MAR(»ARINK usual pleasing manner. Songs by Misses Rosie We lim e I'll BEE (IR A N I) B U IG AI NS or BC 1TKRLXF. , Nile, Manning, which lay anchored at Ricli- Winslow and Birdie Wineheiibaeh were loudlv vcO m onil’s l.-land, near Portland, parted, and die JAVA COFFEE in COLORED BLANKETS: applauded. The mule quartett, Messrs Waltz, rep schooner fouled sch. Eastern Belle, Pratt, of | Boyd, Potter and Castner was very tine. A H ats & Caps, 0 . B. P A L E S & CO ., this port. '1 lie Nile broke her main-boom, car duet by tlie Misses Sampson was al.-o pleasing. Ask Your Grocer for It. One lot at 75c per pair, which is p ried away living jibbooni, smashed in one side only 37 l-2c for one Blanket. 337 Main St,, cor. Park St. al o f her house and lost her anchor and 20 Frank L. Welt mid wife have been in Noble- Try it ONCE and you will dev fathoms o f chains. She lias since repaired • boro tlie pa-t week... .Clive A. Brown is con- FMBRELLAS, 28 K9UKI.AM). lov damages at this port. i lined to the ,louse with sickness.. . . Mrs. C. E. always uso it. One tot at 85c per pair, which is i Deniutii lias gone to Massachusetts.. . . Miss Put up mid f i r Hide at only 42 1-2c for one. Blanket. < Seh. A. F. Crockett, Thorndike, hound from Fannie E. M ille r o f Augusta is at (J. IL Feyler’s flnnt1 . ** Eddyville, N. Y., for Savannah, was run . . .. F . Leslie Hatch lias gone to R o c k p o rt.... WHOLESALE F arm Loans T . ashore. Dee. 11, near the latter phi e, by the .Miss Dora B. I loward was in Damariscotta last One lot at SI.50 per pair, which is In INDIANA and OHIO eiti propeller (Jen. Sheridan, o f Cornell’s Line, Imt week.... R. W. Robinson of (’miideti, formerly only 75c for one Blanket. X.ithiug .-afer. more dewirabie nCl was got oil’ and arrived at New York for a teacher in this place, was here last w eek... . C I I IC A P ! or more prompt. For further repairs. Mie was leaking at the rate of 500 I. K. W i lett went tc Boston last week... .Miss •iformation and circular, ad- I’*14 strokes per hour. On Die. 15, at the M orris These lllunkcts must be seen to be up- Ella M alblc lias gone to B osto n....E . B. M il­ JOHN BIRD & CO., preeiuled. -IS A I Tlu Canal Basin, Jersey C ity, N. J., she was re­ ler mid wife have, gone to South Emininghmn 206-208-210 Main Si., Rockland. .IOS. A. MOORE, dd! eeiving part o f new shoes. Her cargo consists for tlie winter-----Chas. E. Palmer lias gone to 8 4 EriHt M a r k e t S t r e e t . of about 500 tons o f plaster and cement. B elfa st... .Jag. H. Benner o f the .Yr/rv olllee, I m l ia u u p n l irt, lii«L ‘,,>I Piirtieulais o f the wreck o f sell. John 11. We liiivc thin all hot on draught daily in our who ii is lieon confined to tlie lioioe w itli a cold, sample rooui. Call und tent it. - T. A. WENTWORTH'S, A book o f 160 paged I, n< Pearsons o ltiiis port, which we mentioned la.-t is again at liis post o f duty. X (’ourthbip, cent fret a 1( week, are reported as follows : The Pearsons 243 Main Street, Rockland, By tl«- I i.mo Pub. ( . LOVE p was at Mona Island witli guano for New 1 WEST CAMDEN. Free to All. FREE Ni w ark, N. -I. t*end fa*, for pontage. 1 Orleans. On the afternoon o f Nov. 2d, there ’ E. Orheton lias a five-year-old cow, girting t ^ l ,arge Slin k ADVR I IRICRS Lowest Ralea for mhertin ness is d ull. Coopering, tin* principle mauu- The Slock holders oil he Bock laud Nnl ioual Bunk, 1 ing in trip; good m-vv-Hpupt rn Hi nt free. Ad- at perieneed by die buoy rope getting caught | laetiiring industry here, is at its lowest ebb, Fits everybody, from the most cor­ me hereby uoiilb d ih.it their Annual Meeting will dr- -h gko p . row ell \ co ,10 spruce st ,n .y me round a rock, which caused her to drop astern ■ waiting for the lime kilns at Rockland to tire pulent, to the very slightest form he held a, tlieir Banking K<>un»«, on Tuem luy J a n . more than was intended, Imt a boat was got out up again. I.'ttli IK85. at 1 <1 \ vi., to tis the niiiidu r of, und KNOX COUNTY In Court of Probate held at !,ei to tow her, and her sails Idling she began to I Price S1.00. By mail $1.15. elect a Board ot Directors for the « uxuing year, and Rockland on tlie third Tucoduy of December, 1SH4. lied move a h e a d towards the new anchorage 1 Emery Edwards o f Eureka Co. Nevada, Sale Positive! to transiiet any other business that may leguliy come Robi it L<>! g, E.\< i-utor of tho la»t will anil testa- where he lias resided for the past th irty years, before them . P er <)»d«-r, lnci ground. At this moment die wind died out To give our customers an idea of incut ol l\ illitiiu Hurt, lat>- of Si. George, in >aid h tddeuly, and coining offshore over high dill's, | returned to liis old home tlie 18th, the first nt ii f ttd , p rin ted ' to pieccr. She then got caught in die s u rf ami in Rot'kland. in raid ( ••unty, that all pel,-oiis inter­ o M was '( ‘ untied oil die reef, becoming a total I weot in a lew years. \\ ill sell ids entire utork at Auction, commencing every three weeks. Lime Rock National Bank. ested may attend at a Probate Court to n« la id at ('apt. Kidde r d ro v e up to John Thorndike’s The Stoekholdera of the Lime Rock XTitiouul Bank Roekl.md on tin ib r»l I’modav of January next, nar wreck in a short time. are hereby notified (bat their Annual Meeting', will Hole > Cbterduy morning, and lefi his horse be­ and i-bovv ,•.him , d uuv tin y have, why the oaid ac­ of i Tlte particulars of the collision of ship be field at tlieir Banking Booms, ill till* t'ilv of count i-boubf not la* allowed. Nathan Esterbrook. Jr., of Thomaston, (’apt. fore the door without hitching. In a few WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, Btx k 'an d , on T u e s d a y . J a n u a r y 13, 1HM5. at moments (lie lior.-e took frig h t from die falling lal? K. M W O O D . J u d g e ’ W . 11. Vesper, before reported by us. tu c ip A T ‘i O’CLOCK. P. M. •J o’clock i*. ai., for the choice .if a bo u d ot live Di­ A tru e C.py A tteft * R. R. |< \ | |,.»<*||, Kegiwler. o f an em'|)ty cask ami ran at the top o f his rectors for the ensuing year, and lor the transaction '• follows; British steamer Guilford, Mouctl, We have added to o u r stock the K. sailed from New York Dec. 19 for Glasgow, speed around tin* store and stable, bringing up And continue Afternoon and Evening until uil in of such other business as may legally ■ omc before KX()\ (ill I \ la t’ourt of Probate, field at in tlie orchard w ithout doing any damage. sold, 'file slock eompriHCH : FAMOUS DOMESTIC PAPER FASH­ them . Ro<*k I a ml,oil the third I in «*day ol I >ecv ruber, 18H j . At 12.29 a. m., about 39 miles south o f Shitmc- P e r O rd er, ook, she "as run into by the Esterbrook, BLUEHILL. IONS. They are noted for their per­ G. W. BERRY , i i.hier. A Ceit.iiu liiHrummt, pm porting to be the Inal . ' from Providence for Baltimore in ballast. Furniture of every kind. Rockland, Dec. 2, 16 wi I an I i. '>f..im nt . i G- o ig e (Jay, late nl I nion, *ssf T.ie steamer was struck on the pint bow, J. M. Davis ami wife are visiting at M ilfoiU fect fitting. Please call, or send for in Maid I ’mintv. de.-eu-. d, having b< < u pre mi tiled for (JiiiKlIe’s. probate pro -laving it in almost to tin- water's edge; stove All sorts of Upholstery Goods, catalogues. North National Bank. ( 'K in id to 'I'b it in i :-•«• be given to all peinouM In- tho Forecastle, carried away every tilin g o f head M. K. Chase has been confined to ihe house 'file Stockholders of lie* N orth N .'io u al Bank 'e ll'•{• d, by ,ai'.!. long a -*opy ni tfdx e ld e r ill the gear an I threw the anchor from top o f f'oie- by illness. air hereby notified that tlieir Annual M.- ti ig will ( u /'o n G o , (t<, printed at Kockhiud, in bald .astle deck to foremast and carried away poll Albert C. Stevens lias just returned from a Crockery, Glass, W ooden he held at their Banking Rooms, .nt I ut-sdav, ('minty, tine, we.kt* cuc.a-Mivvlv, ibat they may j 1 gin. 'I brew overboard about 59 tons o f liour visit to Chicago. January 13. 1885. ,.i in o'clock M .fitli' appeal at II 1*10 at ( ourt to beheld at Reeklund, from the foretold to lighten, hut on arrival she choice of a Boai'l of Dir> etors for the ensuing in »*aid ( .Him v, on ihe d iird TucMduy o f J a n u a ry m*\i, mid i-ln w camo , if any tiny have, why tin- ‘ 't was s till down l.y the head two feet. One o f Albina 11. Carter has been sick but is now Agent for ihe AUGUSTA STEAM year, and tor the transaction of any olio r business somewhat better. and Tin Ware as may h gaily come h» fore them. Maid iiiMtriimeut -lundd not be , r. vi d, approved 1 ' . |S8|, i; 4MT E . M W O O D , Ju d g e . 7 for a considerable distance. They had just Oscar H. Tripp lias been appointed and ' A tru e Cipv — A m H B. K Iv vi.i.oi h. R. gi..t« r. P*‘M change! watches on the steamer before tin; (jualilied as a Ju-tice o f the Peace and Quorum. I Coanters, ami other n o | collision. Tlie schooner had headgear inied i he young folks of the Congregational ' Store Fixtures- A. J. ERSKINE OXI/V - away, stem crushed and rail carried an ay in society gave a wrister sociable, Fridav evening, Fire, Life and Accident J several places. She pul into Narragati.-ett Bay Dec. 12th. 4»-A vplendld cliHiice to obtain CHRIST­ --FOB-- 411» evening o f Dec. 11. and was towed thence on MAS GOODS. The ludi- H are invited. INSURANCE AGENCY, • o ( the 13th to New Haven for repairs, ( ’apt. Yes| er At tlie stated meeting of iia Berry Lodge, *4*48 Main St reel, - Kocklauil, Me. A CM E CLUB SKATES lb » states he remained in llic neighborhood o f the No. 187, F. A A. M ., held Dec. 15th., the fo l­ HKD FRONT RC1LD1NG. steamer for two houis after the collision, burn- lowing officers were elected. Frank 11. lapses adjusted and paid at this ollice. Agent Binder, W . M .; John A. M iller, b. W .; S. B. C. K. TI PPER, Auelionter. for the well-known ’J'iaveler«’ Accident Insurance 1,11 mg flash lights, so that the Jailer might not lose j Company of Hut I ford. Iy3* K*‘ l sight o f the schooner. "Wescott, J. W .; A. C. Peters, Treas.; II. B. R ockland, Dec. 13, 1584. 32 I 277 Mailt S t., Itorkluud. J. P. Wise

1 tlie works o f superior m erit here collected LITTLE JIM. A S H P O IN T . THE COURIER-GAZETTE WASHINGTON. FRIENDSHIP. would require a volume. I shall speak only M RITTFN i on Til! ( ol llir.n (S AZI-.T I I IIV ma.ORA J J. Emery has been making repairs on hi* Forest Lake Ice Co. shipped n cargo o f ice, A Rockland Man at the National Capital of a single painting, “ Charlotte Cotday in n. rn.i.sni nv. building*. to Penvacoln, last week. The T a lle ’ Structure in the World Prison,” by Muller, an eminent French artist. F. M. Smith deserve* a good share o f Lobt-tcr laws and light house petitions seem 'The *n<»w wa* failing rapidly from out ihc cold, patronage for let it blow high or blow low he Speeches in Congress The Incom­ gray *ky. to he all ihc race nowadays. Fine ns this work is I believe it is not con­ is on liarul if yon want any tilin g in his line o f A MODERN PAPER. ing Administration A Famous Gal­ idfchi unfurled il* dnrkm lik- a b a n n er from Capt. Melville B. Cook, o f hark St. James, sidered ene of tlie great works in tlie G allery; <»n high . business. lery and a Notable Picture. has retained home after an absence o f over a yet 1 have spent eonsideralde time studying it. A mighty t-ablc banner that \« tied the moon and O W L S H E A D . year. I'hlrl,-iihlh ,rnr. This picture was placed here fresh from tlie A nd rotd». d the w in try Hunwet of It# thim ing t rim . Miss Ruth A. Maddoeks is quite sLk. Many o f our lobster fishermen have quit the Eleventh y.sir ...... i ,i: | UK co, nil R.IHZF I I I. 1(T pencil o f the artist in 18*o. It has become #«»n bar*. business on m e. u n <»f the remarkable scarcity i e.i i c. i-ii.itct!, I.so. O wl* Head school began Monday, the 15th, o f fls’i. familiar to many, who have never seen tlie In the ln ;irt of tlie irrent city, !!»«• nemy lamp* lmrm d Frank Norton of Strung, tea her. •|-« • dollar* :» te a r In • • 1 J ■ if ,»«id «’ original, through nnmeroiiK copies, some of d im ; Gn account o f tin- failure o f all kinds of ml of v« »r j *1 for M i m ntha; » ci M i I I infet And tie way wa* drear and d« *o|..t,. n, ragged little An unknown four-masted schooner passed Although tli* census inform * n* tliat our down the hay and went to sea Monday, the 15th. fishing our llsherincn have nt Inst resorted to nonius’ trial trip. them good mid others wretched. She had d im ; the labor o f clam-digging and since the early fr b id capital is the fourteenth city in the 'tabbed to tlie heart the tyrant, Marat, and is Poor liltl<- dim , the d ru n k a rd ’* child, h u n g ry atnl Henrietta Knight died in St. Paul, Dee. l* t, pntt of tin I'd, have dug nt least 300 barrels country in population, yet the great numb?r tired, and cold. 1884, aged 22 year*. 9 month* and II days. and possibly twice that numiier. Almut three THE OUTLOOK waiting tlie guillotine. As she leans wearily A torn *lraw hat upon bi* bead id# *bocn «o worn She wa* the daughter of Mr*. Edwin Wilson i f and magnitnd, of the public building*, park*, and old, years ago when ( lam* were plenty and could j against the iron grating there is much of Lake City, Minn. Miss Knight was a young lie dug with about one half the labor required statue' work- of ait, lituarie*. institution and All th.- day long he’d wander, d the wide and w. ary The University of Vermont In* :i Mn- i haraeter in that young, pale face, such a look -tree!, woman well known and very highly esteemed at present they comninnded a price o f from S5 and loved by all who knew her. She has • I mt eighty three te.it* old almost obi rm m gli it* ci,-mopo|ii in < liai.u n r, all combine to ren­ ot pensive resignation horn o f the experience 'That he might earn a penny to tiny «onv food to mt. to 97 per barrel, nevi r going under $5; n-w der it one o f the most attractive and interest­ been a sufTerer for the past two or three year* they w ill bring about $1 and very d u ll at that, to study the dead langtdiges. through which she has passed; hut there is no Now the dreary other way nesdays and Saturdays, afternoon ami evening. F o r 1 8 8 5 health. i largest Grand Lodge in the world, New York can mo much matter ot special interest to Mr. F u r u t i m , the proprietor, w ill spare no make tlie incoming administration in any pains to make this rink first-class in every re­ Will In- particularly notable for it* Serial Storic.-, being first and Sweden second. The latest Maine readers lie obtained fot the money. It A t Guadalajara, Mexico, the ores* o f a sense what they have promised, they must Ins a corps o f correspondents at all importai t spect. After the hail the party retired to the nam ely — lodges organized are Lincoln N o . 170 at Atkin­ young g irl who wa* riding in a street car took practice it, in some degree at least. The con­ points iu the State, so that all Maine happen- 1. ike House and enjoyed a tine turkey supper. I. son, Dirigo No. 363 at W. Sullivan, Morning fire from a burning cigaret which a passenger 1 servative men in tlie party see tliis, but tl.e in g i are promptly reported. A fter an interim BLUEHILL. TIIK IMIlXCEftK CAM.t.yiAMMKMA, Star N o. 361 nt Lagrange, Echo Like No. 362 o f two years the legislative proceedings w ill lie threw down, and she was burned Io death image-breakers are abroad with unbounded Rev. L. S. Tripp preached at Penobscot, By Hi X U ! JAMES, at Mt. Desert, ami Pioneer No. 348 at Caribou. looked to with special interest, and prompt ami Author of “ 'Tlie Portrait of a Lady,” etc, before the flames could hr extinguished. This resources for securing pelf, ami nothing sliort full re porta w ill appear in tin.’ Journal. W hile Sunday. incident will bo used by many as an argument (d’ a i lean-sweep w ill satisfy them. A wise man giving tlie new* of Maine in variety ami G. A. R. Post gave a clam supper to the II. against cigaict smoking, while in reality it is ' said long ago, with all the gravity with ahieh 'The “ kazoo” lias been introduced into church annum not attempted by any other Maine public, Wednesday evening, as a slight token A < 'O l A T H 1 G K A T I A U A.V. paper, the Journal find** in its ample colnmus o f gratitude for assistance rendered in erecting By MRS. O LIPHANT, an argument thcoth'T wav, for if the passenger ' Jack B titi*by gave his opin io n ', “ We shall see entertainments in Thomaston, a kazoo con­ space for n summary o f the history o f the tlie Soldiers monument. Author of “ The Ladle# Lindon-*,” ••'The W izard's had sinter I lb - cigaict instead o f throw ing it i what we 'h a ll see,” mid he was right. cert being given there last week. The kazoo world fur the current wreck issue. Our special The winter term of tlie Academy. Irving Sim, etc. There is much speculation about the con­ is a small whistle-shaped instrument, consist­ Washingtan correspondence, painting tlie Stearns, principal, opened Dec. 1st, with about down the accident would probably i nt ha\c III. scene* dui ing tlie winter, and the advent o f 20 scholars, more w ill come in soon. The winter happen< d, strue tion o f the cabinet, mi l if ore half o f the ing o f reeds, which are blown upon sim ilar to tlie pew admnistratiou, w ill be copei ially inter­ THE KT . Local liens have for tlie most part suspended A. Garlield Post. No. 16 G. A. It., held Sat- errand. Tliis movement was viewed with ly democratic in principles. Aiuei ican authors, ot which iht Journal w ill By SARAH ORNI5 JEW E’TT, business, and the market lias been supplied have exclusive right of Maine publication. urday evening, Dec. Olli., the follow ing util alarm in H alifax, which caused much amuse­ John T. Raymond, one ot the best interpre­ Author of “ A Country Doi-tor,” •‘Deephaven,” etc, w itli eggs from tlie country and via coasters. The lirfit of these w ill he a Uiiristuias story by cers were chosen : Alfred C. Osgood, 1’. C om .; F. K. McIntire, S- V. C .; Joseph S. Stover, J. ment in this co an fry. The vessel hus not been ter* o f American humor, was playing a suc­ Country and down east eat klers have been W. O. Stoddard. A new series of Letters from The first of a new aerie# of paper# entitled Palestine and Syi ia w ill appear, giving personal V. ; S. p. Snowman. Q. M. . IE G. Herrick, heard from since and w.i* probably lost at sea. j cessful engagement at Albaugh’s new Opera growing fat, with their products retailing at f*nrg.; S. K. Gray, (.’imp.; J II. Morse, O. TUB ABIV ■•OltTt'OBIO, It h i* now transpire I that the port o f de-di ' House in the role ol 'G en. Josiah Lim ber in adventures In Svria, Dainacus. 'Turkey, and in By OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, 32 cents per dozen. PauTi* Meditcnaiican journeys. A new series D .; J. H. Billings,*O. G .; E* ft. Bowden whs nation was D olatiou island, and the olm , t id the pla* “ l or Congress.” In this vigorous o f Saturday Night 'Talks w ill also hr given. chosen trustee for three years, and IL A. Will appear iu the January A i i.a x t ic . lrip p was elected Representative to ihc De the voyage was to procure tli • cargo o f an ' -.Hire on American politics there are many Boston A Bangor Express Co. are now pre­ These feature# added to the excellent market I’oems, I! says, Stories, ami Paper# on Scientific, reports, the incomparable reports of farmers’ purtinent Encampment, 'l'lie Post now num ­ Literary ami Social Topic- may be expected from American w h a l i n g v l , which was wreck'd shafts that pierce between the joints o f the pared to forward express matter to and from festivals, giaugr meetings, conventions, and iu bers 6” members in good standing, and is in Oliver Wemli 11 Holmes. John Grcciihaf Whittier, there about tine.- year* ago. Now that tin- harm;*.*, ami tin average congressman may at Cheirylicld, Millhridge, Sleubcn, Harrington, fact meetings of every kind, w ill make the a flourisliing condition. I l liaa six applicants W. D. Howells, Ib nry Jame#, F Marion (*r:uvford, secret ha* I,ecu made known we 'had expect to | time* behold *ome o f his own ingenious now awaiting muMter. Richard Gia t White, ( Iiaile# Dudley Warner, Gouldtboro, Franklin and Columbia Fails via Weekly Journal mi indispensable visitor to Harriet W. Pn don, Ilenry < 'abol Lodge, I*J >» mine, h e a r of other iu>'terioiis voyag -. having tin methods for capturing caucuses and conven­ steamer Rockland, a messenger having been every fam ily that would keep abreast the times Wm. M. Howard went to Boston, Dec. 5th, EJitb M 'J'boma#, 'i’boimi# William Bar-on-, George to procure a model foi the statue of tiie Soldiers same putt and object in % j.-,v. tion*. and securing doubtful votes, dramatized in matters at hom- and abroad. Parson# Lathrop, aim- R u: m || Lowa II, M auriee put on that boat. Price, postage prepaid, only v2 (HJ per year. monument, which lie is to cut this w in te r.... Tliouipsoii, I b -na- Bail' -, \hlrh-h, John Fi-ke, and biought out with tin- tin? effect o f stage Trial trip* of three months only 50 cent -, speci- G. II. Tripp, ( ’. E-. who has been at work on Mark 'Twain, (’barb# Fliol Norton, ||orai-e E. The world's industrial and i o’.lon centen­ a * u h * 'J he play i* jusiadapted to Wash­ inen copies free. ,he Strung A Kinglield railroad U»e past season, .-.cuddir. G e o I. W o o ,,b erry . W II Bishop, nial exposition, .it N'-w Orleans, was I’oiuiall* The next enterprise ot tlie Telephone Com­ is now at home, looking none the worse for , LI ward in -n it Hale, Edward Atkiuaou, Piiillip- ington, and would not seem h alf so good in Brook#, Harriet l»> ••••,»• -r Stowe, l.m-\ l.arcom, John opened last Tin sday. The pany in Maine probably w ill lie the construe- the summer campaign... . Tin many friends o iig in .il plan o f il. any other city. Here one has the assurance The Daily K< niicbec Journal w ill furni.*li the Bui-rough*, Janu .' Er, man ( lai ke, Timina# Went • xpo'itiou wa* to h .n • only a cciiteum il ex tioii ot a line 50 miles long from Bath to ltock- public during the approacliiug session o f tlie of Hon. J. 1 liim k le v w ill be pleased to worili lliguin-oii. Eli/nb, ih Boldh' Penm I, Sarah that many congressmen me listening to tin Legi.-iatuic. with lull and reliable reports of icarn that lie has arrived nt Eureka, Nevada, i h ue Jew di. L. (’. V yin.i-i, N S. Shah r, Edinuud Idbit o f tin cotton iudtisLy of tie- south, iii't luiitl, striking Wiscasset, Damariscotta. Waldo­ keen thru*!*, and this gives additional zest, tlie proceeding* of that body, by stenographic much improved ill health. He lias a brother, ( larem-i- Stedman, Llizab. ib Stuart Piielp-, one century having elapsed since the first hand- I boro and Knox and Lincoln county towns and ami a .-on there and w ill probably make some­ I . I . Whipple and ... mx thcr th -line as a ilc ii <■ m liin tu i gives a line reporters in both the Senate ami House. fn| o f cotton was shipped to England from this i li.'llin g villages. These report* will be official, giving a com­ thing <>f a visit. Ill* w ife is w itli h im ----- T E R M S. - sEcO a y :u- in advan- ,•. I’o- t a i . i; i ivor to a di.*h that would otherw i.*e he eom- John Gould h is moved his stock o f goods to I Itri •- 1 •-nt* i num ber. W illi superli file size < »uutiy a.* a venture. The admission of for- | plete record o f the Legislature Iroui day t o d a y , monplace. *♦* while the si ssion eomimic*. 'I lie Journal w ill E llsw orth, and we hear that Frank M errill w ill p r.raii of I la w I borne. I im-r-iiii, 1 < ngfellow. e jii and national exhibit*, ho v v< .. h . The follow ing Colby I Hivei.*ity boy* are also contain full report.* o»‘ im portant hearings j soon move into the store vac.itcd by Mr <«oiild. Brv.-mt. Whittier, Low-11 or Holmes, $5.0U; each When one a t' tired o f pub,; buildings, a U itio '.a l p o rtra it, 61 ,,;’- swelled the display that th • « position < >.u:il* 1 t urliing in tliis vicinity F. B. Gibbs in before eoinmitfi and all other news ndating ‘ Frank in rutln-i . ramped f«»r room, and the aow d (d iveowe.-, mid p o litiiu l discussions, to llic business ol the Legislature. In addition Hailing Mtorc will give him a much better II ' -, in,..-I- ami I > , n. , r num b. I* <-( i i magnitude tin* great Philadelplo.i nu-icit i k ­ W ot Camden; S. E. Webber, Tenant’s Har­ 'The A i l ' . - vi l be s ni i pi i iu- < ii xiu.r;, i<> »h-,. ,• nmem Which w ill all ,,d tn.iov- to ihc special feature* o f the paper a.* a medium chance-----B. M o rrill, is in the stoic again ing of 1876. Jdie c< :ton . xh; :i :* of, o. a m J w hose -n i.# . i i p ljo h - a le re c e iv e d UH nt *C( ud Io hone o f these. I menu bor; John Wellington, North llaveu; L. C. o f Lcgislfttive new.', ilie Joinnal contains each though he i-n o t iu very vigorous health yet tx-foi *3O(h. ill • great fcatu!. of the alia,r a n d is of g n a t B it igham, South Dei i Isle. morning all the A-soeiated i ’le*s icports by ___No.i Tenney is s till cuulined to the house P orta, - I - i Mom-, a re m tin ri*k , f HioJ Co. iran A rt C adcjv. Here may be found a ...... Ubina IE < '..rier lias been unwell for some s gniiic.ince when we realize that !<• n th liisi telegraph, the latest slate new* and ail ill? gen­ ub r. .11. I lb l. I ire n m itlau.i' should be- mud J • "Hi - Don oi ori-in il paintings, statuary, and eral news o f the day, *o that in every re.-peeljl 'one, and for a day or two has been eoutined by n, -a . eld- I-. d raft, ol iegid* led b ll i l , Io han Hui shipped loo yens ago. the I.. u.e* other w o k* ol a it ti. t eoinparos JavorubJy A telephone ha* been put into tlie store o f i# one o f the u iy t de irablc Dailies in tlie suite t ins b ed ..-- Scwdl Haywood is visiting tor the coming th ic mouths. Price ^'2 00 lor ids Taiher-in-law, Ezra \\ ardwell-• • • M. K. ■!«>< <• at T O *, m t A a.« * A < ii.ib im rc .i-e d dial the . : j a shipmci.' . r w itli a • in iIk c o iiu ln I always visit it foi Robinson Bros, at Wiley's Comer, for the use tlie *ts?ion. I Chase i» confined to his bed. ju 8 ( P a r i s A o iG o n , at 1 a.-i a d , ut time. A fu ll de -rip tio ii o f o f J. J. Jenkins, stone worker.