Courier Gazette : December 23, 1884
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Ti-1e Courier-Gaze i I E. ROCKf.AM ) GAZETTE KSTARl.VSIl F.D 1«1O. 1 i t t o u e s the edlorlb at iftuo 1 TWO DOLLAR^ t n u t ix Xl>VANCE. ROCKLAND COtTltlKlt ESTABLISH I D (TIk Press is the Arrliiniciican ;,.\brr th a t d o lla r s a B e a r (SINGLE COllES 1»R|( I I 1X1 ri-.MM. V o i . 3 . — N exv S i ,h i e -. ROCKLAND, MAINE, 'III s S D A V , I)E( EMBER 23 . 1 8 8 4 . N l MBEH 19. CHRISAMAS IN PARIS. CHAPTER FOUR, DEAR GIDDY GOTHAM. the prisonns, but *ome o f the “ sm all” criminal W all street’s w h irl, ami now be is w nth neanv WAYSIDE GLANCES. lawyer.- were r, tainctl, ami, though the ex iriencc millions, ard is on., of the leaders in the street. ns x rn. was plain and clear, they snecc. did in getting He wa- an ardent Republican in the late cam A Ta'e of the Famous Hundred Days. It was night night in Paris.........................The flames A n o th e r Snake S to ry A G ig a n tic S w in all Imt a few nt tin smokers Bee. “ H itting paign, ami made a number o f speeches atta< k llie king o f Bavaria ha* m income , the pipe,” as it is called, i* growing in favor ing the political position of lit* pastor, Mr. from a burning structure flung lln ir deinoniae 1 dle Opium 'Joints” “Mother” Man- $2,700 a day. Ami B I'nria u b* r I* less tha delbaum to the Front--Christmas in with certain | hr “ jo in ts” are im reas- Beecher. His intense Republicanism led him two cents a glass. arms w ild ly into heaven and lighted up the i ing hi mimber, and the is laving lm!d New York Chit-chat. to make some tremendous bet* on Blaine, an.I battlements o f the Bridge Saint Bneve. A < upon ’ he live- ot great numbers of people out now he probably don't think so much of poli howling mob, drunk w itli excess o f wine, 1 side ( f t ’ e ( hit c-c colony. K ft lend o f mine tical life a* he used to. \ German scientist -,v i prr«>n In * who has x i-iti i| several j oint* to g( t materials A bashful youth named I.i/aru.- Ziintlein totallv new brain evi'i v sixtv d rys. This e: ClIAPTKll ONE. danced in w ild frenzy up the -licet, lln ir face- | tor “ w illin g lip” the ( x il ti ll* me that well- wanted a wife. He went to a matrimonial wrought in the horrible distortion of marine**. I dressed, hund-ntur* women in great ntimbzrs broker, Bmlold by name, atnl xvjs reeunmend- w hy I1AWX. A man was in their grasp. •‘hit the pipe” ami that young W all street ed to Jennie Meyer. I hcv all lived on the often. Tlie city o f Paris is the busy heart o f a mighty brokers ami cay clerks are frequent visitors at F. ,-t Side, ami, a- their names indicate, arc «-f Antoine. the “ jo in t-.'’ Tlte-e places me dingv, low- people. M illions o f Frenchmen love and rev foreign extra- tion. Jennie is fat, homely, an I -an hire in \rabiu for four dot “ To the river!” rooms, with tiers o f bunks on the sides. A forty. Eazaru-'is ten vears younger. They very cheap, but it erence it. I t is a city o f wonders. Eights and Tlie flame- leaped up ant xx and painted the m a ll lamp, with.............. a sickly............ little- yellow ____llame . re married, and while the wedding eelebra- : xe, -im ply to shadows o f human life play ever over its sur scene w itli ghastly horror A dark form | hangs from the e ilitig in the centre o f the tioti was going (m, with plenty o f her drink ( "ouldn’t do to got' Ual-i.i : face. room, llie smoker- li«? in their shelf like ing and dittoing, a stranger entered, an unhid- save imii-e rent. hurtled fiercely over the parapet, and the I bnnks and the ( ’ himimen move about noise- j den guest ut the marriage fea-t. He went t-.v i Francine lived there Francine and Antoine. blood-red waves closed over his gurgling erh * lessly preparing fhe pipes. No word i-spoken j the bride and loudly called her to account tor ... , ll’* lot max Francine's father kept a second hand drug forever. and no sound i- he m l except the breathing o f m arrying E izurus. because she had a husband * ‘ ,l" t ,|” h;,PP.v 1 the sleeper.*, occasional groans from siiioken iu flcrm anv. Then there was a sensation, so ' b i. there is one thing nt thi lid iv season store In the Fonhourg Saint Germain. Antoine The man the Rats had held iu their teeth xvn* j whose (Ireams ate not pleasant, and the « at to ip ra k . l.-tza u* had hi* bride arrested. SIk , that be can n jo i < ox r. < .m - always ad was a soldier o f the I.eglon. Francine and gone! like tread of the Chinamen. Occasionally a I tiiat she had given a rabbi in Gertnnnv journ* er Christina Antoine loved emit other. Happy, happy policeman drops iu to see how things are get to procure a divorce ,'ri»m her first husband, Fram-ine. CHAPTER FIVE. ting along and i- given a few cigars by a p ig she hadn't heard anything from tin t snmi-e Napoleon, fresh from Elba, had landed on tailed serv mt and g a s on his way rej (icing. i for live years. The court and I. iz nus were “ A Penniles* <iir l" !* the title o f a recent I.lFi:. a I satisfied, and the ticxvlv married couple xvil! the shores of France. The army lay worship novel. It the public take* no tnor? interest iu Francine -at in her chamber and sw iftly In r j • soon open a butcher’s shop -w ith the bride’s ping nt Ills feet. Like a w hirlw ind he had ‘ money. the novel th in it tisuallx dot- in pinniless nimble lingers worked upon the worsted smok* | swept down upon the capital. In ntl'rlght lin I A complimentary dinner xvas given to Patti the author will be lie xxasted hi* ing jacket. Her heart was all alive w illi love, i I at the Brunswick Hotel Saturday night by king and his craven nobility had lied from the But where was Antoine ? ! nell-know i musical, literary and journalistic little conqueror's path. The city, the people, Mas! the worsted smoking jacket was for : Olio ot tlie city pipers a fov days ago, ■ peopie. Patti xvas tin only woman pie-ent. were prostrate before him, printed a long sensational article w lueii repre Max Marctzek. the veteran operatic manager. n o , so ttx u n \s t l t - XXSWI.U. him. •• lire I’ /■'m/>rreaiirronreil the populace. sented that a large part o f the women who go J said in his speech that he first saxv Patti in Somebody tapped at the window. shopping iu Fourteenth street. Sixth avenue. Astor place. “ She ki.-sed me” he said, “ am, “ I wonder if it I* very hard to drive one •• Eire (' /-.'wi/icienHi '" shouted the soldiery, “ W ho’s there?” called Francine. Twenty-third street, ami B roadw .i\. are iu the i I gave her half a dollar.” He tell- of another Itor-e ahead of another,” mused Dor i, as she who loved their general. Yesterday they had habit of (hopping iu at ot e o f at out lifty I time in her ninth year, when just before she watched a truck wagon d riftin g past fhe No answer. wa* to go upon the *tage to sing, she refused shouted for the king, lint today the king w as restaurants iu Sixth avenue ami taking a “ tip house. Tremblingly Francine undid the fastening p i e . ’ [t was painted as a gieat ami t roving | to move until a hatful o f bon-bons were given a cipher. and looked out in ’ o the brooding night. A evil, and the article caused wide comment. her. She got the bon-bon-. It is said that “ Not if you tin I i,id it." I, ix id ans It was all one to Antoine. Neither the king she still acts in that wav. but it is noxv gold mysterious form stood silently before her. Now, I suspeet that this article was written by wered with a la,-away look iu h i- voice. nor emperor paid him Ids wages. the same innocent youth who startled the town X eagles that she demand* instead o f bon-bon-. ••W ho’s there?” again she called, affrighted. It was rlose to Christmas day* and not a cen- a week before with the iilfrighting .-mike story The dissolving views nt the Eden Musee are “ 1 !” said a deep trass voice. about the Central Park Menagerie. Both still dissolving before big crowd* that are con Olivet Wendell Holme* ays I k'ucrsoti used time had he for his sweetheart's present.