Runaway Taxes Who Pays Tax in Central and Eastern Europe?
1 RUNAWAY TAXES Who pays tax in Central and Eastern Europe? This report was produced by civil society organisations in six countries across Central and Eastern Europe including: Bulgaria (Za Zemiata), Czech Republic (Glopolis), Hungary (Demnet), Latvia (Lapas), Poland (IGO) and Slovenia (Ekvilib Institute). Research was coordinated and written by Finance Uncovered, The authors believe that all of the details in this report are factually accurate as of 5 December 2016. Authors: Collective of Authors Published by: Za Zemiata, Glopolis, Demnet, Lapas, IGO & Ekvilib Institute, Prague 2017 Publisher of English version: Glopolis, Soukenicka 23, 110 00 Prague 1 tel. / fax: +420 272 661 132 © Za Zemiata, Glopolis, Demnet, Lapas, IGO & Ekvilib Institute 2017 This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the Czech Development Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the financial donors. This publication has been realized in the framework of the „Tax Justice Together - Mobilising European citizens to place inequality and tax justice at the heart of the European development agenda during EYD2015 and beyond“ project financed by European Union. ISBN 978-80-87753-29-3 WHO PAYS TAX IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE? Introduction With participants from six Central and Eastern European Countries, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Latvia and Bulgaria we set out to look at the tax position of major companies in each country.
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