SRA: A Salmon-Like Approach to MANET Routing Filomena de Santis and Daniele Mastrangelo Dipartimento di Informatica e Applicazioni, University of Salerno Via Ponte don Melillo, I-84084, Fisciano (SA), Italy
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract. Wireless mobile ad-hoc networks are characterized by the lack of physical connections. Due to the mobility of nodes, interferences, multipath propagations and path losses, they do not exhibit a fixed topology; hence, dynamic routing protocols are required. In recent years, new approaches inspired by nature have been tried: among them, particular interest has been raised by ants and bees colonies. The characteristics inherited by the collective behaviors of social insects empower algorithms with features such autonomy, self-organization, adaptivity, robustness, and scalability. Here, we propose a salmon-based approach, that, although different since salmons do not show evidence of social behaviors, suggests interesting cues to solve the routing problem when observing salmons in their way from the birth river to the sea, and back at the spawning time. Keywords: Wireless communications, mobile ad-hoc networks, routing algorithms, bio-inspired paradigms of computation. 1 Introduction Advances in wireless communication technology have strongly encouraged the use of low-cost and powerful wireless transceivers in mobile applications. As compared with wired networks, mobile networks exhibit unique features: recurrent network topology changes, link capacity fluctuations, critical bounds to their performances. Mobile networks can be classified into infrastructure networks and mobile ad hoc networks [1]. In an infrastructure mobile network, mobile nodes communicate through wired access points that work in the node transmission range and create the backbone of the network.