CONFERENCE CENTER the CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS Salt Lake City, Utah Five Manual and Pedal Organ 103 Voices – 130 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action

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CONFERENCE CENTER the CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS Salt Lake City, Utah Five Manual and Pedal Organ 103 Voices – 130 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action SCHOENSTEIN & CO. 139 CONFERENCE CENTER THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Salt Lake City, Utah Five Manual and Pedal Organ 103 Voices – 130 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II – 5½" Wind) SWELL (Contd.) 2 32' Dulciana 61 Pipes 2 /3' Cornet (III – mf) 183 Pipes 16' Double Open Diapason 61 " 2' Plein jeu (V – f) 276 " 16' Bourdon (Wood) 61 " 32' Contra Fagotto (10" Wind) 68 " 8' Stentor Diapason (Solo) 16' Bombarde 68 " 8' Large Open Diapason (7½" Wind) 61 " 16' Fagotto (10" Wind) 12 " 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Trompette 68 " 8' Horn Diapason† 61 " 8' Cornopean (10" Wind) 68 " 8' Gamba† 61 " 8' Oboe 68 " 8' Gemshorn 61 " 8' Voix humaine†† 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute† 61 " 4' Clairon harmonique 68 " 8' Doppelflöte†(Wood) 61 " 4' Clarion (10" Wind) 68 " 4' Principal (7½" Wind) 61 " Tremulant 4' Octave 61 " ††Heavy wind – no Tremulant 4' Octave Gemshorn† 61 " †Separate Tremulant draws with 4' Forest Flute† 61 " Voix humaine stop knob 2 2 /3' Twelfth 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " CHOIR (I – Enclosed – 5½" Wind) 3 1 /5' Seventeenth 61 " 16' Bass Viol 68 Pipes 2' Full Mixture (IV-V – ff – 7½" Wind) 266 " 8' Viola Pomposa 68 " 2' Mixture (IV – f) 215 " 8' Viola Celeste 68 " 1 1 /3' Sharp Mixture (III – mf) 175 " 8' Echo Gamba 68 " 16' Bass Trumpet (7½" Wind) 61 " 8' Gamba Celeste 68 " 8' Trumpet (7½" Wind) 61 " 8' Viole d’orchestre 68 " 4' Clarion (7½" Wind) 61 " 8' Viole céleste 68 " 8' Tuba Mirabilis (Orchestral) 16' Lieblich Bourdon (Metal) 68 " 8' Millennial Trumpet (Solo) 8' Lieblich Bourdon 12 " Trumpet 8' Concert Flute (Wood) 68 " †Stops on Tremulant 4' Nachthorn 68 " 2 2 /3' Nazard 61 " SWELL (III – Enclosed – 5½" Wind) 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 3 16' Double Open Diapason 68 Pipes 1 /5' Tierce 61 " 16' Bourdon (Wood) 68 " 8' Echo Diapason 68 " 8' Open Diapason 68 " 4' Fugara 68 " 2 8' Small Open Diapason 68 " 2 /3' Twelfth 61 " 8' Silver Flute 68 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 1 8' Bourdon 12 " 1 /3' Nineteenth 61 " 8' Viole de gambe 68 " 1' Twenty-second 61 " 8' Viole céleste 68 " 16' Flügel Horn 12 " 8' Flauto Dolce 68 " 8' Trumpet 68 " 8' Flute Celeste (TC) 56 " 8' Flügel Horn 68 " 4' Principal 68 " 8' Cromorne 68 " 4' Harmonic Flute 68 " 4' Rohr Schalmei 68 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 8' Tuba Mirabilis (Orchestral) 8' Millennial Trumpet (Solo) Tremulant Stops shown by tonal family The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 4 84150sl(3)519 May, 2010 – from 514, 2003 SCHOENSTEIN & CO. 139 1 SOLO (IV – Enclosed – 11 /2" Wind) PEDAL (Contd.) 8' Open Diapason (1-10: 171/2" Wind) 61 Pipes 32' Dulciana (Great) 8' Phonon Diapason (Orchestral) 32' Sub Bass (Wood – 10" Wind) 12 Pipes 8' Symphonic Flute 61 " 16' Diaphone (Wood) 32 " 4' Principal 61 " 16' Open Wood (10" Wind) 32 " 4' Octave (Orchestral) 16' Diapason 32 " 2 2 /3' Quint Mixture (V) 288 " 16' Great Diapason (Great) 8' French Horn 61 " 16' Swell Diapason (Swell) 8' Cor Anglais (Orchestral) 16' Violone (Wood – 7½" Wind) 32 8' Clarinet (Orchestral) 16' Gamba 32 " Tremulant 16' Bass Viol (Choir) Variable Tremulant 16' Dulciana (Great) 1 Separate Shades – Grand Solo – 17 /2" Wind 16' Sub Bass 32 " 16' Bass Tuba 61 " 16' Tibia Clausa (Orchestral) 8' Tuba 61 " 16' Bourdon (Swell) 4' Tuba Clarion 61 " 16' Lieblich Bourdon (Choir) 8' Tuben (III)† 102/3' Quint 32 " 2' Tierce Mixture (IV-VI) 309 " 8' Open Wood 12 " Unenclosed 8' Principal 32 " 8' Stentor Diapason†† (25" Wind) 29 " 8' Gamba 12 " 8' Millennial Trumpet (15" Wind) 61 " 8' Flute 32 " †Draws Bass Tuba, Tuba, and Tuba 8' Bass Viol (Choir) Clarion all at 8' pitch. 8' Sub Bass 12 " ††Extend Pedal Open Wood. 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Lieblich Bourdon (Choir) ORCHESTRAL (V – Enclosed – 10" Wind) 4' Choral Bass 32 " 16' Tibia Clausa (Wood) 12 Pipes 4' Octave Flute 32 " 8' Phonon Diapason 61 " 4' Bass Viol (Choir) 2 8' Tibia Clausa 61 " 2 /3' Rauschquinte (II) 64 " 1 8' Stentor Gamba 61 " 1 /3' Mixture (III) 96 " 8' Celeste 61 " 64' Trombone (GGGGG# – 20" Wind) 4 " 4' Octave 12 " 32' Trombone 12 " 4' Tibia Clausa 12 " 32' Contra Fagotto (Swell) 2 2 /3' Tibia Twelfth 16' Trombone 32 " 2' Tibia Piccolo 12 " 16' Bass Tuba (Solo) 3 1 /5' Tibia Tierce 16' Bombarde (Swell) 16' Clarinet 61 " 16' Bass Trumpet (Great) 8' Tuba Horn (15" Wind) 61 " 16' Fagotto (Swell) 8' Clarinet 12 " 16' Flügel Horn (Choir) 8' Cromorne (Choir) 16' Clarinet (Orchestral) 8' Cor Anglais 61 " 8' Tromba (15" Wind) 32 " 8' Orchestral Oboe 61 " 8' Bass Tuba (Solo) 8' Vox Humana† (5½" Wind) 61 " 8' Bass Trumpet (Great) Tremulant†† 8' Bombarde (Swell) Variable Tremulant 8' Fagotto (Swell) Unenclosed 8' Clarinet (Orchestral) 8' Tuba Mirabilis (20" Wind) 61 " 8' Flügel Horn (Choir) †Separate Tremulant draws with 4' Tromba 12 " Vox Humana stop knob 4' Bass Trumpet (Great) ††Also draws Tuba Horn Tremulant 4' Cromorne (Choir) Pizzicato Bass* PEDAL (5½" Wind) *Plays 16' Open Wood at 8' pitch through 64' Gamba (GGGGG# – 10" Wind) 4 Pipes pizzicato relay 32' Diaphone (Wood – 25" Wind) 12 " 32' Diapason (10" Wind) 12 " 32' Gamba 12 " The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 2 of 4 84150sl(3)519 May, 2010 – from 514, 2003 SCHOENSTEIN & CO. 139 PERCUSSIONS INTERMANUAL COUPLERS Harp on Choir 61 Generators Great to Pedal Celesta on Choir 61 Generators Swell to Pedal Orchestral Harp on Solo 61 Generators Swell to Pedal 4' Orchestral Bells on Choir 37 Generators Choir to Pedal Celestial Chimes on Solo 32 Generators Choir to Pedal 4' Les Cloches de Hinckley Solo to Pedal on Great 32 Generators Solo to Pedal 4' Tower Chimes on Pedal 32 Generators Orchestral to Pedal Cymbelstern on Great 1 Generator Orchestral to Pedal 4' Swell to Great 16' Percussion stops except Les cloches de Hinckley Swell to Great couple with and are controlled by the pistons of Swell to Great 4' their respective divisions. Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great SPECIAL COUPLERS Choir to Great 4' Pedal Tutti to Swell Solo to Great 16' Pedal Tutti to Choir Solo to Great Great Tutti to Solo Solo to Great 4' Pedal Divide 12/13 Orchestral to Great 16' Pedal Divide 17/18 Orchestral to Great Pedal Divide 20/21 Orchestral to Great 4' Swell to Great Sforzando Swell to Choir 16' Solo to Great Sforzando Swell to Choir Grand Solo off Solo Swell to Choir 4' Grand Solo on Great Solo to Choir Grand Solo on Swell Orchestral to Choir Grand Solo on Choir Orchestral to Solo Solo to Orchestral Note: ■ Pedal Divide deactivates Pedal coupler notes 1-12 and Pedal stop notes 13-32, etc. COMBINATIONS (99 Memory Levels) ■ Sforzando couplers activated by toe lever. General 0, 1-20 ■ MIDI coupler to each keyboard. 1-5 and 11-15 duplicated by toe studs 1-3, 5-7, and 13-15 duplicated on right side of keyboards INTRAMANUAL COUPLERS Great 0, 1-8 Swell 16' Swell 0, 1-8 Swell Unison Off Choir 0, 1-8 Swell 4' Solo 0, 1-8 Choir 16' Orchestral 0, 1-8 Choir Unison Off Pedal 0, 1-8 Choir 4' 0, 1-7 duplicated by toe studs Solo 16' Solo Unison Off Notes: Solo 4' ■ Divisional pistons affect all couplers to divisions. Orchestral 16' ■ Programmable piston sequencer. Next and Orchestral Unison Off Review thumb pistons. Next and Review Orchestral 4' functions also can be programmed to operate on any piston or group of pistons. Indicator light to show piston sequencer in operation. ■ Pedal combinations on manual pistons optional. Pedal combinations on manual pistons to independent of Pedal combinations on Pedal pistons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 3 of 4 84150sl(3)519 May, 2010 – from 514, 2003 SCHOENSTEIN & CO. 139 REVERSIBLES CONTACT INFORMATION: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Great to Pedal (thumb and toe) Mormon Tabernacle Choir Swell to Pedal (thumb and toe) 50 North West Temple Street Choir to Pedal (thumb) Salt Lake City, UT 84150 Solo to Pedal (thumb) (801) 240-4150 Orchestral to Pedal (thumb) Solo to Great (toe) Tabernacle Organist: Richard Elliott, 64' Contra Trombone (toe) [email protected] 64' Gamba (toe) 32' Trombone (toe) 32' Diaphone (toe) 32' Fagotto (toe) 32' Sub Bass (toe) 32' Diapason (toe) 32' Dulciana (toe) Cymbelstern (thumb and toe) Manual I/II (thumb) with indicator light. Full Organ (thumb and toe) with indicator light. Separate settings for each memory level Note: Coupler reversibles affect sub and super couplers in off mode. MECHANICALS Expression shoe selector – 5 shoes Variable Tremulant 4 Crescendo programs Adjustable Bench and Music Rack Record/Playback Sequencer The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 4 of 4 84150sl(3)519 May, 2010 – from 514, 2003 .
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