352 Walkden Road, Worsley, M28 7ER PROPOSAL: Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Erection of 8No
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PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION APPLICATION No: 17/71158/FUL APPLICANT: Mr Ryan Little LOCATION: 352 Walkden Road, Worsley, M28 7ER PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 8no. semi- detached dwellings WARD: Walkden South Description of Site and Surrounding Area This application relates to a 2350sqm (approx.) site located on the eastern side of Walkden Road. The site is currently occupied by a two story detached dwelling, set in extensive grounds. Vehicular access to the site is taken from a drop crossing off Walkden Road, with parking being provided on an area of hardstanding located to the side and rear of the property and within a detached garage. There are a number of trees on site, none of which are protected by a Tree Preservation Order. The application site is located within a critical drainage area. $n4pmyne4.rtf The application site is located within a predominantly residential area being bounded to the north, east and west by residential properties in a variety of styles, including some that are in the process of being built following grant of applications 13/63859/OUT and 16/67831/REM. There is a substation located to the south, beyond which there is a landscaped area abutting the East Lancashire Road Description of Proposal Planning permission is sought to demolished the existing dwelling and re-develop the site in order to provide 4 pairs of semi-detached units, all with 4 bedrooms. The proposed dwellings which would have a maximum footprint of 14.7m by 5m, would be two stories in height, measuring 5.2m in height at the eaves and 8.3m in height at the ridge with a pitched roof. The dwellings would provide accommodation over 3 floors, one of which would be provided in the roofspace. The dwellings would front onto Walkden Road being set back at least 5.3m from the back of the footway, with each dwelling being provided with on-site parking, accessed from Walkden Road, and an area of amenity space in the form of a rear garden. The dwellings would be of a traditional form, with contemporary details including a double height square bay on the frontage. The dwellings would be of a brick construction with a grey tiled roof. Publicity Site Notice: Non HH Article 15 Date Displayed: 5 February 2018 Reason: Wider Publicity Press Advert: Not Applicable Neighbour Notification 15 neighbouring properties have been notified of this application by letter. Representations Barbara Keeley MP has objected to the application, making the following comments – Local residents tell me that they are very concerned about these proposals and that they believe such a development would affect the quality of their lives. I share these concerns. Residents on Norwood Close have expressed their deep concern that these new houses would directly overlook their properties. The plans clearly show that all nine properties would have direct access onto Walkden Road from a driveway. Considering that an average household in Walkden has two or more cars it is feasible that this proposed development would mean that eighteen cars would be accessing and exiting Walkden Road at a critical junction of that road with the East Lanes Road. The proposed development is metres away from where Walkden Road meets the A580 East Lancashire Road and where motorists can cross over the junction to join the Southbound access to the M60, M602 and M62 motorway. Walkden Road is already one of the most heavily congested roads in the area with stop-start traffic at peak times. Cars waiting to access Walkden Road from these new homes would block the pavements and add greatly to the congestion. Cars exiting Walkden Road to the driveways of the proposed homes will cause queues, as it would mean waiting to cross the traffic that queues at all times of day at the traffic lights. My constituents tell me they fear that this proposal will result in the daily gridlock on Walkden Road and other local roads being made worse. Increased congestion also causes increased pollution. Currently there are no parking restrictions at this location on Walkden Road and so any visitors to these nine houses could cause further problems by parking on pavements and causing an obstruction on the road very near to the junction with the A580 East Lanes Road. $n4pmyne4.rtf To summarise, I am concerned that this proposal to build nine houses would increase congestion and pollution on local roads. It would also cause loss of privacy to nearby residents who would be overlooked. Overall, I am concerned that this development will have a negative impact on the quality of life my constituents. Councillor Richard Critchley has objected to the application, making the following comments – My primary concern is the potential of this development to have a hugely detrimental impact on traffic flow within Walkden. The driveways for each of the proposed houses will be close to the junction of Walkden Road and the A580, the main road into Walkden and a key route for anyone in Walkden and Little Hulton trying to access the motorway network or A580. Traffic queues from the lights passed the location of the proposed driveways throughout most of the day, seven days a week. Any vehicles wishing to enter the driveways from the north bound carriageway would be blocked and have to wait on Walkden Road until a change in the lighting sequence. This would result in queuing traffic through the junction of the A580 with major implications on traffic flow throughout the area. This would be made even more difficult by the the position of the bus stop, immediately in front of two of the driveways, which would mean traffic waiting a much longer time, whilst the bus is ready and able to pull out. Due to the busy nature of this road, vehicles existing driveways to turn right would have to pull out into the south bound lane, blocking the road whilst waiting for the north bound lane to clear, again causing significant disruption and delay. Many residents who live on the street tell me that it is so difficult to turn right onto Walkden Road (north bound) that they often travel south and cut through onto Kingsway, which is safer and quicker. During peak house traffic queues down Broadway onto Kingsway to try and access the A580. Turning right out of this road is exceptionally difficult. If driveways were built opposite and with vehicles entering and leaving, this would be made dangerous and even more challenging. There are no parking restrictions on the south end of Walkden Road and close to the junction with the A580. This may mean visitors and residents of the new properties parking on the main road into and out of Walkden causing huge delays for all traffic in the town. It is essential that full time parking restrictions are implemented on Walkden Road on both sides of the road from the junction of the A580, passed Kingsway and up to the first existing properties on the road to prevent gridlock. Finally, the height of the properties is inappropriate. The existing properties to the rear are bungalows and would be dwarfed by the proposed 3 storey houses. This would lead to significant overlooking and intrusion on neighbouring residents. 27 letters of representation have been received in response to the original consultation on the application, from 22 different addresses. One of the letters is written on behalf of occupier of 4 other properties. The following issues have been raised – The proposal will result in neighbouring residents experiencing a loss of light The proposal will result in neighbouring residents experiencing a loss of privacy The proposed development will overshadow neighbouring properties The proposal will result in neighbouring residents being exposed to increase noise levels Neighbouring residents will experience noise and disturbance and disruption during the construction phase Consideration needs to be given to how contractors vehicles will enter and leave the site safely The inclusion of numerous vehicular access points into the site from Walkden Road causes concerns in respect of driver, cyclist and pedestrian safety, especially given the close proximity of the bus stop – there is a constant traffic jam from the traffic lights at East Lancashire Road back to Walkden Railway Station, particularly during peak times in the morning and evening. Vehicles wishing to turn onto Walkden Road from side streets, such as Mesne Lea Road or Kingsway, are already finding it extremely difficult due to queuing traffic and the presence of parked cars, with cars using Kingsway and Broadway as a rat run – this development will exacerbate the existing issues The proposed development will add to the existing traffic congestion in this area, with the cumulative impact of this development and other recent development in the area being unacceptable both in respect of their highway impact and in respect of the impact they have on residential amenity $n4pmyne4.rtf The proposed development does not include adequate on site car parking meaning that it is likely that cars will park on street, worsening traffic congestion at the junction – if yellow lines are introduced on both sides of the road to stop this occurring there are concerns that occupiers/visitors will park on Kingsway which already suffers from double parking There are insufficient reliable buses and trains to encourage local residents to utilise public transport The increase in traffic will result in an increase in pollution, putting residents health at risk There have been several developments