Math 372: Fall 2015: Solutions to Homework Steven Miller December 7, 2015 Abstract Below are detailed solutions to the homeworkproblemsfrom Math 372 Complex Analysis (Williams College, Fall 2015, Professor Steven J. Miller,
[email protected]). The course homepage is and the textbook is Complex Analysis by Stein and Shakarchi (ISBN13: 978-0-691-11385-2). Note to students: it’s nice to include the statement of the problems, but I leave that up to you. I am only skimming the solutions. I will occasionally add some comments or mention alternate solutions. If you find an error in these notes, let me know for extra credit. Contents 1 Math 372: Homework #1: Yuzhong (Jeff) Meng and Liyang Zhang (2010) 3 1.1 Problems for HW#1: Due September 21, 2015 . ................ 3 1.2 SolutionsforHW#1: ............................... ........... 3 2 Math 372: Homework #2: Solutions by Nick Arnosti and Thomas Crawford (2010) 8 3 Math 372: Homework #3: Carlos Dominguez, Carson Eisenach, David Gold 12 4 Math 372: Homework #4: Due Friday, October 12, 2015: Pham, Jensen, Kolo˘glu 16 4.1 Chapter3,Exercise1 .............................. ............ 16 4.2 Chapter3,Exercise2 .............................. ............ 17 4.3 Chapter3,Exercise5 .............................. ............ 19 4.4 Chapter3Exercise15d ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... .. ............ 22 4.5 Chapter3Exercise17a ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... .. ............ 22 4.6 AdditionalProblem1 .............................. ............ 22 5 Math 372: Homework #5: Due Monday October 26: Pegado, Vu 24 6 Math 372: Homework #6: Kung, Lin, Waters 34 7 Math 372: Homework #7: Due Monday, November 9: Thompson, Schrock, Tosteson 42 7.1 Problems. ....................................... ......... 46 1 8 Math 372: Homework #8: Thompson, Schrock, Tosteson 47 8.1 Problems.