DOCUMENT RESUME CG 005 786 TITLE the Literature in Drug Abuse
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 043 041 CG 005 786 AUTHOR Prooks, Gary D. ;Brooks, ronnie S. TITLE The Literature in Drug Abuse. INSTITUTION Texas Univ., Fl Paso. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 25g. EDES PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.3e, DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies, *Drug Abuse, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Marihuana, Narcotics ABSTRACT This is a bibliographical compilation of much of the literature pertinent to the current drug emphasis which has appeared since c.1960. It is divided into two general sections:(1) books and Pamphlets; and(2) articles. In all, there are 11 books and pamphlets on LSD, three on marihuana, and 52 of a more 'general nature. Articles are more numerous, and included 1pproyimately 100 entries, rather evenly dtvided among the same cateaories. (Trt) bd.,0,1 r 44 THE LITERATURE ON DRUG ABUSE U I DIAIlthIlF000 Htottlrm, IDUCA Compiled by Il wiLmut nix Nis oocumperOff ICI 01 t DUCATIOFI trACFLY AS orctreromAs ono FICIA0OUCtt OlIGAIDL4110141 room tot teresom CAIGNAVRO oot VIM OA OPMPOIOI IT POINTS OF WAY AtOlIESPOSIAM DO Met CA ?VIM row-4:040ROFFICIALoucv OFF ICI0* IDIJCU Gary D. Brooks Director, Office of Institutional Studies The University of Texas at El Paso and Bonnie S. Brooks Assistant Professor of EducationalPsychology and Guidance The University of Texas at El Paso 00 1%. 0LIN 0 THE LITERATURE ON DRUG ABUSE A. Books and Phamplets 1. L.S.D. Abramson, Harold A. (ed.). The Use of L.S.D. in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism. New York: 11-55bi:ReiTiTI, T. INT. 697 p. Cohen, Sidney. The Be and Within; the L.S.D. Story. New York: Atheneum, 19: -2 p. Hoffer, A. and H. Osmond. The Hallucinogens. New York: Academic Press, 1967. 626 p. Hollister, Leo E. Chemical Psychoses: L.S.D. and Related Drugs. Spring- field, Ill.: Thomas, 19W8. 190 p. Kluver, Heinrich. Mescal and Mechanisms of Hallucinations. Chicago: University of Cfil-Cij-6- Vress, 19-66r. 1011 p. Leary, Timothy F. High Priest. Hew York: World Publishing Co., 1968. 353 p. Leary, Timothy F. bychedelic Prayers After the Tao to Ching. Kerhonk- son, New York: Poets Press:116r- 1VolUme (unpaged). Leary, Timothy F. The Politics of Ecstasy. New York: Putnam, 19641. 371 p. Leary, Timothy F., Ralph Mitzner, and Richard Alpert. The psychedelic Experience; A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of thi-Dead. lyde Park, elf-70-0ork.: viiiity-WoBIT, 104. 159 p. Masters, R. E. L., and Jean Houston. The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. 52rp. Metzner, Ralph (ed.). The Ecstatic Adventure. New York: MacMillan, 1968. 306 p. Pollard, John C., lAnnArd Uhr, :4rd Elizabeth Stern. Pcugs. and Phantasy: the Effects of L.S.D., Psilocbin and Sernyl on poi ege students. Boston: rfttreTTrown, 196'S. 205 p. 2 L.S.D. (cont.) Richards, Louise G., Milton H. Joffe, Jean Paul Smith, and George R. Spratto. L.S.D. - 25: A Factual Account. Washington, D. C.: Bureau of Narcotics and Dangeroui-brugs, June, 1969. 36 p. 2. Marijuana. Goode, Erich. Mariivana. New York: Atherton Press, 1969. 197 p. Oursler, Will. Mari uana - the Facts - the Truth. New York: Paul S. Eriksson, Inc., . 240 p. Simmons, J. L. Mari uana; Myths and Realities.North Hollywood, California: Brandon House, . 239 p. 3. Drugs (General) Anslinger, Harry J., and Will Oursler. The Murders; The Story of Narcotic Gangs. New York: Farrar, Straus ana-COdahy, 1961. 367 p. Anslinger, Harry J., and William F. Thompkins. The Traffic in Narcotics. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1953. 354 p. Ausubel, David Paul. pilig Addiction: Ph siological, Psychological, and Sociological Aspect-f New York: Ran amouse, 195T 126 p. Barber, Bernard. Drugs and Society. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1967. 212 p. Becker, Howard Saul. Outsiders; Studies in the Socioloatof Deviance. London: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963.'T79 p. Blum, Richard H., and others. Society and Drugs; Volumes I and II. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.,o win, 400 p.T-Voli&-ITT379 p. California Bureau of Criminal Statistics, Drug Arrests and Dispositions in California, 1965. Sacramento: Bureau of Criminal Stalistics, 19-657117p. Carey, James T. TheColle e Drug,Scene.Sc Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-HallTTO . p. Chein, Isidor. The Road to H: Narcotics, Delingueng, and Social Policy. New York: BiiTclibWks, TV64, 482 p. Cole, Jonathon 0. and J. R. Witte:torn (edl.). Drug Abuse; Social and Plychopharma-Cological Aspects. Springfield; ill:: C. Thomas, T969, 176 p. Duster, Tray S. The Legislation of Morality_: Laws, Drugs, and Moral Judgement. NW-York: Tree Press, . Drugs (cont.) Ebin, David (ed.). The Drug Experience; First Person Accounts of Addicts, Writers, Scientists, and Others. gew VTIF: Grove PressThc., 1961. 385 p. Fiddle, Seymour. Portraits From a Shooting Galler ; Life Styles From the Drug Addict World. New Tarc: harper and ow, 1967. 360 p. Forney, Robert B., and Francis W. Hughes. Combined Efforts of Alcohol and Other Drugs, Springfield, Ill.: ThomaiTigg: Fort, Joel. The Pleasure Seekers. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merril, 1969. 255 p. Geller, Allen, and Maxwell Boas. The Drug Beat. New York: Cowles Book Co., c. 1969. 278 p. Giminez, John, and Charles Meredith. 112, Tight! Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1967. 167 p. Goldstein, Richard. 1 In 7; Drugs on Campus. New York: Walker, 1966. 234 p. Hollander, Charles (ed.). Background Papers on Student Drug Involvement. Washington D. C.: United States ImtionalWERAsociation, 1967. 162 p. Hyde, Margaret O. MindDrugs. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. 150 p. Hulburd, David. H is for Heroin. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1952. TgF. Jeffee, Saul. Narcotics: An American Plan. New York: P.S. Erikssori, 1966. 192 p. Johnson, George. The Pill Conspiracy.. Los Angeles: Sherbourne, 1967. 244 p. Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association Joint Committee on Narcotic Drugs. Drug Addiction: Crime or Disease?Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1961. 1)3 p. Kolb, Lawrence. ()rug Addiction, a Medical Problem. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1962. 183 p. Kreig, Margaret. Black Market Medicine. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice, 19677-104 p. Drugs (cont.) Kron, Yues J. and Edward M. Brown.Mainline to Nowhere; the Making of a Heroin Addict, New York: Pantheon 208 p. Lindesmith, Alfred Ray. The Addict and The Law. Bloomington, Indian;: University Press, 1965. 337 p. Lingeman, Richard R. Drugs From A to Z, a Dictionary. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1969. 277 p. Louria, Donald. Nightmare Drugs. New York: Pocket Books, 1966. 96 p. Lnuria, Donald. The Drug Scene. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. 215 p. Marks, Jeannette A. Genius and Disaster; Studies in Drugs and Genius. Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Pr51.71W 193 p. Moscow, Alvin.Merchants of Heroin; An In-depth Portrayal of Business In Ike. Underworld. New York: Dial Press, 1968. 276 p. National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information. Don't Guess About Drugs When You Carl Have the Facts. Washington, D.C.:7M. Government Printing Office, Publication No. 1006, 1969. 18 p. National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information.How To Plan A Drug Abuse Education Workshog for Teachers. Washington, -DT rib:I.-Govern- ment Printing Office, Public Health Publication No. 1962, November, 1969. 35 p. National Institute of Mental Health. Before Your Kid Tries Drugs. U.S. Government Printing Office, Publication No. 1W, 1969. 12 p. National Institute of Mental Health. Drug Dependence, Youth in Rebellion: AnHistorical Perspective. Washington,Th.C.: U.S.-rgirnmenEPRTIng Office, 1969. 35 p. National Institute of Mental Health. Recent ResearCh on Narcotics, L.S.D., Marihuana, and Other Dan erous Drugs.Waigiton,-15.C.: U. S. tr-o-v-ifn- WM:Milting Of ice, ub cation No. 1961, October, 1969. 20 p. National Research Council Committee on Drug Addiction. Studies on Drug Addiction, with Special Reference to Chemical Structure-IWO-fum O rive ives and Allied Synthetic Substances arid-Wig-physiological Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government 1514ntiTi-Office,1938. 143 p. Nowlis, Helen (Howard). Drugs. On the College Campus. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1969. 14-4-p. Drugs (cont.) O'Donnel, John A., and John C. Ball (eds.). Narcotic Addiction. New York: Harper and Row, 1966. 248 p. Russo, J. Robert (ed.). Amphetamine Abuse. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, c. 1968. 159 p. Saltman, Jules. What We Can Do About Drug Ahuse. New York: Public Affairs Committee, c. 1966. 2Up. Schmidt, Jacob Edward. Narcotics Lingo and Lore. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1959. 199 p. Stearn, Jess. The Seekers. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1969. 348 p. Stieb, Ernst W. and Glenn Sonnedecker. Drug Adulteration: Detection and Control in Nineteenth Century Brittain. Hadison: UniversiIroTITscoiisin 15-iiii71Ta. 335 p. Street, Leroy. I Was a Lg. Addict. New York: Random House, 1953. 246 p. Talalay, Paul (ed.). Drugs in Our Society; Johns Hopkins University Conference on Drugs in Our Society.--biTilmore: JohlITTEpkins Press l964. ITT-p. Texas Legislative Council. Narcotic Drgi Addiction and Treatment in Texas; A Report to the 56th 1._±ara-E5-4e. Austin: The tancil, 1958. -parlous U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Students and Drug Abuse. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, Y069.--T6 p. Vogel, Victor H., and Virginia E. Vogel. Facts About Narcotics and Other Dangerous Drugs. Chicago: Science Research Inc:TM?. 56 p. Winn, Mitchell, Alvin M. Chester, Heiman May, Jr., and Margueritta R. Sutton (eds.). Drug Abuse: Escape to Nowhere. Philadelphia: Smith, Kline and Frenchliboratories,-M. 104 p. B. Articles* 1. L.S.D. Abelson, P.H. "L.S.D. and Marijuana," Science. 159: 1189, March 15, 1968; Discussion. 160: 1061-2+, June 7, 1006. *Includes procedings, reports, abstracts, addresses, and papers. L.S.D. (cont.) Alexander, G.J. and others. "L.S.0:. fnjection Early in Pregnancy Produces Abnormalities in Offspring of pats," Science. 157: 459-60, July 28, 196/.