Technology’s role in counseling

Also inside: • Using movies as a mirror for clients’ lives • Irvin Yalom to keynote at ACA Conference • School counselors and education reform

52 Extras 50 46 44 42 36 Features 26 Cover Story Today Counseling

Q&A with ACA president-elect candidatesQ&A withACA president-elect and withinherown family—inthewakeofrevolution thispastJanuary. —bothinher clients A counselorinCairo reports onwhatsheobserved Diane Tayeby By combine to raise levels anxiety inEgypt Civil unrest, technology multitasking Reader Viewpoint what theimplicationsmightbeifhumannature itselfeventually changes. intelligence aspure sciencefiction,the counselingprofession shouldbeginexamining Rather thandismissingrobotic counselors,personalityuploadingandartificial JeffreyBy T. Guterman Look out—andbeyond: The iscoming Singularity Reader Viewpoint overlook schoolcounselorsinaddressing challengesfacingthepublicschoolsystem. The president ofthePublic Education Network discusseswhythenationcannot FrankBy Burtnett to education reform that thecase counselorsMaking are essential keynote address attheACA AnnualConference &Exposition inSan Francisco. The influentialpsychiatrist andauthorofpopular “teaching novels” willgive a HeatherRudow By Irvin Yalom setto share insights withcounselors can helpclientstoseetheirown lives more clearly. In assigningmovies thatfeature carefully chosenthematicelements,counselors LynneBy Shallcross Big screen therapy helping clientsandcounselors-in-training. social mediaandotheremergingtechnologieshave forconnectingwithand A growing numberofprofessionals sayit’s timetoembracethepotentialthat LynneBy Shallcross Finding technology’s role inthecounseling relationship

October 2011 October

October 2011| October Counseling Today |3 36 42 Contents26 Today Counseling 4 | 60 59 58 56 55 41 34 8 7 5 Need to Know 24 22 18 16 14 12 11 10 Columns


Classifieds Bulletin Board News &Notes Region&BranchDivision, News ACA Insurance Trust Update StatisticsMembership for FY2011 CT Letters Executive Director’s Message From thePresident The Psyway Digital Recent by books ACA members Resource Reviews Private Practice Strategies Learning Curve Counselor Career Stories Two-Minute Advocate Washington Update Learning Exam Today 2011 |October

An onlineworld Internet,. for more informationaboutAmericansandtheiruseofthe in thecounselingrelationship,” beginningonpage26. And n n n American teens n n n n American adults online andwhatthey’re doingthere. & AmericanLifeProject hascollectedstatisticsaboutwho’s because oftheInternet’s massive popularity. The Pew Internet with theirwork andgoingonlinetodisseminateinformation Numbers

by the Read thismonth’s cover story, “Finding technology’s role Many counselorsare lookingforwaystointegratetechnology sexual healthordepression. that are use, difficultforthemtotalkabout, suchasdrug 17 percent search forinformationonlineabouthealthtopics 73 percent ofteenInternet usersuseasocialnetworking site. 93 percent usetheInternet. 65 percent useasocialnetworking site. 83 percent search forhealthormedicalinformationonline. information. 87 percent ofadultInternet usersuseasearch enginetofind 78 percent usetheInternet. Numbers October 2011 October From The President CounselingToday the National of State Program Directors and the National Counseling Today Staff Council for Community Behavioral Publisher Healthcare. It was apparent from the Richard Yep discussions that professional counselors Associate Publisher are emerging as critical “go-to” helpers Carol Neiman

Don W. LockeDon W. as communities develop strategies for Editor-in-Chief prevention and treatment of substance and Jonathan Rollins mental health disorders. The steps ACA has 800.347.6647 ext. 339 [email protected] taken to support the professionalization of counseling are strongly recognized by our Senior Writer Lynne Shallcross ACA’s place peer organizations and by national mental 800.347.6647 ext. 320 health support organizations. [email protected] at the table I came away from this experience more Staff Writer convinced than ever that ACA possesses the t is empowering to me as a Heather Rudow unique opportunity to serve a broad-based 800.347.6647 ext. 307 professional counselor to observe constituency as an inclusive organization [email protected] our positive growth as a part of the I of professional counselors who serve in Advertising Representative mental health team during the past several a variety of work settings with clients Kathy Maguire years. I recently had the opportunity to needing help in many different ways. One 607.662.4451 attend the presentation of the Voice Awards of ACA’s great strengths is the diversity of [email protected] in Hollywood. I came away feeling that our members and our willingness to reach Graphic Designer ACA and professional counselors indeed out to all professionals who adhere to our Carlos J. Soto II have a “place at the table” when mental 800.347.6647 ext. 377 mission and goals as an organization. health providers gather together. [email protected] As I think about ACA, inclusivity and The Voice Awards are given annually to honor consumer and peer leaders who have acceptance are defined by the assurance that CT Column Editors all members have the opportunity to be been instrumental in raising awareness and Washington Update understanding of mental and substance heard and represented within the structure Scott Barstow use disorders and promoting the social of our organization. For more than 20 800.347.6647 ext. 234 inclusion of individuals with behavioral years, we have reviewed this representation [email protected] health problems across our country. The issue as divisions grew either large or small Counselor Career Stories Voice Awards also recognize television and as the number of divisions proliferated. Rebecca Daniel-Burke and film writers and producers who have During this time, the number of ACA 800.347.6647 ext. 230 [email protected] given a voice to individuals with behavioral members with an added membership in health problems by incorporating dignified, a division has dropped to approximately Resource Reviews 30 percent. Counselors-in-training have Stephen Flynn respectful and accurate portrayals of these [email protected] individuals into their scripts, programs grown to constitute nearly 50 percent of Private Practice Strategies and productions. The awards are part ACA’s membership. Regional or at-large representation in the ACA governance Anthony Centore of the Campaign for Social Inclusion, a [email protected] multiyear public service program of the structure has remained a constant, while additional representatives have been added Spotlight on Journals Substance Abuse and Mental Health Sheri Bauman Services Administration (SAMHSA) and with the development of new divisions. Yet [email protected] significant changes in governance structure the Ad Council. ACA is a partner with New Perspectives SAMHSA in these presentations. What have not been made. Donjanea L. Fletcher was significant to me over a two-day period In October, the Governing Council [email protected] was the “coming together” of mental health will have the opportunity to review and The Digital Psyway professionals and the acknowledgement of determine how ACA can best be governed Marty Jencius professional counselors as equal partners. in the future. Our current structure may [email protected] I had the opportunity to talk and interact still be appropriate, or it might need to Inside the DSM-5 with fellow mental health providers, be changed to better meet the needs of all K. Dayle Jones including, among others, representatives ACA members. The primary goal will be a [email protected] from the American Psychiatric Foundation, review to determine the best path for ACA Learning Curve: Notes From a Novice the American Psychological Association, the as the organization grows, moves into the Suze Hirsh American Psychiatric Nurses Association, future and becomes comfortable with the [email protected] the National Alliance on Mental Illness, respected and accepted seat it now has at the National Association of Social Workers, the providers’ table. u

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 5 See your copy of the Advance Registration Brochure included with this issue. (See the insert in the polybag)

March 21–25 In partnership with the California Counseling Association

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6 | Counseling Today | October 2011 Executive Director's message CounselingToday American Counseling Association President Don W. Locke 800.347.6647 ext. 232 [email protected]

Richard Yep President-Elect Bradley T. Erford 800.347.6647 [email protected] Executive Director Richard Yep Meeting expectations 800.347.6647 ext. 231 [email protected]

uch of life is about My initial response, of course, was Counseling Today (ISSN 1078-8719) is the monthly magazine of the American Counseling expectations. Think about it. one of shock and disappointment. How Association, 5999 Stevenson Ave., Alexandria, MAt work, we expect certain could such close-minded thinking and VA 22304-3300; Telephone: 703.823.9800; things to happen based on our actions lack of understanding of an issue that Internet: Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent or the actions of those with whom we was anything but funny exist among opinions of the editors or policies of the work. As a professional counselor, you this particular group of professionals? American Counseling Association. expect that the services you provide will Once I overcame my initial concern, I Subscriptions are available for $150 for 12 issues. help children, adolescents, adults, couples asked myself why I was so taken aback E-mail: [email protected] and families as they face life’s challenges. by the situation. Although much of my Americas: 1-800 835 6770 reaction had to do with the issue and the Europe, Middle East & Africa: For those of us who are parents, we +44 (0)1865 778315 expect our children to act, behave, learn, insensitivity, it was also grounded in my Asia: +65 6511 8000 experience and relate in certain ways, in expectations of those I was with. Single copies are available for $12.50 each This introspection led me to further by calling ACA in-house fulfillment at part because we aspire to be good at what 800.422.2648 ext. 222. we do. explore the expectations I have of others If you go to a drive-through at a fast and the expectations others may have of Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and me. I found myself comparing this with additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send food restaurant, the expectation is that address changes to ACA Member Services, someone will take your order within a the expectations ACA members have of 5999 Stevenson Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304. the association that more than 46,000 of All rights reserved, 2011 by the American matter of minutes (or seconds). Then, a Counseling Association. few moments later, you expect to be on you call your professional home. your way and eating something to satisfy As your executive director, I want to Editorial Policies do my part to meet your professional Counseling Today reviews unsolicited articles your hunger. expectations concerning what ACA written by ACA members for publication. Not Given the various expectations we have, all articles will be accepted for publication. should be providing for you. I know the it can be sobering when someone, some Send articles or request a copy of the writing ACA leadership is dedicated to the same guidelines by e-mailing [email protected]. service, some event or some action is not goal. My hope is that you will let me what we had hoped it would be. I know Anti-Discrimination Policy know if we are meeting your expectations this is part of life. However, I think it is There shall be no discrimination against any — or, of course, if we are failing to do so. individual on the basis of ethnic group, race, also instructive for professional counselors religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and/or The end of our most recent fiscal year disability. and others to learn from the experience of on June 30 marked a very successful a missed expectation. 12-month period as measured by Mission Statement Recently at a meeting, I found myself a number of metrics related to the The mission of the American Counseling in a situation I could not possibly have Association is to enhance the quality of life profession, the promotion of counseling, in society by promoting the development imagined because of my expectations of financial goals and not-for-profit of professional counselors, advancing the those who were gathered there. What one counseling profession and using the profession management objectives. With the best- and practice of counseling to promote respect person thought was a funny joke went attended annual conference in at least for human dignity and diversity. terribly wrong. This resulted in a follow- a decade, membership topping 46,000 up discussion, an opening up and a and the involvement of more than 1,000 dialogue that ultimately restored my faith volunteers on committees, task forces, in professional counselors’ desire to solve service projects and publishing initiatives, problems and move forward, knowing ACA continued delivering on its promise that all concerned were better people because of the interaction. Continued on page 57

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 7 Letters

Serving in the wake social justice movement as long overdue of traumatic events recognition of the impact that various In reference to “A day that changed a forms of oppression have on clients’ lives nation and a profession” (September), I and how mitigating these social problems wanted to say thank you for this poignant with opportunities such as the GI Bill is article reflecting on the trauma of Sept. essential to practicing a wellness model 11, 2001, and the way the event shaped of care. and molded counseling as a profession. Finally, King’s assertion that those As the residents of Alabama are facing who believe in the value of social Editorial policy the recovery and reconstruction resulting justice advocacy should join a different Counseling Today welcomes profession is inappropriate for two from the April 27 tornado outbreak letters to the editor from ACA reasons. First, it ignores the fact that that ravaged the state, counselors are members; submissions from professional identity is not static; moving to meet the needs of the many nonmembers will be published rather, it is shaped through a process survivors. Being the supervisor for a local only on rare occasions. of respectful dialogue. Second, it is installation of Project Rebound, a free Only one letter per person per necessary to recognize that because crisis counseling program developed to topic in each 365-day period higher education is cost prohibitive to serve the survivors, I found your article will be printed. Letters will be those in poverty, the voices of those to be very encouraging and deeply published as space permits and are who have experienced oppression and meaningful. subject to editing for both length can appreciate the value of social justice Thank you for not forgetting the and clarity. Submissions can be are often precluded from this dialogue. survivors of traumatic events or the sent via e-mail or regular mail and We must listen more carefully to this counselors who serve them! must include the individual’s full minority group’s voice rather than dismiss name, mailing address or e-mail Megan C. Wallace, M.S. them into another profession. Project Supervisor, Project Rebound- address and telephone number. Calhoun County Samuel Planck ACA has the sole right to [email protected] Counseling Graduate Student, SUNY at determine if a letter will be Plattsburgh accepted for publication. [email protected] Counseling Today will not Defending the value of social justice w publish any letter that contains This letter is in response to Jason King’s unprofessional, defamatory, opinion article (“Three paradoxes of the Jason King’s opinion article regarding the social justice movement fails to incendiary, libelous or illegal counseling social justice movement,” statements or content deemed September). Although King raises acknowledge several key facts. He entirely misses that the social justice movement is as intended to offend a person important points about the practicality about a way of living, not a way of doing. or group of people based on of the social justice advocacy movement, A private counselor may incorporate their race, gender, age, ethnicity, I believe that an experiential, almost many social justice principles into their religion, sexual orientation, visceral understanding of oppression gender identity, disability, daily life and practice without needing is necessary to fully appreciate why language, ideology, social class, to lead a march to Washington. Societal this model must be improved and occupation, appearance, mental change comes slowly, but it does not take incorporated into our professional capacity or any other distinction a doctoral degree in counselor education identity. that might be considered by some to advocate for social change. I say this because I was born into As Margaret Mead once said, “Never as a liability. ACA will not print degrading poverty. The main factor doubt that a small group of thoughtful, letters that include advertising that allowed me to escape this toxic committed citizens can change the or represent a copy of a letter environment and obtain an education world. Indeed, it is the only thing that to a third party. The editor was the Montgomery GI Bill, a ever has.” Although tenured professors of Counseling Today will have government-sponsored affirmative action enjoy privileges unavailable to other responsibility for determining program for veterans. Therefore, I have a practitioners, there is nothing squelching if any factors are present that deep appreciation for the ways in which the voice of nonacademic counselors or warrant not publishing a letter. beneficial social programs can radically students. It takes little time to write to E-mail your letters to ct@ a political representative or to speak out or write to alter people’s lives for the better. Unlike in favor of a movement we support. We Counseling Today, Letters to the King, I do not view the social justice need to stop being afraid of politics as movement as an expression of privileged professionals. Political awareness enhances Editor, 5999 Stevenson Ave., academics directing community our understanding of systemic influences Alexandria, VA 22304. practitioners. I view the rise of the impacting our clients and profession.

8 | Counseling Today | October 2011 I find criticism regarding the lack of Giving consideration to University (EMU) informed her of the social justice research to be ill-founded the impact of disabilities fact that she would be expected to work because research supporting its tenets I appreciate your acknowledgement of with a diverse client population as she exists. While flaws exist, the social justice persons with disabilities in the August entered into its graduate program. movement is relatively new, and there are issue (“Seeing potential, not disability”). I am so thankful for the American few social justice academics available to I am a counselor who has post-polio need Counseling Association and the other conduct studies. More research will come for a wheelchair. I, myself, find it useful organizations that filed briefs with the with time. More broadly, I would argue to have a mental health therapist. I have court in support of EMU in this case. that an overreliance on empirical research never had a rehabilitation therapist, nor The state of Michigan has a very large reinforces institutional stereotypes of I think do most others we meet in our Arabic population. I assume Ms. Ward power and privilege. There are a multitude daily work. will refuse to see clients who are Islamic of flaws and Western biases that exist In my general practice, many folks who or Muslim as well. Where does this end within current social science theories and work with me, or their significant others, if counselors can pick and choose their research. I find it difficult to dismiss an have disabilities that may or may not preferred clientele? idea simply because empirical research seem important at intake. Even though This issues speaks to the need for is lacking. If mental health professionals it’s not a presenting problem and even graduate students in counseling programs had continued to rely solely on what was though it may not be a focus in therapy, to be aware of their own biases and to well-established research, we’d still only be disability affects individuals’, families’ be willing to be on the receiving end of trained in . and friends’ lives. I’m sure we all are counseling as clients to prevent their own Advocacy is core to professional meeting persons whose functioning, or issues from clouding their judgment and counseling, whether teaching self- whose loved ones’ functioning, is affected affecting their ability to function in the advocacy skills to clients or acting as a by severe illnesses or conditions such as role of professional counselors. voice to improve our community’s well- cancer, major mental illness, blindness, It also reminds me of pharmacists being. Ignoring this obligation makes multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, who can refuse to dispense prescriptions us complicit in an oppressive society. developmental disabilities and so on. written for patients by medical doctors Professional counselors have unique Your next client could be me, with my for oral contraceptives or the “morning advantages over social workers. We professional practice, my partner of 23 after” pill. receive specialized training in forming years, my adult daughter, my siblings, my Geri Burgess, M.A., LPC, NCC relationships with our clients, which friends and my gradual loss of physical The Phoenix Center – Professional grants us a unique lens into the client’s functioning. And my next client could Counseling & Wellness Inc. world. This gives us the ability to discern be you or your loved one with similar Gadsden, Ala. individual challenges from systemic considerations. The best book I have barriers, putting us in a prime advocacy found to help us prepare to work well in The ease of diagnosing ADHD position. We must make judgments such situations is What Psychotherapists In the August issue of about what actions to take regarding Should Know About Disability by Rhoda Counseling Today, Mike Hovancsek discussed the societal barriers. This requires involving Olkin. I hope you will consider reading it challenges of diagnosing attention-deficit/ our own values, but that is why we are before I come to your office. hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He professionals. Judith M. Gibson, LIMHP specifically mentioned, “there is no valid Having completed several master’s- Lincoln, Neb. test for ADHD” and that “counselors level courses that incorporated social [email protected] take the results [of tests] with a grain of justice, I can state that in my experience, salt.” these courses were not exclusionary to Picking and choosing Given the 2009 CACREP common those with moderate or conservative preferred clientele core curricular standard requiring views. Debating with students who I read with interest the August counselor knowledge and skills of disagreed with me enhanced my growth “Executive Director’s Message” and standardized testing and behavioral as a counselor by helping to clarify my “Washington Update” articles in which observations, I am a little confused with own beliefs. If anything, these courses the legal case of Ward v. Wilbanks et al. Hovancsek’s position. In my clinical enhanced my professional identity. was mentioned. I am concerned that practice of working with children and Finally, I believe suggesting that those someone could use a creed meant to adults, I have found Michael Brown’s who support the social justice movement prevent discrimination (reference ACA “Diagnosis and Treatment of Children should leave the counseling profession Code of Ethics Standard C.5.) to claim and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/ is a profoundly disturbing viewpoint. I religious discrimination themselves. I Hyperactivity Disorder” (2000) and hope Mr. King does not let that viewpoint have to question why Ms. Ward did not Robert Erk’s “Five Frameworks for inhibit his own growth. We all have pursue a graduate degree in pastoral Increasing Understanding and Effective something to learn from one another. counseling from a Christian counseling Treatment of Attention-Deficit/ Carmen Genovese program if her religious beliefs will Hyperactivity Disorder: Predominately Master’s Counseling Student prevent her from working in a secular Syracuse, N.Y. environment. Surely Eastern Michigan Continued on page 48

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 9 Washington Update - By Scott Barstow

Army Substance Abuse Program recognizes counselors

he Army Substance Abuse involved in the development of the ACA participates in VA meetings Program (ASAP) now directive and its credentialing criteria, to promote counselors Trecognizes licensed professional and we were not given the opportunity to At the end of August, the Department of counselors as eligible for substance abuse provide input or feedback before its release. Veterans Affairs (VA) hosted two meetings treatment positions that previously had ASAP had hopes of hiring more than in Baltimore that provided opportunities been restricted to psychologists and 100 substance abuse professionals by for ACA to continue advocating for the social workers. Under Army Directive the end of September, but positions are hiring of counselors at VA facilities. On 2011-09 — titled “Employment of likely to be open after that date as well. Aug. 22, staff members with the VA Licensed Professional Counselors as Fully Counselors can search for open ASAP Office of Mental Health Services hosted a Functioning Army Substance Abuse positions by going to and stakeholders meeting with representatives Program Practitioners” — ASAP is typing “Army substance abuse program” in of ACA, AMHCA, NBCC, the American authorized “to employ licensed professional the search text box. Association for Marriage and Family counselors and licensed mental health Don’t let the position titles fool you. Therapy (AAMFT) and other mental counselors as independent practitioners Although positions might be listed as health professional organizations. In with a well-defined scope of practice.” The being for social workers or counseling addition, representatives from the Vietnam Army is attempting to significantly increase psychologists, in almost all cases these Veterans of America, Paralyzed Veterans its substance abuse provider staff to meet positions are also open to LPCs, and a of America, the National Alliance on the treatment needs of active duty military close reading of the required qualifications Mental Illness, the National Council for and their family members through services should show that counseling degrees and Community Behavioral Healthcare and delivered at Army facilities. licenses are accepted. If you are told by other mental health advocacy groups were The Army directive establishes Army human resources staff members that in attendance. credentialing and privileging standards for counselors meeting the criteria listed in ACA staff reiterated the need for the licensed counselors to be employed by the this article are not eligible, you can access a VA to conduct further work to open ASAP. The criteria include: copy of the directive on the ACA website at mental health therapist positions to n Successful completion of a master’s and share it with LPCs. The stakeholders meeting included degree in counseling from a regionally them. The directive is posted as a PDF file presentations by VA staff members on the accredited college or university that has under “FAQs/Documents” on the left- agency’s reorganization process, which its counseling program accredited by the hand column of the page. Council for Accreditation of Counseling involves the creation of separate offices and Related Educational Programs. It is unclear what impact, if any, dedicated to policy development and to (Counselors already employed with ASAP the ASAP directive will have on the operations. or who entered the application process for development of regulations to allow During the following two days, the an ASAP counseling position prior to the independent practice for LPCs within VA held its annual mental health services effective date of the directive do not have the TRICARE program. TRICARE is its conference for staff members and leaders to meet the accreditation requirement.) own separate program, and the TRICARE of VA clinics, facilities and Vet Centers. n Possession of a state license as a Management Authority may decide to ACA, NBCC and AAMFT collaborated professional counselor or mental health adopt different credentialing criteria than in staffing a table in the exhibition hall counselor at the highest clinical level those contained in the ASAP directive. to disseminate literature about LPCs and offered by their state licensure board. The Department of Defense missed a June marriage and family therapists to attendees n Passage of the National Clinical 20 deadline for issuing the TRICARE as well as to answer questions regarding Mental Health Counselor Examination. regulations but is reported to be getting the VA occupational standards for the two Although the American Counseling closer to finalizing the regulations. professions. Association, in coordination with the ACA is pleased with this step forward Our organizations continue to work American Mental Health Counselors even as we continue to advocate for with VA staff to push for more hiring of Association and the National Board for recognition of all qualified professional our members within VA facilities and Vet Certified Counselors, has been working counselors. We welcome counselors to Centers. For more information on these to gain recognition of all highly qualified report back on any challenges or successes and other issues, contact Scott Barstow counselors within Department of Defense they encounter as a result of this new with ACA at 800.347.6647 ext. 234 or programs, our organizations were not policy. [email protected]. u

10 | Counseling Today | October 2011 The Two-Minute Advocate - By Scott Barstow FREE Shipping All members of Congress can be reached Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla.) on ALL Books & Games by phone through the U.S. Capitol Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) Switchboard at 202.225.3121. Simply Rep. Rush Holt (N.J.) provide the name of the member of Rep. Edolphus Towns (N.Y.) Congress you wish to reach. Remember, Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio) only representatives can cosponsor House Del. Donna Christensen bills (such as H.R. 1995), and only (U.S. Virgin Islands) senators can cosponsor Senate bills (such Counseling as S. 604). If your members of Congress Ask senators to cosponsor aren’t cosponsors, ask them to sign on, Seniors Mental Health Access children and if they are, tell them thank you! Improvement Act Medicare is the single-largest health Ask representatives to insurance program in the country, just got cosponsor Reducing Barriers covering more than 47 million Americans. to Learning Act Many Medicare beneficiaries have a hard Introduced by Rep. David Loebsack of time finding qualified mental health easier! Iowa, H.R. 1995 would establish an Office professionals, and access problems are of Specialized Instructional Support within going to get substantially worse as more the U.S. Department of Education to and more Americans become eligible increase the department’s focus on school for the program even as more and more counselors and similar school personnel. mental health professionals retire from The bill would also create a competitive work. Nationwide, more than 120,000 matching grant program for states to licensed professional counselors are establish or expand school counseling authorized to practice independently and instructional support services and under state law. Private sector health plans programs to address barriers to learning. have covered LPCs for many years. Current cosponsors include: Ask both of your senators to cosponsor Rep. Henry Waxman (Calif.) S. 604, bipartisan legislation to cover state- Rep. Joe Courtney (Conn.) licensed professional counselors and mar- Rep. Bruce Braley (Iowa) riage and family therapists under Medicare Rep. Leonard Boswell (Iowa) at the same reimbursement rates and in Rep. Andre Carson (Ind.) the same settings as those for clinical social Rep. Betty McCollum (Minn.) workers. Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Donald Payne (N.J.) John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) introduced S. 604. Toys, Puppets, Ask representatives to You can identify your senators using games, sand, cosponsor Put School Counselors ACA’s Internet advocacy website at capwiz. Where They’re Needed Act com/counseling. sand trays, H.R. 667, introduced by Rep. Linda The current cosponsors are: Sanchez of California, would create a Sen. Mark Begich (Alaska) workbooks, $5 million pilot project to support the Sen. Barbara Boxer (Calif.) hiring of school counselors in at least 10 Sen. Daniel Inouye (Hawaii) miniatures, bop troubled, low-income high schools to Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.) help reduce dropout rates. Sen. Kent Conrad (N.D.) bags, Sand Play We applaud Sanchez for her continued Sen. Jeff Bingaman (N.M.) work in support of school counselors Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio) & for at-risk youth. ACA encourages all Sen. Tim Johnson (S.D.) counselors to ask their representatives to Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.) books, children’s cosponsor H.R. 667. Regardless of whether you call, write or books, and Current cosponsors include: send an e-mail, take a moment to put your Rep. Raul Grijalva (Ariz.) request in your own words. Studies show much more! Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (Calif.) that one individualized message written in a Rep. Grace Napolitano (Calif.) constituent’s own words carries significantly Rep. Loretta Sanchez (Calif.) more weight with congressional offices than We Carry Spanish Language Books & Games Rep. Bob Filner (Calif.) one hundred form e-mails or letters. Rep. Jared Polis (Colo.) For more information, contact Scott Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Barstow with ACA at 800.347.6647 ext. Enter coupon code: ACA and get 10% off (District of Columbia) 234 or [email protected]. u

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 11 Counselor Career Stories - By Rebecca Daniel-Burke Career counseling with some of the poorest families in America

Jackie Torres

ackeline “Jackie” Torres wrote to assessments, clients and I evaluate to stay on top of current workplace trends me one day because she wanted to their strengths and barriers through and job search strategies and share that Jbecome a blogger for the American dialogue. Our agency utilizes a variety information in creative ways. Counseling Association. After of career assessments to identify values, RDB: Did someone in your life see reading her résumé and chatting with her, interests, personality styles and strengths: something special in you early on? Who I discovered she was a career counselor for Self-Directed Search, O*NET Work valued you as a unique individual? some of our nation’s poorest families. She Importance Locator, Motivational Skills JT: I have been very lucky in that is not only resourceful, but also upbeat, Card Sort and the Myers-Briggs Type key people have supported me from warm and present. Here is her story. Indicator. elementary school all the way to my Rebecca Daniel-Burke: What is your RDB: How do those tools and current workplace. I remember how current counseling position? assessments help you plan a strategy for encouraging my second-grade teacher Jackie Torres: I currently work as a counseling? was when I was first learning English. career counselor for the Larimer County JT: Assessments are a helpful tool to use In fifth grade, my homeroom teacher let Workforce Center located in beautiful in counseling sessions because the results me take creative spins on my homework Fort Collins, Colo. I work with clients can help my clients create action plans assignments, and she let me help with who are receiving Temporary Assistance for successful employment. Going over extra projects. My high school math for Needy Families (TANF). The goal of the results with clients is always helpful teacher encouraged me to keep going and the program is to work with families in because they get a chance to interpret the to never give up. At work, I have had the achieving self-sufficiency. My caseload results for themselves. A lot of times, the most amazing managers. They are always gives me an opportunity to apply career career assessments offer new ideas that willing to let me try new things and are counseling to a variety of different clients have never considered before. always there for me. In my counseling situations, from helping clients obtain RDB: Do you gravitate toward one program, the support I received from my their GED [diploma] to identifying their theoretical orientation more than others? professors will never be forgotten. They own unique aptitudes and interests. If so, why? are the counselors I aspire to be. They are RDB: What led you down the path JT: Solution-focused brief therapy is full of knowledge and always willing to toward a career in counseling? the orientation that seems to be more take a moment to help. JT: From a young age, I was fascinated of a natural fit for me. I love the way RDB: Who are your heroes? with two things: solving puzzles and that the theory makes use of clients’ JT: My heroes are my family. My mom learning more about people. Imagine natural strengths and resources. Utilizing for reminding me that education is the key my joy when I learned that a career in strengths and finding ways to take to success, and my dad for all the support counseling could combine these two advantage of them is one of the most and laughs he provides for our family. interest areas. Counseling is the perfect invigorating parts of the theory. This type My sister Johanna for teaching me to not field for me because I am constantly of therapy is action oriented and focuses stress out about the little things in life, and learning, meeting great clients and on finding solutions. my sister Leslie for all the great stories she collaborating with fellow counselors. RDB: As you look back on your career, tells. My nephews for their enthusiasm for RDB: When you start with a client, what has been your favorite counseling music, sports and movies. My family is what assessment tools might you use? position? amazing and a great support. JT: I begin to assess clients through JT: My favorite position is my current RDB: Has studying counseling been both formal and informal assessments. place of employment, as a career coach transformational for you? One formal assessment I utilize is the for clients receiving TANF. It’s an honor JT: Yes, it has definitely been Test of Adult Basic Education to get basic to get to know my clients and to be transformational. Counseling has allowed skills information. In addition, I use able to develop working relationships me to connect with people in a more an agency assessment form that gives a with them. We work diligently to genuine way, increased my confidence level thorough overview of the client’s current develop strategies for their careers, and inspired me to a lifelong journey of situation — housing, transportation, and it is exciting to see their plans get learning. This field offers so many ways to legal and work history, etc. For informal implemented. As a career counselor, I get express my interests in a variety of settings.

12 | Counseling Today | October 2011 RDB: What mistakes have you made a homeless man and his son and their the outside world. The guitar forces me along your career path? And more journey toward visualizing and reaching to focus because I have to pay attention important, what lessons have you learned their dreams. The end always reminds to the rhythm of the music and try to from those mistakes? me of the strong and resilient nature of coordinate my hands to work together. JT: One mistake I made early on in my human beings and that, truly, anything is RDB: Is there anything else you want counseling program was lack of patience. possible. our readers to know about you and your After completing my counseling program, RDB: If you could invite any three work? I thought I would know everything there people in the world to your own personal JT: Working as a career counselor was to know about counseling. Now I party, whom would you invite and why? is simply the best! I get to learn about love the challenge of the field and how JT: I would invite Conan O’Brien all the different careers available, meet there is always something new to learn for his ability to make me laugh, J.R.R. clients that bring so much individuality and perfect. Tolkien for writing a classic trilogy that to the table and participate in continued One of my favorite classes in changed the way I see fantasy novels and learning. u school involved practicing meditation Frank Parsons for putting career guidance techniques. The techniques helped me on the map. The ability to see the humor learn creative ways to become centered in things, use of creativity in counseling and present. A favorite meditation sessions, and the drive and focus to keep practice I learned was walking with a going are some of the characteristics that purpose and paying attention to each step are needed to be an effective counselor. Rebecca Daniel-Burke is the I take. As a counselor, it’s very important RDB: Your work is intense at times. director of professional projects to develop patience with yourself, your What ways have you found to take care of and career services at the clients and the process. yourself? American Counseling Association. RDB: Is there a saying, a book or a JT: One of my favorite things to do is Contact her at rdanielburke@ quote that you think about when you reading. I love a good fantasy book. I also need to be inspired regarding your work? love to listen and sing along to eighties JT: My favorite source of inspiration music. I am learning to play the guitar Letters to the editor: regarding my work is the movie The because it provides a good way to get [email protected] Pursuit of Happyness. It is a movie about out of my own thoughts and focus on

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October 2011 | Counseling Today | 13 Learning Curve: Notes from a novice - By Suze Hirsh

Setting the stage for informed consent

etween you and me, American Counseling Association, sued (Shuffling papers) “We need to get confidentiality issues wrack by your client or maybe even risk losing a little bit of paperwork taken care of Bmy nerves. And if you ever tell your license. I remember one classroom before we talk about the important anyone I said that, I will deny it. discussion about giving casual advice stuff,” I announce, double-checking that All kidding aside, I have found that the at a party. We all thought it was a trick New Client has found each of those all- informed consent process tends to hinder question until Professor pursed her lips important dotted lines. Try as I might my efforts to establish rapport and trust and intoned, “Uh-uh. Don’t do it. If to appear unrehearsed, this part of the with new clients. Seems counterintuitive, you answer someone’s questions about session could not be any less spontaneous. right? Generally speaking, one would their mental health, even in the context So much for criterion three of Carl think New Client will relax and open of social chitchat, it could be interpreted Rogers’ Humanistic Psychology. In up when Therapist explains the standard as an implicit contract, meaning you the world of Laws, Ethics and Risk “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” are bound to uphold all the legalities Management, Authenticity has no place. policy inherent in the counselor-client and ethics as if they were your client.” Unfortunate, because studies show relationship. Not necessarily so for the What?! But one of my favorite pastimes that our lasting impression of a person New Professional. Which means that at parties is to give mental health advice generally is formed within less than a actually, the joke’s on me. to strangers. That’s why I chose this minute of meeting for the first time. As a consumer of health care services I profession in the first place. What a Bored yet? I certainly am, and I’m the never bothered to ponder the legalities downer. And a lot more complicated than one reciting the lines. Imagine how New and ethics of confidentiality. Indeed, zipping the lips. Client feels, having mustered the courage when I am in the role of New Patient Moving on to the next phase of to consider sharing intimate fears and seeking the services of Health Care professional development, counselors-in- foibles with a complete stranger, only Professional and Receptionist hands me a training once again can expect the twin to discover Therapist is an automaton sheaf of consent forms, I breeze through demons of Confidentiality and Informed singularly concerned with completing them, scanning only for dotted lines. Consent to rear their ugly heads. paperwork. But wait. There’s more! With each happy little discovery, I scratch Especially at agencies regularly audited by (Leaning forward in seat) “First, it is my unintelligible signature. Voila! Here the government or insurance companies, important for you to know that what we are your papers, Gatekeeper. Oh, and by supervisors stress the sanctity of these talk about in this room stays between us.” the way, I had to use my own pen because bugaboos by visiting upon fledgling New Client releases a noticeable out- the one at the end of this annoying chain counselors the fear of God/Spirit/A breath here, presumably relieved. Scotch taped to the clipboard was out Higher Power/Spiders/Snakes/Heights “But there are two main exceptions.” of ink. — or whatever it is, depending on your New Client typically appears a bit Since the roles have flip-flopped, I personal beliefs, that puts fear in you. stricken to hear this. find myself upended and downright Thus, having been directed by the Remember Tarasoff? Landmark case, anxious. Now acting as the Designated proverbial Powers That Be to greet New breaching confidentiality and such? I do, Health Care Professional in the scene, Client with a soliloquy on informed mainly because I like to say the name. I’m less concerned with the dotted lines consent, I’ve written a little script. It goes Tarasoff, Tarasoff, Tarasoff. It fairly rolls and more concerned with the fine ones. something like this: off the tongue. I digress. Back to the Namely, the fine line between creating (Sweeping one arm out, palm up, like script now. an emotional safe place for clients versus Vanna White revealing a completed puzzle (Tipping head conspiratorially, forward establishing their legal protection — on Wheel of Fortune) “Go ahead and and slightly to the right) “One exception and mine. Maybe it’s fallout from the have a seat anywhere you like,” I say, to confidentiality is if we should find at shock-and-awe approach taken first by hoping New Client will not choose the any time that you are at risk of harming my profs in grad school and later by my black, imitation-leather swivel chair at my yourself or anyone else, we would release supervisors. desk. That would be awkward. Telling, only the information necessary to keep In student mode, the ethics and but awkward. Given that no one has everybody safe.” legalities of confidentiality seemed yet to make this particular power play, I Here I offer a hint of a smile, pretty straightforward. Zip your lips and then plop into my seat to continue my communicating that we both know this everybody will be just fine. Flap your dutifully memorized informed consent doesn’t apply to YOU, but I’m obligated gums and you could be sanctioned by the patter. to say it, sort of like the Miranda warning

14 | Counseling Today | October 2011 on cop shows. Wink-wink. My approach states that you must not misrepresent I have more experience than I really do. once backfired big-time when New Client yourself in any way that could indicate Another bullet dodged. responded with this little verbal grenade: you have more experience than you do,” But what of my more, shall we say, “I’m trying to decide how to kill myself she said, eyes narrowing as she whipped “fresh-faced” peers? I find it supremely today.” Boy, did I misread that guy. off her specs with a flourish. ironic that in assuring clients of Here comes the bomb that seasoned Pish posh, professor. Clearly some confidentiality, we newbies invite the counselors don’t have to drop: “And dusty old statutes don’t scare the likes of very real (and awkward) possibility that the second exception is that I’m a state- Supervisor. “Just tell them, ‘All that this their confidence in our abilities will be registered intern, so my supervisor designation means is I’m completing my undermined. reviews my cases with me to make sure hours for licensure,’” Supervisor said. “If Hey, I just thought of something. I you are getting the highest quality care.” they question your experience, tell them (Audience gasps. Cue menacing you’re a ‘master’s-level therapist’ and that wonder if having crow’s feet and age spots background music.) The gig is up. New you’ve completed a postgraduate degree violates the statutes about misrepresenting Client now has been informed that I have that has prepared you thoroughly for one’s level of experience in the profession? some strange designation they have never this work. You don’t want to get into too (Simultaneously dropping face into cupped heard of. What will they do? What WILL much detail, or they’ll feel like you’re hands and shaking head slowly from side to they do? getting defensive. If you take that detour, side.) So confusing. I’m too old for this. u Most of the time, nothing. Sometimes you’ve lost their confidence.” they’ll ask if I’m licensed. And every once Works for me. But I am a special case, in awhile, they’ll go through the motions fortunate in that I did not find my calling Suze Hirsh is a state-registered for the rest of the hour, later requesting until middle age. Although others say intern in mental health counseling a transfer to “someone with more I look nowhere near my chronological at a not-for-profit community experience.” To counter this particular age (that means “younger,” right?), I still social services agency in South circumstance, Supervisor advised me have a pair of crow’s feet and a smattering Florida. Contact her at suze.hirsh@ when practicum began to answer of age spots. In other words, because I truthfully, yet vaguely. This was maybe clearly am not a member of a generation Letters to the editor: a teensy bit afoul of what Professor had named after any letters at the end of the [email protected] taught in grad school: “The law explicitly alphabet, New Client likely will assume

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 15 Private Practice Strategies - By Anthony Centore

The not-so-superbill (and other questionable methods of encouraging private pay)

ounselors have run cash Unfortunately, some private-pay Here are three reasons why the practices since the beginning counselors are using questionable statements are too optimistic: Cof psychoanalysis. Today, methods to convince clients to pay out 1) Insurance rarely pays a counselor’s however, a wave of change is occurring of pocket for care. Two methods are full fee. Providers might suggest that wherein clients are, more than ever, addressed below. their superbills will facilitate insurance demanding that their counselors accept to pay their full fee. This almost never Method one: The superbill health insurance. There are many reasons happens. A counselor’s full fee is usually A superbill is a receipt for services that for this, but consider these three points: double what insurance companies contains the basic information requested 1) In tough economic times, clients consider their “customary rate.” For by insurance companies (generally from have less discretionary cash. instance, although a typical counseling fee 2) Mental health parity means that the provider) before payment is rendered. might be $140, the customary insurance counseling is almost always a covered Private-pay counselors can require clients rate is about $75 ($55 after the client’s health care benefit. to pay up front for services and then copay). Insurance plans, even those with 3) As counseling has established itself as issue clients a superbill receipt. Although out-of-network benefits, rarely pay above an important medical service, clients now there is nothing unethical about this, the their customary rate. see their counselors in the same light as way superbills are presented to clients their family physicians (who have always can be misleading. What follows are 2) Out-of-network benefits often accepted insurance). two quotations (taken from counselor cover only a percentage of the Although these changes have been websites) that exemplify how the superbill customary rate. This is a type of “penalty” going on for years, a tipping point is often explained to clients: clients endure for selecting a provider has taken place. Today’s clients aren’t “I will give you a ‘Super-bill’ fee out of their network. For example, an sheepishly asking, “Will you accept my statement for you to submit directly insurance company might pay 80 percent insurance?” They’re demanding it. to your insurance company for of its customary rate of $75. That’s $60 reimbursement. I will work with you as (less the copay) reimbursed after the client Private pay or managed care? you work with your insurance company has paid $140 to the counselor. Some counselors are in such high In addition, some insurance companies demand that they will never need to to receive maximum benefits.” have deductibles for out-of-network accept insurance. If you’ve reached this “[Name Removed] Counseling, LLC services that differ from the in-network status, congratulations! For the rest of us, will provide you with a ‘super bill’ for deductible. Hence, even if clients have out- however, not accepting health insurance each date of service. This ‘super bill’ of-network benefits on their policies and means a significant percentage of will provide all the information your have met their deductibles for in-network potential new clients will simply schedule insurance company requires in order to with the counselor down the block (and reimburse you.” benefits, they may not have met their these days, there are a lot of therapists The preceding quotations are out-of-network deductibles, meaning they from which to choose). problematic in their optimism. In fact, an might not receive any reimbursement. One solution is to get credentialed with argument can be made that they contain 3) Many clients don’t have out-of- insurance companies and bill third-party a “lie of omission,” which is that for network benefits. As health care costs payers for your services (full disclosure: many clients, superbills are ineffective for increase, many individuals are opting for My company helps counselors do this). obtaining reimbursement. It is always the HMO (health maintenance organization) An alternative solution is to remain client’s responsibility to check his or her plans over PPO (preferred provider private pay and work hard at creating an benefits. However, if counselors oversell organization) plans. Generally, this means extraordinary service for which clients the superbill, clients will feel burned out-of-network benefits are nonexistent. willingly pay out of pocket. Both options when they realize the superbill wasn’t so In these instances, the client will receive no are good ones. “super” after all. reimbursement after seeing a counselor.

16 | Counseling Today | October 2011 A truly transparent statement regarding In summary, the messages some My concern for your health insurance a superbill’s efficacy would sound counselors use to scare clients include: premiums has very little to do with something like this: n Your “permanent record” will my decision not to accept your health “Although we don’t accept insurance, show that you are psychologically insurance.” we are happy to provide you with a unbalanced! superbill. Some clients will receive a Private-pay and n Your premiums will skyrocket! portion of counseling fees reimbursed to insurance-pay counselors them from their insurance companies. n You might become uninsurable! Running a private-pay practice has its benefits. There is less paperwork, and the Many clients will not receive any n Don’t use the insurance benefits that provider gets to set his or her own rates reimbursement. Being reimbursed our you’re paying for — it’s too dangerous! of service. With exceptional care, and a full fee is extremely rare.” George Ohlschlager, who has written strong reputation in one’s community, extensively on counseling ethics, describes Method two: Promoting fear building a private-pay practice is the issue as “an overblown fear.” He notes Some counselors who do not want to achievable — especially if you only desire he has not encountered a single firsthand accept insurance attempt to persuade a part-time caseload. (or verifiable real-world) example of a clients to pay for counseling out of pocket Alternatively, getting credentialed with person suffering damages after using by using fear. Consider the real examples insurance companies is also a good option. health insurance to pay for mental that follow, which are similar to versions Family doctors, chiropractors and even health services. Although conceding posted on many counselors’ websites: dentists have accepted insurance for years. that “outlandish things are possible,” “For your protection and There are many companies (of which he describes the aforementioned fears confidentiality I recommend that, if Thriveworks, my company, is just one) as “issues of anxiety to be talked about possible, you pay for your counseling that can help you get on insurance panels, in therapy,” not reasons to avoid using without using insurance. Insurance and medical billing can be outsourced health insurance. companies require me to disclose highly so that you can remain focused on your personal information about you. The In contrast, a colleague and friend who passion — seeing clients. confidentiality and privacy of this had seen a psychiatrist for roughly three Whichever route you choose, be open information cannot be guaranteed. They years for substance abuse and depression and honest with clients about why also often restrict the number of sessions was later denied life insurance by the same your practice accepts (or doesn’t accept) they will authorize, even if you and I feel company paying for his mental health particular payment methods. u you still need help.” services. It is plausible the two are related. “Please be aware that if you choose Still, a question ensues: What kind of to submit a superbill to your insurance health care provider dissuades patients company, your private medical from using their insurance? The answer: information will be released. This may A provider who doesn’t want to accept Anthony Centore is the founder impact your future insurance coverage, insurance. of Thriveworks, a company that rates and reimbursement.” Here’s a truthful disclosure counselors helps counselors get on insurance “To get therapy paid for by your can use to inform clients about health panels, find new clients and build medical insurance of any kind, you will insurance risks: thriving practices. Contact him at have to be diagnosed with a mental “Millions of people have seen counselors [email protected]. ‘disorder’ of some kind. That will be and used their insurance to pay for in the computer database, available to services. The vast majority have noticed Letters to the editor: insurance companies and, possibly, to no change in their personal insurability [email protected] future employers (and to the press if you or health insurance premiums as a result. However, such an occurrence is possible. run for president).” NEW! 2011 EDITION!! NOW AVAILABLE!!! STUDY GUIDE FOR THE NATIONAL COUNSELOR EXAM AND CPCE Dr. Andrew Helwig announces the publication of the Sixth Edition of this very popular exam study resource. Over 400 pages cover the eight content areas of the NCE and CPCE. The book includes the new NBCC Work Behavior Analysis results and changes in the number of items per content area on the NCE. Also included are two practice exams, study strategies, exam taking tips, and the ACA Code of Ethics. The Study Guide costs $79.95. Workshop DVDs (over 6 hours during a one-day review) are available for $69.95. Save $20 by purchasing both at the same time. Order at website: Email: [email protected] for more information.

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 17

Resource Reviews - With Stephen Flynn

Experiential Activities for contains between four and 19 activities practitioners might use the activities Teaching Multicultural addressing the indicated area of to examine their own multicultural Competence in Counseling competence. Example activities include competence and potential biases. This Edited by Mark Pope, Joseph S. The Cultural Encounter: An Exercise book is recommended for anyone Pangelinan & Angela D. Coker, 2011, in Working Through One’s Cultural providing training in multicultural American Counseling Association, 372 Biases in the chapter on The Culturally competence because it compiles a variety pages, $40.95 (ACA members); $59.95 Skilled Counselor, Cultural Genograms of multicultural activities and presents (nonmembers), Order #72904, ISBN: in the chapter on Cross-Cultural Family them in a concise, easy-to-access style that 978-1-55620-284-1 Counseling and Racial-Cultural Dyadic can be utilized in a variety of settings. Experiential Role-Play in the chapter on Cultural Reviewed by Thomas J. Sherman, licensed Activities Identity Development. professional counselor, McDaniel College. for Teaching The activities themselves are short and to the point, with each described Multicultural in two to four pages. Enough direction You Majored In What? Mapping Competence is provided to assist with planning Your Path From Chaos to Career in Counseling, how to incorporate each activity into By Katharine Brooks, 2010, Plume, 320 edited by Mark a lesson. All activities are presented in pages, $16, ISBN: 978-0-452-29600-8 Pope, Joseph the same manner, with an explanation From the first S. Pangelinan of the activity’s purpose, learning word of this book to and Angela objectives, target population, group size, the last, I was asking D. Coker, time required, setting and instructions myself, “Where is an accessible book containing 121 for conducting the activity. The level was this when I was different activities covering a breadth of challenge for each activity is not in college?” Then of multicultural competence areas. The listed, and some of the activities could I asked, “Where editors gathered an impressive list of be more or less challenging based on was this when I contributors who have demonstrated the instructor’s facilitation skills. The was working with excellence in different areas of activities that do require facilitation college students in multicultural competence and counseling. could be adapted both for master’s- career and academic Contributing authors include Michael and doctoral-level students, with the planning?” D’Andrea, Judy Daniels, Danica G. Hays, instructor providing differing depths The audience for You Majored in What? Arpana Inman and Rebecca Toporek. of discussion as appropriate for the is college students, but not just college The diversity of contributors leads to the audience. To help instructors conduct the students undecided about what their ma- inclusion of quality activities that can be activities, a supplemental CD containing jor should be. The book is a rich resource used in advanced course lesson planning reproducible handouts and PowerPoint for career and academic counselors work- or incorporated into a class to address slides is included. This contributes to ing with college students either in college specific areas of competence. the versatility of the activities, allowing campus settings or private practice. Spe- The book covers an impressive instructors to either use the handouts as cifically, it would be an excellent resource selection of multicultural topics. they are or modify them to fit the needs to use as the main text for a career devel- Chapters include Introduction to of the target audience. opment or exploration class or in design- Multicultural Counseling, Definitions of Experiential Activities for Teaching ing and leading a career exploration and Cultural Diversity, Barriers to Effective Multicultural Competence in Counseling preparation workshop series. The step-by- Cross-Cultural Counseling, Cultural is an ideal book for counselor educators step activities offered in the book could Communication Styles, Cultural to include in their lesson planning, but serve as practical resources for counselors Identity Development, Oppression it can also be adapted for a wide range to use with students in one-on-one ses- and Discrimination, Dimensions of of settings and a variety of audience skill sions as well. Worldviews, The Culturally Skilled levels. Counselor educators can use the Counselor educators teaching career Counselor, Cross-Cultural Family book during instruction on multicultural counseling courses could also use this Counseling, Counseling Specific counseling or adapt it to strategically book. Chaos theory is an often over- Cultural Groups, and Socioeconomic infuse multicultural competence looked approach to career counseling and Status and Social Class. Each chapter activities into other classes. Independent career development, as courses in career

18 | Counseling Today | October 2011 Group Work and Outreach Plans Hot Off for College Counselors edited by Trey Fitch and Jennifer L. Marshall the Press In this book, group work and college counseling leaders offer step-by-step instruction in the effective use and processing of structured group activities on From ACA! topics such as test anxiety; stress and anxiety manage- ment; ADHD; career development; substance abuse; Order Online: eating disorders; and the unique concerns faced by GLBT students, first-generation students, ethnic mi- nority populations, student athletes, and combat vet- By Phone: 800-422-2648 x222 (M-F 8am – 6pm) erans. The descriptions of each activity include tips for successful implementation as well as an overview of relevant theory and research on the topic. Handouts throughout the text enhance the book’s usefulness in the classroom and with faculty and parents. 2011 | 312 pgs Order #72911 ISBN 978-1-55620-311-4 List Price: $49.95 ACA Member Price: $34.95

Experiential Activities for Teaching Multicultural Counseling and : Theories and Competence in Counseling Interventions, Fifth Edition edited by David Capuzzi and Douglas R. Gross edited by Mark Pope, Joseph S. Pangelinan, and Angela D. Coker This student-friendly text provides a thorough This practical resource is for faculty teaching overview of 14 widely used theories. Experts exam- beginning and advanced multicultural counseling ine each theory from the perspective of its historical courses or other core classes who want to infuse is- background, major constructs, goals, cross-cultural sues of cultural diversity into the classroom. It con- considerations, and limitations. Traditional and brief tains 121 engaging and thought-provoking activities interventions integrate theory with specific counsel- on a wide variety of multicultural topics. All activities ing strategies, giving students further insight into the are tied to the core content areas of the 2009 CACREP counseling process and guidance in developing their Standards, making this a perfect tool for the clinical personal counseling style. A consistent case study training of counseling students. A CD-ROM with exercise handouts in a across chapters reinforces the differences between theories and illus- PDF format accompanies the book for ease of copying and distribution trates assessment and treatment planning. A complimentary test manual in the classroom. 2011 | 372 pgs and PowerPoints for instructors’ use are available by request on university Order #72904 ISBN 978-1-55620-284-1 letterhead. 2011 | 408 pgs List Price: $59.95 ACA Member Price: $40.95 Order #72902 ISBN 978-1-55620-271-1 Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into List Price: $69.95 ACA Member Price: $49.95 Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice, The Creative Arts in Counseling, Fourth Edition Second Edition Samuel T. Gladding edited by Craig S. Cashwell and J. Scott Young In this detailed examination of the expressive ther- apies, Dr. Gladding demonstrates how music, dance, An introductory text for counselors-in-training and imagery, visual arts, literature, drama, and humor can clinicians, this book describes the knowledge base be used effectively in counseling. Combining history, and skills necessary to effectively engage clients in theory, and application, he provides a rationale for an exploration of their spiritual and religious lives to using each art form with how-to strategies for work- further the counseling process. Through an examina- ing with clients of all ages and diverse cultural back- tion of the 2009 ASERVIC Competencies and the use grounds to promote positive change and growth. This of evidence-based tools and techniques, it will guide fourth edition includes Creative Reflection sections you in providing ethical services to clients. This edi- that give readers an opportunity to ponder their own creativity and, for tion includes new chapters on mindfulness, ritual, 12-step spirituality, greater ease of use, a new chapter that briefly describes each of the 117 prayer, and feminine spirituality. 2011 | 320 pgs exercises found in the book. 2011 | 308 pgs Order #72906 ISBN 978-1-55620-310-7 Order #72909 ISBN 978-1-55620-314-5 List Price: $54.95 ACA Member Price: $39.95 List Price: $48.95 ACA Member Price: $29.95

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 19 counseling tend to focus on more tradi- tional theories such as Donald Super’s life span theory and John Holland’s career Editor Sought choice theory. The book’s detailed activi- ties could be used in class to help students understand ways to work with clients in for JCD the career development process. Katharine Brooks provides a powerful explanation of chaos theory, on which The Publications Committee of the American Counseling Association (ACA) is the book is based, without overwhelming seeking applications for editor of the Journal of Counseling & Development (JCD), readers with “theory talk” and lofty ACA’s flagship journal. Selection criteria for the position include the following language. She writes as if she is speaking directly with readers in a one-on-one n Previous experience as a journal editor counseling session, thus engaging them n A publishing record that includes scholarly publications in peer refereed journals immediately in the book. n A history of involvement in and contribution to ACA through its divisions, The activities, presented in a workbook- organizational affiliates, branches, governing bodies, and/or committees type format, move readers to become active n An understanding of and commitment to the mission of the association participants in their career development n A belief in the importance of promoting multicultural competence in journey through brainstorming, counseling intentional and focused thinking activities, n A solid commitment from the applicant’s university/employer for financial and reflection and self-narrating forwards. For editorial support example, Brooks engages readers early on The appointment of editor is for a 3-year term beginning July 1, 2013. The with an off-the-page, out-of-the-book successful candidate will begin serving as editor-elect July 1, 2012. There is a activity to begin creating their “wandering possibility for the editor to be reappointed for a second 3-year term. The JCD maps.” This initial activity provides the editor receives a $1,000 monthly honorarium as well as some reimbursement for foundation that readers will build on as journal-related expenses. they complete subsequent activities. Chaos theory will be an unusual approach to Applicants must be ACA members and bilingualism is a plus. For an applicant to the career journey for many, so Brooks be considered by the ACA Publications Committee, the following material must not only challenges readers with these be provided: innovative activities but also provides examples of what others have put together n A current curriculum vitae to provide a guide to get readers started in n A complete list of publications and reprints of no more than three of the the brainstorming and creative processes. applicant’s most significant journal articles For instance, she offers an example of a n A statement from the applicant discussing his or her intended editorial direction wandering map and shortly thereafter for the Journal of Counseling & Development provides an example of how to “connect n A statement from an administrator of the applicant’s institution/employer the dots” among themes. Brooks also describing support for the appointment provides prompts or leads to assist readers who may be stuck in the process, while All applications must be received no later than December 31, 2011. Late or consistently emphasizing there is no one incomplete applications will not be considered. The Publications Committee will right way to approach the process. screen all candidates and present its top nominees, in ranked preference, to the Because the book chapters are Governing Council for approval at the ACA Annual Conference & Exposition in connected, readers are not left to wonder San Francisco, March 21–25, 2012. whether they will ever revisit an activity they just completed. Some activities build Send application material for receipt by December 31, 2011 to on earlier ones, while others relate to previous thoughts or processes rather than Carolyn C. Baker, Director of Publications to specific activities. Brooks also connects American Counseling Association activities from early in the book to what 5999 Stevenson Avenue employers are looking for or how those activities might apply to employers. For Alexandria, VA 22304-3300 example, in Chapter 3, she shares how

[email protected] information on “mental wanderings” relates to employers and why employers care about each type of mindset discussed in the chapter.

20 | Counseling Today | October 2011 Brooks also discusses how traditional only in identifying the students who need vague, most chapters provide relatively in- approaches to career decision-making can help and what their concerns are, but also depth and well-explained discussions of take a linear approach. This means that in reaching out to them in effective ways group sessions, along with easy-to-follow counselors might have to “sell” parents while developing beneficial programming guidelines. More important, each chapter on the nontraditional ideas presented in to support them, all within the scope of provides a constructive and invaluable this book in an effort to collaborate with overtaxed schedules and underfunded beginning point for the counselor or them and to encourage them to provide budgets. That is where Group Work and outreach provider. It is easy to imagine additional and consistent support to their Outreach Plans for College Counselors many of these group activities or outreach students during the process of career comes into play, putting a treasure trove programs being used “as is,” but there exploration. of collected resources and well-outlined is also plenty of room for them to be Brooks takes readers from the very guides at one’s fingertips. adapted to specific populations, campuses beginnings of thinking about their career It is quickly clear to the reader that this or situations. process to ideas for decision-making, then practical book not only identifies a large The most exciting aspect of this on to writing résumés and cover letters, quantity of issues pertinent to college resource is the vast array of subject matter and finally to interviewing. She provides a students and those who serve them, but that it covers. Topics are too numerous comprehensive and engaging resource that that it does so in an exceptionally well- to list, but they include all one would founded and useful way. Separated into will be useful in a career and academic expect of a resource designed for college three sections with a total of 36 chapters, counselor’s work with individuals and counselors, plus many that are specific groups, as well as for counselor educators the book is easy to navigate but holds to unique populations such as combat teaching career classes. a wealth of information for almost any veterans, the LGBT community and situation on any campus that a college Reviewed by Angela S. Shores, owner, Native American students, among others. counselor or outreach coordinator might Agápē Counseling and Consultation PLLC. At the end of each chapter, individual come across. authors also provide handouts they The first section offers a few solid Group Work and Outreach Plans refresher pages about college student discuss within their structured group for College Counselors development, the value of outreach and sessions. This represents a valuable Edited by Trey Fitch & Jennifer L. a brief but crucial discussion of diversity resource collection in and of itself. Marshall, 2011, American Counseling issues. A sufficiently comprehensive Drawing on the research and Association, 312 pages, $34.95 (ACA discussion of ethical and legal issues experience of the many authors who members); $49.95 (nonmembers), for group work is also provided, as provided resources for this book, new Order #72911, ISBN: 978-1-55620-311-4 well as advice on providing safe group and experienced college counselors and College is a environments and designing a group with outreach programmers alike should easily stressful time in thoughtful intent. be able to create and implement any of life, overwrought The next two sections offer a plethora these group sessions. This book has the with academic, of structured group sessions and outreach potential to help professionals address social and programs, with each topic receiving a wide variety of college students’ needs developmental individual attention in its own chapter. and provide effective and useful services pressures. College Section 2 covers group counseling and to meet the increasing demands — and students are support groups, while Section 3 focuses to do so within the budgetary and time expected to on outreach programs. The authors of the constraints that plague many counseling balance many individual chapters offer brief but useful centers. Every counseling department different demands, background introductions to their specific should make shelf space for this book while also often being treated for topics, complete with references should before the start of another semester. mental health issues or struggling with the reader like to learn more. In addition, Reviewed by Jenna Gehl Jones, research each chapter offers objectives for the their psychological well-being. This associate and assessment counselor, group session or program being discussed, increasingly stressed population has thus University of Notre Dame. u placed a growing demand on university along with well laid out group plans that resources, and college counseling centers alert readers to the themes of each session are truly one of the key players in and any materials needed or activities Stephen Flynn is an assistant managing this changing demographic. involved. These provide a valuable wide- professor of counselor education At the same time, there is increasing angle view of the group’s purpose, plus and the clinical experiences urgency for college counselors to identify bullet points that are useful for the group coordinator at the University of students’ most pressing issues, to research leader to keep in mind when describing South Dakota in Vermillion. Contact those issues and to develop quality the group to potential participants or key him at [email protected]. programming to attend to student stakeholders. needs. These converging conditions have The most valuable part of each chapter Letters to the editor: created ongoing difficulties in the college is contained in the group session outlines. [email protected] counseling field. The challenges lie not Although some descriptions may seem

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 21 Recent books by ACA members

Toward a Positive Psychology The School Counselor’s Guide: The Needy Therapist of Religion: Belief Science Elementary School Guidance By Erin Jae Bydlo, available as an e-book in the Postmodern Era Curriculum Activities Erin Jae Bydlo is a real person using By Robert Rocco Cottone, John Hunt The School Counselor’s Guide: Middle a fake name and a lot of humor to Publishing Ltd. School Guidance Curriculum Activities bring you closer to the inner world of This book addresses mental health a working psychotherapist. No one, issues and religion by means of post- The School Counselor’s Guide: High including Erin Jae, escapes getting thrown modern philosophy, positive psychology School Guidance Curriculum Activities under the bus in her pursuit of the truth and ethics. The author presents ground- By Mark D. Nelson, Routledge about love, relationships and living with breaking ideas in a clear and entertaining These three books are valuable integrity. Paperback version available way, criticizing the ancient religions and resources for school counselors and others Nov. 1. challenging readers to relinquish ancient delivering guidance curricula to students w and modernist viewpoints. Readers will in K-12 school settings. The books be confronted with a perspective-altering include classroom guidance activities More Brief Therapy Client Handouts view of religion. and evaluation tools that are based on By Kate Cohen-Posey, John Wiley & Sons w the national standards of the American This book offers a collection of more School Counselor Association. than 200 jargon-free, psychoeducational The Power of Grieving w handouts on meditation, self-, By Maryjane Boggini-Atkins, , common problems, CreateSpace School Based Group Counseling relationship problems and specialized This is an inspirational guide that By Christopher A. Sink, Cher Edwards & communication skills. A CD is included gently leads you through the grieving Christie Eppler, Wadsworth Publishing/ so that all handouts can be printed and process, before, during and after your Cengage personalized to suit the counselor’s needs. loss. Although the pain of loss may never Highly relevant, comprehensive and completely go away, you can choose to “hands on,” this book guides readers w rediscover the joys of life from a different through the process of developing, perspective — the one from the “here running and evaluating quality small Getting More Done on a Shoestring: and now,” the place where healing, groups in K-12 school settings. The Free Technology Tools for Educators, compassion and new meaning come authors use the lens of real-world Trainers and Entrepreneurs together to form a stronger you. school-based practice, strengths- By Janet E. Wall, Sage Solutions (e-book) w based counseling, systems thinking, If you are timid about using technology multicultural-developmental psychology to promote your work or your services, Humanistic Perspectives on and ASCA’s National Model, resulting this e-book gives you dozens of Contemporary Counseling Issues in a professional, comprehensive and technology tools that will help you Edited by Mark B. Scholl, A. Scott well-balanced group counseling text perform your job more efficiently and McGowan & James T. Hansen, Routledge for K-12 preservice and in-service with greater outreach and visibility. For This book explores contemporary school counselors and psychologists and those who are somewhat technically counseling issues (marital/couples intervention specialists. challenged, there are directions and counseling, substance abuse counseling, w screen shots on how to start using these healing from trauma and more) from free tools. a humanistic perspective, providing a Grief Reflections: A Quiet Book of w valuable resource for counselors and Comfort therapists seeking effective approaches By Hermina “Bobbie” Baker, AuthorHouse Basic Psychopharmacology to use in their practices. Each chapter This book is a collection of for Counselors and Psychotherapists, describes the significance of a specific bereavement messages the author has second edition, counseling issue, reviews the literature on written for the Walk With Me grief group By Richard S. Sinacola & Timothy Peters- the issue, discusses the theoretical model she coordinates for a local funeral home. Strickland, Pearson provided by a humanistic perspective Its aim is to provide comfort in brief, This text is popular in graduate and concludes with applications and insightful words without overwhelming psychopharmacology courses because it is implications for practitioners. the mourner. easy to read and well explained. It covers

22 | Counseling Today | October 2011 all of the current medications used in the Italian-American Students in New York Love Heals All Wounds treatment of depression, bipolar illness, City, 1975-2000: A Research Anthology By Daphne L. King, AuthorHouse Edited by Nancy L. Ziehler, John D. anxiety, psychotic spectrum disorders, After experiencing two traumatic Calandra Italian American Institute attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, events — the death of her fiance and then substance abuse disorders, sleep disorders Culling more than 30 years of the death of her father a year-and-a-half and other areas of mental illness. It is scholarship, this book addresses a gap in later — the author wrote this book as the vast body of multicultural counseling concise yet full of best practices and tips a way to heal. It features poems about literature pertaining to students of for the nonmedical practitioner. love, friendship and family that show diverse populations and cultural contexts. w Illuminating the experiences of a group that creativity can be used in the healing whose values, needs and strong sense of process to mend wounds and allow love Being a College Counselor on Today’s ethnic identity may differ substantially to shine again. Campus: Roles, Contributions and from conceptions of White American Special Challenges culture, the data and analyses of research w By Bruce S. Sharkin, Routledge findings provide critical insights for This book provides a detailed counselors, psychologists and educators of description of the many roles and Italian-American students. Practicing Client-Centered Therapy: contributions of college counselors on Selected Writings of Barbara Temaner today’s campuses and addresses such w Brodley topics as who college counselors are, Edited by Kathryn A. Moon, Marjorie Dying and Grieving: How to Comfort how one becomes a college counselor Witty, Barry Grant & Bert Rice, PCCS Those in Pain and what skills are needed to be a Books By Frederic B. Tate, The Magni Company college counselor today. Roles and These writings describe the theory responsibilities, including counseling, This book is a guide for supporting individuals who are dying or those who and practice of counselor educator crisis intervention, consultation, outreach are grieving the death of a loved one. Barbara Brodley, who was a client- and administrative duties, are discussed The author, who studied with Elisabeth centered therapist for 50 years. It will in detail and supplemented with both Kübler-Ross, addresses topics that are serve the novice as an introduction, research and case studies. Diversity rarely covered in other books on the the experienced practitioner as a guide competencies and special challenges faced subject, such as death and humor and the and the scholar as a full elaboration by college counselors are also addressed. death of a pet. with respect to how to think about and w w implement the essential attitudes of counseling. u Barriers to Practitioner Research: “Let Me Show You the Basement”: Making Research Education Relevant A Guide to Staying Safe in Clients’ and Productive Homes Book descriptions have been By James Ruby, Lambert Academic By Debbie Stanley, Thoughts in Order provided by the authors Publishing On-the-job safety is important for or their publishing houses. everyone, but it’s especially challenging Book announcements are for Mental health practitioner educators informational purposes only and might have a variety of reasons for when your workplace is the client’s home. In this book, written for onsite do not indicate an endorsement believing research course work is by Counseling Today or the professionals such as counselors, social important, but a review of the existing American Counseling Association. workers and visiting nurses, learn how to research literature makes it clear that very ACA members who have had a anticipate danger, identify it promptly, book published in the past six few master’s-level practitioners engage respond successfully and prevent burnout months can contact Jonathan in research activity. The barriers that along the way. The author’s unique Rollins at [email protected] stand in their way, as well as methods for perspective as a martial arts black belt and for information on having the making research education more relevant, in-home mental health counselor gives book announced in Counseling were investigated in an in-depth study you the best possible angle for staying safe Today. and are addressed in this work. on the client’s turf.

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 23 The Digital Psyway - By Marty Jencius and Michelle E. Wade

Two sides of social media

lthough we have covered social level of privacy you can construct around Microblogging media in past “Digital your content. Most failures in social Microblogging is a way for individuals A Psyway” articles (see August and media use (those popular scary stories we to communicate thoughts, feelings November 2009), this column is being hear every time we do a workshop) are and actions within a limited number cowritten by two counselors who use failures on the user’s part to set privacy. of characters. When thinking of social media in different venues. Michelle Keep in mind that stories of tragic failure microblogging, one tends to think of has written for the American Counseling related to social media are more titillating Twitter first. Twitter allows individuals to Association blog ( and than stories of the millions of successful use 140 characters or less to communicate uses social media tools in her practice. connections created each hour. with their “followers.” Practitioners and Marty is a counselor educator who uses What follows are the most common counselor educators can use Twitter to social media as part of his counselor social media platforms along with communicate information and links training. We hope this mix provides some helpful links for educators and to those who follow them. Reportedly, multiple perspectives on how social media practitioners. counseling and therapy groups have can be utilized in our field. also used Twitter to conduct “feelings Our experience with workshops on Social networks check-ins” throughout the week. These social media tells us that counselors Social networks such as Facebook, check-ins allow group members to have a broad view of what social media Myspace, Google+, Tumblr and communicate outside of physical group is and an even broader view of what StumbleUpon are simple webpage interaction. constitutes permissible and problematic formats tied to a large user database. n ProfHacker: “How to Start Tweeting usage. Social media developed as a natural Users create their own pages and allow (and Why You Might Want To)”: outgrowth of the change from a static those they select to have various levels of access to their sites. Social networks to an interactive web. The web was once n Northwestern University Newscenter: allow users to see the content of other essentially a large group of private pages “Why More African Americans Turn users who have given them permission to of text information that users could read to Twitter”: and get information from but could not view that content (or “friended” them). n Keely Kolmes: “Managing Twitter interact with (Web 1.0). Few people had Social networks exploded during the past five years as a way for current and old as a Mental Health Practitioner”: the skills to contribute to the content that friends to have a connected and shared made up the early renditions of the web. digital life. Counselors and counseling With advances in software and hardware, n ACA Twitter feed:!/ agencies can use social networks as a technology made possible an interactive CounselingViews means to market services. Counselors web (Web 2.0) that permitted users to and counselor educators often create one react to content and made the creation Wikis and blogs open-access page for their professional of content easier for the common user. Blogs are commonly defined as personae and then a second private page Suddenly, the Internet was “social” — online journals. This definition can that they use for friends and family. and counselors understand how to be be expanded professionally to include social. n Facebook’s privacy policy: educated discussion and opinions about a topic presented online. ACA has a blog Types of social media n Facebook security quiz: series in which numerous counselors, The typology of social media is easily educators and students write about a divided on the basis of the kinds of variety of topics relating to the field of n Online social networking with clients: content being shared and the boundaries counseling. Blogs can be used to help of the platform being used. Typically, other professionals understand emerging using social media involves posting text n To accept or not accept friend requests: as well as common experiences within the and pictures to a platform, but social field of counseling. media has recently expanded to include n Practitioner’s guide to social media: Wikis are websites that pool the video, audio and even location tags. knowledge and resources of multiple One does not have to know the inside contributors regarding a given topic. workings of the platform to be able to n StumbleUpon: In layman’s terms, a wiki is a one-stop use it, but you do have to know what n Tumblr: shop for information. Counselors could

24 | Counseling Today | October 2011 refer clients to a reputable wiki to learn n edSocialMedia: is the therapist going to use Facebook postings that the client does not bring up more about their diagnosis and possible n Huffington Post Education: “Social interventions. Networking In Schools”: in session?). n Online Therapy Institute wiki: n Carenetworks: “Social Media and n Mashable: “The Case for Social Media HIPAA”: in Schools”: n ACA blogs: n Facebook’s Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act n ProfHacker: “Using a Blog in an Professional counseling practice (HIPAA) survival guide: Independent Study”: Social media can be used therapeutically; counselors just need to pWA5Qq n ProfHacker: “Integrating, Evaluating be wise about it. Clinicians can use social n Facebook: “HIPAA and Social Media”: and Managing Blogging in the media as a way to explore the public Classroom”: persona of a client and to introduce n “Facebook friends discussion about boundaries and the with patients can violate HIPAA

Virtual worlds appropriateness of shared information. privacy laws”: Virtual worlds (Second Life, OpenLife Counselors can also assign blogs instead Grid, Virtual Worlds Grid) provide of the old paper-and-pen method of n Dr. Susan Giurleo: health care social a social milieu in which users enter a journaling. Social media can also have media etiquette: three-dimensional environment that a powerful impact when it comes to n Boston Globe: “For Doctors, Social allows their avatars to interact with other advertising and growing one’s business. Media a Tricky Case”: concurrent users in an open space. Users n NJ Social Media: “Social Media Is n American Academy of Pediatrics: can either text or speak in their real voices Helping Behavioral Health Clients “Talking to Kids and Teens About (through their computer microphones) as a Professional e-Tool”: Social Media and Sexting”: to hold real-time conversations in the n ScienceDaily: “In Therapy With environment. Virtual worlds have been Avatars”: demonstrated to empower marginalized clients by providing a virtual platform n “The self set free”: Social media providers and platforms keep increasing and have gone mobile. where they can practice social interactions Numerous apps for smartphones and through their avatars before attempting n Social Media for Therapists: “Social tablets allow access to your social media them in real life. Media Marketing Success”: platform from anywhere. Interactive pGlmZo n BBC: “Virtual gym ‘helps weight communication is becoming standard for loss’”: Ethics and social media counselors, clients, educators, families n Counselor Education in Second Life: Regarding ethics and social media, and friends. counselors and counselor educators need w to be very aware of informed consent n Thesis therapy through Second Life: Did we miss a good resource link? and establishing boundaries. Clients and Let us know about it at mjencius@kent. students need to know how social media edu. Find these links and other resources n “Online Therapy Institute Expands is going to be used and informed of social online at u Efforts in Second Life”: media’s confidentiality limitations. For instance, if a counselor is going to have a Uses for social media professional page but maintain a policy Education and training of not friending a client, the client needs Social media can be used effectively to understand that from the outset of in counselor education to create an counseling to reduce the risk of harm. Marty Jencius is an associate interactive and continuous experience Also with social media, the boundary professor in the counseling and that goes beyond the weekly class lines between “professional” and human development services meeting. Whether it be a social network “personal” tend to become blurred. The program at Kent State University. page dedicated to the class, a wiki, counselor has the right and responsibility student blogs, a class Twitter feed that to establish firm ground rules regarding Michelle E. Wade is a doctoral everyone follows and contributes to, or how he or she will respond to social candidate at Argosy University, virtual world simulations of counseling, media interactions. Clients need to Washington, D.C., and a private incorporating a social media technology be able to opt in to those therapeutic practitioner in Maryland. into counselor training activates creative interventions in a very informed and cooperative learning in trainees. manner. Among the issues a social media Letters to the editor: n ProfHacker: “Professors With Personal policy should cover are the limits of [email protected] Tweets Get High Credibility Marks”: confidentiality, privacy settings and how social media will be used (for example,

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 25 Finding technology’s role in the counseling relationship

A growing number of professionals say it’s time to embrace the potential that social media and other emerging technologies show for helping clients and counselors-in-training By Lynne Shallcross

t wasn’t talk therapy that Michelle Generally, Wade tries to limit texting Wade’s client needed most during with clients to simply verifying or Icrisis. It was text therapy. rescheduling appointments. But she The safety plan for Wade’s adolescent acknowledges that she uses the technology client dictated that she call Wade, a when necessary, even giving each of her private practitioner in La Plata, Md., clients an individual code to send her whenever she felt like cutting herself. But so she can verify their identities. As for instead of calling, the client kept texting other technologies, Wade uses her iPad to Wade. When Wade responded by calling play games with younger clients because the client back to try to de-escalate the she has found the approach keeps them situation, the girl would hang up on entertained, engaged and talkative. She Wade, insisting she didn’t want to talk. thinks Facebook can be a great avenue The client would then explain the whole for counselors to advertise their services situation via text. “I clearly had an ethical and says the social media site also holds obligation to communicate with her, potential as a tool to help clients talk in [but] I needed to do it in a way that she session about how others may perceive was going to be receptive to,” says Wade, them. Wade has also heard of using Twitter a member of the American Counseling to perform feelings checks with group Association who also works in a group members. While counselors must always counseling practice and is working toward keep in mind issues of confidentiality, her doctorate. “We had a discussion Wade says the possible uses of technology about the lack of confidentiality regarding and social media in counseling are limited [texting] and my uneasiness about it, but only by the professional’s level of creativity. the fact of the matter was, I had to do Wade isn’t alone among counselors in what was in the best interest of my client. trying to utilize emerging technologies And in that situation, it was to text and in an effort to more effectively serve and calm her down that way.” reach clients. With the technological “I had to meet my client where landscape continuously expanding and she was at in that moment,” Wade with social media, smart phones and continues. “She could not and would iPads quickly becoming a part of everyday not communicate via voice, but she was life, a growing number of counselors are willing to follow through with the safety looking to incorporate new technologies plan and communicate her feelings with into their work. These technologies aren’t yet free of potential drawbacks or ethical me [via text]. If I had fought that simply considerations, but many counselors because it was ‘new and technical,’ the contend that if used properly, they could rapport and trust that she had with me open up a whole new horizon for the would have been negatively impacted, profession. if not destroyed. She was unwilling to listen to me via voice, so really I Being social was only allowed to be helpful and Social media’s popularity has grown effective through her chosen medium of exponentially in recent years, with almost communication.” every business imaginable beckoning the

26 | Counseling Today | October 2011 public to follow it on Twitter or “like” it Counselors shouldn’t overlook their start small. Facebook is an easy place on Facebook. Counselors should make current clients when using social media to start, he says, because most people sure they’re not left out of the trend, says either, Gehlert says. For example, are already familiar with it. Counselors Marty Jencius, an associate professor of counselors might post articles relevant can establish a professional Facebook counseling at Kent State University and to their clients’ issues on a professional page for their practice. But because the column editor for “The Digital Psyway” Facebook page, allowing current clients page automatically will be linked to in Counseling Today. According to Jencius, access to additional helpful information any personal Facebook page that the people spend 22 percent of their online outside of session. Counselors can write counselor might have, Gehlert warns that time using social media. “That’s where these posts themselves or link to other counselors should maintain the highest your clients are going right now,” he says. articles and websites it would benefit level of security on their personal pages. “That’s where they are, and that’s where clients to read. Counselors could also Bridging the distance post book reviews, top 10 lists related you need to reach them.” Telephones have allowed counselors Nathan Gehlert, a counselor who works to certain topics, links to community to reach clients at a distance for years, at the Imago Center in Washington, resources and links to videos. but today there are a host of additional D.C., agrees. Two-thirds of the global Social media can also be put to good options for distance counseling. DeeAnna Internet population already visits social use as part of counselors’ advocacy efforts, Merz Nagel, a private practitioner in networks, Gehlert says, and time spent Gehlert says. For example, counselors Atlantic Highlands, N.J., and cofounder on social networks is growing at three can post to their legislators’ Facebook of the Online Therapy Institute, says times the overall rate of time spent on the pages before an important vote comes up, online therapy is defined as therapy Internet. “If you want to connect with explaining why the topic is significant to delivered via technology, including by those people and have their business, you counselors and why the legislator should phone, e-mail, discussion forums, chats, really need to be there,” says Gehlert, vote yes or no. One of the advantages instant message, videoconferencing who offers social media consultations to of advocating in this manner is that the and virtual worlds. Nagel, who is mental health professionals. message doesn’t just go to someone’s managing coeditor of TILT Magazine Jencius points to a wide variety of social inbox, Gehlert says. “It’s very public that — Therapeutic Innovations in Light media, including social networks such as way by posting to Facebook.” of Technology, points out that online Facebook; wikis and blogs; microblogging In addition, because an estimated counseling is not a modality but rather a sites such as Twitter; podcasts; video 25 percent of people search for health method of delivery. Within that delivery, sharing sites; and virtual worlds such information online, Gehlert believes she says, a counselor can utilize various as Second Life. The term social media counselors have a responsibility to share modalities. generally implies that information is sent reliable information, address misleading Nagel sees the benefits of online out to a group of people, and those people information and help the public attain an counseling as wide ranging. One then have the ability to respond to that accurate understanding of mental health of the primary advantages is that it information in some way, making it more issues. allows practitioners to reach a larger interactive than past technologies have Social media is also an effective client base, including clients who live been, explains Jencius, a member of ACA. networking tool that allows counselors to in rural environments, those who Social media offers counselors a valid connect with other professionals in their have disabilities, those who are afraid advertising and networking platform, communities, Gehlert says. This can be of potentially bumping into other Jencius says, providing a venue where helpful both in making referrals and in community members at a counselor’s they can introduce themselves and the allowing counselors to advertise their own office and those with social phobias who counseling profession to potential clients, expertise and services to other colleagues, might not leave home. On the negative while also supplementing their work with he says. side, Nagel says counselors should be existing clients. Gehlert, also a member of Wade says social media can prove aware of online therapy’s “disinhibition ACA, echoes that point. “It’s a great way useful in session as well, including effect,” which can cause clients to disclose for counselors to put themselves out there using virtual worlds with clients to offer too much personal information too and build a tribe of followers,” he says. therapeutic healing. “Autistic clients can quickly and then leave a session feeling Social media can help counselors learn social skills in a nonthreatening very vulnerable. connect with members of the community way [in virtual worlds] by having to Counselors interested in offering online who aren’t already clients, Gehlert says. interact in normal, everyday situations,” counseling should know up front that By getting conversations started on social she says. “PTSD [post-traumatic stress it is unlikely to make up 100 percent media venues about particular topics in disorder] clients can reenact their trauma of their business, Nagel says. “A lot of counseling, counselors can effectively through programs like Second Life or therapists think they can hang their position themselves as “gurus” on those other virtual worlds so that they can virtual shingle and the clients will come topics, Gehlert says. By doing this, he create a new narrative.” in droves, and that is not the case,” says adds, followers on social media are more To get their feet wet with social media, Nagel, a member of ACA’s task force likely to think of these counselors when Gehlert recommends that counselors on cyberspace and technology. She they need help or when they want to refer seek out workshops or find someone in recommends counselors begin online someone else for help. their area who offers consultations. Then, work as an adjunct to their brick-and-

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 27 mortar practices, offering online services to existing clients. E-mail therapy can be challenging, Nagel says, because it requires counselors to have excellent command of the Cyberbullying: language, both to minimize the number of possible misunderstandings and to What Counselors clarify those that inevitably arise. E-mail therapy probably has the steepest learning curve, she says, with online chats being Need to Know a little more similar to face-to-face “Dr. Bauman does a great job communication and video conferencing of providing readers with a even more so. But the online therapy that Nagel thinks offers both the most comprehensive and illuminating potential and the most risk is avatar overview of this disturbing therapy using virtual worlds. issue. The ton of resources and Some counselors are beginning to research she presents makes conduct therapy in Second Life, an online this book a valuable, ready virtual world. Nagel doesn’t recommend this because Second Life is not secure and reference.” encrypted, but she says other platforms —Russell A. Sabella, PhD are being created that will be more geared Florida Gulf Coast University toward health care delivery. Nagel uses Second Life as a tool in session with This informative book offers complete, up-to-date coverage of clients only if they want to show her the the growing problem of cyberbullying. Written for counselors, worlds they’ve created, which she equates teachers, school leaders, and others who work with children and teens, Cyberbullying addresses the real-life dangers students’ face to bringing a journal entry to session. on the Internet. 2011 • 215 pgs Supervision is another element of counseling that can be aided by Benefits and Features technology and conducted from a n Discussion of the different types of cyberbullying distance. However, Nagel, who conducted and cyberbullying environments online supervision for about six years while living in Georgia, says using online n Overview of prominent theories of aggressive behavior clinical supervision for the purpose of n Examination of the developmental differences in cyberbullying obtaining licensure can be tricky. She and victimization across the life span recommends checking with state boards n Practical tips to identify and follow cyberfootprints ahead of time to ensure the hours will n Proactive responses to cyberbullying count. Go to the board and explain very n Effective, nonpunitive strategies for responding to cyberbullying specifically how the online supervision n Useful information for parents on current technology and will occur, she says, and then ask the popular websites board to approve or disapprove it. Nagel n Guidance on the role of counselors in prevention, says the Online Therapy Institute offers intervention, and advocacy two courses on the topic for counselors n Chapter on adult cyberbullying interested in starting online supervision. n List of helpful websites, books, and media On the positive side, Wade says, technology offers opportunities for n Appendix with review of the latest cyberbullying research live supervision without the supervisor needing to be in the next room. “I see Order #72900 ISBN 978-1-55620-294-0 technology as a way to bring back live List Price: $33.95 ACA Member Price: $28.95 supervision versus having to watch tapes Please include $8.75 for shipping of the first book or have a play-by-play of the session,” and $1.00 for each additional book. Wade says. “With web-conferencing programs like WebEx, in theory, a American Counseling Association supervisee could have a session with a 800-422-2648 x222 • client and be observed by his or her entire practicum/internship class regardless of the classmates’ locations. … The students could log in to the WebEx location

28 | Counseling Today | October 2011 and be able to view the webcam of the in mind as a supervisor is whether or Jencius says. For example, if a counselor session.” not technology is useful and how to posts information about phobias and Wade adds that the ability of video- use it in the best possible way to train, an agoraphobic person comes across conferencing programs to offer live, not just to use technology because you the information, that person might feel face-to-face supervision through can.” The major challenges with distance less stigmatized about working with a webcams negates one of the criticisms of supervision include ensuring security counselor on that issue. technology-based supervision: the loss and confidentiality, she says, as well as Confronting stigma is one of the of nonverbal communication. She also acquiring the necessary knowledge to use most important reasons for counselors points to sites such as, the technology effectively and preparing to maintain a strong presence online, where videos can be uploaded to a secure a backup plan in case the technology fails Gehlert says. “If you think about the server. “Say a supervision assignment is — for example, in a power outage. online world as a marketplace, there’s to videotape a mock therapy session. One With supervision that happens over a big conversation going on in that can post the video into the voicethread. e-mail, instant message or even text marketplace. The more mental health com class account, and the supervisor message, it can be easy to read into counselors who are engaged in that and peers can comment either by text, something or misinterpret what is being conversation, putting out more and more webcam or audio,” Wade says. said, Wade warns. “The important thing informative information, normalizing Three years ago, Jencius developed to remember is that one does need to be issues that people are struggling with, the Counselor Education in Second Life cognizant that tone is missing,” she says. the more stigma can be reduced.” If training center, a virtual world that offers “So, when the supervisor or supervisee someone comes across a counselor talking training workshops throughout the year has questions about the true intent of the about the issues that person happens to and which features areas that simulate e-mail, there needs to be a level of trust be struggling with, it might provide that client environments. Wade has found and respect on both [sides] to ask what individual a sense of normalcy and an past role-play training in the virtual play the true intent was. Admit that you may impetus to get help, he says. therapy room particularly helpful. For have misread the e-mail and just wanted Promoting yourself online or offering instance, she says, the virtual setting can to clarify.” online counseling also tends to break help a supervisee practice a counseling The pros (and cons) down some of the barriers that typically session with a child. “I, as the supervisor, of being plugged in prevent potential clients from showing could change my avatar [a virtual One positive effect of technology’s up at the office door, Jencius says, representation of an individual] to look integration into counseling is that it whether because they feel stigma about more like what a 5-year-old would look has reduced the stigma for some clients. a particular problem or simply because like and interact with my supervisee in “Think about what we as counselors ask they don’t necessarily take notice of a the same manner I might role-play within our clients to do — trust a complete counselor’s office in casually passing a classroom setting, but my supervisee stranger with their darkest secrets that by. In addition, Jencius says, opening is now getting a visual cue to his or her sometimes they don’t even express communication with a counselor online brain that it is an actual 5-year-old in to themselves,” Wade says. “There is can feel less threatening to some clients front of him or her rather than a graduate an almost implied safety within the who wouldn’t reach out otherwise. student. It can help trick the brain in anonymity of technology and not having “Sending an e-mail or a Facebook some form or fashion into interacting in to be face-to-face with someone who is message might be easier than starting a more authentic way with the type of that perceptive of one’s inner turmoil.” with a 15-minute introduction or client who is being visually represented.” Another benefit is that counselors can dropping by the counselor’s office,” Integrating technology into supervision post resources and information online he says. requires careful thought and preparation, that might encourage the public to Online counseling also allows for more Wade says. “I think the thing to keep feel more normal about seeking help, flexibility, both for the counselor and the

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 29 client. The same holds true for online supervision. “I live in the [Washington] D.C. metro area,” Wade says. “For me to drive in for supervision at school, it was a minimum of 45 minutes with little traffic. With heavy traffic, an hour and a half. So, for an hour of supervision, I’ve had to allot two and a half to three hours of my day, whereas during Skype supervision, I just had to allot the Important News scheduled hour. Also, there are a number of clients out there who may hesitate to do therapy because they travel a lot. for All Members Technology gives those clients the ability to access services in nontraditional ways Your Journal of Counseling & Development and in ways that work for their schedule.” The advent of social media allows and Division Journals are counselors to become their own advertising specialists instead of hiring Going Electronic in January 2012 one, Gehlert says. “It means that anyone can engage in advertising or reaching ACA is pleased to announce a new ACA and ACA Division member benefit—electronic out to the community. It used to be access to ACA published journals through the Wiley Online Library beginning January that you had to have some knowledge 2012! All current members will automatically receive access to the online version of the about marketing or you’d get an expert journal(s) they receive now and can look forward to: to help you, and they would put things n A one-stop site, the ACA Gateway, that contains links to all ten journals and includes in the newspaper or other older forms ACA news and events of marketing. But now everyone can n Easy access to the full digital archives from Volume 1, Issue 1 forward—including all do it with relative ease and without research published in eight journals that have never been online before experience.” n Customizable content alerting via e-mail and RSS newsfeeds send you the most At the agency where Gehlert recent tables of contents and keep you abreast of citations and updates to your saved works, counselors use another facet searches of technology in their work: storing n Quick links to related articles through a “more like this” feature electronic medical records with the free n Links to and from ACA’s Twitter and Facebook sites to journal homepages iPad app called drchrono. The program n Good news for ACA and ACA Division members who publish in the journals! Content allows them to complete a variety of is accessible to/discoverable by anyone with a computer—greatly expanding each tasks, including billing, scheduling journals’ reading universe appointments and taking notes, using a Get all of the above and go green too! By relinquishing your print subscriptions for tablet instead of waiting to boot up their online-only access, you’ll decrease your carbon footprint without missing any of the computers. “It really does streamline the premier articles and research you’ve come to value. process,” Gehlert says. With all the positives that technology If you wish to continue receiving print copies of the journals you currently receive, offers also come a few negatives, and please log in to the members-only section of the ACA website, counselors generally agree that boundary Enter your username and password. Once logged in first select “Manage Your issues belong at the top of that list. Membership,” then “Communication Options and Professional Information,” and then “This has become a 24/7 sort of society, proceed to check the box “I wish to receive journals by mail.” If you do not know your and with that comes the blurred lines username and password, please contact ACA Member Services at 800-347-6647, ext. 222 of boundaries,” Wade says. “Clients do (M-F, 8 am – 6 pm, ET), or email [email protected]. not understand why it’s not necessarily appropriate to ‘friend’ their counselors, n Journal of Counseling & Development n Journal of College Counseling for example. Also, if [a counselor is] going n ADULTSPAN Journal n Journal of Employment Counseling to do texting, being aware that you would n The Career Development Quarterly n The Journal of Humanistic Counseling not answer your office phone at 10 p.m., n Counseling and Values n Journal of Multicultural Counseling so what makes you reply to a [client’s] n Counselor Education and Supervision and Development text that late? The communication ability n Journal of Addictions & Offender is so easy and fast, it is very easy to set Counseling unknown expectations. Also, I think there is a lack of understanding of the hidden messages we might send when

30 | Counseling Today | October 2011 using the technology. For example, I am footprint, I think it’s really going to be work at all times, he says. “I think that’s a night owl. I have to be very aware at helpful to a counselor when it comes really dangerous because we need to have times to not write professional e-mails at to clients deciding to work with you or that experience of going home at the end 2 a.m., even if that is my best functioning your colleagues … that you’re someone of the day and turning that off, [then] moment, because what does that say they can respect and trust. The larger having our personal lives and engaging in about me?” presence you have, the better — it gives things that are healthy.” This is why some counselors take you greater credibility. The flip side of issue with new technologies, Jencius that, though, is that if your footprint is An ethical gray area says — because they’re worried clients negative or questionable, there’s a real When the ACA Code of Ethics was last will expect them to be available at all possibility that that can harm you.” revised in 2005, social media wasn’t the times and expect responses to anything Two other challenges Jencius mentions popular and powerful societal force it is clients post via social media. But Jencius related to online counseling: the concern today. In part to address social media’s says counselors can establish their own over whether the client really is who ethical implications as they relate to individual boundaries about what is right he says he is and the task of setting counseling, ACA announced earlier for them in professional practice. up an emergency plan. But both of this year that it is undertaking a major He does, however, caution counselors those hurdles also exist in face-to-face revision of its ethics code. The goal is to to pay close attention to privacy settings counseling, he points out. “We don’t release the revision in its final form in and to “do a good job of editing always know what we’re getting when a spring of 2014. themselves before they push the post client walks in, and we don’t always know Until then, counselors who are button.” If photos of a counselor doing they’re being truthful,” Jencius says. “And embracing the use of technology in their shots at a friend’s party surface on we always have to figure out what to do practices must use their best judgment. “I Facebook, it’s entirely possible that could in emergencies. It’s just a little different think the things to constantly ask … [are] affect the counselor’s employment status doing it from a distance.” ‘Am I doing this as ethically as possible?’ and reputation down the line, Jencius Gehlert also cautions that self-care can and ‘What is the worst-case scenario?’” says. be negatively affected if counselors who says Wade, appointed as a student Dabbling in technology can be rely on technology aren’t careful. With member to the ACA Ethics Revision Task positive or negative, says Gehlert, who social media, iPads, smart phones and Force. “Encryption and secure servers adds that the outcome is the counselor’s other tech tools, it’s incredibly easy to and virus protection are essential, but choice. “If you have a positive digital get sucked into being connected to your so is technological competency. And

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October 2011 | Counseling Today | 31 technological competency is not simply a client and vice versa. The client deserves protecting those records, he adds. understanding how the technology to know from the start where you stand Gehlert also advises that counselors works, but also how to present oneself on that, so when you do refuse that friend should never search on Google or social through the technology.” request, the client does not take that as a media sites for information about their Regarding social media, Wade says personal offense but rather just as part of clients. A counselor’s natural tendency is counselors must take time to understand the counselor’s policy.” to be as helpful as possible, so looking for privacy settings and to stay on top of Let clients know your policies and information to better understand clients if and when those settings change. boundaries concerning how you’ll might seem like a good idea. But it’s not, Gehlert insists. “It’s up to the client to “Informed consent needs to be inclusive connect with clients online, Gehlert decide what to bring in [to counseling],” of all the threats to confidentiality and says, and stress that the reason for he says. how the counselor is trying to protect those boundaries is to protect their Nagel says the Online Therapy Institute confidentiality. Counselors using all of the client’s information,” she says. offers a number of ethical frameworks “Also, I strongly suggest that if you are electronic medical records should for the use of technology and social going to have a presence in social media, let clients know their information is media in the mental health fields. She have a social media policy regarding being stored that way in the informed recommends counselors desiring to whether you are going to friend or follow consent and explain the level of security integrate technology into their work seek training on a variety of topics, possibly including crisis intervention, handling Self-teaching for students yourself online in a professional manner, transferring your face-to-face skills online and understanding cyberculture. In Kelly Erney, one of Beto Davison task while taping it. Then, when the addition to trainings offered through the Aviles’ former counseling students at student needs help accomplishing that Online Therapy Institute, Nagel points Bradley University, first introduced task the next time around, the student to opportunities at the ACA Annual him to video self-modeling when she can watch himself or herself complete Conference & Exposition as well as the showed her peers in Davison Aviles’ the task in the video, whether on a Distance Credentialed Counselor training internship class some videos of her laptop, a smart board or somewhere offered by the Center for Credentialing preschool students using video self- else in the classroom. and Education. modeling to learn. Davison Aviles, an “School counselors seeking to The No. 1 question Nagel gets associate professor of education and improve pro-academic behaviors regarding distance counseling is whether coordinator of Bradley’s professional such as following directions and practicing across state lines is ethical. school counseling program, was increasing time on task can use video “What I recommend is that in order to hooked, and the pair ended up self-modeling,” Davison Aviles says. practice solid risk management, they stay presenting on the topic at the “Video self-modeling can also be used within their state lines,” Nagel says. “But American Counseling Association to teach social skills, the ability to play if they choose to practice outside their Annual Conference & Exposition in with others and the ability to initiate state lines, they need to check with their New Orleans earlier this year. and engage in conversations.” In ways state board, they need to check with the “School counselors can use video not yet fully understood, video stories client’s state board, they need to check self-modeling to help students learn seem to help students who have not with their malpractice insurance and, pro-social behaviors and develop responded to traditional face-to-face overall, they need to have legal consult in academic success skills, like following or group interventions, Davison Aviles terms of setting up their online practice.” directions and improving time says. Nagel agrees that a counselor’s on task,” says Davison Aviles, a Taking the approach one step informed consent policy needs to member of the American Counseling further, Davison Aviles suggests a cover as much information as possible, Association and the American School school counselor could post a video including social media presence, online Counselor Association, a division of story on a social networking site so record storage and security. Nagel’s own ACA. parents could access the video to help informed consent says she will only The idea was developed by Jessica their child after school hours. Another communicate via encrypted channels, Roberts, author of Success Stories: opportunity tied to social media is to which means she doesn’t talk to clients Using Video Stories to Connect, have parents use video-conferencing calling from cell phones. Counselors who Communicate and Create True Success programs to connect to their child’s choose to communicate with clients on With Your Students, for use with kids schoolroom during the day, Davison cell phones need to inform clients about who are developmentally delayed, Aviles says. The parents can then see the security risks, Nagel says. Davison Aviles says. A school the child accomplish certain tasks counselor can “direct” a short video and provide real-time reinforcement, Life online clip, walking the student through he says. Technological advances aren’t only an appropriate social interaction or — Lynne Shallcross affecting counselors’ practices, of course. They’re also affecting counselors’ clients,

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October 2011 | Counseling Today | 33 October 2011 READ Counseling Today, TAkE the CT Learning Exam, EARN Continuing Education Credit

Earn 1 CE Credit by reading selected articles in this issue. Read the articles identified below and answer 7 of the 10 questions correctly to earn 1 CE credit. It’s that simple! By reading Counseling Today every month, you can earn up to 12 CE credits each year. And you’ll be well-informed. Start reading now!

Finding Technology’s Role in the Counseling Relationship 7. Stand and Deliver is on Bret Hendricks’ list of movie favorites for its 1. What percentage of the global Internet community currently visits ability to promote: social media networks? a) Multicultural understanding a) One-tenth c) One-half b) Peer relationships b) One-quarter d) Two-thirds c) Self-awareness and self-concept d) Team building and workplace relationships 2. Social media can be the counselor’s ally in which of the following: a) Providing an advertising and networking platform 8. Counselors using a film that might evoke strong emotions must: b) Connecting with potential clients a) Prepare clients c) Advancing advocacy efforts b) Show the film in a group environment d) All of the above c) View the film with the client d) Require the client to critique the film 3. What form of technological connection is most challenging for the counselor and represents the steepest learning curve? Private Practice Strategies a) Telephone 9. Which of the following is causing private practice counselors to be b) Videoconferencing more accepting of health insurance? c) Email a) Counseling is established as an important medical service and d) Online chats thereby viewed as coverable by health insurance 4. Technological competency does not simply mean understanding b) Mental health parity has raised the stature of counseling as a how technology works, but also how to present oneself through the health care benefit technology. c) Clients have less discretionary cash to spend during difficult a) True b) False economic times d) All of the above Big Screen Therapy Making the Case That Counselors Are Essential 5. The use of movies in therapy is called: to Education Reform a) Media therapy b) Cinematherapy 10. PEN President Wendy Puriefoy specifically cites what as a vital tool in c) Play therapy setting high expectations for children and promoting student success? d) Cinemadrama a) Talented counselors b) Expanded funding of schools 6. Which of the following films resonates with families having trouble c) School-community partnerships processing their emotions? d) Parental support for education a) Melvin and Howard b) The Shining c) Ordinary People d) To All a Good Night

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34 | Counseling Today | October 2011 whether they walk through the virtual door that occur in virtual worlds are clients, but she says counselors should or the real one. “I see technology as a way real relationships,” she says. “The also be aware of the wide variety to enhance clients’ lives, but also in some relationships between people on of potential benefits. In particular, way as increasing isolation,” Wade says. “It Facebook who don’t know each other counselors need to remain open to is incredibly easy to get lost in a game like or on Twitter are real. If we can’t wrap clients’ web cultures, Nagel says. “It’s Angry Birds and waste numerous hours not our minds around how those are real, not that we’re less social people now; engaged in social activity.” then we’ll have a hard time establishing we’re socializing in different ways. While Technology has also raised unrealistic a genuine relationship with the client I might choose not to socialize online, expectations among some people or understanding them. It doesn’t mean just as we learn in a multicultural class, regarding how quickly they should be they’re good or bad relationships, but it would be really inappropriate for responded to by friends, family members they’re real.” me to judge a person’s culture without and acquaintances, Wade says. “Because Although conceding it’s possible for understanding them.” u it is so easy to quickly respond, when someone to become immersed in a one doesn’t, the other person can feel a virtual world or another technology sense of abandonment or feel as if he or that is ultimately bad for them, Nagel she is being ignored, when [it’s probably says counselors should avoid jumping because] the battery is dead or something to the worst conclusions. The advent not related to the response.” of television and telephones worried Maintaining relationships online can many people at the time, says Nagel, Lynne Shallcross is a senior writer also come with complications, Gehlert adding that with every new technological for Counseling Today. Contact her says. “I’ll hear clients say they were breakthrough, society first tends to swing at [email protected]. offended by something someone said to an extreme before eventually finding online, or they’ll say, ‘This happened. a balance. Letters to the editor: Should I defriend this person?’ There is Nagel recommends that counselors [email protected] sort of a lack of established etiquette in screen for the possibility that technology our culture about what’s the right and is having a negative impact on their wrong thing to do. It can be confusing to people.” On the side of enhancing lives, Wade says the amount of information available and the ease with which it The Grief Recovery MethodSM can be obtained is phenomenal. “I remember having to use my World Certification Training Book Encyclopedia in elementary school for projects, and now information is a 2011 Google search away. Also, people are NOVEMBER not limited to their own geographical 4–7 Denver, CO locations anymore. For example, that 4–7 Elizabeth, NJ 18–21 Sherman Oaks, CA small town gay male does not have to DECEMBER feel alone in the world because he can 2–5 Houston, TX connect with an LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, 2–5 Phoenix, AZ bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) 2012 community online.” There is also a wealth of information JANUARY 20–23 Wilmington, DE available online that empowers people to 27–30 Atlanta, GA take charge of their own self-care, Nagel 27–30 Tulsa, OK says, ranging from a plethora of self-help 27–30 Sherman Oaks, CA websites, blogs and articles to encrypted FEBRUARY journaling websites to self-paced 10–13 San Diego, CA programs for insomnia and depression. 10–13 Louisville, KY 24–27 Seattle, WA “In many ways, there is more available to 24–27 Dallas, TX the average person to assist with a mental health issue than ever before,” she says. 4‐Day Training  30 CEU Hours  Maximum 15 Participants

“The more counselors know about that, the better help we’ll be to our clients.” For more information or to register Understanding the web culture of Call 800-334-7606 or visit The Grief Recovery Institute clients is a counselor’s responsibility, WWW.GRIEFRECOVERYMETHOD.COM Nagel emphasizes. “The relationships

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 35 Big screen therapy

Sure, movies are known for offering an avenue of escape, but as part of counseling, they can also wake clients up to the reality of their lives Toy Story 3 - A Disney • Pixar film By Lynne Shallcross

ith a Coke and a tub of to encourage him? As you observe this buttery popcorn in hand, a mother, what do you feel? How was your Wcomfy seat to lean back in own family similar or different from the and a larger-than-life screen to take you family in the movie? somewhere new, movies provide a great “In order to create a feeling language, escape from life. But, helping professionals a client or family might be given a list say, movies can also come in handy in of feeling words and describe how these counseling by offering clients a window feeling words might be integrated into into their own lives. the movie family’s experience,” Hendricks Bret Hendricks, an associate professor says. “For example, they could be asked of counselor education at Texas Tech to stop the movie while watching it and University, points to the 1980 movie describe what the family members are Ordinary People as one of his go-to feeling at these points. Then, you could movies for families in counseling. A past ask them to describe times in their own president of the International Association history when their families experienced of Marriage and Family Counselors, a similar things and, using the feeling word division of the American Counseling list, describe the feelings that they felt at Association, Hendricks says Ordinary these times. Thus, you have helped the People often resonates with families individual or family develop a feeling having trouble processing their emotions. language using the movie as the catalyst.” “Rather than telling clients they need a Using movies in counseling, also ‘feeling language,’ I can let them watch the known as cinematherapy, isn’t just for movie,” Hendricks says. “All of a sudden, families; movies can be just as helpful they’re seeing things about their own with individuals in counseling, says family that they’ve never really looked at Hendricks, who also works in private before.” practice in Lubbock. “We always want Ordinary People centers around a to use interventions that are as close mother, portrayed by Mary Tyler Moore, to what people normally use for their closed off to sharing any positive emotions own therapeutic interventions,” he says. regarding her son. “Her son, who “Many times, people go to the movies feels responsible for his older brother’s to be entertained and to look at life in a accidental death, desperately needs different way. It’s a venue that people are affirmation from his mother,” Hendricks already using in a therapeutic way, many says. “Instead, she is unapproachable and times without even realizing it.” affectively distant. When her son wants to Counselors should incorporate things receive affirmation from her, she responds that people already use or do in their with an impassive facial expression and everyday lives into therapy, Hendricks cold criticism.” says, in part because this increases their According to Hendricks, a number of comfort level. That’s why movies can be relevant questions emerge from the movie so appropriate as a tool in counseling. “It’s that a counselor could ask clients: What difficult to reach someone and really be do you think the son needs to hear from effective through counseling sessions for his mother? If you were the mother of one 50-minute session a week,” he says. this son, what would you share with him “So we need as many adjunct things as

36 | Counseling Today | October 2011 possible, and it’s not hard to get people to “[With movies], clients get to view Hendricks says. “To me, that’s a much watch a movie. It’s something that you can others experiencing similar problems and deeper level of awareness.” use to extend your therapy.” situations,” says Ballard, who is also a past A common element of family struggles is president of IAMFC. “This takes them being too close to a situation to recognize A different perspective out of the line of fire and lowers their that an issue exists, Hendricks says. Movies Cinematherapy involves requesting defensiveness, making them much more can help families externalize what they’re a clients to watch movies or movie clips likely to open up and discuss alternative part of, he says. “If a family is unaccepting with themes or situations similar to those ways of being. It’s always easier to see and critical of one another, a film such as the counselor and client are working what’s wrong with others.” The Blind Side might be used to illustrate on, with the purpose of discussing the It can be difficult for clients to talk a system that is accepting and supportive,” movie themes in session, says Mary about themselves and the role they play in he says. “Instead of the therapist pointing Ballard, a professor in the Department of the problems in their relationships, Ballard out to a family that they are not accepting Counseling and Human Development says, but when they watch the same of one another, which may lead the clients at Southeastern Louisiana University. to have feelings of defensiveness, the family Using movies in counseling can be time issues occurring in the lives of others, it’s will instead [watch the movie and] identify intensive, Ballard says, because counselors sometimes easier to recognize and discuss. their communication issues from their must screen the movies beforehand to “In other words, it’s not threatening at own viewpoint. When they do this, they determine which ones might be a good fit all for me to talk about a woman who are accepting responsibility for their own for their clients. makes one bad decision after another and actions. Thus, the clients’ defensiveness But the payoff can be significant as keeps ending up in the same depressed is reduced and they have a much more well, Hendricks says. Instead of simply state time and time again,” Ballard says. “I authentic and less threatening counseling talking about their issues with a counselor, may talk at length about how she doesn’t experience.” when clients watch a movie, they process seem to care enough about herself to stay the issues and emotions affectively, he away from people who continually choose I’m not alone says. For instance, Hendricks might ask to mistreat her. Or I may talk about a A wide variety of clients can benefit from a client struggling with an addiction to mother who is clearly obsessed with living cinematherapy, but Ballard says families watch Changing Lanes. In the movie, one her unfulfilled life through her daughter. experiencing difficulty transitioning from of the main characters is in recovery but Similarly, families may laugh and joke one stage of development to another is still exhibiting many of the behaviors about a dysfunctional movie family that in the family life cycle make especially associated with addictions, including continues to meddle in each other’s lives, good candidates. “Certain developmental rationalization and thinking about absent of any healthy boundaries. Once clients have discussed movie themes, the drinking. “The character calls his sponsor, GW AlexAndriA GrAduAte and the sponsor tells him something to counselor may have them talk about how educAtion center the effect of even though you’re working they are similar to or different from the the 12-step program, you’re really still movie characters.” Graduate Programs in a drunk,” Hendricks says. “What it Watching someone else’s issues in a does is help the client to identify with movie can make all the difference for Counseling & the character. Rather than looking at it clients, Ballard says. “It’s all about backseat School through the filter of denial that they have driving. It’s much easier to see and a problem, they’re really living through understand the problems that others are Counseling the character [and] identifying with the having than to recognize some of the same Graduate School of Education struggles he’s dealing with.” That scene issues in your own [life]. Distance creates and Human Development gives addicted clients an opportunity to perspective. Movies provide that distance. Counselors can then bridge this distance Please join us for an Information Session see themselves, Hendricks says, and might on Tuesday, November 15 at 6 pm. ease them into working with the counselor through the use of interventions that fit their own personal counseling style.” 413 John Carlyle Street, Suite 250 on some of their issues surrounding denial. Alexandria, VA Clients often gain a much deeper When people get “stuck,” Hendricks RSVP Today! perspective on their personal issues by says, it’s often because they’re too close to 1.800.JOINGWU (564.6498) observing how the characters in a movie the issue to see it clearly or because they’ve are affected by or attempt to handle developed resistance or denial. Movies help similar issues, Hendricks says. When clients externalize the issues with which clients watch movies, he says, they’re they’re struggling rather than holding those “not processing it in their head; they’re issues internally and remaining unaware or processing it in their heart.” in denial about them, he says. Movies also Ballard says that, generally, clients allow clients to look at their issues from a are better able to begin talking with more objective viewpoint. “Then the client The George Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative a counselor about a movie character’s can come to an innate level of awareness action institution certified to operate in Va by SCHEV. struggles than about their own issues, of the issue by watching the movie rather even if those issues mirror each other. than the counselor hammering it home,” 36644

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 37 tasks are associated with each stage of stage of the family life cycle and delaying arouse powerful emotions for any parent development,” Ballard says, “but when the middle-aged stage. This could or teenager approaching this stage of couples and/or families fail to accomplish potentially delay the social and emotional family development.” these tasks, they can become ‘stuck’ and development of the young adult child and The Shrek movies are another solid unable to move to the next stage, which postpone the parent’s experience of the choice to use with families and couples, can create heightened stress reactions and empty nest, which is paramount to the Ballard says. “In one of the sequels, Fiona an inability to successfully communicate. middle-aged stage.” faces introducing her new husband, Shrek, For example, a parent who becomes Ballard says the best movie she’s seen to her less-than-approving parents,” stagnant in [Erik] Erikson’s ‘generativity addressing this family situation of late Ballard says. “New couples struggling to versus stagnation’ stage may be unable to is Toy Story 3. “The entire movie builds assimilate family members and each other’s separate and differentiate from teenage toward the main character leaving home single friends into the newly formed children, thus prolonging the launching to attend college,” she says. “It is sure to couplehood will relate wildly to these scenes. The scenes are filled with humor that really lowers defenses and gets couples talking.” In the most recent movie in the series, New! Shrek and Fiona tackle parenthood. “We see how conflicted Shrek is about taking on the role of father and the many Rooted Sorrows— sacrifices it requires, none of which he seemed to have anticipated,” Ballard says. Emotional Burden to “The loss of intimacy troubles him, but Fiona seems to be totally consumed with Emotional Health: the role of being a new mother. Couples, no matter what stage of development, will Veterans With PTSD relate to the adjustment issues surrounding role changes brought on by a major life presented by Mitchell Young event.” Using movies in counseling can In this compelling and heart-wrenching also help with one of the major tasks of adolescence — building empathy, DVD, Dr. Mitchell Young, a licensed Hendricks says. “Empathy, the ability psychotherapist and combat veteran who to internalize another’s feelings, is the has counseled Vietnam veterans for more than 15 years, discusses fundamental building block of conscience development,” he says. “Movies enable PTSD and the lasting effects of combat and severe trauma. adolescents to see things from another’s Drawing from his own experiences in Vietnam as a member of the viewpoint and give them insight into Marine Corps, he examines the emotional scars that occur after the way another person feels and thinks. When an adolescent sees someone, a traumatic event, night terrors, chronic isolation, and emotional particularly someone whom they admire numbness. He also discusses complex PTSD and secondary PTSD, — think of Eminem in 8 Mile — they the most common form of PTSD he has seen in Vietnam veterans learn to view life through another’s viewpoint, thereby gaining valuable insight and their families. into how others think, react and behave. Thus, they are able to gain insight into how their own actions influence others’ Produced by R-Squared Productions, LLC behaviors and feelings. When Lindsay 2010 50 minutes DVD Order #78241 Lohan’s character in Mean Girls gets her List Price and ACA Member Price: $59.95 feelings hurt by her peers, teens can gain insight into how people feel when they themselves bully others.” Order Online: Movies can also aid counselors in getting at emotions with male clients, By Phone: 800-422-2648 x222 Hendricks says. “I might ask, ‘If you were (M-F 8am – 6pm) the character in the movie, how would you respond to that situation? And what do you think the character was feeling along the way?’ After talking about the movie,

38 | Counseling Today | October 2011

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October 2011 | Counseling Today | 39 it’s safer for them to come around to how Both a love of movies and the From a practical standpoint, Hendricks it might resonate in their own lives.” willingness to invest the time and energy recommends allowing clients enough time Cinematherapy also provides an to screen movies for potential use with to process the movie. “Don’t rush clients alternative way for counselors to address clients are necessary, Ballard advises. in their processing,” he says. “You might topics that are difficult to approach, In addition, counselors must take care want to get through all the questions in Hendricks says, such as internalized in determining if cinematherapy is an one session, but it might take the client homophobia or racism. For example, a appropriate match for clients, whether a few sessions. You need to follow the counselor might assign parents whose child individuals, couples or families. Clients client’s lead.” is coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or who have experienced recent trauma, If counselors prepare carefully, movies transgender a movie with LGBT themes to couples with a history of violence, clients can add significantly to the effectiveness of see what feelings the film stirs. Hendricks who are mentally ill or those who cannot therapy, say Hendricks and Ballard. Case is excited about the recent release The Help distinguish fact from fiction are not good in point: In a recent discussion Ballard led because of the opportunities it will open to candidates for cinematherapy, Ballard with a group of children ages 10 to 12, the discuss internalized racism or persecution says. “Counselors need to be mindful of conversation turned to the new movie The with clients. inappropriate language, sexual content Smurfs. “When I asked what if any lesson No matter the client, Hendricks says, and violence level when assigning movies, was learned from the movie, many of them cinematherapy can also instill a sense of especially if young children will be replied with themes of always be yourself, hope and optimism. Movies often have participating,” she says. “Religious beliefs follow your heart and don’t let others happy endings, he points out, and even if and cultural backgrounds should always change your mind when you know you’re a character does something with which a be assessed to avoid assigning movies with right,” she says. “I’d say those are some offensive content.” u client disagrees, the counselor can ask the pretty powerful lessons.” In addition, Ballard says counselors client what he or she would do differently should never assign a movie that might to secure a different outcome. “It might evoke strong emotions without first give the client hope that it could turn out preparing clients. “For example, movies differently for him or her,” Hendricks says. with themes of death and dying can be Movies can also generate a feeling of very therapeutic but also very difficult Lynne Shallcross is a senior writer universality, Hendricks says. “We all for clients to view,” she says. Ballard also for Counseling Today. Contact her experience the same emotions. It’s the encourages counselors to build their own at [email protected]. feeling of, ‘Wow, this person on the screen DVD libraries because clients are more Letters to the editor: is feeling the same thing that I felt and I’m likely to watch a movie for homework if [email protected] not alone. I’m not the only person who the counselor provides them with the film. ever felt this.’ That in itself gives a sense of hope.” The potential is also there for a client to become emotionally connected to the Movies for addicted youth story line in a movie, Hendricks says, and that emotional connection can transfer Bret Hendricks, an associate n My Name Is Bill W.: A film into stronger motivation for change. professor of counselor education about the founder of Alcoholics Ballard agrees that cinematherapy can at Texas Tech University, has done Anonymous. extensive work with adolescents in the be motivating. “Movies give clients the n Stand and Deliver: Excellent for opportunity to see others with similar juvenile justice system who are dealing with addictions. Through the use of promoting self-awareness and self- problems, even if only metaphorically concept. presented, using different thoughts movies and movie clips, he believes his and behaviors to work through their clients have made significantly greater n Drumline: Great film about progress than they would have with problems,” she says. “This, in essence, self-concept and reaching one’s talk therapy alone. After watching models for clients alternative ways of being potential. relevant movies, some of Hendricks’ and oftentimes motivates them to pursue adolescent clients have expressed a n Clean and Sober: Another film that their own solutions.” desire to reach out to their families, illustrates recovery and treatment. Delving in those they have victimized or even n The Wizard of Oz: Great for Counselors interested in integrating their probation officers. Hendricks addictions. What journey did shares a few of his favorite movies to cinematherapy into their work should first Dorothy have to experience to come use with addicted adolescents and the seek training, Hendricks says. Workshops to realizations about her own life? and books on the topic are available, he reasons why he likes those movies: says, and counselors might also consider n 28 Days: An excellent film joining the Association for Creativity in illustrating treatment and recovery. — Lynne Shallcross Counseling, a division of ACA.

40 | Counseling Today | October 2011 Membership statistics for Fiscal Year 2011 Policy 201.5, Published Membership Figures, of the ACA Policies and Procedures directs that a table of specific membership figures for ACA’s divisions, organizational affiliates and regions will only show the ACA members in each entity and may not reflect the total membership of a division or organizational affiliate that does not require membership in ACA. The table shows ACA membership in divisions and regions by month for the previous fiscal year, and the mean total, numerical and percent change in total ACA membership for each entity. The chart presents that information for Fiscal Year 2011.The chart does not reflect the information for AMHCA and ASCA because they maintain and publish their own membership figures. ACA began the year with 43,522 members and ended the year with 46,506, a 7 percent increase of 2,984 members. The mean for the year was 45,110. Six divisions (ACES, ALGBTIC, ASGW, AHC - formerly C-AHEAD, CSJ and IAAOC) and all four regions (Midwest, North Atlantic, Southern and Western) realized an increase in membership during FY 2011.

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 # % # % Change Change Change Change Organization 31-Jul 31-Aug 30-Sep 31-Oct 30-Nov 31-Dec 31-Jan 28-Feb 31-Mar 30-Apr 31-May 30-Jun 7/1/10 7/1/10 Mean vs Mean vs Mean -6/30/11 -6/30/11 ACA 43,522 44,045 44,153 44,266 44,954 44,937 45,247 45,741 45,661 45,944 46,342 46,506 2,984 6.86% 45,110 1,588 3.65%

AACE 374 368 363 356 362 359 361 354 358 358 349 344 (30) -8.02% 359 -15.17 -4.06% AADA 451 450 439 432 442 438 429 422 420 424 420 416 (35) -7.76% 432 -19.08 -4.23% ACC 829 845 847 837 864 846 835 832 831 823 830 827 (2) -0.24% 837 8.17 0.99% ACCA 1,261 1,273 1,258 1,231 1,250 1,238 1,228 1,232 1,222 1,210 1,223 1,227 (34) -2.70% 1,238 -23.25 -1.84% ACEG 221 225 224 224 226 220 215 223 224 223 219 218 (3) -1.36% 222 0.83 0.38% ACES 2,378 2,372 2,346 2,327 2,379 2,389 2,369 2,356 2,342 2,357 2,405 2,419 41 1.72% 2,370 -8.08 -0.34% ALGBTIC 670 683 665 676 686 697 700 701 706 712 714 725 55 8.21% 695 24.58 3.67% AMCD 960 952 947 949 967 951 948 952 936 935 936 928 (32) -3.33% 947 -13.25 -1.38% ARCA 594 608 591 571 586 583 584 584 592 595 580 588 (6) -1.01% 588 -6.00 -1.01% ASERVIC 1,156 1,154 1,133 1,124 1,127 1,113 1,101 1,103 1,094 1,087 1,074 1,063 (93) -8.04% 1,111 -45.25 -3.91% ASGW 743 751 735 740 755 761 762 767 749 753 764 772 29 3.90% 754 11.33 1.53% AHC (CAHEAD) 285 293 287 280 279 277 287 282 276 281 289 289 4 1.40% 284 -1.25 -0.44% October 2011| October CSJ 524 539 524 526 547 551 547 540 530 542 551 553 29 5.53% 540 15.50 2.96% IAAOC 695 697 693 683 680 673 662 678 693 690 690 696 1 0.14% 686 -9.17 -1.32% IAMFC 1,343 1,340 1,327 1,297 1,315 1,299 1,277 1,248 1,247 1,246 1,262 1,243 (100) -7.45% 1,287 -56.00 -4.17% NCDA 1,164 1,168 1,150 1,126 1,140 1,121 1,121 1,112 1,118 1,099 1,087 1,081 (83) -7.13% 1,124 -40.08 -3.44%

Counseling NECA 255 254 239 229 232 228 228 222 211 207 228 229 (26) -10.20% 230 -24.83 -9.74%

Midwest Region 10,228 10,347 10,398 10,397 10,551 10,553 10,661 10,670 10,627 10,650 10,740 10,724 496 4.85% 10,546 317.50 3.10% No. Atlantic Region 9,243 9,284 9,247 9,289 9,389 9,355 9,371 9,387 9,384 9,434 9,489 9,435 192 2.08% 9,359 115.92 1.25% Today |41 Southern Region 15,689 15,947 16,053 16,097 16,429 16,422 16,556 16,858 16,825 16,913 17,026 17,125 1,436 9.15% 16,495 806.00 5.14% Western Region 7,902 8,015 8,012 8,055 8,148 8,166 8,278 8,381 8,385 8,503 8,631 8,761 859 10.87% 8,270 367.75 4.65%

Irvin Yalom set to share insights with counselors Influential theorist and author of popular “teaching novels” returns to keynote ACA Conference in San Francisco By Heather Rudow

hen Dr. Irvin D. Yalom development, the book, Yalom believes, takes the podium to deliver will resemble a combination of two of Wthe opening keynote at the his previous works, Love’s Executioner 2012 American Counseling Association & Other Tales of Psychotherapy and The Annual Conference & Exposition in Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New San Francisco next March, it will mark Generation of Therapists and Their Patients. something of a repeat performance. Written more than a decade apart, both But having previously keynoted ACA’s books provide suggestions for counseling Annual Conference in Atlanta in 2005, practice, while including anecdotes the influential theorist, best-selling author from Yalom’s own experiences as a and expert on group therapy promises to therapist. Yalom says he looks forward to deliver a much different message. providing counselors with more practical Known for identifying the primary knowledge, both with his new book and “curative factors” (now therapeutic at his keynote speech at the ACA Annual factors) in group therapy and for writing Conference. “I’ve already talked a lot what he terms “teaching novels,” Yalom about the theories,” he notes. in Atlanta discussed the use of literature Yalom was born in Washington, D.C., Irvin D. Yalom and creativity in teaching psychotherapy. to Jewish parents who immigrated from He referenced what was at that time his Russia after World War I. He grew most recent work, The Schopenhauer up in one of the city’s poorer, rougher Cure, a story revolving around the inner neighborhoods and says he spent much workings of a therapy group. But in San of his childhood reading fiction as a way Francisco, where Yalom maintains an to escape the harsh realities of where he office for his part-time private practice for was living. Yalom has previously said individual therapy (he has another office that his childhood spent with books, in in Palo Alto, Calif.), he says he plans to combination with a lack of counseling or impart more real-world knowledge to any semblance of direction for youths in conference attendees. his neighborhood, influenced his writing “I’m going to try very hard to say and therapy styles. things that are useful for people in their Yalom wrote his first book,The Theory practice,” says Yalom, professor emeritus and Practice of Group Psychotherapy of psychiatry at Stanford University. (now in its fifth edition), in 1970. The “I’ve been going through my notes and American Journal of Psychiatry cited it as thought, ‘What are the things I want to one of the 10 most influential psychiatry leave therapists with? What are the things publications of that decade. In 1980, I want to say?’” Yalom wrote another well-received The insights Yalom will present at his textbook titled Existential Psychotherapy. ACA keynote will be based largely on “But after that,” Yalom said in a 2009 notes he has collected from sessions and interview at the Vienna Book Fair, “I research throughout his career as well began to feel I could teach more about as powerful comments he has received that idea … by presenting it in story- from colleagues and clients during his form.” He went on to write another years in the field. Many of these tips will textbook in 1983, Inpatient Group eventually become part of a new book Psychotherapy, which became a benchmark he is in the process of writing. As yet for the subject, before truly exploring untitled and still in the early stages of his literary side with Love’s Executioner

42 | Counseling Today | October 2011 in 1990. He has since authored a variety Yalom says his keynote will also touch “I think there’s something intrinsically of works, including his three teaching on the questions of how therapy helps meaningful in what we do,” he says, novels: When Nietzsche Wept, Lying on the and how counselors can know that “which is helping people find meaning in Couch and The Schopenhauer Cure. He therapy helps. One of the reasons he their lives and helping them grow.” has been quoted in interviews as saying believes counseling is so successful with w that writing a novel is “one of the finest clients is because there are positive effects A book signing will immediately things a person could do.” from the counseling relationship that follow Irvin Yalom’s keynote speech at Well known for his personal model of occur outside the office and manifest in the Moscone West Convention Center. existential psychotherapy, Yalom is highly ways the counselor never devised. He will also be presenting a session on celebrated in the counseling profession “Improvement comes about in ways the topic of psychotherapy novels at the for his pioneering role in constructing we could have never predicted,” he says. conference, during which he will discuss group counseling principles. He is also “If we can establish a caring holding his teaching novels, including the soon- a strong proponent, as evidenced by his relationship, then the patient may improve writing in , that each to-be-published The Spinoza Problem. The Gift of Therapy in a myriad of ways. For example … one client should receive a unique therapy The title refers to the Dutch rationalist of my female patients enrolled in a self- experience because each person has his or philosopher Baruch Spinoza. defense workshop, which helped her self- her own unique story. confidence and set off an adaptive spiral. w “We are pleased that our members who Sure, I hadn’t recommended the workshop, To attend the ACA Annual attend the conference in San Francisco but in some indirect way, our relationship Conference & Exposition in San will have the opportunity to spend time Francisco (March 21-25) at the with Dr. Yalom,” says ACA President allowed her to reach out and use external lowest available rate, register by Don W. Locke. “He has made significant opportunities that were always there. I Dec. 15. For more information or contributions to the knowledge base that always find it useful to spend time with to register, visit so many have studied through the years. patients as they are ending therapy to find conference or call 800.347.6647 It is exciting to know that conference out their views of what helped, and I am ext. 222. u attendees will have the opportunity to very often surprised and edified by what hear him in person and hear his insightful they tell me.” and thought-provoking presentation.” When Yalom’s patients need existential Heather Rudow is a staff writer Samuel Gladding, who was serving psychotherapy, he says it is because they for Counseling Today and CT as president of ACA when Yalom spoke are in distress concerning whether their Online. Contact her at hrudow@ at the annual conference in Atlanta, life has purpose. One of the beauties of believes Yalom’s keynote in San Francisco being a counselor, he says, is working in Letters to the editor: will be highly anticipated. “[Yalom] a profession in which that question has [email protected] was incredibly well received and was already been answered. very personable,” Gladding recalls. “He takes the profession of counseling very seriously, but he is most modest as a person. I know he works very hard on his writing and on his counseling. I think allows counseling our attendees will find him engaging and professionals to manage their appointments and deep. He is modest but as competent client data using a secure, web based, and as the day is long. His writing and his customizable platform. AMP is also ideal for speaking are very engaging.” scheduling Parent/Teacher conferences.

ACA Executive Director Richard Yep For a counseling demo, visit says that in addition to being extremely User Name: [email protected] Password: Charlie72 knowledgeable about counseling, Yalom possesses a captivating speaking style. Features Include: “Given the impact that Irvin Yalom has  Customizable Appointment  Email notifications for scheduled had on the profession of counseling, and Client Data elements appointments I know that his presentation will be  Monthly, Weekly, Daily and  Ability to produce Custom Reports insightful, engaging and something List Views of all Appointments for all Client and Appointment Data that all of our members will find quite  Upload Digital Documents to  Allows Client to schedule interesting,” Yep says.“I don’t use this Supplement Existing Data appointments phrase lightly when I say that Dr. Yalom  Secure (https) Connectivity  Pricing as low as $7/month is truly one of the giants in the field. I think that his presenting during our 60th Email: [email protected] Like Us on Facebook! or call (214) 534-1900 to learn more! anniversary conference will make the Follow Us on Twitter @ApptManagerPlus event even more special.”

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 43 Making the case that counselors are essential to education reform An ACA interview with Wendy D. Puriefoy, president of the Public Education Network By Frank Burtnett endy D. Puriefoy has been PEN is a network of 81 local education president of Public Education funds throughout the United States and WNetwork (PEN), the nation’s internationally. Created in 1983, the Wendy D. Puriefoy largest network of community-based school local education fund (LEF) concept was reform organizations, since 1991. Under developed by the Ford Foundation in n Building civic capacity and school and her visionary leadership, PEN has grown response to the A Nation at Risk report, district capacity to implement reforms into a national network of local education which Ford noted [had] omitted the Today, the LEFs are involved in teacher funds reaching some 8 million children. critical role of the public in improving urban residency programs; teacher and At PEN, Puriefoy has successfully public schools. All LEFs are located in principal quality; promoting use of advocated for and implemented systemic districts representing low-income and data for school improvement; changing reform initiatives related to school minority children living in urban and rural local, state and national policy; family finance and governance, curriculum and communities. The LEFs are: engagement; and encouraging the linkage assessment, parent involvement, school of nonacademic with academic programs libraries and school health. A Washington- n Local nonprofit organizations and the supports necessary for teachers and based organization, PEN’s central mission n Independent of their school districts students to succeed. In 2009, the network is to ensure equal education opportunities n Facilitating resources investment from agreed to a single goal — to increase the in public schools for all children and youth local governments, businesses and number of students who are college and through the engagement of the public. philanthropic foundations career ready — and many of the LEFs are working with their communities and school Tell readers a little about PEN’s mission n Serving as community brokers in districts to achieve this goal. and history, as well as your current bringing together all segments of the priorities. community What role does PEN foresee for professional school counselors, and the comprehensive school counseling upgrade your master’s programs they implement, in ensuring that our children and youth are ready to learn, lead healthy lives and progress online satisfactorily through the pre-K-12 The Nicholas A. Cummings Behavioral Health Program experience? The Doctor of Behavioral Health program: We see an increased role for fully pre- pared counselors in supporting the school’s • Is cohort-based (students move in unison to graduation). • Is accelerated. Master’s-level students can complete the DBH academic program. In order to ensure stu- in 18 months. Part-time enrollment is also available. dent success, a safe, respectful, democrati- • Has classes available at ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus or cally informed and inclusive school climate online distance learning. is essential for the core academic program. • Replaces the dissertation with a culminating project that demonstrates the students’ integration of business, health care, While teachers are key to student academic and clinical skills. success, they cannot do this job by them- • Replaces the internship with ongoing hands-on practicum selves but require a coordinated set of sup- experience in integrated, primary care settings. ports, both within the school and outside in • Relies heavily on part-time faculty who are experts in their respective areas. They actually make their living doing what the community, to converge in helping the they are teaching. highly challenged students, whether they be • The DBH is provisionally accredited through the National Institute low-income, ELL (English language learn- of Behavioral Health Quality (NIBHQ). ers), special education or in low-performing [email protected] | (602) 496-1352 schools. PEN has been working with the Ameri- Visit our website at can Counseling Association in supporting a national bill called DIPLOMA — Develop- ing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act — which is designed to eliminate the

44 | Counseling Today | October 2011 programmatic “silos” developed in many Currently, the average student-to-school concluded: “The case for civic investment is school districts and rather to encourage counselor ratio in the nation’s schools clear. Schools in America today face greater partnerships between the various programs. is 457:1, almost double the 250:1 challenges than ever before: students arrive We see a future where counselors, based on recommendations of the counseling at schools with the broadest range of needs; valid and reliable diagnostic data, will be community. The ratios are highest in schools and districts face financial pressures key in coordinating these supports, bridging urban and rural communities and those not seen in over six decades; and, in the face the gap between families and the school, with limited resources to support student and ensuring that students get special help services. Do you envision a time when an of these challenges, schools are expected to in accessing college or a career. appropriate number of counselors will meet higher standards and better prepare be in place to address such issues as the students than ever.” Numerous national leaders, including achievement gap and the dropout crisis, If this does not make the case for the need President Obama, have been calling for while helping students with their career for counselors, I don’t know what does. greater career and college readiness by and college readiness? w students. How do you envision school We know that this will be very difficult counselors contributing to this objective? to achieve without an engaged public, See the National Commission on Civic The nation seems to be on supportive parents and educators, informed Investment in Public Education report increasing the number of poor and policymakers, and a cohesive and involved at disadvantaged that are ready for college and ACA. Clearly, in the short term, we have Commission/Full_Report.pdf. a career, which is also the focus of PEN. our work cut out for us. Where we have This goal is the “equity challenge” of the enlightened leaders and policymakers, I w next phase of education reform. Counselors think that we can reach the lower ratios. Editor’s note: Frank Burtnett originally are essential in working with students to But it will require all of us coming together conducted this interview for publication in ensure that they are on the right “course” and making the case. ACAeNews for School Counselors. u track, identifying those students who need In an Education Week article, Columbia special help and support, working with University Teachers College professor Jeffrey parents and families in communicating the Henig and Massachusetts Secretary of Frank Burtnett is the editor of importance of postsecondary education and Education S. Paul Reville conclude that “in ACAeNews and ACA’s four special helping them to help their students make polite education circles, drawing attention focus e-newsletters for school the right choices. to community and other non-school factors counselors; counselor educators; Currently, our LEFs are telling us that is met with impatience, resigned shrugs or counseling students and new having a professional school counselor a weary rolling of the eyes. … [But] the professionals; and mental health, to keep students on track, and starting vision of future education reform is simple: private practice and community early in the educational experience, as American schools won’t achieve unless they agency counselors. Contact him at well as engaging parents in setting high attend to the non-school factors.” [email protected]. expectations for their children, is an We agree. The case needs to be made important element in advancing student that counselors are not a “soft” element of To opt in to any of the free success. One systemic concern that I have is education reform but an essential part of e-newsletters, contact ACA Member that sometimes we make policy judgments the student academic team. Services at 800.347.6647 ext. 222 at the 30,000-foot level without giving To this end, PEN created the National or e-mail acamemberservices@ thought to the ground truth. If you believe Commission on Civic Investment in Public our public schools are facing immense Education, a bipartisan panel chaired by challenges, then we have to ask ourselves, former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Letters to the editor: what tools do we need to get the job done? Riley, which released a report on a set of [email protected] Talented counselors are one of those tools. civic recommendations this spring. They

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 45 Reader Viewpoint - By Jeffrey T. Guterman

Look out — and beyond: The Singularity is coming

obotic counselors. Virtual their own biology by augmenting human nature. In particular, counseling solutions. Personality themselves with AI. has been influenced by a tradition that R uploading. Some futurists question if the conceptualizes and values the self. For These are not science fiction fantasies Singularity will happen at all. In example, psychoanalysis theorizes that but real possibilities that lie just beyond particular, some question whether a there are conscious and unconscious the horizon for the field of counseling. computer will ever be able to attain parts of the self. Person-centered therapy According to some futurists, a trend of human intelligence. But not Ray holds that there is a social self and a great historical magnitude is unfolding: Kurzweil! He developed the theory of real self. Although these and other the exponential growth of technological accelerating returns, which holds that counseling theories disagree about how development leading to an event referred the rate of technological progress is to conceptualize and intervene in relation to as the Singularity. exponential rather than linear. Most to the self, most agree that the self is a Ray Kurzweil, author of the 2005 humans, according to Kurzweil, are central locus of problems and change. best-seller The Singularity Is Near: When linear thinkers. We understand progress Coinciding with the postmodern Humans Transcend Biology, predicts that as occurring in single, incremental steps movement, a marked shift occurred in the pace of technological development (for example, 1 + 1 = 2, then 2 + 1 = 3, the field, with the self being situated in is becoming so rapid that the rate of then 3 + 1 = 4, and so on). In contrast, conversational, cultural and relational progress will become vertical by the exponential progress occurs when the domains. From a postmodern perspective, middle of this century. Then, in a growth rate is in proportion to current the self is understood as a narrative short period of time — perhaps in one and subsequent values (1 + 1 = 2, then phenomenon that is socially constructed. single moment — the world may be 2 + 2 = 4, then 4 + 4 = 8, and so on). As technology develops exponentially in transformed beyond recognition. It is this Consider that it took about 30,000 years the 21st century and humans become special point in time that is referred to as for humans to develop agriculture, but it increasingly augmented by technology, the Singularity. took only a quarter century for the first the nature of humanity itself may The Singularity could change computers, which took up the size of a change and two new types of human everything as we know it, and the large room, to be condensed into a hand- beings could emerge: transhuman and implications for counseling are held gadget. And in only five years since posthuman. significant. The Singularity may challenge its development, social media has become Transhuman refers to a person who us to reconsider the multicultural ubiquitous. has become so significantly augmented dimension that is a defining feature of It is astonishing to trace exponential by technology that, in effect, he or she our profession. The Singularity may technological progress throughout has transcended the original definition, take disciplines such as neuroscience to human history and to consider where based on biology, of what it means a new frontier. The Singularity may also it might lead. Increasingly, people have to be human. Some people already challenge the fundamental question, used technologies as extensions of the consider themselves to be transhuman. “What does it mean to be human?” self — for example, eyeglasses, the Sony Transhuman also refers to a human in Walkman, pacemakers and prostheses. transition who seeks to learn about new What is the Singularity? As a result of technological advances, it technology and might be preparing to The cause of the Singularity would is foreseeable that some humans might become posthuman. be the creation of greater-than-human be almost entirely nonbiological within Posthuman refers to a completely artificial intelligence (AI). As a result of the next 50 years. Progress in the field synthetic entity with AI. Such beings advances in the development of AI and of biotechnology may even make it likely could appear in the middle complex networked supercomputers, possible for humans to someday achieve of this century. A posthuman is a a positive feedback loop would result immortality. superintelligent robot, but not the type whereby smarter computers are capable we have become accustomed to in science of designing even smarter computers. The changing nature of humanity fiction. Posthumans would be able to This feedback loop would be so sudden The Singularity may change human share their experiences with one another, and rapid that AI would eventually nature itself and raise questions about change their bodies into data forms and develop. In effect, machines would have who we are and what we will become. choose to reside in computer networks. consciousness and act like real people Since the beginnings of counseling, the They might be able to think, feel and and, conversely, humans would transcend field has developed numerous theories of behave very much like real people. It

46 | Counseling Today | October 2011 As a result of future technology, people might even possess the capability of recreating the self in ways that are unimaginable today ... presenting new challenges and opportunities for clients and counselors alike.

is also conceivable that humans and n How might counselors, who of professional counselors, advancing transhumans will be able to transform themselves may become transhuman the counseling profession, and using the themselves into posthumans. When or posthuman, prepare to meet these profession and practice of counseling to considered in this way, the relationship new challenges? promote respect for human dignity and between humans and posthumans is not One possible scenario is that a human diversity. about “us” and “them,” but rather about counselor encounters a transhuman how humans may gradually transform or posthuman client. Or a posthuman If we accept that transhumans and into increasingly posthuman beings. counselor might provide counseling to a posthumans may someday inhabit human or transhuman client. As a result the world, then ACA’s mission might Implications for counseling of future technology, people might even need to be revised to account for these Many questions arise, especially for possess the capability of recreating the new beings. Moreover, a review of the the field of counseling, if we imagine a self in ways that are unimaginable today. ACA Code of Ethics and the Association world in which humans, transhumans Software uploading to the brain, which for Multicultural Counseling and and posthumans coexist. The question is already being done for individuals Development’s Multicultural Counseling of what it means to be human may be with Parkinson’s disease, could allow Competencies may be needed to address thrown into critical relief as machines one to experience and manifest the coexistence of these multiple, perform more complex human functions alternative personalities. Personality diverse forms of humanity. In particular, these guidelines would need to address and as we ascribe human qualities to these uploading may permit an individual to diversity and multiculturalism from machines. Even today, we refer to some of be anyone or anything he or she wishes a broader perspective. The scope of our machines as if they have personalities. to be, presenting new challenges and diversity and multiculturalism has already For example, one might refer to his or her opportunities for clients and counselors been expanded beyond race, ethnicity car as “my baby.” If computers possess AI alike. This would challenge the traditional assumption that an essential self exists and gender to include other domains and become superintelligent, there would such as age, family structure, sexual be a real convergence between biology that is “just there” and instead support the postmodern understanding that the orientation and disability. As people and machine. Biology would no longer self is an evolving, fluid phenomenon. become increasingly augmented by necessarily define humanity. Instead, a set technology, new opportunities will arise of characteristics and capabilities might Reconsidering our mission, for counselors to promote respect for the determine what it means to be human. ethics code and multicultural dignity and diversity of transhumans and Among the questions that may arise for competencies posthumans as well as humans. the counseling profession: The Singularity may also challenge the In the future, our mission, our ethical American Counseling Association to one n How might counseling be changed imperatives and our multicultural in a world coinhabited by humans, day reconsider its mission and the ACA competencies may in some respects Code of Ethics. ACA’s current mission be no different than they are today. transhumans and posthumans? statement is as follows: The Singularity may, however, require n What unique opportunities and what philosopher Peter Singer refers problems might humans, transhumans The mission of the American Counseling to as expanding our circle of empathy. and posthumans face in this new Association is to enhance the quality of life According to Singer, human progress world? in society by promoting the development has involved an expanding moral circle.

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 47 Through time, the circle of whom we accepting and embracing transhumans the title of his 1970 book, Future Shock. count as members of our group has and posthumans. But work still needs In this seminal book, Toffler predicted expanded to include other races, other to be done in the area of social justice that people would become disconnected, sexes, other religions and other species. strategies aimed at promoting respect overwhelmed and “future shocked” as It is not a stretch to imagine humans for the dignity and diversity of human a result of accelerating technological beings. It follows that the inclusion and social change. The cause of this of transhumans and posthumans in condition, according to Toffler, is “too the world would present society with much change in too short a period of Suggested websites challenges that counselors need to be time.” Basically, technological evolution prepared to address. is outpacing our biological capability to Nick Bostrom manage it. What now? We need to find ways to help others Kurzweil suggests the pace of with these new challenges. Already, many Ray Kurzweil technological change will become so fast counselors are dealing with technology- in the next 40 years that you will not be related issues such as online counseling Singularity Hub able to keep up unless you enhance your and Internet addiction. But this is only own intelligence with AI. Already today, the beginning. New possibilities, some it is essential for many of us to access of which are unimaginable today, are Transhumanist FAQ the Internet on a regular basis. Some closer than you may think. Counselors, people feel they would be lost without educators and especially students, the their smartphones. The good news is future of our profession, need to be that more and more people are able to willing and prepared to look out — and Suggested readings access the new technologies, and the beyond. The Singularity is coming! u playing field will continue to level. But edited by Human Enhancement are people prepared for the exponential Julian Savulescu and Nick Bostrom technological change that may be coming? Radical Evolution: The Promise and Counselors are all too aware of the Jeffrey T. Guterman is associate Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our importance of preparing for change. professor of counseling in the Bodies — and What it Means to Be Change is the business of counseling. Counseling Department of the Human by Joel Garreau But there has never been a change in Adrian Dominican School of human history like the change occurring Education at Barry University in The Age of Spiritual Machines: When now — a change that may culminate in Miami Shores, Fla. Contact him at Computers Exceed Human Intelligence the Singularity. If you observe closely, [email protected]. by Ray Kurzweil you will find many people are being affected by the sudden, rapid increase Letters to the editor: The Singularity Is Near: When in technological change. Sociologist and [email protected] Humans Transcend Biology by Ray futurist Alvin Toffler came up with a Kurzweil name for this condition, which served as


Continued from page 9 Inattentive Type” (2000), both of robust instrument for ADHD testing, with valid ADHD testing by assessing which were published in the Journal of they can use the Conners’ Continuous client abilities with digit span and Counseling & Development, very helpful. Performance Test II Version 5. This letter/number sequencing and memory The valid Conners 3rd Edition and objective computer-based assessment functioning. Finally, counselors can use the Conners Comprehensive Behavior targets the core neurological functioning the Achenbach Child-Behavior Checklist Rating Scales are innovative instruments of attention span and processing speed and the ADHD Rating Scale-IV. that assist with differential diagnosis and found in the ADHD brain. In addition, I concur with Hovancsek that we need intervention and monitoring of ADHD the IVA+Plus continuous performance to identity and celebrate client strengths, symptoms. Both tests contain internal test provides counselors with data on and these tests can assist counselors with consistency, test-retest reliability, inter- auditory and visual abilities commonly achieving this important counseling goal. rater reliability and factorial validity. found in the ADHD brain. The WISC- Jason King, LPC, CCMHC, ACS If counselors are interested in a more IV and WRAML can further assist [email protected] u

48 | Counseling Today | October 2011 October 2011 | Counseling Today | 49 Reader Viewpoint- By Diane Tayeby Civil unrest, technology multitasking combine to raise anxiety levels in Egypt

n Jan. 24, I was sitting in the The Twitter phenomenon squirts of adrenaline with each ping of our break room of my office in a The demonstrators in Egypt were handheld devices. When the government Ohuman rights organization in initially recruited from a Facebook page turned off our cell phones and Internet Cairo, Egypt, where I work as a counselor titled “We Are All Khaled Saeid,” set up access, we substituted live streaming from for African refugees. As the oldest person in in remembrance of a young Egyptian man Al Jazeera and other news organizations. the office, I argued that the demonstrations who allegedly was tortured and beaten to Still, we felt a tremendous ache to have our scheduled for the next day would probably death by State Security. When the Egyptian Internet capabilities back. be like past demonstrations in Egypt: government blocked Facebook from its For the next several weeks, colleagues, poorly attended and quickly dispersed. My Internet service, users turned to Twitter to clients and friends all complained of younger colleagues were quick to disagree. discuss where to meet up and to give real- the same symptoms: inability to focus, That day I cofacilitated the first session of time updates about what was happening hypervigilance, irritability and other a women’s group that would address grief throughout the country. Even our (now symptoms connected to anxiety. But what and loss through creative work on cultural former) U.S. State Department spokesman, I heard then that I hadn’t heard with past genograms. It was a lively session, and we P.J. Crowley, used Twitter to communicate clinical experience was the complaint that were very encouraged by the feedback we widely regarding the events unfolding all of these people continued to wake up received. quickly throughout the region. multiple times throughout the night to The next day, the White Revolution Then the Egyptian government began check their cell phones, to refresh their officially began with a massive sending text messages to all cell phone Twitter pages, to check in on Facebook or, demonstration in Tahrir Square in users, even though that service was in the case of my refugee clients, to check downtown Cairo that began peacefully disrupted for any other use. The messages for SMS messages. but quickly became violent. During the were often cryptic, and for some reason, I was reminded of an NPR interview next three weeks, those of us who stayed they always seemed to be sent in the middle I listened to in 2010 on Fresh Air with in Egypt — foreigners and Egyptians alike of the night. Many of us found the texts Terry Gross. The interview was with somewhat alarming. Once the regime fell, — experienced a veritable roller coaster Matt Richtel, a journalist who covers the army began using Twitter and Facebook of emotions. The security apparatus was technology for The New York Times. He was and also text messaging to announce their quickly dismantled, leaving Cairo, a city of introducing his “Your Brain on Computers” communiqués — their Orwellian method 18 million people, without police. Chaos series, which focused on how multitasking of handing down proclamations. reigned during the three weeks it took for with computers and handheld devices Although the protests lasted for three the Egyptian army to finally and firmly such as BlackBerries and iPhones can cause weeks, the daily pattern that emerged establish its dominance. Months later, we people to become distracted, alter the way saw most people congregating around continue to have a crime rate 200 percent the human brain processes information and midday, events escalating throughout the lead to other possible brain changes. above normal and no clear understanding early evening and most violent outbreaks of whom we should look to for protection. occurring late at night or into the early The antidote During this period, I observed an hours of the morning. During this period, During his interview, Richtel talked interesting type of anxiety that I myself I found myself going to bed with my about a group of scientists who went into experienced and am only beginning iPhone so I could receive Twitter updates the wild for a few days without any of these to shake off. It has also been rather and e-mails throughout the night. I technological devices. It took them three interesting to see firsthand the ways various felt a desperate need to know what was days for the effects of those devices to wear populations within Egypt have handled, happening, even as I tried to sleep. Because off — to feel part of their surroundings or rather are still handling, the anxiety. In I was in a different time zone than many of again and to be less distracted. Their addition to counseling African refugees, my friends and family members, that meant finding was that more study needs to be many of whom suffer severe symptoms I was constantly hearing the “beep” that done. of post-traumatic stress disorder, I also signaled the arrival of a new text message, Meanwhile, I was conducting my own have a private practice in which I counsel e-mail or Twitter alert. little informal study in Egypt. Recognizing Egyptians and English-speaking expats I was not alone. Later, after clients that our family was caught up in this from different countries. Then, of course, returned to therapy sessions and when I same anxiety-producing cycle, we made there is my own family’s experience in discussed what was happening with friends, the decision to spend long weekends at dealing with the stress of this very unusual I discovered we were all being awakened a beach house on the Red Sea coast, a uprising. throughout the night, receiving little place where there was no Internet or cable

50 | Counseling Today | October 2011 TV. As a group, we also decided to turn off the sound to all message alerts on our handhelds and to answer calls only from family members. We opened our balcony windows at night, and instead of listening for the alarmist beeps of our cell phones, we Tayeby Diane by Photo listened to the rhythmic in and out of the tide, a naturally soothing sound I will always connect with those healing weekends. Finding such relief for our own sleeplessness and distractibility made me consider what suggestions I might provide to my clients. Once we resumed Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo served as the nexus for daily demonstrations. sessions for the refugee women’s group, it became immediately and painfully clear interviews between Gross and Richtel and in the community on topics including that we needed to take a step back from shared them with clients, all of whom were English and handcraft. A section of our remembrance to safety in our trauma a little surprised and yet reassured to see office is arranging a self-defense course that treatment because the women had been that research was being done on this sub- will empower these women to feel a bit less retraumatized by the ongoing events in ject. In addition, just being able to say that afraid in this uncertain environment. We’re Egypt. We left the conference room table it seemed to take three whole days without all practicing breathing a little deeper, be- covered with genograms and art supplies technology to make the symptoms go away ing mindful and living in the moment. to go sit in a circle on the floor, where we had a positive effect for those who gave I am typing this document on my laptop practiced progressive muscle relaxation it a try. Unlike with other addictions, it offlineto avoid being distracted by incom- and simple breathing meditation. I also seems this one will be short-lived, especially ing e-mail. I now put my cell phone to used guided meditation to incorporate among those of us who became aware of the images and sounds of the sea with our how round-the-clock access to technology sleep at night before I go to bed. I watch rhythmic breathing. fed our anxiety levels, creating alarming the news only once in the morning and We discussed the difference between symptoms in individuals who had not ex- once in the evening, finding time in be- spending a lot of time discussing our fears perienced them before. tween to catch a couple of cooking shows. about what might happen and spending As I write this, the elections in Egypt I will be closely following future research time exploring the personal strengths that are looming, the trials of the main govern- related to technology multitasking. u make us survivors. We talked about the ment players are about to be held and pro- need to use cell phones, TV and other tests continue to be organized on a weekly Diane Tayeby is an ACA member modes of communication to help us stay basis. In what has become a new normal who practices counseling psycho- safe, but we also discussed the danger of climate, my clients have returned to a reg- therapy in Cairo, Egypt, both in using technology to spread rumors and how ular schedule, and we’ve managed to make private practice and with a human that action keeps our anxiety elevated. our way back to the issues we were explor- rights organization. Contact her at I introduced mindfulness practice with ing pre-revolution. The women’s group, all [email protected]. some clients, stressing the importance of thoughts of loss and grief and heightened focusing on one task instead of returning anxiety tossed aside for just a moment, Letters to the editor: to the multitasking we all had engaged in spent their most recent session sharing nail [email protected] earlier. I printed out the transcripts of the polish and looking over courses offered

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 51 Q&A with ACA president-elect candidates

he six candidates vying ACA is the Governing Council. Although Gerald A. Juhnke: Especially as a to become the American the written minutes of Governing former president of two ACA divisions TCounseling Association’s next Council are made available on the ACA and three state, branch divisions, I believe president-elect were asked to provide website, I would make sure that monthly vibrant division, branch, and regional answers to several questions about issues podcasts are made available to all the memberships are essential to ACA’s of relevance to the association and the members of ACA that discuss decisions overall health. I view these interactive and counseling profession. This month, their that have been made by the Governing intertwined relationships as symbiotic answers to the first two questions appear. Council as well as issues to be discussed and mutually helpful to one another. Answers to the remaining questions will and potentially acted upon in future Thus, I will work with division, branch, be published in the November issue. meetings. and region leaders to do whatever Additional information for each The second strategy that is useful in reasonably possible to strengthen ACA’s candidate, including biographical effectively addressing the specific and relationships with members in an effort information and goals statements, will varying needs of the members of any to gain increased political, social, and appear in the December issue. That issue organization involves the promotion economic strength, promote a unified will also feature biographical information of new mechanisms to foster increased professional counseling voice, and and goals statements for those running democratic participation by persons at the encourage interactive support. This is best for office at the division and region levels. grassroots of our professional association. for ACA and the divisions, branches, and Editor’s note: The following answers I detail how I would implement such regions, as well as professional counseling are printed as they were submitted by the a strategy in the following section (see as a whole. Specifically, I would work candidates, without editing of any kind. below). with divisions, branches, and regions to encourage joint memberships that will ACA is becoming an increasingly Kelly Duncan: First and foremost, I benefit our members, strengthen our diverse organization, both among our believe it is important for us to remember connections, and seek ways to reduce members and the specialty areas and that we are all counselors. Our core potential costs while increasing joint practice settings that they represent. training and philosophy is our common membership services. Additionally, over 50 percent of bond and it is what distinguishes us in ACA’s members do not belong to many ways from our colleagues in other Michael M. Kocet: By utilizing a division. Under your leadership helping professions. While we may the experiences and worldviews of the as ACA president, what would the choose to focus our expertise and talents culturally diverse membership in ACA, association do to meet the specific and in a variety of work settings, we recognize we can discover innovative solutions varying needs of these members and ourselves as counselors. to problems and uncover possibilities at the same time meet the needs of all I would strive for us to look to our that help the profession grow. While I members? current members to ascertain what they strongly support having specialty areas want from their membership organization and divisions within ACA, I sometimes Michael D’Andrea: Two of the ways and to respond to those needs. become concerned that we have become that organizations can more effectively Additionally, I would want to investigate too splintered and fractured. Even the meet the specific and varying needs of its those counselors who do not belong to title ‘Divisions’ used within ACA places members is by: [a] increasing their level ACA to find out what deters them from an emphasis on separateness. Regardless of transparency and [b] implementing joining. Are there needs we can meet that of our different specializations or practice concrete strategies to ensure democratic might encourage more to belong and to settings, we need to focus more on the participation by its members. become active? common characteristics we all share Organizational transparency includes I would also want to focus upon what as counselors, rather than how we are making information easily available ACA needs to do to meet the needs of different. As ACA President, I would to members about the issues that the consumers that counselors serve. foster more collaboration among divisions governing bodies address in their ACA needs to be the primary voice for and encourage members who are not decision-making meetings. This includes counselors in the legislative and other part of any division to play a more active sharing information about the ways that public arenas. ACA can be the driving role on committees, task forces, and governance bodies plan to better address force behind recognition by the public other leadership roles. As President I the specific and varying needs of its about what it is that counselors do and would propose a “Practitioner’s One Day constituents. how to assist those with whom we work Pass” at the annual ACA Conference. The primary decision-making body in to enhance their lives. For members unable to attend a full

52 | Counseling Today | October 2011 convention, members would have the networking within interest groups, (c) as websites, books, articles, and other ability to attend the convention on one provide discounts for multiple division tools for counselors to use with clients. single day and pay a reduced rate for the memberships, and (d) make resources Because technology changes and grows day they attend. Some counselors do not more accessible for special interest areas. at lightning speed, it is important for receive professional development funds By bundling member benefits, individual ACA to provide current leadership on the and therefore pay for conferences from members can have greater flexibility benefits and challenges that social media their personal budget. Our goal should and selection of services that meet their presents. be to increase member attendance at individual needs thus avoiding the “one national conferences. size fits all” approach. By increasing the Cirecie West-Olatunji: For ACA use of technology, ACA can enhance members, the use of Facebook, Twitter, E. Christine Moll: As I consider the the delivery of services to members for and LinkIn, for example, can serve to history of ACA, attempts to meet diverse more dynamic, fluid communication via create more dynamic interactions among specialty areas and practice settings blogs, eNews, webinars, social networking members as well as between members and resulted in the creation of our divisions (i.e., Facebook & Twitter), and podcasts. ACA leaders. The use of social media can and interest groups. Review of recent Given the current economic climate, Governing Counsel minutes suggest providing discounts for multiple that this continues with the creation of division memberships would minimize the Association for Child & Adolescent the financial burden for member ACA’s online voting Counseling (ACAC) as an Organizational involvement and participation. Finally, for 2012 elections Affiliate of ACA. ACA resources need to be available ACA members who choose to belong to special interest areas to facilitate Last year’s online election for ACA only to ACA may do so for a variety of members’ communication and exchange officers was a huge success. We saved reasons. It is possible those members who of information. trees and saved money, and more belong to ACA only do so because they members voted. In fact, it was our see no need to spend the money to join a highest voter turnout in five years. division. Social media is changing the landscape To enhance the online voting Member needs do vary across of how people communicate and share experience this year, ACA will geographic regions. There is no “one information. How do you think ACA post a voting link in the members- size fits all” solution. However, as ACA should utilize social media such as only section of the ACA website President I intend to: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? at When you sign n Offer bi-monthly teleconferences into the ACA members-only site available to all ACA members; Michael M. Kocet: I believe ACA and click the voting link, you can use social media in a number of will be automatically redirected n Personally communicate with Branch- capacities. Given that many newer to the Votenet site to enter your es, Divisions, and students to invite professionals and graduate students use confidential votes. You will not need • Submission of agenda items for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn on a to enter any additional user IDs or Governing Council meetings, daily basis, we should recognize that passwords. • Input for Counseling Today, these technology vehicles have numerous Online voting for all ACA electronic newsletters, and possibilities to foster community, elections will begin on Friday, Dec. presidential messages, and communication, and information about 2, at 12:01 a.m., and will close the association. As President I would Monday, Jan. 31, at 11:59 p.m. ET. • Needs for leadership development hold Twitter virtual town hall meetings Only members in good standing as meetings (COPARC and Regionally); throughout the year, open to any of Nov. 1, 2011, will be eligible to and ACA member interested in sharing an vote. If you are unable to vote online n Advance “partnership” agreements idea, offering a suggestion, or raising a or would prefer a paper ballot, with institutions (agencies, universi- concern. I also think social media is an please call ACA’s Member Services ties etc.) to collaborate professional important way to talk about key issues at 800.347.6647 ext. 222. If you development opportunities that might impacting the counseling profession, choose to complete a paper ballot, save money for all, increase media such as ethics, multiculturalism, and the deadline to receive your ballot at attention, promote the profession and counselor self-care, just to name a Votenet headquarters is the same as the training program. few. It is also critical for ACA to offer it is for online voting: Monday, Jan. workshops and virtual discussions on 31, 2012. Cirecie West-Olatunji: In order how counselors can utilize social media Watch for additional announce- to meet the needs of ACA members in an ethical and professional manner. ments and reminders about voting in . In addition, all members within specific interest areas as well as For example, ACA leaders could pose ACAeNews for whom we have an e-mail address the members as a whole, I would: (a) a question for members to debate on will receive e-mail reminders. customize member benefits, (b) augment Facebook. Social media could also be the use of technology to allow for used as a clearinghouse for resources such

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 53 be used to share information immediately move to hire a staff person whose primary members of pressing issues ranging from after critical incidents that occur. role will be to focus on use of social legislative alerts to the need for ACA Finally, social media can be used for job media shows commitment to being on counseling professional volunteers to placement networking. ACA needs to the cutting edge of meeting member and help survivors of natural disasters like more effectively utilize social networking consumer needs. the Oklahoma twisters. Although I tools to facilitate communication within utilize social media, I am not an expert. the membership to allow for exchange E. Christine Moll: “Social media” can During my division presidencies, I of ideas and resources. Further, many suggest that one is an alternative to the learned ACA has many creative and members are not sufficiently familiar other, and one consistent management ingenious members, who know far more with ACA leaders and initiatives within strategy can apply. Facebook, Twitter than I do. Thus, I would seek members the organization. Additionally, the use and LinkedIn are different educational with social media expertise, establish of social networking tools can make platforms with different goals: one as an ACA Social Media Committee, ACA initiatives more transparent and private space to connect with friends/ ask them to devise a practical, ACA encourage dialogue between ACA family, another is a micro blogging friendly Social Media Strategy Plan, leaders and members. Secondly, recent platform to promote NEWS, and the last and encourage implementation of same. natural and human-made disasters have is for professional networking. Then, I would marvel at their incredible increased on the local, national, and Therefore, each of these initiatives accomplishments, and applaud them for international fronts. Counselors have needs to be well branded and connected. helping ACA create the very best social been both affected and solicited to serve ACA members need to easily find ACA media for our membership. as responders. ACA needs to utilize social on all three platforms, and each need to media tools to facilitate rapid response link back to the ACA website. Michael D’Andrea: As ACA to the most needed areas. Thirdly, Their three platforms are technological President, I would make various forms of as counselors navigate the workforce “gifts” for all members to advocate for technology (including but not limited to arena, they need to have access to and within ACA. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) central information about available positions and In addition: to my efforts to promote democratic participation and free professional/ opportunities nationwide. Use of social n Facebook can educate “friends” to organizational development training media tools can assist recent graduates as market events/webinars etc. well as seasoned professionals in their job initiatives. To accomplish these goals I n Twitter can educate, retweet (spread) searches. would: similar ideas, among ACA members, [a] host monthly electronic town hall legislative, corporate, and media Kelly Duncan: ACA staff and meetings in which all ACA members members, and leadership have done a great job of would be invited to discuss how ACA listening to member feedback about n LinkedIn can educate, network with could build on its strengths to better what resources they most desire and potential advocates of the profession meet the specific and varying needs of its how they want to access information. (congressional members, media members; I have appreciated the blogs, podcasts, links, etc.) as well as provide a career [b] convene a special Social Media Task Force during my president-elect webinars, use of Facebook and the network for members. year at the 2013 ACA Conference that continuing education options ACA has Various computer programs can create would begin the planning of a state-of- made available and I would support the automated ACA generated posts, thus the-art social media action plan to be continued use of these technologies. The eliminating management time. However, implemented at the beginning of my networking and educational outreach a consistent message across these and presidential year and serve as a model social media provides can prove very other social media venues is essential. for other professional mental health meaningful for many of our members in organizations, and rural areas. Gerald A. Juhnke: I believe social [c] use electronic town hall meetings Social media also allows us to market media has significant potential to and other forms of technology the profession of counseling in new engage, empower, and inform ACA recommended by the new Social Media ways. I would encourage investigating members as well as the public. I like Task force to increase the voice and how we may be able to utilize these the idea of utilizing social media to connections among all ACA members avenues more as an association. I think provide information on topics of current as well as encouraging other counselor our student members and our members interest such as “Bullying”. Psychology educators, practitioners, and students to Today’s website does something similar who have really embraced technology join the ACA family as new members in can provide us with some ideas about to this and utilizes volunteer experts our association. u how we might continue to best meet who write blogs on specific topics of the needs of members in terms of their interest. Knowing the expertise of our need for information and how we might ACA membership, we could create Follow Counseling Today also provide consumers appropriate and something even better. Concomitantly, on Twitter accurate information about the role that we could use social media sites such as @ACA_CTOnline counselors can serve in their lives. ACA’s Facebook and Twitter to inform ACA

54 | Counseling Today | October 2011 ACA Insurance Trust Update- By Paul Nelson

To buy insurance or not

very counselor needs Once the Kelley Blue Book value goes Mini-med insurance professional liability insurance down to a level that is within your Limited benefit health insurance plans Eprotection, and I have spent means to pay without insurance, it is are becoming more popular and may be my entire career advising individuals and time to consider dropping collision and especially tempting to migrant workers or companies concerning the importance comprehensive protection. persons who work part time. Prices are low of liability coverage. A counselor enough to attract individuals who believe without insurance protection risks losing Mortgage life insurance a little protection is better than none at all, everything she or he has worked to but these policies leave the consumer in a achieve in the event of a lawsuit where This insurance can be very expensive, precarious position if a serious surgery is a client has done something violent and so perhaps it is not the solution to the needed or an extended illness arises. negligence is proved on the part of the payment of your mortgage in the event counselor. Even the best professionals of your death. Mortgage lenders like Rental car insurance sometimes face legal actions from to see this type of coverage because the If you have auto insurance on your clients who think the court system is benefits would come to them. It is more owned vehicle, it should cover you when the only avenue for shifting blame in cost-effective to have adequate term life you’re driving a rental car. Certified public a sad development. Insurance provides insurance because your beneficiary can accountants suggest there should be no the legal defense needed in every case, easily take care of the mortgage payout need to buy this extra insurance. The regardless of whether any fault lies with from the proceeds of this insurance. exception is if you will be driving outside the professional. the country. Auto insurance is critical when Travel insurance accidents occur, and personal liability Divorce insurance The US Travel Insurance Association insurance is vital to every homeowner reports a 35 percent increase in sales in This is another product gaining who experiences a guest falling or a tree recent years. Approximately 120 million popularity, due to the high percentage limb breaking and damaging a neighbor’s of couples who end up being divorced. property. people have purchased this coverage in the past decade. Complications It might not be a good idea to start a Insurance is offered for all sorts of marriage by planning for failure, however. associated with travel are becoming contingencies, and the wise consumer Divorce insurance policies have a waiting greater. Consider the tsunami in Japan will consider whether it is truly needed. period of as long as four years. That or the volcanic eruption in Iceland that Here are some examples. means you could be paying a great deal of interrupted air travel for weeks. Most premium before ever seeing any benefit. Accidental death and policies cover nonrefundable airline Higher benefit policies also have higher dismemberment insurance tickets, hotel rooms, lost baggage and rates. A cost versus benefit evaluation Employer plans sometimes cover this, medical evacuation due to illness or needs to be done carefully before deciding so it may not be necessary to purchase accident while traveling. to purchase this insurance. on your own. Accidental death or When considering this insurance, assess dismemberment might also be covered your overall health and susceptibility to The ACA Insurance Trust is constantly as part of your life insurance protection falling. Insurance may not be needed if evaluating the products offered to and health or disability policies. Despite you’re traveling to visit family somewhere counselors. Please visit the website at the low premiums offered for accidental in the United States, but it could prove for details on current programs death and dismemberment, the payments extremely valuable when going to a in effect. Call the ACA Insurance Trust still can add up over time. distant country. Also consider whether staff at 800.347.6647 ext. 284 anytime a the company offering the protection is question or concern arises. u Comprehensive and collision licensed and financially sound. Check the insurance on old cars policy so you know what is covered. It is Paul Nelson is executive director also advisable to review travel protection When the value of your care is high, of the ACA Insurance Trust. you need protection for collision damage, under your health insurance, credit card, fire, theft, falling objects and vandalism. auto and homeowners policies.

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 55 division, region & Branch News

ASGW seeks award nominations (attachment) to [email protected]. Submissions these dates for next year. This is an event Submitted by Lorraine Guth via regular mail should be sent to Lorraine you will not want to miss, especially since [email protected] J. Guth, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, we are at Disney! The Association for Specialists in Group Department of Counseling, 206 Stouffer Colleen Logan, a nationally recognized Work Awards Committee is seeking Hall, Indiana, PA 15705. Applications speaker and past ACA president, will be nominations for the Group Work Practice (nomination letter and supporting letters) our keynote speaker. She is a dynamic Award. The purpose of this award is to must be received by Jan. 31. The award and impressive speaker, and you will not recognize an outstanding practitioner in recipients will be announced at the ASGW want to miss her. We also plan to have group work. Recognition may be for any Luncheon at the ACA Annual Conference preconference workshops, including the area of group work covered by the ASGW & Exposition in San Francisco. new “Orientation to College Counseling: Professional Standards, and nominees must A Four-Module Certification Course” and be members of ASGW. “Acedia,” presented by Tom Balistrieri. ACCA announces election nominees, Stay tuned to our website for more A nomination letter and two supporting previews 2012 conference letters should address the following points: information, and if you have any questions, Submitted by Sylvia Shortt do not hesitate to contact Sylvia Shortt at n Nominee’s scope of practice (to include [email protected] [email protected]. We hope to see type of group work, client population Elections for the following 2012-2013 you there! served and practice setting) American College Counseling Association n Nominee’s innovations in group work positions will begin in December. Look for CSJ announces events at practice information about online voting through ACA Annual Conference n How the nominee has disseminated ACA. Our current slate of nominees is group work skills through workshops, running unopposed. Submitted by Manivong J. Ratts [email protected] conference presentations, supervision n President: Josh Gunn As president of Counselors for Social and/or training n Secretary: Joyce Thomas Justice, I would like to use this month’s n Evidence of the nominee’s significant n Member-at-large: Taffey Cunnien column to announce activities we contribution to group work practice Nominations are currently being accepted have scheduled for the ACA Annual The ASGW Awards Committee is also for the following positions; these officers Conference & Exposition in San seeking nominations for the Eminent will begin their terms July 1, 2013. Please Francisco. We don’t yet have all the Career Award and the Professional send all nominations to Brian Van Brunt at details such as room numbers and costs Advancement Award. Nominations in [email protected]. for some of the upcoming events, but either category should address the nominee’s I wanted to share a general outline of n President (three-year term: elect, active outstanding activities and contributions scheduled events that I hope you will and past president) to the group work field. Additional letters consider attending. speaking to the nomination are required. n Treasurer (two-year term) CSJ Awards Luncheon: Friday, March Letters should identify which award is being n Member-at-large (three-year term) 23, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., room and pricing sought. TBD. Please join us in honoring CSJ The Eminent Career Award is intended n ACA Governing Council representative Awards recipients at the Second Annual to recognize major contributions made (three-year term) CSJ Luncheon. Last year’s luncheon was to the field of group work by an ASGW/ In other news, make your plans now a success, and we hope to make it two American Counseling Association member. to come to the sixth ACCA Conference years in a row. Credentials and letters of recommendation in Orlando, Fla., Oct. 3-6, 2012, at the CSJ Social Justice and Ethical Codes for the nominee should convey the Disney Contemporary Resort. The call Town Hall Meeting: Friday, March 23, national and/or international influence the for programs is posted on our website 2:30-4 p.m. ACA recently announced individual has had on group work over a (, and the members of the ACA Ethics Revision period of time. deadline for program submission is Nov. Task Force, whose charge is to work on The Professional Advancement Award 15, 2011. We are particularly interested a revised ACA Code of Ethics. This town recognizes the outstanding activities of an in programs that emphasize LGBT topics, hall meeting will be an opportunity for individual who has helped advance the bullying and working with marginalized CSJ members to discuss how they would field of group work through any one of students. We also encourage community like to see social justice and advocacy the following: research, development of a college counselors to submit a proposal. integrated into the Code of Ethics. Input new technique or theory, public relations, The conference theme will be “College from this town hall meeting will be legislative activities or group work practice. Counseling: A Whole New World.” Our shared with the ACA Ethics Revision Electronic submissions for all awards are past five conferences have been extremely Task Force for consideration as it revises preferred and may be submitted via e-mail successful, so I encourage you to reserve the code.

56 | Counseling Today | October 2011 CSJ Day of Learning: Saturday, March environment. The 14-week course includes 24, time and location TBD. There will one week for each of 12 topics and two Executive be four education sessions: breaks of one week. Students read the n “Diffusion of Innovation: A Framework included resource materials and respond for Gaining ‘Buy-In’ for Social Justice in to questions posed by the lead instructor. Director’s message Because the course is not in real time, Counseling and Psychology” Continued from page 7 students (and instructors) can access the n “ACA Code of Ethics and Social Justice: site anytime day or night, think about to enhance, improve and advance the A Panel Discussion on Integrating what they want to say and make their counseling profession. Social Justice Into the New ACA Code of contributions. The instructors engage But my question is whether we Ethics” students, answer student questions or are meeting your expectations. More n “ACES Presidents and Social Justice: pose their own questions to facilitate the important, on the basis of what we ACES Leaders Discuss the Relevance of discussions. Students also have assignments, are asking you to do — namely, Social Justice in Counselor Education graded by the lead instructor. continue your membership in ACA — and Supervision” There are many potential students. what do we need to do to meet your We are limited only by the effectiveness expectations as we head into 2012? n “Dreaming of Possibilities: A Look of our marketing and the availability of Rather than simply delivering what Into the Future of Social Justice and instructors. Our team approach allows us we always have (which is a good menu Advocacy in Counseling” to run concurrent sessions and expands the of services and benefits in comparison I am very excited about what we opportunity for instructors to share in the with those provided by many other have lined up for the ACA Annual revenue. NECA will ensure that instructors professional organizations), we cannot Conference in San Francisco. I hope you are well trained and get the opportunity to rest on our laurels. To continue are as well. More to come in the future! teach. to succeed, ACA will need to be NECA promotes need Lead instructor Michael Lazarchick has innovative, creative and, most of all, in for GCDF instructors more than 40 years’ experience in the field. touch with what you want us to be! He brings a wealth of knowledge both to What I can tell you is that in 2011- Submitted by Kay Brawley students and instructors from his experience 2012, you can count on an ACA [email protected] in the government sector. that will continue to work toward The Global Career Development NECA will be offering a two-week improving the services you have Facilitator (GCDF) certification is fast course for instructors during November. identified as being valuable. I will also becoming the standard in the employment Instructors will become familiarized with let you know that during the next counseling arena. The National the curriculum and instructional platform. several months, we will roll out new Employment Counseling Association, The cost is $500. Graduates will be added products, services and professional in partnership with Life Strategies, offers to NECA’s cadre of instructors and will be opportunities that I hope will meet “Working Ahead, Moving Forward,” a offered weeks of instruction in upcoming (and exceed) your expectations. We completely online curriculum certified shared GCDF classes. Interested? Contact are dedicated to providing “value adds” by the Center for Credentialing and Kay Brawley, GCDF(I) master instructor for our membership at the lowest Education. As an employment counseling and NECA professional development possible costs. association, NECA ensures that it provides director, at [email protected]. I guess it is all about expectations. a special emphasis on helping people find Yes, you can recruit and run your own Please contact me with any comments, truly worthwhile employment. class once you become a certified instructor questions or suggestions that you might The online structure attracts students on a percentage royalty basis, paid to have via e-mail at [email protected] from a variety of distances and with diverse NECA and Life Strategies, owners of the or by phone at 800.347.6647 ext. 231. backgrounds, creating a rich learning curriculum. u Thanks and be well. u

Call for Input on Revising the ACA Code of Ethics

The American Counseling Association has begun the process of revising its Code of Ethics with an anticipated completion date of 2014. ACA members, counseling organizations (defined as those participating in 20/20: A Vision for the Future of Counseling), and state counselor licensure boards are invited to submit suggested changes to the following website: The website will accept comments through December 1, 2011.

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 57 News & Notes

SAMHSA Voice Awards honor those SAMHSA’s Lifetime Achievement who promote behavioral health Award was presented to Jacki McKinney The American Counseling Association of Philadelphia. A survivor of early joined the Substance Abuse and childhood abuse who experienced co- Mental Health Services Administration occurring mental and substance use (SAMHSA) in a national award program disorders, homelessness and interactions on Aug. 24 to recognize TV and with the criminal justice system, film screenwriters and producers and McKinney has for the past 21 years been community leaders for their awareness a vital force in the consumer/peer support and advocacy efforts to promote movement, particularly for people of behavioral health. Held in Hollywood color and women. She has been referred at Paramount Studios, the 2011 Voice to as the “cofounder of trauma awareness Awards also paid tribute to Ron Barber, in America.” district director for Rep. Gabrielle Nominations open for Giffords (D-Ariz.), with a Special committee appointments Recognition Award. Barber, Tucson ACA President-Elect Brad Erford is Mayor Robert E. Walkup and his wife seeking nominations for ACA committee Beth were honored for promoting civility appointments. For each committee, he and public understanding of mental will be appointing professional members health issues in the wake of the mass to serve a three-year term and a student shooting that took place in Tucson, Ariz., representative to serve a one-year term. this past January. ACA has served as a Positions on the following committees program partner for the SAMHSA Voice will be available beginning July 1, Awards for the past several years. 2012: Awards, Branch Development, Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Bylaws and Policies, Ethics, Graduate Peter Krause, who stars in NBC’s Student, Human Rights, International, Parenthood, hosted the event. Now in its Interprofessional, Professional Standards, sixth year, the Voice Awards convened Public Awareness and Support, Public representatives from the entertainment Policy and Legislation, Publications, and industry and the behavioral health Research and Knowledge. ACA President Don Locke (right) and Dean community for an evening of education ACA members may nominate Porter, executive director of the California and awareness about the societal themselves or be nominated by another Association for Licensed Professional Clinical contributions of people living with Counselors, were all smiles at Paramount ACA member. Nomination packets behavioral health problems. This year, Studios, which hosted the Voice Awards in are available on the ACA website at SAMHSA emphasized awareness about August. The event recognized outstanding All nominations must be the impact of trauma and the significant efforts by consumer leaders and the submitted electronically by Dec. 1 to effects it can have on individuals, families entertainment industry to increase public Holly Clubb at [email protected]. and friends, and communities across the understanding of mental health issues. For more information about the country. nominations process, call 800.347.6647 The TV shows winning Voice Awards ext. 212. for featuring the strength, bravery and organizational affiliates, branches, resilience of people living with mental Nominate deserving members chapters, regions and committees may and substance use disorders were Glee, for ACA National Awards also submit nominations. Grey’s Anatomy, Harry’s Law, Mad Men, Nominations for the 2012 ACA Complete information about the Parenthood, Private Practice, The Pacific National Awards are being accepted nominations process is available on the and Treme. through Nov. 18. The awards will be ACA website at under Recipients in the film category were presented at the ACA Annual Conference “Resources.” A 2012 National Awards It’s Kind of a Funny Story, The Beaver, The & Exposition in San Francisco in March. Packet is also available on request by Fighter and The King’s Speech. ACA members are encouraged to Honorees in the documentary category nominate one or more ACA members calling ACA Leadership Services at were Dad’s in Heaven With Nixon, If God who have made noteworthy contributions 800.347.6647 ext. 212. Nominations Is Willing and da Creek Don’t Rise, Lost to the counseling profession at the should be submitted electronically to Angels and Wartorn 1861-2010. local or state levels. ACA divisions, Holly Clubb at [email protected]. u

58 | Counseling Today | October 2011 Bulletin board

Coming events Riverhouse. Join us for continuing ASGW National Convention education and networking with your fellow Feb. 9-12 WVCA Fall Conference professionals. The theme of this year’s event Albuquerque, N.M. Oct. 6-8 is “How We Serve,” with sessions on DBT, The Association for Specialists in Sutton, W.Va. PTSD, returning military veterans and Group Work will host its 2012 National The West Virginia Counseling more. Visit to register or to Convention at the Sheraton Albuquerque Association Fall Conference will be held view more topics and speakers. at the Days Hotel Conference Center at Uptown Hotel with a theme of “Creating Cultures of Caring: Using Group Work to Flatwoods. Keynote speaker Hazel Ryner APCP Annual Convention Heal Ourselves, Our Communities and will speak about multicultural counseling Nov. 8-10 the World.” The keynote address will be competencies. For more information, visit San Juan, Puerto Rico or contact Marilyn Smith given by Lee Mun Wah, an internationally The Puerto Rican Professional at 304.283.4106 or laughsmith2009@ renowned educator, community therapist, Counseling Association (La Asociacion director of the filmThe Color of Fear and Puertorriquena de Consejeria Profesional) founder/CEO of StirFry Seminars and FCA Annual Convention will host its 34th Annual Convention at Consulting. We invite you to share your Oct. 13-16 the Puerto Rico Convention Center. The practice and research related to the use of Orlando, Fla. theme will be “Mental Health: Diversity group work across topics such as wellness, Come to the Sunshine State for the of Scenarios, Models and Counseling holistic health, trauma, community 62nd Florida Counseling Association Strategies.” For more information, e-mail building, disaster- and crisis-related work, Annual Convention at the Embassy [email protected]. multicultural and social justice issues, Suites Orlando-Lake Buena Vista. Be a Neuroscience 2011 prevention and conflict mediation. CEUs part of “Our Foundation, Our Future” will be available. The call for proposals is as counselors from across the state use Nov. 12-16 available at this opportunity to earn CECs and PDIs, Washington, D.C. present, network, build relationships, Neuroscience 2011, the Society for SCCA Annual Conference discuss advocacy and interact with like- Neuroscience’s Annual Meeting, will offer Feb. 23-25 minded individuals, all benefiting our more than 16,000 study abstracts on new Myrtle Beach, S.C. future. Register online at discoveries in aging, stress, mental illness, The South Carolina Counseling WCA Annual Conference learning, disease and more. Economist Association is hosting its 48th annual Oct. 16-17 and author Robert Shiller, whose work has conference at the Marriott Resort at the addressed the influence of psychological Spokane, Wash. Grand Dunes. Themed “South Carolina The Washington Counseling Association factors on economic decision-making, will Counselors: Making the Connections,” will host its annual conference, themed discuss behavioral economics. For more the conference will be loaded with great “Igniting Professional Counselors: Fire information, visit workshops on numerous topics related to It Up!” on Oct. 16 (preconference) and International Symposium on mental health. We are currently accepting Oct. 17 (full-day conference) at Gonzaga proposals for workshops. CEUs for Addictive Disorders, Behavioral University. John Sommers-Flanagan, author workshop attendance will be available. Health and Mental Health of Tough Kids, Cool Counseling, will give the For more information, visit preconference keynote speech on working Jan. 29 - Feb. 1 or contact Mary Jane Anderson-Wiley at with challenging youth and parents. The Colorado Springs, Colo. [email protected]. full-day conference features two speakers: Psychotherapy Associates and Alan Unis will present on collaboration in Educational Supporters host this annual FYI approaching clients across the life span, symposium featuring more than 40 and Randy Walker will present on holistic training and educational sessions provided Bulletin Board helping by merging science and common by a faculty of recognized professional submission guidelines sense into comprehensive treatment clinicians. A diversity of program Items for the Counseling Today Bulletin planning. The agenda includes breakout presentations address such topics as PTSD, Board must be submitted via e-mail to sessions and poster presentations. CE and trauma, mood disorders, brief solution- [email protected] with “Bulletin clock hours are available, including a three- focused therapy, psychopharmacology, Board” in the subject line. Limit hour ethics session. For more information, cognitive behavior therapies, ethics, sexual submissions to 125 words or less. The visit or e-mail Suzanne disorders, eating disorders, evidence-based deadline for submissions is the first of the Apelskog at [email protected]. Also find us on Facebook. psychotherapy, residential/IOP treatment, month at 5 p.m. ET for publication in the self-help recovery, relapse prevention, following month’s issue. If the first of the OCA Annual Conference family intervention and virtual/online month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Nov. 3-5 counseling. CEUs (approved), CMEs deadline is 5 p.m. ET on Friday. (Please Bend, Ore. (applied for) and exhibits are available. For note this special exception: The deadline for The Oregon Counseling Association more information, e-mail addicteduc@aol. the December issue will be 5 p.m. ET on is hosting its annual conference at the com or visit Friday, Oct. 28.) u

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 59 u Classified advertising categories include: Calendar; Merchandise & Services; Consulting; Office Space Available; Business Opportunities; Educational Programs; Call for Programs/Papers. Other categories can be added at no charge. Classifieds u Rates: Standard in-column format: $10 Effective Therapy Tools < $10 per line based on 30 characters per line, Goal Setter for teenagers $60 minimum. $8 per line for advertisers Merchandise/Services prepaying for six months. No cancellations or Goal setter for college students refunds. Classified ads can be placed online Goal setter for dieters only at a rate of $8 per line, based on 30 SECRETS AND TIPS FOR Divorce supplies characters per line; 30-day posting. DISSERTATION COMPLETION u Employment ads are listed under This book is now available from international or national by state. For questions, contact [email protected] u Rates: $10 per line based on 30 characters Continuing Education per line, $150 minimum. $8 per line for ATTACHMENT-BASED ISSUES advertisers prepaying for three months. No CRUISE, RELAX, EARN CEs cancellations or refunds. Employment ads Complex trauma history, parenting can be placed online only at a rate of $8 per concerns, anxiety and depression. All You can have a Cruise Vacation and line, based on 30 characters per line; 30-day ages. 802/451-9557 or laurah.tta@gmail. Learn 20 CEs at very reasonable prices posting. com. Tall Trees Associates BCT’’s Cruising for Credits is a LPC Display ads in the employment classified owned company specializing in CEs on section are available and can be designed by IMPROVE YOUR PRACTICE AND PROFIT cruises. Call Debbie at 877-901-4335 ACA’s graphics department. Call for details. Learn about an effective weight Classified and employment ads are not loss therapy, a beautiful model commissionable and are billed at net rate for private practice: genuine, profitable, only. and easy to manage. Go to www. Office Space u ACA Members: If you are seeking a position you may place a 45-word ad for $10. ARIZONA OFFICE CONDO This is a one-time insertion only. THE FAMILY & MARRIAGE COUNSELING DIRECTORY FOR SALE OR LEASE u Deadlines: Vary per issue. Contact Kathy Office space for 2 mental health Maguire at 607.662.4451 or kmaguire@ Get referrals from one of the top for further details. ranked family & marriage counseling professionals (large group room). Near Scottsdale Osborn Hospital. Close to u Direct all copy or inquiries to sites on the web. http://family-marriage- 101 and 202 Freeways for easy access to Kathy Maguire via e-mail at [email protected]. the East Valley and Phoenix. For Sale – LICENSURE EXAM REVIEW Owner will carry. Lease – Minimum 3 Phone: 607.662.4451 NCE & NCMHCE Exam Prep year lease. Call – Mon-Fri – 10:00 a.m. Fax: 607.662.4415 Review. Multiple choice questions, – 5:00 p.m. @ 480-994-4119 - Ask for u Ads are subject to Counseling Today mnemonics. Exam Tips, online and Marcia or email: [email protected] approval; however, Counseling Today cannot interactive Check out our FREE screen or evaluate all products or services advertised in the classified section and does SAMPLER!! [email protected] www. not guarantee their value or authenticity. The EMPLOYMENT publication of an advertisement in Counseling Today is in no way an endorsement by ACA CRAZED BY CLIENT BILLING? of the advertiser or the products or services Visit today and NATIONAL advertised. Advertisers may not incorporate learn more about ShrinkRapt™ the top in subsequent advertising or promotion selling billing and insurance program for The Department Of Veterans Affairs (Va) the fact that a product or service has been mental health practitioners. Easy to use! Mental Health Opportunities advertised in any ACA publication. ACA Nationwide endorses equal opportunity practices and will Order today and receive a FREE Email & not knowingly accept ads that discriminate FREE Backup Module! Limited time offer! The Department of Veterans Affairs on the basis of race, sex, religion, national Request a fully functional Demo Package at (VA) is one of the largest, most techno- origin, sexual orientation, disability or age. or by calling Saner logically advanced health care systems in u Counseling Today reserves the right to edit Software Inc (630) 513-5599. the United States. Our employees work at all copy, request additional documentation 154 medical centers, 875 ambulatory and where indicated and to refuse ads that are DISSERTATION COMPLETION CONSULTING community-based outpatient clinics, 136 not in consonance with these practices. ACA Individualized program assists with all nursing homes, and many other facilities, is not responsible for any claims made in aspects of dissertation and thesis writing. such as domiciliaries and readjustment advertisements nor for the specific position title or working of any particular position By phone, by FAX, by e-mail, or in counseling centers. More than a century listed in employment classified ads. person. Call “toll free” 1-(888) 463-6999 ago, President Lincoln made a promise or [email protected] to America’s servicemen and women,

60 | Counseling Today | October 2011 pledging the care and concern of a grate- in the College of Education at Troy overseeing continuity of care for clients ful Nation for the sacrifices they made to University is a tenure-track, twelve-month transitioning between residential programs preserve freedom. Since 1930, VA’s mis- faculty appointment. Rank is open and within the agency. The clinician is also sion has been to keep that promise. will be dependent upon experience and responsible for providing clinical direction Veterans’ mental health is a top prior- training. This position is in the CACREP to YAS staff and treatment team members. ity at VA. After returning from combat, accredited Department of Counseling The minimum qualification for this many veterans struggle to readjust to life and Psychology located on the Troy, position is a Master’s degree in Psychology, at home. Our mental health care provid- Alabama campus. Responsibilities Social Work, or a closely related field. ers play a critical role in helping these include teaching school counseling YAS is a non-profit community mental veterans reclaim their lives by providing courses, supervising interns and health agency located in Sitka, Alaska. The agency provides a continuum of therapeutic cutting-edge care. VA supports this mis- teaching other core counseling courses. services to its clients, including outpatient sion by ensuring that our mental health Additional duties include development care, inpatient residential treatment, professionals have the most innovative of a research agenda; committee therapeutic foster care, transitional living technologies, facilities, and training at service at all levels; involvement in support, and in-school support services. their fingertips. When you join VA, you service to regional schools and the YAS is located in the temperate rainforest will be a core member of our interdisci- community; advisement of counseling of Southeast Alaska, where wildlife is plinary care team structure, collaborating students and other responsibilities abundant and mountains meet ocean in with both primary care and other mental determined by the department, a majestic landscape. Join our team of health professionals to establish the right college and university. Minimum qualified mental health professionals in course of treatment for patients. VA has Qualifications include: An earned our efforts to empower youth to grow into health care facilities in all 50 states, the doctorate in Counselor Education, productive members of our community. District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. preferably from a CACREP accredited To apply for this position, please send a Should a mental health professional institution and experience as a school resume to [email protected] or contact desire to relocate, he or she may seek counselor and professional identity as us at 907-747-3687 for more information. employment at any location where there a school counselor. Troy University is is a vacancy and, if hired, transfer without an Equal Employment Opportunity ARKANSAS loss of benefits. Only one active, unre- and Affirmative Action employer. stricted state license is needed to practice Interested applicants should go to www. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS in a VA facility in the above locations. Mental Health Clinician We have opportunities for Counselors, Counseling And Psychological Services Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Work- ALASKA seeks a candidate for a Mental Health ers, Psychiatric Nurses nationwide. Visit Clinician position to begin by August 2012. us at to learn more YOUTH ADVOCATES OF SITKA, INC. RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary or to apply. EOE/AA, M/D/F/V Clinician (Residential Focus) responsibilities will be in providing Youth Advocates of Sitka, Inc. (YAS) individual, couples, family, and group ALABAMA is seeking a full-time clinician to provide counseling with students, faculty and staff. therapeutic services to youth ages 5 to 21 Additional responsibilities will include: TROY UNIVERSITY during the afternoon and evening hours. assessment, crisis intervention, outreach and School Counseling Position This clinician is responsible for providing consultation, and supervision of graduate The Assistant/Associate/Full Professor individual, family, and group therapy students from a variety of professional position of Counseling & Psychology for clients in residential treatment, thus training programs.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is one of the largest, most technologically advanced health care systems in the United States. We have opportunities for Counselors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Psychiatric Nurses nationwide. Visit us at to learn more or to apply. EOE/AA, M/D/F/V

October 2011 | Counseling Today | 61 QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate in practical/applied counseling experience clinical or (APA Send letter of intent, a current vita, and and be a Licensed Professional Counselor accreditation preferred), or closely related three letters of reference with in PA. This position offers a 9 month discipline; Master’s in counselor education contact information to: Dr. Catherine appointment and Faculty rank is is acceptable but Doctorate is preferred Polydore, Chair, Search Committee, contingent upon qualifications. (CACREP accreditation preferred); or Department of Counseling and Student Please visit our website at www.mtaloy. MSW from accredited social work program. Development, Eastern Illinois University, edu for more information and to apply. Within 18 months of hire, must secure 600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston, IL Mount Aloysius College is an Equal licensure in Arkansas for independent 61920-3099. (E-mail: cpolydore@eiu. Opportunity Employer. Founded in practice in one’s discipline. edu) For full description: http://www. 1853 - a private, Catholic, regionally FOR MORE INFORMATION: eiu/edu/~ceps/employ.php AA/EOE accredited, comprehensive college. In Go to the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy A asp?ListingID=6594 or contact Rosalyn KENTUCKY Just and Caring Environment Where Davis @ [email protected] Hospitality and Compassionate Service Applications completed by Dec. 31, LINDSEY WILSON COLLEGE Flourish. 2011 will receive full consideration. Late Assistant Professor, School of applications will be reviewed as needed to Professional Counseling TEXAS fill the position. Lindsey Wilson College is seeking This position is subject to a pre- applicants for an Assistant Professor of CATHOLIC CHARITIES employment criminal background check. Counseling and Human Services to teach Bilingual Clinician A criminal conviction or arrest pending in graduate and undergraduate programs. Catholic Charities is seeking a adjudication alone shall not disqualify an Qualifications include a terminal degree Bilingual Clinician in Houston, TX. applicant in the absence of a relationship in Counseling Education and Supervision Responsible for providing psychotherapy to the requirements of the position. or related mental health field. Applicants to children at St. Michael’s Home for Background check information will be must also be eligible for licensure. Children, as well as providing trainings used in a confidential, non-discriminatory Interested individuals should send a cover to direct care staff on psychosocial manner consistent with state and federal letter and current vita to Karen Wright, issues affecting children in placement. law. Director of Human Resources; Lindsey Requirements: Master’s degree in social The University of Arkansas is an Wilson College; 210 Lindsey Wilson work, counseling, or other mental health Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Street; Columbia, KY 42728; wrightk@ field with Texas professional licensure in employer. All applicants are subject to good standing (LCSW, LPC, or LMFT); public disclosure under the Arkansas LWC and The School of Professional 3-5 years experience in psychotherapy; Freedom of Information Act and persons Counseling welcome applications and native fluency in Spanish and hired must have proof of legal authority to from individuals of ethnic and cultural English. Send resume and salary to hr@ work in the United States. diversity.


EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MOUNT ALOYSIUS COLLEGE CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor Faculty, Community Counseling Assistant Professor The Department of Counseling and Mount Aloysius College, a private, Mental Health Counseling, Student Development invites applications Catholic, liberal arts College, invites Department of Psychology for a full-time tenure-track position applications for a full-time faculty Tenure-track assistant professor at the Assistant Professor level for a position in the newly developed master’s position in mental health counseling, nine-month appointment with possible program in Community Counseling to beginning September 15, 2012. summer teaching. The department begin January 2012. Responsibilities: Teach counseling- focuses on excellent teaching and is Teaching duties include a variety related courses at the graduate level in student-oriented with a supportive of graduate courses (and possibly addition to undergraduate psychology faculty culture. Responsibilities involve undergraduate courses) in counseling and courses; supervise counseling practica teaching graduate courses in a CACREP psychology. Successful candidate will and internships, and serve on master’s accredited Counseling Master’s program. advise students, participate in division/ thesis committees. Applicant screening Candidate must have an earned committee activities, college service, begins November 4, 2011 and will doctorate in Counselor Education and and other related activities as necessary. continue until position is filled. See full Supervision, preferably from a CACREP Reports to the Program Coordinator and announcement at; accredited program (or evidence that the Department Chairperson. Doctorate apply at: For doctorate will be completed by June 1, degree in counselor education/counseling inquiries, contact Dr. Jeff Penick (509- 2012). Starting date: August 16, 2012. psychology required; ABD considered. 963-3669 or [email protected]). CWU is Screening begins on October 15, 2011. The successful candidate will have an AA/EOE/Title IX Institution.

62 | Counseling Today | October 2011 CON-CT1011_AJN311 8/9/11 9:44 AM Page 1

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