Complaints dealt with by the Director-General of Communications in November 2012

In November 2012, the Director-General of Communications (“DG Com”) dealt with 159 cases (457 complaints) under the delegated authority of the Communications Authority (“CA”), of which 13 cases (13 complaints) were classified as minor breaches and 79 cases (185 complaints) as unsubstantiated. The remaining 67 cases (259 complaints) were found to be outside the ambit of the Broadcasting (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance.

The monthly figures of complaints dealt with by the then Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing under the delegated authority of the former Broadcasting Authority from December 2011 to March 2012, and by the DG Com under the delegated authority of the CA from April to November 2012 are shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the nature of the unsubstantiated complaints classified by the DG Com in November 2012. Figure 3 shows the nature of the complaints classified by the DG Com as minor breaches in the month of November 2012.

Figure 1

Complaints dealt with by the then Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing from December 2011 to March 2012 and by the Director-General of Communications from April to November 2012

1,000 900

800 700 600 (+8%) 500 457 439 400 317 422 ( 306 287

300 No. ofcomplaints No. 200 178 203 140 203 193 116 100 - Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Figure 2

Nature of the Unsubstantiated Complaints classified by the Director-General of Communications in November 2012

Material unsuitable for children and Horror youth 20.7% 13.4% Family viewing hours 7.8%

Partiality 7.3% Others 41.7% Inaccurate & misleading factual material Indecency 6.5% 2.6%

Figure 3

List of Complaint Cases classified by the Director-General of Communications as Minor Breaches in November 2012

Title Channel Broadcast Date Substance of Complaint TV Programme ATV Home 29.2.2012 No subtitles “Blog the World” (微播天下)

TV Programme ATV Home 17.4.2012 No subtitles “Blog the World” (微播天下)

TV Programme ATV Asia 7.3.2012 No announcement “Inside Story of on programme 311 Earthquake change Lead-in” (風雲大 事一百年 ─ 311 日本大地震透視 前奏)

TV Programme ATV Home, Asia 31.3.2012 Inaccuracy “Weather Report” & World (天氣報告)

TV Programme ATV Home 29.4.2012 Inaccuracy “6:00 News” (六點鐘新聞)

TV Programme ATV Home & Asia 4.5.2012 Inaccuracy “6:00 News” (六點鐘新聞)

TV Programme TVB I News 2.5.2012 Inaccuracy “News Report”

API for “Dress TVB Jade & HD 3.9.2012 API not broadcast Casual Day of the Jade as scheduled Community Chest of ” (政 府宣傳片「公益金 便服日」)

TV Programme Cable News 15.8.2012 Inaccuracy “Afternoon Edition” (下午要聞)

Suspension of Cable TDM June to August Service reliability Service Satellite - 2012

TV Programme now News 28.8.2012 Inaccuracy “Morning now” (now 早晨)

Radio Programme CR 1 18.9.2012 Inaccuracy “The Tipping Point” (左右大局)

Radio Programme RTHK Radio 2 24.7.2012 Inaccuracy “Rightable Wrong” (有冇搞錯)