6 bus time schedule & line map

6 Hamble-Le-Rice View In Website Mode

The 6 bus line (Hamble-Le-Rice) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Hamble-Le-Rice: 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM (2) City Centre: 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 6 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 6 bus arriving.

Direction: Hamble-Le-Rice 6 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Hamble-Le-Rice Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:10 AM - 7:50 PM

Monday 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM Pound Tree Road, Southampton City Centre Tuesday 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM , Southampton City Centre Arundel Bridge, Southampton Wednesday 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM

Holyrood Church, Southampton City Centre Thursday 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM 35 High Street, Southampton Friday 5:30 AM - 9:10 PM

Oxford Street, Southampton City Centre Saturday 6:10 AM - 7:50 PM 35-48 Orchard Lane, Southampton

Threeeld Lane, St Marys Chandos Street, Southampton 6 bus Info Terminus Terrace, St Marys Direction: Hamble-Le-Rice Marsh Lane, Southampton Stops: 36 Trip Duration: 32 min Itchen Bridge, Chapel Line Summary: Pound Tree Road, Southampton City 4 Albert Road South, Southampton Centre, Westquay, Southampton City Centre, Holyrood Church, Southampton City Centre, Oxford Bridge Link Road, Woolston Street, Southampton City Centre, Threeeld Lane, St Cooper's Lane, Southampton Marys, Terminus Terrace, St Marys, Itchen Bridge, Chapel, Bridge Link Road, Woolston, Fort Road, Fort Road, Woolston Woolston, St Annes Road, Woolston, The Swan, Woolston, Weston Lane, Weston, Weston Infant St Annes Road, Woolston School, Weston, The Gardeners Arms, Weston, Tenterton Avenue, Weston, Ingleside, Butlocks Heath, The Swan, Woolston Westwood Reserve, Abbey, St Edwards Road, Netley Abbey, New Road, Netley Abbey, York Road, Weston Lane, Weston Netley, New Road, Netley, Denzil Avenue, Netley, Netley Station, Netley, Yaverland, Netley, Bowcombe, Weston Infant School, Weston Butlocks Heath, Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath, The Newtown Road, Southampton Grove, Netley, St Marys Church, Hound, Satchell Lane, Hound, Broadway, Hound, Sports Ground, The Gardeners Arms, Weston Hamble-Le-Rice, Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice, Hamble Fire Station, Tenterton Avenue, Weston Hamble-Le-Rice, Copse Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice Ingleside, Butlocks Heath Westwood Reserve, Netley Abbey

St Edwards Road, Netley Abbey Grange Court, Hound Civil Parish

New Road, Netley Abbey

York Road, Netley York Road, Hound Civil Parish

New Road, Netley

Denzil Avenue, Netley Station Road, Hound Civil Parish

Netley Station, Netley Station Road, Hound Civil Parish

Yaverland, Netley Arreton, Hound Civil Parish

Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath

Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath

The Grove, Netley

St Marys Church, Hound

Satchell Lane, Hound

Broadway, Hound

Sports Ground, Hamble-Le-Rice

Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice

Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice Dani King Cyclepath, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish

Hamble Fire Station, Hamble-Le-Rice Pegasus Close, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish

Copse Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice

The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice High Street, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Direction: Southampton City Centre 6 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Southampton City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM

Monday 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice High Street, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Tuesday 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM

Copse Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice Wednesday 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM

Hamble Fire Station, Hamble-Le-Rice Thursday 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM Chadwick Way, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Friday 6:15 AM - 9:42 PM

Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice Saturday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM

Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice

Sports Ground, Hamble-Le-Rice 6 bus Info Broadway, Hound Direction: Southampton City Centre Stops: 36 Satchell Lane, Hound Trip Duration: 33 min Line Summary: The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice, Copse St Marys Church, Hound Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Hamble Fire Station, Hamble- Le-Rice, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice, Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice, Sports Ground, Hamble-Le- The Grove, Netley Rice, Broadway, Hound, Satchell Lane, Hound, St Marys Church, Hound, The Grove, Netley, Woolston Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath Road, Butlocks Heath, Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath, Yaverland, Netley, Netley Station, Netley, Denzil Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath Avenue, Netley, New Road, Netley, York Road, Netley, Rookley, Hound Civil Parish New Road, Netley Abbey, St Edwards Road, Netley Abbey, Westwood Reserve, Netley Abbey, Ingleside, Yaverland, Netley Butlocks Heath, Tenterton Avenue, Weston, The Yaverland, Hound Civil Parish Gardeners Arms, Weston, Weston Infant School, Weston, Weston Lane, Weston, The Swan, Woolston, Netley Station, Netley St Annes Road, Woolston, Fort Road, Woolston, St Station Road, Hound Civil Parish Patricks Church, Woolston, Bridge Link Road, Woolston, Itchen Bridge, Chapel, Oxford Street, Denzil Avenue, Netley Southampton City Centre, Holyrood Church, Denham Gardens, Hound Civil Parish Southampton City Centre, Westquay, Southampton City Centre, Houndwell Park, Southampton City New Road, Netley Centre, Pound Tree Road, Southampton City Centre

York Road, Netley Manchester Road, Hound Civil Parish

New Road, Netley Abbey

St Edwards Road, Netley Abbey Grange Road, Hound Civil Parish

Westwood Reserve, Netley Abbey

Ingleside, Butlocks Heath

Tenterton Avenue, Weston

The Gardeners Arms, Weston Weston Infant School, Weston Newtown Road, Southampton

Weston Lane, Weston

The Swan, Woolston

St Annes Road, Woolston

Fort Road, Woolston 66 Portsmouth Road, Southampton

St Patricks Church, Woolston Portsmouth Road, Southampton

Bridge Link Road, Woolston Cooper's Lane, Southampton

Itchen Bridge, Chapel Royal Crescent Road, Southampton

Oxford Street, Southampton City Centre 1 Oxford Street, Southampton

Holyrood Church, Southampton City Centre 135 High Street, Southampton

Westquay, Southampton City Centre Arundel Bridge, Southampton

Houndwell Park, Southampton City Centre 19 Hanover Buildings, Southampton

Pound Tree Road, Southampton City Centre 6 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved