History Through Picture Books
older sister of Martin Luther King. Jr., who Several years ago, Judith St. George began a has put her memories down in this fine little series of children’s picture book built around narrative, the events of one family’s childhood “turning points” in the childhoods of historical years that molded, inspired, entertained, and figures, including: Take the Lead, George Wash- sometimes frightened its three children—the ington; Make Your Mark, Franklin Roosevelt; You’re human things we seldom find in the history on Your Way Teddy Roosevelt; and Make Your ISTORY books but that make heroes real to children. Mark, Franklin Roosevelt. Stand Tall, Abe Lincoln is H ODD BOY OUT: YOUNG ALBERT EIN- every bit as good as the others. St. George is STEIN BY DON BROWN one of America’s most respected children’s his- Gr. 2-7 30 pages Houghton, 2004 torians and she lives up to that label by jam- ming a ton of information into these pages HROUGH In this simple but insightful biography of the T without once making it feel as though you are great scientist, the author offers hope for reading a textbook. every child who marches to a different drummer, who doesn’t blossom on time, who THANK YOU, SARAH: THE WOMAN WHO isn’t good at sports, who believes in day- SAVED THANKSGIVING PICTURE BOOKS dreaming about things that no one else can BY LAURIE HALSE ANDERSON; MATT READ-ALOUD even imagine, and who is the class outsider. FAULKNER, ILLUSTRATOR Also by the author: American Boy: The Adven- Gr.
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