1 Supporting Document Part One Contains: i. 2014 Residential Questionnaire Results Part Two Contains: ii. 2014 Residential Questionnaire Comments iii. 2014 Business Questionnaire Results iv. Assessment of Proposed Development Sites v. 2013 House Price Data vi. Housing Needs Survey (2009 updated) vii. Worcestershire Biological Records Centre Data viii. Worcestershire Farmsteads Guidance ix. Parish Maps 2 ii - Residential Questionnaire Comments Introduction The residential questionnaire of 2014 provided many opportunities for residents to make free form comments or to answer specific questions. These responses total 66 pages and it was felt that this was too great to include in total within this appendix. Instead we have included copies of the summaries we used at one of the consultation events. If anyone wishes to see the full schedule of comments this can be e.mailed to them if they send a request to
[email protected] 224 Households Responded To Our Questionnaire PARISH LIFE 1.8 Parish Life – What Else You Said • 52 people commented upon what they like. • 7 liked the walks and footpaths. • 11 liked the convenient location of our villages. • 11 also thought that we are a friendly community. • Two interesting comments were: Hanley Swan and Hanley Castle village centres are 'ideal' - an idea of how a village should look and feel. These intangible features require protection and considerate development within the boundaries. One parish but Hanley Castle and Hanley Swan are different villages. They have nothing in common. Please do not confuse matters by assuming they are one. As an issue of heritage it is important that they retain their own identities.