Form No. 17 RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA 4TH 'T' BLOCK, JAYANAGAR, BANGALORE - 560 041 Dr. K.B.Lingegowda Ph. : 080-26961930, 26961946, 26961945 Fax. : 080-26961931 E-mail :
[email protected] Registrar (Evaluation) R(E)/DR(E)-I/Ex-I/UG/June-2019 Date : 18-06-2019 REPLY URGENT To, DR. G N KANNOLLI {T00048} ASST.PROF DEPT. OF AYURVEDA S V M V V Sanghas Shri Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College P B No 15,,Bagalkot Dist.,,Ilkal,587 125 COLL PH.: 270518 (O), 270501 900702809 Sir, Sub: Conduct of UG theory examination during June - 2019 Appointment as OBSERVER CUM SQUAD - - - - - I am happy to inform you, that the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor is pleased to appoint you as OBSERVER CUM SQUAD in connection with the conduct of UG Theory examination scheduled to be held from 22.06.2019 TO 28.06.2019 OR till completion at the following centre GOVT. DENTAL COLLEGE & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Fort, Bangalore - 560 002. College Phone: 080 26703176, 26705053 You are requested to contact the Principal and Chief Superintendent of the said examination centre and get yourself acquainted with the assigned work. Your co-operation to conduct the examination in a smooth manner is solicited. Sd/- Dr. K.B.Lingegowda Registrar (Evaluation) Encl: 1. Observer / Squad - Power and functions / Daily Report Check List (Refer RGUHS website). Note: 1. Examination work is mandatory. 2. In case, if you have previously done your duties as "Observer/Squad" in the same centre, you are hereby directed to decline this appointment and intimate this office forthwith.