St. Pius X Catholic Church
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St. Pius X Catholic Church Pius Times Summer 2013 From the Pastor's Desk ber of Masses necessary to accommodate the needs of the par- ish. It has been obvious for quite some time now that our parish I know I’m dating myself, but as Bob Dylan sang fifty does not need four Masses on the weekend to accommodate the declining number of people attending regularly. The docu- years ago, “The times, they are a-changin.’” Yes, the times ment states: “A priest should work with his parish so that only (including Pius Times to be exact) are changing. This will be the number of Sunday Masses necessary for the number of the last edition that most of you will receive through the postal people are celebrated.” service; from now on Pius Times will be transmitted primarily After extensive discussions with the deacons, the electronically, and you may access it on our parish website. parish staff, and the Pastoral Council, and input from the This is a further step in our “green initiative” and a concession Liturgy Committee and individual parishioners interested to the electronic age. We are mailing this to all of you this time enough to share their opinions, I have decided that our new because of the important nature of the announcements con- weekend Mass schedule will be 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays, and tained herein, and to let you know that you should always 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Confessions will be heard at 3:30 p.m. on Saturdays, one hour before Mass. THIS check our website ( on a regular basis for the SCHEDULE IS EFFECTIVE BEGINNING THE WEEKEND OF most up-to-date information. We now also have a parish Fa- JULY 6-7. cebook page, and we invite you to “like” us to keep up with This new Mass schedule will affect the start times of wed- pertinent information. dings in our parish. A Saturday wedding within Mass may start The Church is a-changin’ too. First, everyone I talk to is no later than 1:00; a wedding without Mass may start no later excited about the new energy and renewed spirit of Pope Fran- than 2:00. Of course, weddings may also be scheduled on Fri- cis. His humility and simplicity call all of us back to a genuine day evenings. Baptisms will continue to be celebrated at Mass living of Gospel values. This first non-European pope in centu- on a rotating basis. ries seems like a breath of fresh air. As the Holy Spirit descend- Each pastor is required to celebrate Mass each Sunday ed upon the Church at Pentecost and made it a bold proclaimer and holyday of obligation for the people (pro populo). For the of the faith of Jesus, so we pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit past number of years, with two priests celebrating Masses and upon Pope Francis as he leads us boldly forth to proclaim our not knowing who would have which Mass, Mass intentions were faith. Let us not forget to ask the Holy Spirit’s blessing upon all not accepted for Sundays. Starting in July, one Mass per Sun- our fifty-eight confirmation candidates as they prepare for their day may be scheduled for a particular intention. Usually, these special day on June 9. are for deceased loved ones, other times for a wedding anniver- As the Church of Rome is a-changin’, so is our Archdio- sary or special occasion. The normal offering for a Mass in our cese of Dubuque. On April 8 it was announced that Archbishop diocese is $5. We may not accept Mass intentions that cannot Jerome Hanus‘ request for retirement had been accepted. Ap- be fulfilled within one year. Because of the number of requests pointed to replace him is the current Bishop of Wichita, Michael for Mass intentions, we will implement the following limitation on Jackels. Archbishop Jackels was installed as Archbishop on Mass intentions that we will accept. For a recently deceased Thursday, May 30. We pray for both Archbishop Jackels and parishioner, we will schedule six intentions through the next Archbishop Hanus as they enter new phases of their ministry. twelve months. For others, we will not schedule more than three Masses in a year requested by a particular individual. To Finally, our parish of St. Pius is not immune from change. schedule a Mass intention, contact our parish secretary, Mary Father David Ambrosy, who has been the full-time chaplain at Swiderski. Of course, you may send us as many stipends as both Mercy and St. Luke’s Hospitals, and weekend sacramental you may have (for example, after a funeral); we will send those priest at our parish for the past three years, is being transferred we cannot fulfill here to our retired priests throughout the Archdi- on July 9 to become pastor of Queen of Peace Parish in Water- ocese; they are always looking for Mass intentions. loo. A farewell for Father Dave will be held after all the Masses on Fathers’ Day weekend, June 15-16. Please plan to attend to It is extremely important that all of our liturgical ministers share your thanks for Father’s ministry among us. To help with are attentive to our needs every weekend. If you are scheduled his receptions, please contact Mary in the parish office at secre- as a lector, Mass server, greeter, or usher and you cannot be [email protected]. present, please be considerate and find your own substitute. If you are a Eucharistic Minister, please check the sign-in sheet at While Father Dave will be replaced as hospital chaplain every Mass to see if you are needed; we will need six host dis- by Father Keith Birch, HE WILL NOT BE REPLACED AT ST. tributors and seven cup distributors at each Mass with our new PIUS. Therefore, it is necessary to make some changes to our schedule. We depend on you. weekend Mass schedule. The Priests‘ Wellness Document, which was sent to all of you a year ago, calls for only the num- ….continued on Page 3 St. Pius X Religious Education Families St. Pius X Religious Education strives to provide engag- ing lessons rooted in Catholic teaching for all Kindergar- ten—9th Grade students. For parents, this is a tool to re- inforce the Catholic faith being taught and lived each day in your home. Join us on Wednesday evenings as we learn about our faith. Registration: Registration for the 2013-14 year is availa- ble online at It's not too late to sign up for Vacation Bible ArchDBQ/DBQ032/. School or Middle School Hay Day Camp! If you have any questions about Religious Education or VBS for students entering K—5th grade will be registration contact Deanna Gerber at [email protected] or on Friday, June 21 from 5:30-8:00pm & Barb Miller at [email protected]. Saturday, June 22 from 9:00am-12:00pm. Middle School Hay Day Camp for students en- tering 6th—8th grade will be June 19th—21st from 9:00am—12:00pm. Come and join us for Moo-sic, games, snacks & Bible stories. Register online at See ya there! St. Pius X Parish Mission Statement St. Pius X St. Pius X Church - 4949 Council St NE - Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Saint Pius X Parish is a Catholic faith community of wor- ship, prayer, and thanksgiving, serving the world through _______________________________________________________ outreach and action. MASSES: Saturdays 4:30 p.m. Sundays 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m ——————————————————————————————— PARISH STAFF: Sandra Pickart Realizing our baptismal call, we envision ourselves serv- Father Philip Thompson Director of Liturgy ing the Kingdom of God through: Pastor Tom Hanley - vibrant and nourishing liturgies; Linda Van Etten Business Manager Direction of Faith Formation Pam Satern - knowledge of the faith and personal spiritual growth; Al Scharosch Director of Shared Ministry - social justice and responsibility; Paul Zimmerman Lisa Bejarno Lanny Peterson Director of Youth Ministry - responsible stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. Deacons Mary Swiderski Sr. Joellen Price Parish Secretary Pastoral Associate Melanie Martin-Trainor PIUS TIMES Accountant OFFICE OF CATECHESIS: Deanna Gerber Barb Miller DESIGN Melanie Martin-Trainor Director of Religious Education Catechetical Associate Jan Hunting The Pius Times is published periodically by the St. Sacramental Associate Pius X Parish, Cedar Rapids, IA, to communicate, edu- cate and to spread the Gospel. The staff, as representa- ST. PIUS X SCHOOL: Brian O’Donnell, Principal tives of their parish, publish articles that enhance the parish commitment to life-long faith formation. 2 From the Pastor's Desk - continued from page 1 St. Pius X Church We are blessed with a number of young families with young children, and we commend your presence at our weekend will honor Masses. We want you to bring your children to Mass. Howev- er, small children’s attention span is not very long, and they Fr. Dave Ambrosy often get restless. With our good acoustics in the church, even the smallest sounds travel and are amplified. We provide Play the weekend of and Pray Sunday Childcare staffed by trained adults for the smallest children up to age 5 at the 11:00 Mass year round. June 15-16. We also offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word for 1st through 5th Fr. Dave will celebrate all the parish Masses that weekend, graders at the 11:00 Mass which runs concurrent with the school year. Please take advantage of these wonderful oppor- and there will be a reception in Pius Hall following each tunities that will enrich your children and allow you to participate Mass.