arXiv:0803.4101v1 [math.ST] 28 Mar 2008 denoted p and R itnecreainhspoete fatu eedneme correlation dependence true product- a to of properties has correlation Distance dao orlto ntofnaetlways: fundamental two in correlation of idea rbe ftsigtejitidpnec frno vectors correlation random distance moments, of first independence finite joint with the tributions testing of problem 07 o.3,N.6 2769–2794 6, No. DOI: 35, Vol. 2007, of Annals The pendence.

c aiainadtpgahcdetail. typographic 2769–2794 and 6, pagination No. 35, publis Vol. article 2007, original Statistics the Mathematical of of reprint Institute electronic an is This ESRN N ETN EEDNEB CORRELATION BY DEPENDENCE TESTING AND MEASURING yG By and nttt fMteaia Statistics Mathematical of Institute hogotti paper this Throughout .Introduction. 1. e od n phrases. and words Key 1 M 00sbetclassifications. subject 2000 AMS 2007. March revised 2006; November Received safnto of function a is oln re tt University State Green Bowling (ii) upre yteNtoa cec onainwieworking while Foundation Science National the by Supported (i) 10.1214/009053607000000505 R q nyif only 0 = R R brJ Sz J. abor ´ r oiieitgr.Tecaatrsi ucin of functions characteristic The integers. positive are f icse.Ipeetto ftets n ot al resul Carlo Monte and test presented. the also indepen of testing Implementation in compa c discussed. applications and a and have properties bet classical yet Asymptotic the distances moments, to Euclidean sample analogous than certain representation rather on elements based distance sample empirical are The measures independent. dence are vectors correlation random distance the correlation, un of but correlation, definition and classical covariance correlation product-moment distance to and ogous covariance Distance vectors. dom ( ( X ,Y X, ,Y X, itnecreaini e esr fdpnec between dependence of measure new a is correlation Distance and sdfie for defined is ) hrceie needneof independence characterizes 0 = ) f Y X ρ epciey n h on hrceitcfnto of function characteristic joint the and respectively, , ekely, ´ and , S usa cdm fSciences of Academy Russian USC itnecreainpoie e praht the to approach new a provides correlation Distance and itnecreain itnecvrac,multivariate covariance, distance correlation, Distance R Y 2007 , X 1 ( ,Y X, ai .RzoadNi .Bakirov K. Nail and Rizzo L. Maria r needn.I h iait omlcase, normal bivariate the In independent. are FDISTANCES OF in hsrpitdffr rmteoiia in original the from differs reprint This . X rmr 21;scnay62H20. secondary 62G10; Primary R ρ ) and itnecreainstse 0 satisfies correlation Distance . p in | ≤ , and oln re tt nvriyand University State Green Bowling h naso Statistics of Annals The 1 ρ Y ( ,Y X, Y nabtaydimensions; arbitrary in in ) | R iheult when equality with q r admvcos where vectors, random are X e ythe by hed and szr nyif only zero is tteFoundation. the at R orrelation. Y ec are dence , sr,analogous asure, r anal- are . iethe like eeaie the generalizes depen- sare ts X o l dis- all For . ween ran- ct and ≤ R ≤ ρ = Y ± inde- 1. are X 1, 2 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV and Y is denoted f . Distance covariance can be applied to measure the X,Y V distance fX,Y (t,s) fX(t)fY (s) between the joint characteristic function and the productk of− the marginalk characteristic functions (the norm is defined in Section 2), and to test the hypothesis of independence k · k H : f = f f vs. H : f = f f . 0 X,Y X Y 1 X,Y 6 X Y The importance of the independence assumption for inference arises, for ex- ample, in clinical studies with the case-only design, which uses only diseased subjects assumed to be independent in the study population. In this design, inferences on multiplicative gene interactions (see [1]) can be highly distorted when there is a departure from independence. Classical methods such as the Wilks Lambda [14] or Puri–Sen [8] likelihood ratio tests are not applicable if the dimension exceeds the sample size, or when distributional assumptions do not hold (see, e.g., [7] regarding the prevalence of nonnormality in biol- ogy and ecology). A further limitation of multivariate extensions of methods based on ranks is that they are ineffective for testing nonmonotone types of dependence. We propose an omnibus test of independence that is easily implemented in arbitrary dimension. In our Monte Carlo results the distance covariance test exhibits superior power against nonmonotone types of dependence while maintaining good power performance in the multivariate normal case rela- tive to the parametric likelihood ratio test. Distance correlation can also be applied as an index of dependence; for example, in meta-analysis [12] dis- tance correlation would be a more generally applicable index than product- moment correlation, without requiring normality for valid inferences. Theoretical properties of distance covariance and correlation are covered in Section 2, extensions in Section 3, and results for the bivariate normal case in Section 4. Empirical results are presented in Section 5, followed by a summary in Section 6.

2. Theoretical properties of distance dependence measures. Notation. The scalar product of vectors t and s is denoted by t,s . For complex-valued functions f( ), the complex conjugate of f is denotedh i by 2 · p f and f = f f. The Euclidean norm of x in R is x p. A sample from the distribution| | of X in Rp is denoted by the n p| matrix| X, and the × sample vectors (rows) are labeled X1,...,Xn. A primed variable X′ is an independent copy of X; that is, X and X′ are independent and identically distributed.

p q Definition 1. For complex functions γ defined on R R the w- p+q × k · k norm in the weighted L2 space of functions on R is defined by

2 2 (2.1) γ(t,s) w = γ(t,s) w(t,s) dt ds, k k Rp+q | | Z DISTANCE CORRELATION 3 where w(t,s) is an arbitrary positive weight function for which the integral above exists.

2.1. Choice of weight function. Using the w-norm (2.1) with a suit- able choice of weight function w(t,s), we definek · a k measure of dependence 2 2 (X,Y ; w)= fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) w (2.2) V k − k 2 = fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) w(t,s) dt ds, Rp+q | − | Z such that 2(X,Y ; w) = 0 if and only if X and Y are independent. In this paper willV be analogous to the absolute value of the classical product- momentV covariance. If we divide (X,Y ; w) by (X; w) (Y ; w), where V V V 2 p 2 (X; w)= fX,X (t,s) fX (t)fX (s) w(t,s) dt ds, V R2p | − | Z we have a type of unsigned correlation . Rw Not every weight function leads to an “interesting” w, however. The coefficient should be scale invariant, that is, invariantR with respect to Rw transformations (X,Y ) (ǫX,ǫY ), for ǫ> 0. We also require that w is positive for dependent variables.7→ It is easy to check that if the weight functionR w(t,s) is integrable, and both X and Y have finite , then the Taylor expansions of the underlying characteristic functions show that 2(ǫX,ǫY ; w) lim V = ρ2(X,Y ). ǫ 0 2(ǫX; w) 2(ǫY ; w) → V V Thus for integrable w,p if ρ =0, then w can be arbitrarily close to zero even if X and Y are dependent. However,R by applying a nonintegrable weight function, we obtain an w that is scale invariant and cannot be zero for dependent X and Y . WeR do not claim that our choice for w is the only reasonable one, but it will become clear in the following sections that our choice (2.4) results in very simple and applicable empirical formulas. (A more complicated weight function is applied in [2], which leads to a more com- putationally difficult statistic and does not have the interesting correlation form.) The crucial observation is the following lemma.

Lemma 1. If 0 <α< 2, then for all x in Rd 1 cos t,x − h i dt = C(d, α) x α, Rd t d+α | | Z | |d where 2πd/2Γ(1 α/2) C(d, α)= − α2αΓ((d + α)/2) 4 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV and Γ( ) is the complete gamma function. The integrals at 0 and are · ∞ meant in the principal value sense: limε 0 Rd −1 c , where B is the → εB+ε B Rd c \{ } unit ball (centered at 0) in and B is theR complement of B.

See [11] for the proof of Lemma 1. In the simplest case, α = 1, the constant in Lemma 1 is

π(1+d)/2 (2.3) c = C(d, 1) = . d Γ((1 + d)/2)

In view of Lemma 1, it is natural to choose the weight function

1+p 1+q 1 (2.4) w(t,s) = (c c t s )− , p q | |p | |q corresponding to α = 1. We apply the weight function (2.4) and the cor- responding weighted L norm , omitting the index w, and write the 2 k · k dependence measure (2.2) as 2(X,Y ). In integrals we also use the symbol V dω, which is defined by

1+p 1+q 1 dω = (c c t s )− dt ds. p q | |p | |q For finiteness of f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 it is sufficient that E X < k X,Y − X Y k | |p ∞ and E Y < . By the Cauchy–Bunyakovsky inequality | |q ∞ 2 i t,X i s,Y 2 f (t,s) f (t)f (s) = [E(e h i f (t))(e h i f (s))] | X,Y − X Y | − X − Y i t,X 2 i s,Y 2 E[e h i f (t)] E[e h i f (s)] ≤ − X − Y = (1 f (t) 2)(1 f (s) 2). − | X | − | Y | If E( X + Y ) < , then by Lemma 1 and by Fubini’s theorem it follows | |p | |q ∞ that

2 fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) dω Rp+q | − | Z 2 2 1 fX (t) 1 fY (s) − | 1+p | dt − | 1+q | ds ≤ Rp Rq Z cp t p Z cq s q (2.5) | | | | 1 cos t, X X′ 1 cos s,Y Y ′ = E − h 1+p− i dt E − h 1+q− i ds Rp c t p · Rq c s q Z p| |  Z q| |  = E X X′ E Y Y ′ < . | − |p | − |q ∞ Thus we have the following definitions. DISTANCE CORRELATION 5

2.2. Distance covariance and distance correlation.

Definition 2 (Distance covariance). The distance covariance (dCov) between random vectors X and Y with finite first moments is the nonneg- ative number (X,Y ) defined by V 2 2 (X,Y )= fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) (2.6) V k − k 2 1 fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) = | 1+−p 1+q | dt ds. cpcq Rp+q t p s q Z | | | | Similarly, distance variance (dVar) is defined as the square root of 2(X)= 2(X, X)= f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2. V V k X,X − X X k

Remark 1. If E( X + Y )= but E( X α + Y α) < for some | |p | |q ∞ | |p | |q ∞ 0 <α< 1, then one can apply (α) and (α) (see Section 3.1); otherwise one can apply a suitable transformationV R of (X,Y ) into bounded random variables (X, Y ) such that X and Y are independent if and only if X and Y are independent. e e e e Definition 3 (Distance correlation). The distance correlation (dCor) between random vectors X and Y with finite first moments is the nonneg- ative number (X,Y ) defined by R 2(X,Y ) , 2(X) 2(Y ) > 0, 2 V (2.7) (X,Y )=  2(X) 2(Y ) V V R V V  0q, 2(X) 2(Y ) = 0. V V  Clearly the definition of in (2.7) suggests an analogy with the product- moment correlation coefficientR ρ. Analogous properties are established in Theorem 3. The relation between , and ρ in the bivariate normal case will be established in Theorem 7. V R The distance dependence statistics are defined as follows. For an observed random sample (X, Y)= (Xk,Yk) : k = 1,...,n from the joint distribution of random vectors X in R{p and Y in Rq, define} 1 n 1 n a = X X , a¯ · = a , a¯· , = a , kl | k − l|p k n kl l n kl Xl=1 kX=1 1 n a¯·· = a , A = a a¯ · a¯· +a ¯··, n2 kl kl kl − k − l k,lX=1 6 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV k, l = 1,...,n. Similarly, define bkl = Yk Yl q and Bkl = bkl ¯bk· ¯b·l + ¯b··, for k, l = 1,...,n. | − | − −

Definition 4. The empirical distance covariance n(X, Y) is the non- negative number defined by V 1 n (2.8) 2(X, Y)= A B . Vn n2 kl kl k,lX=1 Similarly, (X) is the nonnegative number defined by Vn 1 n (2.9) 2(X)= 2(X, X)= A2 . Vn Vn n2 kl k,lX=1 Although it may not be immediately obvious that 2(X, Y) 0, this fact Vn ≥ as well as the motivation for the definition of n will be clear from Theorem 1 below. V

Definition 5. The empirical distance correlation n(X, Y) is the square root of R 2(X, Y) Vn , 2(X) 2(Y) > 0, 2 X Y Vn Vn (2.10) n( , )=  2(X) 2(Y) R Vn Vn  0q, 2(X) 2(Y) = 0. Vn Vn  Remark 2. The statistic n(X) = 0 if and only if every sample observa- tion is identical. Indeed, if V(X)=0, then A =0 for k, l = 1,...,n. Thus Vn kl 0= A = a · a· + a·· implies that a · = a· = a··/2, and kk − k − k k k 0= A = a a · a· + a·· = a = X X , kl kl − k − l kl | k − l|p so X = = X . 1 · · · n

It is clear that n is easy to compute, and in the following sections it will be shown that Ris a good empirical measure of dependence. Rn 2.3. Properties of distance covariance. It would have been natural, but less elementary, to define (X, Y) as f n (t,s) f n (t)f n(s) , where Vn k X,Y − X Y k 1 n f n (t,s)= exp i t, X + i s,Y X,Y n { h ki h ki} kX=1 is the empirical characteristic function of the sample, (X1,Y1),..., (Xn,Yn) , and { } 1 n 1 n f n (t)= exp i t, X , f n(s)= exp i s,Y X n { h ki} Y n { h ki} kX=1 kX=1 DISTANCE CORRELATION 7 are the marginal empirical characteristic functions of the X sample and Y sample, respectively. Our first theorem shows that the two definitions are equivalent.

Theorem 1. If (X, Y) is a sample from the joint distribution of (X,Y ), then 2(X, Y)= f n (t,s) f n (t)f n(s) 2. Vn k X,Y − X Y k

Proof. Lemma 1 implies that there exist constants cp and cq such that for all X in Rp, Y in Rq, 1 exp i t, X (2.11) − {1+hp i} dt = cp X p, Rp t p | | Z | | 1 exp i s,Y (2.12) − {1+hq i} ds = cq Y q, Rq s q | | Z | | 1 exp i t, X + i s,Y (2.13) − { 1+h p i1+q h i} dt ds = cpcq X p Y q, Rp Rq t p s q | | | | Z Z | | | | where the integrals are understood in the principal value sense. For sim- plicity, consider the case p = q = 1. The distance between the empirical 2 2 2 characteristic functions in the weighted norm w(t,s)= π− t− s− involves f n (t,s) 2, f n (t)f n(s) 2 and f n (t,s)f n (t)f n(s). For the first we have | X,Y | | X Y | X,Y X Y 1 n f n (t,s)f n (t,s)= cos(X X )t cos(Y Y )s + V , X,Y X,Y n2 k − l k − l 1 k,lX=1 n n n 2 where V1 represents terms that vanish when the integral fX,Y (t,s) fX(t)fY (s) is evaluated. The second expression is k − k n n n n fX (t)fY (s)fX (t)fY (s) 1 n 1 n = cos(X X )t cos(Y Y )s + V n2 k − l n2 k − l 2 k,lX=1 k,lX=1 and the third is n n n fX,Y (t,s)fX (t)fY (s) 1 n = cos(X X )t cos(Y Y )s + V , n3 k − l k − m 3 k,l,mX=1 where V2 and V3 represent terms that vanish when the integral is evaluated. n n n 2 To evaluate the integral fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) , apply Lemma 1, and statements (2.11), (2.12) andk (2.13) using− k cos u cos v = 1 (1 cos u) (1 cos v) + (1 cos u)(1 cos v). − − − − − − 8 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

After cancellation in the numerator of the integrand it remains to evaluate integrals of the type dt ds (1 cos(Xk Xl)t)(1 cos(Yk Yl)s) R2 − − − − t2 s2 Z dt = (1 cos(Xk Xl)t) R − − t2 Z ds (1 cos(Yk Yl)s) × R − − s2 Z = c2 X X Y Y . 1| k − l| | k − l| For random vectors X in Rp and Y in Rq, the same steps are applied using w(t,s)= c c t 1+p s 1+q 1. Thus { p q| |p | |q }− (2.14) f n (t,s) f n (t)f n(s) 2 = S + S 2S , k X,Y − X Y k 1 2 − 3 where 1 n (2.15) S = X X Y Y , 1 n2 | k − l|p| k − l|q k,lX=1 1 n 1 n (2.16) S = X X Y Y , 2 n2 | k − l|p n2 | k − l|q k,lX=1 k,lX=1 1 n n (2.17) S = X X Y Y . 3 n3 | k − l|p| k − m|q kX=1 l,mX=1 To complete the proof we need to verify the algebraic identity (2.18) 2(X, Y)= S + S 2S . Vn 1 2 − 3 For the proof of (2.18) see the Appendix. Then (2.14) and (2.18) imply that 2(X, Y)= f n (t,s) f n (t)f n(s) 2.  Vn k X,Y − X Y k Theorem 2. If E X < and E Y < , then almost surely | |p ∞ | |q ∞ (2.19) lim n(X, Y )= (X,Y ). n →∞ V V Proof. Define n n n 1 i t,X +i s,Y 1 i t,X 1 i s,Y ξ (t,s)= e h ki h ki e h ki e h ki, n n − n n kX=1 kX=1 kX=1 so that 2 = ξ (t,s) 2. Then after elementary transformations Vn k n k 1 n 1 n 1 n ξ (t,s)= u v u v , n n k k − n k n k kX=1 kX=1 kX=1 DISTANCE CORRELATION 9 where uk = exp(i t, Xk ) fX (t) and vk = exp(i s,Yk ) fY (s). For each δ> 0h definei the− region h i − (2.20) D(δ)= (t,s) : δ t 1/δ, δ s 1/δ { ≤ | |p ≤ ≤ | |q ≤ } and random variables 2 = ξ (t,s) 2 dω. Vn,δ | n | ZD(δ) For any fixed δ> 0, the weight function w(t,s) is bounded on D(δ). Hence 2 n,δ is a combination of V -statistics of bounded random variables. For each Vδ> 0 by the strong law of large numbers (SLLN) for V -statistics, it follows that almost surely

2 2 2 lim = · = fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) dω. n Vn,δ V ,δ | − | →∞ ZD(δ) 2 2 Clearly ·,δ converges to as δ tends to zero. Now it remains to prove that almost surelyV V 2 2 (2.21) lim sup lim sup n,δ n = 0. δ 0 n |V −V | → →∞ For each δ> 0

2 2 2 2 n,δ n ξn(t,s) dω + ξn(t,s) dω |V −V |≤ t p<δ | | t p>1/δ | | (2.22) Z| | Z| | 2 2 + ξn(t,s) dω + ξn(t,s) dω. s q<δ | | s q>1/δ | | Z| | Z| | p For z = (z1, z2,...,zp) in R define the function

1 cos z1 G(y)= − 1+p dz. z

Here v 2 =1+ f (s) 2 ei s,Yk f (s) e i s,Yk f (s), thus | k| | Y | − h i Y − − h i Y 2 vk ds | | 1+q = (2EY Yk Y E Y Y ′ ) 2( Yk + E Y ), Rq c s q | − |− | − | ≤ | | | | Z q| | D where the expectation EY is taken with respect to Y , and Y ′ = Y is inde- pendent of Yk. Further, after a suitable change of variables 2 uk dt | | 1+p = 2EX Xk X G( Xk X δ) E X X′ G( X X′ δ) t p<δ c t p | − | | − | − | − | | − | Z| | p| | 2E X X G( X X δ), ≤ X | k − | | k − | D where the expectation EX is taken with respect to X, and X′ = X is inde- pendent of Xk. Therefore, from (2.24)

2 ξn(t,s) dω t p<δ | | Z| | 2 n 2 n 4 ( Y + E Y ) E X X G( X X δ). ≤ n | k| | | n X | k − | | k − | kX=1 kX=1 By the SLLN

2 lim sup ξn(t,s) dω 4 2 2E Y 2E X1 X2 G( X1 X2 δ) n t p<δ | | ≤ · · | | · | − | | − | →∞ Z| | almost surely. Therefore by the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem for integrals and expectations

2 lim suplim sup ξn(t,s) dω = 0 δ 0 n t p<δ | | → →∞ Z| | almost surely. Consider now the second summand in (2.22). Inequalities (2.23) imply that u 2 4 and 1 n u 2 4, hence | k| ≤ n k=1 | k| ≤ 2 n uk Pdt dt 1 2 ds | | 16 vk 1+p 1+p q 1+q t p>1/δ cp t p ≤ t p>1/δ cp t p R n | | cq s q Z| | | | Z| | | | Z kX=1 | | 2 n 16δ ( Y + E Y ). ≤ n | k| | | kX=1 Thus, almost surely

2 lim suplim sup ξn(t,s) dω = 0. δ 0 n t p>1/δ | | → →∞ Z| | One can apply a similar argument to the remaining summands in (2.22) to obtain (2.21).  DISTANCE CORRELATION 11

Corollary 1. If E( X + Y ) < , then almost surely, | |p | |q ∞ lim 2 (X, Y)= 2(X,Y ). n n →∞ R R The definition of dCor suggests that our distance dependence measures are analogous in at least some respects to the corresponding product-moment correlation. By analogy, certain properties of classical correlation and vari- ance definitions should also hold for dCor and dVar. These properties are established in Theorems 3 and 4.

Theorem 3 (Properties of dCor).

(i) If E( X p + Y q) < , then 0 1, and (X,Y ) = 0 if and only if X and Y are| | independent.| | ∞ ≤R≤ R (ii) 0 1. ≤ Rn ≤ (iii) If n(X, Y) = 1, then there exist a vector a, a nonzero real number b and an orthogonalR matrix C such that Y = a + bXC.

Proof. In (i), (X,Y ) exists whenever X and Y have finite first mo- ments, and X and YR are independent if and only if the numerator 2(X,Y )= f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 V k X,Y − X Y k of 2(X,Y ) is zero. Let U = ei t,X f (t) and V = ei s,Y f (s). Then R h i − X h i − Y f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 = E[UV ] 2 (E[ U V ])2 E[ U 2 V 2] | X,Y − X Y | | | ≤ | | | | ≤ | | | | = (1 f (t) 2)(1 f (s) 2). − | X | − | Y | Thus

2 fX,Y (t,s) fX (t)fY (s) dω Rp+q | − | Z 2 2 2 (1 fX (t) )(1 fY (s) ) dω; ≤ Rp+q | − | | − | | | Z hence 0 (X,Y ) 1, and (ii) follows by a similar argument. ≤ R ≤ (iii) If n(X, Y) = 1, then the arguments below show that X and Y are similar almostR surely, thus the dimensions of the linear subspaces spanned by X and Y respectively are almost surely equal. (Here similar means that Y and εX are isometric for some ε = 0.) For simplicity we can suppose that X and Y are in the same Euclidean6 space and both span Rp. From the Cauchy–Bunyakovski inequality it is easy to see that n(X, Y)=1 if and only if A = εB for some factor ε. Suppose that ε =1.R Then k l k l | | X X = Y Y + d + d | k − l|p | k − l|q k l 12 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV for all k, l, for some constants dk, dl. Then with k = l we obtain dk =0 for all k. Now, one can apply a geometric argument. The two samples are iso- metric, so Y can be obtained from X through operations of shift, rotation and reflection, and hence Y = a + bXC for some vector a, b = ε and orthog- onal matrix C. If ε =1 and ε = 0, apply the geometric argument to εX and Y and it follows| | that6 Y = a6 + bXC where b = ε. 

Theorem 4 (Properties of dVar). The following properties hold for ran- dom vectors with finite first moments: (i) dVar(X) = 0 implies that X = E[X], almost surely. (ii) dVar(a+bCX)= b dVar(X) for all constant vectors a in Rp, scalars b and p p orthonormal matrices| | C. (iii) dVar(× X + Y ) dVar(X) + dVar(Y ) for independent random vectors X in Rp and Y in Rp≤.

Proof. (i) If dVar(X)=0, then f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 (dVar(X))2 = | X,X − X X | dt ds = 0, 2 p+1 p+1 Rp Rp c t p s p Z Z p| | | | or equivalently, fX,X (t,s)= fX (t + s)= fX (t)fX (s) for all t, s. That is, i c,t fX (t)= e h i for some constant vector c, and hence X is a constant vector, almost surely. Statement (ii) is obvious. (iii) Let ∆ = fX+Y,X+Y (t,s) fX(t+s)fY (t+s), ∆1 = fX (t,s) fX(t)fX (s) and ∆ = f (t,s) f (t)f (s).− If X and Y are independent, then− 2 Y − Y Y ∆= f (t,s) f (t)f (s) X+Y,X+Y − X+Y X+Y = f (t + s)f (t + s) f (t)f (s)f (t)f (s) X Y − X X Y Y = [f (t + s) f (t)f (s)]f (t + s) X − X X Y + f (t)f (s)[f (t + s) f (t)f (s)] X X Y − Y Y =∆1fY (t + s)+ fX (t)fX (s)∆2, and therefore ∆ 2 ∆ 2 + ∆ 2 + 2 ∆ ∆ . Equality holds if and only if | | ≤ | 1| | 2| | 1| | 2| ∆1∆2 = 0, that is, if and only if X or Y is a constant almost surely. 

2 2.4. Asymptotic properties of n n. Our proposed test of independence 2 V is based on the statistic n n/S2. If E( X p + Y q) < , we prove that under independence n 2/S convergesV in distribution| | | | to a∞ quadratic form Vn 2 D ∞ 2 (2.25) Q = λjZj , jX=1 DISTANCE CORRELATION 13 where Zj are independent standard normal random variables, λj are non- negative constants that depend on the distribution of (X,Y ) and{ }E[Q]=1. 2 A test of independence that rejects independence for large n n/S2 is statis- tically consistent against all alternatives with finite first moments.V Let ζ( ) denote a complex-valued zero-mean Gaussian random process with covariance· function R(u, u ) = (f (t t ) f (t)f (t ))(f (s s ) f (s)f (s )), 0 X − 0 − X X 0 Y − 0 − Y Y 0 where u = (t,s), u = (t ,s ) Rp Rq. 0 0 0 ∈ × Theorem 5 (Weak convergence). If X and Y are independent and E( X + Y ) < , then | |p | |q ∞ n 2 D ζ(t,s) 2. n n V −→→∞ k k Proof. Define the empirical process ζ (u)= ζ (t,s)= √nξ (t,s)= √n(f n (t,s) f n (t)f n(s)). n n n X,Y − X Y n 1 Under the independence hypothesis, E[ζn(u)]=0and E[ζn(u)ζn(u0)] = −n 2 n 1 2 2 × R(u, u ). In particular, E ζ (u) = − (1 f (t) )(1 f (s) ) 1. 0 | n | n − | X | − | Y | ≤ For each δ> 0 we construct a sequence of random variables Qn(δ) with the following properties: { }

(i) Qn(δ) converges in distribution to a Q(δ). (ii) E Qn(δ) ζn δ. (iii) E|Q(δ) −ζ |≤δ. | − |≤ 2 2 Then the weak convergence of ζn to ζ follows from the convergence of the corresponding characteristick k functions.k k The sequence Qn(δ) is defined as follows. Given ǫ> 0, choose a partition N Dk k=1 of D(δ) (2.20) into N = N(ǫ) measurable sets with diameter at most{ } ǫ. Define N 2 Qn(δ)= ζn dω. Dk | | kX=1 Z For a fixed M > 0 let 2 2 β(ǫ)=supE ζn(u) ζn(u0) , u,u0 || | − | | | where the supremum is taken over all u = (t,s) and u0 = (t0,s0) such that 2 2 2 max t , t0 , s , s0 < M, and t t0 + s s0 <ǫ . Then limǫ 0 β(ǫ) = 0 for every{| | | fixed| | |M| >|}0, and for fixed| − δ>| 0| − | →

2 2 E ζn(u) dω Qn(δ) β(ǫ) ζn(u) dω = 0. | | − ≤ | | −→ǫ 0 ZD(δ) ZD →


On the other hand,

2 2 ζn(u) dω ζn(u) dω | | − Rp+q | | ZD Z

2 2 ζn(u) dω + ζn(u) dω ≤ t <δ | | t >1/δ | | Z| | Z| | 2 2 + ζn(u) dω + ζn(u) dω. s <δ | | s >1/δ | | Z| | Z| | By similar steps as in the proof of Theorem 2, one can derive that

2 2 E ζn(u) dω + ζn(u) dω t <δ | | t >1/δ | | Z| | Z| |  n 1 − (E X1 X2 G( X1 X2 δ)+ wpδ)E Y1 Y2 δ 0, ≤ n | − | | − | | − | −→δ 0 → where wp is a constant depending only on p, and similarly

2 2 E ζn(u) dω + ζn(u) dω 0. s <δ | | s >1/δ | | −→δ 0 Z| | Z| |  → Similar inequalities also hold for the random process ζ(t,s) with N Q(δ)= ζ(u) 2 dω. Dk | | kX=1 Z The weak convergence of Qn(δ) to Q(δ) as n follows from the multi- →∞2 2 D 2 variate central limit theorem, and therefore n = ζn ζ .  n n V k k −→→∞ k k Corollary 2. If E( X + Y ) < , then: | |p | |q ∞ 2 D (i) If X and Y are independent, n /S2 Q where Q is a non- Vn n−→ negative quadratic form of centered Gaussian random→∞ variables (2.25) and E[Q] = 1. 2 P (ii) If X and Y are dependent, then n /S2 . n n V −→→∞ ∞

Proof. (i) The independence of X and Y implies that ζn and thus ζ is a zero-mean process. According to Kuo [5], Chapter 1, Section 2, the squared norm ζ 2 of the zero-mean Gaussian process ζ has the representation k k ∞ (2.26) ζ 2 =D λ Z2, k k j j jX=1 where Zj are independent standard normal random variables, and the non- negative constants λ depend on the distribution of (X,Y ). Hence, under { j} DISTANCE CORRELATION 15 independence, n 2 converges in distribution to a quadratic form (2.26). It Vn follows from (2.5) that

E ζ 2 = R(u, u) dω k k Rp+q Z 2 2 = (1 fX (t) )(1 fY (s) ) dω Rp+q − | | − | | Z = E( X X′ Y Y ′ ). | − |p| − |q a.s. 2 By the SLLN for V -statistics, S2 E( X X′ p Y Y ′ q). Therefore n / n−→ | − | | − | Vn D →∞ S2 Q, where E[Q]=1 and Q is the quadratic form (2.25). n−→ (ii)→∞ Suppose that X and Y are dependent and E( X + Y ) < . | |p | |q ∞ Then (X,Y ) > 0, Theorem 2 implies that 2(X, Y) a.s. 2(X,Y ) > 0, and n n V V −→→∞ V 2 P therefore n (X, Y) . By the SLLN, S2 converges to a constant and n n V −→→∞ ∞ 2 P therefore n /S2 .  n n V −→→∞ ∞ Theorem 6. Suppose T (X,Y,α,n) is the test that rejects independence if 2 X Y n n( , ) 1 2 V > (Φ− (1 α/2)) , S2 − where Φ( ) denotes the standard normal cumulative distribution function, · and let α(X,Y,n) denote the achieved significance level of T (X,Y,α,n). If E( X + Y ) < , then for all 0 < α 0.215 | |p | |q ∞ ≤ (i) limn α(X,Y,n) α, →∞ ≤ (ii) supX,Y limn α(X,Y,n) : (X,Y ) = 0 = α. { →∞ V } Proof. (i) The following inequality is proved as a special case of a theorem of Sz´ekely and Bakirov [9], page 189. If Q is a quadratic form of centered Gaussian random variables and E[Q]=1, then

1 2 P Q (Φ− (1 α/2)) α { ≥ − }≤ for all 0 < α 0.215. ≤ (ii) For Bernoulli random variables X and Y we have that (X, Y)= Rn ρˆ(X, Y) . By the central limit theorem, under independence √nρˆ(X, Y) is | | asymptotically normal. Thus, in case X and Y are independent Bernoulli 2 variables, the quadratic form Q contains only one term, Q = Z1 , and the upper bound α is achieved.  16 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

2 1 Thus, a test rejecting independence of X and Y when n n/S2 Φ− (1 α/2) has an asymptotic significance level at most α. The asymptoticV ≥ test cri-− p terion could be quite conservative for many distributions. Alternatively one can estimate the critical value for the test by conditioning on the observed sample, which is discussed in Section 5.

2 2 Remark 3. If E X p < and E Y q < , then E[ X p Y q] < , so by Lemma 1 and by Fubini’s| | theorem∞ we| can| evaluate∞ | | | | ∞ 2(X,Y )= E[ X X Y Y ]+ E X X E Y Y V | 1 − 2|p| 1 − 2|q | 1 − 2|p | 1 − 2|q 2E[ X X Y Y ]. − | 1 − 2|p| 1 − 3|q If second moments exist, Theorem 2 and weak convergence can be estab- lished by V -statistic limit theorems [13]. Under the null hypothesis of inde- 2 pendence, n is a degenerate kernel V -statistic. The first-order degeneracy V 2 follows from inequalities proved in [10]. Thus n n converges in distribution to a quadratic form (2.26). V

3. Extensions.

3.1. The class of α-distance dependence measures. We introduce a one- parameter family of distance dependence measures indexed by a positive exponent α. In our definition of dCor we have applied exponent α = 1. α α (α) Suppose that E( X p + Y q ) < . Let denote the α-distance covari- ance, which is the nonnegative| | | | number∞ definedV by 2(α)(X,Y )= f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 V k X,Y − X Y kα 2 1 fX,Y (t,s) fX(t)fY (s) = | α+−p α+q | dt ds. C(p, α)C(q, α) Rp+q t p s q Z | | | | Similarly, (α) denotes α-distance correlation, which is the square root of R 2(α)(X,Y ) 2(α) = V , 0 < 2(α)(X), 2(α)(Y ) < , R 2(α)(X) 2(α)(Y ) V V ∞ V V q and (α) =0 if 2(α)(X) 2(α)(Y )=0. TheR α-distanceV dependenceV statistics are defined by replacing the expo- nent 1 with exponent α in the distance dependence statistics (2.8), (2.9) and α (2.10). That is, replace akl = Xk Xl p with akl = Xk Xl p and replace b = Y Y with b = Y | Y −α, k,| l = 1,...,n. | − | kl | k − l|q kl | k − l|q Theorem 2 can be generalized for α-norms, so that almost sure con- (α) (α) k · k vergence of n follows if the α-moments are finite. Similarly one can prove theV weak→V convergence and statistical consistency for α exponents, 0 <α< 2, provided that α moments are finite. DISTANCE CORRELATION 17

The case α = 2 leads to the counterpart of classical correlation and co- (2) (2) (2) variance. In fact, if p = q =1, then = ρ , n = ρˆ and n = 2 σˆ , R | | R | | V | xy| whereσ ˆxy is the maximum likelihood estimator of Cov(X,Y ).

3.2. Affine invariance. Group invariance is an important concept in sta- tistical inference (see Eaton [3] or Giri [4]), particularly when any transfor- mation of data and/or parameters by some group element constitutes an equivalent problem for inference. For the problem of testing independence, which is preserved under the group of affine transformations, it is natural to consider dependence measures that are affine invariant. Although (X,Y ) as defined by (2.7) is not affine invariant, it is clearly invariant withR respect to the group of orthogonal transformations (3.1) X a + b C X, Y a + b C Y, 7→ 1 1 1 7→ 2 2 2 where a1, a2 are arbitrary vectors, b1, b2 are arbitrary nonzero numbers and C1, C2 are arbitrary orthogonal matrices. We can also define a distance correlation that is affine invariant. For random samples X from the distribution of X in Rp and Y from the q distribution of Y in R , define the scaled samples X∗ and Y∗ by X X 1/2 Y Y 1/2 (3.2) ∗ = SX− , ∗ = SY− , where SX and SY are the sample covariance matrices of X and Y, respec- tively. Although the sample vectors in (3.2) are not invariant to affine trans- formations, the distances Xk∗ Xl∗ and Yk∗ Yl∗ , k, l = 1,...,n, are invari- ant to affine transformations.| − Then| the| affine− distance| correlation statistic (X, Y) between random samples X and Y is the square root of Rn∗ 2 X Y 2 n( ∗, ∗) ∗ (X, Y)= V . Rn 2(X ) 2(Y ) Vn ∗ Vn ∗ Properties established in Section p2 also hold for n∗ and n∗ , because the transformation (3.2) simply replaces the weight functionV c cR t 1+p s 1+q 1 { p q| |p | |q }− with the weight function c c S1/2t 1+p S1/2s 1+q 1. { p q| X |p | Y |q }− 4. Results for the bivariate normal distribution. Let X and Y have standard normal distributions with Cov(X,Y )= ρ(X,Y )= ρ. Introduce the function dt ds F (ρ)= ∞ ∞ f (t,s) f (t)f (s) 2 . | X,Y − X Y | t2 s2 Z−∞ Z−∞ Then 2(X,Y )= F (ρ)/c2 = F (ρ)/π2 and V 1 2(X,Y ) F (ρ) (4.1) 2(X,Y )= V = . R 2(X, X) 2(Y,Y ) F (1) V V p 18 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

Theorem 7. If X and Y are standard normal, with correlation ρ = ρ(X,Y ), then (i) (X,Y ) ρ , R ≤ | | ρ arcsin ρ+√1 ρ2 ρ arcsin ρ/2 √4 ρ2+1 (ii) 2(X,Y )= − − − − , 1+π/3 √3 R − (X,Y ) (X,Y ) 1 (iii) inf R = lim R = ≅ 0.89066. ρ=0 ρ ρ 0 ρ 2(1+π/3 √3)1/2 6 | | → | | − Proof. (i) If X and Y are standard normal with correlation ρ, then

∞ ∞ (t2+s2)/2 ρts t2/2 s2/2 2 dt ds F (ρ)= e− − e− e− | − | t2 s2 Z−∞ Z−∞ t2 s2 ρts 2ρts dt ds = e− − (1 2e− + e− ) R2 − t2 s2 Z n t2 s2 ∞ 2 2 n dt ds = e− − − ( ρts) R2 n! − t2 s2 Z nX=2 2k t2 s2 ∞ 2 2 2k dt ds = e− − − ( ρts) R2 (2k)! − t2 s2 Z kX=1 2k 2 ∞ 2 2 2(k 1) t2 s2 2(k 1) = ρ − ρ − e− − (ts) − dt ds . " (2k)! R2 # kX=1 Z Thus F (ρ)= ρ2G(ρ), where G(ρ) is a sum with all nonnegative terms. The function G(ρ) is clearly nondecreasing in ρ and G(ρ) G(1). Therefore ≤ F (ρ) G(ρ) 2(X,Y )= = ρ2 ρ2, R F (1) G(1) ≤ or equivalently, (X,Y ) ρ . R ≤ | | ρ x (ii) Note that F (0) = F ′(0) = 0 so F (ρ)= 0 0 F ′′(z) dz dx. The second derivative of F is R R 2 d t2 s2 zts 2zts dt ds z F ′′(z)= e− − (1 2e− + e− ) = 4V (z) 2V , dz2 R2 − t2 s2 − 2 Z   where

t2 s2 2zts π V (z)= e− − − dt ds = . R2 √1 z2 Z − Here we have applied a change of variables, used the fact that the eigenvalues 2 2 t2λ 1/2 of the quadratic form t + s + 2zts are 1 z, and ∞ e− dt = (π/λ) . Then ± −∞ R ρ x 4π 2π F (ρ)= dz dx 0 0 √1 z2 − 1 z2/4 Z Z  − −  p DISTANCE CORRELATION 19

Fig. 1. Dependence coefficient R2 (solid line) and correlation ρ2 (dashed line) in the bivariate normal case.

ρ = 4π (arcsin(x) arcsin(x/2)) dx − Z0 = 4π(ρ arcsin ρ + 1 ρ2 ρ arcsin(ρ/2) 4 ρ2 + 1), − − − − q q and (4.1) implies (ii). (iii) In the proof of (i) we have that / ρ is a nondecreasing function of R | | 1/2  ρ , and lim ρ 0 (X,Y )/ ρ =(1+ π/3 √3)− /2 follows from (ii). | | | |→ R | | − The relation between and ρ derived in Theorem 7 is shown by the plot of 2 versus ρ2 in FigureR1. R 5. Empirical results. In this section we summarize Monte Carlo power comparisons of our proposed distance covariance test with three classical tests for multivariate independence. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) of the hypothesis H0 :Σ12 =0, with µ unknown, is based on 1 det(S) det(S S S− S ) (5.1) = 22 − 21 11 12 , det(S11) det(S22) det(S22) where det( ) is the determinant, S, S and S denote the sample covari- · 11 22 ances of (X, Y), X and Y, respectively, and S12 is the sample covariance Cov(X, Y). Under multivariate normality, 1 1 W = 2 log λ = n log det(I S− S S− S ) d − − 22 21 11 12 20 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

Table 1 Empirical Type-I error rates for 10,000 tests at nominal significance level 0.1 in Example 1 (ρ = 0), using B replicates for V and Bartlett’s approximation for W , T and S

(a) Multivariate normal, p = q = 5 (b) t(1), p = q = 5 nBVWT S VWT S

25 400 0.1039 0.1089 0.1212 0.1121 0.1010 0.3148 0.1137 0.1120 30 366 0.0992 0.0987 0.1145 0.1049 0.0984 0.3097 0.1102 0.1078 35 342 0.0977 0.1038 0.1091 0.1011 0.1060 0.3102 0.1087 0.1054 50 300 0.0990 0.0953 0.1052 0.1011 0.1036 0.2904 0.1072 0.1037 70 271 0.1001 0.0983 0.1031 0.1004 0.1000 0.2662 0.1013 0.0980 100 250 0.1019 0.0954 0.0985 0.0972 0.1025 0.2433 0.0974 0.1019 (c) t(2), p = q = 5 (d) t(3), p = q = 5 nBVWT S VWT S

25 400 0.1037 0.1612 0.1217 0.1203 0.1001 0.1220 0.1174 0.1134 30 366 0.0959 0.1636 0.1070 0.1060 0.1017 0.1224 0.1143 0.1062 35 342 0.0998 0.1618 0.1080 0.1073 0.1074 0.1213 0.1131 0.1047 50 300 0.1033 0.1639 0.1010 0.0969 0.1050 0.1166 0.1065 0.1046 70 271 0.1029 0.1590 0.1063 0.0994 0.1037 0.1200 0.1020 0.1002 100 250 0.0985 0.1560 0.1050 0.1007 0.1019 0.1176 0.1066 0.1033 has the Wilks Lambda distribution Λ(q,n 1 p,p) [14]. Puri and Sen [8], Chapter 8, proposed similar tests based on− more− general sample dispersion matrices T = (Tij). The Puri–Sen tests replace S, S11, S12 and S22 in (5.1) with T , T11, T12 and T22. For example, T can be a matrix of Spearman’s rank correlation statistics. For a sign test the dispersion matrix has entries 1 n n j=1 sign(Zjk Zk)sign(Zjm Zm), where Zk is the sample median of the kth variable. Critical− values of the− Wilks Lambda and Puri–Sen statistics are P e e e 1 given by Bartlett’s approximation: if n is large and p,q > 2, then (n 2 (p+ 1 1 2 − − q + 3)) log det(I S22− S21S11− S12) has an approximate χ (pq) distribution ([6], Section 5.3.2b).− To implement the distance covariance test for small samples, we obtain 2 a reference distribution for n n under independence by conditioning on the V 2 observed sample, that is, by computing replicates of n n under random permutations of the indices of the Y sample. We obtainV good control of Type-I error (see Table 1) with a small number of replicates; for this study we used 200 + 5000/n replicates. Implementation is straightforward due ⌊ ⌋ 2 2 to the simple form of the statistic. The statistic n n has O(n ) time and space computational complexity. Source code for theV test implementation is available from the authors upon request. Each example compares the empirical power of the dCov test (labeled V ) with the Wilks Lambda statistic (W ), Puri–Sen rank correlation statistic (S) DISTANCE CORRELATION 21

Fig. 2. Example 1(a): Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n, multivariate normal alternative. and Puri–Sen sign statistic (T ). Empirical power is computed as the propor- tion of significant tests on 10,000 random samples at significance level 0.1.

Example 1. In 1(a) the marginal distributions of X and Y are standard multivariate normal in dimensions p = q = 5 and Cov(Xk,Yl)= ρ for k, l = 1,..., 5. The results displayed in Figure 2 are based on 10,000 tests for each of the sample sizes n = 25 : 50 : 1, 55 : 100 : 5, 110 : 200 : 10 with ρ = 0.1. As expected, the Wilks LRT is optimal in this case, but power of the dCov test is quite close to W . Table 1 gives empirical Type-I error rates for this example when ρ = 0. In Examples 1(b)–1(d) we repeat 1(a) under identical conditions except that the random variables Xk and Yl are generated from the t(ν) distribu- tion. Table 1 gives empirical Type-I error rates for ν = 1, 2, 3 when ρ = 0. Empirical power for the alternative ρ = 0.1 is compared in Figures 3–5. (The Wilks LRT has inflated Type-I error for ν = 1, 2, 3, so a power comparison with W is not meaningful, particularly for ν = 1, 2.)

Example 2. The distribution of X is standard multivariate normal (p =5), and Ykj = Xkjεkj , j = 1,...,p, where εkj are independent standard normal variables and independent of X. Comparisons are based on 10,000 tests for each of the sample sizes n = 25 : 50 : 1, 55 : 100 : 5, 110 : 240 : 10. The results displayed in Figure 6 show that the dCov test is clearly superior to the LRT tests. This alternative is an example where the rank correlation and sign tests do not exhibit power increasing with sample size. 22 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

Fig. 3. Example 1(b): Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n, t(1) alter- native.

Fig. 4. Example 1(c): Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n, t(2) alter- native.

Example 3. The distribution of X is standard multivariate normal (p = 2 5), and Ykj = log(Xkj), j = 1,...,p. Comparisons are based on 10,000 tests for each of the sample sizes n = 25 : 50 : 1, 55 : 100 : 5. Simulation results are DISTANCE CORRELATION 23

Fig. 5. Example 1(d): Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n, t(3) alter- native.

Fig. 6. Example 2: Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n against the alternative Y = Xε. displayed in Figure 7. This is an example of a nonlinear relation where 2 n n achieves very good power while none of the LRT type tests performs well.V 24 G. J. SZEKELY,´ M. L. RIZZO AND N. K. BAKIROV

Fig. 7. Example 3: Empirical power at 0.1 significance and sample size n against the alternative Y = log(X2).

6. Summary. We have introduced new distance measures of dependence dCov, analogous to covariance, and dCor, analogous to correlation, defined for all random vectors with finite first moments. The dCov test of multivari- 2 ate independence based on the statistic n n is statistically consistent against all dependent alternatives with finite expectation.V Empirical results suggest that the dCov test may be more powerful than the parametric LRT when the dependence structure is nonlinear, while in the multivariate normal case the dCov test was quite close in power to the likelihood ratio test. Our pro- posed statistics are sensitive to all types of departures from independence, including nonlinear or nonmonotone dependence structure.


Proof of statement (2.18). By definition (2.8)

aklbkl akl¯bk· akl¯b·l +akl¯b·· n − ¯ − ¯ ¯ 2 2 a¯k·bkl +¯ak·bk· +¯ak·b·l a¯k·b·· n n =  − ¯ ¯ − ¯  V a¯·lbkl +¯a·lbk· +¯a·lb·l a¯·lb·· k,l=1  − −  X  +¯a··b a¯··¯b · a¯··¯b· +¯a··¯b··  kl − k − l   = ab a ·¯b · a· ¯b· + a··¯b··  kl kl − k k − l l Xk,l Xk Xl (A.1) a¯ ·b · + n a¯ ·¯b · + a¯ ·¯b· n a¯ ·¯b·· − k k k k k l − k Xk Xk Xk,l Xk DISTANCE CORRELATION 25

a¯· b· + a¯· ¯b · + n a¯· ¯b· n a¯· ¯b·· − l l l k l l − l Xl Xk,l Xl Xl 2 +a ¯··b·· n a¯··¯b · n a¯··¯b· + n a¯··¯b··, − k − l Xk Xl where ak· = na¯k·, a·l = na¯·l, bk· = n¯bk· and b·l = n¯b·l. Applying the identities 1 n (A.2) S = a b , 1 n2 kl kl k,lX=1 1 n 1 n (A.3) S = a b =a ¯··¯b··, 2 n2 kl n2 kl k,lX=1 k,lX=1 n n 2 2 a·· b·l (A.4) n S = n a¯··¯b·· = = a¯ ·¯b· , 2 n n k l Xl=1 k,lX=1 1 n n 1 n 1 n (A.5) S = a b = a ·b · = a¯ ·¯b · 3 n3 kl km n3 k k n k k kX=1 l,mX=1 kX=1 kX=1 to (A.1), we obtain n2 2 = n2S n2S n2S + n2S Vn 1 − 3 − 3 2 n2S + n2S + n2S n2S − 3 3 2 − 2 n2S + n2S + n2S n2S − 3 2 3 − 2 + n2S n2S n2S + n2S = n2(S + S 2S ).  2 − 2 − 2 2 1 2 − 3 Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to the Associate Editor and referee for many suggestions that greatly improved the paper.

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G. J. Szekely´ M. L. Rizzo Department of Mathematics and Statistics Department of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 USA USA and E-mail: [email protected] Renyi´ Institute of Mathematics Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary E-mail: [email protected] N. K. Bakirov Institute of Mathematics USC Russian Academy of Sciences 112 Chernyshevskii St. 450000 Ufa Russia