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12-9-1954 The onM tana Kaimin, December 9, 1954 Associated Students of Montana State University

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Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, December 9, 1954" (1954). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 3054.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Convo Friday Rhodes Committee Chobses Will Feature Holiday Music, Eyer, Lamphere to Compete MSU’s 80-voice A Cappella In Spokane Finals Saturday choir, directed by Lloyd Oakland, renders a program of Christmas Walter “Pat” Eyer, an MSU petition. From this group, four music Friday in the annual Christ­ graduate assistant in history from finalists will , be named to leave mas convo. The choir will be Billings, and Marvin A. Lamphere, for Oxford, Oct. 1, 1955. joined by the Choral union sing­ a senior in the Butte School of In Spokane the judges wilT be ing group for two selections from Mines, will step into the final Benjamin H. Kizer, Spokane, George Frederick Handel’s “Mes­ rounds of district eight competi­ sia h .” / chairman; J. L. Gibson Jr., Idaho; tion for the 1954 Rhodes scholar­ Miller, MSU; Franklin D. Grey, Though the main portion of the Montana State University, Missoula, Montana ship Saturday in Spokane, Wash. program will be taken by the A North Dakota; Dean O. H. Rech­ The two were selected for the ard, Wyoming, and Prof. Carl B. lume LVI Z400 Thursday, Dec. 9, 1954 No. 38 Cappella with its program, stu­ honor yesterday after five hours Allendoerfer, Washington. dents will be led in the traditional of interviewing in the Student Christmas carols. The MSU choir Candidate Eyer is an ex-Bear Union Eloise Knowles room. Over Paw, and a member of numerous music is part of the annual Christ­ the broadcasting of recorded mas program which was presented Christmas carols, six semi-final­ few SU Group Discusses last Sunday and includes what ists made their bids for the op­ Director Oakland calls “Christ­ portunity to compete in the dis­ mas music, not too frequently trict finals. The scholarships heard, which lies untouched in *olicy, Equipment, Staff sponsor a year’s study at Oxford music libraries because people are University. used to hearing the usual selec­ Management of 'the new Student Union and allocation of The committee for selecting tio n s.” ace and furnishings were discussed at the Tuesday meeting Montana Rhodes scholars was The two selections from the headed by the Rev. R. V. Kavan- the Student Union committee. No final decisions were made “Messiah” will be only a taste of augh, Carroll college; with Prof. the program coming up this Sun­ it'several points were discussed and ideas aired. Final de­ J. E. “Burly® Miller, MSU; H. G. day, Dec. 12 at 8:15 p.m^. in the mons will be made after members of the Student body have M erriam , p r o f e s s o r em eritu s, Student Union and will employ MSU; Prof. Edward L. Hart, Brig­ . opportunity to express opinons. both the A Cappella choir and the ham Young university, and Paul rhe committee felt that since Choral union. /Luther A. Richman, S. Gillespie, president of the idents apparently favor the ap- director of the Choral union, has dance music in the cafeteria and Western Montana National Bank intment of a -director of all concentrated the group’s ^efforts dinner music and a loud speaker of Missoula, as committeemen. ident affairs, the administra- throughout the quarter on the system throughout the upper Two students have been chosen n of the Student Union should lengthy “Messiah.” floors, according to a release from from each state in district eight— subordinate to the director. But The A. Cappella choir has been Pres. McFarland’s office. Wyoming, North Dakota, Idaho, ice the director of student af- selected by the National Broad­ The SU committee also dis­ Washington, Oregon, and Mon­ rs would have campus wide casting Company for the third cussed the time the building will tana—to vie in the Spokane com- ictions a separate management be open for occupancy and the consecutiveyear as one of the the Student Union would be hours of use. outstanding chQral groups in the WAJLTUK “PAT” cessary. After some discussion Food service is expected to be­ nation, and music heard at the Biologist Arrives organizations -r- Silent Sentinel, i committee decided that there gin in January but the rest of the convo will be part of the pro­ men’s honorary; Phi Kappa Phi, ght be a Student Union execu- building will not be ready until gram heard over the national net­ For Wildlife Work national scholastic honorary; Phi e secretary combined with a February. The committee sug­ work Christmas day, at 10:30 a.m., Alpha Theta, history fraternity; ident employment secretary. gested that the grill room should MST. Les Pengelly, big game biolo­ ^cabbard and Blade, ROTC hon­ L matters of building mainten- be open every day of the week, gist, recently appointed Wildlife orary; two-year delegate to Cen-, ce and food service would be until 1 a.m. on Saturdays, Sun­ conservation extensionist at MSU, tral board; initiator and ex-chair­ der the direction of Dr. Kot- days and days before holidays, has arrived here and is ready to Her tier Announces man of the honor system commit­ levar, director of food services and until 11:00 p.m. on other days. % begin his duties. d residence halls. PE Skating Classes Although Pengelly will be tee, and a member of Montana AWS to Have Room working in conjunction with Forum, a discussion group con­ rhe allocation of space for stu­ ‘Crime and Punishment’ Two ice skating classes will be Montana State University and cerned with campus and national nt organizations was discussed, offered by the Physical Education Montana State College, his office affairs. He is also a member of e committee thought that one Final Tryouts Set Today department for beginning skaters will be at MSU. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. next quarter, according to Charles Pengelly’s work, which is pri­ Lamphere is studying petrole­ >m w ould, b e s e t a sid e fo r th e “Since concert piano players Hertler, chairman of the Health um engineering in Butte. His ac­ i of all women students under have been a little difficult to find, marily on the adult level educa­ and Physical Education depart­ tivities include Theta Tau, schol­ i I direction of AWS. Student we’ll settle for just a concertina tion program, is being financed m en t. astic engineering society; Copper ivity offices should be allocat- virtuoso,” said Abe Wollock, di­ by the Montana Fish and Game One class will be Monday, Wed­ Guard, service group of Intercol­ , arranged, and furnished in rector of the forthcoming Mas­ department. nesday, and Friday at 2 p.m. and legiate Knights; intramural ath­ nuary. quers effort, “Crime and Punish­ Pengelly resigned last month the other will be Tuesday, Thurs­ letics ;*■ student commander of the rhe committee said that at the m e n t.” from the Idaho Fish and Game day, and Friday at 3 p.m. Stu­ AFROTC cadet corps, and’ presi­ rt the new Student Union will This is the last day of tryouts, department, where he was the dents are requested to bring their dent of Arnold Air society. A furnished with equipment from and any potential actors or stu­ big game biologist for the. north­ own skates. graduate of' North Central high i old building. Some repairs, dents interested in staging or cos­ ern area of the state, to work Students a^e required to take school in Spokane, he has been :h as upholstering, might be tuming are asked to report at h ere. six quarters of PE, Hertler said, awarded one of the ten gold cessary. ' They discussed dec- Simpkins Little Theater between Pengelly holds a master’s de­ and ice skating will be one of the medals, given by the American itions and decided that these 3 and 5:30 p.m. gree in wildlife conservation from classes offered to fulfill the re­ Society of Military Engineer. He Duld be considered after the So far, about 40 have read for the University of Michigan and quirement. Those who have al­ is also a three-year member of a of the building begins. the 35 speaking roles, said Wol­ has taught wildlife management ready signed up for a PE class glee club and has been an active Music Throughout Building lo ck . courses at the University of Idaho and want to take ice skating may. debator for two years. There will be provisions for The final cast will be announc­ and at Utah State college. change sections by filling out ed soon, and rehearsals begin Jan. a drop-add card at the registrar’s quamaids Elect Thomas, 4. Production dates of the Dos- office. Sectionizing can be done toievski-Ackland drama are Feb. Air Your Gripes . . . in the PE office in the Men’s tioose Pageant Theme 15 through 19. A. sea theme w ill be the central gym the remainder of this quarter *a for the annual water pageant, and the beginning of winter lich will be held the first week SU DROPS CHRISTMAS PARTY, quarter. The enrollment in each spring quarter, the Aquamaids RETAINS MOVIE, FISH BOWL class will be limited to 20 students. cided at a meeting Tuesday The Student Union Christmas ;ht. party, scheduled for Dec. 10, Work has already been started has been cancelled, according Twelve Students Pledge the 15 routines that make up to Russ Pfohl, Deer Lodge. Musicians’ Honorary a^show, according to Judy A free movie, o r i g i n a l l y lams, president. Men will par- scheduled for the same night Twelve MSU men took the Phi ipate in the comedy and diving will still be shown. The Fish Mu Alpha Sinfonia oath last Sun­ ts, and in one of the other Bowl will also be open. Both day which pledged them to the utines, Miss Adams said. the movie and the Fish Bowl honorary fraternity of musicians Other business of the meeting have been scheduled so they will until next January when they will eluded election of Shirley Tho- not interfere with the MSU- be initiated at province conven­ is, Missoula, as secretary-treas- Gonzaga basketball game, on tion. D ec. 10. The men are: Dale Harvey and Dale Croskey, Kalispell; Rudy Domitrovich, Anaconda; Chuck Johnson, Missoula; Ray Rom and IF Endorses 15-Year Terms Jim Fugett, Roundup; Ed Johnson, Anaconda; Paul Hartley, Billings; Ephriam Hackett, Stevensville; or $25,000 lee Rink Loan Felix L. Powell, Challis., Wash.; Bob Peters, Missoula, and Silver An ASMSU-UniversiCy contract proximately $50,000. The re­ Chord, Seeley Lake. r a $25,000 loan to the Univer- mainder of the money will come y fop/ construction of the ice from sources outside the Univer­ ating rink was discussed yester~ sity . PHI ALPHA THETA PLANS y by Budget and Finance com- Interest on the loan will not be FALL INITIATION, BANQUET ttee and recommended for final less than four per cent nor less Phi Alpha Theta, national his­ proval in Central board. than the interest on the other fin­ tory honorary, has announced Last May Central board author^ ancial commitments. plans for its annual fall quarter ;d President McFarland to use Simple interest will be paid on initiation and banquet to be held 0,000 from the .student reserve the principle for the first five beginning at 6 p.m. today. nd for construction of three out- years. Payments of interest and Joe Roemer, Missoula, presi­ pr recreational facilities, a year- principle will be made the last dent, and Frank Boedecker, Mis­ ound ice skating rink, swim- 10 y ea rs. soula, historian, are in charge of ing pool, and nine-hole golf J o a n B a c h m a n , M isso u la , the event. According to Roemer, urse. ASMSU business manager, point­ the initiation will be followed by To help finance the skating rink ed out that ASMSU will gain dinner- and dancing at the Chateau John Fowler, Missoula, Bear Paw president, looks on as Don 5,000 of the student fund will about $2,000 under this arrange­ clp b . Dooley, San Francisco, puts the first note in the Bear Paw suggestion used. It was estimated at the ment which does not call for both — Juanita Chapman, Ekalaka, and box. The box is located in the hallway between the Student Union :ntral board meeting of Sept, interest and principle payments Prof. Catherine White will be ini­ cafeteria and book store. Fowler says it is available to all students that the rink would cost ap- to begin immediately . tia ted . with suggestions pertaining to the campus. P a g e T w o THE MONTANA KAIMIN T h u rsd a y , D e c. 9, 19!

material is on hand, because one Student O pinion ... of the most common excuses for Auto Repair Shop a poor season is inadequate mater­ ^ M otor O v erh a u l DUO PROTESTS PESSIMISM ial. O V ER '5 5 HOOP CAMPAIGN 'Ar B a la n c e W h e e ls We would like to point out, in Dear Editor: closing, that. in recent years La­ 4r E le c tr ic a l W ork After the very avid campaign Salle, Duqiiesne, and Kansas State F r o n t E n d A lig n m e n t just a few weeks past, it seems had fairly successful seasons with to us that the Kaimin has aband­ predominately sophomore teams. By JEAN HERBERT ELI W OOD oned its drive for school and team P. G. Tschache spirit. Are you now advocating 303)4 East Front Phone 4-4201 Corbin Hall G. H. Smith The Sigma Chi’s annual Christ­ a get bn the band-wagon but be Cara Boggess and Dick Riddle, mas kiddies’ party for underpriv­ content to lose attitude? b o th f of Libby, won second place ileged children heads the social The type of pessimism reflected on the “Starlit Stairway” TV tal­ iist^for the week. Other events in your recent (Dec. 7) editorial ent show in Spokane Saturday. also celebrate the approach of is not conducive to good school Tuesday night Miss Boggess, the Yule season and the last week or team spirit. Many coaches Suzie Hodges, Great Falls, and of classes. have been pessimistic about their Riddle appeared on a KGVO-TV A lp h a P h i teams prospects for a coming sea­ sh o w . Ariene Steele, Missoula, and son, but few have said they would Mr. ^nd Mrs. H. V. Larom were Bev Hunter, Phoenix, Ariz., were be satisfied with a .500 percentage. honored at a wedding shower* Sunday dinner guests. Accept defeat gracefully, to be Sunday afternoon. Miss .Steele Marilyn Strickfaden, G rea t sure, but, be satisfied with defeat Falls, hospitalized while visiting will be married to Tom Needham, before the season starts—Never!!! her family last week end, will Ronan, Dec. 18, and Miss Hunter Really, w e don’t expect miracles will marry Doh Schessler, Laurel, return to campus by the end of in the coming basketball season. th e w e^ k. D ec. 19. However, granted that there -are Phyllis Kind, Portland, Ore., at­ The ! annual Christmas party differences in the quality of bas­ was held Tuesday night. G iv e T h em tended a Mortar Board conven­ ketball players, it doesn’t seem tion in Eugene, Ore., last week C raig H a ll overly optimistic or unreasonable for Christmas en d . Craig hall is having a coffee to expect a good season if good Alpha Tau Omega , hour for the faculty Thursday af­ New pledges are Quentin Mar­ ternoon. Women from New, Cor­ McFarland, Missoula, were house ino, Red Lodge, Paul Newman, bin, and North halls will help guests over the week end. HEINRICH’S FLOWERS Havre, Bruce Toole, Shelby, and se r v e . Lynn Jelinek, Miles City, ex ’55, 132 N. Higgins Roy Rodeghiro, Roundup. Kappa Alpha ^Theta is engaged to Jim Reid, Billings. The annual ATO Christmas Mrs. Hazel Beil, district presi­ party will be held Sunday after­ dent, Spokane, visited the house n oon . th is w e e k . W a y n e H a n so n , ’54» W o lf P o in t, Marilyn Shope, Missoula, was WHISTLE STOP was a house guest last week. a dinner guest Monday evening. South on 'Hiway 93 Safety Checked — G u a ra n teed Jim Wfirehouse, ex-’58, Augusta, Sonia Smith, Missoula, was a Sun­ is returning . to school winter day dinner guest. Hamburgers Malts q u a rter. Charlotte Fraser, Simms, Midge French Fries Toast-tites USED CARS Ken Breidenfield, Lewistown, Fulmore, Anaconda, and Joan Rae W l £o active Sunday. Breiden- field is transferring to the Uni­ versity of Washington next quar­ ’49 Chevrolet 4 dr., R & H------.8265 ter. DR. D. E. KILLIP Delta Gamma & Foreign students were honored ANNOUNCES THE OPENING ’47 Ford 4 dr., R H______8295 by Delta Gamma Sunday after­ noon at an International tea. Two OF THE PRACTICE OF ’49 Plymouth 4 dr., R & H hundred students, faculty mem­ bers, and Missoula residents at­ tended the affair. ’51 Chrysler Saratoga, R & H Doris Ann Mudd, Missoula, ex —DENTISTRY— ;■ ( ’55, was a recent dinner guest. _ Delta Gammas carolled with, WITH OFFICE LOCATED ’52 Plymouth Suburban, R & H the Phi Delts Monday night at Pineview hospital and at Pres. McFarland’s home. The two IN THE CHIMNEY CORNER groups had an exchange dinner Garden City Motors Tuesday night. ON THE CAMPUS USED CAR EOT The Montana 540 Daly Avenue Phone 9-3461 1151 West Broadway KAIMIN E s t a b 1 i s h e d 18 9 8 The name Kaimin (pronounced Kimeen) Is derived from the origi­ nal Salish Indian word and means “something written*’ or a "message”. Published every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the college year by the Associated Students of i Montana State University. Represented for na­ tional advertising by National Advei tising Service, New York, Chicago, Bos­ ton, Los Angeles, San Francisco. En­ tered as second-class matter at Missoula, Montana, under Act of Congress, March 8, 1879. Subscription rate $8.00 per year.

M em b er, Montana State Press Association Editor, Rob Newlin; Business Man­ ager, Joan Brooks; News Editor, Ed Stenson; Campus Editor, Kim Forman; Society Editor, Barbara Mellott; Feature Editor. Pat O’Hare; Sports Editor, Art Mathison; Pho­ tographer, Hoover Ogata; Circu­ lation, Richard Spaulding; Faculty Advisor, E. B. Dugan.


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Helena Bengals Send Top Centers Kaimin Presents Imer, DeLuca Rate Honorable Mention All All-Americas Montana’s Dick- Imer and Joe in yards rushing, according to To Boost Grizzly Hoop Fortunes DeLuca were given honorable final statistics released yesterday Now that most of the All- B y G E N E L L JACKSON mention yesterday on the Asso­ by the NCAA Service bureau. He American football selections have ciated Press’ 1954 All-American totaled 889 yards on 111 tries for producing top MSU prospects, has Coach Lloyd Skor of the Helena been announced, the Kaimin can football team. Six other Skyline an 8.01 average, the best in the won the state basketball title for engals has sent MSU two of safely present its All-American—* gridders were accorded a similar nation among players carrying s most promising hoop centers the past two years and has placed a composite of the mythical teams distinction. the ball 100 or more times. irihg recent years—Hay How- a good many cagers on the various chosen by United Press, Associat­ d and RUss Sheriff. Montana all-star teams. He earn­ ed Press, Sporting News, Look, Imer ranked sixth in the nation KAIMIN CLASS ADS PAY! The Capital City mentor, while ed his Masters degree here sev­ Collier’s, Newspaper Enterprise eral years ago. association, Weekly Gridiron Rec­ The latest to come to MSU, ord and the Chicago Tribune. Invest Huss Sheriff, , was one of the Coaches, players, sportswriters state’s leading high school scorers and sportscasters—all had a hand For Fast Service the Most last year, despite the fact that he in picking the Kaimin’s Compos­ missed a game because of his ite All-America. Players appear­ Precious father’s death. The towering ing on the first teams of any of the It’s center spearheaded the Bengals publications received five points Years of to another state title and was on the Kaimin Composite. Grid- Your Lifp listed on every all-star squad ders named to second teams re­ chosen in Montana last season. ceived three and third team All- CITY in Getting Ray Howard, the starting center Americans were given one point. for the Grizzlies, helped the Cubs ALL-AMERICA FIRST TEAM Pos. Player, School Pts. CLEANERS a Business End , Okla. 33 End .Don Holleder, Army 28 Tackle , UCLA 35 In Plant By Noon Education. Tackle . Lousiana St. 31 Guard . Arkansas 40 Guard , Iowa 33 Ready at 4 Business & Secretarial Center , Okla. 40 OLSON’S Back , N. Dame 40 j or Delivered by 6 Courses Offered. Back , Ohio St. 40 Back Dick Moegle, Rice 40 The University’s Information upon Back , Wisconsin 40 610-12 SOUTH HIGGINS SECOND TEAM Family Grocery Store request. End , Navy 26 Phone 6-6614 End Dean Dugger, Ohio St. 14 Sonth Higgins Tackle James Smith, Baylor 14 112 W. Pine Tackle Rex Boggan, Mississippi Il$£ Guard Jim Salsoury. UCLA 20 Guard Tim Bettis, Purdue 14 Center Hal Easter wood. Miss. St- 16 Back Paul Larson, California 20 Back Bob McNamara, Minnesota 20 Processors and Distributors NOW! Back Bob Davenport, UCLA 13 Back Primo Villaneuva, UCLA 11 THIRD TEAM ,of top quality meat SOMETHING End Jim Pyburn, Auburn 10 End Frank McDonald, Miami 10 Tackle F. Varrichione, N. Dame 9 and meat products NEW! Tackle Art Walker, Michigan 7 Guard Frank Brooks, Ga. Tech 7 . Guard Ralph Chesnaukas. Army 7 The Coal That Center Larry Morris, Ga. Tech 6 Back Tom Bell. Army 9 Back George Shaw. Oregon 7 John R. Daily, Inc. BURNS and ■ Back Joe Gattuso, Navy 5 BURNS and BURNS Back Lenny Moore, Penn St. . 5 115-19 W. Front 5-5646 3-3416 Homogenized earn their “Fabulous Frosh” nickname last year. While play­ NS Takes Lead COAL ing for Helena, he broke all exist­ from the ing records and his 647 points in In Faculty Bowling one season is still tops. Natural Science gained undis­ Missoula Coal There was one Bengal that puted first place in the Faculty Montana missed, however. He Bowling league Tuesday by tak­ and Oil Co. was Chuck Darling, who chose ing three games from Physical Iowa and became an All-Ameri­ E d u cation . Phone 3-3662 or 3-3630 can eager there. Journalism k e g 1 e r s dropped Records show that Helena has from a first place tie when they sent other top athletes this way. lost two of three to Administra­ Dick Carstensen and Sam Kain tion. Chemistry-Pharmacy and; are both listed on the Montana Air Science copped 2-1 series University Hall of Fame in bas­ irom Forestry and Business Ad. k etb a ll. Ed Dugan, Journalism recorded Kain played -from 1926 through individual highs for the evening 1928 and, in addition to playing wilh a 570 series and a 224 game. M erry outstanding basketball, he also Air Science blasted 2369 pins for earned three letters as a half­ the high team series and rolled C h ristm as back in football. Carstensen the high team game with 829 pins. played both guard and center and The standings: Natural Science, an d still appears on Montana all-star 22-11; Journalism, 20-13; Physi­ teams. He was cited by tourna­ cal Education, Administration and H a p p y ment officials as being one of the Chem-Pharm, 18-15; Business Ad­ N e w Y ea r outstanding cagers in the North­ ministration and Air Science, 14- west JayCee Invitational played 19; forestry, 8-25. in Lewistown last spring. Bill's Launderette Rich Johnson was another top- 503 Myrtle Phone 5-5468 notch Helena guard, playing his last MSU basketball game last spring. Joe Brennan was also a good MSU hoopster and was elected to captain the Grizzlies in 1950.

’53 Merc Hard Top Coupe, R & H, Merc-O-Matic ’49 Hudson Convert, R & H Choose Here From ’47 Dodge Sedan, R & H Scores of Lovely ’46 Olds 4 dr. Sedan, R & H, Traditional Hydramatic and Unusual ’41 Plymouth Coupe, Heater Hallm ark Christmas Cards BAKKE MOTOR CO. 345 West Front GARDEN CITY Lincoln MERCURY FLORAL CO. 117 No. Higgins P a g e F o u r T H E MONTANA KAIMIN T h u rsd a y , D e c . 9, 19!

LOOK for Christmas gifts at Polley AFROTC Appoints Boifeuillet Major Classified Ads . . Hobby Studio, 324 Daly. 39c Today9s C-B Slate FOUND: Glasses in case. - Identify at Budget and Finance summai Kaimin Business office. tf George Boifeuillet, Missoula, ROTC. This year it is the air CALL Dave Boots for radio and TV for fall quarter. w a s a p p o in t e d cadet major, force’s turn. repairs, antenna work. Free pick-up. Announcement of the Winti Phone 9-2884, 3-9 p.m. tf SKIS, Magnesium, 1 pr. good shape. AFROTC, yesterday. Last Fri­ Other appointments were lion Northland Bind, reasonable. 4203& quarter social calendar. WANTED: Riders to Seattle over~holi­ Stevens, Phone 5-5640 after 5. 39c Selection of name for ne day he was appointed commander Chaney, Livingston, cadet cap­ days. Call Kaimin office. 39c tain, AFROTC, promoted to group DEPENDABLE baby sitting. Phone u n io n . of the corps of cadets. SKI BOOTS, Henke, $55 Olympics, used 9-4572. 39c Honor system committee repoi commander, and Roland Grotte, one season. Will sell cheap. Dave The position of corps command­ Hamilton, cadet first lieutenant, Penwell, 9-2826. 39c FREE: Board and room for working Field House student relation er rotates from year to year be­ one hour per day during Christmas Outside entertainment prospec promoted to squadron leader of RIDERS wanted to New York, leaving holidays. See G. R. Shuck, Chemis­ tween the army and air force the third squadron. . during final week. Ph. 6-6784. 39c try-Pharmacy. 38c for w inter quarter.

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r you ever drove up to that old-fashioned Dike windshield washing service. We intro­ West the glistening white that invites you in. pump and said “Fill her up!" you’ll re­ duced the individual dean towel and special r member that you got the gasoline. But that’s fluid—and first washed your car’s windows all When we introduced them these were “bonus the way around. services.” Today you take them for granted all you got! when you buy gasoline. You do because the Because the primitive fuel pump was a long Like the cash box cm t h e pump is la n d — oil companies—in constant competition for way down the road from the service station of the quicker to make change and save you time. your business—are continually improving modem times. We know, because we pioneered their products and expanding their services. a surprising number of the customer services Dike famous Union “Minute Man Serv­ the petroleum industry has since adopted. ic e ” that, at its best, even empties the ash trays, brushes out and dusts off your car. For in America’s free competitive economy, Dike water and air wells. We first sank making things increasingly better for the cus­ them on the pump island so you could get Dike the full-time cleaning and painting tomer is the only way to make any progress gasoline, water and air in one place. c r e w s that keep Union’s 4500 stations in the for yourself.

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