Dialogue 24 2 Final
The Official Newsletter of the Society for Personality and OGUE Social Psychology DIAL Volume 24, No. 2 Fall, 2009 Fall, 2009 Co-Editors: Hart Blanton & Diane Quinn Inside the Current Looking Forward to Las Vegas Issue: The 2010 SPSP conference conferences will be held dur- allow everyone to view the Committee Re- will be held in Las Vegas, ing the day on Thursday, posters and have a casual ports: Nevada on January 28 – 30, January 28. The actual con- lunch with friends and col- 2010. We’ll be housed at the vention activities will begin leagues on the floor of the Convention 1, 4 famous Riviera hotel, located on Thursday with SPSP spacious exhibition halls. right on “The Strip,” with Award Presentations, a Presi- Publication 1, 31 easy access to all that Vegas dential symposium, and a Graduate Student 20, 21 has to offer. This is SPSP’s welcome reception. On Friday A Re-Cap on the Program Diversity & Climate 26 first convention center/casino and Saturday, the program Selection Process combination site, but we’re will continue with a host of Training 14 In addition to the two co- hoping for record turnout at excellent symposia, poster chairs, the Program Commit- Executive 16, 21 the sessions! Expect high sessions, invited addresses, tee consisted of nine mem- APA 30, 31 temperatures in the 55-65° F publisher exhibits, and special bers, representing a broad range, with evening lows just events. As in past years, the range of expertise in personal- 10,000 Hours 2 above freezing. cost of lunches is included in ity and social psychology: BlairJohnson Similar to previous years, the conference registration David Amodio, several excellent pre- fee.
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