Mixed Hodge Structures
Mixed Hodge structures 8.1 Definition of a mixed Hodge structure · Definition 1. A mixed Hodge structure V = (VZ;W·;F ) is a triple, where: (i) VZ is a free Z-module of finite rank. (ii) W· (the weight filtration) is a finite, increasing, saturated filtration of VZ (i.e. Wk=Wk−1 is torsion free for all k). · (iii) F (the Hodge filtration) is a finite decreasing filtration of VC = VZ ⊗Z C, such that the induced filtration on (Wk=Wk−1)C = (Wk=Wk−1)⊗ZC defines a Hodge structure of weight k on Wk=Wk−1. Here the induced filtration is p p F (Wk=Wk−1)C = (F + Wk−1 ⊗Z C) \ (Wk ⊗Z C): Mixed Hodge structures over Q or R (Q-mixed Hodge structures or R-mixed Hodge structures) are defined in the obvious way. A weight k Hodge structure V is in particular a mixed Hodge structure: we say that such mixed Hodge structures are pure of weight k. The main motivation is the following theorem: Theorem 2 (Deligne). If X is a quasiprojective variety over C, or more generally any separated scheme of finite type over Spec C, then there is a · mixed Hodge structure on H (X; Z) mod torsion, and it is functorial for k morphisms of schemes over Spec C. Finally, W`H (X; C) = 0 for k < 0 k k and W`H (X; C) = H (X; C) for ` ≥ 2k. More generally, a topological structure definable by algebraic geometry has a mixed Hodge structure: relative cohomology, punctured neighbor- hoods, the link of a singularity, .
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