Rail lnfrastructure Development Gompany (Karnataka) Limited (A Joint Venture of Ministry of Railways and Govt. of Kamataka) K.RIDE Regd. Ofiice : MSIL House, 7th Floor, # 36, Cunningham Road, Bangalore - 560 052 Tel : (91{G22370581, Fax : 91-80-22370582 CtN : U601001G2000PLC028171 Email Id :
[email protected] 20 February 2020 KR I D E/P roje cts/37lls 12020 TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Tender for Cadastral Land Survey, Gollection of Land Documents, ldentification, Ownership Verification, Joint Measurement, Preparation of Land Acquisition ptans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore Gity. M/s. Rail lnfrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Ltd., invites tenders from competent contractors to execute the following work: Gadastral Land Survey, Gollection of Land Documents, ldentification, Ownership Verification, Joint Measurement, Preparation of Land Acquisition plans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore Gity. lnterested and eligible firms/companies may appty in prescribed format to M/s. Rail lnfrastructuie Development Company (Karnataka) Ltd., MSIL House, 7h Floor, No.36, Cunningham Road, Bangalore 560052. The tender documents and the formats can be downloaded from the website: www'kride.ln. you are requested to go through the information and send your tender Quotation in the format prescribed. Submission of last date for Tender is 24th March 2020 before 15:00 hrs. Any conigendum to this Tender will be only issued in the Website stated above and no paper advertisement will be issued separately. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (s:N.