fedora 32 PARTCLONE(8) Partclone User Manual PARTCLONE(8) NAME partclone − The utility for clone and restore a partition. SYNOPSIS partclone.[fstype] {[−c | −−clone][−r | −−restore][−b | −−dev−to−dev]} {[−s | −−source] source} {[[−o | −−output][−O | −−overwrite]] target} [[−dX | −−debug=X][−−restore_raw_file]] [[−z | −−buffer_size][−N | −−ncurses]] [[−q | −−quiet][−f | −−UI−fresh]] [[−F | −−force][−I | −−ignore_fschk]] [[−−ignore_crc][−X | −−dialog][−C | −−nocheck]] [[−R | −−rescue][−L | −−logfile] logfile] DESCRIPTION partclone.[fstype] is a part of Partclone project. Partclone provide utilities to backup used blocks and design for higher compatibility of the file system by using existing library,e.g. e2fslibs is used to read the used block of ext2 partition. Partclone supported file system include btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs and jfs for LINUX. Also support some non−linux operation system, ex: NTFS, FAT and EXFAT(for Windows), HFS plus(APPLE MACOS), UFS2(FreeBSD), VMFS(VMWare Vsphere) and MINIX(MINIX3). All partclone utils could be run likepartclone.[fstype] is very smiliar fsck or mkfs. For example, for backup/restore hfsplus, just run partclone.hfsp File System partclone.[fstype] btrfs partclone.btrfs ext2, ext3, ext4 partclone.[ext2|ext3|ext4] reiserfs 3.5 partclone.reiserfs reiser 4 partclone.reiser4 xfs partclone.xfs ufs | ufs2 partclone.ufs jfs partclone.jfs hfs plusfs partclone.[hfs+|hfsplus] vmfs partclone.vmfs ntfs partclone.ntfs fat12, fat16, fat32 partclone.[fat12|fat16|fat32] exfatpartclone.exfat minix partclone.minix f2fs partclone.f2fs nilfs2 partclone.nilfs2 OPTIONS The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with twodashes (‘−'). A summary of options is included below.
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