
Table S1: Articles recorded during the urban predation search. Columns show: authors, source of the article (exhaustive review, snowball from the articles of the review and other sources), of publication, Biome, country and city of the study area, habitat studied (U=urban; core of the city, P=peri-urban; areas surrounding the city and U/P=both, urban and peri-urban), number of inhabitants of the city during the study period and predator recorded in the study.

Reference Source Year Biome Continent Country City Habitat Pop. Size Predator species

Ali and Santhanakrishnan Other 2012 Tropical and subtropical Asia India Madurai district U 3 million Tyto alba, Athene brama dry broadleaf forest

Allen et al. Other 2016 Tropical and subtropical Oceania Australia Queensland P 5 million lupus dingo, Canis lupus familiaris dry broadleaf forest

Apathy Other 1998 Temperate broadleaf Hungary Budapest U 1.8 million Martes foina and mixed forest

Baker et al. Review 2005 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Bristol U 535,907 Felis catus and mixed forest

Baker et al. Review 2008 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Bristol U 535,907 Felis catus and mixed forest

Balakrishna Review 2014 Tropical and subtropical Asia India Bangalore P 8.4 million Psammophilus dorsalis dry broadleaf forest

Barratt Snowball 1998 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Canberra U 300,000 Felis catus and mixed forest

Barratt Snowball 1997 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Canberra U 300,000 Felis catus and mixed forest

Beckerman et al. Snowball 2007 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Unspecified U/P Unspecified Felis catus and mixed forest

Bocz et al. Review 2017 Temperate broadleaf Europe Hungary Pécs U 145,011 Corvus frugilegus, Corvus monedula and mixed forest Brack Jr. et al. Snowball 1984 Temperate broadleaf America USA West Lafayette U 212,000 Falco sparverius and mixed forest

Cava et al. Other 2012 Temperate coniferous America Canada British Columbia U 100,000 Accipiter cooperii forest

Charter et al. Other 2007 Mediterranean forest, Asia Israel Tel Aviv U 400,000 Tyto alba woodland and scrub

Childs Review 1986 Temperate broadleaf America USA Baltimore U 619,493 Felis catus and mixed forest

Clunie Snowball 1976 Tropical and subtropical Oceania Republic of Suva U 70,000 Falco peregrinus moist broadleaf forest Fiji

Contesse et al Snowball 2004 Temperate broadleaf Europe Switzerland Zurich U/P 1.1 million vulpes and mixed forest

Doncaster et al. Snowball 1990 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Oxford U 130,000 Vulpes vulpes and mixed forest

Dudús et al. Review 2014 Temperate broadleaf Europe Poland Wrocław U/P 632,996 Vulpes vulpes, Martes foina and mixed forest

Estes and Mannan Snowball 2003 Deserts and xeric America USA Tucson U/P 803,600 Accipiter cooperii shrublands

Fancourt et al. Other 2019 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Brisbane P 2.3 million Canis lupus dingo and mixed forest

Fattorini et al. Other 1999 Mediterranean forest, Europe Italy Rome U 3.7 million Falco tinnunculus,Tyto alba, Athene noctua, Strix woodland and scrub aluco

Fulton Review 2014 Unspecified Oceania Australia Darwin U/P 122,571 Canis lupus familiaris

Galeotti et al. Snowball 1991 Temperate broadleaf Europe Italy Pavia U 77,000 Strix aluco and mixed forest Georgiev Other 2013 Temperate broadleaf Europe Bulgaria Plovdiv U 1 million Martes foina and mixed forest

Gering and Blair Snowball 1999 Temperate broadleaf America USA Oxford U/P 21,000 undetermined and mixed forest

Gil-Fernández et al. Other 2020 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Greater Sydney U/P 5.1 million Vulpes vulpes and mixed forest Region

Groom Review 1993 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Manchester U 510,746 Pica pica and mixed forest

Harris Snowball 1981 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK London U 7.1 million Vulpes vulpes and mixed forest

Harrison et al. Snowball 2011 Mediterranean forest, America USA Kern County U 847,000 Vulpes macrotis mutica, mephitis woodland and scrub

Haskell et al. Snowball 2001 Temperate broadleaf America USA Cumberland U 46,802 Cyanocitta cristata,Corvus brachyrhynchos, Canis and mixed forest Plateau lupus familiares, Felis catus, lotor, Didelphis virginiana

Herbert and Herbert Snowball 1965 Temperate broadleaf America USA New York U/P 7.8 million Falco peregrinus and mixed forest

Hindmarch and Elliott Other 2015 Temperate coniferous America Canada Unspecified U/P Unspecified Bubo virginianus forest

Hindmarch et al. Other 2015 Temperate coniferous America Canada Unspecified U/P Unspecified Tyto alba forest

Hisano et al. Other 20165 Temperate broadleaf Europe Bulgaria Unspecified U/P Unspecified Martes foina and mixed forest

Isaac et al. Review 2013 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Melbourne U/P 4.9 million Ninox strenua and mixed forest Jokimäki and Huhta Review 2000 Taiga Europe Finland Rovaniemi, U/P 57,025;, Pica pica, Canis lupus familiaris, Corvus Kemijärvi, Oulu 10,484;, cornix,Chroicocephalus ridibundus,Sciurus 160,085 vulgaris,Corvus corax,Garrulus glandariusDendrocopus major,Perisoreus infaustus

Kaf et al. Other 2015 Mediterranean forest, Algeria Oum El Bouaghi U 650,000 Falco tinnunculus woodland and scrub

Kaneko et al. Other 2009 Temperate broadleaf Asia Japan Mito P 270,000 Mustela itatsi and mixed forest

Kauhala et al. Review 2015 Temperate broadleaf Europe Finland Turku U/P 186,756 Felis catus and mixed forest

Kays and DeWan Snowball 2004 Temperate broadleaf America USA Albany P 95,332 Felis catus and mixed forest

Kečkéšová and Noga Other 2008 Temperate broadleaf Europe Slovakia Nitra U 75,000 Falco tinnunculus and mixed forest

Kertson et al. Other 2011 Temperate coniferous America USA Snohomish and U/P 2.5 million concolor forest King

Kiat et al. Other 2008 Mediterranean forest, Asia Israel Jerusalem U 686,000 Asio otus woodland and scrub

Kosonen Snowball 1983 Taiga Europe Finland Tampere U 160,000 Larus argentatus

Leonardi and Mannino Other 2007 Mediterranean forest, Europe Italy Catania U 300,000 Falco peregrinus woodland and scrub

López-Flores et al. Review 2009 Tropical and subtropical America Mexico Morelia U/P 597,511 Unspecified dry broadleaf forest

Magle et al. Review 2014 Temperate broadleaf America USA Chicago U 2.7 million Canis latrans and mixed forest

Major et al. Review 1996 Unspecified Oceania Australia Unspecified U Unspecified Strepera graculina,Gymnorhina tibicen, Cracttcus spp. , Corvus spp. , Manorina inelanocephala, Anthochaera spp. ,Grallina cyanoleuca, Zosterops lateralis, Sturnus vulgaris, Acridotheres tristis, Passer domesticus, Felis catus, Psittacine, Dacelo novaeguineae

Manganaro et al. Review 1999 Mediterranean forest, Europe Italy Rome U 2.9 million Strix aluco woodland and scrub

Manganaro et al. Other 2001 Mediterranean forest, Europe Italy Rome U 3.7 million Tyto alba, Athene noctua woodland and scrub

Martins et al. Other 2010 Flooded grasslands and America Brazil Campo Grande U 800,000 Phrynops geoffroanus savannas

Matthews et al. Snowball 1999 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Sydney U 5.2 million Rattus rattus,Antechinus stuartii,Pseudocheirus and mixed forest peregrinus, unidentified

McPherson et al. Other 20196 Tropical and subtropical Africa South Africa Durban and U 800,000 Stephanoaetus coronatus moist broadleaf forest Pietermaritzburg

Méndez et al. Review 2020 Mediterranean forest, Europe Spain Barcelona U/P 5.6 million Larus michahellis woodland and scrub

Mitchell and Beck Review 1992 Temperate broadleaf America USA Henrico County, U/P 330,818 Felis catus and mixed forest Virginia

Morey et al. Snowball 2007 Temperate broadleaf America USA Chicago U/P 9.1 million Canis latrans and mixed forest metropolitan area

Morgan et al. Review 2009 Temperate grassland, Oceania New Christchurch city P 381,500 Felis catus savanna and shrubland Zealand

Morgan et al. Review 2011 Temperate broadleaf Oceania New Hamilton U 165,400 Felis catus, Rattus rattus and mixed forest Zealand

Mueller et al. Other 2018 Temperate broadleaf America USA Madison U/P 250,000 Canis latrans, Vulpes vulpes and mixed forest Murray et al. Other 2015 Temperate grassland, America Canada Edmonton and U/P 2.3 million Canis latrans savanna and shrubland Calgary

Newsome et al. Other 2015 Temperate broadleaf America USA Chicago U 2 million Canis latrans and mixed forest

Pavey Snowball 1995 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Brisbane P 1.4 million Ninox strenua and mixed forest

Poessel et al. Other 2017 Temperate coniferous America USA Denver urban U/P 2.4 million Canis latrans forest area

Rebolo-Ifrán et al. Review 2017 Temperate grassland, America Argentina Bahía Blanca U/P 285,001 Dasypus hybridus,Chaetophractus villosus,Caracara savanna and shrubland plancus,Circus buffoni,Circus cinereus,Geranoetus polyosoma,Falco femoralis,Rupornis magnirostris,Geranoaetus melanoleucus,Parabuteo unicinctus, Felis catus, colocolo,Conepatus chinga,Pseudalopex gymnocercus, cuja,Paraphimophis rusticus,Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus,Xenodon dorbignyi

Reidy et al. Review 2008 Temperate grassland, America USA Austin P 964,254 Elaphe obsoleta lindheimerii,Aphelocoma savanna and shrubland californica,Accipiter cooperii, Sciurus niger,Corvus brachyrhynchos, Molothrus ater,Pantherophis emoryi

Rejt Other 2001 Temperate broadleaf Europe Poland Warsaw U 1.7 million Falco peregrinus and mixed forest

Riegert and Fuchs Other 2011 Temperate broadleaf Europe Czech České U 100,000 Falco tinnunculus and mixed forest Republic Budějovice

Riegert et al. Other 2007 Temperate broadleaf Europe Czech České U 100,000 Falco tinnunculus and mixed forest Republic Budějovice Riegert et al. Other 2009 Temperate broadleaf Europe Czech České U 100,000 Falco tinnunculus, Asio otus and mixed forest Republic Budějovice

Rivera-López and Review 2016 Tropical and subtropical America Mexico Xalapa U 424,755 Unspecified MacGregor-Fors moist broadleaf forest

Rodewald and Kearn Review 2011 Temperate broadleaf America USA Unspecified U/P Uunspecified Molothrus ater,Procyon lotor,Strix varia,Accipiter and mixed forest cooperii,Buteo jamaicensis, Buteo lineatus, Buteo platypterus, Corvus brachyrhynchos, Cyanocitta cristata,Quiscalus quiscula, Troglodytes aedon, Dumetella carolinensis,Sciurus carolinensis,Tamiasciurus hudsonicus,Tamias striatus,Glaucomys volans,Didelphis virginiana, Felis catus,Elaphe obsoleta,Thamnophis sirtalis)

Romanowski Snowball 1988 Temperate broadleaf Europe Poland Warsaw P 1.6 million Asio otus and mixed forest

Rutz Other 2004 Temperate broadleaf Europe Germany Hamburg U 1.9 million Accipiter gentilis and mixed forest

Sánchez et al. Other 2008 Temperate grassland, America Argentina Settlement Mar U 300,000 Athene cunicularia savanna and shrubland Chiquita

Sándor and Moldován Other 2010 Deserts and xeric Africa Egypt Hurghada U 260,000 Bubo ascalaphus shrublands

Saufi et al. Other 2020 Tropical and subtropical Asia Malaysia Penang U/P 222,000 Tyto alba moist broadleaf forest

Saunders et al. Review 1993 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Bristol P 535,907 Vulpes vulpes and mixed forest

Sazima and Hipolito Other 2017 Tropical and subtropical America Brazil Campinas U 1.1 million Rupornis magnirostris, Ictinia plumbea, Falco moist broadleaf forest femoralis, Philodryas olfersii

Seress et al. Review 2011 Temperate broadleaf Europe Hungary Budapest U 1.8 million Felis catus, Accipiter nisus and mixed forest Sims et al. Snowball 2008 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Unspecified U/P Unspecified Felis catus and mixed forest

Smith et al. Review 2016 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Sydney U 5.2 million Rattus rattus and mixed forest

Sodhi and Oliphant Snowball 1993 Temperate grassland, America Canada Saskatoon U 214,000 Falco columbarius savanna and shrubland

Solonen et al. Other 2019 Taiga Europe Finland Häme and U/P 1.7 million Accipiter gentilis Uusimaa

Sorace Review 2002 Mediterranean forest, Europe Italy Rome U/P 2.9 million Falco tinunnculus, Tyto alba, Athene noctua, Strix woodland and scrub aluco, Corvus corone, Canis lupus familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, felis catus

Symes and KrugerTamara Snowball 2012 Mountain grasslands Africa South Africa Roodepoort U/P 326,416 verreauxii and shrublands

Teta et al. Other 2012 Temperate grassland, America Argentina Buenos Aires U/P 13 million Tyto alba savanna and shrubland

Thomas et al. Review 2012 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Reading U 218,705 Felis catus and mixed forest

Thorington and Bowman Snowball 2003 Temperate broadleaf America USA Placid Lake U/P 3,054 Cyanocitta cristata, unidentified birds, unidentified and mixed forest Estates

Threlfall et al. Review 2013 Temperate broadleaf Oceania Australia Sydney U 5.2 million Pseudocheirus peregrinus,Rattus and mixed forest rattus,Strepera graculina van Heezik et al. Snowball 2010 Temperate grassland, Oceania New Dunedin U/P 80,000 Felis catus savanna and shrubland Zealand

Washburn et al. Snowball 2013 Temperate broadleaf America USA Long Island U/P 7.8 million Larus marinus, Larus argentatus, Larus and mixed forest delawarensis,Leucophaeus atricilla, Wendt et al. Snowball 1991 Temperate broadleaf America USA Milwaukee U 600,000 Falco peregrinus and mixed forest

Widdows and Downs Other 2015 Tropical and subtropical Africa South Africa Durban U/P 600,000 Genetta tigrina moist broadleaf forest

Wolfe et al. Other 2018 Mediterranean forest, Oceania Australia Perth U/P 2 million Pseudonaja affinis woodland and scrub

Yalden Snowball 1990 Temperate broadleaf Europe UK Manchester U 2.4 million Falco tinnunculus and mixed forest

Table S2: Articles recorded during the urban scavenging search. Columns show: authors, source of the article (exhaustive review, snowball from the articles of the review and other sources), year of publication, Biome, country and city of the study area, habitat studied (U=urban; core of the city, P=peri-urban; areas surrounding the city and U/P=both, urban and peri-urban), number of inhabitants of the city during the study period, scavenger species recorded in the study, focus of the study (Scav=mainly scavenging, Gen= general diet) and type of carrion used during the study.

Reference Source Year Biome Continent Country City Habitat Pop. size Scavenger species Type Type of carrion Auman et al. Snowball 2008 Temperate Oceania Australia Hobart P 240,000 Larus novaehollandiae Scav Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Ballejo and Santis Other 2013 Temperate America Argentina Dina Huapi U/P 3,500 Coragyps atratus Scav Livestock broadleaf and mixed forest Cereghetti et al. Review 2019 Unspecified Europe Switzerland Unspecified U/P Unspecified Milvus milvus Scav Garbage Chenchouni Other 2017 Unspecified Africa Algeria Unspecified P Unspecified Ciconia ciconia Gen Unspecified Clifton and Jones Other 2017 Temperate Oceania Australia Brisbane U 13.5 million Corvus orru Gen Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Contesse et al. Other 2004 Temperate Europe Switzerland Zurich U/P 1.1 million Vulpes vulpes Gen Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Crawford et al. Other 2020 Mediterranean Oceania Australia Perth U/P 1.6 million Felis catus Gen Garbage forest, woodland and scrub Cronk and Pillay Other 2018 Montane Africa South Johannesburg U 5.6 million Cynictis penicillata, sanguinea Scav* Experimental grassland and Africa (different foods) shrubland Cronk and Pillay Other 2019 Montane Africa South Johannesburg U 5.6 million Cynictis penicillata, Galerella sanguinea Gen Garbage grassland and Africa shrubland Cronk and Pillay Other 2019 Montane Africa South Johannesburg U 5.6 million Cynictis penicillata Gen Garbage grassland and Africa shrubland de Araujo et al. Other 2018 Tropical and America Brazil Manaus U 2.1 million Coragyps atratus Scav Garbage subtropical moist broadleaf forest Doncaster et al. Snowball 1990 Temperate Europe UK Oxford U 13,000 Vulpes vulpes Gen Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Elliot et al. Snowball 2006 Temperate America Canada Vancouver P 514,008 Haliaeetus leucocephalus Scav Garbage coniferous forest Facure and do Nascimiento Other 2011 Tropical and America Brazil Uberlândia U 1.5 million Lutreolina crassicaudata Gen Garbage Ramos subtropical and Campinas grassland, savanna and shrubland Fedriani et al. Snowball 2001 Mediterranean America USA Santa Monica U/P 91,411 Canis latrans Scav* Garbage forest, mountains woodland and scrub Frixione and Alarcónet al. Snowball 2016 Temperate America Argentina Villa la P 18,000 Larus dominicanus Scav Garbage broadleaf and Angostura mixed forest Hager et al. Review 2012 Temperate America USA Rock Island U 82,995 Procyon lotor, Felis catus, Sciurus Scav* Experimental broadleaf and and Moline carolinensis, Tamias striatus, Sylvilagus ( carcasses) mixed forest floridanus Harris Snowball 1981 Temperate Europe UK London U/P 9 million Vulpes vulpes Scav Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Huijbers et al. Snowball 2015 Temperate Oceania Australia from Rainbow U/P Unspecified Haliastur indus, Haliastur sphenurus, Scav* Experimental (fish broadleaf and Beach to Vulpes vulpes, Corvus orru, Rattus spp. , heads) mixed forest Byron Bay Canis lupus familiaris, Felis catus, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae, Haliaeetus leucogaster, Varanus varius Huijbers et al. Snowball 2013 Temperate Oceania Australia Mooloolaba U/P 7,730 Haliastur indus, Haliastur sphenurus, Scav* Experimental (fish broadleaf and Vulpes vulpes, Corvus orru, Rattus spp. , heads) mixed forest Canis lupus familiaris, Felis catus, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae, Haliaeetus leucogaster, Varanus varius Hutchings Other 2003 Temperate Oceania Australia Victoria P Unspecified Felis catus Gen Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Inger et al. Review 2016 Temperate Europe UK Milton Keynes, U 594,958 Corvus corone, Pica pica, Vulpes vulpes Scav* Experimental (rat broadleaf and Bedford and carcasses) mixed forest Luton Kulabtong and Mahaprom Other 2014 Garbage, Asia Indonesia Central U Unspecified Varanus salvator Gen wild Thailand Kumar et al. Other 2014 Tropical and Asia India Delhi U/P 16 millions Milvus migrans Gen Garbage,livestock subtropical moist broadleaf forest Kummer et al. Review 2016 Temperate America Canada Edmonton U/P 930,000 Pica hudsonia, Felis catus, Corvus Scav* Experimental grassland, brachyrhynchos, Sciurus vulgaris, (bird carcasses) savanna and Cyanocitta cristata shrubland Kurosawa et al. Other 2003 Temperate Asia Japan Tokyo U 8 million Corvus macrorhynchos Gen Garbage broadleaf and mixed forest Lee and Lee Other 2019 Temperate Asia South Seoul U/P 10 million Sus scrofa Gen Garbage broadleaf and Korea mixed forest Majumander et al. Other 2016 Tropical and Asia India Kolkata and U/P 4.7 million Canis lupus familiaris Scav* Experimental subtropical Kanchrapara (chicken, bread) moist broadleaf forest Mazumdar et al. Other 2019 Tropical and Asia India Kolkata U 5.5 millio Milvus migrans Scav* Experimental subtropical (livestock) moist broadleaf forest Méndez et al. Other 2020 Mediterranean Europe Spain Barcelona U 1.6 millions Larus michahellis Gen Wild animals, forest, garbage woodland and scrub Mohammad Other 2016 Desert and Asia Saudi Sakaka U 280,000 Vulpes vulpes arabica Gen Garbage xeric Arabia shrubland Murray et al. Snowball 2015 Temperate America Canada Edmonton and U/P 2.3 million Canis latrans Gen Garbage and grassland, Calgary domestic animals savanna and shrubland Nation and St. Clair Other 2019 Temperate America Canada Edmonton and U 2 million Canis latrans Gen Domestic animals grassland, St.Albert savanna and shrubland Odino et al. Snowball 2014 Tropical and Africa Kenya 8 cities/towns U/P 5 million Necrosyrtes monachus Scav Garbage, livestock subtropical grassland, savanna and shrubland Rahman et al. Other 2015 Tropical and Asia Bangladesh Savar Upazila P 1.4 million Varanus bengalensis Scav Garbage subtropical moist broadleaf forest Riding and Loss Other 2018 Temperate America USA Stillwater U 45,688 Felis catus, Didelphis virginiana, Sciurus Scav* Experimental broadleaf and niger, Mephitis mephitis, Terrapene (bird carcasses) mixed forest carolina, Corvus brachyrhynchos, Canis lupus familiaris, Geococcyx californianus, Procyon lotor Saiyad et al. Other 2015 Tropical and Asia India Junagadh U/P 319,462 Corvus splendens Scav Garbage, livestock subtropical dry broadleaf forest Saunders et al. Snowball 1993 Temperate Europe UK Bristol U 530,000 Vulpes vulpes Gen Garbage, wild broadleaf and animals mixed forest Sazima Other 2020 Temperate Oceania Australia Sidney U 5 million Corvus coronoides Scav Wild animals broadleaf and mixed forest

Schlacher et al. Other 2015 Experimental Oceania Australia Queensland U/P 4.8 million Canis lupus familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, Scav* (fish carcasses) Rattus spp., Felis catus, Corvus orru, Scincidae spp. Schwartz et al. Review 2018 Temperate Europe UK Cardiff U 361,468 Corvus corone, Pica pica, Laridae spp., Scav* Experimental broadleaf and Felis catus, Canis lupus familiaris, (chicken mixed forest Vulpes vulpes carcasses) Stewart et al. Other 2020 Temperate Oceania Australia Launceston U 66,000 Larus pacificus Gen Garbage broadleaf forest Tauler –Ametller et al. Other 2018 Mediterranean Europe Spain Central P Unspecified Neophron percnopterus Scav Garbage, forest, eastern livestock, wild woodland and Catalonia animals scrub Welti et al. Other 2020 Temperate Europe Switzerland Fribourg U/P 2,3 million Corvus corone, Pica pica, Milvus milvus, Scav* Experimental broadleaf and Vulpes vulpes, Felis catus, Martes foina, (vole/ mouse mixed forest Erinaceus europaeus, Mustela putorius, carcasses) Canis lupus familiaris Worm and Boves Other 2019 Mediterranean America USA Port Allen, LA U 4,870 Lanius ludovicianus Scav Garbage forest, woodland and scrub Yirga et al. Other 2016 Tropical and Africa Ethiopia Tigray region P 4.3 million Crocuta crocuta Scav Livestock subtropical grassland, savanna and shrubland Yirga et al. Snowball 2013 Tropical and Africa Ethiopia Wukro district P 112,235 Crocuta crocuta Scav Livestock subtropical grassland, savanna and shrubland Yirga et al. Snowball 2012 Tropical and Africa Ethiopia Mekelle P 200,000 Crocuta crocuta Scav Livestock subtropical grassland, savanna and shrubland

Table S3: Articles recorded in the urban predation review.

1. Ali, A. M. S., & Santhanakrishnan, R. (2012). Diet composition of the Barn Owl Tyto alba (Aves: Tytonidae) and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigidae) coexisting in an urban environment. Podoces, 7(1/2). 2. Allen, B. L., Carmelito, E., Amos, M., Goullet, M. S., Allen, L. R., Speed, J., ... & Leung, L. K. P. (2016). Diet of dingoes and other wild in peri-urban areas of north- eastern Australia. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 1-8. 3. Apathy, M. T. (1998). Data to the diet of the urban stone (Martes foina Erxleben) in Budapest. Opusc Zool Budapest, 31, 113-118. 4. Baker PJ, Bentley AJ, Ansell RJ, Harris S (2005) Impact of predation by domestic Felis catus in an urban area. Rev 35:302–312 5. Baker, P. J., Molony, S. E., Stone, E., Cuthill, I. C., & Harris, S. (2008). Cats about town: is predation by free-ranging pet cats Felis catus likely to affect urban bird populations?. Ibis, 150, 86-99. 6. Balakrishna, S. (2014). Predation of black rat Rattus rattus (Rodentia: Muridae) by the rock lizard Psammophilus dorsalis (Squamata: Agamidae) from suburban Bangalore, Karnataka. Herpetology Notes, 7, 519-520. 7. Barratt, D. G. (1998). Predation by house cats, Felis catus (L.), in Canberra, Australia. II. Factors affecting the amount of prey caught and estimates of the impact on wildlife. Wildlife Research, 25(5), 475-487. 8. Barratt, D. G. (1997). Predation by house cats, Felis catus (L.), in Canberra, Australia. I. Prey composition and preference. Wildlife Research, 24(3), 263-277. 9. Beckerman, A. P., Boots, M., & Gaston, K. J. (2007). Urban bird declines and the fear of cats. Conservation, 10(3), 320-325. 10. Bocz, R., Szép, D., Witz, D., Ronczyk, L., Kurucz, K., & Purger, J. J. (2017). Human disturbances and predation on artificial ground nests across an urban gradient. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40(2), 153-157. 11. Brack Jr, V., Cable, T. T., & Driscoll, D. E. (1984, January). Food Habits of Urban American kestrels, Falco sparverius. In Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science (Vol. 94, pp. 607-614). 12. Cava, J. A., Stewart, A. C., & Rosenfield, R. N. (2012). Introduced species dominate the diet of breeding urban Cooper's Hawks in British Columbia. The Wilson Journal of , 124(4), 775-782. 13. Charter, M., Izhaki, I., Shapira, L., & Leshem, Y. (2007). Diets of urban breeding barn owls (Tyto alba) in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 119(3), 484- 485. 14. Childs, J. E. (1986). Size-dependent predation on rats (Rattus norvegicus) by house cats (Felis catus) in an urban setting. Journal of Mammalogy, 67(1), 196-199. 15. Clunie, F. (1976). A Fiji peregrine (Falco peregrinus) in an urban-marine environment. Notornis, 23(1), 8-28. 16. Contesse, P., Hegglin, D., Gloor, S. A. N. D. R. A., Bontadina, F., & Deplazes, P. (2004). The diet of urban (Vulpes vulpes) and the availability of anthropogenic food in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. Mammalian biology, 69(2), 81-95. 17. Doncaster, C. P., Dickman, C. R., & Macdonald, D. W. (1990). Feeding ecology of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the city of Oxford, England. Journal of Mammalogy, 71(2), 188-194. 18. Duduś, L., Zalewski, A., Kozioł, O., Jakubiec, Z., & Król, N. (2014). Habitat selection by two predators in an urban area: The stone marten and red in Wrocław (SW Poland). Mammalian Biology, 79(1), 71-76. 19. Estes, W. A., & Mannan, R. W. (2003). Feeding behavior of Cooper's Hawks at urban and rural nests in southeastern Arizona. The Condor, 105(1), 107-116. 20. Fancourt, B. A., Cremasco, P., Wilson, C., & Gentle, M. N. (2019). Do introduced apex predators suppress introduced mesopredators? A multiscale spatiotemporal study of dingoes and feral cats in Australia suggests not. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(12), 2584-2595. 21. Fattorini, S., Manganaro, A., Piattella, E., & Salvati, L. (1999). Role of the beetles in Raptor diets from a Mediterranean urban area. Fragmenta entomologica, 31, 57-69. 22. Fulton, G. (2014). Observations of hunting behaviour in an urban predator: the domestic Canis familiaris. Australian Zoologist, 37(1), 102-104. 23. Galeotti, P., Morimando, F., & Violani, C. (1991). Feeding ecology of the tawny owls (Strix aluco) in urban habitats (northern Italy). Italian Journal of Zoology, 58(2), 143- 150. 24. Georgiev, D. (2013). Diet of the Stone marten (Martes foina Erxl.) in two large cities of the Upper Thracian Lowland, South Bulgaria. ZooNotes, 42, 1-4. 25. Gering, J. C., & Blair, R. B. (1999). Predation on artificial bird nests along an urban gradient: predatory risk or relaxation in urban environments?. Ecography, 22(5), 532-541. 26. Gil-Fernández, M., Harcourt, R., Newsome, T., Towerton, A., & Carthey, A. (2020). Adaptations of the (Vulpes vulpes) to urban environments in Sydney, Australia. Journal of Urban Ecology, 6(1), juaa009. 27. Groom, D. W. (1993). Magpie Pica pica predation on Blackbird Turdus merula nests in urban areas. Bird Study, 40(1), 55-62. 28. Harris, S. (1981). The food of suburban foxes (Vulpes vulpes), with special reference to London. Mammal Review, 11(4), 151-168. 29. Harrison, S. W. R., Cypher, B. L., Bremner-Harrison, S., & Job, C. L. V. H. (2011). Resource use overlap between urban carnivores: implications for endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica). Urban Ecosystems, 14(2), 303-311. 30. Haskell, D.G., Knupp, A.M., Schneider, M.C. (2001). Nest predator abundance and urbanization. In: Marzluff, J.M., Bowman, R., Donnelly, R. eds Avian ecology and conservation in an urbanizing world. Boston, USA, Kluwer. Pp. 243–258. 31. Herbert, R. A., & Herbert, K. G. S. (1965). Behavior of peregrine falcons in the New York City region. The Auk, 62-94. 32. Hindmarch, S., & Elliott, J. E. (2015). Comparing the diet of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in rural and urban areas of southwestern British Columbia. 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Table S4: Articles recorded in the urban scavenging review.

1. Auman, H. J., Meathrel, C. E., & Richardson, A. (2008). Supersize me: does anthropogenic food change the body condition of Silver Gulls? A comparison between urbanized and remote, non-urbanized areas. Waterbirds, 31(1), 122-126. 2. Ballejo, F., & De Santis, L. J. (2013). Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) seasonal diet in rural and urban areas of north-western Patagonia. El Hornero, 28(01), 007-014. 3. Cereghetti, E., Scherler, P., Fattebert, J., & Grüebler, M. U. (2019). Quantification of anthropogenic food subsidies to an avian facultative scavenger in urban and rural habitats. Landscape and Urban Planning, 190, 103606. 4. Chenchouni, H. (2017). Variation in white stork (Ciconia ciconia) diet along a climatic gradient and across rural-to-urban landscapes in North Africa. International journal of biometeorology, 61(3), 549-564. 5. Clifton, B., & Jones, D. N. (2017). Finding food in a human-dominated environment: Exploring the foraging behaviour of urban Torresian Crows' Corvus orru'. Australian Field Ornithology, 34, 30. 6. Contesse, P., Hegglin, D., Gloor, S. A. N. D. R. A., Bontadina, F., & Deplazes, P. (2004). The diet of urban foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and the availability of anthropogenic food in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. Mammalian biology, 69(2), 81-95. 7. Crawford, H. M., Calver, M. C., & Fleming, P. A. (2020). Subsidised by junk foods: factors influencing body condition in stray cats (Felis catus). Journal of Urban Ecology, 6(1), juaa004. 8. Cronk, N. E., & Pillay, N. (2018). Food choice and feeding on carrion in two African species in an urban environment. acta ethologica, 21(2), 127-136. 9. Cronk, N., & Pillay, N. (2019). Dietary overlap of two sympatric African mongoose species in an urban environment. Mammalia, 83(5), 428-438. 10. de Araujo, G. M., Peres, C. A., Baccaro, F. B., & Guerta, R. S. (2018). Urban waste disposal explains the distribution of Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) in an Amazonian metropolis: management implications for birdstrikes and urban planning. PeerJ, 6, e5491. 11. Doncaster, C. P., Dickman, C. R., & Macdonald, D. W. (1990). Feeding ecology of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the city of Oxford, England. Journal of Mammalogy, 71(2), 188-194. 12. Elliott, K. H., Duffe, J., Lee, S. L., Mineau, P., & Elliott, J. E. (2006). Foraging ecology of Bald Eagles at an urban landfill. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 118(3), 380-390. 13. Facure, K. G., & do Nascimento Ramos, V. (2011). Food habits of the thick-tailed opossum Lutreolina crassicaudata (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in two urban areas of southeastern Brazil. Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde, 76(2), 234. 14. Fedriani, J. M., Fuller, T. K., & Sauvajot, R. M. (2001). Does availability of anthropogenic food enhance densities of omnivorous mammals? An example with coyotes in southern California. Ecography, 24(3), 325-331. 15. Frixione, M. G., & Alarcón, P. A. E. (2016). Composición de la dieta post-reproductiva de la Gaviota Cocinera (Larus dominicanus) en el Lago Nahuel Huapi, Patagonia Argentina. 16. Hager, S. B., Cosentino, B. J., & McKay, K. J. (2012). Scavenging affects persistence of avian carcasses resulting from window collisions in an urban landscape. Journal of Field Ornithology, 83(2), 203-211. 17. Harris, S. (1981). The food of suburban foxes (Vulpes vulpes), with special reference to London. Mammal Review, 11(4), 151-168. 18. Huijbers, C. M., Schlacher, T. A., Schoeman, D. S., Olds, A. D., Weston, M. A., & Connolly, R. M. (2015). Limited functional redundancy in vertebrate scavenger guilds fails to compensate for the loss of raptors from urbanized sandy beaches. Diversity and Distributions, 21(1), 55-63. 19. Huijbers, C. M., Schlacher, T. A., Schoeman, D. S., Weston, M. A., & Connolly, R. M. (2013). Urbanisation alters processing of marine carrion on sandy beaches. Landscape and Urban Planning, 119, 1-8. 20. Hutchings, S. (2003). The diet of feral house cats (Felis catus) at a regional rubbish tip, Victoria. Wildlife Research, 30(1), 103-110. 21. Inger, R., Cox, D. T., Per, E., Norton, B. A., & Gaston, K. J. (2016). Ecological role of vertebrate scavengers in urban ecosystems in the UK. Ecology and Evolution, 6(19), 7015-7023. 22. Kulabtong, S., & Mahaprom, R. (2014). Observation on food items of Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768)(Squamata Varanidae), in urban eco- system, Central Thailand. Biodiversity Journal, 6, 695-698. 23. Kumar, N., Mohan, D., Jhala, Y. V., Qureshi, Q., & Sergio, F. (2014). Density, laying date, breeding success and diet of Black Kites Milvus migrans govinda in the city of Delhi (India). Bird Study, 61(1), 1-8. 24. Kummer, J., Nordell, C., Berry, T., Collins, C., Tse, C., & Bayne, E. (2016). Use of bird carcass removals by urban scavengers to adjust bird-window collision estimates. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 11(2). 25. Kurosawa, R., Kono, R., Kondo, T., & Kanai, Y. (2003). Diet of jungle crows in an urban landscape. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH-ENGLISH EDITION-, 7(2), 193-198. 26. Lee, S. M., & Lee, E. J. (2019). Diet of the wild boar (Sus scrofa): implications for management in forest-agricultural and urban environments in South Korea. PeerJ, 7, e7835. 27. Majumder, S. S., Paul, M., Sau, S., & Bhadra, A. (2016). Denning habits of free- ranging dogs reveal preference for human proximity. Scientific reports, 6, 32014. 28. Mazumdar, S., Ghose, D., & Saha, G. K. (2019). Preferences for different types of offal by Black Kites Milvus migrans from urban garbage dumps of Kolkata, India. Acta Ornithologica, 53(2), 163-172. 29. Méndez, A., Montalvo, T., Aymí, R., Carmona, M., Figuerola, J., & Navarro, J. (2020). Adapting to urban ecosystems: unravelling the foraging ecology of an opportunistic predator living in cities. Urban Ecosystems, 1-10. 30. Mohammad, W. F., & Basuony, M. I. (2016). Food composition and feeding ecology of the Arabian Red Fox Vulpes vulpes arabica Thomas 1902 in Sakaka northern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 2(11), 723-728. 31. Murray, M., Cembrowski, A., Latham, A. D. M., Lukasik, V. M., Pruss, S., & St Clair, C. C. (2015). Greater consumption of protein-poor anthropogenic food by urban relative to rural coyotes increases diet breadth and potential for human–wildlife conflict. Ecography, 38(12), 1235-1242. 32. Nation, P. N., & St. Clair, C. C. (2019). A Forensic Pathology Investigation of Dismembered Domestic Cats: Coyotes or Cults?. Veterinary pathology, 56(3), 444- 451. 33. Odino, M., Imboma, T., & Ogada, D. L. (2014). Assessment of the occurrence and threats to Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in western Kenyan towns. Vulture News, 67(2), 3-20. 34. Rahman, K. M., Khan, M. M. H., & Rakhimov, I. I. (2015). Scavenging Behavior of the Bengal Monitor (Varanus bengalensis) in Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 539-550. 35. Riding, C. S., & Loss, S. R. (2018). Factors influencing experimental estimation of scavenger removal and observer detection in bird–window collision surveys. Ecological Applications, 28(8), 2119-2129. 36. Saiyad, S. K., Soni, V. C., & Radadia, B. (2015). Urban resourse utilization for feeding purpose by house crow (Corvus splendens). Int. J. Recent Sci. Res. Res, 6(7933), e7935. 37. Saunders, G., White, P. C. L., Harris, S., & Rayner, J. M. V. (1993). Urban foxes (Vulpes vulpes): food acquisition, time and energy budgeting of a generalized predator. In Symposia of the Zoological Society of London (Vol. 65, No. 4). 38. Sazima, I. (2020). Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides) Scavenges on all Five Major Vertebrate Groups at Urban Sydney, Southeast Australia. Tropical Natural History, 20(1), 89-94. 39. Schlacher, T. A., Weston, M. A., Lynn, D., Schoeman, D. S., Huijbers, C. M., Olds, A. D., ... & Connolly, R. M. (2015). Conservation gone to the dogs: when canids rule the beach in small coastal reserves. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(3), 493-509. 40. Schwartz, A. L., Williams, H. F., Chadwick, E., Thomas, R. J., & Perkins, S. E. (2018). Roadkill scavenging behaviour in an urban environment. Journal of Urban Ecology, 4(1), juy006. 41. Stewart, L. G., Lavers, J. L., Grant, M. L., Puskic, P. S., & Bond, A. L. (2020). Seasonal ingestion of anthropogenic debris in an urban population of gulls. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111549. 42. Tauler-Ametller, H., Hernandez-Matias, A., Parés, F., Pretus, J. L., & Real, J. (2018). Assessing the applicability of stable isotope analysis to determine the contribution of landfills to vultures’ diet. PloS one, 13(5), e0196044. 43. Welti, N., Scherler, P., & Grüebler, M. U. (2020). Carcass predictability but not domestic pet introduction affects functional response of scavenger assemblage in urbanized habitats. Functional Ecology, 34(1), 265-275. 44. Worm, A. J., & Boves, T. J. (2019). Bringing Home the Bacon: A Lanius ludovicianus (Loggerhead Shrike) Caches an Anthropogenic Food Item in an Urban Environment. Southeastern Naturalist, 18(4). 45. Yirga, G., Leirs, H., De Iongh, H. H., Asmelash, T., Gebrehiwot, K., Deckers, J., & Bauer, H. (2016). Spotted (Crocuta crocuta) concentrate around urban waste dumps across Tigray, northern Ethiopia. Wildlife Research, 42(7), 563-569. 46. Yirga, G., Ersino, W., De Iongh, H. H., Leirs, H., Gebrehiwot, K., Deckers, J., & Bauer, H. (2013). (Crocuta crocuta) coexisting at high density with people in Wukro district, northern Ethiopia. Mammalian Biology, 78(3), 193-197. 47. Yirga, G., De Iongh, H. H., Leirs, H., Gebrihiwot, K., Deckers, J., & Bauer, H. (2012). Adaptability of large carnivores to changing anthropogenic food sources: diet change of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) during Christian fasting period in northern Ethiopia. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81(5), 1052-1055.