20-0809-1707+ PD E (Pdf)
CANADIAN BROADCAST STANDARDS COUNCIL ATLANTIC REGIONAL PANEL CJCH-TV, CKCW-TV & ASN re “Save Local TV” campaign (CBSC Decision 08/09-1707+) Decided January 12, 2010 B. Jones (Vice-Chair), R. Cohen (ad hoc), K. Hicks, B. MacEachern, R. McKeen, T.-M. Wiseman and CANADIAN BROADCAST STANDARDS COUNCIL ONTARIO REGIONAL PANEL CJOH-TV, CKCO-TV, CFTO-TV & CKVR-TV re “Save Local TV” campaign (CBSC Decision 08/09-1748+) Decided April 1, 2010 R. Cohen (ad hoc), M. Hamilton, J. David, G. Phelan (ad hoc) THE FACTS This decision deals with separate broadcasts on television outlets owned by CTVglobemedia, which took place in the Atlantic and Ontario Regions. Since the broadcasts fell under the jurisdiction of different CBSC Panels, they were destined to be treated separately. Although the challenged content of the various broadcasts was different, the underlying reasoning was common to both adjudications and, in addition to an individual complainant about an Atlantic CTV station, there was a group complainant 2 filing a single document covering both Atlantic and Ontario CTV station broadcasts. In the circumstances, although the Panel adjudications were held separately, the two Panels agreed that their decisions should be issued in a single document. Throughout 2009, factions of the Canadian broadcasting industry were debating an issue familiarly known as fee-for-carriage (and referred to in that way at material moments in all of the challenged broadcasts dealt with herein). The issue was also subsumed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) as a part of its determinations listed immediately below under their terminological choice, value-for-signal.
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