Practical Guide to Supportive Care of Patients With Functional Neuroendocrine Tumors

Lowell B. Anthony

Supportive care of patients with functional neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) has evolved to include the use of multiple targeted agents to control paraneoplastic states and newer surgical and interventional radiologic techniques to reduce tumor bulk. Challenges encountered by the clinician are the recognition of specific symptom complexes, selecting the relevant laboratory tests and radiologic/scintigraphic scans, and the timing of intervention(s). Individual variables such as the severity of symptoms in the context of primary and metastatic disease sites, tumor bulk, comor- bidities, and previous treatment are factors determining the prioritization of specific treatment regimens for patients with functional NETs. Symptoms such as flushing, secretory diarrhea, hypercalcemia, hyper /hypoglycemia, hypercortisolism, and peptic ulcers should improve with decreasing the elevated amino acid and/or peptide levels produced by NETs. These paraneoplastic symptoms may be accompanied by complaints related to tumor burden such as fatigue, pain, early satiety, anorexia, weight loss, night sweats, and/or symptoms secondary to adverse drug effects such as mucositis, dysgeusia, diarrhea, rash, hypertension, and myelosuppression. Developing a comprehensive continuum of care plan early in disease management assists in controlling the presenting signs and symptoms, and in minimizing disease- and/or treatment-related side effects. This guide serves as a framework to manage the signs and symptoms of metastatic functional neuroendocrine tumors. Semin Oncol 40:45-55 © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

ignificant advances in supportive care occurred disease, and syndrome.5–8 These observations ushered over three decades ago with the development of in a new era in the medical management of functional Sthe congeners resistant to degrada- NETs by targeting specific receptors and cell signaling tive enzymes.1 The recognition that specific life-threat- pathways affecting hormonal synthesis and/or secre- ening conditions such as syndrome, carci- tion.9 Applying autoradiographic noid crisis, and WDHA (watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, imaging technology to the in vivo setting resulted ini- achlorhydria syndrome or Verner-Morrison syndrome, tially in the development of indium-111 pentetreotide vasoactive intestinal peptidoma [VIPoma], or pancre- scintigraphy and more recently, -68 DOTA oc- atic cholera) could be medically controlled by oc- treotide for the detection and localization of somatosta- treotide acetate when surgical extirpation was not an tin subtype receptors 2 and 5 (sst2, stt5)-expressing 10,11 option dramatically changed clinical management.2–4 tumors. The hormonal-suppressive effects of somatostatin conge- Advances in somatostatin formulations occurred ners extended to other functional NETs such as gastrino- when depot injections became the preferred route of 12 mas, glucagonomas, insulinomas, acromegaly, Cushing’s administration. Within the last 5 years, the introduc- tion of temozolomide-based therapy, oral vascular en- dothelial growth factor (VEGF) kinase and Department of Medicine, Markey Cancer Center, University of Ken- mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors as tucky, Lexington, KY. therapeutic options in the pancreatic subtype of NETs Conflicts of interest: Research grants, advisory board and honoraria from has led to improved control of symptoms as well as the Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Im- 13–15 clone Pharmaceuticals, Inc. underlying disease. This guide to the supportive Address correspondence to Lowell B. Anthony, MD, Professor of Med- care of functional NETs focuses on the management of icine, Department of Medicine, Markey Cancer Center, University of those signs and symptoms encountered in clinical prac- Kentucky, 800 Rose St, CC412, Lexington, KY 40536. E-mail: tice. [email protected] 0270-9295/ - see front matter Medical advances coupled with newer operative © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. techniques and interventional radiology procedures provide for improved symptom control in patients with

Seminars in Oncology, Vol 40, No 1, February 2013, pp 45-55 45 46 L.B. Anthony metastatic functional NETs. The challenge is to recog- multiple causes of flushing. A detailed clinical history is nize which symptom or symptom complex is attribut- necessary to establish the presence of two distinctly able to the disease or disease progression versus other different flushing patterns in the perimenopausal fe- etiologies such as adverse drug effects, surgical anatom- male with carcinoid. Carcinoid syndrome flushing usu- ical changes, or other superimposed condition(s). ally is facial, neck and upper chest and sometimes Worsening of either symptoms or signs of the disease accompanied by palmar and plantar erythema. Carci- may simply reflect “tachyphylaxis” or may have more noid syndrome flushing is usually a dry flush and may serious implications such as anatomical progression.16 last from a few seconds to a few minutes for those Despite symptom progression, it is common for pa- primaries arising in the luminal intestinal tract versus tients to continue somatostatin analog therapy at the 30 minutes to hours for foregut primaries such as those same or an alternative dose and schedule as symptoms arising in the lung. remain suppressible, at least in part. With definitive Carcinoid diarrhea is typically secretory in nature, evidence of hepatic disease progression, local regional may be nocturnal, and is not responsive to fasting. treatments such as bland embolization, chemoemboli- Weight loss, dehydration, malaise, electrolyte distur- zation, or radioembolization may be options. Alterna- bances, and cramping can occur, with their severity tively, enrollment in a clinical trial of agents in develop- correlated with tumor bulk. Other manifestations of ment such as bevacizumab, in combination carcinoid syndrome may be a facial rash mimicking with cixutumumab (IMC A-12, an insulin-like growth fac- rosacea, cardiac valvular disease (tricuspid insuffi- tor-1 inhibitor), everolimus in combination with bevaci- ciency, pulmonic stenosis), wheezing, and malaise. zumab, and peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT) using Flushing, asthma, and secretory diarrheal symptoms lutetium-177 DOTATOC would be recommended (http:// require immediate control by subcutaneously adminis-ϭneuroendocrineϩ tered as the majority of patients respond cancer). within a few days to 1–2 weeks (see Figure 1).3 The Various well-defined clinical syndromes and their severity of symptoms will determine which octreotide presenting symptoms related to hormonal secretion(s) formulation and route of administration is optimal. The from either a primary mass and/or metastases from a subcutaneous route is satisfactory for most patients to well-differentiated or intermediate-grade NET category control symptoms quickly with eventual conversion, with management options are discussed below. Even usually within 2–4 weeks, to the intramuscular or de- though the pancreas and small and large intestines pot monthly formulation, octreotide long-acting repeat- comprise the majority of tumors addressed, functional able (LAR).12 Subcutaneous octreotide should be con- syndromes may also arise from the lung, thymus, or an tinued for 2 weeks after the initial intramuscular LAR unknown primary tumor. injection until therapeutic levels are achieved. Break- through symptoms that occur after conversion to LAR are more common during the week prior to the CARCINOID SYNDROME monthly intramuscular injection and may require sub- Presenting symptoms are generally attributable to a cutaneous dosing depending on their severity and du- well-differentiated (low- or intermediate-grade) NET ration. metastatic to the liver, often present for years prior to Following octreotide initiation, the clinician can fo- diagnosis and typically with an insidious onset. Symp- cus on other individual factors that may contribute to toms may be isolated flushing or diarrhea or the com- symptomatology and disease morbidity such as bowel bination of flushing and diarrhea.17 As early symptoms obstruction, high tumor bulk, or concomitant illnesses are vague and nonspecific, misdiagnosis or a delay in such as irritable or inflammatory bowel disease, hyper- diagnosis may occur even in patients presenting with tension, dumping symptoms from bowel surgery, bile advanced disease.18 Provocative factors for flushing in- acid colitis, and malabsorptive syndromes. As a mesen- clude ethanol, emotional upsets, exercise, eating, epi- teric desmoplastic process is common with intestinal nephrine, and pentagastrin.19,20 The Valsalva maneuver, NETs, chronic abdominal pain and recurrent bowel hepatic palpation during the physical exam, breast obstructions may limit quality of life. compression during mammography, hepatic emboliza- While octreotide controls secretory diarrhea, it in- tion, or resection also may provoke symptoms and duces steatorrhea. With diet adjustment and lopera- even crises in some circumstances.21–23 mide, this steatorrhea is controllable in most patients. Should flushing be an early symptom in a perimeno- For those few patients who experience significant pausal female, confusion with physiologic flushing is weight loss, a trial of pancreatic enzyme(s) may be common despite distinct differences between the two warranted. Octreotide dose escalation is recommended mechanisms. Menopausal flushing typically encom- with worsening of secretory diarrhea. In depot oc- passes the whole body and is diaphoretic. Sensitivity to treotide patients whose diarrhea responds to “rescue” estrogen therapy assists in establishing the correct di- octreotide, escalating the monthly dose may result in agnosis but it is possible for these patients to have improved diarrhea control. Supportive care of NET patients 47

Figure 1. Functional metastatic well-differentiated (grades 1 and 2) neuroendocrine tumors: potential algorithm for symptom control and disease management. *Clinical trials could be initiated earlier in disease management.

As NET patients have multiple etiologies contribut- are additional options to consider in the acute care ing to their diarrheal symptoms, a careful history assists setting.25,26 in developing a differential diagnosis. After excluding dietary and medication factors (excessive fat, fruits, Carcinoid Crisis Prophylaxis cathartics), less common possibilities such as infection with Clostridium difficile or Helicobacter pylori, intes- For carcinoid syndrome patients undergoing general tinal bacterial overgrowth, and intestinal ischemia anesthesia or an invasive procedure such as emboliza- should be considered. A gastrointestinal workup inclu- tion, decreasing the risk of carcinoid crises with sup- 27,28 sive of upper and lower endoscopy may assist in iden- plemental octreotide is recommended. The risk for crisis is greater in the more symptomatic patient with tifying or excluding an etiology. Postprandial diarrhea greater disease bulk. Resuscitative intraoperative tech- suggests either dumping syndrome or intestinal isch- niques for treating hypotension are unique in that emia. The former may respond to a dumping diet and symptoms are generally refractory to fluid resuscitation shifting liquid ingestion to 30 minutes after a meal. alone. Adding calcium and/or catecholamines, includ- Intestinal ischemia is definitively diagnosed with an- ing low-dose dopamine, may only worsen the deterio- giography, but the patient’s history is one typically of a ration by provoking the additional release of tumor gradual worsening of symptoms and may result in food mediators (tachykinins). The blood pressure should be phobia and profound cachexia. supported by infusion of colloid and octreotide (300– 500 micrograms intravenously [IV]) given immedi- 24,27 CARCINOID CRISIS ately. A continuous IV drip of octreotide may be necessary for an indefinite postoperative period (eg, Carcinoid syndrome symptoms that are unremitting 50–150 ␮g/h). For patients at high risk of carcinoid can be life-threatening and should be considered an crisis (significant hepatic tumor involvement and/or oncologic emergency. Volume electrolyte replace- history of difficult to control syndrome symptoms), IV ment, octreotide, and correcting the metabolic acidosis octreotide may be initiated prophylactically preopera- while improving any diarrheal symptoms are required tively (eg, 50–150 ␮g/h). to reverse clinical deterioration.2,24 Identifying and There are no guidelines for supplementing patients treating the precipitating event such as sepsis, bleed- receiving monthly octreotide LAR. One approach is to ing, or a viral illness is critical in controlling the crisis. schedule an elective procedure within 1–2 weeks after Corticosteroids, antibiotics, and infusional octreotide an intramuscular (IM) injection and to provide supple- 48 L.B. Anthony mental continuous infusion of octreotide for the high- moon facies, hypertension, diabetes, acne, hirsutism, risk patient undergoing general anesthesia or any striae, buffalo hump, and menstrual irregularity be- stressful procedure. As octreotide’s therapeutic index ing present but also the rapidity of onset that assists is wide, the risks are minimal with higher blood levels in making the correct diagnosis.37,38 After excluding associated with greater somatostatin receptor occu- exogenous sources, possible etiologies for hypercor- pancy.29 tisolism include primary pituitary or hypothalamic tumors, the ectopic production of adrenocortico- tropic hormone (ACTH), or corticotrophin-releasing CARCINOID HEART DISEASE hormone (CRH)-releasing tumor or autonomous ad- Carcinoid heart disease is characterized by a fibrous, renal production.39,40 Guidelines for making the di- plaque-like endocardial thickening with shortening of agnosis and treatment are well-defined.41,42 the chordae tendineae, immobility of the tricuspid/ The initial therapeutic challenge is to immediately pulmonic valve cusps producing regurgitation, and ste- decrease the harmful effects of hypercortisolism by nosis of varying degrees. Tricuspid insufficiency is the removing the source of ACTH and/or by inhibiting predominant finding with tricuspid stenosis, pulmo- adrenal enzymes. Prescribing fast-acting steroidogene- nary insufficiency, and stenosis being less common. sis inhibitors such as ketoconazole and metyrapone, Minimizing cardiac hepatopathy while maximizing car- and those with a slower onset of action such as mito- diopulmonary function and quality of life are the major tane, singly or in combination would be options de- goals in diagnosing and controlling carcinoid heart dis- pending on the severity of the hypercortisolism.43,44 ease.30 Mifepristone (RU-486) was recently approved for en- In the pre-somatostatin era, echocardiographic evi- dogenous Cushing’s syndrome patients with glucose dence of carcinoid heart disease occurred in approxi- intolerance secondary to hypercortisolemia and who mately two thirds of patients with histologically proven have failed surgery or are not surgical candidates.45–47 midgut tumors.31 As supportive care evolved in the Somatostatin congeners such as octreotide or lan- post-somatostatin era, the occurrence of carcinoid reotide, used alone or in combination with the dopa- heart disease decreased markedly.32 This may be re- mine receptor agonist, cabergoline, respectively, may lated to achieving better control of serotonin levels be additional therapeutic options.37,48,49 The expres- through a variety of mechanisms. Following patients at sion of the somatostatin receptors may assist in predict- risk for carcinoid heart disease (high 24-hour urinary ing response and may be downregulated in the setting 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid [5-HIAA] levels) or those of hypercortisolemia.46,50 with symptoms of right-sided heart failure (dyspnea, Cushing’s syndrome induces a hypercoagulable state lower extremity edema) with careful serial history and and patients are at significantly higher risk for a throm- physical exams, echocardiograms, and selective exer- boembolic event during a procedure.51,52 Anticoagula- cise testing every 6–12 months may assist in optimally tion guidelines are lacking. There also can be a com- timing valve replacement. pensatory increase in the thymus gland or the presence General measures for treating heart failure include of a mediastinal “pseudo” tumor following cortisol nor- salt and water restriction while monitoring electro- malization.53 Such masses do not require further eval- lytes, fluid balance, and weight. Initiating diuretics is a uation and routine surveillance usually suffices. Bone double-edged sword as improving the lower extremity mass and bone turnover remain impaired for at least 2 edema decreases left-sided cardiac output and in- or more years following cortisol normalization.54 creases fatigue and dyspnea. A combination of loop diuretics and digoxin may be the initial intervention in GASTRINOMAS treating right-sided heart failure. Judiciously adding a thiazide diuretic may be necessary when the loop di- Presenting symptoms of abdominal pain, dyspepsia, uretics reach their maximal effect. Even though data diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding can be insidious are lacking, it is generally accepted that digoxin im- in onset and present for years.55,56 Gastrin oversecre- proves right heart function. tion or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES), may arise from a tumor that is either sporadic in its occurrence or hereditary as in patients with multiple endocrine neo- CUSHING’S SYNDROME plasms 1 (MEN 1). Effective acid suppressive therapy, Recognizing and correctly identifying the cause of such as the H2 antagonists and proton pump inhibitors hypercortisolism are important in potentially curing (PPIs), reduces the need for and complications of total the underlying disorder and alleviating long-term com- gastrectomy.57,58 The goal of medical management of plications while decreasing the risks for opportunistic gastrinomas is to control symptoms while minimizing infections.33–36As Cushing’s syndrome signifies more any treatment-related side effects. of a symptom complex rather than a single com- Dose titration of acid-suppressive agents is more of plaint, it is not only the symptoms of central obesity, an art than the science of medicine as peptic symptoms Supportive care of NET patients 49 are poor markers of acid secretion and quantitative acid group of patients, only postprandial.77,78 Confusion, studies are impractical. High initial doses of PPIs (such changes in vision, and strange behavior including am- as 60 mg/d of omeprazole) are frequently prescribed, nesia reinforce the perception of a psychiatric illness in with dose adjustment as necessary based on symptom some cases. Signs of hypoglycemia include tachycardia, response.59 PPIs (omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomepra- diaphoresis, and tremulousness. The median duration zole, rabeprazole, dexlansoprazole, and pantoprazole) of symptoms before the correct diagnosis is typically irreversibly bind to and inhibit the parietal cell enzyme, less than 1.5 years, with the upper range being de- hydrogen/potassium triphosphatase (ATPase). cades.79 In the acute setting where oral medications may be Screening the patient for multiple endocrine neopla- contraindicated, IV formulations are effective.60 Forty sia type 1 (MEN 1) includes taking a family history, ZES patients participated in a 4-year study which con- inquiring about disorders of calcium homeostasis and cluded that omeprazole effectively controls acid secre- prior neck surgery. Insulinomas are the second (follow- tion in all patients. Once-daily omeprazole administra- ing gastrinomas) most frequent pancreatic neuroendo- tion was effective in approximately 60% (31/50) of crine tumor (pNET) occurring in MEN 1.80 patients, while complete peptic symptom resolution Following tissue diagnosis and standard staging proce- occurred in 23 or 29 subjects who failed H2 antagonist dures, treatment options include complete tumor re- therapy. The absence of gastric NET on endoscopies moval for localized disease or debulking metastatic dis- and gastric biopsies after long-term omeprazole ther- ease to improve symptoms. The metastatic disease patient apy is encouraging.61 Dose de-escalation to 20 mg/d is requires ongoing medical management for symptom and feasible after several years of high-dose omeprazole tumor control. therapy.62 At times of hypoglycemia, dextrose administra- Complications of the chronic pharmacologic main- tion, intramuscular glucagon, and potassium replace- tenance of the achlorhydric state include vitamin B12 ment may be required emergently. For more chronic deficiency. A 29% frequency was reported in patients control, diazoxide (3–8 mg/kg/d orally every 8–12 on long-term PPI therapy with blood B12 levels under- hours with total daily doses up to 1,200 mg), limiting estimating the true occurrence.63 Iron absorption is not energy expenditure, and small frequent feedings are altered by chronic PPI treatment.64 Chronic PPI therapy options. The adverse effects of diazoxide include induces enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell hyperplasia by fluid retention requiring diuretics and nausea at increasing gastrin release from gastric cells. ECL hyper- higher doses.81,82 plasia may be a precursor to type I gastric NET.65 The somatostatin analogs (octreotide, ) can Chromogranin A (CGA) levels are elevated by chronic control symptoms in approximately 50% of patients and, PPI therapy. Early observations suggest that pancreasta- in a small percent, decrease tumor burden, with at least tin, a subunit of CGA, may distinguish between a be- one report of a complete tumor response.83,84 As hypogly- nign condition and a malignant one, as the enzyme cemic symptoms may worsen (paradoxical response) with convertase-1, expressed in the latter, results in elevated somatostatin analog therapy, inpatient management should pancreastatin levels.66 be considered when initiating octreotide in patients with Somatostatin analogs lower gastrin levels and can tumors that are negative on 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy control symptoms and disease in some patients. Their (OctreoScan, Mallinckrodt, Maryland Heights, MO) Addi- use as single agents or in combination with chemother- tional treatment options include chemotherapy, sunitinib, apy in the second-line setting may improve symptom everolimus, 90Y radioembolization, bland or chemoemboli- control and result in disease regression.6,67,68 zation, and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or peptide recep- Radiation therapy from either open or closed tor radiotherapy (PRRT) (see Figure 1).85,86,87,88 sources is an option for selected patients. For symptom palliation in metastatic disease and/or disease control for locally advanced pancreatic NET patients, external- VIPomas beam radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy is High-volume (0.7–3 L/d) secretory diarrhea that per- effective.69–71 PRRT (yttrium 90, lutetium 177, rhodi- sists during fasting and is accompanied by electrolyte um 188, indium 111), while available in multiple Euro- imbalance (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hy- pean centers, is investigational in the United States.72–76 pocalcemia), dehydration, nausea, emesis, muscle weakness, cramps, and sometimes flushing are clas- sic VIPoma symptoms. Usually occurring as solitary INSULINOMAS masses in the tail of the pancreas and metastatic at Presenting symptoms of an insulinoma patient are the time of diagnosis, VIPomas comprise one of the often confusing and constitute an unusual spectrum, more rare pNETs.89–92 including hypoglycemia, syncope, involuntary weight Reversing dehydration and correcting electrolyte ab- gain, and unexplained seizure disorder. Symptoms can normalities and acid-base balance constitutes the imme- occur both fasting and postprandial and in a smaller diate medical need while initiating octreotide (50–100 50 L.B. Anthony

␮g subcutaneously every 8 hours) for chronic control. Abdominal pain and weight loss frequently accompany Converting to the intramuscular octreotide formulation this classic triad when the primary tumor is in the (20–30 mg of octreotide LAR) allows for better quality pancreas. Jaundice with abdominal pain and weight of life. Although not anticipated, tumor shrinkage can loss, signals that the primary tumor may be in the occur with long-term octreotide.93 Regional therapy pancreas or duodenum. Measuring relevant hormonal and debulking techniques are other effective methods biomarkers that may be elevated, such as fasting levels to improve symptom control.94,95 of somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide, and chromo- granin A confirms any clinical suspicion. Therapy with octreotide may improve the diarrhea, diabetes, and GLUCAGONOMAS weight loss.107 Patients presenting with hepatic disease Diabetes accompanied by the “4Ds”—dermatosis have a worse prognosis, although their 5-year survival (necrolytic migratory erythema), depression, diarrhea, approaches 56%.108 and deep venous thrombosis—is diagnostic for gluca- gonomas that should be considered malignant despite a benign histologic appearance.96–98 Diarrheal symptoms TUMOR DEBULKING OPTIONS may be indicative of co-secreted amines/peptides, thus FOR IMPROVED SYMPTOM CONTROL measuring gastrin, VIP, 5-HIAA, and calcitonin concen- An increase in disease-related symptoms from local trations may have value. Among endocrine tumors, tumor progression in the liver, eventually with liver venous thrombosis is unique to glucagonomas and oc- failure due to hepatic replacement by tumor, is a common curs in approximately one third of subjects.99 The glu- cause of death.109 For patients with either well-differenti- cagonoma syndrome can be present without hepatic ated or intermediate-grade neoplasms, debulking with ei- metastases and is rarely associated with MEN 1. ther cytoreductive surgery, hepatic embolization, or RFA As glucagon is a catabolic hormone, weight loss is an offers the potential for meaningful improvement in symp- expected symptom either at the time of diagnosis or tom palliation by reducing hormonal levels and overall during management. Weight loss and the dermatosis tumor burden (Figure 2). are the most common symptoms and are present in For patients who are not surgical candidates, liver approximately two thirds of patients at diagnosis.98 The hyperglycemia induced by glucagon ranges from mild regional therapy options include hepatic embolization, to moderate, though ketoacidosis has been docu- chemoembolization, hepatic perfusion, and brachy- 110 mented.100 In most cases, blood sugar levels are easily therapy. These regional arterial therapies are admin- controlled by diet, oral agents, and insulin, as beta-cell istered through angiographic catheters and delivered function remains intact in most patients. into a segmental, lobar, or whole liver distribution. Hyperglycemia, anemia of chronic disease, and Particle embolization with or without chemotherapy nutritional deficiencies require immediate manage- has become standard therapy for patients with exten- ment. Somatostatin analogs are effective for long- sive liver involvement. While data suggest that the term management with improvement in the derma- addition of intra-arterial cytotoxic chemotherapy im- tosis, diarrhea, and neurologic symptoms such as proves outcome for patients with pancreatic NETs, ataxia, optic atrophy, dementia, and proximal mus- there are conflicting data for patients with midgut NETs cle weakness.98,101,102 Titrating octreotide from 50 ␮g as the target populations and techniques are too heter- subcutaneously three times daily to the depot formu- ogeneous and inconsistent, respectively.111 The post- lation effectively controls symptoms for 2 months to embolization syndrome (malaise, fever, pain, and nau- 3.5 years.98 As amino acid levels are decreased sec- sea) that predictably occurs following a bland or ondary to oxidation and gluconeogenesis, amino acid chemoembolization requires a short hospitalization infusions may improve the rash characteristics.103 stay for support (IV fluids, antibiotics, antiemetics, and Rash prevention in glucagonomas has been docu- analgesics). mented with zinc therapy101,102 Radioembolization is a form of brachytherapy that Alpha-interferon is another option to improve hor- uses the hepatic artery as a conduit to selectively de- monal hypersecretion symptoms. In general, it causes liver the ␤-emitter 90Y. This type of radiation is effective tumor shrinkage in up to 15% of patients and stabilizes and well-tolerated in cancer patients with hepatic me- tumor growth in 20%–40% of NET patients; however, tastases.112,113 Since stasis of blood flow is not a goal of data specifically in glucagonomas are lacking.104 radioembolization, patients do not generally require hospitalization for management of symptoms and com- plications. In the absence of prospective multicenter SOMATOSTATINOMAS head-to-head comparator trials assessing the efficacy The triad of cholelithiasis, hyperglycemia, and ste- and safety of embolization procedures versus regional atorrhea triggers the suspicion for a somatostatinoma, a brachytherapy, deciding between the two procedures of the pancreatic D cell.105,106 is determined more by individual patient characteris- Supportive care of NET patients 51

Figure 2. Locoregional debulking algorithm for functional well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors. Patients with “low bulk” disease or Ͻ30% hepatic involvement, if not surgical candidates, could be treated systemically with locoregional therapies considered at the time of progression. For patients with “moderate bulk” disease or between 30%–60% of hepatic involvement, locoregional therapy should be considered prior to progression. Locoregional therapy for the “high bulk” disease patient with Ͼ60% of liver involvement, is dependent upon patient factors with regards to hepatic function and comorbidities. tics and/or the experience of the managing physician/ understood, symptom control in the future will be team. based more on molecular physiology than empiricism. Therapies that anatomically or physiologically dis- rupt blood vessels such as embolization/chemoemboli- REFERENCES zation or VEGF inhibitors may affect the efficacy of 1. Rivier J, Brown M, Vale W. D-Trp8-somatostatin: an subsequent agents intra-arterially delivered. Sequenc- analog of somatostatin more potent than the native ing bland or chemoembolization with radioemboliza- molecule. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1975;65: 114 tion has been reported. As one intrahepatic therapy 746–51. may influence another, there are no studies to guide 2. Kvols LK, Martin JK, Marsh HM, Moertel CG. Rapid the optimal sequencing of these treatments. The suc- reversal of carcinoid crisis with a somatostatin ana- cess of intrahepatic brachytherapy depends upon, at logue. N Engl J Med. 1985;313:1229–30. least in part, the anatomy and integrity of the hepatic 3. Kvols LK. Metastatic carcinoid tumors and the carci- vasculature. noid syndrome. A selective review of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. Am J Med. 1986;81:49–55. 4. Kvols LK, Moertel CG, O’Connell MJ, Schutt AJ, Rubin CONCLUSION J, Hahn RG. Treatment of the malignant carcinoid syn- drome. Evaluation of a long-acting somatostatin ana- Controlling the symptoms of functional NETs in- logue. N Engl J Med. 1986;315:663–6. cludes medical, surgical, and interventional radiologic 5. Colao A, Petersenn S, Newell-Price J, et al. A 12-month procedures. As the options in controlling symptoms phase 3 study of pasireotide in Cushing’s disease. have increased dramatically over the last three decades, N Engl J Med. 2012;366:914–24. NET patients have experienced not only improved sur- 6. Shojamanesh H, Gibril F, Louie A, et al. Prospective vival but also a better quality of life. The challenge study of the antitumor efficacy of long-term octreotide becomes the early recognition and diagnosis of a func- treatment in patients with progressive metastatic gas- tional hormonal condition followed by the timely se- trinoma. Cancer. 2002;94:331–43. 7. Lamberts SW, Uitterlinden P, Verschoor L, van Dongen quencing of medical, surgical, and radiologic therapies. KJ, del Pozo E. Long-term treatment of acromegaly with As not all NETs have the same prognosis and mani- the somatostatin analogue SMS 201–995. N Engl J Med. festations, the symptoms (and the methods needed to 1985;313:1576–80. control them) differ according to primary site. The 8. Lamberts SW, Krenning EP, Reubi JC. The role of soma- personalization of therapy for symptom control mimics tostatin and its analogs in the diagnosis and treatment of that of tumor control. As signaling pathways are better tumors. Endocr Rev. 1991;12:450–82. 52 L.B. Anthony

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